/** * @file llsettingssky.h * @author optional * @brief A base class for asset based settings groups. * * $LicenseInfo:2011&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2017, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_SETTINGS_SKY_H #define LL_SETTINGS_SKY_H #include "llsettingsbase.h" #include "v4coloru.h" const F32 EARTH_RADIUS = 6.370e6f; const F32 SUN_RADIUS = 695.508e6f; const F32 SUN_DIST = 149598.260e6f; const F32 MOON_RADIUS = 1.737e6f; const F32 MOON_DIST = 384.400e6f; class LLSettingsSky: public LLSettingsBase { public: static const std::string SETTING_AMBIENT; static const std::string SETTING_BLOOM_TEXTUREID; static const std::string SETTING_RAINBOW_TEXTUREID; static const std::string SETTING_HALO_TEXTUREID; static const std::string SETTING_BLUE_DENSITY; static const std::string SETTING_BLUE_HORIZON; static const std::string SETTING_DENSITY_MULTIPLIER; static const std::string SETTING_DISTANCE_MULTIPLIER; static const std::string SETTING_HAZE_DENSITY; static const std::string SETTING_HAZE_HORIZON; static const std::string SETTING_CLOUD_COLOR; static const std::string SETTING_CLOUD_POS_DENSITY1; static const std::string SETTING_CLOUD_POS_DENSITY2; static const std::string SETTING_CLOUD_SCALE; static const std::string SETTING_CLOUD_SCROLL_RATE; static const std::string SETTING_CLOUD_SHADOW; static const std::string SETTING_CLOUD_TEXTUREID; static const std::string SETTING_CLOUD_VARIANCE; static const std::string SETTING_DOME_OFFSET; static const std::string SETTING_DOME_RADIUS; static const std::string SETTING_GAMMA; static const std::string SETTING_GLOW; static const std::string SETTING_LIGHT_NORMAL; static const std::string SETTING_MAX_Y; static const std::string SETTING_MOON_ROTATION; static const std::string SETTING_MOON_SCALE; static const std::string SETTING_MOON_TEXTUREID; static const std::string SETTING_MOON_BRIGHTNESS; static const std::string SETTING_STAR_BRIGHTNESS; static const std::string SETTING_SUNLIGHT_COLOR; static const std::string SETTING_SUN_ROTATION; static const std::string SETTING_SUN_SCALE; static const std::string SETTING_SUN_TEXTUREID; static const std::string SETTING_PLANET_RADIUS; static const std::string SETTING_SKY_BOTTOM_RADIUS; static const std::string SETTING_SKY_TOP_RADIUS; static const std::string SETTING_SUN_ARC_RADIANS; static const std::string SETTING_MIE_ANISOTROPY_FACTOR; static const std::string SETTING_RAYLEIGH_CONFIG; static const std::string SETTING_MIE_CONFIG; static const std::string SETTING_ABSORPTION_CONFIG; static const std::string KEY_DENSITY_PROFILE; static const std::string SETTING_DENSITY_PROFILE_WIDTH; static const std::string SETTING_DENSITY_PROFILE_EXP_TERM; static const std::string SETTING_DENSITY_PROFILE_EXP_SCALE_FACTOR; static const std::string SETTING_DENSITY_PROFILE_LINEAR_TERM; static const std::string SETTING_DENSITY_PROFILE_CONSTANT_TERM; static const std::string SETTING_SKY_MOISTURE_LEVEL; static const std::string SETTING_SKY_DROPLET_RADIUS; static const std::string SETTING_SKY_ICE_LEVEL; static const std::string SETTING_REFLECTION_PROBE_AMBIANCE; static const std::string SETTING_LEGACY_HAZE; static const LLUUID DEFAULT_ASSET_ID; static const F32 DEFAULT_AUTO_ADJUST_PROBE_AMBIANCE; static F32 sAutoAdjustProbeAmbiance; typedef PTR_NAMESPACE::shared_ptr ptr_t; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- LLSettingsSky(const LLSD &data); virtual ~LLSettingsSky() { }; virtual ptr_t buildClone() = 0; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual std::string getSettingsType() const SETTINGS_OVERRIDE { return std::string("sky"); } virtual LLSettingsType::type_e getSettingsTypeValue() const SETTINGS_OVERRIDE { return LLSettingsType::ST_SKY; } // Settings status virtual void blend(LLSettingsBase::ptr_t &end, F64 blendf) SETTINGS_OVERRIDE; virtual void replaceSettings(LLSD settings) SETTINGS_OVERRIDE; virtual void replaceSettings(const LLSettingsBase::ptr_t& other_sky) override; void replaceWithSky(const LLSettingsSky::ptr_t& pother); static LLSD defaults(const LLSettingsBase::TrackPosition& position = 0.0f); void loadValuesFromLLSD() override; void saveValuesToLLSD() override; F32 getPlanetRadius() const; F32 getSkyBottomRadius() const; F32 getSkyTopRadius() const; F32 getSunArcRadians() const; F32 getMieAnisotropy() const; F32 getSkyMoistureLevel() const; F32 getSkyDropletRadius() const; F32 getSkyIceLevel() const; // get the probe ambiance setting as stored in the sky settings asset // auto_adjust - if true and canAutoAdjust() is true, return 1.0 F32 getReflectionProbeAmbiance(bool auto_adjust = false) const; // Return first (only) profile layer represented in LLSD LLSD getRayleighConfig() const; LLSD getMieConfig() const; LLSD getAbsorptionConfig() const; // Return entire LLSDArray of profile layers represented in LLSD LLSD getRayleighConfigs() const; LLSD getMieConfigs() const; LLSD getAbsorptionConfigs() const; LLUUID getBloomTextureId() const; LLUUID getRainbowTextureId() const; LLUUID getHaloTextureId() const; void setRayleighConfigs(const LLSD& rayleighConfig); void setMieConfigs(const LLSD& mieConfig); void setAbsorptionConfigs(const LLSD& absorptionConfig); void setPlanetRadius(F32 radius); void setSkyBottomRadius(F32 radius); void setSkyTopRadius(F32 radius); void setSunArcRadians(F32 radians); void setMieAnisotropy(F32 aniso_factor); void setSkyMoistureLevel(F32 moisture_level); void setSkyDropletRadius(F32 radius); void setSkyIceLevel(F32 ice_level); void setReflectionProbeAmbiance(F32 ambiance); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- LLColor3 getAmbientColor() const; void setAmbientColor(const LLColor3 &val); LLColor3 getCloudColor() const; void setCloudColor(const LLColor3 &val); LLUUID getCloudNoiseTextureId() const; void setCloudNoiseTextureId(const LLUUID &id); LLColor3 getCloudPosDensity1() const; void setCloudPosDensity1(const LLColor3 &val); LLColor3 getCloudPosDensity2() const; void setCloudPosDensity2(const LLColor3 &val); F32 getCloudScale() const; void setCloudScale(F32 val); LLVector2 getCloudScrollRate() const; void setCloudScrollRate(const LLVector2 &val); void setCloudScrollRateX(F32 val); void setCloudScrollRateY(F32 val); F32 getCloudShadow() const; void setCloudShadow(F32 val); F32 getCloudVariance() const; void setCloudVariance(F32 val); F32 getDomeOffset() const; F32 getDomeRadius() const; F32 getGamma() const; F32 getHDRMin(bool auto_adjust = false) const; F32 getHDRMax(bool auto_adjust = false) const; F32 getHDROffset(bool auto_adjust = false) const; F32 getTonemapMix(bool auto_adjust = false) const; void setTonemapMix(F32 mix); void setGamma(F32 val); LLColor3 getGlow() const; void setGlow(const LLColor3 &val); F32 getMaxY() const; void setMaxY(F32 val); LLQuaternion getMoonRotation() const; void setMoonRotation(const LLQuaternion &val); F32 getMoonScale() const; void setMoonScale(F32 val); LLUUID getMoonTextureId() const; void setMoonTextureId(LLUUID id); F32 getMoonBrightness() const; void setMoonBrightness(F32 brightness_factor); F32 getStarBrightness() const; void setStarBrightness(F32 val); LLColor3 getSunlightColor() const; void setSunlightColor(const LLColor3 &val); LLQuaternion getSunRotation() const; void setSunRotation(const LLQuaternion &val) ; F32 getSunScale() const; void setSunScale(F32 val); LLUUID getSunTextureId() const; void setSunTextureId(LLUUID id); //===================================================================== // transient properties used in animations. LLUUID getNextSunTextureId() const; LLUUID getNextMoonTextureId() const; LLUUID getNextCloudNoiseTextureId() const; LLUUID getNextBloomTextureId() const; //===================================================================== virtual void loadTextures() { }; //===================================================================== virtual validation_list_t getValidationList() const SETTINGS_OVERRIDE; static validation_list_t validationList(); static LLSD translateLegacySettings(const LLSD& legacy); // LEGACY_ATMOSPHERICS static LLSD translateLegacyHazeSettings(const LLSD& legacy); LLColor3 getLightAttenuation(F32 distance) const; LLColor3 getLightTransmittance(F32 distance) const; LLColor3 getLightTransmittanceFast(const LLColor3& total_density, const F32 density_multiplier, const F32 distance) const; LLColor3 getTotalDensity() const; LLColor3 gammaCorrect(const LLColor3& in,const F32 &gamma) const; LLColor3 getBlueDensity() const; LLColor3 getBlueHorizon() const; F32 getHazeDensity() const; F32 getHazeHorizon() const; F32 getDensityMultiplier() const; F32 getDistanceMultiplier() const; void setBlueDensity(const LLColor3 &val); void setBlueHorizon(const LLColor3 &val); void setDensityMultiplier(F32 val); void setDistanceMultiplier(F32 val); void setHazeDensity(F32 val); void setHazeHorizon(F32 val); // Internal/calculated settings bool getIsSunUp() const; bool getIsMoonUp() const; // determines how much the haze glow effect occurs in rendering F32 getSunMoonGlowFactor() const; LLVector3 getLightDirection() const; LLColor3 getLightDiffuse() const; LLVector3 getSunDirection() const; LLVector3 getMoonDirection() const; // color based on brightness LLColor3 getMoonlightColor() const; LLColor4 getMoonAmbient() const; LLColor3 getMoonDiffuse() const; LLColor4 getSunAmbient() const; LLColor3 getSunDiffuse() const; LLColor4 getTotalAmbient() const; LLColor4 getHazeColor() const; LLColor3 getSunlightColorClamped() const; LLColor3 getAmbientColorClamped() const; virtual LLSettingsBase::ptr_t buildDerivedClone() SETTINGS_OVERRIDE { return buildClone(); } static LLUUID GetDefaultAssetId(); static LLUUID GetDefaultSunTextureId(); static LLUUID GetBlankSunTextureId(); static LLUUID GetDefaultMoonTextureId(); static LLUUID GetDefaultCloudNoiseTextureId(); static LLUUID GetDefaultBloomTextureId(); static LLUUID GetDefaultRainbowTextureId(); static LLUUID GetDefaultHaloTextureId(); static LLSD createDensityProfileLayer( F32 width, F32 exponential_term, F32 exponential_scale_factor, F32 linear_term, F32 constant_term, F32 aniso_factor = 0.0f); static LLSD createSingleLayerDensityProfile( F32 width, F32 exponential_term, F32 exponential_scale_factor, F32 linear_term, F32 constant_term, F32 aniso_factor = 0.0f); virtual void updateSettings() SETTINGS_OVERRIDE; // if true, this sky is a candidate for auto-adjustment bool canAutoAdjust() const; protected: static const std::string SETTING_LEGACY_EAST_ANGLE; static const std::string SETTING_LEGACY_ENABLE_CLOUD_SCROLL; static const std::string SETTING_LEGACY_SUN_ANGLE; LLSettingsSky(); virtual stringset_t getSlerpKeys() const SETTINGS_OVERRIDE; virtual stringset_t getSkipInterpolateKeys() const SETTINGS_OVERRIDE; LLUUID mSunTextureId; LLUUID mMoonTextureId; LLUUID mCloudTextureId; LLUUID mBloomTextureId; LLUUID mRainbowTextureId; LLUUID mHaloTextureId; LLUUID mNextSunTextureId; LLUUID mNextMoonTextureId; LLUUID mNextCloudTextureId; LLUUID mNextBloomTextureId; LLUUID mNextRainbowTextureId; LLUUID mNextHaloTextureId; bool mCanAutoAdjust; LLQuaternion mSunRotation; LLQuaternion mMoonRotation; LLColor3 mSunlightColor; LLColor3 mGlow; F32 mReflectionProbeAmbiance; F32 mSunScale; F32 mStarBrightness; F32 mMoonBrightness; F32 mMoonScale; F32 mMaxY; F32 mGamma; F32 mCloudVariance; F32 mCloudShadow; F32 mCloudScale; F32 mTonemapMix; F32 mHDROffset; F32 mHDRMax; F32 mHDRMin; LLVector2 mScrollRate; LLColor3 mCloudPosDensity1; LLColor3 mCloudPosDensity2; LLColor3 mCloudColor; LLSD mAbsorptionConfigs; LLSD mMieConfigs; LLSD mRayleighConfigs; F32 mSunArcRadians; F32 mSkyTopRadius; F32 mSkyBottomRadius; F32 mSkyMoistureLevel; F32 mSkyDropletRadius; F32 mSkyIceLevel; F32 mPlanetRadius; F32 mHazeHorizon; F32 mHazeDensity; F32 mDistanceMultiplier; F32 mDensityMultiplier; LLColor3 mBlueHorizon; LLColor3 mBlueDensity; LLColor3 mAmbientColor; bool mHasLegacyHaze; bool mLegacyHazeHorizon; bool mLegacyHazeDensity; bool mLegacyDistanceMultiplier; bool mLegacyDensityMultiplier; bool mLegacyBlueHorizon; bool mLegacyBlueDensity; bool mLegacyAmbientColor; private: static LLSD rayleighConfigDefault(); static LLSD absorptionConfigDefault(); static LLSD mieConfigDefault(); LLColor3 getColor(const std::string& key, const LLColor3& default_value); F32 getFloat(const std::string& key, F32 default_value); void calculateHeavenlyBodyPositions() const; void calculateLightSettings() const; static void clampColor(LLColor3& color, F32 gamma, const F32 scale = 1.0f); mutable LLVector3 mSunDirection; mutable LLVector3 mMoonDirection; mutable LLVector3 mLightDirection; static const F32 DOME_RADIUS; static const F32 DOME_OFFSET; mutable LLColor4 mMoonAmbient; mutable LLColor3 mMoonDiffuse; mutable LLColor4 mSunAmbient; mutable LLColor3 mSunDiffuse; mutable LLColor4 mTotalAmbient; mutable LLColor4 mHazeColor; typedef std::map mapNameToUniformId_t; static mapNameToUniformId_t sNameToUniformMapping; }; #endif