 * @file llframetimer.h
 * @brief A lightweight timer that measures seconds and is only
 * updated once per frame.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


 * *NOTE: Because of limitations on linux which we do not really have
 * time to explore, the total time is derived from the frame time
 * and is recsynchronized on every frame.

#include "lltimer.h"

class LL_COMMON_API LLFrameTimer 
	LLFrameTimer() : mStartTime( sFrameTime ), mExpiry(0), mStarted(TRUE) {}

	// Return the number of seconds since the start of this
	// application instance.
	static F64SecondsImplicit getElapsedSeconds()
		// Loses msec precision after ~4.5 hours...
		return sFrameTime;

	// Return a low precision usec since epoch
	static U64 getTotalTime()
		return sTotalTime ? U64MicrosecondsImplicit(sTotalTime) : totalTime();

	// Return a low precision seconds since epoch
	static F64 getTotalSeconds()
		return sTotalSeconds;

	// Call this method once per frame to update the current frame time.   This is actually called
	// at some other times as well
	static void updateFrameTime();

	// Call this method once, and only once, per frame to update the current frame count.
	static void updateFrameCount()					{ sFrameCount++; }

	static U32  getFrameCount()						{ return sFrameCount; }

	static F32	getFrameDeltaTimeF32();

	// Return seconds since the current frame started
	static F32  getCurrentFrameTime();

	void start();
	void stop();
	void reset();
	void resetWithExpiry(F32 expiration);
	void pause();
	void unpause();
	void setTimerExpirySec(F32 expiration);
	void setExpiryAt(F64 seconds_since_epoch);
	BOOL checkExpirationAndReset(F32 expiration);
	F32 getElapsedTimeAndResetF32() 				{ F32 t = F32(sFrameTime - mStartTime); reset(); return t; }

	void setAge(const F64 age)						{ mStartTime = sFrameTime - age; }

	BOOL hasExpired() const							{ return (sFrameTime >= mExpiry); }
	F32  getTimeToExpireF32() const					{ return (F32)(mExpiry - sFrameTime); }
	F32  getElapsedTimeF32() const					{ return mStarted ? (F32)(sFrameTime - mStartTime) : (F32)mStartTime; }
	BOOL getStarted() const							{ return mStarted; }

	// return the seconds since epoch when this timer will expire.
	F64 expiresAt() const;

	// A single, high resolution timer that drives all LLFrameTimers
	// *NOTE: no longer used.
	//static LLTimer sInternalTimer;		

	// Aplication constants

	// Start time of opp in usec since epoch
	static U64 sStartTotalTime;	

	// Data updated per frame

	// Seconds since application start
	static F64 sFrameTime;

	// Time that has elapsed since last call to updateFrameTime()
	static U64 sFrameDeltaTime;

	// Total microseconds since epoch.
	static U64 sTotalTime;			

	// Seconds since epoch.
	static F64 sTotalSeconds;

	// Total number of frames elapsed in application
	static S32 sFrameCount;

	// Member data

	// Number of seconds after application start when this timer was
	// started. Set equal to sFrameTime when reset.
	F64 mStartTime;

	// Timer expires this many seconds after application start time.
	F64 mExpiry;

	// Useful bit of state usually associated with timers, but does
	// not affect actual functionality
	BOOL mStarted;

// Glue code for Havok (or anything else that doesn't want the full .h files)
extern F32  getCurrentFrameTime();