 * @file lleditingmotion.cpp
 * @brief Implementation of LLEditingMotion class.
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2001&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$

// Header Files
#include "linden_common.h"

#include "lleditingmotion.h"
#include "llcharacter.h"
#include "llhandmotion.h"
#include "llcriticaldamp.h"

// Constants
const LLQuaternion EDIT_MOTION_WRIST_ROTATION(F_PI_BY_TWO * 0.7f, LLVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
const F32 TARGET_LAG_HALF_LIFE  = 0.1f;     // half-life of IK targeting

S32 LLEditingMotion::sHandPose = LLHandMotion::HAND_POSE_RELAXED_R;
S32 LLEditingMotion::sHandPosePriority = 3;

// LLEditingMotion()
// Class Constructor
LLEditingMotion::LLEditingMotion( const LLUUID &id) : LLMotion(id)
    mCharacter = NULL;

    // create kinematic chain
    mParentJoint.addChild( &mShoulderJoint );
    mShoulderJoint.addChild( &mElbowJoint );
    mElbowJoint.addChild( &mWristJoint );

    mName = "editing";

    mParentState = new LLJointState;
    mShoulderState = new LLJointState;
    mElbowState = new LLJointState;
    mWristState = new LLJointState;
    mTorsoState = new LLJointState;

// ~LLEditingMotion()
// Class Destructor

// LLEditingMotion::onInitialize(LLCharacter *character)
LLMotion::LLMotionInitStatus LLEditingMotion::onInitialize(LLCharacter *character)
    // save character for future use
    mCharacter = character;

    // make sure character skeleton is copacetic
    if (!mCharacter->getJoint("mShoulderLeft") ||
        !mCharacter->getJoint("mElbowLeft") ||
        LL_WARNS() << "Invalid skeleton for editing motion!" << LL_ENDL;
        return STATUS_FAILURE;

    // get the shoulder, elbow, wrist joints from the character
    mParentState->setJoint( mCharacter->getJoint("mShoulderLeft")->getParent() );
    mShoulderState->setJoint( mCharacter->getJoint("mShoulderLeft") );
    mElbowState->setJoint( mCharacter->getJoint("mElbowLeft") );
    mWristState->setJoint( mCharacter->getJoint("mWristLeft") );
    mTorsoState->setJoint( mCharacter->getJoint("mTorso"));

    if ( ! mParentState->getJoint() )
        LL_INFOS() << getName() << ": Can't get parent joint." << LL_ENDL;
        return STATUS_FAILURE;

    mWristOffset = LLVector3(0.0f, 0.2f, 0.0f);

    // add joint states to the pose
    addJointState( mShoulderState );
    addJointState( mElbowState );
    addJointState( mTorsoState );
    addJointState( mWristState );

    // propagate joint positions to kinematic chain
    // SL-315
    mParentJoint.setPosition(   mParentState->getJoint()->getWorldPosition() );
    mShoulderJoint.setPosition( mShoulderState->getJoint()->getPosition() );
    mElbowJoint.setPosition(    mElbowState->getJoint()->getPosition() );
    mWristJoint.setPosition(    mWristState->getJoint()->getPosition() + mWristOffset );

    // propagate current joint rotations to kinematic chain
    mParentJoint.setRotation(   mParentState->getJoint()->getWorldRotation() );
    mShoulderJoint.setRotation( mShoulderState->getJoint()->getRotation() );
    mElbowJoint.setRotation(    mElbowState->getJoint()->getRotation() );

    // connect the ikSolver to the chain
    mIKSolver.setPoleVector( LLVector3( -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) );
    // specifying the elbow's axis will prevent bad IK for the more
    // singular configurations, but the axis is limb-specific -- Leviathan
    mIKSolver.setBAxis( LLVector3( -0.682683f, 0.0f, -0.730714f ) );
    mIKSolver.setupJoints( &mShoulderJoint, &mElbowJoint, &mWristJoint, &mTarget );

    return STATUS_SUCCESS;

// LLEditingMotion::onActivate()
BOOL LLEditingMotion::onActivate()
    // propagate joint positions to kinematic chain
    // SL-315
    mParentJoint.setPosition(   mParentState->getJoint()->getWorldPosition() );
    mShoulderJoint.setPosition( mShoulderState->getJoint()->getPosition() );
    mElbowJoint.setPosition(    mElbowState->getJoint()->getPosition() );
    mWristJoint.setPosition(    mWristState->getJoint()->getPosition() + mWristOffset );

    // propagate current joint rotations to kinematic chain
    mParentJoint.setRotation(   mParentState->getJoint()->getWorldRotation() );
    mShoulderJoint.setRotation( mShoulderState->getJoint()->getRotation() );
    mElbowJoint.setRotation(    mElbowState->getJoint()->getRotation() );

    return TRUE;

// LLEditingMotion::onUpdate()
BOOL LLEditingMotion::onUpdate(F32 time, U8* joint_mask)
    LLVector3 focus_pt;
    LLVector3* pointAtPt = (LLVector3*)mCharacter->getAnimationData("PointAtPoint");

    BOOL result = TRUE;

    if (!pointAtPt)
        focus_pt = mLastSelectPt;
        result = FALSE;
        focus_pt = *pointAtPt;
        mLastSelectPt = focus_pt;

    focus_pt += mCharacter->getCharacterPosition();

    // propagate joint positions to kinematic chain
    // SL-315
    mParentJoint.setPosition(   mParentState->getJoint()->getWorldPosition() );
    mShoulderJoint.setPosition( mShoulderState->getJoint()->getPosition() );
    mElbowJoint.setPosition(    mElbowState->getJoint()->getPosition() );
    mWristJoint.setPosition(    mWristState->getJoint()->getPosition() + mWristOffset );

    // propagate current joint rotations to kinematic chain
    mParentJoint.setRotation(   mParentState->getJoint()->getWorldRotation() );
    mShoulderJoint.setRotation( mShoulderState->getJoint()->getRotation() );
    mElbowJoint.setRotation(    mElbowState->getJoint()->getRotation() );

    // update target position from character
    LLVector3 target = focus_pt - mParentJoint.getPosition();
    F32 target_dist = target.normVec();

    LLVector3 edit_plane_normal(1.f / F_SQRT2, 1.f / F_SQRT2, 0.f);


    F32 dot = edit_plane_normal * target;

    if (dot < 0.f)
        target = target + (edit_plane_normal * (dot * 2.f));
        target.mV[VZ] += clamp_rescale(dot, 0.f, -1.f, 0.f, 5.f);

    target = target * target_dist;
    if (!target.isFinite())
        // Don't error out here, set a fail-safe target vector
        LL_WARNS() << "Non finite target in editing motion with target distance of " << target_dist <<
            " and focus point " << focus_pt << LL_ENDL;
        target.setVec(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);

    // SL-315
    mTarget.setPosition( target + mParentJoint.getPosition());

//  LL_INFOS() << "Point At: " << mTarget.getPosition() << LL_ENDL;

    // update the ikSolver
    if (!mTarget.getPosition().isExactlyZero())
        LLQuaternion shoulderRot = mShoulderJoint.getRotation();
        LLQuaternion elbowRot = mElbowJoint.getRotation();

        // use blending...
        F32 slerp_amt = LLSmoothInterpolation::getInterpolant(TARGET_LAG_HALF_LIFE);
        shoulderRot = slerp(slerp_amt, mShoulderJoint.getRotation(), shoulderRot);
        elbowRot = slerp(slerp_amt, mElbowJoint.getRotation(), elbowRot);

        // now put blended values back into joints

    mCharacter->setAnimationData("Hand Pose", &sHandPose);
    mCharacter->setAnimationData("Hand Pose Priority", &sHandPosePriority);
    return result;

// LLEditingMotion::onDeactivate()
void LLEditingMotion::onDeactivate()

// End