/** * @file workqueue_test.cpp * @author Nat Goodspeed * @date 2021-10-07 * @brief Test for workqueue. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2021&license=viewerlgpl$ * Copyright (c) 2021, Linden Research, Inc. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ // Precompiled header #include "linden_common.h" // associated header #include "workqueue.h" // STL headers // std headers #include #include // external library headers // other Linden headers #include "../test/lltut.h" #include "../test/catch_and_store_what_in.h" #include "llcond.h" #include "llcoros.h" #include "lleventcoro.h" #include "llstring.h" #include "stringize.h" using namespace LL; using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals; // ms suffix using namespace std::literals::string_literals; // s suffix /***************************************************************************** * TUT *****************************************************************************/ namespace tut { struct workqueue_data { WorkQueue queue{"queue"}; }; typedef test_group workqueue_group; typedef workqueue_group::object object; workqueue_group workqueuegrp("workqueue"); template<> template<> void object::test<1>() { set_test_name("name"); ensure_equals("didn't capture name", queue.getKey(), "queue"); ensure("not findable", WorkQueue::getInstance("queue") == queue.getWeak().lock()); WorkQueue q2; ensure("has no name", LLStringUtil::startsWith(q2.getKey(), "WorkQueue")); } template<> template<> void object::test<2>() { set_test_name("post"); bool wasRun{ false }; // We only get away with binding a simple bool because we're running // the work on the same thread. queue.post([&wasRun](){ wasRun = true; }); queue.close(); ensure("ran too soon", ! wasRun); queue.runUntilClose(); ensure("didn't run", wasRun); } template<> template<> void object::test<3>() { set_test_name("postEvery"); // record of runs using Shared = std::deque; // This is an example of how to share data between the originator of // postEvery(work) and the work item itself, since usually a WorkQueue // is used to dispatch work to a different thread. Neither of them // should call any of LLCond's wait methods: you don't want to stall // either the worker thread or the originating thread (conventionally // main). Use LLCond or a subclass even if all you want to do is // signal the work item that it can quit; consider LLOneShotCond. LLCond data; auto start = WorkQueue::TimePoint::clock::now(); auto interval = 100ms; queue.postEvery( interval, [&data, count = 0] () mutable { // record the timestamp at which this instance is running data.update_one( [](Shared& data) { data.push_back(WorkQueue::TimePoint::clock::now()); }); // by the 3rd call, return false to stop return (++count < 3); }); // no convenient way to close() our queue while we've got a // postEvery() running, so run until we have exhausted the iterations // or we time out waiting for (auto finish = start + 10*interval; WorkQueue::TimePoint::clock::now() < finish && data.get([](const Shared& data){ return data.size(); }) < 3; ) { queue.runPending(); std::this_thread::sleep_for(interval/10); } // Take a copy of the captured deque. Shared result = data.get(); ensure_equals("called wrong number of times", result.size(), 3); // postEvery() assumes you want the first call to happen right away. // Pretend our start time was (interval) earlier than that, to make // our too early/too late tests uniform for all entries. start -= interval; for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { auto diff = result[i] - start; start += interval; try { ensure(STRINGIZE("call " << i << " too soon"), diff >= interval); ensure(STRINGIZE("call " << i << " too late"), diff < interval*1.5); } catch (const tut::failure&) { auto interval_ms = interval / 1ms; auto diff_ms = diff / 1ms; std::cerr << "interval " << interval_ms << "ms; diff " << diff_ms << "ms" << std::endl; throw; } } } template<> template<> void object::test<4>() { set_test_name("postTo"); WorkQueue main("main"); auto qptr = WorkQueue::getInstance("queue"); int result = 0; main.postTo( qptr, [](){ return 17; }, // Note that a postTo() *callback* can safely bind a reference to // a variable on the invoking thread, because the callback is run // on the invoking thread. (Of course the bound variable must // survive until the callback is called.) [&result](int i){ result = i; }); // this should post the callback to main qptr->runOne(); // this should run the callback main.runOne(); ensure_equals("failed to run int callback", result, 17); std::string alpha; // postTo() handles arbitrary return types main.postTo( qptr, [](){ return "abc"s; }, [&alpha](const std::string& s){ alpha = s; }); qptr->runPending(); main.runPending(); ensure_equals("failed to run string callback", alpha, "abc"); } template<> template<> void object::test<5>() { set_test_name("postTo with void return"); WorkQueue main("main"); auto qptr = WorkQueue::getInstance("queue"); std::string observe; main.postTo( qptr, // The ONLY reason we can get away with binding a reference to // 'observe' in our work callable is because we're directly // calling qptr->runOne() on this same thread. It would be a // mistake to do that if some other thread were servicing 'queue'. [&observe](){ observe = "queue"; }, [&observe](){ observe.append(";main"); }); qptr->runOne(); main.runOne(); ensure_equals("failed to run both lambdas", observe, "queue;main"); } template<> template<> void object::test<6>() { set_test_name("waitForResult"); std::string stored; // Try to call waitForResult() on this thread's main coroutine. It // should throw because the main coroutine must service the queue. auto what{ catch_what( [this, &stored](){ stored = queue.waitForResult( [](){ return "should throw"; }); }) }; ensure("lambda should not have run", stored.empty()); ensure_not("waitForResult() should have thrown", what.empty()); ensure(STRINGIZE("should mention waitForResult: " << what), what.find("waitForResult") != std::string::npos); // Call waitForResult() on a coroutine, with a string result. LLCoros::instance().launch( "waitForResult string", [this, &stored]() { stored = queue.waitForResult( [](){ return "string result"; }); }); llcoro::suspend(); // Nothing will have happened yet because, even if the coroutine did // run immediately, all it did was to queue the inner lambda on // 'queue'. Service it. queue.runOne(); llcoro::suspend(); ensure_equals("bad waitForResult return", stored, "string result"); // Call waitForResult() on a coroutine, with a void callable. stored.clear(); bool done = false; LLCoros::instance().launch( "waitForResult void", [this, &stored, &done]() { queue.waitForResult([&stored](){ stored = "ran"; }); done = true; }); llcoro::suspend(); queue.runOne(); llcoro::suspend(); ensure_equals("didn't run coroutine", stored, "ran"); ensure("void waitForResult() didn't return", done); } } // namespace tut