/** * @file lluriparser.cpp * @author Protey * @date 2014-10-07 * @brief Implementation of the LLUriParser class. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2014&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2014, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "lluriparser.h" LLUriParser::LLUriParser(const std::string& u) : mTmpScheme(false), mRes(0) { mState.uri = &mUri; if (u.find("://") == std::string::npos) { mNormalizedUri = "http://"; mTmpScheme = true; } mNormalizedUri += u.c_str(); mRes = parse(); } LLUriParser::~LLUriParser() { uriFreeUriMembersA(&mUri); } S32 LLUriParser::parse() { mRes = uriParseUriA(&mState, mNormalizedUri.c_str()); return mRes; } const char * LLUriParser::scheme() const { return mScheme.c_str(); } void LLUriParser::sheme(const std::string& s) { mTmpScheme = !s.size(); mScheme = s; } const char * LLUriParser::port() const { return mPort.c_str(); } void LLUriParser::port(const std::string& s) { mPort = s; } const char * LLUriParser::host() const { return mHost.c_str(); } void LLUriParser::host(const std::string& s) { mHost = s; } const char * LLUriParser::path() const { return mPath.c_str(); } void LLUriParser::path(const std::string& s) { mPath = s; } const char * LLUriParser::query() const { return mQuery.c_str(); } void LLUriParser::query(const std::string& s) { mQuery = s; } const char * LLUriParser::fragment() const { return mFragment.c_str(); } void LLUriParser::fragment(const std::string& s) { mFragment = s; } void LLUriParser::textRangeToString(UriTextRangeA& textRange, std::string& str) { S32 len = textRange.afterLast - textRange.first; if (len) { str = textRange.first; str = str.substr(0, len); } } void LLUriParser::extractParts() { if (mTmpScheme) { mScheme.clear(); } else { textRangeToString(mUri.scheme, mScheme); } textRangeToString(mUri.hostText, mHost); textRangeToString(mUri.portText, mPort); textRangeToString(mUri.query, mQuery); textRangeToString(mUri.fragment, mFragment); UriPathSegmentA * pathHead = mUri.pathHead; while (pathHead) { std::string partOfPath; textRangeToString(pathHead->text, partOfPath); mPath += '/'; mPath += partOfPath; pathHead = pathHead->next; } } S32 LLUriParser::normalize() { if (!mRes) { mRes = uriNormalizeSyntaxExA(&mUri, URI_NORMALIZE_SCHEME | URI_NORMALIZE_HOST); if (!mRes) { S32 chars_required; mRes = uriToStringCharsRequiredA(&mUri, &chars_required); if (!mRes) { chars_required++; std::vector label_buf(chars_required); mRes = uriToStringA(&label_buf[0], &mUri, chars_required, NULL); if (!mRes) { mNormalizedUri = &label_buf[mTmpScheme ? 7 : 0]; } } } } return mRes; } void LLUriParser::glue(std::string& uri) const { if (mScheme.size()) { uri = mScheme; uri += "://"; } uri += mHost; if (mPort.size()) { uri += ':'; uri += mPort; } uri += mPath; if (mQuery.size()) { uri += '?'; uri += mQuery; if (mFragment.size()) { uri += '#'; uri += mFragment; } } } bool LLUriParser::test() const { std::string uri; glue(uri); return uri == mNormalizedUri; } const char * LLUriParser::normalizedUri() const { return mNormalizedUri.c_str(); }