/** * @file lldriverparam.cpp * @brief A visual parameter that drives (controls) other visual parameters. * * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2002&license=viewerlgpl$ * Second Life Viewer Source Code * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License only. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 USA * $/LicenseInfo$ */ #include "linden_common.h" #include "lldriverparam.h" #include "llavatarappearance.h" #include "llwearable.h" #include "llwearabledata.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLDriverParamInfo //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLDriverParamInfo::LLDriverParamInfo() : mDriverParam(NULL) { } bool LLDriverParamInfo::parseXml(LLXmlTreeNode* node) { llassert( node->hasName( "param" ) && node->getChildByName( "param_driver" ) ); if( !LLViewerVisualParamInfo::parseXml( node )) return false; LLXmlTreeNode* param_driver_node = node->getChildByName( "param_driver" ); if( !param_driver_node ) return false; for (LLXmlTreeNode* child = param_driver_node->getChildByName( "driven" ); child; child = param_driver_node->getNextNamedChild()) { S32 driven_id; static LLStdStringHandle id_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("id"); if( child->getFastAttributeS32( id_string, driven_id ) ) { F32 min1 = mMinWeight; F32 max1 = mMaxWeight; F32 max2 = max1; F32 min2 = max1; // driven ________ // // ^ /| |\ // // | / | | \ // // | / | | \ // // | / | | \ // // | / | | \ // //-------|----|-------|----|-------> driver // // | min1 max1 max2 min2 static LLStdStringHandle min1_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("min1"); child->getFastAttributeF32( min1_string, min1 ); // optional static LLStdStringHandle max1_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("max1"); child->getFastAttributeF32( max1_string, max1 ); // optional static LLStdStringHandle max2_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("max2"); child->getFastAttributeF32( max2_string, max2 ); // optional static LLStdStringHandle min2_string = LLXmlTree::addAttributeString("min2"); child->getFastAttributeF32( min2_string, min2 ); // optional // Push these on the front of the deque, so that we can construct // them in order later (faster) mDrivenInfoList.push_front( LLDrivenEntryInfo( driven_id, min1, max1, max2, min2 ) ); } else { LL_ERRS() << " Unable to resolve driven parameter: " << driven_id << LL_ENDL; return false; } } return true; } //virtual void LLDriverParamInfo::toStream(std::ostream &out) { LLViewerVisualParamInfo::toStream(out); out << "driver" << "\t"; out << mDrivenInfoList.size() << "\t"; for (LLDrivenEntryInfo& driven : mDrivenInfoList) { out << driven.mDrivenID << "\t"; } out << std::endl; // FIXME - this mDriverParam backlink makes no sense, because the // LLDriverParamInfos are static objects - there's only one copy // for each param type, so the backlink will just reference the // corresponding param in the most recently created // avatar. Apparently these toStream() methods are not currently // used anywhere, so it's not an urgent problem. LL_WARNS_ONCE() << "Invalid usage of mDriverParam." << LL_ENDL; if(mDriverParam && mDriverParam->getAvatarAppearance()->isSelf() && mDriverParam->getAvatarAppearance()->isValid()) { for (LLDrivenEntryInfo& driven : mDrivenInfoList) { LLViewerVisualParam *param = (LLViewerVisualParam*)mDriverParam->getAvatarAppearance()->getVisualParam(driven.mDrivenID); if (param) { param->getInfo()->toStream(out); if (param->getWearableType() != mWearableType) { if(param->getCrossWearable()) { out << "cross-wearable" << "\t"; } else { out << "ERROR!" << "\t"; } } else { out << "valid" << "\t"; } } else { LL_WARNS() << "could not get parameter " << driven.mDrivenID << " from avatar " << mDriverParam->getAvatarAppearance() << " for driver parameter " << getID() << LL_ENDL; } out << std::endl; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LLDriverParam //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLDriverParam::LLDriverParam(LLAvatarAppearance *appearance, LLWearable* wearable /* = NULL */) : LLViewerVisualParam(), mDefaultVec(), mDriven(), mCurrentDistortionParam( NULL ), mAvatarAppearance(appearance), mWearablep(wearable) { llassert(mAvatarAppearance); llassert((mWearablep == NULL) || mAvatarAppearance->isSelf()); mDefaultVec.clear(); } LLDriverParam::LLDriverParam(const LLDriverParam& pOther) : LLViewerVisualParam(pOther), mDefaultVec(pOther.mDefaultVec), mDriven(pOther.mDriven), mCurrentDistortionParam(pOther.mCurrentDistortionParam), mAvatarAppearance(pOther.mAvatarAppearance), mWearablep(pOther.mWearablep) { llassert(mAvatarAppearance); llassert((mWearablep == NULL) || mAvatarAppearance->isSelf()); } LLDriverParam::~LLDriverParam() { } bool LLDriverParam::setInfo(LLDriverParamInfo *info) { llassert(mInfo == NULL); if (info->mID < 0) return false; mInfo = info; mID = info->mID; info->mDriverParam = this; setWeight(getDefaultWeight()); return true; } /*virtual*/ LLViewerVisualParam* LLDriverParam::cloneParam(LLWearable* wearable) const { llassert(wearable); return new LLDriverParam(*this); } void LLDriverParam::setWeight(F32 weight) { F32 min_weight = getMinWeight(); F32 max_weight = getMaxWeight(); if (mIsAnimating) { // allow overshoot when animating mCurWeight = weight; } else { mCurWeight = llclamp(weight, min_weight, max_weight); } // driven ________ // ^ /| |\ ^ // | / | | \ | // | / | | \ | // | / | | \ | // | / | | \ | //-------|----|-------|----|-------> driver // | min1 max1 max2 min2 for(LLDrivenEntry& driven : mDriven) { LLDrivenEntry* drivenp = &driven; LLDrivenEntryInfo* info = drivenp->mInfo; F32 driven_weight = 0.f; F32 driven_min = drivenp->mParam->getMinWeight(); F32 driven_max = drivenp->mParam->getMaxWeight(); if (mIsAnimating) { // driven param doesn't interpolate (textures, for example) if (!drivenp->mParam->getAnimating()) { continue; } if( mCurWeight < info->mMin1 ) { if (info->mMin1 == min_weight) { if (info->mMin1 == info->mMax1) { driven_weight = driven_max; } else { //up slope extrapolation F32 t = (mCurWeight - info->mMin1) / (info->mMax1 - info->mMin1 ); driven_weight = driven_min + t * (driven_max - driven_min); } } else { driven_weight = driven_min; } setDrivenWeight(drivenp,driven_weight); continue; } else if ( mCurWeight > info->mMin2 ) { if (info->mMin2 == max_weight) { if (info->mMin2 == info->mMax2) { driven_weight = driven_max; } else { //down slope extrapolation F32 t = (mCurWeight - info->mMax2) / (info->mMin2 - info->mMax2 ); driven_weight = driven_max + t * (driven_min - driven_max); } } else { driven_weight = driven_min; } setDrivenWeight(drivenp,driven_weight); continue; } } driven_weight = getDrivenWeight(drivenp, mCurWeight); setDrivenWeight(drivenp,driven_weight); } } F32 LLDriverParam::getTotalDistortion() { F32 sum = 0.f; for(LLDrivenEntry& driven : mDriven) { sum += driven.mParam->getTotalDistortion(); } return sum; } const LLVector4a &LLDriverParam::getAvgDistortion() { // It's not actually correct to take the average of averages, but it good enough here. LLVector4a sum; sum.clear(); S32 count = 0; for(LLDrivenEntry& driven : mDriven) { sum.add(driven.mParam->getAvgDistortion()); count++; } sum.mul( 1.f/(F32)count); mDefaultVec = sum; return mDefaultVec; } F32 LLDriverParam::getMaxDistortion() { F32 max = 0.f; for(LLDrivenEntry& driven : mDriven) { F32 param_max = driven.mParam->getMaxDistortion(); if( param_max > max ) { max = param_max; } } return max; } LLVector4a LLDriverParam::getVertexDistortion(S32 index, LLPolyMesh *poly_mesh) { LLVector4a sum; sum.clear(); for(LLDrivenEntry& driven : mDriven) { sum.add(driven.mParam->getVertexDistortion(index, poly_mesh)); } return sum; } const LLVector4a* LLDriverParam::getFirstDistortion(U32 *index, LLPolyMesh **poly_mesh) { mCurrentDistortionParam = NULL; const LLVector4a* v = NULL; for(LLDrivenEntry& driven : mDriven) { v = driven.mParam->getFirstDistortion(index, poly_mesh); if( v ) { mCurrentDistortionParam = driven.mParam; break; } } return v; }; const LLVector4a* LLDriverParam::getNextDistortion(U32 *index, LLPolyMesh **poly_mesh) { llassert( mCurrentDistortionParam ); if( !mCurrentDistortionParam ) { return NULL; } LLDrivenEntry* driven = NULL; entry_list_t::iterator iter; // Set mDriven iteration to the right point for( iter = mDriven.begin(); iter != mDriven.end(); iter++ ) { driven = &(*iter); if( driven->mParam == mCurrentDistortionParam ) { break; } } llassert(driven); if (!driven) { return NULL; // shouldn't happen, but... } // We're already in the middle of a param's distortions, so get the next one. const LLVector4a* v = driven->mParam->getNextDistortion( index, poly_mesh ); if( (!v) && (iter != mDriven.end()) ) { // This param is finished, so start the next param. It might not have any // distortions, though, so we have to loop to find the next param that does. for( iter++; iter != mDriven.end(); iter++ ) { driven = &(*iter); v = driven->mParam->getFirstDistortion(index, poly_mesh); if( v ) { mCurrentDistortionParam = driven->mParam; break; } } } return v; }; S32 LLDriverParam::getDrivenParamsCount() const { return mDriven.size(); } const LLViewerVisualParam* LLDriverParam::getDrivenParam(S32 index) const { if (0 > index || index >= mDriven.size()) { return NULL; } return mDriven[index].mParam; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setAnimationTarget() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLDriverParam::setAnimationTarget( F32 target_value) { LLVisualParam::setAnimationTarget(target_value); for(LLDrivenEntry& driven : mDriven) { LLDrivenEntry* drivenp = &driven; F32 driven_weight = getDrivenWeight(drivenp, mTargetWeight); // this isn't normally necessary, as driver params handle interpolation of their driven params // but texture params need to know to assume their final value at beginning of interpolation drivenp->mParam->setAnimationTarget(driven_weight); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // stopAnimating() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LLDriverParam::stopAnimating() { LLVisualParam::stopAnimating(); for(LLDrivenEntry& driven : mDriven) { driven.mParam->setAnimating(false); } } /*virtual*/ bool LLDriverParam::linkDrivenParams(visual_param_mapper mapper, bool only_cross_params) { bool success = true; for (LLDrivenEntryInfo& driven_info : getInfo()->mDrivenInfoList) { S32 driven_id = driven_info.mDrivenID; // check for already existing links. Do not overwrite. bool found = false; for (auto& driven : mDriven) { if (driven.mInfo->mDrivenID == driven_id) { found = true; } } if (!found) { LLViewerVisualParam* param = (LLViewerVisualParam*)mapper(driven_id); if (param) param->setParamLocation(this->getParamLocation()); bool push = param && (!only_cross_params || param->getCrossWearable()); if (push) { mDriven.push_back(LLDrivenEntry( param, &driven_info )); } else { success = false; } } } return success; } void LLDriverParam::resetDrivenParams() { mDriven.clear(); mDriven.reserve(getInfo()->mDrivenInfoList.size()); } void LLDriverParam::updateCrossDrivenParams(LLWearableType::EType driven_type) { bool needs_update = (getWearableType()==driven_type); // if the driver has a driven entry for the passed-in wearable type, we need to refresh the value for(LLDrivenEntry& driven : mDriven) { if (driven.mParam && driven.mParam->getCrossWearable() && driven.mParam->getWearableType() == driven_type) { needs_update = true; } } if (needs_update) { LLWearableType::EType driver_type = (LLWearableType::EType)getWearableType(); // If we've gotten here, we've added a new wearable of type "type" // Thus this wearable needs to get updates from the driver wearable. // The call to setVisualParamWeight seems redundant, but is necessary // as the number of driven wearables has changed since the last update. -Nyx LLWearable *wearable = mAvatarAppearance->getWearableData()->getTopWearable(driver_type); if (wearable) { wearable->setVisualParamWeight(mID, wearable->getVisualParamWeight(mID)); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getDrivenWeight() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- F32 LLDriverParam::getDrivenWeight(const LLDrivenEntry* driven, F32 input_weight) { F32 min_weight = getMinWeight(); F32 max_weight = getMaxWeight(); const LLDrivenEntryInfo* info = driven->mInfo; F32 driven_weight = 0.f; F32 driven_min = driven->mParam->getMinWeight(); F32 driven_max = driven->mParam->getMaxWeight(); if( input_weight <= info->mMin1 ) { if( info->mMin1 == info->mMax1 && info->mMin1 <= min_weight) { driven_weight = driven_max; } else { driven_weight = driven_min; } } else if( input_weight <= info->mMax1 ) { F32 t = (input_weight - info->mMin1) / (info->mMax1 - info->mMin1 ); driven_weight = driven_min + t * (driven_max - driven_min); } else if( input_weight <= info->mMax2 ) { driven_weight = driven_max; } else if( input_weight <= info->mMin2 ) { F32 t = (input_weight - info->mMax2) / (info->mMin2 - info->mMax2 ); driven_weight = driven_max + t * (driven_min - driven_max); } else { if (info->mMax2 >= max_weight) { driven_weight = driven_max; } else { driven_weight = driven_min; } } return driven_weight; } void LLDriverParam::setDrivenWeight(LLDrivenEntry *driven, F32 driven_weight) { bool use_self = false; if(mWearablep && mAvatarAppearance->isValid() && driven->mParam->getCrossWearable()) { LLWearable* wearable = mWearablep; if (mAvatarAppearance->getWearableData()->isOnTop(wearable)) { use_self = true; } } if (use_self) { // call setWeight through LLVOAvatarSelf so other wearables can be updated with the correct values mAvatarAppearance->setVisualParamWeight( (LLVisualParam*)driven->mParam, driven_weight); } else { driven->mParam->setWeight( driven_weight); } }