 * @file audioengine.h
 * @brief Definition of LLAudioEngine base class abstracting the audio support
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2000&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <array>

#include "v3math.h"
#include "v3dmath.h"
#include "lltimer.h"
#include "lluuid.h"
#include "llframetimer.h"
#include "llassettype.h"
#include "llextendedstatus.h"

#include "lllistener.h"


const F32 DEFAULT_MIN_DISTANCE = 2.0f;

#define LL_MAX_AUDIO_BUFFERS 40 // Some extra for preloading, maybe?

class LLAudioSource;
class LLAudioData;
class LLAudioChannel;
class LLAudioChannelOpenAL;
class LLAudioBuffer;
class LLStreamingAudioInterface;
struct SoundData;

//  LLAudioEngine definition
class LLAudioEngine
    friend class LLAudioChannelOpenAL; // bleh. channel needs some listener methods.

    enum LLAudioType
        AUDIO_TYPE_NONE    = 0,
        AUDIO_TYPE_SFX     = 1,
        AUDIO_TYPE_UI      = 2,
        AUDIO_TYPE_COUNT   = 4 // last

    enum LLAudioPlayState
        // isInternetStreamPlaying() returns an *S32*, with
        // 0 = stopped, 1 = playing, 2 = paused.
        AUDIO_STOPPED = 0,
        AUDIO_PLAYING = 1,
        AUDIO_PAUSED = 2

    virtual ~LLAudioEngine();

    // initialization/startup/shutdown
    virtual bool init(void *userdata, const std::string &app_title);
    virtual std::string getDriverName(bool verbose) = 0;
    virtual LLStreamingAudioInterface *createDefaultStreamingAudioImpl() const = 0;
    virtual void shutdown();

    // Used by the mechanics of the engine
    //virtual void processQueue(const LLUUID &sound_guid);
    virtual void setListener(LLVector3 pos,LLVector3 vel,LLVector3 up,LLVector3 at);
    virtual void updateWind(LLVector3 direction, F32 camera_height_above_water) = 0;
    virtual void idle();
    virtual void updateChannels();

    // "End user" functionality
    virtual bool isWindEnabled();
    virtual void enableWind(bool state_b);

    // Use these for temporarily muting the audio system.
    // Does not change buffers, initialization, etc. but
    // stops playing new sounds.
    void setMuted(bool muted);
    bool getMuted() const { return mMuted; }
    LLPluginClassMedia* initializeMedia(const std::string& media_type);
    F32 getMasterGain();
    void setMasterGain(F32 gain);

    F32 getSecondaryGain(S32 type);
    void setSecondaryGain(S32 type, F32 gain);

    F32 getInternetStreamGain();

    virtual void setDopplerFactor(F32 factor);
    virtual F32 getDopplerFactor();
    virtual void setRolloffFactor(F32 factor);
    virtual F32 getRolloffFactor();
    virtual void setMaxWindGain(F32 gain);

    // Methods actually related to setting up and removing sounds
    // Owner ID is the owner of the object making the request
    void triggerSound(const LLUUID &sound_id, const LLUUID& owner_id, const F32 gain,
                      const S32 type = LLAudioEngine::AUDIO_TYPE_NONE,
                      const LLVector3d &pos_global = LLVector3d::zero);
    void triggerSound(SoundData& soundData);

    bool preloadSound(const LLUUID &id);

    void addAudioSource(LLAudioSource *asp);
    void cleanupAudioSource(LLAudioSource *asp);

    LLAudioSource *findAudioSource(const LLUUID &source_id);
    LLAudioData *getAudioData(const LLUUID &audio_uuid);

    // Internet stream implementation manipulation
    LLStreamingAudioInterface *getStreamingAudioImpl();
    void setStreamingAudioImpl(LLStreamingAudioInterface *impl);
    // Internet stream methods - these will call down into the *mStreamingAudioImpl if it exists
    void startInternetStream(const std::string& url);
    void stopInternetStream();
    void pauseInternetStream(S32 pause);
    void updateInternetStream(); // expected to be called often
    LLAudioPlayState isInternetStreamPlaying();
    // use a value from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive
    void setInternetStreamGain(F32 vol);
    std::string getInternetStreamURL();

    // For debugging usage
    virtual LLVector3 getListenerPos();

    LLAudioBuffer *getFreeBuffer(); // Get a free buffer, or flush an existing one if you have to.
    LLAudioChannel *getFreeChannel(const F32 priority); // Get a free channel or flush an existing one if your priority is higher
    void cleanupBuffer(LLAudioBuffer *bufferp);

    bool hasDecodedFile(const LLUUID &uuid);
    bool hasLocalFile(const LLUUID &uuid);

    bool updateBufferForData(LLAudioData *adp, const LLUUID &audio_uuid = LLUUID::null);

    // Asset callback when we're retrieved a sound from the asset server.
    void startNextTransfer();
    static void assetCallback(const LLUUID &uuid, LLAssetType::EType type, void *user_data, S32 result_code, LLExtStat ext_status);

    friend class LLPipeline; // For debugging
    F32 mMaxWindGain; // Hack.  Public to set before fade in?

    virtual LLAudioBuffer *createBuffer() = 0;
    virtual LLAudioChannel *createChannel() = 0;

    virtual bool initWind() = 0;
    virtual void cleanupWind() = 0;
    virtual void setInternalGain(F32 gain) = 0;

    void commitDeferredChanges();

    virtual void allocateListener() = 0;

    // listener methods
    virtual void setListenerPos(LLVector3 vec);
    virtual void setListenerVelocity(LLVector3 vec);
    virtual void orientListener(LLVector3 up, LLVector3 at);
    virtual void translateListener(LLVector3 vec);

    F64 mapWindVecToGain(LLVector3 wind_vec);
    F64 mapWindVecToPitch(LLVector3 wind_vec);
    F64 mapWindVecToPan(LLVector3 wind_vec);

    LLListener *mListenerp;

    bool mMuted;
    void* mUserData;

    S32 mLastStatus;

    bool mEnableWind;

    LLUUID mCurrentTransfer; // Audio file currently being transferred by the system
    LLFrameTimer mCurrentTransferTimer;

    // A list of all audio sources that are known to the viewer at this time.
    // This is most likely a superset of the ones that we actually have audio
    // data for, or are playing back.
    typedef std::map<LLUUID, LLAudioSource *> source_map;
    typedef std::map<LLUUID, LLAudioData *> data_map;

    source_map mAllSources;
    data_map mAllData;

    std::array<LLAudioChannel*, LL_MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS> mChannels;

    // Buffers needs to change into a different data structure, as the number of buffers
    // that we have active should be limited by RAM usage, not count.
    std::array<LLAudioBuffer*, LL_MAX_AUDIO_BUFFERS> mBuffers;

    F32 mMasterGain;
    F32 mInternalGain;          // Actual gain set; either mMasterGain or 0 when mMuted is true.
    F32 mSecondaryGain[AUDIO_TYPE_COUNT];

    F32 mNextWindUpdate;

    LLFrameTimer mWindUpdateTimer;

    void setDefaults();
    LLStreamingAudioInterface *mStreamingAudioImpl;

// Standard audio source.  Can be derived from for special sources, such as those attached to objects.

class LLAudioSource
    // owner_id is the id of the agent responsible for making this sound
    // play, for example, the owner of the object currently playing it
    LLAudioSource(const LLUUID &id, const LLUUID& owner_id, const F32 gain, const S32 type = LLAudioEngine::AUDIO_TYPE_NONE);
    virtual ~LLAudioSource();

    virtual void update();                      // Update this audio source
    void updatePriority();

    void preload(const LLUUID &audio_id); // Only used for preloading UI sounds, now.

    void addAudioData(LLAudioData *adp, bool set_current = true);

    void setForcedPriority(const bool ambient)                      { mForcedPriority = ambient; }
    bool isForcedPriority() const                                   { return mForcedPriority; }

    void setLoop(const bool loop)                           { mLoop = loop; }
    bool isLoop() const                                     { return mLoop; }

    void setSyncMaster(const bool master)                   { mSyncMaster = master; }
    bool isSyncMaster() const                               { return mSyncMaster; }

    void setSyncSlave(const bool slave)                     { mSyncSlave = slave; }
    bool isSyncSlave() const                                { return mSyncSlave; }

    void setQueueSounds(const bool queue)                   { mQueueSounds = queue; }
    bool isQueueSounds() const                              { return mQueueSounds; }

    void setPlayedOnce(const bool played_once)              { mPlayedOnce = played_once; }

    void setType(S32 type)                                  { mType = type; }
    S32 getType()                                           { return mType; }

    void setPositionGlobal(const LLVector3d &position_global)       { mPositionGlobal = position_global; }
    LLVector3d getPositionGlobal() const                            { return mPositionGlobal; }
    LLVector3 getVelocity() const                                   { return mVelocity; }
    F32 getPriority() const                                         { return mPriority; }

    // Gain should always be clamped between 0 and 1.
    F32 getGain() const                                             { return mGain; }
    virtual void setGain(const F32 gain)                            { mGain = llclamp(gain, 0.f, 1.f); }

    const LLUUID &getID() const     { return mID; }
    bool isDone() const;
    bool isMuted() const { return mSourceMuted; }

    LLAudioData *getCurrentData();
    LLAudioData *getQueuedData();
    LLAudioBuffer *getCurrentBuffer();

    bool setupChannel();

    // Stop the audio source, reset audio id even if muted
    void stop();

    // Start the audio source playing,
    // takes mute into account to preserve previous id if nessesary
    bool play(const LLUUID &audio_id);

    bool hasPendingPreloads() const;    // Has preloads that haven't been done yet

    friend class LLAudioEngine;
    friend class LLAudioChannel;
    void setChannel(LLAudioChannel *channelp);
    LLAudioChannel *getChannel() const                      { return mChannelp; }

    LLUUID          mID; // The ID of the source is that of the object if it's attached to an object.
    LLUUID          mOwnerID;   // owner of the object playing the sound
    F32             mPriority;
    F32             mGain;
    bool            mSourceMuted;
    bool            mForcedPriority; // ignore mute, set high priority, researved for sound preview and UI
    bool            mLoop;
    bool            mSyncMaster;
    bool            mSyncSlave;
    bool            mQueueSounds;
    bool            mPlayedOnce;
    bool            mCorrupted;
    S32             mType;
    LLVector3d      mPositionGlobal;
    LLVector3       mVelocity;

    //LLAudioSource *mSyncMasterp;  // If we're a slave, the source that we're synced to.
    LLAudioChannel  *mChannelp;     // If we're currently playing back, this is the channel that we're assigned to.
    LLAudioData     *mCurrentDatap;
    LLAudioData     *mQueuedDatap;

    typedef std::map<LLUUID, LLAudioData *> data_map;
    data_map mPreloadMap;

    LLFrameTimer mAgeTimer;

// Generic metadata about a particular piece of audio data.
// The actual data is handled by the derived LLAudioBuffer classes which are
// derived for each audio engine.

class LLAudioData
    LLAudioData(const LLUUID &uuid);
    bool load();

    LLUUID         getID() const { return mID; }
    LLAudioBuffer *getBuffer() const { return mBufferp; }

    bool hasLocalData() const { return mHasLocalData; }
    bool hasDecodedData() const { return mHasDecodedData; }
    bool hasCompletedDecode() const { return mHasCompletedDecode; }
    bool hasDecodeFailed() const { return mHasDecodeFailed; }
    bool hasWAVLoadFailed() const { return mHasWAVLoadFailed; }

    void setHasLocalData(const bool hld) { mHasLocalData = hld; }
    void setHasDecodedData(const bool hdd) { mHasDecodedData = hdd; }
    void setHasCompletedDecode(const bool hcd) { mHasCompletedDecode = hcd; }
    void setHasDecodeFailed(const bool hdf) { mHasDecodeFailed = hdf; }
    void setHasWAVLoadFailed(const bool hwlf) { mHasWAVLoadFailed = hwlf; }

    friend class LLAudioEngine;  // Severe laziness, bad.

    LLUUID         mID;
    LLAudioBuffer *mBufferp;             // If this data is being used by the audio system, a pointer to the buffer will be set here.
    bool           mHasLocalData;        // Set true if the encoded sound asset file is available locally
    bool           mHasDecodedData;      // Set true if the decoded sound file is available on disk
    bool           mHasCompletedDecode;  // Set true when the sound is decoded
    bool           mHasDecodeFailed;     // Set true if decoding failed, meaning the sound asset is bad
    bool mHasWAVLoadFailed;  // Set true if loading the decoded WAV file failed, meaning the sound asset should be decoded instead if
                             // possible

// Base class for an audio channel, i.e. a channel which is capable of playing back a sound.
// Management of channels is done generically, methods for actually manipulating the channel
// are derived for each audio engine.

class LLAudioChannel
    virtual ~LLAudioChannel();

    virtual void setSource(LLAudioSource *sourcep);
    LLAudioSource *getSource() const            { return mCurrentSourcep; }

    void setSecondaryGain(F32 gain)             { mSecondaryGain = gain; }
    F32 getSecondaryGain()                      { return mSecondaryGain; }

    friend class LLAudioEngine;
    friend class LLAudioSource;
    virtual void play() = 0;
    virtual void playSynced(LLAudioChannel *channelp) = 0;
    virtual void cleanup() = 0;
    virtual bool isPlaying() = 0;
    void setWaiting(const bool waiting)         { mWaiting = waiting; }
    bool isWaiting() const                      { return mWaiting; }

    virtual bool updateBuffer(); // Check to see if the buffer associated with the source changed, and update if necessary.
    virtual void update3DPosition() = 0;
    virtual void updateLoop() = 0; // Update your loop/completion status, for use by queueing/syncing.
    LLAudioSource   *mCurrentSourcep;
    LLAudioBuffer   *mCurrentBufferp;
    bool            mLoopedThisFrame;
    bool            mWaiting;   // Waiting for sync.
    F32             mSecondaryGain;

// Basically an interface class to the engine-specific implementation
// of audio data that's ready for playback.
// Will likely get more complex as we decide to do stuff like real streaming audio.

class LLAudioBuffer
    virtual ~LLAudioBuffer() {};
    virtual bool loadWAV(const std::string& filename) = 0;
    virtual U32 getLength() = 0;

    friend class LLAudioEngine;
    friend class LLAudioChannel;
    friend class LLAudioData;
    bool mInUse;
    LLAudioData *mAudioDatap;
    LLFrameTimer mLastUseTimer;

struct SoundData
    LLUUID audio_uuid;
    LLUUID owner_id;
    F32 gain;
    S32 type;
    LLVector3d pos_global;

    SoundData(const LLUUID &audio_uuid,
        const LLUUID& owner_id,
        const F32 gain,
        const S32 type = LLAudioEngine::AUDIO_TYPE_NONE,
        const LLVector3d &pos_global = LLVector3d::zero) :

extern LLAudioEngine* gAudiop;
