 * @file llassettype.h
 * @brief Declaration of LLAssetType.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include <string>

class LL_COMMON_API LLAssetType
    enum EType
        AT_TEXTURE = 0,
            // Used for painting the faces of geometry.
            // Stored in typical j2c stream format.

        AT_SOUND = 1,
            // Used to fill the aural spectrum.

        AT_CALLINGCARD = 2,
            // Links instant message access to the user on the card.
            // : E.G. A card for yourself, for linden support, for
            // : the guy you were talking to in the coliseum.

        AT_LANDMARK = 3,
            // Links to places in the world with location and a screen shot or image saved.
            // : E.G. Home, linden headquarters, the coliseum, destinations where
            // : we want to increase traffic.

        AT_SCRIPT = 4,
            // Valid scripts that can be attached to an object.
            // : E.G. Open a door, jump into the air.

        AT_CLOTHING = 5,
            // A collection of textures and parameters that can be worn by an avatar.

        AT_OBJECT = 6,
            // Any combination of textures, sounds, and scripts that are
            // associated with a fixed piece of geometry.
            // : E.G. A hot tub, a house with working door.

        AT_NOTECARD = 7,
            // Just text.

        AT_CATEGORY = 8,
            // Holds a collection of inventory items.
            // It's treated as an item in the inventory and therefore needs a type.

        AT_LSL_TEXT = 10,
        AT_LSL_BYTECODE = 11,
            // The LSL is the scripting language.
            // We've split it into a text and bytecode representation.

        AT_TEXTURE_TGA = 12,
            // Uncompressed TGA texture.

        AT_BODYPART = 13,
            // A collection of textures and parameters that can be worn by an avatar.

        AT_SOUND_WAV = 17,
            // Uncompressed sound.

        AT_IMAGE_TGA = 18,
            // Uncompressed image, non-square.
            // Not appropriate for use as a texture.

        AT_IMAGE_JPEG = 19,
            // Compressed image, non-square.
            // Not appropriate for use as a texture.

        AT_ANIMATION = 20,
            // Animation.

        AT_GESTURE = 21,
            // Gesture, sequence of animations, sounds, chat, wait steps.

        AT_SIMSTATE = 22,
            // Simstate file.

        AT_LINK = 24,
            // Inventory symbolic link

        AT_LINK_FOLDER = 25,
            // Inventory folder link

            // Marketplace folder. Same as an AT_CATEGORY but different display methods.

        AT_WIDGET = 40,
            // UI Widget: this is *not* an inventory asset type, only a viewer side asset (e.g. button, other ui items...)

        AT_PERSON = 45,
            // A user uuid  which is not an inventory asset type, used in viewer only for adding a person to a chat via drag and drop.

        AT_MESH = 49,
        // Mesh data in our proprietary SLM format

        AT_RESERVED_1 = 50,
        AT_RESERVED_2 = 51,
        AT_RESERVED_3 = 52,
        AT_RESERVED_4 = 53,
        AT_RESERVED_5 = 54,
        AT_RESERVED_6 = 55,

        AT_SETTINGS = 56,   // Collection of settings
        AT_MATERIAL = 57,   // Render Material
        AT_GLTF = 58,   // gltf json document
        AT_GLTF_BIN = 59, // gltf binary data

        AT_COUNT = 60,

            // +*********************************************************+
            // |  TO ADD AN ELEMENT TO THIS ENUM:                        |
            // +*********************************************************+
            // | 1. INSERT BEFORE AT_COUNT                               |
            // | 2. INCREMENT AT_COUNT BY 1                              |
            // | 3. ADD TO LLAssetType.cpp                               |
            // | 4. ADD TO LLViewerAssetType.cpp                         |
            // | 5. ADD TO DEFAULT_ASSET_FOR_INV in LLInventoryType.cpp  |
            // +*********************************************************+
        AT_UNKNOWN = 255,
        AT_NONE = -1

    // machine transation between type and strings
    static EType                lookup(const char* name); // safe conversion to std::string, *TODO: deprecate
    static EType                lookup(const std::string& type_name);
    static const char*          lookup(EType asset_type);

    // translation from a type to a human readable form.
    static EType                lookupHumanReadable(const char* desc_name); // safe conversion to std::string, *TODO: deprecate
    static EType                lookupHumanReadable(const std::string& readable_name);
    static const char*          lookupHumanReadable(EType asset_type);

    static EType                getType(const std::string& desc_name);
    static const std::string&   getDesc(EType asset_type);

    static bool                 lookupCanLink(EType asset_type);
    static bool                 lookupIsLinkType(EType asset_type);

    static bool                 lookupIsAssetFetchByIDAllowed(EType asset_type); // the asset allows direct download
    static bool                 lookupIsAssetIDKnowable(EType asset_type); // asset data can be known by the viewer

    static const std::string    BADLOOKUP;

    LLAssetType() {}
    ~LLAssetType() {}