/** * @file test_httprequest.hpp * @brief unit tests for the LLCore::HttpRequest class * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2012&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef TEST_LLCORE_HTTP_REQUEST_H_ #define TEST_LLCORE_HTTP_REQUEST_H_ #include "httprequest.h" #include "bufferarray.h" #include "httphandler.h" #include "httpheaders.h" #include "httpresponse.h" #include "httpoptions.h" #include "_httpservice.h" #include "_httprequestqueue.h" #include #include #include #include "test_allocator.h" #include "llcorehttp_test.h" using namespace LLCoreInt; // spin/sleep waiting times for client/server exchange tests // // These are now fairly generous to try to get around timeout // ('reasonable time') failures during execution on a heavily- // loaded system where the unit test is in competition with // other programs. static const int LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL(10000); static const int LOOP_COUNT_SHORT(500); // 5-second dwell time static const int LOOP_COUNT_LONG(3000); // 30-second dwell time namespace { #if defined(WIN32) void usleep(unsigned long usec); #endif } namespace tut { typedef std::vector > regex_container_t; struct HttpRequestTestData { // the test objects inherit from this so the member functions and variables // can be referenced directly inside of the test functions. size_t mMemTotal; int mHandlerCalls; HttpStatus mStatus; }; class TestHandler2 : public LLCore::HttpHandler { public: TestHandler2(HttpRequestTestData * state, const std::string & name) : mState(state), mName(name), mExpectHandle(LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID) {} virtual void onCompleted(HttpHandle handle, HttpResponse * response) { if (LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID != mExpectHandle) { ensure("Expected handle received in handler", mExpectHandle == handle); } ensure("Handler got a response", NULL != response); if (response && mState) { const HttpStatus actual_status(response->getStatus()); std::ostringstream test; test << "Expected HttpStatus received in response. Wanted: " << mState->mStatus.toHex() << " Received: " << actual_status.toHex(); ensure(test.str().c_str(), actual_status == mState->mStatus); } if (mState) { mState->mHandlerCalls++; } if (! mHeadersRequired.empty() || ! mHeadersDisallowed.empty()) { ensure("Response required with header check", response != NULL); HttpHeaders::ptr_t header(response->getHeaders()); // Will not hold onto this ensure("Some quantity of headers returned", header != NULL); if (! mHeadersRequired.empty()) { for (int i(0); i < mHeadersRequired.size(); ++i) { bool found = false; for (HttpHeaders::const_iterator iter(header->begin()); header->end() != iter; ++iter) { // std::cerr << "Header: " << (*iter).first // << ": " << (*iter).second << std::endl; if (boost::regex_match((*iter).first, mHeadersRequired[i].first) && boost::regex_match((*iter).second, mHeadersRequired[i].second)) { found = true; break; } } std::ostringstream str; str << "Required header # " << i << " found in response"; ensure(str.str(), found); } } if (! mHeadersDisallowed.empty()) { for (int i(0); i < mHeadersDisallowed.size(); ++i) { for (HttpHeaders::const_iterator iter(header->begin()); header->end() != iter; ++iter) { if (boost::regex_match((*iter).first, mHeadersDisallowed[i].first) && boost::regex_match((*iter).second, mHeadersDisallowed[i].second)) { std::ostringstream str; str << "Disallowed header # " << i << " not found in response"; ensure(str.str(), false); } } } } } if (! mCheckContentType.empty()) { ensure("Response required with content type check", response != NULL); std::string con_type(response->getContentType()); ensure("Content-Type as expected (" + mCheckContentType + ")", mCheckContentType == con_type); } // std::cout << "TestHandler2::onCompleted() invoked" << std::endl; } HttpRequestTestData * mState; std::string mName; HttpHandle mExpectHandle; std::string mCheckContentType; regex_container_t mHeadersRequired; regex_container_t mHeadersDisallowed; }; typedef test_group HttpRequestTestGroupType; typedef HttpRequestTestGroupType::object HttpRequestTestObjectType; HttpRequestTestGroupType HttpRequestTestGroup("HttpRequest Tests"); template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<1>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; set_test_name("HttpRequest construction"); HttpRequest * req = NULL; // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory being used", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; HttpRequest::destroyService(); // make sure we didn't leak any memory ensure("Memory returned", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); } catch (...) { delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<2>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; set_test_name("HttpRequest and Null Op queued"); HttpRequest * req = NULL; // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory being used", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); // Issue a NoOp HttpHandle handle = req->requestNoOp(LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t()); ensure("Request issued", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // We're still holding onto the operation which is // sitting, unserviced, on the request queue so... ensure("Memory being used 2", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); // Request queue should have two references: global singleton & service object ensure("Two references to request queue", 2 == HttpRequestQueue::instanceOf()->getRefCount()); // Okay, tear it down HttpRequest::destroyService(); // printf("Old mem: %d, New mem: %d\n", mMemTotal, GetMemTotal()); ensure("Memory returned", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } namespace { void NoOpDeletor(LLCore::HttpHandler *) { } } template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<3>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; set_test_name("HttpRequest NoOp + Stop execution"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory allocated on construction", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); // Issue a NoOp HttpHandle handle = req->requestNoOp(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for first request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_SHORT); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 1); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 2); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); ensure("Two handler calls on the way out", 2 == mHandlerCalls); // printf("Old mem: %d, New mem: %d\n", mMemTotal, GetMemTotal()); ensure("Memory usage back to that at entry", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<4>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; set_test_name("2 HttpRequest instances, one thread"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. TestHandler2 handler1(this, "handler1"); TestHandler2 handler2(this, "handler2"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handler1p(&handler1, NoOpDeletor); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handler2p(&handler2, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req1 = NULL; HttpRequest * req2 = NULL; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req1 = new HttpRequest(); req2 = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory allocated on construction", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); // Issue some NoOps HttpHandle handle = req1->requestNoOp(handler1p); ensure("Valid handle returned for first request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); handler1.mExpectHandle = handle; handle = req2->requestNoOp(handler2p); ensure("Valid handle returned for first request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); handler2.mExpectHandle = handle; // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req1->update(1000000); req2->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 2); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread handle = req2->requestStopThread(handler2p); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); handler2.mExpectHandle = handle; // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 3) { req1->update(1000000); req2->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 3); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release the request object delete req1; req1 = NULL; delete req2; req2 = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); ensure("Two handler calls on the way out", 3 == mHandlerCalls); // printf("Old mem: %d, New mem: %d\n", mMemTotal, GetMemTotal()); ensure("Memory usage back to that at entry", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); } catch (...) { stop_thread(req1); delete req1; delete req2; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<5>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; set_test_name("HttpRequest Spin (soft) + NoOp + hard termination"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory allocated on construction", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); // Issue a Spin HttpHandle handle = req->requestSpin(1); ensure("Valid handle returned for spin request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Issue a NoOp handle = req->requestNoOp(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for no-op request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_SHORT); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("NoOp notification received", mHandlerCalls == 1); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); // Check memory usage // printf("Old mem: %d, New mem: %d\n", mMemTotal, GetMemTotal()); ensure("Memory usage back to that at entry", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); // This memory test should work but could give problems as it // relies on the worker thread picking up a friendly request // to shutdown. Doing so, it drops references to things and // we should go back to where we started. If it gives you // problems, look into the code before commenting things out. } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<6>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; set_test_name("HttpRequest Spin + NoOp + hard termination"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; try { LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory allocated on construction", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); // Issue a Spin HttpHandle handle = req->requestSpin(0); // Hard spin ensure("Valid handle returned for spin request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Issue a NoOp handle = req->requestNoOp(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for no-op request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_SHORT); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("No notifications received", mHandlerCalls == 0); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); // Check memory usage // printf("Old mem: %d, New mem: %d\n", mMemTotal, GetMemTotal()); // ensure("Memory usage back to that at entry", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); // This memory test won't work because we're killing the thread // hard with the hard spinner. There's no opportunity to join // nicely so many things leak or get destroyed unilaterally. } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<7>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; set_test_name("HttpRequest GET to dead port + Stop execution"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; HttpOptions::ptr_t opts; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory allocated on construction", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); opts = HttpOptions::ptr_t(new HttpOptions()); opts->setRetries(1); // Don't try for too long - default retries take about 18S // Issue a GET that can't connect mStatus = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::EXT_CURL_EASY, CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT); HttpHandle handle = req->requestGetByteRange(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, "", 0, 0, opts, HttpHeaders::ptr_t(), handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for ranged request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 1); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread mStatus = HttpStatus(); handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 2); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release options opts.reset(); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); ensure("Two handler calls on the way out", 2 == mHandlerCalls); #if 0 // defined(WIN32) // Can't do this on any platform anymore, the LL logging system holds // on to memory and produces what looks like memory leaks... // printf("Old mem: %d, New mem: %d\n", mMemTotal, GetMemTotal()); ensure("Memory usage back to that at entry", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); #endif } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); opts.reset(); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<8>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; std::string url_base(get_base_url()); // std::cerr << "Base: " << url_base << std::endl; set_test_name("HttpRequest GET to real service"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory allocated on construction", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); // Issue a GET that *can* connect mStatus = HttpStatus(200); HttpHandle handle = req->requestGet(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base, HttpOptions::ptr_t(), HttpHeaders::ptr_t(), handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for ranged request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 1); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread mStatus = HttpStatus(); handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 2); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); ensure("Two handler calls on the way out", 2 == mHandlerCalls); #if defined(WIN32) // Can only do this memory test on Windows. On other platforms, // the LL logging system holds on to memory and produces what looks // like memory leaks... // printf("Old mem: %d, New mem: %d\n", mMemTotal, GetMemTotal()); ensure("Memory usage back to that at entry", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); #endif } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<9>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; std::string url_base(get_base_url()); // std::cerr << "Base: " << url_base << std::endl; set_test_name("HttpRequest GET with Range: header to real service"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory allocated on construction", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); // Issue a GET that *can* connect mStatus = HttpStatus(200); HttpHandle handle = req->requestGetByteRange(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base, 0, 0, HttpOptions::ptr_t(), HttpHeaders::ptr_t(), handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for ranged request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 1); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread mStatus = HttpStatus(); handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 2); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); ensure("Two handler calls on the way out", 2 == mHandlerCalls); #if defined(WIN32) // Can only do this memory test on Windows. On other platforms, // the LL logging system holds on to memory and produces what looks // like memory leaks... // printf("Old mem: %d, New mem: %d\n", mMemTotal, GetMemTotal()); ensure("Memory usage back to that at entry", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); #endif } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<10>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; std::string url_base(get_base_url()); // std::cerr << "Base: " << url_base << std::endl; set_test_name("HttpRequest PUT to real service"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; BufferArray * body = new BufferArray; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory allocated on construction", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); // Issue a GET that *can* connect static const char * body_text("Now is the time for all good men..."); body->append(body_text, strlen(body_text)); mStatus = HttpStatus(200); HttpHandle handle = req->requestPut(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base, body, HttpOptions::ptr_t(), HttpHeaders::ptr_t(), handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for ranged request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 1); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread mStatus = HttpStatus(); handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 2); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // Lose the request body body->release(); body = NULL; // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); ensure("Two handler calls on the way out", 2 == mHandlerCalls); #if 0 // defined(WIN32) // Can't do this on any platform anymore, the LL logging system holds // on to memory and produces what looks like memory leaks... // printf("Old mem: %d, New mem: %d\n", mMemTotal, GetMemTotal()); ensure("Memory usage back to that at entry", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); #endif } catch (...) { if (body) { body->release(); } stop_thread(req); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<11>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; std::string url_base(get_base_url()); // std::cerr << "Base: " << url_base << std::endl; set_test_name("HttpRequest POST to real service"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; BufferArray * body = new BufferArray; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory allocated on construction", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); // Issue a GET that *can* connect static const char * body_text("Now is the time for all good men..."); body->append(body_text, strlen(body_text)); mStatus = HttpStatus(200); HttpHandle handle = req->requestPost(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base, body, HttpOptions::ptr_t(), HttpHeaders::ptr_t(), handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for ranged request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 1); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread mStatus = HttpStatus(); handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 2); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // Lose the request body body->release(); body = NULL; // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); ensure("Two handler calls on the way out", 2 == mHandlerCalls); #if defined(WIN32) // Can only do this memory test on Windows. On other platforms, // the LL logging system holds on to memory and produces what looks // like memory leaks... // printf("Old mem: %d, New mem: %d\n", mMemTotal, GetMemTotal()); ensure("Memory usage back to that at entry", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); #endif } catch (...) { if (body) { body->release(); } stop_thread(req); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<12>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; std::string url_base(get_base_url()); // std::cerr << "Base: " << url_base << std::endl; set_test_name("HttpRequest GET with some tracing"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Enable tracing HttpRequest::setStaticPolicyOption(HttpRequest::PO_TRACE, HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 2, NULL); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory allocated on construction", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); // Issue a GET that *can* connect mStatus = HttpStatus(200); HttpHandle handle = req->requestGetByteRange(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base, 0, 0, HttpOptions::ptr_t(), HttpHeaders::ptr_t(), handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for ranged request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 1); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread mStatus = HttpStatus(); handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 2); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); ensure("Two handler calls on the way out", 2 == mHandlerCalls); #if 0 // defined(WIN32) // Can't do this on any platform anymore, the LL logging system holds // on to memory and produces what looks like memory leaks... // printf("Old mem: %d, New mem: %d\n", mMemTotal, GetMemTotal()); ensure("Memory usage back to that at entry", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); #endif } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<13>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; // Warmup boost::regex to pre-alloc memory for memory size tests boost::regex warmup("askldjflasdj;f", boost::regex::icase); boost::regex_match("akl;sjflajfk;ajsk", warmup); std::string url_base(get_base_url()); // std::cerr << "Base: " << url_base << std::endl; set_test_name("HttpRequest GET with returned headers"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); handler.mHeadersRequired.reserve(20); // Avoid memory leak test failure LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; HttpOptions::ptr_t opts; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Enable tracing HttpRequest::setStaticPolicyOption(HttpRequest::PO_TRACE, HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 2, NULL); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory allocated on construction", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); opts = HttpOptions::ptr_t(new HttpOptions()); opts->setWantHeaders(true); // Issue a GET that succeeds mStatus = HttpStatus(200); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type(boost::regex("X-LL-Special", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); HttpHandle handle = req->requestGetByteRange(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base, 0, 0, opts, HttpHeaders::ptr_t(), handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for ranged request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // release options opts.reset(); // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 1); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread mStatus = HttpStatus(); handler.mHeadersRequired.clear(); handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 2); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); ensure("Two handler calls on the way out", 2 == mHandlerCalls); #if defined(WIN32) // Can only do this memory test on Windows. On other platforms, // the LL logging system holds on to memory and produces what looks // like memory leaks... // printf("Old mem: %d, New mem: %d\n", mMemTotal, GetMemTotal()); ensure("Memory usage back to that at entry", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); #endif } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); opts.reset(); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<14>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; set_test_name("HttpRequest GET timeout"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); std::string url_base(get_base_url() + "/sleep/"); // path to a 30-second sleep // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; HttpOptions::ptr_t opts; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory allocated on construction", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); opts = HttpOptions::ptr_t(new HttpOptions); opts->setRetries(0); // Don't retry opts->setTimeout(2); // Issue a GET that sleeps mStatus = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::EXT_CURL_EASY, CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT); HttpHandle handle = req->requestGetByteRange(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base, 0, 0, opts, HttpHeaders::ptr_t(), handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for ranged request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 1); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread mStatus = HttpStatus(); handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 2); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release options opts.reset(); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); ensure("Two handler calls on the way out", 2 == mHandlerCalls); #if defined(WIN32) // Can only do this memory test on Windows. On other platforms, // the LL logging system holds on to memory and produces what looks // like memory leaks... // printf("Old mem: %d, New mem: %d\n", mMemTotal, GetMemTotal()); ensure("Memory usage back to that at entry", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); #endif } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); opts.reset(); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } // Test retrieval of Content-Type/Content-Encoding headers template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<15>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; std::string url_base(get_base_url()); // std::cerr << "Base: " << url_base << std::endl; set_test_name("HttpRequest GET with Content-Type"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // Load and clear the string setting to preload std::string object // for memory return tests. handler.mCheckContentType = "application/llsd+xml"; handler.mCheckContentType.clear(); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory allocated on construction", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); // Issue a GET that *can* connect mStatus = HttpStatus(200); handler.mCheckContentType = "application/llsd+xml"; HttpHandle handle = req->requestGet(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base, HttpOptions::ptr_t(), HttpHeaders::ptr_t(), handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for ranged request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 1); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread mStatus = HttpStatus(); handler.mCheckContentType.clear(); handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 2); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); ensure("Two handler calls on the way out", 2 == mHandlerCalls); #if defined(WIN32) // Can only do this memory test on Windows. On other platforms, // the LL logging system holds on to memory and produces what looks // like memory leaks... // printf("Old mem: %d, New mem: %d\n", mMemTotal, GetMemTotal()); ensure("Memory usage back to that at entry", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); #endif } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } // Test header generation on GET requests template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<16>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; // Warmup boost::regex to pre-alloc memory for memory size tests boost::regex warmup("askldjflasdj;f", boost::regex::icase); boost::regex_match("akl;sjflajfk;ajsk", warmup); std::string url_base(get_base_url()); set_test_name("Header generation for HttpRequest GET"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; HttpOptions::ptr_t options; HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); // options set options = HttpOptions::ptr_t(new HttpOptions()); options->setWantHeaders(true); // Issue a GET that *can* connect mStatus = HttpStatus(200); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-connection", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("keep-alive", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("\\*/\\*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("((gzip|deflate),\\s*)+(gzip|deflate)", boost::regex::icase))); // close enough handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-keep-alive", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("\\d+", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-host", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-cache-control", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-pragma", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-range", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-transfer-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-referer", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-type", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); HttpHandle handle = req->requestGet(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base + "reflect/", options, HttpHeaders::ptr_t(), handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for get request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 1); // Do a texture-style fetch headers = HttpHeaders::ptr_t(new HttpHeaders); headers->append("Accept", "image/x-j2c"); mStatus = HttpStatus(200); handler.mHeadersRequired.clear(); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.clear(); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-connection", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("keep-alive", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("image/x-j2c", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("((gzip|deflate),\\s*)+(gzip|deflate)", boost::regex::icase))); // close enough handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-keep-alive", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("\\d+", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-host", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("\\W*X-Reflect-range", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-cache-control", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-pragma", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-transfer-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-referer", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-type", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handle = req->requestGetByteRange(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base + "reflect/", 0, 47, options, headers, handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for ranged request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump. count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 2); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread mStatus = HttpStatus(); handler.mHeadersRequired.clear(); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.clear(); handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 3) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 3); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release options & headers options.reset(); headers.reset(); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); options.reset(); headers.reset(); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } // Test header generation on POST requests template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<17>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; // Warmup boost::regex to pre-alloc memory for memory size tests boost::regex warmup("askldjflasdj;f", boost::regex::icase); boost::regex_match("akl;sjflajfk;ajsk", warmup); std::string url_base(get_base_url()); set_test_name("Header generation for HttpRequest POST"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; HttpOptions::ptr_t options; HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers; BufferArray * ba = NULL; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); // options set options = HttpOptions::ptr_t(new HttpOptions()); options->setWantHeaders(true); // And a buffer array const char * msg("It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."); ba = new BufferArray; ba->append(msg, strlen(msg)); // Issue a default POST mStatus = HttpStatus(200); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-connection", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("keep-alive", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("\\*/\\*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("((gzip|deflate),\\s*)+(gzip|deflate)", boost::regex::icase))); // close enough handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-keep-alive", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("\\d+", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-host", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-length", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("\\d+", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-type", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-cache-control", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-pragma", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-range", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-referer", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-expect", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-transfer_encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*chunked.*", boost::regex::icase))); HttpHandle handle = req->requestPost(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base + "reflect/", ba, options, HttpHeaders::ptr_t(), handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for get request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); ba->release(); ba = NULL; // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 1); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread mStatus = HttpStatus(); handler.mHeadersRequired.clear(); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.clear(); handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 2); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release options & headers options.reset(); headers.reset(); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); if (ba) { ba->release(); ba = NULL; } options.reset(); headers.reset(); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } // Test header generation on PUT requests template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<18>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; // Warmup boost::regex to pre-alloc memory for memory size tests boost::regex warmup("askldjflasdj;f", boost::regex::icase); boost::regex_match("akl;sjflajfk;ajsk", warmup); std::string url_base(get_base_url()); set_test_name("Header generation for HttpRequest PUT"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; HttpOptions::ptr_t options; HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers; BufferArray * ba = NULL; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); // options set options = HttpOptions::ptr_t(new HttpOptions()); options->setWantHeaders(true); // And a buffer array const char * msg("It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."); ba = new BufferArray; ba->append(msg, strlen(msg)); // Issue a default PUT mStatus = HttpStatus(200); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-connection", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("keep-alive", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("\\*/\\*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("((gzip|deflate),\\s*)+(gzip|deflate)", boost::regex::icase))); // close enough handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-keep-alive", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("\\d+", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-host", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-length", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("\\d+", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-cache-control", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-pragma", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-range", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-referer", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-expect", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-transfer-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*chunked.*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-type", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); HttpHandle handle = req->requestPut(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base + "reflect/", ba, options, HttpHeaders::ptr_t(), handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for get request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); ba->release(); ba = NULL; // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 1); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread mStatus = HttpStatus(); handler.mHeadersRequired.clear(); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.clear(); handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 2); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release options & headers options.reset(); headers.reset(); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); if (ba) { ba->release(); ba = NULL; } options.reset(); headers.reset(); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } // Test header generation on GET requests with overrides template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<19>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; // Warmup boost::regex to pre-alloc memory for memory size tests boost::regex warmup("askldjflasdj;f", boost::regex::icase); boost::regex_match("akl;sjflajfk;ajsk", warmup); std::string url_base(get_base_url()); set_test_name("Header generation for HttpRequest GET with header overrides"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; HttpOptions::ptr_t options; HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); // options set options = HttpOptions::ptr_t(new HttpOptions()); options->setWantHeaders(true); // headers headers = HttpHeaders::ptr_t(new HttpHeaders); headers->append("Keep-Alive", "120"); headers->append("Accept-encoding", "deflate"); headers->append("Accept", "text/plain"); // Issue a GET with modified headers mStatus = HttpStatus(200); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-connection", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("keep-alive", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("text/plain", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("deflate", boost::regex::icase))); // close enough handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-keep-alive", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("120", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-host", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("((gzip|deflate),\\s*)+(gzip|deflate)", boost::regex::icase))); // close enough handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-keep-alive", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("300", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("\\*/\\*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-cache-control", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-pragma", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-range", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-transfer-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-referer", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-type", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); HttpHandle handle = req->requestGet(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base + "reflect/", options, headers, handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for get request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 1); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread mStatus = HttpStatus(); handler.mHeadersRequired.clear(); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.clear(); handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 2); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release options & headers options.reset(); headers.reset(); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); options.reset(); headers.reset(); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } // Test header generation on POST requests with overrides template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<20>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; // Warmup boost::regex to pre-alloc memory for memory size tests boost::regex warmup("askldjflasdj;f", boost::regex::icase); boost::regex_match("akl;sjflajfk;ajsk", warmup); std::string url_base(get_base_url()); set_test_name("Header generation for HttpRequest POST with header overrides"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; HttpOptions::ptr_t options; HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers; BufferArray * ba = NULL; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); // options set options = HttpOptions::ptr_t(new HttpOptions()); options->setWantHeaders(true); // headers headers = HttpHeaders::ptr_t(new HttpHeaders()); headers->append("keep-Alive", "120"); headers->append("Accept", "text/html"); headers->append("content-type", "application/llsd+xml"); headers->append("cache-control", "no-store"); // And a buffer array const char * msg("It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."); ba = new BufferArray; ba->append(msg, strlen(msg)); // Issue a default POST mStatus = HttpStatus(200); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-connection", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("keep-alive", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("text/html", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("((gzip|deflate),\\s*)+(gzip|deflate)", boost::regex::icase))); // close enough handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-keep-alive", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("120", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-host", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-length", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("\\d+", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-type", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("application/llsd\\+xml", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-cache-control", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("no-store", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-type", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("\\*/\\*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-keep-alive", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("300", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-pragma", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-range", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-referer", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-expect", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-transfer-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); HttpHandle handle = req->requestPost(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base + "reflect/", ba, options, headers, handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for get request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); ba->release(); ba = NULL; // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 1); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread mStatus = HttpStatus(); handler.mHeadersRequired.clear(); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.clear(); handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 2); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release options & headers options.reset(); headers.reset(); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); if (ba) { ba->release(); ba = NULL; } options.reset(); headers.reset(); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } // Test header generation on PUT requests with overrides template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<21>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; // Warmup boost::regex to pre-alloc memory for memory size tests boost::regex warmup("askldjflasdj;f", boost::regex::icase); boost::regex_match("akl;sjflajfk;ajsk", warmup); std::string url_base(get_base_url()); set_test_name("Header generation for HttpRequest PUT with header overrides"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; HttpOptions::ptr_t options; HttpHeaders::ptr_t headers; BufferArray * ba = NULL; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); // options set options = HttpOptions::ptr_t(new HttpOptions()); options->setWantHeaders(true); // headers headers = HttpHeaders::ptr_t(new HttpHeaders); headers->append("content-type", "text/plain"); headers->append("content-type", "text/html"); headers->append("content-type", "application/llsd+xml"); // And a buffer array const char * msg("It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."); ba = new BufferArray; ba->append(msg, strlen(msg)); // Issue a default PUT mStatus = HttpStatus(200); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-connection", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("keep-alive", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("\\*/\\*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-accept-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("((gzip|deflate),\\s*)+(gzip|deflate)", boost::regex::icase))); // close enough handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-keep-alive", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("\\d+", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-host", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-length", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("\\d+", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersRequired.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-type", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("application/llsd\\+xml", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-cache-control", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-pragma", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-range", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-referer", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-expect", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-transfer-encoding", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex(".*", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-type", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("text/plain", boost::regex::icase))); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.push_back( regex_container_t::value_type( boost::regex("X-Reflect-content-type", boost::regex::icase), boost::regex("text/html", boost::regex::icase))); HttpHandle handle = req->requestPut(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base + "reflect/", ba, options, headers, handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for get request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); ba->release(); ba = NULL; // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == 1); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread mStatus = HttpStatus(); handler.mHeadersRequired.clear(); handler.mHeadersDisallowed.clear(); handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 2) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 2); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release options & headers options.reset(); headers.reset(); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); if (ba) { ba->release(); ba = NULL; } options.reset(); headers.reset(); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } // BUG-2295 Tests - Content-Range header received but no body template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<22>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; std::string url_base(get_base_url()); // std::cerr << "Base: " << url_base << std::endl; set_test_name("BUG-2295"); // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpOptions::ptr_t options; HttpRequest * req = NULL; try { // options set options = HttpOptions::ptr_t(new HttpOptions()); options->setRetries(1); // Partial_File is retryable and can timeout in here // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory allocated on construction", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); // ====================================== // Issue bug2295 GETs that will get a 206 // ====================================== mStatus = HttpStatus(206); static const int test_count(3); for (int i(0); i < test_count; ++i) { char buffer[128]; sprintf(buffer, "/bug2295/%d/", i); HttpHandle handle = req->requestGetByteRange(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base + buffer, 0, 25, options, HttpHeaders::ptr_t(), handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for ranged request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); } // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < test_count) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time - ms1", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for each request - ms1", mHandlerCalls == test_count); // ====================================== // Issue bug2295 GETs that will get a libcurl 18 (PARTIAL_FILE) // ====================================== mHandlerCalls = 0; mStatus = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::EXT_CURL_EASY, CURLE_PARTIAL_FILE); static const int test2_count(1); for (int i(0); i < test2_count; ++i) { char buffer[128]; sprintf(buffer, "/bug2295/00000012/%d/", i); HttpHandle handle = req->requestGetByteRange(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base + buffer, 0, 25, options, HttpHeaders::ptr_t(), handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for ranged request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); } // Run the notification pump. count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < test2_count) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time - ms2", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for each request - ms2", mHandlerCalls == test2_count); // ====================================== // Issue bug2295 GETs that will get an llcorehttp HE_INV_CONTENT_RANGE_HDR status // ====================================== mHandlerCalls = 0; mStatus = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::LLCORE, HE_INV_CONTENT_RANGE_HDR); static const int test3_count(1); for (int i(0); i < test3_count; ++i) { char buffer[128]; sprintf(buffer, "/bug2295/inv_cont_range/%d/", i); HttpHandle handle = req->requestGetByteRange(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url_base + buffer, 0, 25, options, HttpHeaders::ptr_t(), handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for ranged request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); } // Run the notification pump. count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < test3_count) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time - ms3", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for each request - ms3", mHandlerCalls == test3_count); // ====================================== // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread // ====================================== mStatus = HttpStatus(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpHandle handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Shutdown request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Shutdown handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 1); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release options options.reset(); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); #if defined(WIN32) // Can only do this memory test on Windows. On other platforms, // the LL logging system holds on to memory and produces what looks // like memory leaks... // printf("Old mem: %d, New mem: %d\n", mMemTotal, GetMemTotal()); ensure("Memory usage back to that at entry", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); #endif } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } template <> template <> void HttpRequestTestObjectType::test<23>() { ScopedCurlInit ready; set_test_name("HttpRequest GET 503s with 'Retry-After'"); // This tests mainly that the code doesn't fall over if // various well- and mis-formed Retry-After headers are // sent along with the response. Direct inspection of // the parsing result isn't supported. // Handler can be stack-allocated *if* there are no dangling // references to it after completion of this method. // Create before memory record as the string copy will bump numbers. TestHandler2 handler(this, "handler"); LLCore::HttpHandler::ptr_t handlerp(&handler, NoOpDeletor); std::string url_base(get_base_url() + "/503/"); // path to 503 generators // record the total amount of dynamically allocated memory mMemTotal = GetMemTotal(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpRequest * req = NULL; HttpOptions::ptr_t opts; try { // Get singletons created HttpRequest::createService(); // Start threading early so that thread memory is invariant // over the test. HttpRequest::startThread(); // create a new ref counted object with an implicit reference req = new HttpRequest(); ensure("Memory allocated on construction", mMemTotal < GetMemTotal()); opts = HttpOptions::ptr_t(new HttpOptions()); opts->setRetries(1); // Retry once only opts->setUseRetryAfter(true); // Try to parse the retry-after header // Issue a GET that 503s with valid retry-after mStatus = HttpStatus(503); int url_limit(6); for (int i(0); i < url_limit; ++i) { std::ostringstream url; url << url_base << i << "/"; HttpHandle handle = req->requestGetByteRange(HttpRequest::DEFAULT_POLICY_ID, 0U, url.str(), 0, 0, opts, HttpHeaders::ptr_t(), handlerp); std::ostringstream testtag; testtag << "Valid handle returned for 503 request #" << i; ensure(testtag.str(), handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); } // Run the notification pump. int count(0); int limit(LOOP_COUNT_LONG); while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < url_limit) { req->update(0); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("One handler invocation for request", mHandlerCalls == url_limit); // Okay, request a shutdown of the servicing thread mStatus = HttpStatus(); mHandlerCalls = 0; HttpHandle handle = req->requestStopThread(handlerp); ensure("Valid handle returned for second request", handle != LLCORE_HTTP_HANDLE_INVALID); // Run the notification pump again count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_LONG; while (count++ < limit && mHandlerCalls < 1) { req->update(1000000); usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Second request executed in reasonable time", count < limit); ensure("Second handler invocation", mHandlerCalls == 1); // See that we actually shutdown the thread count = 0; limit = LOOP_COUNT_SHORT; while (count++ < limit && ! HttpService::isStopped()) { usleep(LOOP_SLEEP_INTERVAL); } ensure("Thread actually stopped running", HttpService::isStopped()); // release options opts.reset(); // release the request object delete req; req = NULL; // Shut down service HttpRequest::destroyService(); #if defined(WIN32) // Can only do this memory test on Windows. On other platforms, // the LL logging system holds on to memory and produces what looks // like memory leaks... // printf("Old mem: %d, New mem: %d\n", mMemTotal, GetMemTotal()); ensure("Memory usage back to that at entry", mMemTotal == GetMemTotal()); #endif } catch (...) { stop_thread(req); opts.reset(); delete req; HttpRequest::destroyService(); throw; } } } // end namespace tut namespace { #if defined(WIN32) void usleep(unsigned long usec) { Sleep((DWORD) (usec / 1000UL)); } #endif } #endif // TEST_LLCORE_HTTP_REQUEST_H_