 * @file _httpoprequest.h
 * @brief Internal declarations for the HttpOpRequest subclass
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2012&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include "linden_common.h"      // Modifies curl/curl.h interfaces

#include <string>
#include <curl/curl.h>

#include <openssl/x509_vfy.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>

#include "httpcommon.h"
#include "httprequest.h"
#include "_httpoperation.h"
#include "_refcounted.h"

#include "httpheaders.h"
#include "httpoptions.h"

namespace LLCore

class BufferArray;

/// HttpOpRequest requests a supported HTTP method invocation with
/// option and header overrides.
/// Essentially an RPC to get an HTTP GET, POST or PUT executed
/// asynchronously with options to override behaviors and HTTP
/// headers.
/// Constructor creates a raw object incapable of useful work.
/// A subsequent call to one of the setupXXX() methods provides
/// the information needed to make a working request which can
/// then be enqueued to a request queue.
class HttpOpRequest : public HttpOperation
    typedef std::shared_ptr<HttpOpRequest> ptr_t;


    virtual ~HttpOpRequest();                           // Use release()

    HttpOpRequest(const HttpOpRequest &);               // Not defined
    void operator=(const HttpOpRequest &);              // Not defined

    enum EMethod
    static std::string methodToString(const EMethod &);

    virtual void stageFromRequest(HttpService *);
    virtual void stageFromReady(HttpService *);
    virtual void stageFromActive(HttpService *);

    virtual void visitNotifier(HttpRequest * request);

    /// Setup Methods
    /// Basically an RPC setup for each type of HTTP method
    /// invocation with one per method type.  These are
    /// generally invoked right after construction.
    /// Threading:  called by application thread
    HttpStatus setupGet(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
                        const std::string & url,
                        const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
                        const HttpHeaders::ptr_t & headers);

    HttpStatus setupGetByteRange(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
                                 const std::string & url,
                                 size_t offset,
                                 size_t len,
                                 const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
                                 const HttpHeaders::ptr_t & headers);

    HttpStatus setupPost(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
                         const std::string & url,
                         BufferArray * body,
                         const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
                         const HttpHeaders::ptr_t & headers);

    HttpStatus setupPut(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
                        const std::string & url,
                        BufferArray * body,
                        const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
                        const HttpHeaders::ptr_t & headers);

    HttpStatus setupDelete(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
                        const std::string & url,
                        const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
                        const HttpHeaders::ptr_t & headers);

    HttpStatus setupPatch(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
                        const std::string & url,
                        BufferArray * body,
                        const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
                        const HttpHeaders::ptr_t & headers);

    HttpStatus setupCopy(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
                        const std::string & url,
                        const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
                        const HttpHeaders::ptr_t & headers);

    HttpStatus setupMove(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
                        const std::string & url,
                        const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
                        const HttpHeaders::ptr_t & headers);

    // Internal method used to setup the libcurl options for a request.
    // Does all the libcurl handle setup in one place.
    // Threading:  called by worker thread
    HttpStatus prepareRequest(HttpService * service);

    virtual HttpStatus cancel();

    // Common setup for all the request methods.
    // Threading:  called by application thread
    void setupCommon(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
                     const std::string & url,
                     BufferArray * body,
                     const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
                     const HttpHeaders::ptr_t & headers);

    // libcurl operational callbacks
    // Threading:  called by worker thread
    static size_t writeCallback(void * data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void * userdata);
    static size_t readCallback(void * data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void * userdata);
    static int seekCallback(void *data, curl_off_t offset, int origin);
    static size_t headerCallback(void * data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void * userdata);
    static CURLcode curlSslCtxCallback(CURL *curl, void *ssl_ctx, void *userptr);
    static int sslCertVerifyCallback(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, void *param);

    static int debugCallback(CURL *, curl_infotype info, char * buffer, size_t len, void * userdata);

    unsigned int        mProcFlags;
    static const unsigned int   PF_SCAN_RANGE_HEADER = 0x00000001U;
    static const unsigned int   PF_SAVE_HEADERS = 0x00000002U;
    static const unsigned int   PF_USE_RETRY_AFTER = 0x00000004U;

    HttpRequest::policyCallback_t   mCallbackSSLVerify;

    // Request data
    EMethod             mReqMethod;
    std::string         mReqURL;
    BufferArray *       mReqBody;
    off_t               mReqOffset;
    size_t              mReqLength;
    HttpHeaders::ptr_t  mReqHeaders;
    HttpOptions::ptr_t  mReqOptions;

    // Transport data
    bool                mCurlActive;
    CURL *              mCurlHandle;
    HttpService *       mCurlService;
    curl_slist *        mCurlHeaders;
    size_t              mCurlBodyPos;
    char *              mCurlTemp;              // Scratch buffer for header processing
    size_t              mCurlTempLen;

    // Result data
    HttpStatus          mStatus;
    BufferArray *       mReplyBody;
    off_t               mReplyOffset;
    size_t              mReplyLength;
    size_t              mReplyFullLength;
    HttpHeaders::ptr_t  mReplyHeaders;
    std::string         mReplyConType;
    int                 mReplyRetryAfter;

    // Policy data
    int                 mPolicyRetries;
    int                 mPolicy503Retries;
    HttpTime            mPolicyRetryAt;
    int                 mPolicyRetryLimit;
    HttpTime            mPolicyMinRetryBackoff; // initial delay between retries (mcs)
    HttpTime            mPolicyMaxRetryBackoff;
};  // end class HttpOpRequest

// ---------------------------------------
// Free functions
// ---------------------------------------

// Internal function to append the contents of an HttpHeaders
// instance to a curl_slist object.
curl_slist * append_headers_to_slist(const HttpHeaders::ptr_t &, curl_slist * slist);

}   // end namespace LLCore