if (INSTALL_PROPRIETARY AND NOT LINUX) # Note that viewer_manifest.py makes decision based on BUGSPLAT_DB and not USE_BUGSPLAT if (BUGSPLAT_DB) set(USE_BUGSPLAT ON CACHE BOOL "Use the BugSplat crash reporting system") else (BUGSPLAT_DB) set(USE_BUGSPLAT OFF CACHE BOOL "Use the BugSplat crash reporting system") endif (BUGSPLAT_DB) else () set(USE_BUGSPLAT OFF CACHE BOOL "Use the BugSplat crash reporting system") set(BUGSPLAT_DB "" CACHE STRING "BugSplat crash database name") endif () include_guard() add_library( ll::bugsplat INTERFACE IMPORTED ) if (USE_BUGSPLAT AND NOT LINUX) include(Prebuilt) use_prebuilt_binary(bugsplat) if (WINDOWS) target_link_libraries( ll::bugsplat INTERFACE ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/bugsplat.lib ) target_include_directories( ll::bugsplat SYSTEM INTERFACE ${LIBS_PREBUILT_DIR}/include/bugsplat) elseif (DARWIN) find_library(BUGSPLAT_LIBRARIES BugsplatMac REQUIRED NO_DEFAULT_PATH PATHS "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}") target_link_libraries( ll::bugsplat INTERFACE ${BUGSPLAT_LIBRARIES} ) else (WINDOWS) message(FATAL_ERROR "BugSplat is not supported; add -DUSE_BUGSPLAT=OFF") endif (WINDOWS) if( NOT BUGSPLAT_DB ) message( FATAL_ERROR "You need to set BUGSPLAT_DB when setting USE_BUGSPLAT" ) endif() set_property( TARGET ll::bugsplat APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS LL_BUGSPLAT) else() set(USE_BUGSPLAT OFF CACHE BOOL "Use the BugSplat crash reporting system" FORCE) set(BUGSPLAT_DB "" CACHE STRING "BugSplat crash database name" FORCE) endif ()