 * @file llimagebmp.cpp
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "linden_common.h"

#include "llimagebmp.h"
#include "llerror.h"

#include "llendianswizzle.h"

 * @struct LLBMPHeader
 * This struct helps deal with bmp files.
struct LLBMPHeader
    S32 mSize;
    S32 mWidth;
    S32 mHeight;
    S16 mPlanes;
    S16 mBitsPerPixel;
    S16 mCompression;
    S16 mAlignmentPadding; // pads out to next word boundary
    S32 mImageSize;
    S32 mHorzPelsPerMeter;
    S32 mVertPelsPerMeter;
    S32 mNumColors;
    S32 mNumColorsImportant;

 * @struct Win95BmpHeaderExtension
struct Win95BmpHeaderExtension
    U32 mReadMask;
    U32 mGreenMask;
    U32 mBlueMask;
    U32 mAlphaMask;
    U32 mColorSpaceType;
    U16 mRed[3];    // Red CIE endpoint
    U16 mGreen[3];  // Green CIE endpoint
    U16 mBlue[3];   // Blue CIE endpoint
    U32 mGamma[3];  // Gamma scale for r g and b

 * LLImageBMP
    mColorPaletteColors( 0 ),
    mColorPalette( NULL ),
    mBitmapOffset( 0 ),
    mBitsPerPixel( 0 ),
    mOriginAtTop( false )
    mBitfieldMask[0] = 0;
    mBitfieldMask[1] = 0;
    mBitfieldMask[2] = 0;
    mBitfieldMask[3] = 0;

    delete[] mColorPalette;

bool LLImageBMP::updateData()

    LLImageDataLock lock(this);

    // Check to make sure that this instance has been initialized with data
    U8* mdata = getData();
    if (!mdata || (0 == getDataSize()))
        setLastError("Uninitialized instance of LLImageBMP");
        return false;

    // Read the bitmap headers in order to get all the useful info
    // about this image

    // Part 1: "File Header"
    // 14 bytes consisting of
    // 2 bytes: either BM or BA
    // 4 bytes: file size in bytes
    // 4 bytes: reserved (always 0)
    // 4 bytes: bitmap offset (starting position of image data in bytes)
    const S32 FILE_HEADER_SIZE = 14;
    if ((mdata[0] != 'B') || (mdata[1] != 'M'))
        if ((mdata[0] != 'B') || (mdata[1] != 'A'))
            setLastError("OS/2 bitmap array BMP files are not supported");
            return false;
            setLastError("Does not appear to be a bitmap file");
            return false;

    mBitmapOffset = mdata[13];
    mBitmapOffset <<= 8; mBitmapOffset += mdata[12];
    mBitmapOffset <<= 8; mBitmapOffset += mdata[11];
    mBitmapOffset <<= 8; mBitmapOffset += mdata[10];

    // Part 2: "Bitmap Header"
    const S32 BITMAP_HEADER_SIZE = 40;
    LLBMPHeader header;
    llassert( sizeof( header ) == BITMAP_HEADER_SIZE );

    memcpy( /* Flawfinder: ignore */
        mdata + FILE_HEADER_SIZE,

    // convert BMP header from little endian (no-op on little endian builds)

    bool windows_nt_version = false;
    bool windows_95_version = false;
    if( 12 == header.mSize )
        setLastError("Windows 2.x and OS/2 1.x BMP files are not supported");
        return false;
    if( 40 == header.mSize )
        if( 3 == header.mCompression )
            // Windows NT
            windows_nt_version = true;
            // Windows 3.x
    if( 12 <= header.mSize && header.mSize <= 64 )
        setLastError("OS/2 2.x BMP files are not supported");
        return false;
    if( 108 == header.mSize )
        windows_95_version = true;
    if( 108 < header.mSize )
        // BITMAPV5HEADER or greater
        // Should work as long at Microsoft maintained backwards compatibility (which they did in V4 and V5)
        windows_95_version = true;

    S32 width = header.mWidth;
    S32 height = header.mHeight;
    if (height < 0)
        mOriginAtTop = true;
        height = -height;
        mOriginAtTop = false;

    mBitsPerPixel = header.mBitsPerPixel;
    S32 components;
    switch( mBitsPerPixel )
    case 8:
        components = 1;
    case 24:
    case 32:
        components = 3;
    case 1:
    case 4:
    case 16: // Started work on 16, but doesn't work yet
        // These are legal, but we don't support them yet.
        setLastError("Unsupported bit depth");
        return false;
        setLastError("Unrecognized bit depth");
        return false;

    setSize(width, height, components);

    switch( header.mCompression )
    case 0:
        // Uncompressed

    case 1:
        setLastError("8 bit RLE compression not supported.");
        return false;

    case 2:
        setLastError("4 bit RLE compression not supported.");
        return false;

    case 3:
        // Windows NT or Windows 95

        setLastError("Unsupported compression format.");
        return false;

    // Part 3: Bitfield Masks and other color data
    S32 extension_size = 0;
    if( windows_nt_version )
        if( (16 != header.mBitsPerPixel) && (32 != header.mBitsPerPixel) )
            setLastError("Bitfield encoding requires 16 or 32 bits per pixel.");
            return false;

        if( 0 != header.mNumColors )
            setLastError("Bitfield encoding is not compatible with a color table.");
            return false;

        extension_size = 4 * 3;
        memcpy( mBitfieldMask, mdata + FILE_HEADER_SIZE + BITMAP_HEADER_SIZE, extension_size);  /* Flawfinder: ignore */
    if( windows_95_version )
        Win95BmpHeaderExtension win_95_extension;
        extension_size = sizeof( win_95_extension );

        llassert( sizeof( win_95_extension ) + BITMAP_HEADER_SIZE == 108 );
        memcpy( &win_95_extension, mdata + FILE_HEADER_SIZE + BITMAP_HEADER_SIZE, sizeof( win_95_extension ) ); /* Flawfinder: ignore */

        if( 3 == header.mCompression )
            memcpy( mBitfieldMask, mdata + FILE_HEADER_SIZE + BITMAP_HEADER_SIZE, 4 * 4);   /* Flawfinder: ignore */

        // Color correction ignored for now

    // Part 4: Color Palette (optional)
    // Note: There's no color palette if there are 16 or more bits per pixel
    S32 color_palette_size = 0;
    mColorPaletteColors = 0;
    if( header.mBitsPerPixel < 16 )
        if( 0 == header.mNumColors )
            mColorPaletteColors = (1 << header.mBitsPerPixel);
            mColorPaletteColors = header.mNumColors;
    color_palette_size = mColorPaletteColors * 4;

    if( 0 != mColorPaletteColors )
        mColorPalette = new(std::nothrow) U8[color_palette_size];
        if (!mColorPalette)
            LL_ERRS() << "Out of memory in LLImageBMP::updateData()" << LL_ENDL;
            return false;
        memcpy( mColorPalette, mdata + FILE_HEADER_SIZE + BITMAP_HEADER_SIZE + extension_size, color_palette_size );    /* Flawfinder: ignore */

    return true;

bool LLImageBMP::decode(LLImageRaw* raw_image, F32 decode_time)


    LLImageDataLock lockIn(this);
    LLImageDataLock lockOut(raw_image);

    // Check to make sure that this instance has been initialized with data
    const U8* mdata = getData();
    if (!mdata || (0 == getDataSize()))
        setLastError("llimagebmp trying to decode an image with no data!");
        return false;

    if (!raw_image->resize(getWidth(), getHeight(), 3))
        setLastError("llimagebmp failed to resize image!");
        return false;

    const U8* src = mdata + mBitmapOffset;
    U8* dst = raw_image->getData();

    bool success = false;

    switch( mBitsPerPixel )
    case 8:
        if( mColorPaletteColors >= 256 )
            success = decodeColorTable8( dst, src );

    case 16:
        success = decodeColorMask16( dst, src );

    case 24:
        success = decodeTruecolor24( dst, src );

    case 32:
        success = decodeColorMask32( dst, src );

    if( success && mOriginAtTop )

    return success;

U32 LLImageBMP::countTrailingZeros( U32 m )
    U32 shift_count = 0;
    while( !(m & 1) )
        m >>= 1;
    return shift_count;

bool LLImageBMP::decodeColorMask16( U8* dst, const U8* src )
    llassert( 16 == mBitsPerPixel );

    if( !mBitfieldMask[0] && !mBitfieldMask[1] && !mBitfieldMask[2] )
        // Use default values
        mBitfieldMask[0] = 0x00007C00;
        mBitfieldMask[1] = 0x000003E0;
        mBitfieldMask[2] = 0x0000001F;

    S32 src_row_span = getWidth() * 2;
    S32 alignment_bytes = (3 * src_row_span) % 4;  // round up to nearest multiple of 4

    U32 r_shift = countTrailingZeros( mBitfieldMask[2] );
    U32 g_shift = countTrailingZeros( mBitfieldMask[1] );
    U32 b_shift = countTrailingZeros( mBitfieldMask[0] );

    for( S32 row = 0; row < getHeight(); row++ )
        for( S32 col = 0; col < getWidth(); col++ )
            U32 value = *((U16*)src);
            dst[0] = U8((value & mBitfieldMask[2]) >> r_shift); // Red
            dst[1] = U8((value & mBitfieldMask[1]) >> g_shift); // Green
            dst[2] = U8((value & mBitfieldMask[0]) >> b_shift); // Blue
            src += 2;
            dst += 3;
        src += alignment_bytes;

    return true;

bool LLImageBMP::decodeColorMask32( U8* dst, const U8* src )
    // Note: alpha is not supported

    llassert( 32 == mBitsPerPixel );

    if( !mBitfieldMask[0] && !mBitfieldMask[1] && !mBitfieldMask[2] )
        // Use default values
        mBitfieldMask[0] = 0x00FF0000;
        mBitfieldMask[1] = 0x0000FF00;
        mBitfieldMask[2] = 0x000000FF;

    if (getWidth() * getHeight() * 4 > getDataSize() - mBitmapOffset)
    { //here we have situation when data size in src less than actually needed
        return false;

    S32 src_row_span = getWidth() * 4;
    S32 alignment_bytes = (3 * src_row_span) % 4;  // round up to nearest multiple of 4

    U32 r_shift = countTrailingZeros( mBitfieldMask[0] );
    U32 g_shift = countTrailingZeros( mBitfieldMask[1] );
    U32 b_shift = countTrailingZeros( mBitfieldMask[2] );

    for( S32 row = 0; row < getHeight(); row++ )
        for( S32 col = 0; col < getWidth(); col++ )
            U32 value = *((U32*)src);
            dst[0] = U8((value & mBitfieldMask[0]) >> r_shift); // Red
            dst[1] = U8((value & mBitfieldMask[1]) >> g_shift); // Green
            dst[2] = U8((value & mBitfieldMask[2]) >> b_shift); // Blue
            src += 4;
            dst += 3;
        src += alignment_bytes;

    return true;

bool LLImageBMP::decodeColorTable8( U8* dst, const U8* src )
    llassert( (8 == mBitsPerPixel) && (mColorPaletteColors >= 256) );

    S32 src_row_span = getWidth() * 1;
    S32 alignment_bytes = (3 * src_row_span) % 4;  // round up to nearest multiple of 4

    if ((getWidth() * getHeight()) + getHeight() * alignment_bytes > getDataSize() - mBitmapOffset)
    { //here we have situation when data size in src less than actually needed
        return false;

    for( S32 row = 0; row < getHeight(); row++ )
        for( S32 col = 0; col < getWidth(); col++ )
            S32 index = 4 * src[0];
            dst[0] = mColorPalette[index + 2];  // Red
            dst[1] = mColorPalette[index + 1];  // Green
            dst[2] = mColorPalette[index + 0];  // Blue
            dst += 3;
        src += alignment_bytes;

    return true;

bool LLImageBMP::decodeTruecolor24( U8* dst, const U8* src )
    llassert( 24 == mBitsPerPixel );
    llassert( 3 == getComponents() );
    S32 src_row_span = getWidth() * 3;
    S32 alignment_bytes = (3 * src_row_span) % 4;  // round up to nearest multiple of 4

    if ((getWidth() * getHeight() * 3) + getHeight() * alignment_bytes > getDataSize() - mBitmapOffset)
    { //here we have situation when data size in src less than actually needed
        return false;

    for( S32 row = 0; row < getHeight(); row++ )
        for( S32 col = 0; col < getWidth(); col++ )
            dst[0] = src[2];    // Red
            dst[1] = src[1];    // Green
            dst[2] = src[0];    // Blue
            src += 3;
            dst += 3;
        src += alignment_bytes;

    return true;

bool LLImageBMP::encode(const LLImageRaw* raw_image, F32 encode_time)


    LLImageDataSharedLock lockIn(raw_image);
    LLImageDataLock lockOut(this);

    S32 src_components = raw_image->getComponents();
    S32 dst_components =  ( src_components < 3 ) ? 1 : 3;

    if( (2 == src_components) || (4 == src_components) )
        LL_INFOS() << "Dropping alpha information during BMP encoding" << LL_ENDL;

    setSize(raw_image->getWidth(), raw_image->getHeight(), dst_components);

    U8 magic[14];
    LLBMPHeader header;
    int header_bytes = 14+sizeof(header);
    llassert(header_bytes == 54);
    if (getComponents() == 1)
        header_bytes += 1024; // Need colour LUT.
    int line_bytes = getComponents() * getWidth();
    int alignment_bytes = (3 * line_bytes) % 4;
    line_bytes += alignment_bytes;
    int file_bytes = line_bytes*getHeight() + header_bytes;

    // Allocate the new buffer for the data.
    if(!allocateData(file_bytes)) //memory allocation failed
        return false ;

    magic[0] = 'B'; magic[1] = 'M';
    magic[2] = (U8) file_bytes;
    magic[3] = (U8)(file_bytes>>8);
    magic[4] = (U8)(file_bytes>>16);
    magic[5] = (U8)(file_bytes>>24);
    magic[6] = magic[7] = magic[8] = magic[9] = 0;
    magic[10] = (U8) header_bytes;
    magic[11] = (U8)(header_bytes>>8);
    magic[12] = (U8)(header_bytes>>16);
    magic[13] = (U8)(header_bytes>>24);
    header.mSize = 40;
    header.mWidth = getWidth();
    header.mHeight = getHeight();
    header.mPlanes = 1;
    header.mBitsPerPixel = (getComponents()==1)?8:24;
    header.mCompression = 0;
    header.mAlignmentPadding = 0;
    header.mImageSize = 0;
    header.mHorzPelsPerMeter = header.mVertPelsPerMeter = 2834; // 72dpi
    header.mHorzPelsPerMeter = header.mVertPelsPerMeter = 0;
    header.mNumColors = header.mNumColorsImportant = 0;

    // convert BMP header to little endian (no-op on little endian builds)

    U8* mdata = getData();

    // Output magic, then header, then the palette table, then the data.
    U32 cur_pos = 0;
    memcpy(mdata, magic, 14);
    cur_pos += 14;
    memcpy(mdata+cur_pos, &header, 40); /* Flawfinder: ignore */
    cur_pos += 40;
    if (getComponents() == 1)
        S32 n;
        for (n=0; n < 256; n++)
            mdata[cur_pos++] = (U8)n;
            mdata[cur_pos++] = (U8)n;
            mdata[cur_pos++] = (U8)n;
            mdata[cur_pos++] = 0;

    // Need to iterate through, because we need to flip the RGB.
    const U8* src = raw_image->getData();
    U8* dst = mdata + cur_pos;

    for( S32 row = 0; row < getHeight(); row++ )
        for( S32 col = 0; col < getWidth(); col++ )
            switch( src_components )
            case 1:
                *dst++ = *src++;
            case 2:
                    U32 lum = src[0];
                    U32 alpha = src[1];
                    *dst++ = (U8)(lum * alpha / 255);
                    src += 2;
            case 3:
            case 4:
                dst[0] = src[2];
                dst[1] = src[1];
                dst[2] = src[0];
                src += src_components;
                dst += 3;

        for( S32 i = 0; i < alignment_bytes; i++ )
            *dst++ = 0;

    return true;