/** * @file llprocesslauncher_test.cpp * @author Nat Goodspeed * @date 2011-12-19 * @brief Test for llprocesslauncher. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2011&license=viewerlgpl$ * Copyright (c) 2011, Linden Research, Inc. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ // Precompiled header #include "linden_common.h" // associated header #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include "llprocesslauncher.h" // STL headers #include #include // std headers #include // external library headers #include "llapr.h" #include "apr_thread_proc.h" #include "apr_file_io.h" #include // other Linden headers #include "../test/lltut.h" #include "stringize.h" #if defined(LL_WINDOWS) #define sleep(secs) _sleep((secs) * 1000) #define EOL "\r\n" #else #define EOL "\n" #include #endif class APR { public: APR(): pool(NULL) { apr_initialize(); apr_pool_create(&pool, NULL); } ~APR() { apr_terminate(); } std::string strerror(apr_status_t rv) { char errbuf[256]; apr_strerror(rv, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); return errbuf; } apr_pool_t *pool; }; #define ensure_equals_(left, right) \ ensure_equals(STRINGIZE(#left << " != " << #right), (left), (right)) #define aprchk(expr) aprchk_(#expr, (expr)) /***************************************************************************** * TUT *****************************************************************************/ namespace tut { struct llprocesslauncher_data { void aprchk_(const char* call, apr_status_t rv, apr_status_t expected=APR_SUCCESS) { ensure_equals(STRINGIZE(call << " => " << rv << ": " << apr.strerror(rv)), rv, expected); } APR apr; }; typedef test_group llprocesslauncher_group; typedef llprocesslauncher_group::object object; llprocesslauncher_group llprocesslaunchergrp("llprocesslauncher"); struct Item { Item(): tries(0) {} unsigned tries; std::string which; std::string what; }; #define tabent(symbol) { symbol, #symbol } static struct ReasonCode { int code; const char* name; } reasons[] = { tabent(APR_OC_REASON_DEATH), tabent(APR_OC_REASON_UNWRITABLE), tabent(APR_OC_REASON_RESTART), tabent(APR_OC_REASON_UNREGISTER), tabent(APR_OC_REASON_LOST), tabent(APR_OC_REASON_RUNNING) }; #undef tabent struct WaitInfo { WaitInfo(apr_proc_t* child_): child(child_), rv(-1), // we haven't yet called apr_proc_wait() rc(0), why(apr_exit_why_e(0)) {} apr_proc_t* child; // which subprocess apr_status_t rv; // return from apr_proc_wait() int rc; // child's exit code apr_exit_why_e why; // APR_PROC_EXIT, APR_PROC_SIGNAL, APR_PROC_SIGNAL_CORE }; void child_status_callback(int reason, void* data, int status) { /*==========================================================================*| std::string reason_str; BOOST_FOREACH(const ReasonCode& rcp, reasons) { if (reason == rcp.code) { reason_str = rcp.name; break; } } if (reason_str.empty()) { reason_str = STRINGIZE("unknown reason " << reason); } std::cout << "child_status_callback(" << reason_str << ")\n"; |*==========================================================================*/ if (reason == APR_OC_REASON_DEATH || reason == APR_OC_REASON_LOST) { // Somewhat oddly, APR requires that you explicitly unregister // even when it already knows the child has terminated. apr_proc_other_child_unregister(data); WaitInfo* wi(static_cast(data)); // It's just wrong to call apr_proc_wait() here. The only way APR // knows to call us with APR_OC_REASON_DEATH is that it's already // reaped this child process, so calling wait() will only produce // "huh?" from the OS. We must rely on the status param passed in, // which unfortunately comes straight from the OS wait() call. // wi->rv = apr_proc_wait(wi->child, &wi->rc, &wi->why, APR_NOWAIT); wi->rv = APR_CHILD_DONE; // fake apr_proc_wait() results #if defined(LL_WINDOWS) wi->why = APR_PROC_EXIT; wi->rc = status; // no encoding on Windows (no signals) #else // Posix if (WIFEXITED(status)) { wi->why = APR_PROC_EXIT; wi->rc = WEXITSTATUS(status); } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { wi->why = APR_PROC_SIGNAL; wi->rc = WTERMSIG(status); } else // uh, shouldn't happen? { wi->why = APR_PROC_EXIT; wi->rc = status; // someone else will have to decode } #endif // Posix } } template<> template<> void object::test<1>() { set_test_name("raw APR nonblocking I/O"); // Create a script file in a temporary place. const char* tempdir = NULL; aprchk(apr_temp_dir_get(&tempdir, apr.pool)); // Construct a temp filename template in that directory. char *tempname = NULL; aprchk(apr_filepath_merge(&tempname, tempdir, "testXXXXXX", 0, apr.pool)); // Create a temp file from that template. apr_file_t* fp = NULL; aprchk(apr_file_mktemp(&fp, tempname, APR_CREATE | APR_WRITE | APR_EXCL, apr.pool)); // Write it. const char script[] = "import sys" EOL "import time" EOL EOL "time.sleep(2)" EOL "print >>sys.stdout, 'stdout after wait'" EOL "sys.stdout.flush()" EOL "time.sleep(2)" EOL "print >>sys.stderr, 'stderr after wait'" EOL "sys.stderr.flush()" EOL ; apr_size_t len(sizeof(script)-1); aprchk(apr_file_write(fp, script, &len)); aprchk(apr_file_close(fp)); // Arrange to track the history of our interaction with child: what we // fetched, which pipe it came from, how many tries it took before we // got it. std::vector history; history.push_back(Item()); // Run the child process. apr_procattr_t *procattr = NULL; aprchk(apr_procattr_create(&procattr, apr.pool)); aprchk(apr_procattr_io_set(procattr, APR_CHILD_BLOCK, APR_CHILD_BLOCK, APR_CHILD_BLOCK)); aprchk(apr_procattr_cmdtype_set(procattr, APR_PROGRAM_PATH)); std::vector argv; apr_proc_t child; argv.push_back("python"); argv.push_back(tempname); argv.push_back(NULL); aprchk(apr_proc_create(&child, argv[0], &argv[0], NULL, // if we wanted to pass explicit environment procattr, apr.pool)); // We do not want this child process to outlive our APR pool. On // destruction of the pool, forcibly kill the process. Tell APR to try // SIGTERM and wait 3 seconds. If that didn't work, use SIGKILL. apr_pool_note_subprocess(apr.pool, &child, APR_KILL_AFTER_TIMEOUT); // arrange to call child_status_callback() WaitInfo wi(&child); apr_proc_other_child_register(&child, child_status_callback, &wi, child.in, apr.pool); // Monitor two different output pipes. Because one will be closed // before the other, keep them in a list so we can drop whichever of // them is closed first. typedef std::pair DescFile; typedef std::list DescFileList; DescFileList outfiles; outfiles.push_back(DescFile("out", child.out)); outfiles.push_back(DescFile("err", child.err)); while (! outfiles.empty()) { // This peculiar for loop is designed to let us erase(dfli). With // a list, that invalidates only dfli itself -- but even so, we // lose the ability to increment it for the next item. So at the // top of every loop, while dfli is still valid, increment // dflnext. Then before the next iteration, set dfli to dflnext. for (DescFileList::iterator dfli(outfiles.begin()), dflnext(outfiles.begin()), dflend(outfiles.end()); dfli != dflend; dfli = dflnext) { // Only valid to increment dflnext once we're sure it's not // already at dflend. ++dflnext; char buf[4096]; apr_status_t rv = apr_file_gets(buf, sizeof(buf), dfli->second); if (APR_STATUS_IS_EOF(rv)) { // std::cout << "(EOF on " << dfli->first << ")\n"; history.back().which = dfli->first; history.back().what = "*eof*"; history.push_back(Item()); outfiles.erase(dfli); continue; } if (rv == EWOULDBLOCK || rv == EAGAIN) { // std::cout << "(waiting; apr_file_gets(" << dfli->first << ") => " << rv << ": " << apr.strerror(rv) << ")\n"; ++history.back().tries; continue; } aprchk_("apr_file_gets(buf, sizeof(buf), dfli->second)", rv); // Is it even possible to get APR_SUCCESS but read 0 bytes? // Hope not, but defend against that anyway. if (buf[0]) { // std::cout << dfli->first << ": " << buf; history.back().which = dfli->first; history.back().what.append(buf); if (buf[strlen(buf) - 1] == '\n') history.push_back(Item()); else { // Just for pretty output... if we only read a partial // line, terminate it. // std::cout << "...\n"; } } } // Do this once per tick, as we expect the viewer will apr_proc_other_child_refresh_all(APR_OC_REASON_RUNNING); sleep(0.5); } apr_file_close(child.in); apr_file_close(child.out); apr_file_close(child.err); // Okay, we've broken the loop because our pipes are all closed. If we // haven't yet called wait, give the callback one more chance. This // models the fact that unlike this small test program, the viewer // will still be running. if (wi.rv == -1) { std::cout << "last gasp apr_proc_other_child_refresh_all()\n"; apr_proc_other_child_refresh_all(APR_OC_REASON_RUNNING); } if (wi.rv == -1) { std::cout << "child_status_callback(APR_OC_REASON_DEATH) wasn't called" << std::endl; wi.rv = apr_proc_wait(wi.child, &wi.rc, &wi.why, APR_NOWAIT); } // std::cout << "child done: rv = " << rv << " (" << apr.strerror(rv) << "), why = " << why << ", rc = " << rc << '\n'; aprchk_("apr_proc_wait(wi->child, &wi->rc, &wi->why, APR_NOWAIT)", wi.rv, APR_CHILD_DONE); ensure_equals_(wi.why, APR_PROC_EXIT); ensure_equals_(wi.rc, 0); // Remove temp script file aprchk(apr_file_remove(tempname, apr.pool)); // Beyond merely executing all the above successfully, verify that we // obtained expected output -- and that we duly got control while // waiting, proving the non-blocking nature of these pipes. ensure("blocking I/O on child pipe (0)", history[0].tries); ensure_equals_(history[0].which, "out"); ensure_equals_(history[0].what, "stdout after wait" EOL); ensure("blocking I/O on child pipe (1)", history[1].tries); ensure_equals_(history[1].which, "out"); ensure_equals_(history[1].what, "*eof*"); ensure_equals_(history[2].which, "err"); ensure_equals_(history[2].what, "stderr after wait" EOL); ensure_equals_(history[3].which, "err"); ensure_equals_(history[3].what, "*eof*"); } } // namespace tut