# DeploySharedLibs.cmake # This is a script to be run at build time! Its not part of the cmake configuration! # See indra/cmake/LLSharedLibs.cmake for a macro that simplifies adding a command to a target to run this script. # This script requires a few cmake variable to be set on the command line: # BIN_NAME= The full path the the binary to search for dependecies. # SEARCH_DIRS= The full paths to dirs to search for dependencies. # DST_PATH= The full path where the dependecies will be copied. include(GetPrerequisites) message("Getting recursive dependencies for file: ${BIN_NAME}") set(EXCLUDE_SYSTEM 1) set(RECURSE 1) get_filename_component(EXE_PATH ${BIN_NAME} PATH) get_prerequisites( ${BIN_NAME} RESULTS ${EXCLUDE_SYSTEM} ${RECURSE} "${EXE_PATH}" "${SEARCH_DIRS}" ) foreach(DEP ${RESULTS}) Message("Processing dependency: ${DEP}") get_filename_component(DEP_FILE ${DEP} NAME) set(DEP_FILES ${DEP_FILES} ${DEP_FILE}) endforeach(DEP) if(DEP_FILES) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES DEP_FILES) endif(DEP_FILES) foreach(DEP_FILE ${DEP_FILES}) if(FOUND_FILES) list(FIND FOUND_FILES ${DEP_FILE} FOUND) else(FOUND_FILES) set(FOUND -1) endif(FOUND_FILES) if(FOUND EQUAL -1) find_path(DEP_PATH ${DEP_FILE} PATHS ${SEARCH_DIRS} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) if(DEP_PATH) set(FOUND_FILES ${FOUND_FILES} "${DEP_PATH}/${DEP_FILE}") set(DEP_PATH NOTFOUND) #reset DEP_PATH for the next find_path call. else(DEP_PATH) set(MISSING_FILES ${MISSING_FILES} ${DEP_FILE}) endif(DEP_PATH) endif(FOUND EQUAL -1) endforeach(DEP_FILE) if(MISSING_FILES) message("Missing:") foreach(FILE ${MISSING_FILES}) message(" ${FILE}") endforeach(FILE) message("Searched in:") foreach(SEARCH_DIR ${SEARCH_DIRS}) message(" ${SEARCH_DIR}") endforeach(SEARCH_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed") endif(MISSING_FILES) if(FOUND_FILES) foreach(FILE ${FOUND_FILES}) get_filename_component(DST_FILE ${FILE} NAME) set(DST_FILE "${DST_PATH}/${DST_FILE}") message("Copying ${FILE} to ${DST_FILE}") execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${FILE} ${DST_FILE} ) endforeach(FILE ${FOUND_FILES}) endif(FOUND_FILES) message("Success!")