/** * @file llsdserialize_xml.cpp * @brief XML parsers and formatters for LLSD * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2006&license=viewergpl$ * * Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Linden Research, Inc. * * Second Life Viewer Source Code * The source code in this file ("Source Code") is provided by Linden Lab * to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0 * ("GPL"), unless you have obtained a separate licensing agreement * ("Other License"), formally executed by you and Linden Lab. Terms of * the GPL can be found in doc/GPL-license.txt in this distribution, or * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/gplv2 * * There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as * it is applied to this Source Code. View the full text of the exception * in the file doc/FLOSS-exception.txt in this software distribution, or * online at http://secondlife.com/developers/opensource/flossexception * * By copying, modifying or distributing this software, you acknowledge * that you have read and understood your obligations described above, * and agree to abide by those obligations. * * ALL LINDEN LAB SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." LINDEN LAB MAKES NO * WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING ITS ACCURACY, * COMPLETENESS OR PERFORMANCE. * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "llsdserialize_xml.h" #include #include #include "apr-1/apr_base64.h" extern "C" { #ifdef LL_STANDALONE # include #else # include "expat/expat.h" #endif } /** * LLSDXMLFormatter */ LLSDXMLFormatter::LLSDXMLFormatter() { } // virtual LLSDXMLFormatter::~LLSDXMLFormatter() { } // virtual S32 LLSDXMLFormatter::format(const LLSD& data, std::ostream& ostr, U32 options) const { std::streamsize old_precision = ostr.precision(25); LLString post = ""; if (options & LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_PRETTY) { post = "\n"; } ostr << "" << post; S32 rv = format_impl(data, ostr, options, 1); ostr << "\n"; ostr.precision(old_precision); return rv; } S32 LLSDXMLFormatter::format_impl(const LLSD& data, std::ostream& ostr, U32 options, U32 level) const { S32 format_count = 1; LLString pre = ""; LLString post = ""; if (options & LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_PRETTY) { for (U32 i = 0; i < level; i++) { pre += " "; } post = "\n"; } switch(data.type()) { case LLSD::TypeMap: if(0 == data.size()) { ostr << pre << "" << post; } else { ostr << pre << "" << post; LLSD::map_const_iterator iter = data.beginMap(); LLSD::map_const_iterator end = data.endMap(); for(; iter != end; ++iter) { ostr << pre << "" << escapeString((*iter).first) << "" << post; format_count += format_impl((*iter).second, ostr, options, level + 1); } ostr << pre << "" << post; } break; case LLSD::TypeArray: if(0 == data.size()) { ostr << pre << "" << post; } else { ostr << pre << "" << post; LLSD::array_const_iterator iter = data.beginArray(); LLSD::array_const_iterator end = data.endArray(); for(; iter != end; ++iter) { format_count += format_impl(*iter, ostr, options, level + 1); } ostr << pre << "" << post; } break; case LLSD::TypeUndefined: ostr << pre << "" << post; break; case LLSD::TypeBoolean: ostr << pre << ""; if(mBoolAlpha || #if( LL_WINDOWS || __GNUC__ > 2) (ostr.flags() & std::ios::boolalpha) #else (ostr.flags() & 0x0100) #endif ) { ostr << (data.asBoolean() ? "true" : "false"); } else { ostr << (data.asBoolean() ? 1 : 0); } ostr << "" << post; break; case LLSD::TypeInteger: ostr << pre << "" << data.asInteger() << "" << post; break; case LLSD::TypeReal: ostr << pre << ""; if(mRealFormat.empty()) { ostr << data.asReal(); } else { formatReal(data.asReal(), ostr); } ostr << "" << post; break; case LLSD::TypeUUID: if(data.asUUID().isNull()) ostr << pre << "" << post; else ostr << pre << "" << data.asUUID() << "" << post; break; case LLSD::TypeString: if(data.asString().empty()) ostr << pre << "" << post; else ostr << pre << "" << escapeString(data.asString()) <<"" << post; break; case LLSD::TypeDate: ostr << pre << "" << data.asDate() << "" << post; break; case LLSD::TypeURI: ostr << pre << "" << escapeString(data.asString()) << "" << post; break; case LLSD::TypeBinary: { LLSD::Binary buffer = data.asBinary(); if(buffer.empty()) { ostr << pre << "" << post; } else { // *FIX: memory inefficient. // *TODO: convert to use LLBase64 ostr << pre << ""; int b64_buffer_length = apr_base64_encode_len(buffer.size()); char* b64_buffer = new char[b64_buffer_length]; b64_buffer_length = apr_base64_encode_binary( b64_buffer, &buffer[0], buffer.size()); ostr.write(b64_buffer, b64_buffer_length - 1); delete[] b64_buffer; ostr << "" << post; } break; } default: // *NOTE: This should never happen. ostr << pre << "" << post; break; } return format_count; } // static std::string LLSDXMLFormatter::escapeString(const std::string& in) { std::ostringstream out; std::string::const_iterator it = in.begin(); std::string::const_iterator end = in.end(); for(; it != end; ++it) { switch((*it)) { case '<': out << "<"; break; case '>': out << ">"; break; case '&': out << "&"; break; case '\'': out << "'"; break; case '"': out << """; break; default: out << (*it); break; } } return out.str(); } class LLSDXMLParser::Impl { public: Impl(); ~Impl(); S32 parse(std::istream& input, LLSD& data); void parsePart(const char *buf, int len); private: void reset(); void startElementHandler(const XML_Char* name, const XML_Char** attributes); void endElementHandler(const XML_Char* name); void characterDataHandler(const XML_Char* data, int length); static void sStartElementHandler( void* userData, const XML_Char* name, const XML_Char** attributes); static void sEndElementHandler( void* userData, const XML_Char* name); static void sCharacterDataHandler( void* userData, const XML_Char* data, int length); void startSkipping(); enum Element { ELEMENT_LLSD, ELEMENT_UNDEF, ELEMENT_BOOL, ELEMENT_INTEGER, ELEMENT_REAL, ELEMENT_STRING, ELEMENT_UUID, ELEMENT_DATE, ELEMENT_URI, ELEMENT_BINARY, ELEMENT_MAP, ELEMENT_ARRAY, ELEMENT_KEY, ELEMENT_UNKNOWN }; static Element readElement(const XML_Char* name); static const XML_Char* findAttribute(const XML_Char* name, const XML_Char** pairs); XML_Parser mParser; LLSD mResult; S32 mParseCount; bool mInLLSDElement; bool mGracefullStop; typedef std::deque LLSDRefStack; LLSDRefStack mStack; int mDepth; bool mSkipping; int mSkipThrough; std::string mCurrentKey; std::ostringstream mCurrentContent; bool mPreStaged; }; LLSDXMLParser::Impl::Impl() { mParser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL); mPreStaged = false; reset(); } LLSDXMLParser::Impl::~Impl() { XML_ParserFree(mParser); } bool is_eol(char c) { return (c == '\n' || c == '\r'); } void clear_eol(std::istream& input) { char c = input.peek(); while (input.good() && is_eol(c)) { input.get(c); c = input.peek(); } } static unsigned get_till_eol(std::istream& input, char *buf, unsigned bufsize) { unsigned count = 0; while (count < bufsize && input.good()) { input.get(buf[count]); count++; if (is_eol(buf[count - 1])) break; } return count; } S32 LLSDXMLParser::Impl::parse(std::istream& input, LLSD& data) { reset(); XML_Status status; static const int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; void* buffer = NULL; int count = 0; while (input.good() && !input.eof()) { buffer = XML_GetBuffer(mParser, BUFFER_SIZE); /* * If we happened to end our last buffer right at the end of the llsd, but the * stream is still going we will get a null buffer here. Check for mGracefullStop. */ if (!buffer) { break; } count = get_till_eol(input, (char *)buffer, BUFFER_SIZE); if (!count) { break; } status = XML_ParseBuffer(mParser, count, false); if (status == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { break; } } // *FIX.: This code is buggy - if the stream was empty or not // good, there is not buffer to parse, both the call to // XML_ParseBuffer and the buffer manipulations are illegal // futhermore, it isn't clear that the expat buffer semantics are // preserved status = XML_ParseBuffer(mParser, 0, true); if (status == XML_STATUS_ERROR && !mGracefullStop) { if (buffer) { ((char*) buffer)[count ? count - 1 : 0] = '\0'; } llinfos << "LLSDXMLParser::Impl::parse: XML_STATUS_ERROR parsing:" << (char*) buffer << llendl; data = LLSD(); return LLSDParser::PARSE_FAILURE; } clear_eol(input); data = mResult; return mParseCount; } void LLSDXMLParser::Impl::reset() { if (mPreStaged) { mPreStaged = false; return; } mResult.clear(); mParseCount = 0; mInLLSDElement = false; mDepth = 0; mGracefullStop = false; mStack.clear(); mSkipping = false; #if( LL_WINDOWS || __GNUC__ > 2) mCurrentKey.clear(); #else mCurrentKey = std::string(); #endif XML_ParserReset(mParser, "utf-8"); XML_SetUserData(mParser, this); XML_SetElementHandler(mParser, sStartElementHandler, sEndElementHandler); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(mParser, sCharacterDataHandler); } void LLSDXMLParser::Impl::startSkipping() { mSkipping = true; mSkipThrough = mDepth; } const XML_Char* LLSDXMLParser::Impl::findAttribute(const XML_Char* name, const XML_Char** pairs) { while (NULL != pairs && NULL != *pairs) { if(0 == strcmp(name, *pairs)) { return *(pairs + 1); } pairs += 2; } return NULL; } void LLSDXMLParser::Impl::parsePart(const char* buf, int len) { void * buffer = XML_GetBuffer(mParser, len); if (buffer != NULL && buf != NULL) { memcpy(buffer, buf, len); } XML_ParseBuffer(mParser, len, false); mPreStaged = true; } void LLSDXMLParser::Impl::startElementHandler(const XML_Char* name, const XML_Char** attributes) { ++mDepth; if (mSkipping) { return; } Element element = readElement(name); mCurrentContent.str(""); switch (element) { case ELEMENT_LLSD: if (mInLLSDElement) { return startSkipping(); } mInLLSDElement = true; return; case ELEMENT_KEY: if (mStack.empty() || !(mStack.back()->isMap())) { return startSkipping(); } return; case ELEMENT_BINARY: { const XML_Char* encoding = findAttribute("encoding", attributes); if(encoding && strcmp("base64", encoding) != 0) { return startSkipping(); } break; } default: // all rest are values, fall through ; } if (!mInLLSDElement) { return startSkipping(); } if (mStack.empty()) { mStack.push_back(&mResult); } else if (mStack.back()->isMap()) { if (mCurrentKey.empty()) { return startSkipping(); } LLSD& map = *mStack.back(); LLSD& newElement = map[mCurrentKey]; mStack.push_back(&newElement); #if( LL_WINDOWS || __GNUC__ > 2) mCurrentKey.clear(); #else mCurrentKey = std::string(); #endif } else if (mStack.back()->isArray()) { LLSD& array = *mStack.back(); array.append(LLSD()); LLSD& newElement = array[array.size()-1]; mStack.push_back(&newElement); } else { // improperly nested value in a non-structure return startSkipping(); } ++mParseCount; switch (element) { case ELEMENT_MAP: *mStack.back() = LLSD::emptyMap(); break; case ELEMENT_ARRAY: *mStack.back() = LLSD::emptyArray(); break; default: // all the other values will be set in the end element handler ; } } void LLSDXMLParser::Impl::endElementHandler(const XML_Char* name) { --mDepth; if (mSkipping) { if (mDepth < mSkipThrough) { mSkipping = false; } return; } Element element = readElement(name); switch (element) { case ELEMENT_LLSD: if (mInLLSDElement) { mInLLSDElement = false; mGracefullStop = true; XML_StopParser(mParser, false); } return; case ELEMENT_KEY: mCurrentKey = mCurrentContent.str(); return; default: // all rest are values, fall through ; } if (!mInLLSDElement) { return; } LLSD& value = *mStack.back(); mStack.pop_back(); std::string content = mCurrentContent.str(); mCurrentContent.str(""); switch (element) { case ELEMENT_UNDEF: value.clear(); break; case ELEMENT_BOOL: value = content == "true" || content == "1"; break; case ELEMENT_INTEGER: value = LLSD(content).asInteger(); break; case ELEMENT_REAL: value = LLSD(content).asReal(); break; case ELEMENT_STRING: value = content; break; case ELEMENT_UUID: value = LLSD(content).asUUID(); break; case ELEMENT_DATE: value = LLSD(content).asDate(); break; case ELEMENT_URI: value = LLSD(content).asURI(); break; case ELEMENT_BINARY: { S32 len = apr_base64_decode_len(content.c_str()); std::vector data; data.resize(len); len = apr_base64_decode_binary(&data[0], content.c_str()); data.resize(len); value = data; break; } case ELEMENT_UNKNOWN: value.clear(); break; default: // other values, map and array, have already been set break; } } void LLSDXMLParser::Impl::characterDataHandler(const XML_Char* data, int length) { mCurrentContent.write(data, length); } void LLSDXMLParser::Impl::sStartElementHandler( void* userData, const XML_Char* name, const XML_Char** attributes) { ((LLSDXMLParser::Impl*)userData)->startElementHandler(name, attributes); } void LLSDXMLParser::Impl::sEndElementHandler( void* userData, const XML_Char* name) { ((LLSDXMLParser::Impl*)userData)->endElementHandler(name); } void LLSDXMLParser::Impl::sCharacterDataHandler( void* userData, const XML_Char* data, int length) { ((LLSDXMLParser::Impl*)userData)->characterDataHandler(data, length); } LLSDXMLParser::Impl::Element LLSDXMLParser::Impl::readElement(const XML_Char* name) { if (strcmp(name, "llsd") == 0) { return ELEMENT_LLSD; } if (strcmp(name, "undef") == 0) { return ELEMENT_UNDEF; } if (strcmp(name, "boolean") == 0) { return ELEMENT_BOOL; } if (strcmp(name, "integer") == 0) { return ELEMENT_INTEGER; } if (strcmp(name, "real") == 0) { return ELEMENT_REAL; } if (strcmp(name, "string") == 0) { return ELEMENT_STRING; } if (strcmp(name, "uuid") == 0) { return ELEMENT_UUID; } if (strcmp(name, "date") == 0) { return ELEMENT_DATE; } if (strcmp(name, "uri") == 0) { return ELEMENT_URI; } if (strcmp(name, "binary") == 0) { return ELEMENT_BINARY; } if (strcmp(name, "map") == 0) { return ELEMENT_MAP; } if (strcmp(name, "array") == 0) { return ELEMENT_ARRAY; } if (strcmp(name, "key") == 0) { return ELEMENT_KEY; } return ELEMENT_UNKNOWN; } /** * LLSDXMLParser */ LLSDXMLParser::LLSDXMLParser() : impl(* new Impl) { } LLSDXMLParser::~LLSDXMLParser() { delete &impl; } void LLSDXMLParser::parsePart(const char *buf, int len) { impl.parsePart(buf, len); } // virtual S32 LLSDXMLParser::doParse(std::istream& input, LLSD& data) const { return impl.parse(input, data); }