 * @file llsdserialize.h
 * @author Phoenix
 * @date 2006-02-26
 * @brief Declaration of parsers and formatters for LLSD
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2006&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include <iosfwd>
#include "llpointer.h"
#include "llrefcount.h"
#include "llsd.h"

 * @class LLSDParser
 * @brief Abstract base class for LLSD parsers.
class LL_COMMON_API LLSDParser : public LLRefCount
     * @brief Destructor
    virtual ~LLSDParser();

     * @brief Anonymous enum to indicate parsing failure.
        PARSE_FAILURE = -1

     * @brief Constructor

     * @brief Call this method to parse a stream for LLSD.
     * This method parses the istream for a structured data. This
     * method assumes that the istream is a complete llsd object --
     * for example an opened and closed map with an arbitrary nesting
     * of elements. This method will return after reading one data
     * object, allowing continued reading from the stream by the
     * caller.
     * @param istr The input stream.
     * @param data[out] The newly parse structured data.
     * @param max_bytes The maximum number of bytes that will be in
     * the stream. Pass in LLSDSerialize::SIZE_UNLIMITED (-1) to set no
     * byte limit.
     * @return Returns the number of LLSD objects parsed into
     * data. Returns PARSE_FAILURE (-1) on parse failure.
    S32 parse(std::istream& istr, LLSD& data, llssize max_bytes, S32 max_depth = -1);

    /** Like parse(), but uses a different call (istream.getline()) to read by lines
     *  This API is better suited for XML, where the parse cannot tell
     *  where the document actually ends.
    S32 parseLines(std::istream& istr, LLSD& data);

     * @brief Resets the parser so parse() or parseLines() can be called again for another <llsd> chunk.
    void reset()    { doReset();    };

     * @brief Pure virtual base for doing the parse.
     * This method parses the istream for a structured data. This
     * method assumes that the istream is a complete llsd object --
     * for example an opened and closed map with an arbitrary nesting
     * of elements. This method will return after reading one data
     * object, allowing continued reading from the stream by the
     * caller.
     * @param istr The input stream.
     * @param data[out] The newly parse structured data.
     * @param max_depth Max depth parser will check before exiting
     *  with parse error, -1 - unlimited.
     * @return Returns the number of LLSD objects parsed into
     * data. Returns PARSE_FAILURE (-1) on parse failure.
    virtual S32 doParse(std::istream& istr, LLSD& data, S32 max_depth = -1) const = 0;

     * @brief Virtual default function for resetting the parser
    virtual void doReset()  {};

    /* @name Simple istream helper methods
     * These helper methods exist to help correctly use the
     * mMaxBytesLeft without really thinking about it for most simple
     * operations. Use of the streamtools in llstreamtools.h will
     * require custom wrapping.
     * @brief get a byte off the stream
     * @param istr The istream to work with.
     * @return returns the next character.
    int get(std::istream& istr) const;

     * @brief get several bytes off the stream into a buffer.
     * @param istr The istream to work with.
     * @param s The buffer to get into
     * @param n Extract maximum of n-1 bytes and null temrinate.
     * @param delim Delimiter to get until found.
     * @return Returns istr.
    std::istream& get(
        std::istream& istr,
        char* s,
        std::streamsize n,
        char delim) const;

     * @brief get several bytes off the stream into a streambuf
     * @param istr The istream to work with.
     * @param sb The streambuf to read into
     * @param delim Delimiter to get until found.
     * @return Returns istr.
    std::istream& get(
        std::istream& istr,
        std::streambuf& sb,
        char delim) const;

     * @brief ignore the next byte on the istream
     * @param istr The istream to work with.
     * @return Returns istr.
    std::istream& ignore(std::istream& istr) const;

     * @brief put the last character retrieved back on the stream
     * @param istr The istream to work with.
     * @param c The character to put back
     * @return Returns istr.
    std::istream& putback(std::istream& istr, char c) const;

     * @brief read a block of n characters into a buffer
     * @param istr The istream to work with.
     * @param s The buffer to read into
     * @param n The number of bytes to read.
     * @return Returns istr.
    std::istream& read(std::istream& istr, char* s, std::streamsize n) const;

     * @brief Accunt for bytes read outside of the istream helpers.
     * Conceptually const since it only modifies mutable members.
     * @param bytes The number of bytes read.
    void account(llssize bytes) const;

     * @brief boolean to set if byte counts should be checked during parsing.
    bool mCheckLimits;

     * @brief The maximum number of bytes left to be parsed.
    mutable llssize mMaxBytesLeft;

     * @brief Use line-based reading to get text
    bool mParseLines;

 * @class LLSDNotationParser
 * @brief Parser which handles the original notation format for LLSD.
class LL_COMMON_API LLSDNotationParser : public LLSDParser
     * @brief Destructor
    virtual ~LLSDNotationParser();

     * @brief Constructor

     * @brief Call this method to parse a stream for LLSD.
     * This method parses the istream for a structured data. This
     * method assumes that the istream is a complete llsd object --
     * for example an opened and closed map with an arbitrary nesting
     * of elements. This method will return after reading one data
     * object, allowing continued reading from the stream by the
     * caller.
     * @param istr The input stream.
     * @param data[out] The newly parse structured data. Undefined on failure.
     * @param max_depth Max depth parser will check before exiting
     *  with parse error, -1 - unlimited.
     * @return Returns the number of LLSD objects parsed into
     * data. Returns PARSE_FAILURE (-1) on parse failure.
    virtual S32 doParse(std::istream& istr, LLSD& data, S32 max_depth = -1) const;

     * @brief Parse a map from the istream
     * @param istr The input stream.
     * @param map The map to add the parsed data.
     * @param max_depth Allowed parsing depth.
     * @return Returns The number of LLSD objects parsed into data.
    S32 parseMap(std::istream& istr, LLSD& map, S32 max_depth) const;

     * @brief Parse an array from the istream.
     * @param istr The input stream.
     * @param array The array to append the parsed data.
     * @param max_depth Allowed parsing depth.
     * @return Returns The number of LLSD objects parsed into data.
    S32 parseArray(std::istream& istr, LLSD& array, S32 max_depth) const;

     * @brief Parse a string from the istream and assign it to data.
     * @param istr The input stream.
     * @param data[out] The data to assign.
     * @return Retuns true if a complete string was parsed.
    bool parseString(std::istream& istr, LLSD& data) const;

     * @brief Parse binary data from the stream.
     * @param istr The input stream.
     * @param data[out] The data to assign.
     * @return Retuns true if a complete blob was parsed.
    bool parseBinary(std::istream& istr, LLSD& data) const;

 * @class LLSDXMLParser
 * @brief Parser which handles XML format LLSD.
class LL_COMMON_API LLSDXMLParser : public LLSDParser
     * @brief Destructor
    virtual ~LLSDXMLParser();

     * @brief Constructor
    LLSDXMLParser(bool emit_errors=true);

     * @brief Call this method to parse a stream for LLSD.
     * This method parses the istream for a structured data. This
     * method assumes that the istream is a complete llsd object --
     * for example an opened and closed map with an arbitrary nesting
     * of elements. This method will return after reading one data
     * object, allowing continued reading from the stream by the
     * caller.
     * @param istr The input stream.
     * @param data[out] The newly parse structured data.
     * @param max_depth Max depth parser will check before exiting
     *  with parse error, -1 - unlimited.
     * @return Returns the number of LLSD objects parsed into
     * data. Returns PARSE_FAILURE (-1) on parse failure.
    virtual S32 doParse(std::istream& istr, LLSD& data, S32 max_depth = -1) const;

     * @brief Virtual default function for resetting the parser
    virtual void doReset();

    class Impl;
    Impl& impl;

    void parsePart(const char* buf, llssize len);
    friend class LLSDSerialize;

 * @class LLSDBinaryParser
 * @brief Parser which handles binary formatted LLSD.
class LL_COMMON_API LLSDBinaryParser : public LLSDParser
     * @brief Destructor
    virtual ~LLSDBinaryParser();

     * @brief Constructor

     * @brief Call this method to parse a stream for LLSD.
     * This method parses the istream for a structured data. This
     * method assumes that the istream is a complete llsd object --
     * for example an opened and closed map with an arbitrary nesting
     * of elements. This method will return after reading one data
     * object, allowing continued reading from the stream by the
     * caller.
     * @param istr The input stream.
     * @param data[out] The newly parse structured data.
     * @param max_depth Max depth parser will check before exiting
     *  with parse error, -1 - unlimited.
     * @return Returns the number of LLSD objects parsed into
     * data. Returns -1 on parse failure.
    virtual S32 doParse(std::istream& istr, LLSD& data, S32 max_depth = -1) const;

     * @brief Parse a map from the istream
     * @param istr The input stream.
     * @param map The map to add the parsed data.
     * @param max_depth Allowed parsing depth.
     * @return Returns The number of LLSD objects parsed into data.
    S32 parseMap(std::istream& istr, LLSD& map, S32 max_depth) const;

     * @brief Parse an array from the istream.
     * @param istr The input stream.
     * @param array The array to append the parsed data.
     * @param max_depth Allowed parsing depth.
     * @return Returns The number of LLSD objects parsed into data.
    S32 parseArray(std::istream& istr, LLSD& array, S32 max_depth) const;

     * @brief Parse a string from the istream and assign it to data.
     * @param istr The input stream.
     * @param value[out] The string to assign.
     * @return Retuns true if a complete string was parsed.
    bool parseString(std::istream& istr, std::string& value) const;

 * @class LLSDFormatter
 * @brief Abstract base class for formatting LLSD.
class LL_COMMON_API LLSDFormatter : public LLRefCount
     * @brief Destructor
    virtual ~LLSDFormatter();

     * Options for output
    typedef enum e_formatter_options_type
        OPTIONS_NONE = 0,
        OPTIONS_PRETTY = 1,
    } EFormatterOptions;

     * @brief Constructor
    LLSDFormatter(bool boolAlpha=false, const std::string& realFormat="",
                  EFormatterOptions options=OPTIONS_PRETTY_BINARY);

     * @brief Set the boolean serialization format.
     * @param alpha Serializes boolean as alpha if true.
    void boolalpha(bool alpha);

     * @brief Set the real format
     * By default, the formatter will use default double serialization
     * which is frequently frustrating for many applications. You can
     * set the precision on the stream independently, but that still
     * might not work depending on the value.
     * EXAMPLES:<br>
     * %.2f<br>
     * @param format A format string which follows the printf format
     * rules. Specify an empty string to return to default formatting.
    void realFormat(const std::string& format);

     * @brief Call this method to format an LLSD to a stream with options as
     * set by the constructor.
     * @param data The data to write.
     * @param ostr The destination stream for the data.
     * @return Returns The number of LLSD objects formatted out
    S32 format(const LLSD& data, std::ostream& ostr) const;

     * @brief Call this method to format an LLSD to a stream, passing options
     * explicitly.
     * @param data The data to write.
     * @param ostr The destination stream for the data.
     * @param options OPTIONS_NONE to emit LLSD::Binary as raw bytes
     * @return Returns The number of LLSD objects formatted out
    virtual S32 format(const LLSD& data, std::ostream& ostr, EFormatterOptions options) const;

     * @brief Implementation to format the data. This is called recursively.
     * @param data The data to write.
     * @param ostr The destination stream for the data.
     * @return Returns The number of LLSD objects formatted out
    virtual S32 format_impl(const LLSD& data, std::ostream& ostr, EFormatterOptions options,
                            U32 level) const = 0;

     * @brief Helper method which appropriately obeys the real format.
     * @param real The real value to format.
     * @param ostr The destination stream for the data.
    void formatReal(LLSD::Real real, std::ostream& ostr) const;

    bool mBoolAlpha;
    std::string mRealFormat;
    EFormatterOptions mOptions;

 * @class LLSDNotationFormatter
 * @brief Formatter which outputs the original notation format for LLSD.
class LL_COMMON_API LLSDNotationFormatter : public LLSDFormatter
     * @brief Destructor
    virtual ~LLSDNotationFormatter();

     * @brief Constructor
    LLSDNotationFormatter(bool boolAlpha=false, const std::string& realFormat="",
                          EFormatterOptions options=OPTIONS_PRETTY_BINARY);

     * @brief Helper static method to return a notation escaped string
     * This method will return the notation escaped string, but not
     * the surrounding serialization identifiers such as a double or
     * single quote. It will be up to the caller to embed those as
     * appropriate.
     * @param in The raw, unescaped string.
     * @return Returns an escaped string appropriate for serialization.
    static std::string escapeString(const std::string& in);

     * @brief Implementation to format the data. This is called recursively.
     * @param data The data to write.
     * @param ostr The destination stream for the data.
     * @return Returns The number of LLSD objects formatted out
    S32 format_impl(const LLSD& data, std::ostream& ostr, EFormatterOptions options,
                    U32 level) const override;

 * @class LLSDXMLFormatter
 * @brief Formatter which outputs the LLSD as XML.
class LL_COMMON_API LLSDXMLFormatter : public LLSDFormatter
     * @brief Destructor
    virtual ~LLSDXMLFormatter();

     * @brief Constructor
    LLSDXMLFormatter(bool boolAlpha=false, const std::string& realFormat="",
                     EFormatterOptions options=OPTIONS_PRETTY_BINARY);

     * @brief Helper static method to return an xml escaped string
     * @param in A valid UTF-8 string.
     * @return Returns an escaped string appropriate for serialization.
    static std::string escapeString(const std::string& in);

     * @brief Call this method to format an LLSD to a stream.
     * @param data The data to write.
     * @param ostr The destination stream for the data.
     * @return Returns The number of LLSD objects formatted out
    S32 format(const LLSD& data, std::ostream& ostr, EFormatterOptions options) const override;

    // also pull down base-class format() method that isn't overridden
    using LLSDFormatter::format;

     * @brief Implementation to format the data. This is called recursively.
     * @param data The data to write.
     * @param ostr The destination stream for the data.
     * @return Returns The number of LLSD objects formatted out
    S32 format_impl(const LLSD& data, std::ostream& ostr, EFormatterOptions options,
                    U32 level) const override;

 * @class LLSDBinaryFormatter
 * @brief Formatter which outputs the LLSD as a binary notation format.
 * The binary format is a compact and efficient representation of
 * structured data useful for when transmitting over a small data pipe
 * or when transmission frequency is very high.<br>
 * The normal boolalpha and real format commands are ignored.<br>
 * All integers are transmitted in network byte order. The format is:<br>
 * Undefined: '!'<br>
 * Boolean: character '1' for true character '0' for false<br>
 * Integer: 'i' + 4 bytes network byte order<br>
 * Real: 'r' + 8 bytes IEEE double<br>
 * UUID: 'u' + 16 byte unsigned integer<br>
 * String: 's' + 4 byte integer size + string<br>
 * Date: 'd' + 8 byte IEEE double for seconds since epoch<br>
 * URI: 'l' + 4 byte integer size + string uri<br>
 * Binary: 'b' + 4 byte integer size + binary data<br>
 * Array: '[' + 4 byte integer size  + all values + ']'<br>
 * Map: '{' + 4 byte integer size  every(key + value) + '}'<br>
 *  map keys are serialized as 'k' + 4 byte integer size + string
class LL_COMMON_API LLSDBinaryFormatter : public LLSDFormatter
     * @brief Destructor
    virtual ~LLSDBinaryFormatter();

     * @brief Constructor
    LLSDBinaryFormatter(bool boolAlpha=false, const std::string& realFormat="",
                        EFormatterOptions options=OPTIONS_PRETTY_BINARY);

     * @brief Implementation to format the data. This is called recursively.
     * @param data The data to write.
     * @param ostr The destination stream for the data.
     * @return Returns The number of LLSD objects formatted out
    S32 format_impl(const LLSD& data, std::ostream& ostr, EFormatterOptions options,
                    U32 level) const override;

     * @brief Helper method to serialize strings
     * This method serializes a network byte order size and the raw
     * string contents.
     * @param string The string to write.
     * @param ostr The destination stream for the data.
    void formatString(const std::string& string, std::ostream& ostr) const;

 * @class LLSDNotationStreamFormatter
 * @brief Formatter which is specialized for use on streams which
 * outputs the original notation format for LLSD.
 * This class is useful for doing inline stream operations. For example:
 * <code>
 *  LLSD sd;<br>
 *  sd["foo"] = "bar";<br>
 *  std::stringstream params;<br>
 *  params << "[{'version':i1}," << LLSDOStreamer<LLSDNotationFormatter>(sd)
 *    << "]";
 *  </code>
 * *NOTE - formerly this class inherited from its template parameter Formatter,
 * but all instantiations passed in LLRefCount subclasses.  This conflicted with
 * the auto allocation intended for this class template (demonstrated in the
 * example above).  -brad
template <class Formatter>
class LLSDOStreamer
     * @brief Constructor
    LLSDOStreamer(const LLSD& data,
                  LLSDFormatter::EFormatterOptions options=LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_PRETTY_BINARY) :
        mSD(data), mOptions(options) {}

     * @brief Stream operator.
     * Use this inline during construction during a stream operation.
     * @param str The destination stream for serialized output.
     * @param The formatter which will output it's LLSD.
     * @return Returns the stream passed in after streaming mSD.
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(
        std::ostream& out,
        const LLSDOStreamer<Formatter>& streamer)
        LLPointer<Formatter> f = new Formatter;
        f->format(streamer.mSD, out, streamer.mOptions);
        return out;

    LLSD mSD;
    LLSDFormatter::EFormatterOptions mOptions;

typedef LLSDOStreamer<LLSDNotationFormatter>    LLSDNotationStreamer;
typedef LLSDOStreamer<LLSDXMLFormatter>         LLSDXMLStreamer;

 * @class LLSDSerialize
 * @brief Serializer / deserializer for the various LLSD formats
class LL_COMMON_API LLSDSerialize
    enum ELLSD_Serialize

     * @brief anonymouse enumeration for useful max_bytes constants.
        // Setting an unlimited size is discouraged and should only be
        // used when reading cin or another stream source which does
        // not provide access to size.
        SIZE_UNLIMITED = -1,

     * Generic in/outs
    static void serialize(const LLSD& sd, std::ostream& str, ELLSD_Serialize,
                          LLSDFormatter::EFormatterOptions options=LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_PRETTY_BINARY);

     * @brief Examine a stream, and parse 1 sd object out based on contents.
     * @param sd [out] The data found on the stream
     * @param str The incoming stream
     * @param max_bytes the maximum number of bytes to parse
     * @return Returns true if the stream appears to contain valid data
    static bool deserialize(LLSD& sd, std::istream& str, llssize max_bytes);

     * Notation Methods
    static S32 toNotation(const LLSD& sd, std::ostream& str)
        LLPointer<LLSDNotationFormatter> f = new LLSDNotationFormatter;
        return f->format(sd, str, LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_NONE);
    static S32 toPrettyNotation(const LLSD& sd, std::ostream& str)
        LLPointer<LLSDNotationFormatter> f = new LLSDNotationFormatter;
        return f->format(sd, str, LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_PRETTY);
    static S32 toPrettyBinaryNotation(const LLSD& sd, std::ostream& str)
        LLPointer<LLSDNotationFormatter> f = new LLSDNotationFormatter;
        return f->format(sd, str,
                         LLSDFormatter::EFormatterOptions(LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_PRETTY |
    static S32 fromNotation(LLSD& sd, std::istream& str, llssize max_bytes)
        LLPointer<LLSDNotationParser> p = new LLSDNotationParser;
        return p->parse(str, sd, max_bytes);
    static LLSD fromNotation(std::istream& str, llssize max_bytes)
        LLPointer<LLSDNotationParser> p = new LLSDNotationParser;
        LLSD sd;
        (void)p->parse(str, sd, max_bytes);
        return sd;

     * XML Methods
    static S32 toXML(const LLSD& sd, std::ostream& str)
        LLPointer<LLSDXMLFormatter> f = new LLSDXMLFormatter;
        return f->format(sd, str, LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_NONE);
    static S32 toPrettyXML(const LLSD& sd, std::ostream& str)
        LLPointer<LLSDXMLFormatter> f = new LLSDXMLFormatter;
        return f->format(sd, str, LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_PRETTY);

    static S32 fromXMLEmbedded(LLSD& sd, std::istream& str, bool emit_errors=true)
        // no need for max_bytes since xml formatting is not
        // subvertable by bad sizes.
        LLPointer<LLSDXMLParser> p = new LLSDXMLParser(emit_errors);
        return p->parse(str, sd, LLSDSerialize::SIZE_UNLIMITED);
    // Line oriented parser, 30% faster than fromXML(), but can
    // only be used when you know you have the complete XML
    // document available in the stream.
    static S32 fromXMLDocument(LLSD& sd, std::istream& str, bool emit_errors=true)
        LLPointer<LLSDXMLParser> p = new LLSDXMLParser(emit_errors);
        return p->parseLines(str, sd);
    static S32 fromXML(LLSD& sd, std::istream& str, bool emit_errors=true)
        return fromXMLEmbedded(sd, str, emit_errors);
//      return fromXMLDocument(sd, str, emit_errors);

     * Binary Methods
    static S32 toBinary(const LLSD& sd, std::ostream& str)
        LLPointer<LLSDBinaryFormatter> f = new LLSDBinaryFormatter;
        return f->format(sd, str, LLSDFormatter::OPTIONS_NONE);
    static S32 fromBinary(LLSD& sd, std::istream& str, llssize max_bytes, S32 max_depth = -1)
        LLPointer<LLSDBinaryParser> p = new LLSDBinaryParser;
        return p->parse(str, sd, max_bytes, max_depth);
    static LLSD fromBinary(std::istream& str, llssize max_bytes, S32 max_depth = -1)
        LLPointer<LLSDBinaryParser> p = new LLSDBinaryParser;
        LLSD sd;
        (void)p->parse(str, sd, max_bytes, max_depth);
        return sd;

class LL_COMMON_API LLUZipHelper : public LLRefCount
    typedef enum e_zip_result
        ZR_OK = 0,
    } EZipRresult;
    // return OK or reason for failure
    static EZipRresult unzip_llsd(LLSD& data, std::istream& is, S32 size);
    static EZipRresult unzip_llsd(LLSD& data, const U8* in, S32 size);

//dirty little zip functions -- yell at davep
LL_COMMON_API std::string zip_llsd(LLSD& data);

LL_COMMON_API U8* unzip_llsdNavMesh( bool& valid, size_t& outsize,std::istream& is, S32 size);

// returns a pointer to the array or past the array if the deprecated header exists
LL_COMMON_API char* strip_deprecated_header(char* in, llssize& cur_size, llssize* header_size = nullptr);