 * @file _httpoprequest.cpp
 * @brief Definitions for internal class HttpOpRequest
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2012&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2014, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#include "_httpoprequest.h"

#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>

#include "httpcommon.h"
#include "httphandler.h"
#include "httpresponse.h"
#include "bufferarray.h"
#include "httpheaders.h"
#include "httpoptions.h"

#include "_httprequestqueue.h"
#include "_httpreplyqueue.h"
#include "_httpservice.h"
#include "_httppolicy.h"
#include "_httppolicyglobal.h"
#include "_httplibcurl.h"
#include "_httpinternal.h"

#include "llhttpconstants.h"
#include "llproxy.h"

#include "httpstats.h"

// *DEBUG:  "[curl:bugs] #1420" problem and testing.
// A pipelining problem, https://sourceforge.net/p/curl/bugs/1420/,
// was a source of Core_9 failures.  Code related to this can be
// identified and tested by:
// * Looking for '[curl:bugs]' strings in source and following
//   instructions there.
// * Set 'QAModeHttpTrace' to 2 or 3 in settings.xml and look for
//   'timed out' events in the log.
// * Enable the HttpRangeRequestsDisable debug setting which causes
//   full asset fetches.  These slow the pipelines down a bit.


// Attempts to parse a 'Content-Range:' header.  Caller must already
// have verified that the header tag is present.  The 'buffer' argument
// will be processed by strtok_r calls which will modify the buffer.
// @return      -1 if invalid and response should be dropped, 0 if valid an
//              correct, 1 if couldn't be parsed.  If 0, the first, last,
//              and length arguments are also written.  'length' may be
//              0 if the length wasn't available to the server.
int parse_content_range_header(char * buffer,
                               unsigned int * first,
                               unsigned int * last,
                               unsigned int * length);

// Similar for Retry-After headers.  Only parses the delta form
// of the header, HTTP time formats aren't interesting for client
// purposes.
// @return      0 if successfully parsed and seconds time delta
//              returned in time argument.
int parse_retry_after_header(char * buffer, int * time);

// Take data from libcurl's CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION callback and
// escape and format it for a tracing line in logging.  Absolutely
// anything including NULs can be in the data.  If @scrub is true,
// non-printing or non-ascii characters are replaced with spaces
// otherwise a %XX form of escaping is used.
void escape_libcurl_debug_data(char * buffer, size_t len, bool scrub,
                               std::string & safe_line);

// OS-neutral string comparisons of various types.
int os_strcasecmp(const char * s1, const char * s2);
char * os_strtok_r(char * str, const char * delim, char ** saveptr);
char * os_strtrim(char * str);
char * os_strltrim(char * str);
void os_strlower(char * str);

// Error testing and reporting for libcurl status codes
void check_curl_easy_code(CURLcode code, int curl_setopt_option);

// This is a template because different 'option' values require different
// types for 'ARG'. Just pass them through unchanged (by value).
template <typename ARG>
void check_curl_easy_setopt(CURL* handle, CURLoption option, ARG argument)
    CURLcode code = curl_easy_setopt(handle, option, argument);
    check_curl_easy_code(code, option);

static const char * const LOG_CORE("CoreHttp");

} // end anonymous namespace

namespace LLCore

    : HttpOperation(),
    // *NOTE:  As members are added, retry initialization/cleanup
    // may need to be extended in @see prepareRequest().

    if (mReqBody)
        mReqBody = NULL;

    if (mCurlHandle)
        // Uncertain of thread context so free using
        // safest method.
        mCurlHandle = NULL;

    mCurlService = NULL;

    if (mCurlHeaders)
        mCurlHeaders = NULL;

    delete [] mCurlTemp;
    mCurlTemp = NULL;
    mCurlTempLen = 0;

    if (mReplyBody)
        mReplyBody = NULL;


void HttpOpRequest::stageFromRequest(HttpService * service)
    HttpOpRequest::ptr_t self(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<HttpOpRequest>(shared_from_this()));
    service->getPolicy().addOp(self);           // transfers refcount

void HttpOpRequest::stageFromReady(HttpService * service)
    HttpOpRequest::ptr_t self(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<HttpOpRequest>(shared_from_this()));
    service->getTransport().addOp(self);        // transfers refcount

void HttpOpRequest::stageFromActive(HttpService * service)
    if (mReplyLength)
        // If non-zero, we received and processed a Content-Range
        // header with the response.  If there is received data
        // (and there may not be due to protocol violations,
        // HEAD requests, etc., see BUG-2295) Verify that what it
        // says is consistent with the received data.
        if (mReplyBody && mReplyBody->size() && mReplyLength != mReplyBody->size())
            // Not as expected, fail the request
            mStatus = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::LLCORE, HE_INV_CONTENT_RANGE_HDR);

    if (mCurlHeaders)
        // We take these headers out of the request now as they were
        // allocated originally in this thread and the notifier doesn't
        // need them.  This eliminates one source of heap moving across
        // threads.

        mCurlHeaders = NULL;

    // Also not needed on the other side
    delete [] mCurlTemp;
    mCurlTemp = NULL;
    mCurlTempLen = 0;


void HttpOpRequest::visitNotifier(HttpRequest * request)
    if (mUserHandler)
        HttpResponse * response = new HttpResponse();


        if (mReplyOffset || mReplyLength)
            // Got an explicit offset/length in response
            response->setRange(mReplyOffset, static_cast<unsigned int>(mReplyLength), static_cast<unsigned int>(mReplyFullLength));
        response->setRetries(mPolicyRetries, mPolicy503Retries);

        HttpResponse::TransferStats::ptr_t stats = HttpResponse::TransferStats::ptr_t(new HttpResponse::TransferStats);

        curl_easy_getinfo(mCurlHandle, CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD, &stats->mSizeDownload);
        curl_easy_getinfo(mCurlHandle, CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME, &stats->mTotalTime);
        curl_easy_getinfo(mCurlHandle, CURLINFO_SPEED_DOWNLOAD, &stats->mSpeedDownload);


        mUserHandler->onCompleted(this->getHandle(), response);


// /*static*/
// HttpOpRequest::ptr_t HttpOpRequest::fromHandle(HttpHandle handle)
// {
//     return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<HttpOpRequest>((static_cast<HttpOpRequest *>(handle))->shared_from_this());
// }

HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::cancel()
    mStatus = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::LLCORE, HE_OP_CANCELED);


    return HttpStatus();

HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::setupGet(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
                                   const std::string & url,
                                   const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
                                   const HttpHeaders::ptr_t & headers)
    setupCommon(policy_id, url, NULL, options, headers);
    mReqMethod = HOR_GET;

    return HttpStatus();

HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::setupGetByteRange(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
                                            const std::string & url,
                                            size_t offset,
                                            size_t len,
                                            const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
                                            const HttpHeaders::ptr_t & headers)
    setupCommon(policy_id, url, NULL, options, headers);
    mReqMethod = HOR_GET;
    mReqOffset = static_cast<off_t>(offset);
    mReqLength = len;
    if (offset || len)
        mProcFlags |= PF_SCAN_RANGE_HEADER;

    return HttpStatus();

HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::setupPost(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
                                    const std::string & url,
                                    BufferArray * body,
                                    const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
                                    const HttpHeaders::ptr_t & headers)
    setupCommon(policy_id, url, body, options, headers);
    mReqMethod = HOR_POST;

    return HttpStatus();

HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::setupPut(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
                                   const std::string & url,
                                   BufferArray * body,
                                   const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
                                   const HttpHeaders::ptr_t & headers)
    setupCommon(policy_id, url, body, options, headers);
    mReqMethod = HOR_PUT;

    return HttpStatus();

HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::setupDelete(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
    const std::string & url,
    const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
    const HttpHeaders::ptr_t & headers)
    setupCommon(policy_id, url, NULL, options, headers);
    mReqMethod = HOR_DELETE;

    return HttpStatus();

HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::setupPatch(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
    const std::string & url,
    BufferArray * body,
    const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
    const HttpHeaders::ptr_t & headers)
    setupCommon(policy_id, url, body, options, headers);
    mReqMethod = HOR_PATCH;

    return HttpStatus();

HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::setupCopy(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
    const std::string & url,
    const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
    const HttpHeaders::ptr_t &headers)
    setupCommon(policy_id, url, NULL, options, headers);
    mReqMethod = HOR_COPY;

    return HttpStatus();

HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::setupMove(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
    const std::string & url,
    const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
    const HttpHeaders::ptr_t &headers)
    setupCommon(policy_id, url, NULL, options, headers);
    mReqMethod = HOR_MOVE;

    return HttpStatus();

void HttpOpRequest::setupCommon(HttpRequest::policy_t policy_id,
                                const std::string & url,
                                BufferArray * body,
                                const HttpOptions::ptr_t & options,
                                const HttpHeaders::ptr_t & headers)
    mProcFlags = 0U;
    mReqPolicy = policy_id;
    mReqURL = url;
    if (body)
        mReqBody = body;
    if (headers && ! mReqHeaders)
        mReqHeaders = headers;
    if (options && !mReqOptions)
        mReqOptions = options;
        if (options->getWantHeaders())
            mProcFlags |= PF_SAVE_HEADERS;
        if (options->getUseRetryAfter())
            mProcFlags |= PF_USE_RETRY_AFTER;
        mPolicyRetryLimit = options->getRetries();
        mPolicyRetryLimit = llclamp(mPolicyRetryLimit, HTTP_RETRY_COUNT_MIN, HTTP_RETRY_COUNT_MAX);
        mTracing = (std::max)(mTracing, llclamp(options->getTrace(), HTTP_TRACE_MIN, HTTP_TRACE_MAX));

        mPolicyMinRetryBackoff = llclamp(options->getMinBackoff(), HttpTime(0), HTTP_RETRY_BACKOFF_MAX);
        mPolicyMaxRetryBackoff = llclamp(options->getMaxBackoff(), mPolicyMinRetryBackoff, HTTP_RETRY_BACKOFF_MAX);

// Sets all libcurl options and data for a request.
// Used both for initial requests and to 'reload' for
// a retry, generally with a different CURL handle.
// Junk may be left around from a failed request and that
// needs to be cleaned out.
// *TODO:  Move this to _httplibcurl where it belongs.
HttpStatus HttpOpRequest::prepareRequest(HttpService * service)
    // Scrub transport and result data for retried op case
    mCurlActive = false;
    mCurlHandle = NULL;
    mCurlService = NULL;
    if (mCurlHeaders)
        mCurlHeaders = NULL;
    mCurlBodyPos = 0;

    if (mReplyBody)
        mReplyBody = NULL;
    mReplyOffset = 0;
    mReplyLength = 0;
    mReplyFullLength = 0;

    // *FIXME:  better error handling later
    HttpStatus status;

    // Get global and class policy options
    HttpPolicyGlobal & gpolicy(service->getPolicy().getGlobalOptions());
    HttpPolicyClass & cpolicy(service->getPolicy().getClassOptions(mReqPolicy));

    mCurlHandle = service->getTransport().getHandle();
    if (! mCurlHandle)
        // We're in trouble.  We'll continue but it won't go well.
        LL_WARNS(LOG_CORE) << "Failed to allocate libcurl easy handle.  Continuing."
                           << LL_ENDL;
        return HttpStatus(HttpStatus::LLCORE, HE_BAD_ALLOC);

    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4);
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1);
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1);
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, mReqURL.c_str());
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_PRIVATE, getHandle());
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "");

    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1);
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, HTTP_REDIRECTS_DEFAULT);
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, writeCallback);
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, getHandle());
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, readCallback);
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_READDATA, getHandle());
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SEEKFUNCTION, seekCallback);
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SEEKDATA, getHandle());

    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "");

    if (gpolicy.mSslCtxCallback)
        check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_FUNCTION, curlSslCtxCallback);
        check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_DATA, getHandle());
        mCallbackSSLVerify = gpolicy.mSslCtxCallback;

    long follow_redirect(1L);
    long sslPeerV(0L);
    long sslHostV(0L);
    long dnsCacheTimeout(-1L);
    long nobody(0L);

    if (mReqOptions)
        follow_redirect = mReqOptions->getFollowRedirects() ? 1L : 0L;
        sslPeerV = mReqOptions->getSSLVerifyPeer() ? 1L : 0L;
        sslHostV = mReqOptions->getSSLVerifyHost() ? 2L : 0L;
        dnsCacheTimeout = mReqOptions->getDNSCacheTimeout();
        nobody = mReqOptions->getHeadersOnly() ? 1L : 0L;
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, follow_redirect);

    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, sslPeerV);
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, sslHostV);

    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, nobody);

    // The Linksys WRT54G V5 router has an issue with frequent
    // DNS lookups from LAN machines.  If they happen too often,
    // like for every HTTP request, the router gets annoyed after
    // about 700 or so requests and starts issuing TCP RSTs to
    // new connections.  Reuse the DNS lookups for even a few
    // seconds and no RSTs.
    // -1 stores forever
    // 0  never stores
    // any other positive number specifies seconds
    // supposedly curl 7.62.0 can use TTL by default, otherwise default is 60 seconds
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT, dnsCacheTimeout);

    if (gpolicy.mUseLLProxy)
        // Use the viewer-based thread-safe API which has a
        // fast/safe check for proxy enable.  Would like to
        // encapsulate this someway...
        // Make sure proxy won't be getInstance() from here,
        // it is not thread safe

    else if (gpolicy.mHttpProxy.size())
        // *TODO:  This is fine for now but get fuller socks5/
        // authentication thing going later....
        check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_PROXY, gpolicy.mHttpProxy.c_str());
        check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_HTTP);
    if (gpolicy.mCAPath.size())
        check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CAPATH, gpolicy.mCAPath.c_str());
    if (gpolicy.mCAFile.size())
        check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CAINFO, gpolicy.mCAFile.c_str());

    switch (mReqMethod)
    case HOR_GET:
        if (nobody == 0)
            check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1);

    case HOR_POST:
            check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
            check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "");
            long data_size(0);
            if (mReqBody)
                data_size = static_cast<long>(mReqBody->size());
            check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, static_cast<void *>(NULL));
            check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, data_size);
            mCurlHeaders = curl_slist_append(mCurlHeaders, "Expect:");

    case HOR_PATCH:
        check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PATCH");
        // fall through.  The rest is the same as PUT
    case HOR_PUT:
            check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1);
            long data_size(0);
            if (mReqBody)
                data_size = static_cast<long>(mReqBody->size());
            check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, data_size);
            mCurlHeaders = curl_slist_append(mCurlHeaders, "Expect:");

    case HOR_DELETE:
        check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE");

    case HOR_COPY:
        check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "COPY");

    case HOR_MOVE:
        check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "MOVE");

        LL_ERRS(LOG_CORE) << "Invalid HTTP method in request:  "
                          << int(mReqMethod)  << ".  Can't recover."
                          << LL_ENDL;

    // *TODO: Should this be 'Keep-Alive' ?
    mCurlHeaders = curl_slist_append(mCurlHeaders, "Connection: keep-alive");
    mCurlHeaders = curl_slist_append(mCurlHeaders, "Keep-alive: 300");

    // Tracing
    if (mTracing >= HTTP_TRACE_CURL_HEADERS)
        check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
        check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_DEBUGDATA, this);
        check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION, debugCallback);

    // There's a CURLOPT for this now...
    if ((mReqOffset || mReqLength) && HOR_GET == mReqMethod)
        static const char * const fmt1("Range: bytes=%lu-%lu");
        static const char * const fmt2("Range: bytes=%lu-");

        char range_line[64];

        _snprintf_s(range_line, sizeof(range_line), sizeof(range_line) - 1,
                    (mReqLength ? fmt1 : fmt2),
                    (unsigned long) mReqOffset, (unsigned long) (mReqOffset + mReqLength - 1));
        if ( mReqLength )
            snprintf(range_line, sizeof(range_line),
                     (unsigned long) mReqOffset, (unsigned long) (mReqOffset + mReqLength - 1));
            snprintf(range_line, sizeof(range_line),
                     (unsigned long) mReqOffset);
#endif // LL_WINDOWS
        range_line[sizeof(range_line) - 1] = '\0';
        mCurlHeaders = curl_slist_append(mCurlHeaders, range_line);

    mCurlHeaders = curl_slist_append(mCurlHeaders, "Pragma:");

    // Request options
    if (mReqOptions)
        timeout = mReqOptions->getTimeout();
        timeout = llclamp(timeout, HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MIN, HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MAX);
        xfer_timeout = mReqOptions->getTransferTimeout();
        xfer_timeout = llclamp(xfer_timeout, HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MIN, HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MAX);
    if (xfer_timeout == 0L)
        xfer_timeout = timeout;
    if (cpolicy.mPipelining > 1L)
        // Pipelining affects both connection and transfer timeout values.
        // Requests that are added to a pipeling immediately have completed
        // their connection so the connection delay tends to be less than
        // the non-pipelined value.  Transfers are the opposite.  Transfer
        // timeout starts once the connection is established and completion
        // can be delayed due to the pipelined requests ahead.  So, it's
        // a handwave but bump the transfer timeout up by the pipelining
        // depth to give some room.
        // BUG-7698, BUG-7688, BUG-7694 (others).  Scylla and Charybdis
        // situation.  Operating against a CDN having service issues may
        // lead to requests stalling for an arbitrarily long time with only
        // the CURLOPT_TIMEOUT value leading to a closed connection.  Sadly
        // for pipelining, libcurl (7.39.0 and earlier, at minimum) starts
        // the clock on this value as soon as a request is started down
        // the wire.  We want a short value to recover and retry from the
        // CDN.  We need a long value to safely deal with a succession of
        // piled-up pipelined requests.
        // *TODO:  Find a better scheme than timeouts to guarantee liveness.
        // Progress on the connection is what we really want, not timeouts.
        // But we don't have access to that and the request progress indicators
        // (various libcurl callbacks) have the same problem TIMEOUT does.
        // xfer_timeout *= cpolicy.mPipelining;
        xfer_timeout *= 2L;

        // Also try requesting HTTP/2.
        // but for test purposes, only if overriding VIEWERASSET
        if (getenv("VIEWERASSET"))
        check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0);
    // *DEBUG:  Enable following override for timeout handling and "[curl:bugs] #1420" tests
    //if (cpolicy.mPipelining)
    //    xfer_timeout = 1L;
    //    timeout = 1L;
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, xfer_timeout);
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, timeout);

    // Request headers
    if (mReqHeaders)
        // Caller's headers last to override
        mCurlHeaders = append_headers_to_slist(mReqHeaders, mCurlHeaders);
    check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, mCurlHeaders);

        check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, headerCallback);
        check_curl_easy_setopt(mCurlHandle, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, this);

    if (status)
        mCurlService = service;
    return status;

size_t HttpOpRequest::writeCallback(void * data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void * userdata)
    HttpOpRequest::ptr_t op(HttpOpRequest::fromHandle<HttpOpRequest>(userdata));

    if (! op->mReplyBody)
        op->mReplyBody = new BufferArray();
    const size_t req_size(size * nmemb);
    const size_t write_size(op->mReplyBody->append(static_cast<char *>(data), req_size));
    return write_size;

size_t HttpOpRequest::readCallback(void * data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void * userdata)
    HttpOpRequest::ptr_t op(HttpOpRequest::fromHandle<HttpOpRequest>(userdata));

    if (! op->mReqBody)
        return 0;
    const size_t req_size(size * nmemb);
    const size_t body_size(op->mReqBody->size());
    if (body_size <= op->mCurlBodyPos)
        if (body_size < op->mCurlBodyPos)
            // Warn but continue if the read position moves beyond end-of-body
            // for some reason.
            LL_WARNS(LOG_CORE) << "Request body position beyond body size.  Truncating request body."
                               << LL_ENDL;
        return 0;

    const size_t do_size((std::min)(req_size, body_size - op->mCurlBodyPos));
    const size_t read_size(op->mReqBody->read(op->mCurlBodyPos, static_cast<char *>(data), do_size));
    // FIXME: singleton's instance() is Thread unsafe! Even if stats accumulators inside are.
    op->mCurlBodyPos += read_size;
    return read_size;

int HttpOpRequest::seekCallback(void *userdata, curl_off_t offset, int origin)
    HttpOpRequest::ptr_t op(HttpOpRequest::fromHandle<HttpOpRequest>(userdata));

    if (!op->mReqBody)
        return 0;

    size_t newPos = 0;
    if (origin == SEEK_SET)
        newPos = offset;
    else if (origin == SEEK_END)
        newPos = static_cast<curl_off_t>(op->mReqBody->size()) + offset;
    else if (origin == SEEK_CUR)
        newPos = static_cast<curl_off_t>(op->mCurlBodyPos) + offset;
        return 2;

    if (newPos >= op->mReqBody->size())
        LL_WARNS(LOG_CORE) << "Attempt to seek to position outside post body." << LL_ENDL;
        return 2;

    op->mCurlBodyPos = (size_t)newPos;

    return 0;

size_t HttpOpRequest::headerCallback(void * data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void * userdata)
    static const char status_line[] = "HTTP/";
    static const size_t status_line_len = sizeof(status_line) - 1;
    static const char con_ran_line[] = "content-range";
    static const char con_retry_line[] = "retry-after";

    HttpOpRequest::ptr_t op(HttpOpRequest::fromHandle<HttpOpRequest>(userdata));

    const size_t hdr_size(size * nmemb);
    const char * hdr_data(static_cast<const char *>(data));     // Not null terminated
    bool is_header(true);

    if (hdr_size >= status_line_len && ! strncmp(status_line, hdr_data, status_line_len))
        // One of possibly several status lines.  Reset what we know and start over
        // taking results from the last header stanza we receive.
        op->mReplyOffset = 0;
        op->mReplyLength = 0;
        op->mReplyFullLength = 0;
        op->mReplyRetryAfter = 0;
        op->mStatus = HttpStatus();
        if (op->mReplyHeaders)
        is_header = false;

    // Nothing in here wants a final CR/LF combination.  Remove
    // it as much as possible.
    size_t wanted_hdr_size(hdr_size);
    if (wanted_hdr_size && '\n' == hdr_data[wanted_hdr_size - 1])
        if (--wanted_hdr_size && '\r' == hdr_data[wanted_hdr_size - 1])

    // Copy and normalize header fragments for the following
    // stages.  Would like to modify the data in-place but that
    // may not be allowed and we need one byte extra for NUL.
    // At the end of this we will have:
    // If ':' present in header:
    //   1.  name points to text to left of colon which
    //       will be ascii lower-cased and left and right
    //       trimmed of whitespace.
    //   2.  value points to text to right of colon which
    //       will be left trimmed of whitespace.
    // Otherwise:
    //   1.  name points to header which will be left
    //       trimmed of whitespace.
    //   2.  value is NULL
    // Any non-NULL pointer may point to a zero-length string.
    if (wanted_hdr_size >= op->mCurlTempLen)
        delete [] op->mCurlTemp;
        op->mCurlTempLen = 2 * wanted_hdr_size + 1;
        op->mCurlTemp = new char [op->mCurlTempLen];
    memcpy(op->mCurlTemp, hdr_data, wanted_hdr_size);
    op->mCurlTemp[wanted_hdr_size] = '\0';
    char * name(op->mCurlTemp);
    char * value(strchr(name, ':'));
    if (value)
        *value++ = '\0';
        name = os_strtrim(name);
        value = os_strltrim(value);
        // Doesn't look well-formed, do minimal normalization on it
        name = os_strltrim(name);

    // Normalized, now reject headers with empty names.
    if (! *name)
        // No use continuing
        return hdr_size;

    // Save header if caller wants them in the response
    if (is_header && op->mProcFlags & PF_SAVE_HEADERS)
        // Save headers in response
        if (! op->mReplyHeaders)
            op->mReplyHeaders = HttpHeaders::ptr_t(new HttpHeaders);
        op->mReplyHeaders->append(name, value ? value : "");

    // From this point, header-specific processors are free to
    // modify the header value.

    // Detect and parse 'Content-Range' headers
    if (is_header
        && op->mProcFlags & PF_SCAN_RANGE_HEADER
        && value && *value
        && ! strcmp(name, con_ran_line))
        unsigned int first(0), last(0), length(0);
        int status;

        if (! (status = parse_content_range_header(value, &first, &last, &length)))
            // Success, record the fragment position
            op->mReplyOffset = first;
            op->mReplyLength = last - first + 1;
            op->mReplyFullLength = length;
        else if (-1 == status)
            // Response is badly formed and shouldn't be accepted
            op->mStatus = HttpStatus(HttpStatus::LLCORE, HE_INV_CONTENT_RANGE_HDR);
            // Ignore the unparsable.
            LL_INFOS_ONCE(LOG_CORE) << "Problem parsing odd Content-Range header:  '"
                                    << std::string(hdr_data, wanted_hdr_size)
                                    << "'.  Ignoring."
                                    << LL_ENDL;

    // Detect and parse 'Retry-After' headers
    if (is_header
        && op->mProcFlags & PF_USE_RETRY_AFTER
        && value && *value
        && ! strcmp(name, con_retry_line))
        int time(0);
        if (! parse_retry_after_header(value, &time))
            op->mReplyRetryAfter = time;

    return hdr_size;

CURLcode HttpOpRequest::curlSslCtxCallback(CURL *curl, void *sslctx, void *userdata)
    HttpOpRequest::ptr_t op(HttpOpRequest::fromHandle<HttpOpRequest>(userdata));

    if (op->mCallbackSSLVerify)
        SSL_CTX * ctx = (SSL_CTX *)sslctx;
        if (op->mReqOptions && op->mReqOptions->getSSLVerifyPeer())
            // verification for ssl certs
            SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, NULL);
            // disable any default verification for server certs
            // Ex: setting urls (assume non-SL) for parcel media in LLFloaterURLEntry
            SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL);
        // set the verification callback.
        SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback(ctx, sslCertVerifyCallback, userdata);
        // the calls are void

    return CURLE_OK;

int HttpOpRequest::sslCertVerifyCallback(X509_STORE_CTX *ctx, void *param)
    HttpOpRequest::ptr_t op(HttpOpRequest::fromHandle<HttpOpRequest>(param));

    if (op->mCallbackSSLVerify)
        op->mStatus = op->mCallbackSSLVerify(op->mReqURL, op->mUserHandler, ctx);

    return (op->mStatus) ? 1 : 0;

int HttpOpRequest::debugCallback(CURL * handle, curl_infotype info, char * buffer, size_t len, void * userdata)
    HttpOpRequest::ptr_t op(HttpOpRequest::fromHandle<HttpOpRequest>(userdata));

    std::string safe_line;
    std::string tag;
    bool logit(false);
    const size_t log_len((std::min)(len, size_t(256)));     // Keep things reasonable in all cases

    switch (info)
        if (op->mTracing >= HTTP_TRACE_CURL_HEADERS)
            tag = "TEXT";
            escape_libcurl_debug_data(buffer, log_len, true, safe_line);
            logit = true;

        if (op->mTracing >= HTTP_TRACE_CURL_HEADERS)
            tag = "HEADERIN";
            escape_libcurl_debug_data(buffer, log_len, true, safe_line);
            logit = true;

        if (op->mTracing >= HTTP_TRACE_CURL_HEADERS)
            tag = "HEADEROUT";
            escape_libcurl_debug_data(buffer, log_len, true, safe_line);    // Goes out as one line unlike header_in
            logit = true;

        if (op->mTracing >= HTTP_TRACE_CURL_HEADERS)
            tag = "DATAIN";
            logit = true;
            if (op->mTracing >= HTTP_TRACE_CURL_BODIES)
                escape_libcurl_debug_data(buffer, log_len, false, safe_line);
                std::ostringstream out;
                out << len << " Bytes";
                safe_line = out.str();

        if (op->mTracing >= HTTP_TRACE_CURL_HEADERS)
            tag = "DATAOUT";
            logit = true;
            if (op->mTracing >= HTTP_TRACE_CURL_BODIES)
                escape_libcurl_debug_data(buffer, log_len, false, safe_line);
                std::ostringstream out;
                out << len << " Bytes";
                safe_line = out.str();

        logit = false;

    if (logit)
        LL_INFOS(LOG_CORE) << "TRACE, LibcurlDebug, Handle:  "
                           << op->getHandle()
                           << ", Type:  " << tag
                           << ", Data:  " << safe_line
                           << LL_ENDL;

    return 0;

std::string HttpOpRequest::methodToString(const HttpOpRequest::EMethod &e)
    if (e == HOR_COPY)
        return "COPY";
    else if (e == HOR_DELETE)
        return  "DELETE";
    else if (e == HOR_GET)
        return "GET";
    else if (e == HOR_MOVE)
        return "MOVE";
    else if (e == HOR_PATCH)
        return "PATCH";
    else if (e == HOR_POST)
        return "POST";
    else if (e == HOR_PUT)
        return "PUT";

    return "UNKNOWN";

}   // end namespace LLCore

// =======================================
// Anonymous Namespace
// =======================================


int parse_content_range_header(char * buffer,
                               unsigned int * first,
                               unsigned int * last,
                               unsigned int * length)
    static const char * const hdr_whitespace(" \t");

    char * tok_state(NULL), * tok(NULL);
    bool match(true);

    if (! (tok = os_strtok_r(buffer, hdr_whitespace, &tok_state)))
        match = false;
        match = (0 == os_strcasecmp("bytes", tok));
    if (match && ! (tok = os_strtok_r(NULL, hdr_whitespace, &tok_state)))
        match = false;
    if (match)
        unsigned int lcl_first(0), lcl_last(0), lcl_len(0);

        if (3 == sscanf_s(tok, "%u-%u/%u", &lcl_first, &lcl_last, &lcl_len))
        if (3 == sscanf(tok, "%u-%u/%u", &lcl_first, &lcl_last, &lcl_len))
#endif // LL_WINDOWS
            if (lcl_first > lcl_last || lcl_last >= lcl_len)
                return -1;
            *first = lcl_first;
            *last = lcl_last;
            *length = lcl_len;
            return 0;
        if (2 == sscanf_s(tok, "%u-%u/*", &lcl_first, &lcl_last))
        if (2 == sscanf(tok, "%u-%u/*", &lcl_first, &lcl_last))
#endif  // LL_WINDOWS
            if (lcl_first > lcl_last)
                return -1;
            *first = lcl_first;
            *last = lcl_last;
            *length = 0;
            return 0;

    // Header is there but badly/unexpectedly formed, try to ignore it.
    return 1;

int parse_retry_after_header(char * buffer, int * time)
    char * endptr(buffer);
    long lcl_time(strtol(buffer, &endptr, 10));
    if (*endptr == '\0' && endptr != buffer && lcl_time > 0)
        *time = lcl_time;
        return 0;

    // Could attempt to parse HTTP time here but we're not really
    // interested in it.  Scheduling based on wallclock time on
    // user hardware will lead to tears.

    // Header is there but badly/unexpectedly formed, try to ignore it.
    return 1;

void escape_libcurl_debug_data(char * buffer, size_t len, bool scrub, std::string & safe_line)
    std::string out;
    len = (std::min)(len, size_t(200));
    out.reserve(3 * len);
    for (int i(0); i < len; ++i)
        unsigned char uc(static_cast<unsigned char>(buffer[i]));

        if (uc < 32 || uc > 126)
            if (scrub)
                out.append(1, ' ');
                static const char hex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
                char convert[4];

                convert[0] = '%';
                convert[1] = hex[(uc >> 4) % 16];
                convert[2] = hex[uc % 16];
                convert[3] = '\0';
            out.append(1, buffer[i]);

int os_strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
    return _stricmp(s1, s2);
    return strcasecmp(s1, s2);
#endif // LL_WINDOWS

char * os_strtok_r(char *str, const char *delim, char ** savestate)
    return strtok_s(str, delim, savestate);
    return strtok_r(str, delim, savestate);

void os_strlower(char * str)
    for (char c(0); (c = *str); ++str)
        *str = tolower(c);

char * os_strtrim(char * lstr)
    while (' ' == *lstr || '\t' == *lstr)
    if (*lstr)
        char * rstr(lstr + strlen(lstr));
        while (lstr < rstr && *--rstr)
            if (' ' == *rstr || '\t' == *rstr)
                *rstr = '\0';
        llassert(lstr <= rstr);
    return lstr;

char * os_strltrim(char * lstr)
    while (' ' == *lstr || '\t' == *lstr)
    return lstr;

void check_curl_easy_code(CURLcode code, int curl_setopt_option)
    if (CURLE_OK != code)
        // Comment from old llcurl code which may no longer apply:
        // linux appears to throw a curl error once per session for a bad initialization
        // at a pretty random time (when enabling cookies).
        LL_WARNS(LOG_CORE) << "libcurl error detected:  " << curl_easy_strerror(code)
                           << ", curl_easy_setopt option:  " << curl_setopt_option
                           << LL_ENDL;

}  // end anonymous namespace