name: Build on: workflow_dispatch: pull_request: push: branches: ["actions"] tags: ["*"] jobs: build: strategy: matrix: runner: [windows-large, macos-12-xl] configuration: [Release] addrsize: [64] python-version: ["3.11"] include: - runner: windows-large configuration: Release addrsize: 32 - runner: macos-12-xl developer_dir: "/Applications/" runs-on: ${{ matrix.runner }} env: AUTOBUILD_ADDRSIZE: ${{ matrix.addrsize }} AUTOBUILD_BUILD_ID: ${{ github.run_id }} AUTOBUILD_CONFIGURATION: ${{ matrix.configuration }} # authorizes fetching private constituent packages AUTOBUILD_GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SHARED_AUTOBUILD_GITHUB_TOKEN }} AUTOBUILD_INSTALLABLE_CACHE: ${{ github.workspace }}/.autobuild-installables AUTOBUILD_VARIABLES_FILE: ${{ github.workspace }}/.build-variables/variables AUTOBUILD_VSVER: "170" DEVELOPER_DIR: ${{ matrix.developer_dir }} build_coverity: false build_log_dir: ${{ github.workspace }}/.logs build_secrets_checkout: ${{ github.workspace }}/.build-secrets build_viewer: true BUILDSCRIPTS_SHARED: ${{ github.workspace }}/.shared BUILDSCRIPTS_SUPPORT_FUNCTIONS: ${{ github.workspace }}/.buildscripts/hg/bin/buildscripts_support_functions git_hooks_checkout: ${{ github.workspace }}/.git-hooks GIT_REF: ${{ github.head_ref || github.ref }} LL_SKIP_REQUIRE_SYSROOT: 1 # Setting this variable directs Linden's TUT test driver code to capture # test-program log output at the specified level, but to display it only if # the individual test fails. LOGFAIL: DEBUG master_message_template_checkout: ${{ github.workspace }}/.master-message-template # Only set variants to the one configuration: don't let loop # over variants, let GitHub distribute variants over multiple hosts. variants: ${{ matrix.configuration }} steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha || github.sha }} - name: Setup python uses: actions/setup-python@v4 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }} - name: Checkout build secrets uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: secondlife/build-secrets path: .build-secrets - name: Checkout build variables uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: secondlife/build-variables ref: viewer path: .build-variables - name: Checkout buildscripts uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: secondlife/sling-buildscripts path: .buildscripts - name: Checkout git-hooks uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: secondlife/git-hooks path: .git-hooks - name: Checkout master-message-template uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: repository: secondlife/master-message-template path: .master-message-template - name: Install autobuild run: pip3 install autobuild llsd - name: Cache autobuild packages uses: actions/cache@v3 id: cache-installables with: path: .autobuild-installables key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.addrsize }}-${{ matrix.configuration }}-${{ hashFiles('autobuild.xml') }} restore-keys: | ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.addrsize }}-${{ matrix.configuration }}- ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.addrsize }}- - name: Install windows dependencies if: runner.os == 'Windows' run: choco install nsis-unicode - name: Build id: build shell: bash env: RUNNER_OS: ${{ runner.os }} run: | # set up things the viewer's script expects mkdir -p "$build_log_dir" mkdir -p "$BUILDSCRIPTS_SHARED/packages/lib/python" source "$BUILDSCRIPTS_SUPPORT_FUNCTIONS" if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ]] then native_path() { cygpath --windows "$1"; } shell_path() { cygpath --unix "$1"; } else native_path() { echo "$1"; } shell_path() { echo "$1"; } fi initialize_build() { echo "initialize_build" } initialize_version() { export revision="$AUTOBUILD_BUILD_ID" } python_cmd() { if [[ "x${1:0:1}" == "x-" ]] # -m, -c, etc. then # if $1 is a switch, don't try to twiddle paths "$(shell_path "$PYTHON_COMMAND")" "$@" elif [[ "$(basename "$1")" == "" ]] then # ignore any attempt to contact codeticket echo "## $@" else # running a script at an explicit path: fix path for Python local script="$1" shift "$(shell_path "$PYTHON_COMMAND")" "$(native_path "$script")" "$@" fi } repo_branch() { git -C "$1" branch | grep '^* ' | cut -c 3- } record_dependencies_graph() { echo "TODO: generate and post dependency graph" } # Since we're not uploading to codeticket, DO NOT sleep for minutes. sleep() { echo "Not sleeping for $1 seconds" } export -f native_path shell_path initialize_build initialize_version export -f python_cmd repo_branch record_dependencies_graph sleep export arch=$(uname | cut -b-6) export AUTOBUILD="$(which autobuild)" # Build with a tag like "Second Life Project Shiny:abcdef0" to get a # viewer channel "Second Life Project Shiny" (ignoring ":hash", # needed to disambiguate tags). if [[ "${GIT_REF:0:12}" == "Second Life " ]] then export viewer_channel="${GIT_REF%:*}" else export viewer_channel="Second Life Test" fi # On windows we need to point the build to the correct python # as neither CMake's FindPython nor our custom Python.cmake module # will resolve the correct interpreter location. if [[ "$RUNNER_OS" == "Windows" ]]; then export PYTHON="$(native_path "$(which python)")" echo "Python location: $PYTHON" export PYTHON_COMMAND="$PYTHON" else export PYTHON_COMMAND="python3" fi export PYTHON_COMMAND_NATIVE="$(native_path "$PYTHON_COMMAND")" ./ # Find artifacts if [[ "$RUNNER_OS" == "Windows" ]]; then installer_path=$(find ./build-*/newview/ | grep '_Setup\.exe') installer_name="$(basename $installer_path)" elif [[ "$RUNNER_OS" == "macOS" ]]; then installer_path=$(find ./build-*/newview/ | grep '\.dmg') installer_name="$(basename $installer_path)" fi echo "installer_path=$installer_path" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "installer_name=$installer_name" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Upload installer uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ }} path: ${{ }}