# -*- cmake -*- include(Linking) include(Prebuilt) if (STANDALONE) # The minimal version, 4.4.3, is rather arbitrary: it's the version in Debian/Lenny. find_package(Qt4 4.4.3 COMPONENTS QtCore QtGui QtNetwork QtOpenGL QtWebKit REQUIRED) include(${QT_USE_FILE}) set(QTDIR $ENV{QTDIR}) if (QTDIR AND NOT "${QT_BINARY_DIR}" STREQUAL "${QTDIR}/bin") message(FATAL_ERROR "\"${QT_BINARY_DIR}\" is unequal \"${QTDIR}/bin\"; " "Qt is found by looking for qmake in your PATH. " "Please set your PATH such that 'qmake' is found in \$QTDIR/bin, " "or unset QTDIR if the found Qt is correct.") endif (QTDIR AND NOT "${QT_BINARY_DIR}" STREQUAL "${QTDIR}/bin") find_package(LLQtWebkit REQUIRED QUIET) # Add the plugins. set(QT_PLUGIN_LIBRARIES) foreach(qlibname qgif qjpeg) find_library(QT_PLUGIN_${qlibname} ${qlibname} PATHS ${QT_PLUGINS_DIR}/imageformats NO_DEFAULT_PATH) if (QT_PLUGIN_${qlibname}) list(APPEND QT_PLUGIN_LIBRARIES ${QT_PLUGIN_${qlibname}}) else (QT_PLUGIN_${qtlibname}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find the Qt plugin ${qlibname} in \"${QT_PLUGINS_DIR}/imageformats\"!") endif (QT_PLUGIN_${qlibname}) endforeach(qlibname) # qjpeg depends on libjpeg list(APPEND QT_PLUGIN_LIBRARIES jpeg) set(WEBKITLIBPLUGIN OFF CACHE BOOL "WEBKITLIBPLUGIN support for the llplugin/llmedia test apps.") else (STANDALONE) use_prebuilt_binary(llqtwebkit) set(WEBKITLIBPLUGIN ON CACHE BOOL "WEBKITLIBPLUGIN support for the llplugin/llmedia test apps.") endif (STANDALONE) if (WINDOWS) set(WEBKIT_PLUGIN_LIBRARIES debug llqtwebkitd debug QtWebKitd4 debug QtOpenGLd4 debug QtNetworkd4 debug QtGuid4 debug QtCored4 debug qtmaind optimized llqtwebkit optimized QtWebKit4 optimized QtOpenGL4 optimized QtNetwork4 optimized QtGui4 optimized QtCore4 optimized qtmain ) elseif (DARWIN) set(WEBKIT_PLUGIN_LIBRARIES optimized ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/libllqtwebkit.dylib debug ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/libllqtwebkit.dylib ) elseif (LINUX) set(WEBKIT_PLUGIN_LIBRARIES ${LLQTWEBKIT_LIBRARY} ${QT_LIBRARIES} ${QT_PLUGIN_LIBRARIES}) set(WEBKIT_PLUGIN_LIBRARIES llqtwebkit qgif # qico qjpeg # qpng # qtiff # qsvg # QtSvg QtWebKit QtOpenGL QtNetwork QtGui QtCore jpeg fontconfig X11 Xrender GL # sqlite3 # Xi # SM ) endif (WINDOWS)