 * @file llwearable.h
 * @brief LLWearable class header file
 * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$
 * Second Life Viewer Source Code
 * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
 * version 2.1 of the License only.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
 * $/LicenseInfo$


#include "llavatarappearancedefines.h"
#include "llpermissions.h"
#include "llsaleinfo.h"
#include "llwearabletype.h"

class LLVisualParam;
class LLTexGlobalColorInfo;
class LLTexGlobalColor;
class LLLocalTextureObject;
class LLAvatarAppearance;

// Abstract class.
class LLWearable
    // Constructors and destructors
    virtual ~LLWearable();

    // Accessors
    LLWearableType::EType       getType() const { return mType; }
    void                        setType(LLWearableType::EType type, LLAvatarAppearance *avatarp);
    const std::string&          getName() const { return mName; }
    void                        setName(const std::string& name) { mName = name; }
    const std::string&          getDescription() const { return mDescription; }
    void                        setDescription(const std::string& desc) { mDescription = desc; }
    const LLPermissions&        getPermissions() const { return mPermissions; }
    void                        setPermissions(const LLPermissions& p) { mPermissions = p; }
    const LLSaleInfo&           getSaleInfo() const { return mSaleInfo; }
    void                        setSaleInfo(const LLSaleInfo& info) { mSaleInfo = info; }
    const std::string&          getTypeLabel() const;
    const std::string&          getTypeName() const;
    LLAssetType::EType          getAssetType() const;
    S32                         getDefinitionVersion() const { return mDefinitionVersion; }
    void                        setDefinitionVersion( S32 new_version ) { mDefinitionVersion = new_version; }
    static S32                  getCurrentDefinitionVersion() { return LLWearable::sCurrentDefinitionVersion; }

    typedef std::vector<LLVisualParam*> visual_param_vec_t;

    virtual void    writeToAvatar(LLAvatarAppearance* avatarp);

    enum EImportResult
        FAILURE = 0,
    bool                exportFile(const std::string& filename) const;
    EImportResult       importFile(const std::string& filename, LLAvatarAppearance* avatarp );
    virtual bool                exportStream( std::ostream& output_stream ) const;
    virtual EImportResult       importStream( std::istream& input_stream, LLAvatarAppearance* avatarp );

    static void         setCurrentDefinitionVersion( S32 version ) { LLWearable::sCurrentDefinitionVersion = version; }
    virtual LLUUID      getDefaultTextureImageID(LLAvatarAppearanceDefines::ETextureIndex index) const = 0;

    LLLocalTextureObject* getLocalTextureObject(S32 index);
    const LLLocalTextureObject* getLocalTextureObject(S32 index) const;
    std::vector<LLLocalTextureObject*> getLocalTextureListSeq();

    void                setLocalTextureObject(S32 index, LLLocalTextureObject &lto);
    void                addVisualParam(LLVisualParam *param);
    void                setVisualParamWeight(S32 index, F32 value);
    F32                 getVisualParamWeight(S32 index) const;
    LLVisualParam*      getVisualParam(S32 index) const;
    void                getVisualParams(visual_param_vec_t &list);
    void                animateParams(F32 delta);

    LLColor4            getClothesColor(S32 te) const;
    void                setClothesColor( S32 te, const LLColor4& new_color);

    virtual void        revertValues();
    virtual void        saveValues();

    // Something happened that requires the wearable to be updated (e.g. worn/unworn).
    virtual void        setUpdated() const = 0;

    typedef std::map<S32, LLVisualParam *>    visual_param_index_map_t;
    visual_param_index_map_t mVisualParamIndexMap;

    typedef std::map<S32, LLLocalTextureObject*> te_map_t;
    void                syncImages(te_map_t &src, te_map_t &dst);
    void                destroyTextures();
    void                createVisualParams(LLAvatarAppearance *avatarp);
    void                createLayers(S32 te, LLAvatarAppearance *avatarp);
    bool                getNextPopulatedLine(std::istream& input_stream, char* buffer, U32 buffer_size);

    static S32          sCurrentDefinitionVersion;  // Depends on the current state of the avatar_lad.xml.
    S32                 mDefinitionVersion;         // Depends on the state of the avatar_lad.xml when this asset was created.
    std::string         mName;
    std::string         mDescription;
    LLPermissions       mPermissions;
    LLSaleInfo          mSaleInfo;
    LLWearableType::EType       mType;

    typedef std::map<S32, F32> param_map_t;
    param_map_t mSavedVisualParamMap; // last saved version of visual params

    te_map_t mTEMap;                // maps TE to LocalTextureObject
    te_map_t mSavedTEMap;           // last saved version of TEMap

#endif  // LL_LLWEARABLE_H