# -*- cmake -*- # The copy_win_libs folder contains file lists and a script used to # copy dlls, exes and such needed to run the SecondLife from within # VisualStudio. include(CMakeCopyIfDifferent) include(Linking) include(OPENAL) # When we copy our dependent libraries, we almost always want to copy them to # both the Release and the RelWithDebInfo staging directories. This has # resulted in duplicate (or worse, erroneous attempted duplicate) # copy_if_different commands. Encapsulate that usage. # Pass FROM_DIR, TARGETS and the files to copy. TO_DIR is implicit. # to_staging_dirs diverges from copy_if_different in that it appends to TARGETS. macro(to_staging_dirs from_dir targets) set( targetDir "${SHARED_LIB_STAGING_DIR}") copy_if_different("${from_dir}" "${targetDir}" out_targets ${ARGN}) list(APPEND "${targets}" "${out_targets}") endmacro() ################################################################### # set up platform specific lists of files that need to be copied ################################################################### if(WINDOWS) #******************************* # VIVOX - *NOTE: no debug version set(vivox_lib_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}") # ND, it seems there is no such thing defined. At least when building a viewer # Does this maybe matter on some LL buildserver? Otherwise this and the snippet using slvoice_src_dir # can all go if( ARCH_PREBUILT_BIN_RELEASE ) set(slvoice_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_BIN_RELEASE}") endif() set(slvoice_files SLVoice.exe ) if (ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 64) list(APPEND vivox_libs vivoxsdk_x64.dll ortp_x64.dll ) else (ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 64) list(APPEND vivox_libs vivoxsdk.dll ortp.dll ) endif (ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 64) #******************************* # Misc shared libs set(release_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}") set(release_files openjp2.dll libapr-1.dll libaprutil-1.dll nghttp2.dll libhunspell.dll uriparser.dll ) # OpenSSL if(ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 64) set(release_files ${release_files} libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll) set(release_files ${release_files} libssl-1_1-x64.dll) else(ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 64) set(release_files ${release_files} libcrypto-1_1.dll) set(release_files ${release_files} libssl-1_1.dll) endif(ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 64) # Filenames are different for 32/64 bit BugSplat file and we don't # have any control over them so need to branch. if (USE_BUGSPLAT) if(ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 32) set(release_files ${release_files} BugSplat.dll) set(release_files ${release_files} BugSplatRc.dll) set(release_files ${release_files} BsSndRpt.exe) else(ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 32) set(release_files ${release_files} BugSplat64.dll) set(release_files ${release_files} BugSplatRc64.dll) set(release_files ${release_files} BsSndRpt64.exe) endif(ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 32) endif (USE_BUGSPLAT) if (TARGET ll::openal) list(APPEND release_files openal32.dll alut.dll) endif () #******************************* # Copy MS C runtime dlls, required for packaging. if (MSVC80) set(MSVC_VER 80) elseif (MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1600) # VisualStudio 2010 MESSAGE(STATUS "MSVC_VERSION ${MSVC_VERSION}") elseif (MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1800) # VisualStudio 2013, which is (sigh) VS 12 set(MSVC_VER 120) elseif (MSVC_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL 1910 AND MSVC_VERSION LESS 1920) # Visual Studio 2017 set(MSVC_VER 140) set(MSVC_TOOLSET_VER 141) elseif (MSVC_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL 1920 AND MSVC_VERSION LESS 1930) # Visual Studio 2019 set(MSVC_VER 140) set(MSVC_TOOLSET_VER 142) elseif (MSVC_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL 1930 AND MSVC_VERSION LESS 1950) # Visual Studio 2022 set(MSVC_VER 140) set(MSVC_TOOLSET_VER 143) else (MSVC80) MESSAGE(WARNING "New MSVC_VERSION ${MSVC_VERSION} of MSVC: adapt Copy3rdPartyLibs.cmake") endif (MSVC80) if (MSVC_TOOLSET_VER AND DEFINED ENV{VCTOOLSREDISTDIR}) if(ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 32) set(redist_find_path "$ENV{VCTOOLSREDISTDIR}x86\\Microsoft.VC${MSVC_TOOLSET_VER}.CRT") else(ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 32) set(redist_find_path "$ENV{VCTOOLSREDISTDIR}x64\\Microsoft.VC${MSVC_TOOLSET_VER}.CRT") endif(ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 32) get_filename_component(redist_path "${redist_find_path}" ABSOLUTE) MESSAGE(STATUS "VC Runtime redist path: ${redist_path}") endif (MSVC_TOOLSET_VER AND DEFINED ENV{VCTOOLSREDISTDIR}) if(ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 32) # this folder contains the 32bit DLLs.. (yes really!) set(registry_find_path "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Windows;Directory]/SysWOW64") else(ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 32) # this folder contains the 64bit DLLs.. (yes really!) set(registry_find_path "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Windows;Directory]/System32") endif(ADDRESS_SIZE EQUAL 32) # Having a string containing the system registry path is a start, but to # get CMake to actually read the registry, we must engage some other # operation. get_filename_component(registry_path "${registry_find_path}" ABSOLUTE) # These are candidate DLL names. Empirically, VS versions before 2015 have # msvcp*.dll and msvcr*.dll. VS 2017 has msvcp*.dll and vcruntime*.dll. # Check each of them. foreach(release_msvc_file msvcp${MSVC_VER}.dll msvcr${MSVC_VER}.dll vcruntime${MSVC_VER}.dll vcruntime${MSVC_VER}_1.dll ) if(redist_path AND EXISTS "${redist_path}/${release_msvc_file}") MESSAGE(STATUS "Copying redist file from ${redist_path}/${release_msvc_file}") to_staging_dirs( ${redist_path} third_party_targets ${release_msvc_file}) elseif(EXISTS "${registry_path}/${release_msvc_file}") MESSAGE(STATUS "Copying redist file from ${registry_path}/${release_msvc_file}") to_staging_dirs( ${registry_path} third_party_targets ${release_msvc_file}) else() # This isn't a WARNING because, as noted above, every VS version # we've observed has only a subset of the specified DLL names. MESSAGE(STATUS "Redist lib ${release_msvc_file} not found") endif() endforeach() MESSAGE(STATUS "Will copy redist files for MSVC ${MSVC_VER}:") foreach(target ${third_party_targets}) MESSAGE(STATUS "${target}") endforeach() elseif(DARWIN) set(vivox_lib_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}") set(slvoice_files SLVoice) set(vivox_libs libortp.dylib libvivoxsdk.dylib ) set(debug_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}") set(debug_files ) set(release_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}") set(release_files libapr-1.0.dylib libapr-1.dylib libaprutil-1.0.dylib libaprutil-1.dylib ${EXPAT_COPY} libhunspell-1.3.0.dylib libndofdev.dylib libnghttp2.dylib libnghttp2.14.dylib liburiparser.dylib liburiparser.1.dylib liburiparser.1.0.27.dylib ) if (TARGET ll::openal) list(APPEND release_files libalut.dylib libopenal.dylib) endif () elseif(LINUX) # linux is weird, multiple side by side configurations aren't supported # and we don't seem to have any debug shared libs built yet anyways... set(SHARED_LIB_STAGING_DIR_DEBUG "${SHARED_LIB_STAGING_DIR}") set(SHARED_LIB_STAGING_DIR_RELWITHDEBINFO "${SHARED_LIB_STAGING_DIR}") set(SHARED_LIB_STAGING_DIR_RELEASE "${SHARED_LIB_STAGING_DIR}") set(vivox_lib_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}") set(vivox_libs libsndfile.so.1 libortp.so libvivoxoal.so.1 libvivoxsdk.so ) set(slvoice_files SLVoice) # *TODO - update this to use LIBS_PREBUILT_DIR and LL_ARCH_DIR variables # or ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS set(debug_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}") set(debug_files ) # *TODO - update this to use LIBS_PREBUILT_DIR and LL_ARCH_DIR variables # or ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS set(release_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}") # *FIX - figure out what to do with duplicate libalut.so here -brad set(release_files ${EXPAT_COPY} ) if( USE_AUTOBUILD_3P ) list( APPEND release_files libapr-1.so.0 libaprutil-1.so.0 libatk-1.0.so libfreetype.so.6.6.2 libfreetype.so.6 libhunspell-1.3.so.0.0.0 libopenjp2.so libuuid.so.16 libuuid.so.16.0.22 libfontconfig.so.1.8.0 libfontconfig.so.1 libgmodule-2.0.so libgobject-2.0.so ) endif() else(WINDOWS) message(STATUS "WARNING: unrecognized platform for staging 3rd party libs, skipping...") set(vivox_lib_dir "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/newview/vivox-runtime/i686-linux") set(vivox_libs "") # *TODO - update this to use LIBS_PREBUILT_DIR and LL_ARCH_DIR variables # or ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS set(debug_src_dir "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../libraries/i686-linux/lib/debug") set(debug_files "") # *TODO - update this to use LIBS_PREBUILT_DIR and LL_ARCH_DIR variables # or ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS set(release_src_dir "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../libraries/i686-linux/lib/release") set(release_files "") set(debug_llkdu_src "") set(debug_llkdu_dst "") set(release_llkdu_src "") set(release_llkdu_dst "") set(relwithdebinfo_llkdu_dst "") endif(WINDOWS) ################################################################ # Done building the file lists, now set up the copy commands. ################################################################ # Curiously, slvoice_files are only copied to SHARED_LIB_STAGING_DIR_RELEASE. # It's unclear whether this is oversight or intentional, but anyway leave the # single copy_if_different command rather than using to_staging_dirs. if( slvoice_src_dir ) copy_if_different( ${slvoice_src_dir} "${SHARED_LIB_STAGING_DIR_RELEASE}" out_targets ${slvoice_files} ) list(APPEND third_party_targets ${out_targets}) endif() to_staging_dirs( ${vivox_lib_dir} third_party_targets ${vivox_libs} ) to_staging_dirs( ${release_src_dir} third_party_targets ${release_files} ) add_custom_target( stage_third_party_libs ALL DEPENDS ${third_party_targets} ) if(DARWIN) # Support our "@executable_path/../Resources" load path for executables # that end up in any of the above SHARED_LIB_STAGING_DIR_MUMBLE # directories. add_custom_command( TARGET stage_third_party_libs POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${SHARED_LIB_STAGING_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/sharedlibs/Resources ) endif()