 * @file   llleap.cpp
 * @author Nat Goodspeed
 * @date   2012-02-20
 * @brief  Implementation for llleap.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2012&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Copyright (c) 2012, Linden Research, Inc.
 * $/LicenseInfo$

// Precompiled header
#include "linden_common.h"
// associated header
#include "llleap.h"
// STL headers
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
// std headers
// external library headers
// other Linden headers
#include "llerror.h"
#include "llerrorcontrol.h"
#include "llevents.h"
#include "llexception.h"
#include "llleaplistener.h"
#include "llprocess.h"
#include "llsdserialize.h"
#include "llsdutil.h"
#include "llstring.h"
#include "lltimer.h"
#include "lluuid.h"
#include "scriptcommand.h"
#include "stringize.h"

#pragma warning (disable : 4355) // 'this' used in initializer list: yes, intentionally

LLLeap::LLLeap() {}
LLLeap::~LLLeap() {}

class LLLeapImpl: public LLLeap
    // Called only by LLLeap::create()
    LLLeapImpl(const LLProcess::Params& cparams):
        // We might reassign mDesc in the constructor body if it's empty here.
        // We expect multiple LLLeapImpl instances. Definitely tweak
        // mDonePump's name for uniqueness.
        mDonePump("LLLeap", true),
        // Instantiate a distinct LLLeapListener for this plugin. (Every
        // plugin will want its own collection of managed listeners, etc.)
        // Pass it our wstdin() method as its callback, so it can send events
        // from a particular LLEventPump to the plugin without having to know
        // this class or method name.
            new LLLeapListener(
                // Serialize any reply event to our child's stdin, suitably
                // enriched with the pump name on which it was received.
                [this](const std::string& pump, const LLSD& data)
                { return wstdin(pump, data); }))
        // Rule out unpopulated Params block
        if (! cparams.executable.isProvided())
            LLTHROW(Error("no plugin command"));

        // Don't leave desc empty either, but in this case, if we weren't
        // given one, we'll fake one.
        if (mDesc.empty())
            mDesc = LLProcess::basename(cparams.executable);
            // how about a toLower() variant that returns the transformed string?!
            std::string desclower(mDesc);
            // If we're running a Python script, use the script name for the
            // desc instead of just 'python'. Arguably we should check for
            // more different interpreters as well, but there's a reason to
            // notice Python specially: we provide Python LLSD serialization
            // support, so there's a pretty good reason to implement plugins
            // in that language.
            if (cparams.args.size() && (desclower == "python" || desclower == "python3" || desclower == "python.exe"))
                mDesc = LLProcess::basename(cparams.args()[0]);

        // Listen for child "termination" right away to catch launch errors.
        mDonePump.listen("LLLeap", [this](const LLSD& data){ return bad_launch(data); });

        // Okay, launch child.
        // Get a modifiable copy of params block to set files and postend.
        LLProcess::Params params(cparams);
        // copy our deduced mDesc back into the params block
        params.desc = mDesc;
        params.files.add(LLProcess::FileParam("pipe")); // stdin
        params.files.add(LLProcess::FileParam("pipe")); // stdout
        params.files.add(LLProcess::FileParam("pipe")); // stderr
        params.postend = mDonePump.getName();
        mChild = LLProcess::create(params);
        // If that didn't work, no point in keeping this LLLeap object.
        if (! mChild)
            LLTHROW(Error(stringize("failed to run ", mDesc)));

        // Okay, launch apparently worked. Change our mDonePump listener.
        mDonePump.listen("LLLeap", [this](const LLSD& data){ return done(data); });

        // Child might pump large volumes of data through either stdout or
        // stderr. Don't bother copying all that data into notification event.

        // Listening on stdout is stateful. In general, we're either waiting
        // for the length prefix or waiting for the specified length of data.
        mReadPrefix = true;
        mStdoutConnection = childout.getPump()
            .listen("LLLeap", [this](const LLSD& data){ return rstdout(data); });

        // Log anything sent up through stderr. When a typical program
        // encounters an error, it writes its error message to stderr and
        // terminates with nonzero exit code. In particular, the Python
        // interpreter behaves that way. More generally, though, a plugin
        // author can log whatever s/he wants to the viewer log using stderr.
        mStderrConnection = childerr.getPump()
            .listen("LLLeap", [this](const LLSD& data){ return rstderr(data); });

        // For our lifespan, intercept any LL_ERRS so we can notify plugin
        mRecorder = LLError::addGenericRecorder(
            [this](LLError::ELevel level, const std::string& message)
            { onError(level, message); });

        // Send child a preliminary event reporting our own reply-pump name --
        // which would otherwise be pretty tricky to guess!
               ("command", mListener->getName())
               // Include LLLeap features -- this may be important for child to
               // construct (or recognize) current protocol.
               ("features", LLLeapListener::getFeatures()));

    // Normally we'd expect to arrive here only via done()
    virtual ~LLLeapImpl()
        LL_DEBUGS("LLLeap") << "destroying LLLeap(\"" << mDesc << "\")" << LL_ENDL;

    // Listener for failed launch attempt
    bool bad_launch(const LLSD& data)
        LL_WARNS("LLLeap") << data["string"].asString() << LL_ENDL;
        return false;

    // Listener for child-process termination
    bool done(const LLSD& data)
        // Log the termination
        LL_INFOS("LLLeap") << data["string"].asString() << LL_ENDL;

        // Any leftover data at this moment are because protocol was not
        // satisfied. Possibly the child was interrupted in the middle of
        // sending a message, possibly the child didn't flush stdout before
        // terminating, possibly it's just garbage. Log its existence but
        // discard it.
        LLProcess::ReadPipe& childout(mChild->getReadPipe(LLProcess::STDOUT));
        if (childout.size())
                peeklen((std::min)(LLProcess::ReadPipe::size_type(50), childout.size()));
            LL_WARNS("LLLeap") << "Discarding final " << childout.size() << " bytes: "
                               << childout.peek(0, peeklen) << "..." << LL_ENDL;

        // Kill this instance. MUST BE LAST before return!
        delete this;
        return false;

    // Listener for reply events: send to child stdin
    bool wstdin(const std::string& pump, const LLSD& data)
        LLSD packet(LLSDMap("pump", pump)("data", data));

        std::ostringstream buffer;
        // SL-18330: for large data blocks, it's much faster to parse binary
        // LLSD than notation LLSD. Use serialize(LLSD_BINARY) rather than
        // directly calling LLSDBinaryFormatter because, unlike the latter,
        // serialize() prepends the relevant header, needed by a general-
        // purpose LLSD parser to distinguish binary from notation.
        LLSDSerialize::serialize(packet, buffer, LLSDSerialize::LLSD_BINARY,

        // DEBUGGING ONLY: don't copy str() if we can avoid it.
        std::string strdata(buffer.str());
        if (std::size_t(buffer.tellp()) != strdata.length())
            LL_ERRS("LLLeap") << "tellp() -> " << static_cast<U64>(buffer.tellp()) << " != "
                              << "str().length() -> " << strdata.length() << LL_ENDL;
        // DEBUGGING ONLY: reading back is terribly inefficient.
        std::istringstream readback(strdata);
        LLSD echo;
        bool parse_status(LLSDSerialize::deserialize(echo, readback, strdata.length()));
        if (! parse_status)
            LL_ERRS("LLLeap") << "LLSDSerialize::deserialize() cannot parse output of "
                              << "LLSDSerialize::serialize(LLSD_BINARY)" << LL_ENDL;
        if (! llsd_equals(echo, packet))
            LL_ERRS("LLLeap") << "LLSDSerialize::deserialize() returned different LLSD "
                              << "than passed to LLSDSerialize::serialize()" << LL_ENDL;

        LL_DEBUGS("EventHost") << "Sending: "
                               << static_cast<U64>(buffer.tellp()) << ':';
        llssize truncate(80);
        if (buffer.tellp() <= truncate)
            LL_CONT << buffer.str();
            LL_CONT << buffer.str().substr(0, truncate) << "...";
        LL_CONT << LL_ENDL;

        LLProcess::WritePipe& childin(mChild->getWritePipe(LLProcess::STDIN));
        childin.get_ostream() << static_cast<U64>(buffer.tellp())
                              << ':' << buffer.str() << std::flush;
        return false;

    // Stateful listening on child stdout:
    // wait for a length prefix, followed by ':'.
    bool rstdout(const LLSD&)
        LLProcess::ReadPipe& childout(mChild->getReadPipe(LLProcess::STDOUT));
        while (childout.size())
            /*----------------- waiting for length prefix ------------------*/
            if (mReadPrefix)
                // It's possible we got notified of a couple digit characters without
                // seeing the ':' -- unlikely, but still. Until we see ':', keep
                // waiting.
                if (! childout.contains(':'))
                    if (childout.contains('\n'))
                        // Since this is the initial listening state, this is where we'd
                        // arrive if the child isn't following protocol at all -- say
                        // because the user specified 'ls' or some darn thing.
                    // Either way, stop looping.

                // Saw ':', read length prefix and store in mExpect.
                std::istream& childstream(childout.get_istream());
                size_t expect;
                childstream >> expect;
                int colon(childstream.get());
                if (colon != ':')
                    // Protocol failure. Clear out the rest of the pending data in
                    // childout (well, up to a max length) to log what was wrong.
                    bad_protocol(stringize(expect, char(colon), childout.read(readlen)));
                    // Saw length prefix, saw colon, life is good. Now wait for
                    // that length of data to arrive.
                    mExpect = expect;
                    LL_DEBUGS("LLLeap") << "got length, waiting for "
                                        << mExpect << " bytes of data" << LL_ENDL;
                    // Transition to "read data" mode and loop back to check
                    // if we've already received all the advertised data.
                    mReadPrefix = false;
            /*----------------- saw prefix, wait for data ------------------*/
                // Until we've accumulated the promised length of data, keep waiting.
                if (childout.size() < mExpect)

                // We have the data we were told to expect! Ready to rock and roll.
                LL_DEBUGS("LLLeap") << "needed " << mExpect << " bytes, got "
                                    << childout.size() << ", parsing LLSD" << LL_ENDL;
                LLSD data;
#if 1
                // specifically require notation LLSD from child
                LLPointer<LLSDParser> parser(new LLSDNotationParser());
                S32 parse_status(parser->parse(childout.get_istream(), data, mExpect));
                if (parse_status == LLSDParser::PARSE_FAILURE)
                // SL-18330: accept any valid LLSD serialization format from child
                // Unfortunately this runs into trouble we have not yet debugged.
                bool parse_status(LLSDSerialize::deserialize(data, childout.get_istream(), mExpect));
                if (! parse_status)
                    bad_protocol("unparseable LLSD data");
                else if (! (data.isMap() && data["pump"].isString() && data.has("data")))
                    // we got an LLSD object, but it lacks required keys
                    bad_protocol("missing 'pump' or 'data'");
                        // The LLSD object we got from our stream contains the
                        // keys we need.
                        LLEventPumps::instance().post(data["pump"], data["data"]);
                    catch (const std::exception& err)
                        // No plugin should be allowed to crash the viewer by
                        // driving an exception -- intentionally or not.
                        LOG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION(stringize("handling request ", data));
                        // Whether or not the plugin added a "reply" key to the
                        // request, send a reply. We happen to know who originated
                        // this request, and the reply LLEventPump of interest.
                        // Not our problem if the plugin ignores the reply event.
                        data["reply"] = mListener->getReplyPump().getName();
                                            stringize(LLError::Log::classname(err), ": ", err.what())),
                    // Transition to "read prefix" mode and go check for any
                    // more pending events in the buffer.
                    mReadPrefix = true;
        return false;

    void bad_protocol(const std::string& data)
        LL_WARNS("LLLeap") << mDesc << ": invalid protocol: " << data << LL_ENDL;
        // No point in continuing to run this child.

    // Listen on child stderr and log everything that arrives
    bool rstderr(const LLSD& data)
        LLProcess::ReadPipe& childerr(mChild->getReadPipe(LLProcess::STDERR));
        // We might have gotten a notification involving only a partial line
        // -- or multiple lines. Read all complete lines; stop when there's
        // only a partial line left.
        while (childerr.contains('\n'))
            // DO NOT make calls with side effects in a logging statement! If
            // that log level is suppressed, your side effects WON'T HAPPEN.
            std::string line(childerr.getline());
            // Log the received line. Prefix it with the desc so we know which
            // plugin it's from. This method name rstderr() is intentionally
            // chosen to further qualify the log output.
            LL_INFOS("LLLeap") << mDesc << ": " << line << LL_ENDL;
        // What if child writes a final partial line to stderr?
        if (data["eof"].asBoolean() && childerr.size())
            std::string rest(childerr.read(childerr.size()));
            // Read all remaining bytes and log.
            LL_INFOS("LLLeap") << mDesc << ": " << rest << LL_ENDL;
        /*--------------------------- diagnostic ---------------------------*/
        else if (data["eof"].asBoolean())
            LL_DEBUGS("LLLeap") << mDesc << " ended, no partial line" << LL_ENDL;
            LL_DEBUGS("LLLeap") << mDesc << " (still running, " << childerr.size()
                                << " bytes pending)" << LL_ENDL;
        /*------------------------- end diagnostic -------------------------*/
        return false;

    void onError(LLError::ELevel level, const std::string& error)
        if (level == LLError::LEVEL_ERROR)
            // Notify plugin
            LLSD event;
            event["type"] = "error";
            event["error"] = error;

            // All the above really accomplished was to buffer the serialized
            // event in our WritePipe. Have to pump mainloop a couple times to
            // really write it out there... but time out in case we can't write.
            LLProcess::WritePipe& childin(mChild->getWritePipe(LLProcess::STDIN));
            LLEventPump& mainloop(LLEventPumps::instance().obtain("mainloop"));
            LLSD nop;
            F64 until = (LLTimer::getElapsedSeconds() + 2).value();
            while (childin.size() && LLTimer::getElapsedSeconds() < until)

    std::string mDesc;
    LLEventStream mDonePump;
    LLProcessPtr mChild;
    LLTempBoundListener mStdoutConnection, mStderrConnection;
    LLProcess::ReadPipe::size_type mExpect;
    LLError::RecorderPtr mRecorder;
    std::unique_ptr<LLLeapListener> mListener;
    bool mReadPrefix;

// These must follow the declaration of LLLeapImpl, so they may as well be last.
LLLeap* LLLeap::create(const LLProcess::Params& params, bool exc)
    // If caller is willing to permit exceptions, just instantiate.
    if (exc)
        return new LLLeapImpl(params);

    // Caller insists on suppressing LLLeap::Error. Very well, catch it.
        return new LLLeapImpl(params);
    catch (const LLLeap::Error&)
        return NULL;

LLLeap* LLLeap::create(const std::string& desc, const std::vector<std::string>& plugin, bool exc)
    LLProcess::Params params;
    params.desc = desc;
    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator pi(plugin.begin()), pend(plugin.end());
    // could validate here, but let's rely on LLLeapImpl's constructor
    if (pi != pend)
        params.executable = *pi++;
    for ( ; pi != pend; ++pi)
    return create(params, exc);

LLLeap* LLLeap::create(const std::string& desc, const std::string& plugin, bool exc)
    // Use ScriptCommand to parse the command line
    ScriptCommand command(plugin);
    auto error = command.error();
    if (! error.empty())
        if (exc)
        return nullptr;

    LLProcess::Params params;
    params.desc = desc;
    params.executable = command.script;
    for (const auto& arg : command.args)
    return create(params, exc);