/** * @file lljoint.h * @brief Implementation of LLJoint class. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLJOINT_H #define LL_LLJOINT_H //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Header Files //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "v3math.h" #include "v4math.h" #include "m4math.h" #include "llquaternion.h" #include "xform.h" const S32 LL_CHARACTER_MAX_JOINTS_PER_MESH = 15; // BENTO JOINT COUNT LIMIT - need to set this to final skeleton size + 2 const U32 LL_CHARACTER_MAX_JOINTS = 152; // must be divisible by 4! const U32 LL_MAX_JOINTS_PER_MESH_OBJECT = 110; // These should be higher than the joint_num of any // other joint, to avoid conflicts in updateMotionsByType() const U32 LL_HAND_JOINT_NUM = (LL_CHARACTER_MAX_JOINTS-1); const U32 LL_FACE_JOINT_NUM = (LL_CHARACTER_MAX_JOINTS-2); const S32 LL_CHARACTER_MAX_PRIORITY = 7; const F32 LL_MAX_PELVIS_OFFSET = 5.f; class LLPosOverrideMap { public: LLPosOverrideMap() {} bool findActiveOverride(LLUUID& mesh_id, LLVector3& pos) const; void showJointPosOverrides(std::ostringstream& os) const; U32 count() const; void add(const LLUUID& mesh_id, const LLVector3& pos); bool remove(const LLUUID& mesh_id); void clear(); private: typedef std::map map_type; map_type m_map; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class LLJoint //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LLJoint { public: // priority levels, from highest to lowest enum JointPriority { USE_MOTION_PRIORITY = -1, LOW_PRIORITY = 0, MEDIUM_PRIORITY, HIGH_PRIORITY, HIGHER_PRIORITY, HIGHEST_PRIORITY, ADDITIVE_PRIORITY = LL_CHARACTER_MAX_PRIORITY }; enum DirtyFlags { MATRIX_DIRTY = 0x1 << 0, ROTATION_DIRTY = 0x1 << 1, POSITION_DIRTY = 0x1 << 2, ALL_DIRTY = 0x7 }; public: enum SupportCategory { SUPPORT_BASE, SUPPORT_EXTENDED }; protected: std::string mName; SupportCategory mSupport; // parent joint LLJoint *mParent; // explicit transformation members LLXformMatrix mXform; LLUUID mId; public: U32 mDirtyFlags; BOOL mUpdateXform; // describes the skin binding pose LLVector3 mSkinOffset; // Endpoint of the bone, if applicable. This is only relevant for // external programs like Blender, and for diagnostic display. LLVector3 mEnd; S32 mJointNum; // child joints typedef std::list child_list_t; child_list_t mChildren; // debug statics static S32 sNumTouches; static S32 sNumUpdates; LLPosOverrideMap m_attachmentOverrides; LLVector3 m_posBeforeOverrides; void updatePos(const std::string& av_info); public: LLJoint(); LLJoint(S32 joint_num); // *TODO: Only used for LLVOAvatarSelf::mScreenp. *DOES NOT INITIALIZE mResetAfterRestoreOldXform* LLJoint( const std::string &name, LLJoint *parent=NULL ); virtual ~LLJoint(); private: void init(); public: // set name and parent void setup( const std::string &name, LLJoint *parent=NULL ); void touch(U32 flags = ALL_DIRTY); // get/set name const std::string& getName() const { return mName; } void setName( const std::string &name ) { mName = name; } // get/set support SupportCategory getSupport() const { return mSupport; } void setSupport( const SupportCategory& support) { mSupport = support; } void setSupport( const std::string& support_string); // get/set end point void setEnd( const LLVector3& end) { mEnd = end; } const LLVector3& getEnd() const { return mEnd; } // getParent LLJoint *getParent() { return mParent; } // getRoot LLJoint *getRoot(); // search for child joints by name LLJoint *findJoint( const std::string &name ); // add/remove children void addChild( LLJoint *joint ); void removeChild( LLJoint *joint ); void removeAllChildren(); // get/set local position const LLVector3& getPosition(); void setPosition( const LLVector3& pos ); void setDefaultPosition( const LLVector3& pos ); // get/set world position LLVector3 getWorldPosition(); LLVector3 getLastWorldPosition(); void setWorldPosition( const LLVector3& pos ); // get/set local rotation const LLQuaternion& getRotation(); void setRotation( const LLQuaternion& rot ); // get/set world rotation LLQuaternion getWorldRotation(); LLQuaternion getLastWorldRotation(); void setWorldRotation( const LLQuaternion& rot ); // get/set local scale const LLVector3& getScale(); void setScale( const LLVector3& scale ); // get/set world matrix const LLMatrix4 &getWorldMatrix(); void setWorldMatrix( const LLMatrix4& mat ); void updateWorldMatrixChildren(); void updateWorldMatrixParent(); void updateWorldPRSParent(); void updateWorldMatrix(); // get/set skin offset const LLVector3 &getSkinOffset(); void setSkinOffset( const LLVector3 &offset); LLXformMatrix *getXform() { return &mXform; } void clampRotation(LLQuaternion old_rot, LLQuaternion new_rot); virtual BOOL isAnimatable() const { return TRUE; } S32 getJointNum() const { return mJointNum; } void addAttachmentPosOverride( const LLVector3& pos, const LLUUID& mesh_id, const std::string& av_info ); void removeAttachmentPosOverride( const LLUUID& mesh_id, const std::string& av_info ); bool hasAttachmentPosOverride( LLVector3& pos, LLUUID& mesh_id ) const; void clearAttachmentPosOverrides(); //Accessor for the joint id LLUUID getId( void ) { return mId; } //Setter for the joints id void setId( const LLUUID& id ) { mId = id;} }; #endif // LL_LLJOINT_H