 * @file llimage.cpp
 * @brief Base class for images.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewergpl$
 * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, Linden Research, Inc.
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
 * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
 * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab.  Terms of
 * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
 * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2
 * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
 * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
 * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
 * online at
 * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception
 * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
 * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
 * and agree to abide by those obligations.
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "linden_common.h"

#include "llimage.h"

#include "llmath.h"
#include "v4coloru.h"
#include "llmemtype.h"

#include "llimagebmp.h"
#include "llimagetga.h"
#include "llimagej2c.h"
#include "llimagejpeg.h"
#include "llimagepng.h"
#include "llimagedxt.h"
#include "llimageworker.h"

// LLImage

std::string LLImage::sLastErrorMessage;
LLMutex* LLImage::sMutex = NULL;

void LLImage::initClass()
	sMutex = new LLMutex(NULL);

void LLImage::cleanupClass()
	delete sMutex;
	sMutex = NULL;

const std::string& LLImage::getLastError()
	static const std::string noerr("No Error");
	return sLastErrorMessage.empty() ? noerr : sLastErrorMessage;

void LLImage::setLastError(const std::string& message)
	LLMutexLock m(sMutex);
	sLastErrorMessage = message;

// LLImageBase

	: mData(NULL),

// virtual
	deleteData(); // virtual

// virtual
void LLImageBase::dump()
	llinfos << "LLImageBase mComponents " << mComponents
		<< " mData " << mData
		<< " mDataSize " << mDataSize
		<< " mWidth " << mWidth
		<< " mHeight " << mHeight
		<< llendl;

// virtual
void LLImageBase::sanityCheck()
	if (mWidth > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE
		|| mHeight > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE
		|| mDataSize > (S32)MAX_IMAGE_DATA_SIZE
		|| mComponents > (S8)MAX_IMAGE_COMPONENTS
		llerrs << "Failed LLImageBase::sanityCheck "
			   << "width " << mWidth
			   << "height " << mHeight
			   << "datasize " << mDataSize
			   << "components " << mComponents
			   << "data " << mData
			   << llendl;

// virtual
void LLImageBase::deleteData()
	delete[] mData;
	mData = NULL;
	mDataSize = 0;

// virtual
U8* LLImageBase::allocateData(S32 size)
	LLMemType mt1(mMemType);
	if (size < 0)
		size = mWidth * mHeight * mComponents;
		if (size <= 0)
			llerrs << llformat("LLImageBase::allocateData called with bad dimensions: %dx%dx%d",mWidth,mHeight,mComponents) << llendl;
	//make this function thread-safe.
	static const U32 MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 * 4096 * 16 ; //256 MB
	if (size < 1 || size > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) 
		llinfos << "width: " << mWidth << " height: " << mHeight << " components: " << mComponents << llendl ;
			llinfos << "Oversize: " << size << llendl ;
		llerrs << "LLImageBase::allocateData: bad size: " << size << llendl;
	if (!mData || size != mDataSize)
		deleteData(); // virtual
		mBadBufferAllocation = false ;
		mData = new U8[size];
		if (!mData)
			llwarns << "allocate image data: " << size << llendl;
			size = 0 ;
			mWidth = mHeight = 0 ;
			mBadBufferAllocation = true ;
		mDataSize = size;

	return mData;

// virtual
U8* LLImageBase::reallocateData(S32 size)
	LLMemType mt1(mMemType);
	U8 *new_datap = new U8[size];
	if (!new_datap)
		llwarns << "Out of memory in LLImageBase::reallocateData" << llendl;
		return 0;
	if (mData)
		S32 bytes = llmin(mDataSize, size);
		memcpy(new_datap, mData, bytes);	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
		delete[] mData;
	mData = new_datap;
	mDataSize = size;
	return mData;

const U8* LLImageBase::getData() const	
		llerrs << "Bad memory allocation for the image buffer!" << llendl ;

	return mData; 
} // read only

U8* LLImageBase::getData()				
		llerrs << "Bad memory allocation for the image buffer!" << llendl ;

	return mData; 

bool LLImageBase::isBufferInvalid()
	return mBadBufferAllocation || mData == NULL ;

void LLImageBase::setSize(S32 width, S32 height, S32 ncomponents)
	mWidth = width;
	mHeight = height;
	mComponents = ncomponents;

U8* LLImageBase::allocateDataSize(S32 width, S32 height, S32 ncomponents, S32 size)
	setSize(width, height, ncomponents);
	return allocateData(size); // virtual

// LLImageRaw

S32 LLImageRaw::sGlobalRawMemory = 0;
S32 LLImageRaw::sRawImageCount = 0;

	: LLImageBase()
	mMemType = LLMemType::MTYPE_IMAGERAW;

LLImageRaw::LLImageRaw(U16 width, U16 height, S8 components)
	: LLImageBase()
	mMemType = LLMemType::MTYPE_IMAGERAW;
	//llassert( S32(width) * S32(height) * S32(components) <= MAX_IMAGE_DATA_SIZE );
	if(S32(width) * S32(height) * S32(components) > MAX_IMAGE_DATA_SIZE)
		llwarns << "over size: width: " << (S32)width << " height: " << (S32)height << " components: " << (S32)components << llendl ;
	allocateDataSize(width, height, components);

LLImageRaw::LLImageRaw(U8 *data, U16 width, U16 height, S8 components)
	: LLImageBase()
	mMemType = LLMemType::MTYPE_IMAGERAW;
	if(allocateDataSize(width, height, components))
		memcpy(getData(), data, width*height*components);

LLImageRaw::LLImageRaw(const std::string& filename, bool j2c_lowest_mip_only)
	: LLImageBase()
	createFromFile(filename, j2c_lowest_mip_only);

	// NOTE: ~LLimageBase() call to deleteData() calls LLImageBase::deleteData()
	//        NOT LLImageRaw::deleteData()

// virtual
U8* LLImageRaw::allocateData(S32 size)
	U8* res = LLImageBase::allocateData(size);
	sGlobalRawMemory += getDataSize();
	return res;

// virtual
U8* LLImageRaw::reallocateData(S32 size)
	sGlobalRawMemory -= getDataSize();
	U8* res = LLImageBase::reallocateData(size);
	sGlobalRawMemory += getDataSize();
	return res;

// virtual
void LLImageRaw::deleteData()
	sGlobalRawMemory -= getDataSize();

void LLImageRaw::setDataAndSize(U8 *data, S32 width, S32 height, S8 components) 
	if(data == getData())
		return ;


	LLImageBase::setSize(width, height, components) ;
	LLImageBase::setDataAndSize(data, width * height * components) ;
	sGlobalRawMemory += getDataSize();

BOOL LLImageRaw::resize(U16 width, U16 height, S8 components)
	if ((getWidth() == width) && (getHeight() == height) && (getComponents() == components))
		return TRUE;
	// Reallocate the data buffer.


	return TRUE;

U8 * LLImageRaw::getSubImage(U32 x_pos, U32 y_pos, U32 width, U32 height) const
	LLMemType mt1(mMemType);
	U8 *data = new U8[width*height*getComponents()];

	// Should do some simple bounds checking
	if (!data)
		llerrs << "Out of memory in LLImageRaw::getSubImage" << llendl;
		return NULL;

	U32 i;
	for (i = y_pos; i < y_pos+height; i++)
		memcpy(data + i*width*getComponents(),		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
				getData() + ((y_pos + i)*getWidth() + x_pos)*getComponents(), getComponents()*width);
	return data;

BOOL LLImageRaw::setSubImage(U32 x_pos, U32 y_pos, U32 width, U32 height,
							 const U8 *data, U32 stride, BOOL reverse_y)
	if (!getData())
		return FALSE;
	if (!data)
		return FALSE;

	// Should do some simple bounds checking

	U32 i;
	for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
		const U32 row = reverse_y ? height - 1 - i : i;
		const U32 from_offset = row * ((stride == 0) ? width*getComponents() : stride);
		const U32 to_offset = (y_pos + i)*getWidth() + x_pos;
		memcpy(getData() + to_offset*getComponents(),		/* Flawfinder: ignore */
				data + from_offset, getComponents()*width);

	return TRUE;

void LLImageRaw::clear(U8 r, U8 g, U8 b, U8 a)
	llassert( getComponents() <= 4 );
	// This is fairly bogus, but it'll do for now.
	U8 *pos = getData();
	U32 x, y;
	for (x = 0; x < getWidth(); x++)
		for (y = 0; y < getHeight(); y++)
			*pos = r;
			if (getComponents() == 1)
			*pos = g;
			if (getComponents() == 2)
			*pos = b;
			if (getComponents() == 3)
			*pos = a;

// Reverses the order of the rows in the image
void LLImageRaw::verticalFlip()
	LLMemType mt1(mMemType);
	S32 row_bytes = getWidth() * getComponents();
	llassert(row_bytes > 0);
	std::vector<U8> line_buffer(row_bytes);
	S32 mid_row = getHeight() / 2;
	for( S32 row = 0; row < mid_row; row++ )
		U8* row_a_data = getData() + row * row_bytes;
		U8* row_b_data = getData() + (getHeight() - 1 - row) * row_bytes;
		memcpy( &line_buffer[0], row_a_data,  row_bytes );
		memcpy( row_a_data,  row_b_data,  row_bytes );
		memcpy( row_b_data,  &line_buffer[0], row_bytes );

void LLImageRaw::expandToPowerOfTwo(S32 max_dim, BOOL scale_image)
	// Find new sizes
	S32 new_width = MIN_IMAGE_SIZE;
	S32 new_height = MIN_IMAGE_SIZE;

	while( (new_width < getWidth()) && (new_width < max_dim) )
		new_width <<= 1;

	while( (new_height < getHeight()) && (new_height < max_dim) )
		new_height <<= 1;

	scale( new_width, new_height, scale_image );

void LLImageRaw::contractToPowerOfTwo(S32 max_dim, BOOL scale_image)
	// Find new sizes
	S32 new_width = max_dim;
	S32 new_height = max_dim;

	while( (new_width > getWidth()) && (new_width > MIN_IMAGE_SIZE) )
		new_width >>= 1;

	while( (new_height > getHeight()) && (new_height > MIN_IMAGE_SIZE) )
		new_height >>= 1;

	scale( new_width, new_height, scale_image );

void LLImageRaw::biasedScaleToPowerOfTwo(S32 max_dim)
	// Strong bias towards rounding down (to save bandwidth)
	// No bias would mean THRESHOLD == 1.5f;
	const F32 THRESHOLD = 1.75f; 

	// Find new sizes
	S32 larger_w = max_dim;	// 2^n >= mWidth
	S32 smaller_w = max_dim;	// 2^(n-1) <= mWidth
	while( (smaller_w > getWidth()) && (smaller_w > MIN_IMAGE_SIZE) )
		larger_w = smaller_w;
		smaller_w >>= 1;
	S32 new_width = ( (F32)getWidth() / smaller_w > THRESHOLD ) ? larger_w : smaller_w;

	S32 larger_h = max_dim;	// 2^m >= mHeight
	S32 smaller_h = max_dim;	// 2^(m-1) <= mHeight
	while( (smaller_h > getHeight()) && (smaller_h > MIN_IMAGE_SIZE) )
		larger_h = smaller_h;
		smaller_h >>= 1;
	S32 new_height = ( (F32)getHeight() / smaller_h > THRESHOLD ) ? larger_h : smaller_h;

	scale( new_width, new_height );

// Calculates (U8)(255*(a/255.f)*(b/255.f) + 0.5f).  Thanks, Jim Blinn!
inline U8 LLImageRaw::fastFractionalMult( U8 a, U8 b )
	U32 i = a * b + 128;
	return U8((i + (i>>8)) >> 8);

void LLImageRaw::composite( LLImageRaw* src )
	LLImageRaw* dst = this;  // Just for clarity.

	llassert(3 == src->getComponents());
	llassert(3 == dst->getComponents());

	if( 3 == dst->getComponents() )
		if( (src->getWidth() == dst->getWidth()) && (src->getHeight() == dst->getHeight()) )
			// No scaling needed
			if( 3 == src->getComponents() )
				copyUnscaled( src );  // alpha is one so just copy the data.
				compositeUnscaled4onto3( src );
			if( 3 == src->getComponents() )
				copyScaled( src );  // alpha is one so just copy the data.
				compositeScaled4onto3( src );

// Src and dst can be any size.  Src has 4 components.  Dst has 3 components.
void LLImageRaw::compositeScaled4onto3(LLImageRaw* src)
	LLMemType mt1(mMemType);
	llinfos << "compositeScaled4onto3" << llendl;

	LLImageRaw* dst = this;  // Just for clarity.

	llassert( (4 == src->getComponents()) && (3 == dst->getComponents()) );

	S32 temp_data_size = src->getWidth() * dst->getHeight() * src->getComponents();
	llassert_always(temp_data_size > 0);
	std::vector<U8> temp_buffer(temp_data_size);

	// Vertical: scale but no composite
	for( S32 col = 0; col < src->getWidth(); col++ )
		copyLineScaled( src->getData() + (src->getComponents() * col), &temp_buffer[0] + (src->getComponents() * col), src->getHeight(), dst->getHeight(), src->getWidth(), src->getWidth() );

	// Horizontal: scale and composite
	for( S32 row = 0; row < dst->getHeight(); row++ )
		compositeRowScaled4onto3( &temp_buffer[0] + (src->getComponents() * src->getWidth() * row), dst->getData() + (dst->getComponents() * dst->getWidth() * row), src->getWidth(), dst->getWidth() );

// Src and dst are same size.  Src has 4 components.  Dst has 3 components.
void LLImageRaw::compositeUnscaled4onto3( LLImageRaw* src )
	//test fastFractionalMult()
		U8 i = 255;
		U8 j = 255;
				llassert( fastFractionalMult(i, j) == (U8)(255*(i/255.f)*(j/255.f) + 0.5f) );
			} while( j-- );
		} while( i-- );

	LLImageRaw* dst = this;  // Just for clarity.

	llassert( (3 == src->getComponents()) || (4 == src->getComponents()) );
	llassert( (src->getWidth() == dst->getWidth()) && (src->getHeight() == dst->getHeight()) );

	U8* src_data = src->getData();
	U8* dst_data = dst->getData();
	S32 pixels = getWidth() * getHeight();
	while( pixels-- )
		U8 alpha = src_data[3];
		if( alpha )
			if( 255 == alpha )
				dst_data[0] = src_data[0];
				dst_data[1] = src_data[1];
				dst_data[2] = src_data[2];

				U8 transparency = 255 - alpha;
				dst_data[0] = fastFractionalMult( dst_data[0], transparency ) + fastFractionalMult( src_data[0], alpha );
				dst_data[1] = fastFractionalMult( dst_data[1], transparency ) + fastFractionalMult( src_data[1], alpha );
				dst_data[2] = fastFractionalMult( dst_data[2], transparency ) + fastFractionalMult( src_data[2], alpha );

		src_data += 4;
		dst_data += 3;

// Fill the buffer with a constant color
void LLImageRaw::fill( const LLColor4U& color )
	S32 pixels = getWidth() * getHeight();
	if( 4 == getComponents() )
		U32* data = (U32*) getData();
		for( S32 i = 0; i < pixels; i++ )
			data[i] = color.mAll;
	if( 3 == getComponents() )
		U8* data = getData();
		for( S32 i = 0; i < pixels; i++ )
			data[0] = color.mV[0];
			data[1] = color.mV[1];
			data[2] = color.mV[2];
			data += 3;

// Src and dst can be any size.  Src and dst can each have 3 or 4 components.
void LLImageRaw::copy(LLImageRaw* src)
	if (!src)
		llwarns << "LLImageRaw::copy called with a null src pointer" << llendl;

	LLImageRaw* dst = this;  // Just for clarity.

	if( (src->getWidth() == dst->getWidth()) && (src->getHeight() == dst->getHeight()) )
		// No scaling needed
		if( src->getComponents() == dst->getComponents() )
			copyUnscaled( src );
		if( 3 == src->getComponents() )
			copyUnscaled3onto4( src );
			// 4 == src->getComponents()
			copyUnscaled4onto3( src );
		// Scaling needed
		// No scaling needed
		if( src->getComponents() == dst->getComponents() )
			copyScaled( src );
		if( 3 == src->getComponents() )
			copyScaled3onto4( src );
			// 4 == src->getComponents()
			copyScaled4onto3( src );

// Src and dst are same size.  Src and dst have same number of components.
void LLImageRaw::copyUnscaled(LLImageRaw* src)
	LLImageRaw* dst = this;  // Just for clarity.

	llassert( (1 == src->getComponents()) || (3 == src->getComponents()) || (4 == src->getComponents()) );
	llassert( src->getComponents() == dst->getComponents() );
	llassert( (src->getWidth() == dst->getWidth()) && (src->getHeight() == dst->getHeight()) );

	memcpy( dst->getData(), src->getData(), getWidth() * getHeight() * getComponents() );	/* Flawfinder: ignore */

// Src and dst can be any size.  Src has 3 components.  Dst has 4 components.
void LLImageRaw::copyScaled3onto4(LLImageRaw* src)
	llassert( (3 == src->getComponents()) && (4 == getComponents()) );

	// Slow, but simple.  Optimize later if needed.
	LLImageRaw temp( src->getWidth(), src->getHeight(), 4);
	temp.copyUnscaled3onto4( src );
	copyScaled( &temp );

// Src and dst can be any size.  Src has 4 components.  Dst has 3 components.
void LLImageRaw::copyScaled4onto3(LLImageRaw* src)
	llassert( (4 == src->getComponents()) && (3 == getComponents()) );

	// Slow, but simple.  Optimize later if needed.
	LLImageRaw temp( src->getWidth(), src->getHeight(), 3);
	temp.copyUnscaled4onto3( src );
	copyScaled( &temp );

// Src and dst are same size.  Src has 4 components.  Dst has 3 components.
void LLImageRaw::copyUnscaled4onto3( LLImageRaw* src )
	LLImageRaw* dst = this;  // Just for clarity.

	llassert( (3 == dst->getComponents()) && (4 == src->getComponents()) );
	llassert( (src->getWidth() == dst->getWidth()) && (src->getHeight() == dst->getHeight()) );

	S32 pixels = getWidth() * getHeight();
	U8* src_data = src->getData();
	U8* dst_data = dst->getData();
	for( S32 i=0; i<pixels; i++ )
		dst_data[0] = src_data[0];
		dst_data[1] = src_data[1];
		dst_data[2] = src_data[2];
		src_data += 4;
		dst_data += 3;

// Src and dst are same size.  Src has 3 components.  Dst has 4 components.
void LLImageRaw::copyUnscaled3onto4( LLImageRaw* src )
	LLImageRaw* dst = this;  // Just for clarity.
	llassert( 3 == src->getComponents() );
	llassert( 4 == dst->getComponents() );
	llassert( (src->getWidth() == dst->getWidth()) && (src->getHeight() == dst->getHeight()) );

	S32 pixels = getWidth() * getHeight();
	U8* src_data = src->getData();
	U8* dst_data = dst->getData();
	for( S32 i=0; i<pixels; i++ )
		dst_data[0] = src_data[0];
		dst_data[1] = src_data[1];
		dst_data[2] = src_data[2];
		dst_data[3] = 255;
		src_data += 3;
		dst_data += 4;

// Src and dst can be any size.  Src and dst have same number of components.
void LLImageRaw::copyScaled( LLImageRaw* src )
	LLMemType mt1(mMemType);
	LLImageRaw* dst = this;  // Just for clarity.

	llassert_always( (1 == src->getComponents()) || (3 == src->getComponents()) || (4 == src->getComponents()) );
	llassert_always( src->getComponents() == dst->getComponents() );

	if( (src->getWidth() == dst->getWidth()) && (src->getHeight() == dst->getHeight()) )
		memcpy( dst->getData(), src->getData(), getWidth() * getHeight() * getComponents() );	/* Flawfinder: ignore */

	S32 temp_data_size = src->getWidth() * dst->getHeight() * getComponents();
	llassert_always(temp_data_size > 0);
	std::vector<U8> temp_buffer(temp_data_size);

	// Vertical
	for( S32 col = 0; col < src->getWidth(); col++ )
		copyLineScaled( src->getData() + (getComponents() * col), &temp_buffer[0] + (getComponents() * col), src->getHeight(), dst->getHeight(), src->getWidth(), src->getWidth() );

	// Horizontal
	for( S32 row = 0; row < dst->getHeight(); row++ )
		copyLineScaled( &temp_buffer[0] + (getComponents() * src->getWidth() * row), dst->getData() + (getComponents() * dst->getWidth() * row), src->getWidth(), dst->getWidth(), 1, 1 );

//scale down image by not blending a pixel with its neighbors.
BOOL LLImageRaw::scaleDownWithoutBlending( S32 new_width, S32 new_height)
	LLMemType mt1(mMemType);

	S8 c = getComponents() ;
	llassert((1 == c) || (3 == c) || (4 == c) );

	S32 old_width = getWidth();
	S32 old_height = getHeight();
	S32 new_data_size = old_width * new_height * c ;
	llassert_always(new_data_size > 0);

	F32 ratio_x = (F32)old_width / new_width ;
	F32 ratio_y = (F32)old_height / new_height ;
	if( ratio_x < 1.0f || ratio_y < 1.0f )
		return TRUE;  // Nothing to do.
	ratio_x -= 1.0f ;
	ratio_y -= 1.0f ;

	U8* new_data = new U8[new_data_size] ;
	llassert_always(new_data != NULL) ;

	U8* old_data = getData() ;
	S32 i, j, k, s, t;
	for(i = 0, s = 0, t = 0 ; i < new_height ; i++)
		for(j = 0 ; j < new_width ; j++)
			for(k = 0 ; k < c ; k++)
				new_data[s++] = old_data[t++] ;
			t += (S32)(ratio_x * c + 0.1f) ;
		t += (S32)(ratio_y * old_width * c + 0.1f) ;

	setDataAndSize(new_data, new_width, new_height, c) ;
	return TRUE ;

BOOL LLImageRaw::scale( S32 new_width, S32 new_height, BOOL scale_image_data )
	LLMemType mt1(mMemType);
	llassert((1 == getComponents()) || (3 == getComponents()) || (4 == getComponents()) );

	S32 old_width = getWidth();
	S32 old_height = getHeight();
	if( (old_width == new_width) && (old_height == new_height) )
		return TRUE;  // Nothing to do.

	// Reallocate the data buffer.

	if (scale_image_data)
		S32 temp_data_size = old_width * new_height * getComponents();
		llassert_always(temp_data_size > 0);
		std::vector<U8> temp_buffer(temp_data_size);

		// Vertical
		for( S32 col = 0; col < old_width; col++ )
			copyLineScaled( getData() + (getComponents() * col), &temp_buffer[0] + (getComponents() * col), old_height, new_height, old_width, old_width );


		U8* new_buffer = allocateDataSize(new_width, new_height, getComponents());

		// Horizontal
		for( S32 row = 0; row < new_height; row++ )
			copyLineScaled( &temp_buffer[0] + (getComponents() * old_width * row), new_buffer + (getComponents() * new_width * row), old_width, new_width, 1, 1 );
		// copy	out	existing image data
		S32	temp_data_size = old_width * old_height	* getComponents();
		std::vector<U8> temp_buffer(temp_data_size);
		memcpy(&temp_buffer[0],	getData(), temp_data_size);

		// allocate	new	image data,	will delete	old	data
		U8*	new_buffer = allocateDataSize(new_width, new_height, getComponents());

		for( S32 row = 0; row <	new_height;	row++ )
			if (row	< old_height)
				memcpy(new_buffer +	(new_width * row * getComponents()), &temp_buffer[0] + (old_width *	row	* getComponents()),	getComponents()	* llmin(old_width, new_width));
				if (old_width <	new_width)
					// pad out rest	of row with	black
					memset(new_buffer +	(getComponents() * ((new_width * row) +	old_width)), 0,	getComponents()	* (new_width - old_width));
				// pad remaining rows with black
				memset(new_buffer +	(new_width * row * getComponents()), 0,	new_width *	getComponents());

	return TRUE ;

void LLImageRaw::copyLineScaled( U8* in, U8* out, S32 in_pixel_len, S32 out_pixel_len, S32 in_pixel_step, S32 out_pixel_step )
	const S32 components = getComponents();
	llassert( components >= 1 && components <= 4 );

	const F32 ratio = F32(in_pixel_len) / out_pixel_len; // ratio of old to new
	const F32 norm_factor = 1.f / ratio;

	S32 goff = components >= 2 ? 1 : 0;
	S32 boff = components >= 3 ? 2 : 0;
	for( S32 x = 0; x < out_pixel_len; x++ )
		// Sample input pixels in range from sample0 to sample1.
		// Avoid floating point accumulation error... don't just add ratio each time.  JC
		const F32 sample0 = x * ratio;
		const F32 sample1 = (x+1) * ratio;
		const S32 index0 = llfloor(sample0);			// left integer (floor)
		const S32 index1 = llfloor(sample1);			// right integer (floor)
		const F32 fract0 = 1.f - (sample0 - F32(index0));	// spill over on left
		const F32 fract1 = sample1 - F32(index1);			// spill-over on right

		if( index0 == index1 )
			// Interval is embedded in one input pixel
			S32 t0 = x * out_pixel_step * components;
			S32 t1 = index0 * in_pixel_step * components;
			U8* outp = out + t0;
			U8* inp = in + t1;
			for (S32 i = 0; i < components; ++i)
				*outp = *inp;
			// Left straddle
			S32 t1 = index0 * in_pixel_step * components;
			F32 r = in[t1 + 0] * fract0;
			F32 g = in[t1 + goff] * fract0;
			F32 b = in[t1 + boff] * fract0;
			F32 a = 0;
			if( components == 4)
				a = in[t1 + 3] * fract0;
			// Central interval
			if (components < 4)
				for( S32 u = index0 + 1; u < index1; u++ )
					S32 t2 = u * in_pixel_step * components;
					r += in[t2 + 0];
					g += in[t2 + goff];
					b += in[t2 + boff];
				for( S32 u = index0 + 1; u < index1; u++ )
					S32 t2 = u * in_pixel_step * components;
					r += in[t2 + 0];
					g += in[t2 + 1];
					b += in[t2 + 2];
					a += in[t2 + 3];

			// right straddle
			// Watch out for reading off of end of input array.
			if( fract1 && index1 < in_pixel_len )
				S32 t3 = index1 * in_pixel_step * components;
				if (components < 4)
					U8 in0 = in[t3 + 0];
					U8 in1 = in[t3 + goff];
					U8 in2 = in[t3 + boff];
					r += in0 * fract1;
					g += in1 * fract1;
					b += in2 * fract1;
					U8 in0 = in[t3 + 0];
					U8 in1 = in[t3 + 1];
					U8 in2 = in[t3 + 2];
					U8 in3 = in[t3 + 3];
					r += in0 * fract1;
					g += in1 * fract1;
					b += in2 * fract1;
					a += in3 * fract1;

			r *= norm_factor;
			g *= norm_factor;
			b *= norm_factor;
			a *= norm_factor;  // skip conditional

			S32 t4 = x * out_pixel_step * components;
			out[t4 + 0] = U8(llround(r));
			if (components >= 2)
				out[t4 + 1] = U8(llround(g));
			if (components >= 3)
				out[t4 + 2] = U8(llround(b));
			if( components == 4)
				out[t4 + 3] = U8(llround(a));

void LLImageRaw::compositeRowScaled4onto3( U8* in, U8* out, S32 in_pixel_len, S32 out_pixel_len )
	llassert( getComponents() == 3 );

	const S32 IN_COMPONENTS = 4;
	const S32 OUT_COMPONENTS = 3;

	const F32 ratio = F32(in_pixel_len) / out_pixel_len; // ratio of old to new
	const F32 norm_factor = 1.f / ratio;

	for( S32 x = 0; x < out_pixel_len; x++ )
		// Sample input pixels in range from sample0 to sample1.
		// Avoid floating point accumulation error... don't just add ratio each time.  JC
		const F32 sample0 = x * ratio;
		const F32 sample1 = (x+1) * ratio;
		const S32 index0 = S32(sample0);			// left integer (floor)
		const S32 index1 = S32(sample1);			// right integer (floor)
		const F32 fract0 = 1.f - (sample0 - F32(index0));	// spill over on left
		const F32 fract1 = sample1 - F32(index1);			// spill-over on right

		U8 in_scaled_r;
		U8 in_scaled_g;
		U8 in_scaled_b;
		U8 in_scaled_a;

		if( index0 == index1 )
			// Interval is embedded in one input pixel
			S32 t1 = index0 * IN_COMPONENTS;
			in_scaled_r = in[t1 + 0];
			in_scaled_g = in[t1 + 0];
			in_scaled_b = in[t1 + 0];
			in_scaled_a = in[t1 + 0];
			// Left straddle
			S32 t1 = index0 * IN_COMPONENTS;
			F32 r = in[t1 + 0] * fract0;
			F32 g = in[t1 + 1] * fract0;
			F32 b = in[t1 + 2] * fract0;
			F32 a = in[t1 + 3] * fract0;
			// Central interval
			for( S32 u = index0 + 1; u < index1; u++ )
				S32 t2 = u * IN_COMPONENTS;
				r += in[t2 + 0];
				g += in[t2 + 1];
				b += in[t2 + 2];
				a += in[t2 + 3];

			// right straddle
			// Watch out for reading off of end of input array.
			if( fract1 && index1 < in_pixel_len )
				S32 t3 = index1 * IN_COMPONENTS;
				r += in[t3 + 0] * fract1;
				g += in[t3 + 1] * fract1;
				b += in[t3 + 2] * fract1;
				a += in[t3 + 3] * fract1;

			r *= norm_factor;
			g *= norm_factor;
			b *= norm_factor;
			a *= norm_factor;

			in_scaled_r = U8(llround(r));
			in_scaled_g = U8(llround(g));
			in_scaled_b = U8(llround(b));
			in_scaled_a = U8(llround(a));

		if( in_scaled_a )
			if( 255 == in_scaled_a )
				out[0] = in_scaled_r;
				out[1] = in_scaled_g;
				out[2] = in_scaled_b;
				U8 transparency = 255 - in_scaled_a;
				out[0] = fastFractionalMult( out[0], transparency ) + fastFractionalMult( in_scaled_r, in_scaled_a );
				out[1] = fastFractionalMult( out[1], transparency ) + fastFractionalMult( in_scaled_g, in_scaled_a );
				out[2] = fastFractionalMult( out[2], transparency ) + fastFractionalMult( in_scaled_b, in_scaled_a );


static struct
	const char* exten;
	EImageCodec codec;
file_extensions[] =
	{ "bmp", IMG_CODEC_BMP },
	{ "tga", IMG_CODEC_TGA },
	{ "j2c", IMG_CODEC_J2C },
	{ "jp2", IMG_CODEC_J2C },
	{ "texture", IMG_CODEC_J2C },
	{ "jpg", IMG_CODEC_JPEG },
	{ "jpeg", IMG_CODEC_JPEG },
	{ "mip", IMG_CODEC_DXT },
	{ "dxt", IMG_CODEC_DXT },
	{ "png", IMG_CODEC_PNG }
#define NUM_FILE_EXTENSIONS LL_ARRAY_SIZE(file_extensions)

static std::string find_file(std::string &name, S8 *codec)
	std::string tname;
	for (int i=0; i<(int)(NUM_FILE_EXTENSIONS); i++)
		tname = name + "." + std::string(file_extensions[i].exten);
		llifstream ifs(tname, llifstream::binary);
		if (ifs.is_open())
			if (codec)
				*codec = file_extensions[i].codec;
			return std::string(file_extensions[i].exten);
	return std::string("");

EImageCodec LLImageBase::getCodecFromExtension(const std::string& exten)
	for (int i=0; i<(int)(NUM_FILE_EXTENSIONS); i++)
		if (exten == file_extensions[i].exten)
			return file_extensions[i].codec;

bool LLImageRaw::createFromFile(const std::string &filename, bool j2c_lowest_mip_only)
	std::string name = filename;
	size_t dotidx = name.rfind('.');
	std::string exten;
	deleteData(); // delete any existing data

	if (dotidx != std::string::npos)
		exten = name.substr(dotidx+1);
		codec = getCodecFromExtension(exten);
		exten = find_file(name, &codec);
		name = name + "." + exten;
	if (codec == IMG_CODEC_INVALID)
		return false; // format not recognized

	llifstream ifs(name, llifstream::binary);
	if (!ifs.is_open())
		// SJB: changed from llinfos to lldebugs to reduce spam
		lldebugs << "Unable to open image file: " << name << llendl;
		return false;
	ifs.seekg (0, std::ios::end);
	int length = ifs.tellg();
	if (j2c_lowest_mip_only && length > 2048)
		length = 2048;
	ifs.seekg (0, std::ios::beg);

	if (!length)
		llinfos << "Zero length file file: " << name << llendl;
		return false;
	LLPointer<LLImageFormatted> image;
	  //case IMG_CODEC_RGB:
	  case IMG_CODEC_BMP:
		image = new LLImageBMP();
	  case IMG_CODEC_TGA:
		image = new LLImageTGA();
		image = new LLImageJPEG();
	  case IMG_CODEC_J2C:
		image = new LLImageJ2C();
	  case IMG_CODEC_DXT:
		image = new LLImageDXT();
		return false;

	U8 *buffer = image->allocateData(length);
	ifs.read ((char*)buffer, length);
	BOOL success;

	success = image->updateData();
	if (success)
		if (j2c_lowest_mip_only && codec == IMG_CODEC_J2C)
			S32 width = image->getWidth();
			S32 height = image->getHeight();
			S32 discard_level = 0;
			while (width > 1 && height > 1 && discard_level < MAX_DISCARD_LEVEL)
				width >>= 1;
				height >>= 1;
			((LLImageJ2C *)((LLImageFormatted*)image))->setDiscardLevel(discard_level);
		success = image->decode(this, 100000.0f);

	image = NULL; // deletes image
	if (!success)
		llwarns << "Unable to decode image" << name << llendl;
		return false;

	return true;

// LLImageFormatted

S32 LLImageFormatted::sGlobalFormattedMemory = 0;

LLImageFormatted::LLImageFormatted(S8 codec)
	: LLImageBase(),

// virtual
	// NOTE: ~LLimageBase() call to deleteData() calls LLImageBase::deleteData()
	//        NOT LLImageFormatted::deleteData()


void LLImageFormatted::resetLastError()

void LLImageFormatted::setLastError(const std::string& message, const std::string& filename)
	std::string error = message;
	if (!filename.empty())
		error += std::string(" FILE: ") + filename;


// static
LLImageFormatted* LLImageFormatted::createFromType(S8 codec)
	LLImageFormatted* image;
	  case IMG_CODEC_BMP:
		image = new LLImageBMP();
	  case IMG_CODEC_TGA:
		image = new LLImageTGA();
		image = new LLImageJPEG();
	  case IMG_CODEC_PNG:
		image = new LLImagePNG();
	  case IMG_CODEC_J2C:
		image = new LLImageJ2C();
	  case IMG_CODEC_DXT:
		image = new LLImageDXT();
		image = NULL;
	return image;

// static
LLImageFormatted* LLImageFormatted::createFromExtension(const std::string& instring)
	std::string exten;
	size_t dotidx = instring.rfind('.');
	if (dotidx != std::string::npos)
		exten = instring.substr(dotidx+1);
		exten = instring;
	S8 codec = getCodecFromExtension(exten);
	return createFromType(codec);

// virtual
void LLImageFormatted::dump()

	llinfos << "LLImageFormatted"
			<< " mDecoding " << mDecoding
			<< " mCodec " << S32(mCodec)
			<< " mDecoded " << mDecoded
			<< llendl;


S32 LLImageFormatted::calcDataSize(S32 discard_level)
	if (discard_level < 0)
		discard_level = mDiscardLevel;
	S32 w = getWidth() >> discard_level;
	S32 h = getHeight() >> discard_level;
	w = llmax(w, 1);
	h = llmax(h, 1);
	return w * h * getComponents();

S32 LLImageFormatted::calcDiscardLevelBytes(S32 bytes)
	llassert(bytes >= 0);
	S32 discard_level = 0;
	while (1)
		S32 bytes_needed = calcDataSize(discard_level); // virtual
		if (bytes_needed <= bytes)
		if (discard_level > MAX_IMAGE_MIP)
			return -1;
	return discard_level;


// Subclasses that can handle more than 4 channels should override this function.
BOOL LLImageFormatted::decodeChannels(LLImageRaw* raw_image,F32  decode_time, S32 first_channel, S32 max_channel)
	llassert( (first_channel == 0) && (max_channel == 4) );
	return decode( raw_image, decode_time );  // Loads first 4 channels by default.


// virtual
U8* LLImageFormatted::allocateData(S32 size)
	U8* res = LLImageBase::allocateData(size); // calls deleteData()
	sGlobalFormattedMemory += getDataSize();
	return res;

// virtual
U8* LLImageFormatted::reallocateData(S32 size)
	sGlobalFormattedMemory -= getDataSize();
	U8* res = LLImageBase::reallocateData(size);
	sGlobalFormattedMemory += getDataSize();
	return res;

// virtual
void LLImageFormatted::deleteData()
	sGlobalFormattedMemory -= getDataSize();


// virtual
void LLImageFormatted::sanityCheck()

	if (mCodec >= IMG_CODEC_EOF)
		llerrs << "Failed LLImageFormatted::sanityCheck "
			   << "decoding " << S32(mDecoding)
			   << "decoded " << S32(mDecoded)
			   << "codec " << S32(mCodec)
			   << llendl;


BOOL LLImageFormatted::copyData(U8 *data, S32 size)
	if ( data && ((data != getData()) || (size != getDataSize())) )
		memcpy(getData(), data, size);	/* Flawfinder: ignore */
	return TRUE;

// LLImageFormatted becomes the owner of data
void LLImageFormatted::setData(U8 *data, S32 size)
	if (data && data != getData())
		setDataAndSize(data, size); // Access private LLImageBase members
		sGlobalFormattedMemory += getDataSize();

void LLImageFormatted::appendData(U8 *data, S32 size)
	if (data)
		if (!getData())
			setData(data, size);
			S32 cursize = getDataSize();
			S32 newsize = cursize + size;
			memcpy(getData() + cursize, data, size);


BOOL LLImageFormatted::load(const std::string &filename)

	S32 file_size = 0;
	LLAPRFile infile ;
	infile.open(filename, LL_APR_RB, NULL, &file_size);
	apr_file_t* apr_file = infile.getFileHandle();
	if (!apr_file)
		setLastError("Unable to open file for reading", filename);
		return FALSE;
	if (file_size == 0)
		setLastError("File is empty",filename);
		return FALSE;

	BOOL res;
	U8 *data = allocateData(file_size);
	apr_size_t bytes_read = file_size;
	apr_status_t s = apr_file_read(apr_file, data, &bytes_read); // modifies bytes_read
	if (s != APR_SUCCESS || (S32) bytes_read != file_size)
		setLastError("Unable to read entire file",filename);
		res = FALSE;
		res = updateData();
	return res;

BOOL LLImageFormatted::save(const std::string &filename)

	LLAPRFile outfile ;
	outfile.open(filename, LL_APR_WB);
	if (!outfile.getFileHandle())
		setLastError("Unable to open file for writing", filename);
		return FALSE;
	outfile.write(getData(), 	getDataSize());
	outfile.close() ;
	return TRUE;

// BOOL LLImageFormatted::save(LLVFS *vfs, const LLUUID &uuid, LLAssetType::EType type)
// Depricated to remove VFS dependency.
// Use:
// LLVFile::writeFile(image->getData(), image->getDataSize(), vfs, uuid, type);


S8 LLImageFormatted::getCodec() const
	return mCodec;


static void avg4_colors4(const U8* a, const U8* b, const U8* c, const U8* d, U8* dst)
	dst[0] = (U8)(((U32)(a[0]) + b[0] + c[0] + d[0])>>2);
	dst[1] = (U8)(((U32)(a[1]) + b[1] + c[1] + d[1])>>2);
	dst[2] = (U8)(((U32)(a[2]) + b[2] + c[2] + d[2])>>2);
	dst[3] = (U8)(((U32)(a[3]) + b[3] + c[3] + d[3])>>2);

static void avg4_colors3(const U8* a, const U8* b, const U8* c, const U8* d, U8* dst)
	dst[0] = (U8)(((U32)(a[0]) + b[0] + c[0] + d[0])>>2);
	dst[1] = (U8)(((U32)(a[1]) + b[1] + c[1] + d[1])>>2);
	dst[2] = (U8)(((U32)(a[2]) + b[2] + c[2] + d[2])>>2);

static void avg4_colors2(const U8* a, const U8* b, const U8* c, const U8* d, U8* dst)
	dst[0] = (U8)(((U32)(a[0]) + b[0] + c[0] + d[0])>>2);
	dst[1] = (U8)(((U32)(a[1]) + b[1] + c[1] + d[1])>>2);

void LLImageBase::generateMip(const U8* indata, U8* mipdata, S32 width, S32 height, S32 nchannels)
	llassert(width > 0 && height > 0);
	U8* data = mipdata;
	S32 in_width = width*2;
	for (S32 h=0; h<height; h++)
		for (S32 w=0; w<width; w++)
			  case 4:
				avg4_colors4(indata, indata+4, indata+4*in_width, indata+4*in_width+4, data);
			  case 3:
				avg4_colors3(indata, indata+3, indata+3*in_width, indata+3*in_width+3, data);
			  case 2:
				avg4_colors2(indata, indata+2, indata+2*in_width, indata+2*in_width+2, data);
			  case 1:
				*(U8*)data = (U8)(((U32)(indata[0]) + indata[1] + indata[in_width] + indata[in_width+1])>>2);
				llerrs << "generateMmip called with bad num channels" << llendl;
			indata += nchannels*2;
			data += nchannels;
		indata += nchannels*in_width; // skip odd lines


F32 LLImageBase::calc_download_priority(F32 virtual_size, F32 visible_pixels, S32 bytes_sent)
	F32 w_priority;

	F32 bytes_weight = 1.f;
	if (!bytes_sent)
		bytes_weight = 20.f;
	else if (bytes_sent < 1000)
		bytes_weight = 1.f;
	else if (bytes_sent < 2000)
		bytes_weight = 1.f/1.5f;
	else if (bytes_sent < 4000)
		bytes_weight = 1.f/3.f;
	else if (bytes_sent < 8000)
		bytes_weight = 1.f/6.f;
	else if (bytes_sent < 16000)
		bytes_weight = 1.f/12.f;
	else if (bytes_sent < 32000)
		bytes_weight = 1.f/20.f;
	else if (bytes_sent < 64000)
		bytes_weight = 1.f/32.f;
		bytes_weight = 1.f/64.f;
	bytes_weight *= bytes_weight;

	//llinfos << "VS: " << virtual_size << llendl;
	F32 virtual_size_factor = virtual_size / (10.f*10.f);

	// The goal is for weighted priority to be <= 0 when we've reached a point where
	// we've sent enough data.
	//llinfos << "BytesSent: " << bytes_sent << llendl;
	//llinfos << "BytesWeight: " << bytes_weight << llendl;
	//llinfos << "PreLog: " << bytes_weight * virtual_size_factor << llendl;
	w_priority = (F32)log10(bytes_weight * virtual_size_factor);

	//llinfos << "PreScale: " << w_priority << llendl;

	// We don't want to affect how MANY bytes we send based on the visible pixels, but the order
	// in which they're sent.  We post-multiply so we don't change the zero point.
	if (w_priority > 0.f)
		F32 pixel_weight = (F32)log10(visible_pixels + 1)*3.0f;
		w_priority *= pixel_weight;

	return w_priority;
