#!/usr/bin/env bash # This is the custom build script for the viewer # # It must be run by the Linden Lab build farm shared buildscript because # it relies on the environment that sets up, functions it provides, and # the build result post-processing it does. # # The shared buildscript build.sh invokes this because it is named 'build.sh', # which is the default custom build script name in buildscripts/hg/BuildParams # # PLEASE NOTE: # # * This script is interpreted on three platforms, including windows and cygwin # Cygwin can be tricky.... # * The special style in which python is invoked is intentional to permit # use of a native python install on windows - which requires paths in DOS form cleanup="true" retry_cmd() { max_attempts="$1"; shift initial_wait="$1"; shift attempt_num=1 echo "trying" "$@" until "$@" do if ((attempt_num==max_attempts)) then echo "Last attempt $attempt_num failed" return 1 else wait_time=$(($attempt_num*$initial_wait)) echo "Attempt $attempt_num failed. Trying again in $wait_time seconds..." sleep $wait_time attempt_num=$(($attempt_num+1)) fi done echo "succeeded" return 0 } build_dir_Darwin() { echo build-darwin-x86_64 } build_dir_Linux() { echo build-linux-i686 } build_dir_CYGWIN() { echo build-vc${AUTOBUILD_VSVER:-120}-${AUTOBUILD_ADDRSIZE} } viewer_channel_suffix() { local package_name="$1" local suffix_var="${package_name}_viewer_channel_suffix" local suffix=$(eval "echo \$${suffix_var}") if [ "$suffix"x = ""x ] then echo "" else echo "_$suffix" fi } installer_Darwin() { local package_name="$1" local package_dir="$(build_dir_Darwin)/newview/" local pattern=".*$(viewer_channel_suffix ${package_name})_[0-9]+_[0-9]+_[0-9]+_[0-9]+_x86_64\\.dmg\$" # since the additional packages are built after the base package, # sorting oldest first ensures that the unqualified package is returned # even if someone makes a qualified name that duplicates the last word of the base name local package=$(ls -1tr "$package_dir" 2>/dev/null | grep -E "$pattern" | head -n 1) test "$package"x != ""x && echo "$package_dir/$package" } installer_Linux() { local package_name="$1" local package_dir="$(build_dir_Linux)/newview/" local pattern=".*$(viewer_channel_suffix ${package_name})_[0-9]+_[0-9]+_[0-9]+_[0-9]+_i686\\.tar\\.bz2\$" # since the additional packages are built after the base package, # sorting oldest first ensures that the unqualified package is returned # even if someone makes a qualified name that duplicates the last word of the base name package=$(ls -1tr "$package_dir" 2>/dev/null | grep -E "$pattern" | head -n 1) test "$package"x != ""x && echo "$package_dir/$package" } installer_CYGWIN() { local package_name="$1" local variant=${last_built_variant:-Release} local build_dir=$(build_dir_CYGWIN ${variant}) local package_dir if [ "$package_name"x = ""x ] then package_dir="${build_dir}/newview/${variant}" else package_dir="${build_dir}/newview/${package_name}/${variant}" fi if [ -r "${package_dir}/touched.bat" ] then local package_file=$(sed 's:.*=::' "${package_dir}/touched.bat") echo "${package_dir}/${package_file}" fi } [[ -n "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" ]] || fatal "Need to export GITHUB_OUTPUT" # The following is based on the Warning for GitHub multiline output strings: # https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/workflow-commands-for-github-actions#multiline-strings EOF=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=15 count=1 status=none | base64) # Build up these arrays as we go metadata=() symbolfile=() physicstpv=() # and dump them to GITHUB_OUTPUT when done cleanup="$cleanup ; \ arrayoutput metadata ; \ arrayoutput symbolfile ; \ arrayoutput physicstpv" trap "$cleanup" EXIT arrayoutput() { local outputname="$1" # append "[*]" to the array name so array indirection works local array="$1[*]" local IFS=' ' echo "$outputname<<$EOF ${!array} $EOF" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" } pre_build() { local variant="$1" begin_section "Configure $variant" [ -n "$master_message_template_checkout" ] \ && [ -r "$master_message_template_checkout/message_template.msg" ] \ && template_verifier_master_url="-DTEMPLATE_VERIFIER_MASTER_URL=file://$master_message_template_checkout/message_template.msg" RELEASE_CRASH_REPORTING=ON HAVOK=ON SIGNING=() if [[ "$arch" == "Darwin" && "$variant" == "Release" ]] then SIGNING=("-DENABLE_SIGNING:BOOL=YES" \ "-DSIGNING_IDENTITY:STRING=Developer ID Application: Linden Research, Inc.") fi if [ "${RELEASE_CRASH_REPORTING:-}" != "OFF" ] then case "$arch" in CYGWIN) symplat="windows" ;; Darwin) symplat="darwin" ;; Linux) symplat="linux" ;; esac # This name is consumed by indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt. Make it # absolute because we've had troubles with relative pathnames. abs_build_dir="$(cd "$build_dir"; pwd)" VIEWER_SYMBOL_FILE="$(native_path "$abs_build_dir/newview/$variant/secondlife-symbols-$symplat-${AUTOBUILD_ADDRSIZE}.tar.bz2")" fi # honor autobuild_configure_parameters same as sling-buildscripts eval_autobuild_configure_parameters=$(eval $(echo echo $autobuild_configure_parameters)) "$autobuild" configure --quiet -c $variant \ ${eval_autobuild_configure_parameters:---} \ -DPACKAGE:BOOL=ON \ -DHAVOK:BOOL="$HAVOK" \ -DRELEASE_CRASH_REPORTING:BOOL="$RELEASE_CRASH_REPORTING" \ -DVIEWER_SYMBOL_FILE:STRING="${VIEWER_SYMBOL_FILE:-}" \ -DBUGSPLAT_DB:STRING="${BUGSPLAT_DB:-}" \ -DVIEWER_CHANNEL:STRING="${viewer_channel}" \ -DGRID:STRING="\"$viewer_grid\"" \ -DTEMPLATE_VERIFIER_OPTIONS:STRING="$template_verifier_options" $template_verifier_master_url \ "${SIGNING[@]}" \ || fatal "$variant configuration failed" end_section "Configure $variant" } package_llphysicsextensions_tpv() { begin_section "PhysicsExtensions_TPV" tpv_status=0 # nat 2016-12-21: without HAVOK, can't build PhysicsExtensions_TPV. if [ "$variant" = "Release" -a "${HAVOK:-}" != "OFF" ] then tpvconfig="$build_dir/packages/llphysicsextensions/autobuild-tpv.xml" test -r "$tpvconfig" || fatal "No llphysicsextensions_tpv autobuild configuration found" # SL-19942: autobuild ignores -c switch if AUTOBUILD_CONFIGURATION set unset AUTOBUILD_CONFIGURATION "$autobuild" build --quiet --config-file "$(native_path "$tpvconfig")" -c Tpv \ || fatal "failed to build llphysicsextensions_tpv" # capture the package file name for use in upload later... PKGTMP=`mktemp -t pgktpv.XXXXXX` cleanup="$cleanup ; rm $PKGTMP* 2>/dev/null" trap "$cleanup" EXIT "$autobuild" package --quiet --config-file "$tpvconfig" --results-file "$(native_path $PKGTMP)" || fatal "failed to package llphysicsextensions_tpv" tpv_status=$? if [ -r "${PKGTMP}" ] then . "${PKGTMP}" # sets autobuild_package_{name,filename,md5} echo "${autobuild_package_filename}" > $build_dir/llphysicsextensions_package fi else record_event "Do not provide llphysicsextensions_tpv for $variant" llphysicsextensions_package="" fi end_section "PhysicsExtensions_TPV" return $tpv_status } build() { local variant="$1" if $build_viewer then begin_section "autobuild $variant" # honor autobuild_build_parameters same as sling-buildscripts eval_autobuild_build_parameters=$(eval $(echo echo $autobuild_build_parameters)) "$autobuild" build --no-configure -c $variant \ $eval_autobuild_build_parameters \ || fatal "failed building $variant" echo true >"$build_dir"/build_ok end_section "autobuild $variant" begin_section "extensions $variant" # Run build extensions if [ -d ${build_dir}/packages/build-extensions ] then for extension in ${build_dir}/packages/build-extensions/*.sh do begin_section "Extension $extension" . $extension end_section "Extension $extension" done fi # *TODO: Make this a build extension. package_llphysicsextensions_tpv || fatal "failed building llphysicsextensions packages" end_section "extensions $variant" else record_event "Skipping build due to configuration build_viewer=${build_viewer}" echo true >"$build_dir"/build_ok fi } ################################################################ # Start of the actual script ################################################################ # Check to see if we were invoked from the master buildscripts wrapper, if not, fail if [ "x${BUILDSCRIPTS_SUPPORT_FUNCTIONS}" = x ] then echo "This script relies on being run by the master Linden Lab buildscripts" 1>&2 exit 1 fi shopt -s nullglob # if nothing matches a glob, expand to nothing initialize_build # provided by master buildscripts build.sh begin_section "autobuild initialize" # ensure AUTOBUILD is in native path form for child processes AUTOBUILD="$(native_path "$AUTOBUILD")" # set "$autobuild" to cygwin path form for use locally in this script autobuild="$(shell_path "$AUTOBUILD")" if [ ! -x "$autobuild" ] then record_failure "AUTOBUILD not executable: '$autobuild'" exit 1 fi # load autobuild provided shell functions and variables "$autobuild" --quiet source_environment > "$build_log_dir/source_environment" PYTHONPATH="$BUILDSCRIPTS_SHARED/packages/lib/python:$PYTHONPATH" begin_section "dump source environment commands" cat "$build_log_dir/source_environment" end_section "dump source environment commands" begin_section "execute source environment commands" . "$build_log_dir/source_environment" end_section "execute source environment commands" end_section "autobuild initialize" # something about the additional_packages mechanism messes up buildscripts results.py on Linux # since we don't care about those packages on Linux, just zero it out, yes - a HACK if [ "$arch" = "Linux" ] then export additional_packages= fi begin_section "select viewer channel" # Look for a branch-specific viewer_channel setting # changeset_branch is set in the sling-buildscripts viewer_build_branch=$(echo -n "${changeset_branch:-$(repo_branch ${BUILDSCRIPTS_SRC:-$(pwd)})}" | tr -Cs 'A-Za-z0-9_' '_' | sed -E 's/^_+//; s/_+$//') if [ -n "$viewer_build_branch" ] then branch_viewer_channel_var="${viewer_build_branch}_viewer_channel" if [ -n "${!branch_viewer_channel_var}" ] then viewer_channel="${!branch_viewer_channel_var}" record_event "Overriding viewer_channel for branch '$changeset_branch' to '$viewer_channel'" else record_event "No branch-specific viewer_channel for branch '$viewer_build_branch'; to set a branch build channel set '$branch_viewer_channel_var'" fi fi end_section "select viewer channel" python_cmd "$helpers/codeticket.py" addinput "Viewer Channel" "${viewer_channel}" initialize_version # provided by buildscripts build.sh; sets version id begin_section "coding policy check" # On our TC Windows build hosts, the GitPython library underlying our # coding_policy_git.py script fails to run git for reasons we have not tried # to diagnose. Clearly git works fine on those hosts, or we would never get # this far. Running coding policy checks on one platform *should* suffice... if [[ "$arch" == "Darwin" ]] then git_hooks_reqs="$git_hooks_checkout/requirements.txt" if [[ -r "$(shell_path "$git_hooks_reqs")" ]] then # install the git-hooks dependencies pip install -r "$(native_path "$git_hooks_reqs")" || \ fatal "pip install git-hooks failed" fi git_hooks_script="$git_hooks_checkout/coding_policy_git.py" if [[ -r "$(shell_path "$git_hooks_script")" ]] then # validate the branch we're about to build python_cmd "$(native_path "$git_hooks_script")" --all_files || \ fatal "coding policy check failed" fi fi end_section "coding policy check" # Now run the build succeeded=true last_built_variant= for variant in $variants do # Only the last built arch is available for upload last_built_variant="$variant" build_dir=`build_dir_$arch $variant` begin_section "Initialize $variant Build Directory" rm -rf "$build_dir" mkdir -p "$build_dir/tmp" end_section "Initialize $variant Build Directory" if pre_build "$variant" "$build_dir" then begin_section "Build $variant" build "$variant" "$build_dir" end_section "Build $variant" begin_section "post-build $variant" if `cat "$build_dir/build_ok"` then case "$variant" in Release) if [ -r "$build_dir/autobuild-package.xml" ] then begin_section "Autobuild metadata" python_cmd "$helpers/codeticket.py" addoutput "Autobuild Metadata" "$build_dir/autobuild-package.xml" --mimetype text/xml \ || fatal "Upload of autobuild metadata failed" metadata+=("$build_dir/autobuild-package.xml") if [ "$arch" != "Linux" ] then record_dependencies_graph "$build_dir/autobuild-package.xml" # defined in buildscripts/hg/bin/build.sh else record_event "TBD - no dependency graph for linux (probable python version dependency)" fi end_section "Autobuild metadata" else record_event "no autobuild metadata at '$build_dir/autobuild-package.xml'" fi if [ -r "$build_dir/newview/viewer_version.txt" ] then begin_section "Viewer Version" viewer_version="$(<"$build_dir/newview/viewer_version.txt")" python_cmd "$helpers/codeticket.py" addoutput "Viewer Version" "$viewer_version" --mimetype inline-text \ || fatal "Upload of viewer version failed" metadata+=("$build_dir/newview/viewer_version.txt") echo "viewer_version=$viewer_version" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" end_section "Viewer Version" fi ;; Doxygen) if [ -r "$build_dir/doxygen_warnings.log" ] then record_event "Doxygen warnings generated; see doxygen_warnings.log" python_cmd "$helpers/codeticket.py" addoutput "Doxygen Log" "$build_dir/doxygen_warnings.log" --mimetype text/plain ## TBD metadata+=("$build_dir/doxygen_warnings.log") fi if [ -d "$build_dir/doxygen/html" ] then tar -c -f "$build_dir/viewer-doxygen.tar.bz2" --strip-components 3 "$build_dir/doxygen/html" python_cmd "$helpers/codeticket.py" addoutput "Doxygen Tarball" "$build_dir/viewer-doxygen.tar.bz2" \ || fatal "Upload of doxygen tarball failed" metadata+=("$build_dir/viewer-doxygen.tar.bz2") fi ;; *) ;; esac else record_failure "Build of \"$variant\" failed." fi end_section "post-build $variant" else record_event "configure for $variant failed: build skipped" fi if ! $succeeded then record_event "remaining variants skipped due to $variant failure" break fi done # build debian package if [ "$arch" == "Linux" ] then if $succeeded then if $build_viewer_deb && [ "$last_built_variant" == "Release" ] then begin_section "Build Viewer Debian Package" # mangle the changelog dch --force-bad-version \ --distribution unstable \ --newversion "${VIEWER_VERSION}" \ "Automated build #$build_id, repository $branch revision $revision." # build the debian package $pkg_default_debuild_command || record_failure "\"$pkg_default_debuild_command\" failed." # Unmangle the changelog file hg revert debian/changelog end_section "Build Viewer Debian Package" # Run debian extensions if [ -d ${build_dir}/packages/debian-extensions ]; then for extension in ${build_dir}/packages/debian-extensions/*.sh; do . $extension done fi # Move any .deb results. mkdir -p ../packages_public mkdir -p ../packages_private mv ${build_dir}/packages/*.deb ../packages_public 2>/dev/null || true mv ${build_dir}/packages/packages_private/*.deb ../packages_private 2>/dev/null || true # upload debian package and create repository begin_section "Upload Debian Repository" for deb_file in `/bin/ls ../packages_public/*.deb ../*.deb 2>/dev/null`; do deb_pkg=$(basename "$deb_file" | sed 's,_.*,,') python_cmd "$helpers/codeticket.py" addoutput "Debian $deb_pkg" $deb_file \ || fatal "Upload of debian $deb_pkg failed" done for deb_file in `/bin/ls ../packages_private/*.deb 2>/dev/null`; do deb_pkg=$(basename "$deb_file" | sed 's,_.*,,') python_cmd "$helpers/codeticket.py" addoutput "Debian $deb_pkg" "$deb_file" --private \ || fatal "Upload of debian $deb_pkg failed" done create_deb_repo # Rename the local debian_repo* directories so that the master buildscript # doesn't make a remote repo again. for debian_repo_type in debian_repo debian_repo_private; do if [ -d "$build_log_dir/$debian_repo_type" ]; then mv $build_log_dir/$debian_repo_type $build_log_dir/${debian_repo_type}_pushed fi done end_section "Upload Debian Repository" else record_event "debian build not enabled" fi else record_event "skipping debian build due to failed build" fi fi # Some of the uploads takes a long time to finish in the codeticket backend, # causing the next codeticket upload attempt to fail. # Inserting this after each potentially large upload may prevent those errors. # JJ is making changes to Codeticket that we hope will eliminate this failure, then this can be removed wait_for_codeticket() { sleep $(( 60 * 6 )) } # check status and upload results to S3 if $succeeded then if $build_viewer then begin_section "Uploads" # nat 2016-12-22: without RELEASE_CRASH_REPORTING, we have no symbol file. if [ "${RELEASE_CRASH_REPORTING:-}" != "OFF" ] then # BugSplat wants to see xcarchive.zip # e.g. build-darwin-x86_64/newview/Release/Second Life Test.xcarchive.zip symbol_file="${build_dir}/newview/${variant}/${viewer_channel}.xcarchive.zip" if [[ ! -f "$symbol_file" ]] then # symbol tarball we prep for (e.g.) Breakpad symbol_file="$VIEWER_SYMBOL_FILE" fi # Upload crash reporter file symbolfile+=("$symbol_file") fi # Upload the llphysicsextensions_tpv package, if one was produced # Only upload this package when building the private repo so the # artifact is private. if [[ "x$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" == "xsecondlife/viewer-private" && \ -r "$build_dir/llphysicsextensions_package" ]] then llphysicsextensions_package=$(cat $build_dir/llphysicsextensions_package) physicstpv+=("$llphysicsextensions_package") fi end_section "Uploads" else record_event "skipping upload of installer" fi else record_event "skipping upload of installer due to failed build" fi # The branch independent build.sh script invoking this script will finish processing $succeeded || exit 1