/** * @file lltexlayerparams.h * @brief Texture layer parameters, used by lltexlayer. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #ifndef LL_LLTEXLAYERPARAMS_H #define LL_LLTEXLAYERPARAMS_H #include "llpointer.h" #include "v4color.h" #include "llviewervisualparam.h" class LLAvatarAppearance; class LLImageRaw; class LLImageTGA; class LLTexLayer; class LLTexLayerInterface; class LLGLTexture; class LLWearable; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // LLTexLayerParam // //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ class LLTexLayerParam : public LLViewerVisualParam { public: LLTexLayerParam(LLTexLayerInterface *layer); LLTexLayerParam(LLAvatarAppearance *appearance); /*virtual*/ bool setInfo(LLViewerVisualParamInfo *info, bool add_to_appearance); /*virtual*/ LLViewerVisualParam* cloneParam(LLWearable* wearable) const = 0; protected: LLTexLayerParam(const LLTexLayerParam& pOther); LLTexLayerInterface* mTexLayer; LLAvatarAppearance* mAvatarAppearance; }; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // LLTexLayerParamAlpha // //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LL_ALIGN_PREFIX(16) class alignas(16) LLTexLayerParamAlpha : public LLTexLayerParam { LL_ALIGN_NEW public: LLTexLayerParamAlpha( LLTexLayerInterface* layer ); LLTexLayerParamAlpha( LLAvatarAppearance* appearance ); /*virtual*/ ~LLTexLayerParamAlpha(); /*virtual*/ LLViewerVisualParam* cloneParam(LLWearable* wearable = NULL) const; // LLVisualParam Virtual functions ///*virtual*/ bool parseData(LLXmlTreeNode* node); /*virtual*/ void apply( ESex avatar_sex ) {} /*virtual*/ void setWeight(F32 weight); /*virtual*/ void setAnimationTarget(F32 target_value); /*virtual*/ void animate(F32 delta); // LLViewerVisualParam Virtual functions /*virtual*/ F32 getTotalDistortion() { return 1.f; } /*virtual*/ const LLVector4a& getAvgDistortion() { return mAvgDistortionVec; } /*virtual*/ F32 getMaxDistortion() { return 3.f; } /*virtual*/ LLVector4a getVertexDistortion(S32 index, LLPolyMesh *poly_mesh) { return LLVector4a(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);} /*virtual*/ const LLVector4a* getFirstDistortion(U32 *index, LLPolyMesh **poly_mesh) { index = 0; poly_mesh = NULL; return &mAvgDistortionVec;}; /*virtual*/ const LLVector4a* getNextDistortion(U32 *index, LLPolyMesh **poly_mesh) { index = 0; poly_mesh = NULL; return NULL;}; // New functions bool render( S32 x, S32 y, S32 width, S32 height ); bool getSkip() const; void deleteCaches(); bool getMultiplyBlend() const; private: LLTexLayerParamAlpha(const LLTexLayerParamAlpha& pOther); LLPointer<LLGLTexture> mCachedProcessedTexture; LLPointer<LLImageTGA> mStaticImageTGA; LLPointer<LLImageRaw> mStaticImageRaw; std::atomic<bool> mNeedsCreateTexture; bool mStaticImageInvalid; LL_ALIGN_16(LLVector4a mAvgDistortionVec); F32 mCachedEffectiveWeight; public: // Global list of instances for gathering statistics static void dumpCacheByteCount(); static void getCacheByteCount( S32* gl_bytes ); typedef std::list< LLTexLayerParamAlpha* > param_alpha_ptr_list_t; static param_alpha_ptr_list_t sInstances; } LL_ALIGN_POSTFIX(16); class LLTexLayerParamAlphaInfo : public LLViewerVisualParamInfo { friend class LLTexLayerParamAlpha; public: LLTexLayerParamAlphaInfo(); /*virtual*/ ~LLTexLayerParamAlphaInfo() {}; /*virtual*/ bool parseXml(LLXmlTreeNode* node); private: std::string mStaticImageFileName; bool mMultiplyBlend; bool mSkipIfZeroWeight; F32 mDomain; }; // // LLTexLayerParamAlpha //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // LLTexLayerParamColor // //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ class alignas(16) LLTexLayerParamColor : public LLTexLayerParam { LL_ALIGN_NEW public: enum EColorOperation { OP_ADD = 0, OP_MULTIPLY = 1, OP_BLEND = 2, OP_COUNT = 3 // Number of operations }; LLTexLayerParamColor( LLTexLayerInterface* layer ); LLTexLayerParamColor( LLAvatarAppearance* appearance ); /* virtual */ ~LLTexLayerParamColor(); /*virtual*/ LLViewerVisualParam* cloneParam(LLWearable* wearable = NULL) const; // LLVisualParam Virtual functions ///*virtual*/ bool parseData(LLXmlTreeNode* node); /*virtual*/ void apply( ESex avatar_sex ) {} /*virtual*/ void setWeight(F32 weight); /*virtual*/ void setAnimationTarget(F32 target_value); /*virtual*/ void animate(F32 delta); // LLViewerVisualParam Virtual functions /*virtual*/ F32 getTotalDistortion() { return 1.f; } /*virtual*/ const LLVector4a& getAvgDistortion() { return mAvgDistortionVec; } /*virtual*/ F32 getMaxDistortion() { return 3.f; } /*virtual*/ LLVector4a getVertexDistortion(S32 index, LLPolyMesh *poly_mesh) { return LLVector4a(1.f, 1.f, 1.f); } /*virtual*/ const LLVector4a* getFirstDistortion(U32 *index, LLPolyMesh **poly_mesh) { index = 0; poly_mesh = NULL; return &mAvgDistortionVec;}; /*virtual*/ const LLVector4a* getNextDistortion(U32 *index, LLPolyMesh **poly_mesh) { index = 0; poly_mesh = NULL; return NULL;}; // New functions LLColor4 getNetColor() const; protected: LLTexLayerParamColor(const LLTexLayerParamColor& pOther); virtual void onGlobalColorChanged() {} private: LLVector4a mAvgDistortionVec; }; class LLTexLayerParamColorInfo : public LLViewerVisualParamInfo { friend class LLTexLayerParamColor; public: LLTexLayerParamColorInfo(); virtual ~LLTexLayerParamColorInfo() {}; bool parseXml( LLXmlTreeNode* node ); LLTexLayerParamColor::EColorOperation getOperation() const { return mOperation; } private: enum { MAX_COLOR_VALUES = 20 }; LLTexLayerParamColor::EColorOperation mOperation; LLColor4 mColors[MAX_COLOR_VALUES]; S32 mNumColors; }; typedef std::vector<LLTexLayerParamColor *> param_color_list_t; typedef std::vector<LLTexLayerParamAlpha *> param_alpha_list_t; typedef std::vector<LLTexLayerParamColorInfo *> param_color_info_list_t; typedef std::vector<LLTexLayerParamAlphaInfo *> param_alpha_info_list_t; #endif