 * @file test_llrefcounted
 * @brief unit tests for HttpStatus struct
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2012&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include "httpcommon.h"

#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <curl/multi.h>

using namespace LLCore;

namespace tut

struct HttpStatusTestData

typedef test_group<HttpStatusTestData> HttpStatusTestGroupType;
typedef HttpStatusTestGroupType::object HttpStatusTestObjectType;

HttpStatusTestGroupType HttpStatusTestGroup("HttpStatus Tests");

template <> template <>
void HttpStatusTestObjectType::test<1>()
	set_test_name("HttpStatus construction");
	// auto allocation fine for this
	HttpStatus status;

	status = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::EXT_CURL_EASY, 0);
	ensure(false == !(status));

	status = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::EXT_CURL_MULTI, 0);

	ensure(false == !(status));

	status = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::LLCORE, HE_SUCCESS);
	ensure(false == !(status));

	status = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::EXT_CURL_MULTI, -1);

	ensure(false == bool(status));

	status = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::EXT_CURL_EASY, CURLE_BAD_DOWNLOAD_RESUME);

	ensure(false == bool(status));

// template <> template <>
// void HttpStatusTestObjectType::test<2>()
// {
// 	set_test_name("HttpStatus memory structure");
// 	// Require that an HttpStatus object can be trivially
// 	// returned as a function return value in registers.
// 	// One should fit in an int on all platforms.
// 	//ensure(sizeof(HttpStatus) <= sizeof(int));
// }

template <> template <>
void HttpStatusTestObjectType::test<2>()
	set_test_name("HttpStatus valid status string conversion");
	HttpStatus status = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::EXT_CURL_EASY, 0);
	std::string msg = status.toString();
	// std::cout << "Result:  " << msg << std::endl;

	msg = status.toString();
	// std::cout << "Result:  " << msg << std::endl;
	ensure(! msg.empty());

	status = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::EXT_CURL_MULTI, CURLM_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
	msg = status.toString();
	// std::cout << "Result:  " << msg << std::endl;
	ensure(! msg.empty());

	status = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::LLCORE, HE_SHUTTING_DOWN);
	msg = status.toString();
	// std::cout << "Result:  " << msg << std::endl;
	ensure(! msg.empty());

template <> template <>
void HttpStatusTestObjectType::test<3>()
	set_test_name("HttpStatus invalid status string conversion");
	HttpStatus status = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::EXT_CURL_EASY, 32726);
	std::string msg = status.toString();
	// std::cout << "Result:  " << msg << std::endl;
	ensure(! msg.empty());

	status = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::EXT_CURL_MULTI, -470);
	msg = status.toString();
	// std::cout << "Result:  " << msg << std::endl;
	ensure(! msg.empty());

	status = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::LLCORE, 923);
	msg = status.toString();
	// std::cout << "Result:  " << msg << std::endl;
	ensure(! msg.empty());

template <> template <>
void HttpStatusTestObjectType::test<4>()
	set_test_name("HttpStatus equality/inequality testing");

	// Make certain equality/inequality tests do not pass
	// through the bool conversion.  Distinct successful
	// and error statuses should compare unequal.

	HttpStatus status1(HttpStatus::LLCORE, HE_SUCCESS);
	HttpStatus status2(HttpStatus::EXT_CURL_EASY, HE_SUCCESS);
	ensure(status1 != status2);

	status1 = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::LLCORE, HE_REPLY_ERROR);
	status1 = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::LLCORE, HE_SHUTTING_DOWN);

	ensure(status1 != status2);

template <> template <>
void HttpStatusTestObjectType::test<5>()
	set_test_name("HttpStatus basic HTTP status encoding");
	HttpStatus status;

	status = HttpStatus(200, HE_SUCCESS);
	std::string msg = status.toString();

	// Normally a success but application says error
	status = HttpStatus(200, HE_REPLY_ERROR);
	msg = status.toString();
	ensure(! msg.empty());
	ensure(! bool(status));
	ensure(status.toULong() > 1UL);				// Biggish number, not a bool-to-ulong

	// Same statuses with distinct success/fail are distinct
	status = HttpStatus(200, HE_SUCCESS);
	HttpStatus status2(200, HE_REPLY_ERROR);
	ensure(status != status2);

	// Normally an error but application says okay
	status = HttpStatus(406, HE_SUCCESS);
	msg = status.toString();

	// Different statuses but both successful are distinct
	status = HttpStatus(200, HE_SUCCESS);
	status2 = HttpStatus(201, HE_SUCCESS);
	ensure(status != status2);

	// Different statuses but both failed are distinct
	status = HttpStatus(200, HE_REPLY_ERROR);
	status2 = HttpStatus(201, HE_REPLY_ERROR);
	ensure(status != status2);

template <> template <>
void HttpStatusTestObjectType::test<6>()
	set_test_name("HttpStatus HTTP status text strings");

	HttpStatus status(100, HE_REPLY_ERROR);
	std::string msg(status.toString());
	ensure(! msg.empty());				// Should be something
	ensure(msg == "Continue");

	status = HttpStatus(200, HE_SUCCESS);
	msg = status.toString();
	ensure(msg.empty());				// Success is empty

	status = HttpStatus(199, HE_REPLY_ERROR);
	msg = status.toString();
	ensure(msg == "Unknown error");

	status = HttpStatus(505, HE_REPLY_ERROR);
	msg = status.toString();
	ensure(msg == "HTTP Version not supported");

	status = HttpStatus(506, HE_REPLY_ERROR);
	msg = status.toString();
	ensure(msg == "Unknown error");

	status = HttpStatus(999, HE_REPLY_ERROR);
	msg = status.toString();
	ensure(msg == "Unknown error");

template <> template <>
void HttpStatusTestObjectType::test<7>()
	set_test_name("HttpStatus toHex() nominal function");
	HttpStatus status(404);
	std::string msg = status.toHex();
	// std::cout << "Result:  " << msg << std::endl;
	ensure_equals(msg, "01940001");

template <> template <>
void HttpStatusTestObjectType::test<8>()
	set_test_name("HttpStatus toTerseString() nominal function");
	HttpStatus status(404);
	std::string msg = status.toTerseString();
	// std::cout << "Result:  " << msg << std::endl;
	ensure("Normal HTTP 404", msg == "Http_404");

	status = HttpStatus(200);
	msg = status.toTerseString();
	// std::cout << "Result:  " << msg << std::endl;
	ensure("Normal HTTP 200", msg == "Http_200");

	status = HttpStatus(200, HE_REPLY_ERROR);
	msg = status.toTerseString();
	// std::cout << "Result:  " << msg << std::endl;
	ensure("Unsuccessful HTTP 200", msg == "Http_200");			// No distinction for error

	status = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::EXT_CURL_EASY, CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT);
	msg = status.toTerseString();
	// std::cout << "Result:  " << msg << std::endl;
	ensure("Easy couldn't connect error", msg == "Easy_7");

	status = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::EXT_CURL_MULTI, CURLM_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
	msg = status.toTerseString();
	// std::cout << "Result:  " << msg << std::endl;
	ensure("Multi out-of-memory error", msg == "Multi_3");

	status = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::LLCORE, HE_OPT_NOT_SET);
	msg = status.toTerseString();
	// std::cout << "Result:  " << msg << std::endl;
	ensure("Core option not set error", msg == "Core_7");

	status = HttpStatus(22000, 1);
	msg = status.toTerseString();
	// std::cout << "Result:  " << msg << std::endl;
	ensure("Undecodable error", msg == "Unknown_1");

	status = HttpStatus(22000, -1);
	msg = status.toTerseString();
	// std::cout << "Result:  " << msg << std::endl;
	ensure("Undecodable error 65535", msg == "Unknown_65535");

} // end namespace tut