/** * @file llcrashlogger.cpp * @brief Crash logger implementation * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2003&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2003-2009, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at * http://secondlifegrid.net/programs/open_source/licensing/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include #include #include #include #include "llcrashlogger.h" #include "linden_common.h" #include "llstring.h" #include "indra_constants.h" // CRASH_BEHAVIOR_ASK, CRASH_SETTING_NAME #include "llerror.h" #include "lltimer.h" #include "lldir.h" #include "llsdserialize.h" #include "lliopipe.h" #include "llpumpio.h" #include "llhttpclient.h" #include "llsdserialize.h" LLPumpIO* gServicePump; BOOL gBreak = false; BOOL gSent = false; class LLCrashLoggerResponder : public LLHTTPClient::Responder { public: LLCrashLoggerResponder() { } virtual void error(U32 status, const std::string& reason) { gBreak = true; } virtual void result(const LLSD& content) { gBreak = true; gSent = true; } }; bool LLCrashLoggerText::mainLoop() { std::cout << "Entering main loop" << std::endl; sendCrashLogs(); return true; } void LLCrashLoggerText::updateApplication(const std::string& message) { LLCrashLogger::updateApplication(message); std::cout << message << std::endl; } LLCrashLogger::LLCrashLogger() : mCrashBehavior(CRASH_BEHAVIOR_ASK), mCrashInPreviousExec(false), mCrashSettings("CrashSettings"), mSentCrashLogs(false), mCrashHost("") { // Set up generic error handling setupErrorHandling(); } LLCrashLogger::~LLCrashLogger() { } // TRIM_SIZE must remain larger than LINE_SEARCH_SIZE. const int TRIM_SIZE = 128000; const int LINE_SEARCH_DIST = 500; const std::string SKIP_TEXT = "\n ...Skipping... \n"; void trimSLLog(std::string& sllog) { if(sllog.length() > TRIM_SIZE * 2) { std::string::iterator head = sllog.begin() + TRIM_SIZE; std::string::iterator tail = sllog.begin() + sllog.length() - TRIM_SIZE; std::string::iterator new_head = std::find(head, head - LINE_SEARCH_DIST, '\n'); if(new_head != head - LINE_SEARCH_DIST) { head = new_head; } std::string::iterator new_tail = std::find(tail, tail + LINE_SEARCH_DIST, '\n'); if(new_tail != tail + LINE_SEARCH_DIST) { tail = new_tail; } sllog.erase(head, tail); sllog.insert(head, SKIP_TEXT.begin(), SKIP_TEXT.end()); } } std::string getStartupStateFromLog(std::string& sllog) { std::string startup_state = "STATE_FIRST"; std::string startup_token = "Startup state changing from "; int index = sllog.rfind(startup_token); if (index < 0 || index + startup_token.length() > sllog.length()) { return startup_state; } // find new line char cur_char = sllog[index + startup_token.length()]; std::string::size_type newline_loc = index + startup_token.length(); while(cur_char != '\n' && newline_loc < sllog.length()) { newline_loc++; cur_char = sllog[newline_loc]; } // get substring and find location of " to " std::string state_line = sllog.substr(index, newline_loc - index); std::string::size_type state_index = state_line.find(" to "); startup_state = state_line.substr(state_index + 4, state_line.length() - state_index - 4); return startup_state; } void LLCrashLogger::gatherFiles() { updateApplication("Gathering logs..."); // Figure out the filename of the debug log std::string db_file_name = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_LOGS,"debug_info.log"); std::ifstream debug_log_file(db_file_name.c_str()); // Look for it in the debug_info.log file if (debug_log_file.is_open()) { LLSDSerialize::fromXML(mDebugLog, debug_log_file); mCrashInPreviousExec = mDebugLog["CrashNotHandled"].asBoolean(); mFileMap["SecondLifeLog"] = mDebugLog["SLLog"].asString(); mFileMap["SettingsXml"] = mDebugLog["SettingsFilename"].asString(); if(mDebugLog.has("CAFilename")) { LLCurl::setCAFile(mDebugLog["CAFilename"].asString()); } else { LLCurl::setCAFile(gDirUtilp->getCAFile()); } llinfos << "Using log file from debug log " << mFileMap["SecondLifeLog"] << llendl; llinfos << "Using settings file from debug log " << mFileMap["SettingsXml"] << llendl; } else { // Figure out the filename of the second life log LLCurl::setCAFile(gDirUtilp->getCAFile()); mFileMap["SecondLifeLog"] = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_LOGS,"SecondLife.log"); mFileMap["SettingsXml"] = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_USER_SETTINGS,"settings.xml"); } if(mCrashInPreviousExec) { // Restarting after freeze. // Replace the log file ext with .old, since the // instance that launched this process has overwritten // SecondLife.log std::string log_filename = mFileMap["SecondLifeLog"]; log_filename.replace(log_filename.size() - 4, 4, ".old"); mFileMap["SecondLifeLog"] = log_filename; } gatherPlatformSpecificFiles(); //Use the debug log to reconstruct the URL to send the crash report to if(mDebugLog.has("CrashHostUrl")) { // Crash log receiver has been manually configured. mCrashHost = mDebugLog["CrashHostUrl"].asString(); } else if(mDebugLog.has("CurrentSimHost")) { mCrashHost = "https://"; mCrashHost += mDebugLog["CurrentSimHost"].asString(); mCrashHost += ":12043/crash/report"; } else if(mDebugLog.has("GridName")) { // This is a 'little' hacky, but its the best simple solution. std::string grid_host = mDebugLog["GridName"].asString(); LLStringUtil::toLower(grid_host); mCrashHost = "https://login."; mCrashHost += grid_host; mCrashHost += ".lindenlab.com:12043/crash/report"; } // Use login servers as the alternate, since they are already load balanced and have a known name mAltCrashHost = "https://login.agni.lindenlab.com:12043/crash/report"; mCrashInfo["DebugLog"] = mDebugLog; mFileMap["StatsLog"] = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_LOGS,"stats.log"); updateApplication("Encoding files..."); for(std::map::iterator itr = mFileMap.begin(); itr != mFileMap.end(); ++itr) { std::ifstream f((*itr).second.c_str()); if(!f.is_open()) { std::cout << "Can't find file " << (*itr).second << std::endl; continue; } std::stringstream s; s << f.rdbuf(); std::string crash_info = s.str(); if(itr->first == "SecondLifeLog") { if(!mCrashInfo["DebugLog"].has("StartupState")) { mCrashInfo["DebugLog"]["StartupState"] = getStartupStateFromLog(crash_info); } trimSLLog(crash_info); } mCrashInfo[(*itr).first] = LLStringFn::strip_invalid_xml(rawstr_to_utf8(crash_info)); } // Add minidump as binary. std::string minidump_path = mDebugLog["MinidumpPath"]; if(minidump_path != "") { std::ifstream minidump_stream(minidump_path.c_str(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary); if(minidump_stream.is_open()) { minidump_stream.seekg(0, std::ios::end); size_t length = minidump_stream.tellg(); minidump_stream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); LLSD::Binary data; data.resize(length); minidump_stream.read(reinterpret_cast(&(data[0])),length); minidump_stream.close(); mCrashInfo["Minidump"] = data; } } mCrashInfo["DebugLog"].erase("MinidumpPath"); } LLSD LLCrashLogger::constructPostData() { LLSD ret; return mCrashInfo; } S32 LLCrashLogger::loadCrashBehaviorSetting() { std::string filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_USER_SETTINGS, CRASH_SETTINGS_FILE); mCrashSettings.loadFromFile(filename); S32 value = mCrashSettings.getS32(CRASH_BEHAVIOR_SETTING); if (value < CRASH_BEHAVIOR_ASK || CRASH_BEHAVIOR_NEVER_SEND < value) return CRASH_BEHAVIOR_ASK; return value; } bool LLCrashLogger::saveCrashBehaviorSetting(S32 crash_behavior) { if (crash_behavior != CRASH_BEHAVIOR_ASK && crash_behavior != CRASH_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS_SEND) return false; mCrashSettings.setS32(CRASH_BEHAVIOR_SETTING, crash_behavior); std::string filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_USER_SETTINGS, CRASH_SETTINGS_FILE); mCrashSettings.saveToFile(filename, FALSE); return true; } bool LLCrashLogger::runCrashLogPost(std::string host, LLSD data, std::string msg, int retries, int timeout) { gBreak = false; std::string status_message; for(int i = 0; i < retries; ++i) { status_message = llformat("%s, try %d...", msg.c_str(), i+1); LLHTTPClient::post(host, data, new LLCrashLoggerResponder(), timeout); while(!gBreak) { updateApplication(status_message); } if(gSent) { return gSent; } } return gSent; } bool LLCrashLogger::sendCrashLogs() { gatherFiles(); LLSD post_data; post_data = constructPostData(); updateApplication("Sending reports..."); std::string dump_path = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_LOGS, "SecondLifeCrashReport"); std::string report_file = dump_path + ".log"; std::ofstream out_file(report_file.c_str()); LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(post_data, out_file); out_file.close(); bool sent = false; //*TODO: Translate if(mCrashHost != "") { sent = runCrashLogPost(mCrashHost, post_data, std::string("Sending to server"), 3, 5); } if(!sent) { sent = runCrashLogPost(mAltCrashHost, post_data, std::string("Sending to alternate server"), 3, 5); } mSentCrashLogs = sent; return true; } void LLCrashLogger::updateApplication(const std::string& message) { gServicePump->pump(); gServicePump->callback(); } bool LLCrashLogger::init() { // We assume that all the logs we're looking for reside on the current drive gDirUtilp->initAppDirs("SecondLife"); // Default to the product name "Second Life" (this is overridden by the -name argument) mProductName = "Second Life"; mCrashSettings.declareS32(CRASH_BEHAVIOR_SETTING, CRASH_BEHAVIOR_ASK, "Controls behavior when viewer crashes " "(0 = ask before sending crash report, 1 = always send crash report, 2 = never send crash report)"); llinfos << "Loading crash behavior setting" << llendl; mCrashBehavior = loadCrashBehaviorSetting(); // If user doesn't want to send, bail out if (mCrashBehavior == CRASH_BEHAVIOR_NEVER_SEND) { llinfos << "Crash behavior is never_send, quitting" << llendl; return false; } gServicePump = new LLPumpIO(gAPRPoolp); gServicePump->prime(gAPRPoolp); LLHTTPClient::setPump(*gServicePump); //If we've opened the crash logger, assume we can delete the marker file if it exists if( gDirUtilp ) { std::string marker_file = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_LOGS,"SecondLife.exec_marker"); LLAPRFile::remove( marker_file ); } return true; }