 * @file lluuid.h
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2000&license=viewergpl$
 * Copyright (c) 2000-2007, Linden Research, Inc.
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab
 * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0
 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement
 * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab.  Terms of
 * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or
 * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/gplv2
 * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as
 * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception
 * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or
 * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/flossexception
 * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge
 * that you have read and understood your obligations described above,
 * and agree to abide by those obligations.
 * $/LicenseInfo$

#ifndef LL_LLUUID_H
#define LL_LLUUID_H

#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include "stdtypes.h"

const S32 UUID_BYTES = 16;
const S32 UUID_WORDS = 4;
const S32 UUID_STR_LENGTH = 37;	// actually wrong, should be 36 and use size below
const S32 UUID_STR_SIZE = 37;
const S32 UUID_BASE85_LENGTH = 21; // including the trailing NULL.

struct uuid_time_t {
	U32 high;
	U32 low;

class LLUUID
	explicit LLUUID(const char *in_string); // Convert from string.
	explicit LLUUID(const std::string& in_string); // Convert from string.
	LLUUID(const LLUUID &in);
	LLUUID &operator=(const LLUUID &rhs);


	void	generate();					// Generate a new UUID
	void	generate(const std::string& stream); //Generate a new UUID based on hash of input stream
	BOOL	set(const char *in_string, BOOL emit = TRUE);	// Convert from string, if emit is FALSE, do not emit warnings
	BOOL	set(const std::string& in_string, BOOL emit = TRUE);	// Convert from string, if emit is FALSE, do not emit warnings
	void	setNull();					// Faster than setting to LLUUID::null.

    S32     cmpTime(uuid_time_t *t1, uuid_time_t *t2);
	static void    getSystemTime(uuid_time_t *timestamp);
	void    getCurrentTime(uuid_time_t *timestamp);

	BOOL	isNull() const;			// Faster than comparing to LLUUID::null.
	BOOL	notNull() const;		// Faster than comparing to LLUUID::null.
	// JC: This is dangerous.  It allows UUIDs to be cast automatically
	// to integers, among other things.  Use isNull() or notNull().
	//		operator bool() const;

	// JC: These must return real bool's (not BOOLs) or else use of the STL
	// will generate bool-to-int performance warnings.
	bool	operator==(const LLUUID &rhs) const;
	bool	operator!=(const LLUUID &rhs) const;
	bool	operator<(const LLUUID &rhs) const;
	bool	operator>(const LLUUID &rhs) const;

	// xor functions. Useful since any two random uuids xored together
	// will yield a determinate third random unique id that can be
	// used as a key in a single uuid that represents 2.
	const LLUUID& operator^=(const LLUUID& rhs);
	LLUUID operator^(const LLUUID& rhs) const;

	// similar to functions above, but not invertible
	// yields a third random UUID that can be reproduced from the two inputs
	// but which, given the result and one of the inputs can't be used to
	// deduce the other input
	LLUUID combine(const LLUUID& other) const;
	void combine(const LLUUID& other, LLUUID& result) const;  

	friend std::ostream&	 operator<<(std::ostream& s, const LLUUID &uuid);
	friend std::istream&	 operator>>(std::istream& s, LLUUID &uuid);

	void toString(char *out) const;		// Does not allocate memory, needs 36 characters (including \0)
	void toCompressedString(char *out) const;	// Does not allocate memory, needs 17 characters (including \0)

	std::string asString() const;
	std::string getString() const;

	U16 getCRC16() const;
	U32 getCRC32() const;

	static BOOL validate(const std::string& in_string); // Validate that the UUID string is legal.
	static BOOL validate(const char *in_string); // Validate that the UUID string is legal.

	static const LLUUID null;

	static U32 getRandomSeed();
	static S32 getNodeID(unsigned char * node_id);

	static BOOL parseUUID(const char* buf, LLUUID* value);
	U8 mData[UUID_BYTES];

// Construct

// Faster than copying from memory
inline void LLUUID::setNull()
	U32 *word = (U32 *)mData;
	word[0] = 0;
	word[1] = 0;
	word[2] = 0;
	word[3] = 0;

// Compare
inline bool LLUUID::operator==(const LLUUID& rhs) const
	U32 *tmp = (U32 *)mData;
	U32 *rhstmp = (U32 *)rhs.mData;
	// Note: binary & to avoid branching
		(tmp[0] == rhstmp[0]) &  
		(tmp[1] == rhstmp[1]) &
		(tmp[2] == rhstmp[2]) &
		(tmp[3] == rhstmp[3]);

inline bool LLUUID::operator!=(const LLUUID& rhs) const
	U32 *tmp = (U32 *)mData;
	U32 *rhstmp = (U32 *)rhs.mData;
	// Note: binary | to avoid branching
		(tmp[0] != rhstmp[0]) |
		(tmp[1] != rhstmp[1]) |
		(tmp[2] != rhstmp[2]) |
		(tmp[3] != rhstmp[3]);

// JC: This is dangerous.  It allows UUIDs to be cast automatically
// to integers, among other things.  Use isNull() or notNull().
inline LLUUID::operator bool() const
	U32 *word = (U32 *)mData;
	return (word[0] | word[1] | word[2] | word[3]) > 0;

inline BOOL LLUUID::notNull() const
	U32 *word = (U32 *)mData;
	return (word[0] | word[1] | word[2] | word[3]) > 0;

// Faster than == LLUUID::null because doesn't require
// as much memory access.
inline BOOL LLUUID::isNull() const
	U32 *word = (U32 *)mData;
	// If all bits are zero, return !0 == TRUE
	return !(word[0] | word[1] | word[2] | word[3]);

// Copy constructor
inline LLUUID::LLUUID(const LLUUID& rhs)
	U32 *tmp = (U32 *)mData;
	U32 *rhstmp = (U32 *)rhs.mData;
	tmp[0] = rhstmp[0];
	tmp[1] = rhstmp[1];
	tmp[2] = rhstmp[2];
	tmp[3] = rhstmp[3];

inline LLUUID::~LLUUID()

// Assignment
inline LLUUID& LLUUID::operator=(const LLUUID& rhs)
	// No need to check the case where this==&rhs.  The branch is slower than the write.
	U32 *tmp = (U32 *)mData;
	U32 *rhstmp = (U32 *)rhs.mData;
	tmp[0] = rhstmp[0];
	tmp[1] = rhstmp[1];
	tmp[2] = rhstmp[2];
	tmp[3] = rhstmp[3];
	return *this;

inline LLUUID::LLUUID(const char *in_string)
	if (!in_string || in_string[0] == 0)

inline LLUUID::LLUUID(const std::string& in_string)
	if (in_string.empty())


// IW: DON'T "optimize" these w/ U32s or you'll scoogie the sort order
// IW: this will make me very sad
inline bool LLUUID::operator<(const LLUUID &rhs) const
	U32 i;
	for( i = 0; i < (UUID_BYTES - 1); i++ )
		if( mData[i] != rhs.mData[i] )
			return (mData[i] < rhs.mData[i]);
	return (mData[UUID_BYTES - 1] < rhs.mData[UUID_BYTES - 1]);

inline bool LLUUID::operator>(const LLUUID &rhs) const
	U32 i;
	for( i = 0; i < (UUID_BYTES - 1); i++ )
		if( mData[i] != rhs.mData[i] )
			return (mData[i] > rhs.mData[i]);
	return (mData[UUID_BYTES - 1] > rhs.mData[UUID_BYTES - 1]);

inline U16 LLUUID::getCRC16() const
	// A UUID is 16 bytes, or 8 shorts.
	U16 *short_data = (U16*)mData;
	U16 out = 0;
	out += short_data[0];
	out += short_data[1];
	out += short_data[2];
	out += short_data[3];
	out += short_data[4];
	out += short_data[5];
	out += short_data[6];
	out += short_data[7];
	return out;

inline U32 LLUUID::getCRC32() const
	U32 *tmp = (U32*)mData;
	return tmp[0] + tmp[1] + tmp[2] + tmp[3];

// Helper structure for ordering lluuids in stl containers.
// eg: 	std::map<LLUUID, LLWidget*, lluuid_less> widget_map;
struct lluuid_less
	bool operator()(const LLUUID& lhs, const LLUUID& rhs) const
		return (lhs < rhs) ? true : false;

typedef std::set<LLUUID, lluuid_less> uuid_list_t;

 * Sub-classes for keeping transaction IDs and asset IDs
 * straight.
typedef LLUUID LLAssetID;

class LLTransactionID : public LLUUID
	LLTransactionID() : LLUUID() { }
	static const LLTransactionID tnull;
	LLAssetID makeAssetID(const LLUUID& session) const;
