/** * @file llstreamtools.cpp * @brief some helper functions for parsing legacy simstate and asset files. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2005&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include #include #include "llstreamtools.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // some std::istream helper functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // skips spaces and tabs bool skip_whitespace(std::istream& input_stream) { int c = input_stream.peek(); while (('\t' == c || ' ' == c) && input_stream.good()) { input_stream.get(); c = input_stream.peek(); } return input_stream.good(); } // skips whitespace, newlines, and carriage returns bool skip_emptyspace(std::istream& input_stream) { int c = input_stream.peek(); while ( input_stream.good() && ('\t' == c || ' ' == c || '\n' == c || '\r' == c) ) { input_stream.get(); c = input_stream.peek(); } return input_stream.good(); } // skips emptyspace and lines that start with a # bool skip_comments_and_emptyspace(std::istream& input_stream) { while (skip_emptyspace(input_stream)) { int c = input_stream.peek(); if ('#' == c ) { while ('\n' != c && input_stream.good()) { c = input_stream.get(); } } else { break; } } return input_stream.good(); } bool skip_line(std::istream& input_stream) { int c; do { c = input_stream.get(); } while ('\n' != c && input_stream.good()); return input_stream.good(); } bool skip_to_next_word(std::istream& input_stream) { int c = input_stream.peek(); while ( input_stream.good() && ( (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || '_' == c ) ) { input_stream.get(); c = input_stream.peek(); } while ( input_stream.good() && !( (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || '_' == c ) ) { input_stream.get(); c = input_stream.peek(); } return input_stream.good(); } bool skip_to_end_of_next_keyword(const char* keyword, std::istream& input_stream) { auto key_length = strlen(keyword); /*Flawfinder: ignore*/ if (0 == key_length) { return false; } while (input_stream.good()) { skip_emptyspace(input_stream); int c = input_stream.get(); if (keyword[0] != c) { skip_line(input_stream); } else { int key_index = 1; while ( key_index < key_length && keyword[key_index - 1] == c && input_stream.good()) { key_index++; c = input_stream.get(); } if (key_index == key_length && keyword[key_index-1] == c) { c = input_stream.peek(); if (' ' == c || '\t' == c || '\r' == c || '\n' == c) { return true; } else { skip_line(input_stream); } } else { skip_line(input_stream); } } } return false; } /* skip_to_start_of_next_keyword() is disabled -- might tickle corruption bug in windows iostream bool skip_to_start_of_next_keyword(const char* keyword, std::istream& input_stream) { int key_length = strlen(keyword); if (0 == key_length) { return false; } while (input_stream.good()) { skip_emptyspace(input_stream); int c = input_stream.get(); if (keyword[0] != c) { skip_line(input_stream); } else { int key_index = 1; while ( key_index < key_length && keyword[key_index - 1] == c && input_stream.good()) { key_index++; c = input_stream.get(); } if (key_index == key_length && keyword[key_index-1] == c) { c = input_stream.peek(); if (' ' == c || '\t' == c || '\r' == c || '\n' == c) { // put the keyword back onto the stream for (int index = key_length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { input_stream.putback(keyword[index]); } return true; } else { skip_line(input_stream); break; } } else { skip_line(input_stream); } } } return false; } */ bool get_word(std::string& output_string, std::istream& input_stream) { skip_emptyspace(input_stream); int c = input_stream.peek(); while ( !isspace(c) && '\n' != c && '\r' != c && input_stream.good() ) { output_string += c; input_stream.get(); c = input_stream.peek(); } return input_stream.good(); } bool get_word(std::string& output_string, std::istream& input_stream, int n) { skip_emptyspace(input_stream); int char_count = 0; int c = input_stream.peek(); while (!isspace(c) && '\n' != c && '\r' != c && input_stream.good() && char_count < n) { char_count++; output_string += c; input_stream.get(); c = input_stream.peek(); } return input_stream.good(); } // get everything up to and including the next newline bool get_line(std::string& output_string, std::istream& input_stream) { output_string.clear(); int c = input_stream.get(); while (input_stream.good()) { output_string += c; if ('\n' == c) { break; } c = input_stream.get(); } return input_stream.good(); } // get everything up to and including the next newline // up to the next n characters. // add a newline on the end if bail before actual line ending bool get_line(std::string& output_string, std::istream& input_stream, int n) { output_string.clear(); int char_count = 0; int c = input_stream.get(); while (input_stream.good() && char_count < n) { char_count++; output_string += c; if ('\n' == c) { break; } if (char_count >= n) { output_string.append("\n"); break; } c = input_stream.get(); } return input_stream.good(); } /* disabled -- might tickle bug in windows iostream // backs up the input_stream by line_size + 1 characters bool unget_line(const std::string& line, std::istream& input_stream) { input_stream.putback('\n'); // unget the newline for (int line_index = line.size()-1; line_index >= 0; line_index--) { input_stream.putback(line[line_index]); } return input_stream.good(); } */ // removes the last char in 'line' if it matches 'c' // returns true if removed last char bool remove_last_char(char c, std::string& line) { auto line_size = line.size(); if (line_size > 1 && c == line[line_size - 1]) { line.replace(line_size - 1, 1, ""); return true; } return false; } // replaces escaped characters with the correct characters from left to right // "\\\\" ---> '\\' (two backslahes become one) // "\\n" ---> '\n' (backslash n becomes carriage return) void unescape_string(std::string& line) { auto line_size = line.size(); for (size_t index = 0; line_size >= 1 && index < line_size - 1; ++index) { if ('\\' == line[index]) { if ('\\' == line[index + 1]) { line.replace(index, 2, "\\"); line_size--; } else if ('n' == line[index + 1]) { line.replace(index, 2, "\n"); line_size--; } } } } // replaces unescaped characters with expanded equivalents from left to right // '\\' ---> "\\\\" (one backslash becomes two) // '\n' ---> "\\n" (carriage return becomes backslash n) void escape_string(std::string& line) { auto line_size = line.size(); for (size_t index = 0; index < line_size; ++index) { if ('\\' == line[index]) { line.replace(index, 1, "\\\\"); line_size++; index++; } else if ('\n' == line[index]) { line.replace(index, 1, "\\n"); line_size++; index++; } } } // removes '\n' characters void replace_newlines_with_whitespace(std::string& line) { auto line_size = line.size(); for (size_t index = 0; index < line_size; ++index) { if ('\n' == line[index]) { line.replace(index, 1, " "); } } } // erases any double-quote characters in 'line' void remove_double_quotes(std::string& line) { auto line_size = line.size(); for (size_t index = 0; index < line_size; ) { if ('"' == line[index]) { int count = 1; while (index + count < line_size && '"' == line[index + count]) { count++; } line.replace(index, count, ""); line_size -= count; } else { index++; } } } // the 'keyword' is defined as the first word on a line // the 'value' is everything after the keyword on the same line // starting at the first non-whitespace and ending right before the newline void get_keyword_and_value(std::string& keyword, std::string& value, const std::string& line) { // skip initial whitespace auto line_size = line.size(); size_t line_index = 0; char c; for ( ; line_index < line_size; ++line_index) { c = line[line_index]; if (!LLStringOps::isSpace(c)) { break; } } // get the keyword keyword.clear(); for ( ; line_index < line_size; ++line_index) { c = line[line_index]; if (LLStringOps::isSpace(c) || '\r' == c || '\n' == c) { break; } keyword += c; } // get the value value.clear(); if (keyword.size() > 0 && '\r' != line[line_index] && '\n' != line[line_index]) { // discard initial white spaces while (line_index < line_size && (' ' == line[line_index] || '\t' == line[line_index]) ) { line_index++; } for ( ; line_index < line_size; ++line_index) { c = line[line_index]; if ('\r' == c || '\n' == c) { break; } value += c; } } } std::streamsize fullread( std::istream& istr, char* buf, std::streamsize requested) { std::streamsize got; std::streamsize total = 0; istr.read(buf, requested); /*Flawfinder: ignore*/ got = istr.gcount(); total += got; while(got && total < requested) { if(istr.fail()) { // If bad is true, not much we can doo -- it implies loss // of stream integrity. Bail in that case, and otherwise // clear and attempt to continue. if(istr.bad()) return total; istr.clear(); } istr.read(buf + total, requested - total); /*Flawfinder: ignore*/ got = istr.gcount(); total += got; } return total; } std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& str, const char *tocheck) { char c = '\0'; const char *p; p = tocheck; while (*p && !str.bad()) { str.get(c); if (c != *p) { str.setstate(std::ios::failbit); /*Flawfinder: ignore*/ break; } p++; } return str; }