From f945415210f0e18c2c6d941fda6b7d45cb0f06f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Don Kjer <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 06:26:25 +0000
Subject: Large changes to the LLCurl::Responder API, as well as pulling in
 some changes to common libraries from the server codebase:

* Additional error checking in http handlers.
* Uniform log spam for http errors.
* Switch to using constants for http heads and status codes.
* Fixed bugs in incorrectly checking if parsing LLSD xml resulted in an error.
* Reduced spam regarding LLSD parsing errors in the default completedRaw http handler.  It should not longer be necessary to short-circuit completedRaw to avoid spam.
* Ported over a few bug fixes from the server code.
* Switch mode http status codes to use S32 instead of U32.
* Ported LLSD::asStringRef from server code; avoids copying strings all over the place.
* Ported server change to LLSD::asBinary; this always returns a reference now instead of copying the entire binary blob.
* Ported server pretty notation format (and pretty binary format) to llsd serialization.

* The new LLCurl::Responder API no longer has two error handlers to choose from.  Overriding the following methods have been deprecated:
** error - use httpFailure
** errorWithContent - use httpFailure
** result - use httpSuccess
** completed - use httpCompleted
** completedHeader - no longer necessary; call getResponseHeaders() from a completion method to obtain these headers.

* In order to 'catch' a completed http request, override one of these methods:
** httpSuccess - Called for any 2xx status code.
** httpFailure - Called for any non-2xx status code.
** httpComplete - Called for all status codes.  Default implementation is to call either httpSuccess or httpFailure.
* It is recommended to keep these methods protected/private in order to avoid triggering of these methods without using a 'push' method (see below).

* Uniform error handling should followed whenever possible by calling a variant of this during httpFailure:
** llwarns << dumpResponse() << llendl;
* Be sure to include LOG_CLASS(your_class_name) in your class in order for the log entry to give more context.

* In order to 'push' a result into the responder, you should no longer call error, errorWithContent, result, or completed.
* Nor should you directly call httpSuccess/Failure/Completed (unless passing a message up to a parent class).
* Instead, you can set the internal content of a responder and trigger a corresponding method using the following methods:
** successResult - Sets results and calls httpSuccess
** failureResult - Sets results and calls httpFailure
** completedResult - Sets results and calls httpCompleted

* To obtain information about a the response from a reponder method, use the following getters:
** getStatus - HTTP status code
** getReason - Reason string
** getContent - Content (Parsed body LLSD)
** getResponseHeaders - Response Headers (LLSD map)
** getHTTPMethod - HTTP method of the request
** getURL - URL of the request

* It is still possible to override completeRaw if you want to manipulate data directly out of LLPumpIO.

* See indra/llmessage/llcurl.h for more information.
 indra/newview/llpathfindingnavmesh.h | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

(limited to 'indra/newview/llpathfindingnavmesh.h')

diff --git a/indra/newview/llpathfindingnavmesh.h b/indra/newview/llpathfindingnavmesh.h
index b872ccad7c..87f32b8d56 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llpathfindingnavmesh.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llpathfindingnavmesh.h
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public:
 	void handleNavMeshResult(const LLSD &pContent, U32 pNavMeshVersion);
 	void handleNavMeshNotEnabled();
 	void handleNavMeshError();
-	void handleNavMeshError(U32 pStatus, const std::string &pReason, const LLSD& pContent, const std::string &pURL, U32 pNavMeshVersion);
+	void handleNavMeshError(U32 pNavMeshVersion);
cgit v1.2.3