 * @file lljointsolverrp3.cpp
 * @brief Implementation of Joint Solver in 3D Real Projective space (RP3). See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_projective_space
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

// Header Files
#include "linden_common.h"

#include "lljointsolverrp3.h"

#include "llmath.h"

#define F_EPSILON 0.00001f

    #define DEBUG_JOINT_SOLVER 0
    #define DEBUG_JOINT_SOLVER 1

// Constructor
	mJointA = NULL;
	mJointB = NULL;
	mJointC = NULL;
	mJointGoal = NULL;
	mLengthAB = 1.0f;
	mLengthBC = 1.0f;
	mPoleVector.setVec( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
	mbUseBAxis = FALSE;
	mTwist = 0.0f;
	mFirstTime = TRUE;

// Destructor
/*virtual*/ LLJointSolverRP3::~LLJointSolverRP3()

// setupJoints()
void LLJointSolverRP3::setupJoints(	LLJoint* jointA,
									LLJoint* jointB,
									LLJoint* jointC,
									LLJoint* jointGoal )
	mJointA = jointA;
	mJointB = jointB;
	mJointC = jointC;
	mJointGoal = jointGoal;

	mLengthAB = mJointB->getPosition().magVec();
	mLengthBC = mJointC->getPosition().magVec();

	mJointABaseRotation = jointA->getRotation();
	mJointBBaseRotation = jointB->getRotation();

// getPoleVector()
const LLVector3& LLJointSolverRP3::getPoleVector()
	return mPoleVector;

// setPoleVector()
void LLJointSolverRP3::setPoleVector( const LLVector3& poleVector )
	mPoleVector = poleVector;

// setPoleVector()
void LLJointSolverRP3::setBAxis( const LLVector3& bAxis )
	mBAxis = bAxis;
	mbUseBAxis = TRUE;

// getTwist()
F32 LLJointSolverRP3::getTwist()
	return mTwist;

// setTwist()
void LLJointSolverRP3::setTwist( F32 twist )
	mTwist = twist;

// solve()
void LLJointSolverRP3::solve()

	// setup joints in their base rotations
	mJointA->setRotation( mJointABaseRotation );
	mJointB->setRotation( mJointBBaseRotation );

	// get joint positions in world space
	LLVector3 aPos = mJointA->getWorldPosition();
	LLVector3 bPos = mJointB->getWorldPosition();
	LLVector3 cPos = mJointC->getWorldPosition();
	LLVector3 gPos = mJointGoal->getWorldPosition();

	LL_DEBUGS("JointSolver") << "LLJointSolverRP3::solve()" << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "bPosLocal = " << mJointB->getPosition() << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "cPosLocal = " << mJointC->getPosition() << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "bRotLocal = " << mJointB->getRotation() << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "cRotLocal = " << mJointC->getRotation() << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "aPos : " << aPos << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "bPos : " << bPos << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "cPos : " << cPos << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "gPos : " << gPos << LL_ENDL;

	// get the poleVector in world space
	LLMatrix4 worldJointAParentMat;
	if ( mJointA->getParent() )
		worldJointAParentMat = mJointA->getParent()->getWorldMatrix();
	LLVector3 poleVec = rotate_vector( mPoleVector, worldJointAParentMat );

	// compute the following:
	// vector from A to B
	// vector from B to C
	// vector from A to C
	// vector from A to G (goal)
	LLVector3 abVec = bPos - aPos;
	LLVector3 bcVec = cPos - bPos;
	LLVector3 acVec = cPos - aPos;
	LLVector3 agVec = gPos - aPos;

	// compute needed lengths of those vectors
	F32 abLen = abVec.magVec();
	F32 bcLen = bcVec.magVec();
	F32 agLen = agVec.magVec();

	// compute component vector of (A->B) orthogonal to (A->C)
	LLVector3 abacCompOrthoVec = abVec - acVec * ((abVec * acVec)/(acVec * acVec));

	LL_DEBUGS("JointSolver") << "abVec : " << abVec << LL_NEWLINE
		<< "bcVec : " << bcVec << LL_NEWLINE
		<< "acVec : " << acVec << LL_NEWLINE
		<< "agVec : " << agVec << LL_NEWLINE
		<< "abLen : " << abLen << LL_NEWLINE
		<< "bcLen : " << bcLen << LL_NEWLINE
		<< "agLen : " << agLen << LL_NEWLINE
		<< "abacCompOrthoVec : " << abacCompOrthoVec << LL_ENDL;

	// compute the normal of the original ABC plane (and store for later)
	LLVector3 abcNorm;
	if (!mbUseBAxis)
		if( are_parallel(abVec, bcVec, 0.001f) )
			// the current solution is maxed out, so we use the axis that is
			// orthogonal to both poleVec and A->B
			if ( are_parallel(poleVec, abVec, 0.001f) )
				// ACK! the problem is singular
				if ( are_parallel(poleVec, agVec, 0.001f) )
					// the solutions is also singular
					abcNorm = poleVec % agVec;
				abcNorm = poleVec % abVec;
			abcNorm = abVec % bcVec;
		abcNorm = mBAxis * mJointB->getWorldRotation();

	// compute rotation of B
	// angle between A->B and B->C
	F32 abbcAng = angle_between(abVec, bcVec);

	// vector orthogonal to A->B and B->C
	LLVector3 abbcOrthoVec = abVec % bcVec;
	if (abbcOrthoVec.magVecSquared() < 0.001f)
		abbcOrthoVec = poleVec % abVec;
		abacCompOrthoVec = poleVec;

	F32 agLenSq = agLen * agLen;

	// angle arm for extension
	F32 cosTheta =	(agLenSq - abLen*abLen - bcLen*bcLen) / (2.0f * abLen * bcLen);
	if (cosTheta > 1.0f)
		cosTheta = 1.0f;
	else if (cosTheta < -1.0f)
		cosTheta = -1.0f;

	F32 theta = acos(cosTheta);

	LLQuaternion bRot(theta - abbcAng, abbcOrthoVec);

	LL_DEBUGS("JointSolver") << "abbcAng      : " << abbcAng << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "abbcOrthoVec : " << abbcOrthoVec << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "agLenSq      : " << agLenSq << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "cosTheta     : " << cosTheta << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "theta        : " << theta << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "bRot         : " << bRot << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "theta abbcAng theta-abbcAng: " 
								<< theta*180.0/F_PI << " " 
								<< abbcAng*180.0f/F_PI << " " 
								<< (theta - abbcAng)*180.0f/F_PI 
	<< LL_ENDL;

	// compute rotation that rotates new A->C to A->G
	// rotate B->C by bRot
	bcVec = bcVec * bRot;

	// update A->C
	acVec = abVec + bcVec;

	LLQuaternion cgRot;
	cgRot.shortestArc( acVec, agVec );

	LL_DEBUGS("JointSolver") << "bcVec : " << bcVec << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "acVec : " << acVec << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "cgRot : " << cgRot << LL_ENDL;

	// update A->B and B->C with rotation from C to G
	abVec = abVec * cgRot;
	bcVec = bcVec * cgRot;
	abcNorm = abcNorm * cgRot;
	acVec = abVec + bcVec;

	// compute the normal of the APG plane
	if (are_parallel(agVec, poleVec, 0.001f))
		// the solution plane is undefined ==> we're done
	LLVector3 apgNorm = poleVec % agVec;

	if (!mbUseBAxis)
		// compute the normal of the new ABC plane
		// (only necessary if we're NOT using mBAxis)
		if( are_parallel(abVec, bcVec, 0.001f) )
			// G is either too close or too far away
			// we'll use the old ABCnormal 
			abcNorm = abVec % bcVec;

	// calcuate plane rotation
	LLQuaternion pRot;
	if ( are_parallel( abcNorm, apgNorm, 0.001f) )
		if (abcNorm * apgNorm < 0.0f)
			// we must be PI radians off ==> rotate by PI around agVec
			pRot.setQuat(F_PI, agVec);
			// we're done
		pRot.shortestArc( abcNorm, apgNorm );

	// compute twist rotation
	LLQuaternion twistRot( mTwist, agVec );

	LL_DEBUGS("JointSolver") << "abcNorm = " << abcNorm << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "apgNorm = " << apgNorm << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "pRot = " << pRot << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "twist    : " << mTwist*180.0/F_PI << LL_NEWLINE
							<< "twistRot : " << twistRot << LL_ENDL;

	// compute rotation of A
	LLQuaternion aRot = cgRot * pRot * twistRot;

	// apply the rotations
	mJointB->setWorldRotation( mJointB->getWorldRotation() * bRot );
	mJointA->setWorldRotation( mJointA->getWorldRotation() * aRot );

// End