From cb7f84a470d7afeb1501cf5514333c6ee15d96df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rider Linden <>
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2015 11:14:28 -0700
Subject: MAINT-5687: Remove old webkit from the make files and the repo. 
 Ensure that it is no longer meaningfully referenced.

 indra/CMakeLists.txt                               |    7 -
 indra/cmake/CMakeLists.txt                         |    1 -
 indra/cmake/WebKitLibPlugin.cmake                  |   93 -
 indra/llplugin/CMakeLists.txt                      |    1 -
 indra/media_plugins/webkit/CMakeLists.txt          |  132 --
 .../media_plugins/webkit/dummy_volume_catcher.cpp  |   58 -
 .../media_plugins/webkit/linux_volume_catcher.cpp  |  468 ----
 .../webkit/        |   21 -
 .../webkit/    |    6 -
 indra/media_plugins/webkit/mac_volume_catcher.cpp  |  275 ---
 indra/media_plugins/webkit/media_plugin_webkit.cpp | 1481 ------------
 indra/media_plugins/webkit/volume_catcher.h        |   54 -
 .../webkit/windows_volume_catcher.cpp              |  147 --
 indra/media_plugins/winmmshim/CMakeLists.txt       |    3 -
 indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt                       |    4 -
 indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp                      |    6 +
 indra/newview/                   |    2 -
 indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/CMakeLists.txt     |  372 ---
 indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/README.Linden      |   20 -
 indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/bookmarks.txt      |    4 -
 .../test_apps/llfbconnecttest/llfbconnecttest.cpp  | 2394 --------------------
 indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/llfbconnecttest.h  |  173 --
 indra/test_apps/llplugintest/CMakeLists.txt        |  138 --
 indra/test_apps/llplugintest/llmediaplugintest.cpp | 2377 -------------------
 indra/test_apps/llplugintest/llmediaplugintest.h   |  207 --
 25 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 8438 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 indra/cmake/WebKitLibPlugin.cmake
 delete mode 100755 indra/media_plugins/webkit/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100755 indra/media_plugins/webkit/dummy_volume_catcher.cpp
 delete mode 100755 indra/media_plugins/webkit/linux_volume_catcher.cpp
 delete mode 100755 indra/media_plugins/webkit/
 delete mode 100755 indra/media_plugins/webkit/
 delete mode 100755 indra/media_plugins/webkit/mac_volume_catcher.cpp
 delete mode 100755 indra/media_plugins/webkit/media_plugin_webkit.cpp
 delete mode 100755 indra/media_plugins/webkit/volume_catcher.h
 delete mode 100755 indra/media_plugins/webkit/windows_volume_catcher.cpp
 delete mode 100644 indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/README.Linden
 delete mode 100644 indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/bookmarks.txt
 delete mode 100644 indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/llfbconnecttest.cpp
 delete mode 100644 indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/llfbconnecttest.h
 delete mode 100755 indra/test_apps/llplugintest/llmediaplugintest.cpp
 delete mode 100755 indra/test_apps/llplugintest/llmediaplugintest.h

diff --git a/indra/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/CMakeLists.txt
index 2d45bc938e..133c5ee265 100755
--- a/indra/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -57,13 +57,6 @@ add_subdirectory(${VIEWER_PREFIX}test)
 # viewer media plugins
-  # llplugin testbed code (is this the right way to include it?)
-    #removed during webkit -> cef update
-    #add_subdirectory(${VIEWER_PREFIX}test_apps/llplugintest)
-    #add_subdirectory(${VIEWER_PREFIX}test_apps/llfbconnecttest)
 if (LINUX)
diff --git a/indra/cmake/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
index 2298b0f284..4dd69649d0 100755
--- a/indra/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ set(cmake_SOURCE_FILES
-##  WebKitLibPlugin.cmake
diff --git a/indra/cmake/WebKitLibPlugin.cmake b/indra/cmake/WebKitLibPlugin.cmake
deleted file mode 100755
index f7c548a2fd..0000000000
--- a/indra/cmake/WebKitLibPlugin.cmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# -*- cmake -*-
-  # The minimal version, 4.4.3, is rather arbitrary: it's the version in Debian/Lenny.
-  find_package(Qt4 4.4.3 COMPONENTS QtCore QtGui QtNetwork QtOpenGL QtWebKit REQUIRED)
-  include(${QT_USE_FILE})
-    message(FATAL_ERROR "\"${QT_BINARY_DIR}\" is unequal \"${QTDIR}/bin\"; "
-      "Qt is found by looking for qmake in your PATH. "
-      "Please set your PATH such that 'qmake' is found in \$QTDIR/bin, "
-      "or unset QTDIR if the found Qt is correct.")
-  find_package(LLQtWebkit REQUIRED QUIET)
-  # Add the plugins.
-  foreach(qlibname qgif qjpeg)
-    find_library(QT_PLUGIN_${qlibname} ${qlibname} PATHS ${QT_PLUGINS_DIR}/imageformats NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
-    if (QT_PLUGIN_${qlibname})
-      list(APPEND QT_PLUGIN_LIBRARIES ${QT_PLUGIN_${qlibname}})
-    else (QT_PLUGIN_${qtlibname})
-      message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find the Qt plugin ${qlibname} in \"${QT_PLUGINS_DIR}/imageformats\"!")
-    endif (QT_PLUGIN_${qlibname})
-  endforeach(qlibname)
-  # qjpeg depends on libjpeg
-        "WEBKITLIBPLUGIN support for the llplugin/llmedia test apps.")
-    use_prebuilt_binary(llqtwebkit)
-        "WEBKITLIBPLUGIN support for the llplugin/llmedia test apps.")
-        debug llqtwebkitd
-        debug QtWebKitd4
-        debug QtOpenGLd4
-        debug QtNetworkd4
-        debug QtGuid4
-        debug QtCored4
-        debug qtmaind
-        optimized llqtwebkit
-        optimized QtWebKit4
-        optimized QtOpenGL4
-        optimized QtNetwork4
-        optimized QtGui4
-        optimized QtCore4
-        optimized qtmain
-    )
-elseif (DARWIN)
-        ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/libllqtwebkit.a
-        ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/libQtWebKit.4.dylib
-        ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/libQtOpenGL.4.dylib
-        ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/libQtNetwork.4.dylib
-        ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/libQtGui.4.dylib
-        ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/libQtCore.4.dylib
-       )
-elseif (LINUX)
-    # *HUH:  What does this do?
-        llqtwebkit
-#        qico
-#        qpng
-#        qtiff
-#        qsvg
-#        QtSvg
-        QtWebKit
-        QtOpenGL
-        QtNetwork
-        QtGui
-        QtCore
-#        jscore
-#        qgif
-#        qjpeg
-#        jpeg
-        fontconfig
-        X11
-        Xrender
-        GL
-#        sqlite3
-#        Xi
-#        SM
-        )
-endif (WINDOWS)
diff --git a/indra/llplugin/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/llplugin/CMakeLists.txt
index 75d89aac78..8c4ddd524e 100755
--- a/indra/llplugin/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/llplugin/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ include_directories(
diff --git a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/media_plugins/webkit/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index 5a8fe90bdd..0000000000
--- a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-# -*- cmake -*-
-    )
-### media_plugin_webkit
-  if(WINDOWS)
-    add_definitions(/FIXED:NO)
-  else(WINDOWS) # not windows therefore gcc LINUX and DARWIN
-    add_definitions(-fPIC)
-  endif(WINDOWS)
-    media_plugin_webkit.cpp
-    )
-    volume_catcher.h
-    )
-# Select which VolumeCatcher implementation to use
-if (LINUX)
-    list(APPEND media_plugin_webkit_SOURCE_FILES linux_volume_catcher.cpp)
-    list(APPEND media_plugin_webkit_SOURCE_FILES dummy_volume_catcher.cpp)
-  list(APPEND media_plugin_webkit_LINK_LIBRARIES
-       ${UI_LIBRARIES}     # for glib/GTK
-       )
-elseif (DARWIN)
-  list(APPEND media_plugin_webkit_SOURCE_FILES mac_volume_catcher.cpp)
-  find_library(CORESERVICES_LIBRARY CoreServices)
-  find_library(AUDIOUNIT_LIBRARY AudioUnit)
-  list(APPEND media_plugin_webkit_LINK_LIBRARIES
-       ${CORESERVICES_LIBRARY}     # for Component Manager calls
-       ${AUDIOUNIT_LIBRARY}        # for AudioUnit calls
-       )
-elseif (WINDOWS)
-  list(APPEND media_plugin_webkit_SOURCE_FILES windows_volume_catcher.cpp)
-endif (LINUX)
-                            PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY TRUE)
-list(APPEND media_plugin_webkit_SOURCE_FILES ${media_plugin_webkit_HEADER_FILES})
-    ${media_plugin_webkit_SOURCE_FILES}
-target_link_libraries(media_plugin_webkit ${media_plugin_webkit_LINK_LIBRARIES})
-  set_target_properties(
-    media_plugin_webkit
-    )
-endif (WINDOWS)
-if (DARWIN)
-  # Don't prepend 'lib' to the executable name, and don't embed a full path in the library's install name
-  set_target_properties(
-    media_plugin_webkit
-    PREFIX ""
-    INSTALL_NAME_DIR "@executable_path"
-    LINK_FLAGS "-exported_symbols_list ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../base/media_plugin_base.exp"
-  )
-  # copy the webkit dylib to the build directory
-#   add_custom_command(
-#     TARGET media_plugin_webkit POST_BUILD
-# #    OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/libllqtwebkit.dylib
-#     DEPENDS media_plugin_webkit ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/libllqtwebkit.dylib
-#     )
-endif (DARWIN)
diff --git a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/dummy_volume_catcher.cpp b/indra/media_plugins/webkit/dummy_volume_catcher.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index d54b31b2ae..0000000000
--- a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/dummy_volume_catcher.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- * @file dummy_volume_catcher.cpp
- * @brief A null implementation of the "VolumeCatcher" class for platforms where it's not implemented yet.
- *
- * @cond
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2010&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- * @endcond
- */
-#include "volume_catcher.h"
-class VolumeCatcherImpl
-	pimpl = NULL;
-void VolumeCatcher::setVolume(F32 volume)
-void VolumeCatcher::setPan(F32 pan)
-void VolumeCatcher::pump()
diff --git a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/linux_volume_catcher.cpp b/indra/media_plugins/webkit/linux_volume_catcher.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index 91be3a89e9..0000000000
--- a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/linux_volume_catcher.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
- * @file linux_volume_catcher.cpp
- * @brief A Linux-specific, PulseAudio-specific hack to detect and volume-adjust new audio sources
- *
- * @cond
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2010&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- * @endcond
- */
-  The high-level design is as follows:
-  1) Connect to the PulseAudio daemon
-  2) Watch for the creation of new audio players connecting to the daemon (this includes ALSA clients running on the PulseAudio emulation layer, such as Flash plugins)
-  3) Examine any new audio player's PID to see if it belongs to our own process
-  4) If so, tell PA to adjust the volume of that audio player ('sink input' in PA parlance)
-  5) Keep a list of all living audio players that we care about, adjust the volumes of all of them when we get a new setVolume() call
- */
-#include "linden_common.h"
-#include "volume_catcher.h"
-extern "C" {
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <glib-object.h>
-#include <pulse/introspect.h>
-#include <pulse/context.h>
-#include <pulse/subscribe.h>
-#include <pulse/glib-mainloop.h> // There's no special reason why we want the *glib* PA mainloop, but the generic polling implementation seems broken.
-#include "apr_pools.h"
-#include "apr_dso.h"
-#define DEBUGMSG(...) do {} while(0)
-#define INFOMSG(...) do {} while(0)
-#define WARNMSG(...) do {} while(0)
-#define LL_PA_SYM(REQUIRED, PASYM, RTN, ...) RTN (*ll##PASYM)(__VA_ARGS__) = NULL
-#include ""
-#include ""
-#undef LL_PA_SYM
-static bool sSymsGrabbed = false;
-static apr_pool_t *sSymPADSOMemoryPool = NULL;
-static apr_dso_handle_t *sSymPADSOHandleG = NULL;
-bool grab_pa_syms(std::string pulse_dso_name)
-	if (sSymsGrabbed)
-	{
-		// already have grabbed good syms
-		return true;
-	}
-	bool sym_error = false;
-	bool rtn = false;
-	apr_status_t rv;
-	apr_dso_handle_t *sSymPADSOHandle = NULL;
-#define LL_PA_SYM(REQUIRED, PASYM, RTN, ...) do{rv = apr_dso_sym((apr_dso_handle_sym_t*)&ll##PASYM, sSymPADSOHandle, #PASYM); if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {INFOMSG("Failed to grab symbol: %s", #PASYM); if (REQUIRED) sym_error = true;} else DEBUGMSG("grabbed symbol: %s from %p", #PASYM, (void*)ll##PASYM);}while(0)
-	//attempt to load the shared library
-	apr_pool_create(&sSymPADSOMemoryPool, NULL);
-	if ( APR_SUCCESS == (rv = apr_dso_load(&sSymPADSOHandle,
-					       pulse_dso_name.c_str(),
-					       sSymPADSOMemoryPool) ))
-	{
-		INFOMSG("Found DSO: %s", pulse_dso_name.c_str());
-#include ""
-#include ""
-		if ( sSymPADSOHandle )
-		{
-			sSymPADSOHandleG = sSymPADSOHandle;
-			sSymPADSOHandle = NULL;
-		}
-		rtn = !sym_error;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		INFOMSG("Couldn't load DSO: %s", pulse_dso_name.c_str());
-		rtn = false; // failure
-	}
-	if (sym_error)
-	{
-		WARNMSG("Failed to find necessary symbols in PulseAudio libraries.");
-	}
-#undef LL_PA_SYM
-	sSymsGrabbed = rtn;
-	return rtn;
-void ungrab_pa_syms()
-	// should be safe to call regardless of whether we've
-	// actually grabbed syms.
-	if ( sSymPADSOHandleG )
-	{
-		apr_dso_unload(sSymPADSOHandleG);
-		sSymPADSOHandleG = NULL;
-	}
-	if ( sSymPADSOMemoryPool )
-	{
-		apr_pool_destroy(sSymPADSOMemoryPool);
-		sSymPADSOMemoryPool = NULL;
-	}
-	// NULL-out all of the symbols we'd grabbed
-#define LL_PA_SYM(REQUIRED, PASYM, RTN, ...) do{ll##PASYM = NULL;}while(0)
-#include ""
-#include ""
-#undef LL_PA_SYM
-	sSymsGrabbed = false;
-// PulseAudio requires a chain of callbacks with C linkage
-extern "C" {
-	void callback_discovered_sinkinput(pa_context *context, const pa_sink_input_info *i, int eol, void *userdata);
-	void callback_subscription_alert(pa_context *context, pa_subscription_event_type_t t, uint32_t index, void *userdata);
-	void callback_context_state(pa_context *context, void *userdata);
-class VolumeCatcherImpl
-	VolumeCatcherImpl();
-	~VolumeCatcherImpl();
-	void setVolume(F32 volume);
-	void pump(void);
-	// for internal use - can't be private because used from our C callbacks
-	bool loadsyms(std::string pulse_dso_name);
-	void init();
-	void cleanup();
-	void update_all_volumes(F32 volume);
-	void update_index_volume(U32 index, F32 volume);
-	void connected_okay();
-	std::set<U32> mSinkInputIndices;
-	std::map<U32,U32> mSinkInputNumChannels;
-	F32 mDesiredVolume;
-	pa_glib_mainloop *mMainloop;
-	pa_context *mPAContext;
-	bool mConnected;
-	bool mGotSyms;
-	: mDesiredVolume(0.0f),
-	  mMainloop(NULL),
-	  mPAContext(NULL),
-	  mConnected(false),
-	  mGotSyms(false)
-	init();
-	cleanup();
-bool VolumeCatcherImpl::loadsyms(std::string pulse_dso_name)
-	return grab_pa_syms(pulse_dso_name);
-void VolumeCatcherImpl::init()
-	// try to be as defensive as possible because PA's interface is a
-	// bit fragile and (for our purposes) we'd rather simply not function
-	// than crash
-	// we cheat and rely upon to pull-in
-	// - this isn't a great assumption, and the two DSOs should
-	// probably be loaded separately.  Our Linux DSO framework needs refactoring,
-	// we do this sort of thing a lot with practically identical logic...
-	mGotSyms = loadsyms("");
-	if (!mGotSyms) return;
-	// better make double-sure glib itself is initialized properly.
-	if (!g_thread_supported ()) g_thread_init (NULL);
-	g_type_init();
-	mMainloop = llpa_glib_mainloop_new(g_main_context_default());
-	if (mMainloop)
-	{
-		pa_mainloop_api *api = llpa_glib_mainloop_get_api(mMainloop);
-		if (api)
-		{
-			pa_proplist *proplist = llpa_proplist_new();
-			if (proplist)
-			{
-				llpa_proplist_sets(proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_ICON_NAME, "multimedia-player");
-				llpa_proplist_sets(proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_ID, "com.secondlife.viewer.mediaplugvoladjust");
-				llpa_proplist_sets(proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME, "SL Plugin Volume Adjuster");
-				llpa_proplist_sets(proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_VERSION, "1");
-				// plain old pa_context_new() is broken!
-				mPAContext = llpa_context_new_with_proplist(api, NULL, proplist);
-				llpa_proplist_free(proplist);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Now we've set up a PA context and mainloop, try connecting the
-	// PA context to a PA daemon.
-	if (mPAContext)
-	{
-		llpa_context_set_state_callback(mPAContext, callback_context_state, this);
-		pa_context_flags_t cflags = (pa_context_flags)0; // maybe add PA_CONTEXT_NOAUTOSPAWN?
-		if (llpa_context_connect(mPAContext, NULL, cflags, NULL) >= 0)
-		{
-			// Okay!  We haven't definitely connected, but we
-			// haven't definitely failed yet.
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// Failed to connect to PA manager... we'll leave
-			// things like that.  Perhaps we should try again later.
-		}
-	}
-void VolumeCatcherImpl::cleanup()
-	mConnected = false;
-	if (mGotSyms && mPAContext)
-	{
-		llpa_context_disconnect(mPAContext);
-		llpa_context_unref(mPAContext);
-	}
-	mPAContext = NULL;
-	if (mGotSyms && mMainloop)
-	{
-		llpa_glib_mainloop_free(mMainloop);
-	}
-	mMainloop = NULL;
-void VolumeCatcherImpl::setVolume(F32 volume)
-	mDesiredVolume = volume;
-	if (!mGotSyms) return;
-	if (mConnected && mPAContext)
-	{
-		update_all_volumes(mDesiredVolume);
-	}
-	pump();
-void VolumeCatcherImpl::pump()
-	gboolean may_block = FALSE;
-	g_main_context_iteration(g_main_context_default(), may_block);
-void VolumeCatcherImpl::connected_okay()
-	pa_operation *op;
-	// fetch global list of existing sinkinputs
-	if ((op = llpa_context_get_sink_input_info_list(mPAContext,
-							callback_discovered_sinkinput,
-							this)))
-	{
-		llpa_operation_unref(op);
-	}
-	// subscribe to future global sinkinput changes
-	llpa_context_set_subscribe_callback(mPAContext,
-					    callback_subscription_alert,
-					    this);
-	if ((op = llpa_context_subscribe(mPAContext, (pa_subscription_mask_t)
-					 NULL, NULL)))
-	{
-		llpa_operation_unref(op);
-	}
-void VolumeCatcherImpl::update_all_volumes(F32 volume)
-	for (std::set<U32>::iterator it = mSinkInputIndices.begin();
-	     it != mSinkInputIndices.end(); ++it)
-	{
-		update_index_volume(*it, volume);
-	}
-void VolumeCatcherImpl::update_index_volume(U32 index, F32 volume)
-	static pa_cvolume cvol;
-	llpa_cvolume_set(&cvol, mSinkInputNumChannels[index],
-			 llpa_sw_volume_from_linear(volume));
-	pa_context *c = mPAContext;
-	uint32_t idx = index;
-	const pa_cvolume *cvolumep = &cvol;
-	pa_context_success_cb_t cb = NULL; // okay as null
-	void *userdata = NULL; // okay as null
-	pa_operation *op;
-	if ((op = llpa_context_set_sink_input_volume(c, idx, cvolumep, cb, userdata)))
-	{
-		llpa_operation_unref(op);
-	}
-void callback_discovered_sinkinput(pa_context *context, const pa_sink_input_info *sii, int eol, void *userdata)
-	VolumeCatcherImpl *impl = dynamic_cast<VolumeCatcherImpl*>((VolumeCatcherImpl*)userdata);
-	llassert(impl);
-	if (0 == eol)
-	{
-		pa_proplist *proplist = sii->proplist;
-		pid_t sinkpid = atoll(llpa_proplist_gets(proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_PROCESS_ID));
-		if (sinkpid == getpid()) // does the discovered sinkinput belong to this process?
-		{
-			bool is_new = (impl->mSinkInputIndices.find(sii->index) ==
-				       impl->mSinkInputIndices.end());
-			impl->mSinkInputIndices.insert(sii->index);
-			impl->mSinkInputNumChannels[sii->index] = sii->channel_map.channels;
-			if (is_new)
-			{
-				// new!
-				impl->update_index_volume(sii->index, impl->mDesiredVolume);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// seen it already, do nothing.
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void callback_subscription_alert(pa_context *context, pa_subscription_event_type_t t, uint32_t index, void *userdata)
-	VolumeCatcherImpl *impl = dynamic_cast<VolumeCatcherImpl*>((VolumeCatcherImpl*)userdata);
-	llassert(impl);
-		{
-			// forget this sinkinput, if we were caring about it
-			impl->mSinkInputIndices.erase(index);
-			impl->mSinkInputNumChannels.erase(index);
-		}
-		{
-			// ask for more info about this new sinkinput
-			pa_operation *op;
-			if ((op = llpa_context_get_sink_input_info(impl->mPAContext, index, callback_discovered_sinkinput, impl)))
-			{
-				llpa_operation_unref(op);
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// property change on this sinkinput - we don't care.
-		}
-		break;
-	default:;
-	}
-void callback_context_state(pa_context *context, void *userdata)
-	VolumeCatcherImpl *impl = dynamic_cast<VolumeCatcherImpl*>((VolumeCatcherImpl*)userdata);
-	llassert(impl);
-	switch (llpa_context_get_state(context))
-	{
-		impl->mConnected = true;
-		impl->connected_okay();
-		break;
-		impl->mConnected = false;
-		break;
-		impl->mConnected = false;
-		break;
-	default:;
-	}
-	pimpl = new VolumeCatcherImpl();
-	delete pimpl;
-	pimpl = NULL;
-void VolumeCatcher::setVolume(F32 volume)
-	llassert(pimpl);
-	pimpl->setVolume(volume);
-void VolumeCatcher::setPan(F32 pan)
-	// TODO: implement this (if possible)
-void VolumeCatcher::pump()
-	llassert(pimpl);
-	pimpl->pump();
diff --git a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/ b/indra/media_plugins/webkit/
deleted file mode 100755
index d806b48428..0000000000
--- a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// required symbols to grab
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_context_connect, int, pa_context *c, const char *server, pa_context_flags_t flags, const pa_spawn_api *api);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_context_disconnect, void, pa_context *c);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_context_get_sink_input_info, pa_operation*, pa_context *c, uint32_t idx, pa_sink_input_info_cb_t cb, void *userdata);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_context_get_sink_input_info_list, pa_operation*, pa_context *c, pa_sink_input_info_cb_t cb, void *userdata);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_context_get_state, pa_context_state_t, pa_context *c);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_context_new_with_proplist, pa_context*, pa_mainloop_api *mainloop, const char *name, pa_proplist *proplist);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_context_set_sink_input_volume, pa_operation*, pa_context *c, uint32_t idx, const pa_cvolume *volume, pa_context_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_context_set_state_callback, void, pa_context *c, pa_context_notify_cb_t cb, void *userdata);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_context_set_subscribe_callback, void, pa_context *c, pa_context_subscribe_cb_t cb, void *userdata);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_context_subscribe, pa_operation*, pa_context *c, pa_subscription_mask_t m, pa_context_success_cb_t cb, void *userdata);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_context_unref, void, pa_context *c);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_cvolume_set, pa_cvolume*, pa_cvolume *a, unsigned channels, pa_volume_t v);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_operation_unref, void, pa_operation *o);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_proplist_free, void, pa_proplist* p);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_proplist_gets, const char*, pa_proplist *p, const char *key);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_proplist_new, pa_proplist*, void);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_proplist_sets, int, pa_proplist *p, const char *key, const char *value);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_sw_volume_from_linear, pa_volume_t, double v);
-// optional symbols to grab
diff --git a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/ b/indra/media_plugins/webkit/
deleted file mode 100755
index abf628c96c..0000000000
--- a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// required symbols to grab
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_glib_mainloop_free, void, pa_glib_mainloop* g);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_glib_mainloop_get_api, pa_mainloop_api*, pa_glib_mainloop* g);
-LL_PA_SYM(true, pa_glib_mainloop_new, pa_glib_mainloop *, GMainContext *c);
-// optional symbols to grab
diff --git a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/mac_volume_catcher.cpp b/indra/media_plugins/webkit/mac_volume_catcher.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index 73e5bf3da3..0000000000
--- a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/mac_volume_catcher.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
- * @file mac_volume_catcher.cpp
- * @brief A Mac OS X specific hack to control the volume level of all audio channels opened by a process.
- *
- * @cond
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2010&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- * @endcond
- */
-	This code works by using CaptureComponent to capture the "Default Output" audio component
-	(kAudioUnitType_Output/kAudioUnitSubType_DefaultOutput) and delegating all calls to the original component.
-	It does this just to keep track of all instances of the default output component, so that it can set the
-	kHALOutputParam_Volume parameter on all of them to adjust the output volume.
-#include "volume_catcher.h"
-#include <QuickTime/QuickTime.h>
-#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h>
-#include <list>
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
-struct VolumeCatcherStorage;
-class VolumeCatcherImpl
-	void setVolume(F32 volume);
-	void setPan(F32 pan);
-	void setInstanceVolume(VolumeCatcherStorage *instance);
-	std::list<VolumeCatcherStorage*> mComponentInstances;
-	Component mOriginalDefaultOutput;
-	Component mVolumeAdjuster;
-	static VolumeCatcherImpl *getInstance();
-	// This is a singleton class -- both callers and the component implementation should use getInstance() to find the instance.
-	VolumeCatcherImpl();
-	static VolumeCatcherImpl *sInstance;
-	// The singlar instance of this class is expected to last until the process exits.
-	// To ensure this, we declare the destructor here but never define it, so any code which attempts to destroy the instance will not link.
-	~VolumeCatcherImpl();	
-	F32 mVolume;
-	F32 mPan;
-VolumeCatcherImpl *VolumeCatcherImpl::sInstance = NULL;;
-struct VolumeCatcherStorage
-	ComponentInstance self;
-	ComponentInstance delegate;
-static ComponentResult volume_catcher_component_entry(ComponentParameters *cp, Handle componentStorage);
-static ComponentResult volume_catcher_component_open(VolumeCatcherStorage *storage, ComponentInstance self);
-static ComponentResult volume_catcher_component_close(VolumeCatcherStorage *storage, ComponentInstance self);
-VolumeCatcherImpl *VolumeCatcherImpl::getInstance()
-	if(!sInstance)
-	{
-		sInstance = new VolumeCatcherImpl;
-	}
-	return sInstance;
-	mVolume = 1.0;	// default to full volume
-	mPan = 0.0;		// and center pan
-	ComponentDescription desc;
-	desc.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output;
-	desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_DefaultOutput;
-	desc.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;
-	desc.componentFlags = 0;
-	desc.componentFlagsMask = 0;
-	// Find the original default output component
-	mOriginalDefaultOutput = FindNextComponent(NULL, &desc);
-	// Register our own output component with the same parameters
-	mVolumeAdjuster = RegisterComponent(&desc, NewComponentRoutineUPP(volume_catcher_component_entry), 0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-	// Capture the original component, so we always get found instead.
-	CaptureComponent(mOriginalDefaultOutput, mVolumeAdjuster);
-static ComponentResult volume_catcher_component_entry(ComponentParameters *cp, Handle componentStorage)
-	ComponentResult result = badComponentSelector;
-	VolumeCatcherStorage *storage = (VolumeCatcherStorage*)componentStorage;
-	switch(cp->what)
-	{
-		case kComponentOpenSelect:
-//			std::cerr << "kComponentOpenSelect" << std::endl;
-			result = CallComponentFunctionWithStorageProcInfo((Handle)storage, cp, (ProcPtr)volume_catcher_component_open, uppCallComponentOpenProcInfo);
-		break;
-		case kComponentCloseSelect:
-//			std::cerr << "kComponentCloseSelect" << std::endl;
-			result = CallComponentFunctionWithStorageProcInfo((Handle)storage, cp, (ProcPtr)volume_catcher_component_close, uppCallComponentCloseProcInfo);
-			// CallComponentFunctionWithStorageProcInfo
-		break;
-		default:
-//			std::cerr << "Delegating selector: " << cp->what << " to component instance " << storage->delegate << std::endl;
-			result = DelegateComponentCall(cp, storage->delegate);
-		break;
-	}
-	return result;
-static ComponentResult volume_catcher_component_open(VolumeCatcherStorage *storage, ComponentInstance self)
-	ComponentResult result = noErr;
-	VolumeCatcherImpl *impl = VolumeCatcherImpl::getInstance();	
-	storage = new VolumeCatcherStorage;
-	storage->self = self;
-	storage->delegate = NULL;
-	result = OpenAComponent(impl->mOriginalDefaultOutput, &(storage->delegate));
-	if(result != noErr)
-	{
-//		std::cerr << "OpenAComponent result = " << result << ", component ref = " << storage->delegate << std::endl;
-		// If we failed to open the delagate component, our open is going to fail.  Clean things up.
-		delete storage;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// Success -- set up this component's storage
-		SetComponentInstanceStorage(self, (Handle)storage);
-		// add this instance to the global list
-		impl->mComponentInstances.push_back(storage);	
-		// and set up the initial volume
-		impl->setInstanceVolume(storage);
-	}
-	return result;
-static ComponentResult volume_catcher_component_close(VolumeCatcherStorage *storage, ComponentInstance self)
-	ComponentResult result = noErr;
-	if(storage)
-	{
-		if(storage->delegate)
-		{
-			CloseComponent(storage->delegate);
-			storage->delegate = NULL;
-		}
-		VolumeCatcherImpl *impl = VolumeCatcherImpl::getInstance();	
-		impl->mComponentInstances.remove(storage);
-		delete[] storage;
-	}
-	return result;
-void VolumeCatcherImpl::setVolume(F32 volume)
-	VolumeCatcherImpl *impl = VolumeCatcherImpl::getInstance();	
-	impl->mVolume = volume;
-	// Iterate through all known instances, setting the volume on each.
-	for(std::list<VolumeCatcherStorage*>::iterator iter = mComponentInstances.begin(); iter != mComponentInstances.end(); ++iter)
-	{
-		impl->setInstanceVolume(*iter);
-	}
-void VolumeCatcherImpl::setPan(F32 pan)
-	VolumeCatcherImpl *impl = VolumeCatcherImpl::getInstance();	
-	impl->mPan = pan;
-	// TODO: implement this.
-	// This will probably require adding a "panner" audio unit to the chain somehow.
-	// There's also a "3d mixer" component that we might be able to use...
-void VolumeCatcherImpl::setInstanceVolume(VolumeCatcherStorage *instance)
-//	std::cerr << "Setting volume on component instance: " << (instance->delegate) << " to " << mVolume << std::endl;
-	OSStatus err = noErr;
-	if(instance && instance->delegate)
-	{
-		err = AudioUnitSetParameter(
-				instance->delegate, 
-				kHALOutputParam_Volume, 
-				kAudioUnitScope_Global,
-				0, 
-				mVolume, 
-				0);
-	}
-	if(err)
-	{
-//		std::cerr << "    AudioUnitSetParameter returned " << err << std::endl;
-	}
-	pimpl = VolumeCatcherImpl::getInstance();
-	// Let the instance persist until exit.
-void VolumeCatcher::setVolume(F32 volume)
-	pimpl->setVolume(volume);
-void VolumeCatcher::setPan(F32 pan)
-	pimpl->setPan(pan);
-void VolumeCatcher::pump()
-	// No periodic tasks are necessary for this implementation.
-#pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
diff --git a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/media_plugin_webkit.cpp b/indra/media_plugins/webkit/media_plugin_webkit.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index 3edeef51e3..0000000000
--- a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/media_plugin_webkit.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1481 +0,0 @@
- * @file media_plugin_webkit.cpp
- * @brief Webkit plugin for LLMedia API plugin system
- *
- * @cond
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- * @endcond
- */
-#include "llqtwebkit.h"
-#include "linden_common.h"
-#include "indra_constants.h" // for indra keyboard codes
-#include "lltimer.h"
-#include "llgl.h"
-#include "llplugininstance.h"
-#include "llpluginmessage.h"
-#include "llpluginmessageclasses.h"
-#include "media_plugin_base.h"
-// set to 1 if you're using the version of llqtwebkit that's QPixmap-ified
-extern "C" {
-# include <glib.h>
-# include <glib-object.h>
-#endif // LL_LINUX
-# include "volume_catcher.h"
-# include <direct.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <stdlib.h>
-	// *NOTE:Mani - This captures the module handle for the dll. This is used below
-	// to get the path to this dll for webkit initialization.
-	// I don't know how/if this can be done with apr...
-	namespace {	HMODULE gModuleHandle;};
-	BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
-	{
-		gModuleHandle = (HMODULE) hinstDLL;
-		return TRUE;
-	}
-class MediaPluginWebKit : 
-		public MediaPluginBase,
-		public LLEmbeddedBrowserWindowObserver
-	MediaPluginWebKit(LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction host_send_func, void *host_user_data);
-	~MediaPluginWebKit();
-	/*virtual*/ void receiveMessage(const char *message_string);
-	std::string mProfileDir;
-	std::string mHostLanguage;
-	std::string mUserAgent;
-	bool mCookiesEnabled;
-	bool mJavascriptEnabled;
-	bool mPluginsEnabled;
-	bool mEnableMediaPluginDebugging;
-	enum
-	{
-		INIT_STATE_UNINITIALIZED,		// LLQtWebkit hasn't been set up yet
-		INIT_STATE_INITIALIZED,			// LLQtWebkit has been set up, but no browser window has been created yet.
-		INIT_STATE_NAVIGATING,			// Browser instance has been set up and initial navigate to about:blank has been issued
-		INIT_STATE_NAVIGATE_COMPLETE,	// initial navigate to about:blank has completed
-		INIT_STATE_WAIT_REDRAW,			// First real navigate begin has been received, waiting for page changed event to start handling redraws
-		INIT_STATE_WAIT_COMPLETE,		// Waiting for first real navigate complete event
-		INIT_STATE_RUNNING				// All initialization gymnastics are complete.
-	};
-	int mBrowserWindowId;
-	int mInitState;
-	std::string mInitialNavigateURL;
-	bool mNeedsUpdate;
-	bool	mCanCut;
-	bool	mCanCopy;
-	bool	mCanPaste;
-	int mLastMouseX;
-	int mLastMouseY;
-	bool mFirstFocus;
-	F32 mBackgroundR;
-	F32 mBackgroundG;
-	F32 mBackgroundB;
-	std::string mTarget;
-	LLTimer mElapsedTime;
-	VolumeCatcher mVolumeCatcher;
-	void postDebugMessage( const std::string& msg )
-	{
-		if ( mEnableMediaPluginDebugging )
-		{
-			std::stringstream str;
-			str << "@Media Msg> " << "[" << (double)mElapsedTime.getElapsedTimeF32()  << "] -- " << msg;
-			LLPluginMessage debug_message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "debug_message");
-			debug_message.setValue("message_text", str.str());
-			debug_message.setValue("message_level", "info");
-			sendMessage(debug_message);
-		}
-	}
-	void setInitState(int state)
-	{
-//		std::cerr << "changing init state to " << state << std::endl;
-		mInitState = state;
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//
-	void update(int milliseconds)
-	{
-		// pump glib generously, as Linux browser plugins are on the
-		// glib main loop, even if the browser itself isn't - ugh
-		// This is NOT NEEDED if Qt itself was built with glib
-		// mainloop integration.
-		GMainContext *mainc = g_main_context_default();
-		while(g_main_context_iteration(mainc, FALSE));
-		// pump qt
-		LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->pump( milliseconds );
-		mVolumeCatcher.pump();
-		checkEditState();
-		{
-			if(!mInitialNavigateURL.empty())
-			{
-				// We already have the initial navigate URL -- kick off the navigate.
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->navigateTo( mBrowserWindowId, mInitialNavigateURL );
-				mInitialNavigateURL.clear();
-			}
-		}
-		if ( (mInitState > INIT_STATE_WAIT_REDRAW) && mNeedsUpdate )
-		{
-			const unsigned char* browser_pixels = LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->grabBrowserWindow( mBrowserWindowId );
-			unsigned int rowspan = LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->getBrowserRowSpan( mBrowserWindowId );
-			unsigned int height = LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->getBrowserHeight( mBrowserWindowId );
-			unsigned int buffer_size = rowspan * height;
-//			std::cerr << "webkit plugin: updating" << std::endl;
-			// TODO: should get rid of this memcpy if possible
-			if ( mPixels && browser_pixels )
-			{
-//				std::cerr << "    memcopy of " << buffer_size << " bytes" << std::endl;
-				// copy the pixel data upside-down because of the co-ord system
-				for (int y=0; y<height; ++y)
-				{
-					memcpy( &mPixels[(height-y-1)*rowspan], &browser_pixels[y*rowspan], rowspan );
-				}
-				memcpy( mPixels, browser_pixels, buffer_size );
-			}
-			if ( mWidth > 0 && mHeight > 0 )
-			{
-//				std::cerr << "Setting dirty, " << mWidth << " x " << mHeight << std::endl;
-				setDirty( 0, 0, mWidth, mHeight );
-			}
-			mNeedsUpdate = false;
-		};
-	};
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//
-	bool initBrowser()
-	{
-		// already initialized
-			return true;
-		// set up directories
-		char cwd[ FILENAME_MAX ];	// I *think* this is defined on all platforms we use
-		if (NULL == getcwd( cwd, FILENAME_MAX - 1 ))
-		{
-			LL_WARNS() << "Couldn't get cwd - probably too long - failing to init." << LL_ENDL;
-			return false;
-		}
-		std::string application_dir = std::string( cwd );
-		// take care to initialize glib properly, because some
-		// versions of Qt don't, and we indirectly need it for (some
-		// versions of) Flash to not crash the browser.
-		if (!g_thread_supported ()) g_thread_init (NULL);
-		g_type_init();
-		// When running under the Xcode debugger, there's a setting called "Break on Debugger()/DebugStr()" which defaults to being turned on.
-		// This causes the environment variable USERBREAK to be set to 1, which causes these legacy calls to break into the debugger.
-		// This wouldn't cause any problems except for the fact that the current release version of the Flash plugin has a call to Debugger() in it
-		// which gets hit when the plugin is probed by webkit.
-		// Unsetting the environment variable here works around this issue.
-		unsetenv("USERBREAK");
-		//*NOTE:Mani - On windows, at least, the component path is the
-		// location of this dll's image file. 
-		std::string component_dir;
-		char dll_path[_MAX_PATH];
-		DWORD len = GetModuleFileNameA(gModuleHandle, (LPCH)&dll_path, _MAX_PATH);
-		while(len && dll_path[ len ] != ('\\') )
-		{
-			len--;
-		}
-		if(len >= 0)
-		{
-			dll_path[len] = 0;
-			component_dir = dll_path;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// *NOTE:Mani - This case should be an rare exception. 
-			// GetModuleFileNameA should always give you a full path, no?
-			component_dir = application_dir;
-		}
-		std::string component_dir = application_dir;
-		// debug spam sent to viewer and displayed in the log as usual
-		postDebugMessage( "Component dir set to: " + component_dir );
-		// window handle - needed on Windows and must be app window.
-		char window_title[ MAX_PATH ];
-		GetConsoleTitleA( window_title, MAX_PATH );
-		void* native_window_handle = (void*)FindWindowA( NULL, window_title );
-		void* native_window_handle = 0;
-		// main browser initialization
-		bool result = LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->init( application_dir, component_dir, mProfileDir, native_window_handle );
-		if ( result )
-		{
-			// debug spam sent to viewer and displayed in the log as usual
-			postDebugMessage( "browser initialized okay" );
-			return true;
-		};
-		// debug spam sent to viewer and displayed in the log as usual
-		postDebugMessage( "browser nOT initialized." );
-		return false;
-	};
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//
-	bool initBrowserWindow()
-	{
-		// already initialized
-		if ( mInitState > INIT_STATE_INITIALIZED )
-			return true;
-		// not enough information to initialize the browser yet.
-		if ( mWidth < 0 || mHeight < 0 || mDepth < 0 || 
-				mTextureWidth < 0 || mTextureHeight < 0 )
-		{
-			return false;
-		};
-		// Set up host language before creating browser window
-		if(!mHostLanguage.empty())
-		{
-			LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setHostLanguage(mHostLanguage);
-			postDebugMessage( "Setting language to " + mHostLanguage );
-		}
-		// turn on/off cookies based on what host app tells us
-		LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->enableCookies( mCookiesEnabled );
-		// turn on/off plugins based on what host app tells us
-		LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->enablePlugins( mPluginsEnabled );
-		// turn on/off Javascript based on what host app tells us
-		LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->enableJavaScript( mJavascriptEnabled );
-		LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->enableJavascript( mJavascriptEnabled );
-		std::stringstream str;
-		str << "Cookies enabled = " << mCookiesEnabled << ", plugins enabled = " << mPluginsEnabled << ", Javascript enabled = " << mJavascriptEnabled;
-		postDebugMessage( str.str() );
-		// create single browser window
-		mBrowserWindowId = LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->createBrowserWindow( mWidth, mHeight, mTarget);
-		str.str("");
-		str.clear();
-		str << "Setting browser window size to " << mWidth << " x " << mHeight;
-		postDebugMessage( str.str() );
-		// tell LLQtWebKit about the size of the browser window
-		LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setSize( mBrowserWindowId, mWidth, mHeight );
-		// observer events that LLQtWebKit emits
-		LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->addObserver( mBrowserWindowId, this );
-		// append details to agent string
-		LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setBrowserAgentId( mUserAgent );
-		postDebugMessage( "Updating user agent with " + mUserAgent );
-		// don't flip bitmap
-		LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->flipWindow( mBrowserWindowId, true );
-		// set background color
-		// convert background color channels from [0.0, 1.0] to [0, 255];
-		LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setBackgroundColor( mBrowserWindowId, int(mBackgroundR * 255.0f), int(mBackgroundG * 255.0f), int(mBackgroundB * 255.0f) );
-		// Set state _before_ starting the navigate, since onNavigateBegin might get called before this call returns.
-		// Don't do this here -- it causes the dreaded "white flash" when loading a browser instance.
-		// FIXME: Re-added this because navigating to a "page" initializes things correctly - especially
-		// for the HTTP AUTH dialog issues (DEV-41731). Will fix at a later date.
-		// Build a data URL like this: "data:text/html,%3Chtml%3E%3Cbody bgcolor=%22#RRGGBB%22%3E%3C/body%3E%3C/html%3E"
-		// where RRGGBB is the background color in HTML style
-		std::stringstream url;
-		url << "data:text/html,%3Chtml%3E%3Cbody%20bgcolor=%22#";
-		// convert background color channels from [0.0, 1.0] to [0, 255];
-		url << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << int(mBackgroundR * 255.0f);
-		url << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << int(mBackgroundG * 255.0f);
-		url << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << int(mBackgroundB * 255.0f);
-		url << "%22%3E%3C/body%3E%3C/html%3E";
-		//LL_DEBUGS() << "data url is: " << url.str() << LL_ENDL;
-		// always display loading overlay now
-		LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->enableLoadingOverlay(mBrowserWindowId, true);
-		LL_WARNS() << "Ignoring enableLoadingOverlay() call (llqtwebkit version is too old)." << LL_ENDL;
-		str.clear();
-		str << "Loading overlay enabled = " << mEnableMediaPluginDebugging << " for mBrowserWindowId = " << mBrowserWindowId;
-		postDebugMessage( str.str() );
-		LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->navigateTo( mBrowserWindowId, url.str() );
-//		LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->navigateTo( mBrowserWindowId, "about:blank" );
-		return true;	
-	}
-	void setVolume(F32 vol);
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	void onCursorChanged(const EventType& event)
-	{
-		LLQtWebKit::ECursor llqt_cursor = (LLQtWebKit::ECursor)event.getIntValue();
-		std::string name;
-		switch(llqt_cursor)
-		{
-			case LLQtWebKit::C_ARROW:
-				name = "arrow";
-			break;
-			case LLQtWebKit::C_IBEAM:
-				name = "ibeam";
-			break;
-			case LLQtWebKit::C_SPLITV:
-				name = "splitv";
-			break;
-			case LLQtWebKit::C_SPLITH:
-				name = "splith";
-			break;
-			case LLQtWebKit::C_POINTINGHAND:
-				name = "hand";
-			break;
-			default:
-				LL_WARNS() << "Unknown cursor ID: " << (int)llqt_cursor << LL_ENDL;
-			break;
-		}
-		LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "cursor_changed");
-		message.setValue("name", name);
-		sendMessage(message);
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	void onPageChanged( const EventType& event )
-	{
-		if(mInitState == INIT_STATE_WAIT_REDRAW)
-		{
-		}
-		// flag that an update is required
-		mNeedsUpdate = true;
-	};
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	void onNavigateBegin(const EventType& event)
-	{
-		{
-			LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "navigate_begin");
-			message.setValue("uri", event.getEventUri());
-			message.setValueBoolean("history_back_available", LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->userActionIsEnabled( mBrowserWindowId, LLQtWebKit::UA_NAVIGATE_BACK));
-			message.setValueBoolean("history_forward_available", LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->userActionIsEnabled( mBrowserWindowId, LLQtWebKit::UA_NAVIGATE_FORWARD));
-			sendMessage(message);
-			// debug spam sent to viewer and displayed in the log as usual
-			postDebugMessage( "Navigate begin event at: " + event.getEventUri() );
-			setStatus(STATUS_LOADING);
-		}
-		{
-			// Skip the WAIT_REDRAW state now -- with the right background color set, it should no longer be necessary.
-//			setInitState(INIT_STATE_WAIT_REDRAW);
-		}
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	void onNavigateComplete(const EventType& event)
-	{
-		{
-			if(mInitState < INIT_STATE_RUNNING)
-			{
-				setInitState(INIT_STATE_RUNNING);
-				// Clear the history, so the "back" button doesn't take you back to "about:blank".
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->clearHistory(mBrowserWindowId);
-			}
-			LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "navigate_complete");
-			message.setValue("uri", event.getEventUri());
-			message.setValueS32("result_code", event.getIntValue());
-			message.setValue("result_string", event.getStringValue());
-			message.setValueBoolean("history_back_available", LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->userActionIsEnabled( mBrowserWindowId, LLQtWebKit::UA_NAVIGATE_BACK));
-			message.setValueBoolean("history_forward_available", LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->userActionIsEnabled( mBrowserWindowId, LLQtWebKit::UA_NAVIGATE_FORWARD));
-			sendMessage(message);
-			setStatus(STATUS_LOADED);
-		}
-		else if(mInitState == INIT_STATE_NAVIGATING)
-		{
-		}
-		// debug spam sent to viewer and displayed in the log as usual
-		postDebugMessage( "Navigate complete event at: " + event.getEventUri() );
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	void onUpdateProgress(const EventType& event)
-	{
-		{
-			LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "progress");
-			message.setValueS32("percent", event.getIntValue());
-			sendMessage(message);
-		}
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	void onStatusTextChange(const EventType& event)
-	{
-		{
-			LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "status_text");
-			message.setValue("status", event.getStringValue());
-			sendMessage(message);
-		}
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	void onTitleChange(const EventType& event)
-	{
-		{
-			LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "name_text");
-			message.setValue("name", event.getStringValue());
-			sendMessage(message);
-		}
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	void onNavigateErrorPage(const EventType& event)
-	{
-		LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "navigate_error_page");
-		message.setValueS32("status_code", event.getIntValue());
-		sendMessage(message);
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	void onLocationChange(const EventType& event)
-	{
-		{
-			LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "location_changed");
-			message.setValue("uri", event.getEventUri());
-			sendMessage(message);
-		}
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	void onClickLinkHref(const EventType& event)
-	{
-		LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "click_href");
-		message.setValue("uri", event.getEventUri());
-		message.setValue("target", event.getStringValue());
-		message.setValue("uuid", event.getStringValue2());
-		sendMessage(message);
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	void onClickLinkNoFollow(const EventType& event)
-	{
-		LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "click_nofollow");
-		message.setValue("uri", event.getEventUri());
-		message.setValue("nav_type", event.getNavigationType());
-		message.setValue("nav_type", "clicked");
-		sendMessage(message);
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	void onCookieChanged(const EventType& event)
-	{
-		LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "cookie_set");
-		message.setValue("cookie", event.getStringValue());
-		// These could be passed through as well, but aren't really needed.
-//		message.setValue("uri", event.getEventUri());
-//		message.setValueBoolean("dead", (event.getIntValue() != 0))
-		// debug spam
-		postDebugMessage( "Sending cookie_set message from plugin: " + event.getStringValue() );
-		sendMessage(message);
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	void onWindowCloseRequested(const EventType& event)
-	{
-		LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "close_request");
-		message.setValue("uuid", event.getStringValue());
-		sendMessage(message);
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	void onWindowGeometryChangeRequested(const EventType& event)
-	{
-		int x, y, width, height;
-		event.getRectValue(x, y, width, height);
-		// This sometimes gets called with a zero-size request.  Don't pass these along.
-		if(width > 0 && height > 0)
-		{
-			LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "geometry_change");
-			message.setValue("uuid", event.getStringValue());
-			message.setValueS32("x", x);
-			message.setValueS32("y", y);
-			message.setValueS32("width", width);
-			message.setValueS32("height", height);
-			sendMessage(message);
-		}
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	std::string onRequestFilePicker( const EventType& eventIn )
-	{
-		return blockingPickFile();
-	}
-	std::string mAuthUsername;
-	std::string mAuthPassword;
-	bool mAuthOK;
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	bool onAuthRequest(const std::string &in_url, const std::string &in_realm, std::string &out_username, std::string &out_password)
-	{
-		mAuthOK = false;
-		LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "auth_request");
-		message.setValue("url", in_url);
-		message.setValue("realm", in_realm);
-		message.setValueBoolean("blocking_request", true);
-		// The "blocking_request" key in the message means this sendMessage call will block until a response is received.
-		sendMessage(message);
-		if(mAuthOK)
-		{
-			out_username = mAuthUsername;
-			out_password = mAuthPassword;
-		}
-		return mAuthOK;
-	}
-	void authResponse(LLPluginMessage &message)
-	{
-		mAuthOK = message.getValueBoolean("ok");
-		if(mAuthOK)
-		{
-			mAuthUsername = message.getValue("username");
-			mAuthPassword = message.getValue("password");
-		}
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	// virtual
-	void onLinkHovered(const EventType& event)
-	{
-		{
-			LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER, "link_hovered");
-			message.setValue("link", event.getEventUri());
-			message.setValue("title", event.getStringValue());
-			message.setValue("text", event.getStringValue2());
-			sendMessage(message);
-		}
-	}
-	LLQtWebKit::EKeyboardModifier decodeModifiers(std::string &modifiers)
-	{
-		int result = 0;
-		if(modifiers.find("shift") != std::string::npos)
-			result |= LLQtWebKit::KM_MODIFIER_SHIFT;
-		if(modifiers.find("alt") != std::string::npos)
-			result |= LLQtWebKit::KM_MODIFIER_ALT;
-		if(modifiers.find("control") != std::string::npos)
-			result |= LLQtWebKit::KM_MODIFIER_CONTROL;
-		if(modifiers.find("meta") != std::string::npos)
-			result |= LLQtWebKit::KM_MODIFIER_META;
-		return (LLQtWebKit::EKeyboardModifier)result;
-	}
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//
-	void deserializeKeyboardData( LLSD native_key_data, uint32_t& native_scan_code, uint32_t& native_virtual_key, uint32_t& native_modifiers )
-	{
-		native_scan_code = 0;
-		native_virtual_key = 0;
-		native_modifiers = 0;
-		if( native_key_data.isMap() )
-		{
-			native_scan_code = (uint32_t)(native_key_data["char_code"].asInteger());
-			native_virtual_key = (uint32_t)(native_key_data["key_code"].asInteger());
-			native_modifiers = (uint32_t)(native_key_data["modifiers"].asInteger());
-			native_scan_code = (uint32_t)(native_key_data["scan_code"].asInteger());
-			native_virtual_key = (uint32_t)(native_key_data["virtual_key"].asInteger());
-			// TODO: I don't think we need to do anything with native modifiers here -- please verify
-#elif LL_LINUX
-			native_scan_code = (uint32_t)(native_key_data["scan_code"].asInteger());
-			native_virtual_key = (uint32_t)(native_key_data["virtual_key"].asInteger());
-			native_modifiers = (uint32_t)(native_key_data["modifiers"].asInteger());
-			// Add other platforms here as needed
-		};
-	};
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//
-	void keyEvent(LLQtWebKit::EKeyEvent key_event, int key, LLQtWebKit::EKeyboardModifier modifiers, LLSD native_key_data = LLSD::emptyMap())
-	{
-		// The incoming values for 'key' will be the ones from indra_constants.h
-		std::string utf8_text;
-		if(key < KEY_SPECIAL)
-		{
-			// Low-ascii characters need to get passed through.
-			utf8_text = (char)key;
-		}
-		// Any special-case handling we want to do for particular keys...
-		switch((KEY)key)
-		{
-			// ASCII codes for some standard keys
-			case LLQtWebKit::KEY_BACKSPACE:		utf8_text = (char)8;		break;
-			case LLQtWebKit::KEY_TAB:			utf8_text = (char)9;		break;
-			case LLQtWebKit::KEY_RETURN:		utf8_text = (char)13;		break;
-			case LLQtWebKit::KEY_PAD_RETURN:	utf8_text = (char)13;		break;
-			case LLQtWebKit::KEY_ESCAPE:		utf8_text = (char)27;		break;
-			default:  
-			break;
-		}
-//		std::cerr << "key event " << (int)key_event << ", native_key_data = " << native_key_data << std::endl;
-		uint32_t native_scan_code = 0;
-		uint32_t native_virtual_key = 0;
-		uint32_t native_modifiers = 0;
-		deserializeKeyboardData( native_key_data, native_scan_code, native_virtual_key, native_modifiers );
-		LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->keyboardEvent( mBrowserWindowId, key_event, (uint32_t)key, utf8_text.c_str(), modifiers, native_scan_code, native_virtual_key, native_modifiers);
-		checkEditState();
-	};
-	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-	//
-	void unicodeInput( const std::string &utf8str, LLQtWebKit::EKeyboardModifier modifiers, LLSD native_key_data = LLSD::emptyMap())
-	{		
-		uint32_t key = LLQtWebKit::KEY_NONE;
-//		std::cerr << "unicode input, native_key_data = " << native_key_data << std::endl;
-		if(utf8str.size() == 1)
-		{
-			// The only way a utf8 string can be one byte long is if it's actually a single 7-bit ascii character.
-			// In this case, use it as the key value.
-			key = utf8str[0];
-		}
-		uint32_t native_scan_code = 0;
-		uint32_t native_virtual_key = 0;
-		uint32_t native_modifiers = 0;
-		deserializeKeyboardData( native_key_data, native_scan_code, native_virtual_key, native_modifiers );
-		LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->keyboardEvent( mBrowserWindowId, LLQtWebKit::KE_KEY_DOWN, (uint32_t)key, utf8str.c_str(), modifiers, native_scan_code, native_virtual_key, native_modifiers);
-		LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->keyboardEvent( mBrowserWindowId, LLQtWebKit::KE_KEY_UP, (uint32_t)key, utf8str.c_str(), modifiers, native_scan_code, native_virtual_key, native_modifiers);
-		checkEditState();
-	};
-	void checkEditState(void)
-	{
-		bool can_cut = LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->userActionIsEnabled( mBrowserWindowId, LLQtWebKit::UA_EDIT_CUT);
-		bool can_copy = LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->userActionIsEnabled( mBrowserWindowId, LLQtWebKit::UA_EDIT_COPY);
-		bool can_paste = LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->userActionIsEnabled( mBrowserWindowId, LLQtWebKit::UA_EDIT_PASTE);
-		if((can_cut != mCanCut) || (can_copy != mCanCopy) || (can_paste != mCanPaste))
-		{
-			LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "edit_state");
-			if(can_cut != mCanCut)
-			{
-				mCanCut = can_cut;
-				message.setValueBoolean("cut", can_cut);
-			}
-			if(can_copy != mCanCopy)
-			{
-				mCanCopy = can_copy;
-				message.setValueBoolean("copy", can_copy);
-			}
-			if(can_paste != mCanPaste)
-			{
-				mCanPaste = can_paste;
-				message.setValueBoolean("paste", can_paste);
-			}
-			sendMessage(message);
-		}
-	}
-	std::string mPickedFile;
-	std::string blockingPickFile(void)
-	{
-		mPickedFile.clear();
-		LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "pick_file");
-		message.setValueBoolean("blocking_request", true);
-		// The "blocking_request" key in the message means this sendMessage call will block until a response is received.
-		sendMessage(message);
-		return mPickedFile;
-	}
-	void onPickFileResponse(const std::string &file)
-	{
-		mPickedFile = file;
-	}
-MediaPluginWebKit::MediaPluginWebKit(LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction host_send_func, void *host_user_data) :
-	MediaPluginBase(host_send_func, host_user_data)
-//	std::cerr << "MediaPluginWebKit constructor" << std::endl;
-	mBrowserWindowId = 0;
-	mNeedsUpdate = true;
-	mCanCut = false;
-	mCanCopy = false;
-	mCanPaste = false;
-	mLastMouseX = 0;
-	mLastMouseY = 0;
-	mFirstFocus = true;
-	mBackgroundR = 0.0f;
-	mBackgroundG = 0.0f;
-	mBackgroundB = 0.0f;
-	mHostLanguage = "en";		// default to english
-	mJavascriptEnabled = true;	// default to on
-	mPluginsEnabled = true;		// default to on
-	mEnableMediaPluginDebugging = false;
-	mUserAgent = "LLPluginMedia Web Browser";
-	mElapsedTime.reset();
-	// unhook observer
-	LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->remObserver( mBrowserWindowId, this );
-	// clean up
-	LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->reset();
-//	std::cerr << "MediaPluginWebKit destructor" << std::endl;
-void MediaPluginWebKit::receiveMessage(const char *message_string)
-//	std::cerr << "MediaPluginWebKit::receiveMessage: received message: \"" << message_string << "\"" << std::endl;
-	LLPluginMessage message_in;
-	if(message_in.parse(message_string) >= 0)
-	{
-		std::string message_class = message_in.getClass();
-		std::string message_name = message_in.getName();
-		if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_BASE)
-		{
-			if(message_name == "init")
-			{
-				LLPluginMessage message("base", "init_response");
-				LLSD versions = LLSD::emptyMap();
-				message.setValueLLSD("versions", versions);
-				std::string plugin_version = "Webkit media plugin, Webkit version ";
-				plugin_version += LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->getVersion();
-				message.setValue("plugin_version", plugin_version);
-				sendMessage(message);
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "idle")
-			{
-				// no response is necessary here.
-				F64 time = message_in.getValueReal("time");
-				// Convert time to milliseconds for update()
-				update((int)(time * 1000.0f));
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "cleanup")
-			{
-				// DTOR most likely won't be called but the recent change to the way this process
-				// is (not) killed means we see this message and can do what we need to here.
-				// Note: this cleanup is ultimately what writes cookies to the disk
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->remObserver( mBrowserWindowId, this );
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->reset();
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "shm_added")
-			{
-				SharedSegmentInfo info;
-				info.mAddress = message_in.getValuePointer("address");
-				info.mSize = (size_t)message_in.getValueS32("size");
-				std::string name = message_in.getValue("name");
-//				std::cerr << "MediaPluginWebKit::receiveMessage: shared memory added, name: " << name 
-//					<< ", size: " << info.mSize 
-//					<< ", address: " << info.mAddress 
-//					<< std::endl;
-				mSharedSegments.insert(SharedSegmentMap::value_type(name, info));
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "shm_remove")
-			{
-				std::string name = message_in.getValue("name");
-//				std::cerr << "MediaPluginWebKit::receiveMessage: shared memory remove, name = " << name << std::endl;
-				SharedSegmentMap::iterator iter = mSharedSegments.find(name);
-				if(iter != mSharedSegments.end())
-				{
-					if(mPixels == iter->second.mAddress)
-					{
-						// This is the currently active pixel buffer.  Make sure we stop drawing to it.
-						mPixels = NULL;
-						mTextureSegmentName.clear();
-					}
-					mSharedSegments.erase(iter);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-//					std::cerr << "MediaPluginWebKit::receiveMessage: unknown shared memory region!" << std::endl;
-				}
-				// Send the response so it can be cleaned up.
-				LLPluginMessage message("base", "shm_remove_response");
-				message.setValue("name", name);
-				sendMessage(message);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-//				std::cerr << "MediaPluginWebKit::receiveMessage: unknown base message: " << message_name << std::endl;
-			}
-		}
-		else if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_TIME)
-		{
-			if(message_name == "set_volume")
-			{
-				F32 volume = (F32)message_in.getValueReal("volume");
-				setVolume(volume);
-			}
-		}
-		else if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA)
-		{
-			if(message_name == "init")
-			{
-				mTarget = message_in.getValue("target");
-				// This is the media init message -- all necessary data for initialization should have been received.
-				if(initBrowser())
-				{
-					// Plugin gets to decide the texture parameters to use.
-					mDepth = 4;
-					LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "texture_params");
-					message.setValueS32("default_width", 1024);
-					message.setValueS32("default_height", 1024);
-					message.setValueS32("depth", mDepth);
-					message.setValueU32("internalformat", GL_RGBA);
-					message.setValueU32("format", GL_BGRA_EXT); // I hope this isn't system-dependant... is it?  If so, we'll have to check the root window's pixel layout or something... yuck.
-	#else
-					message.setValueU32("format", GL_RGBA);
-					message.setValueU32("type", GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
-					message.setValueBoolean("coords_opengl", true);
-					sendMessage(message);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					// if initialization failed, we're done.
-					mDeleteMe = true;
-				}
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "set_user_data_path")
-			{
-				std::string user_data_path = message_in.getValue("path"); // n.b. always has trailing platform-specific dir-delimiter
-				mProfileDir = user_data_path + "browser_profile";
-				// FIXME: Should we do anything with this if it comes in after the browser has been initialized?
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "set_language_code")
-			{
-				mHostLanguage = message_in.getValue("language");
-				// FIXME: Should we do anything with this if it comes in after the browser has been initialized?
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "plugins_enabled")
-			{
-				mPluginsEnabled = message_in.getValueBoolean("enable");
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "javascript_enabled")
-			{
-				mJavascriptEnabled = message_in.getValueBoolean("enable");
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "size_change")
-			{
-				std::string name = message_in.getValue("name");
-				S32 width = message_in.getValueS32("width");
-				S32 height = message_in.getValueS32("height");
-				S32 texture_width = message_in.getValueS32("texture_width");
-				S32 texture_height = message_in.getValueS32("texture_height");
-				mBackgroundR = (F32)message_in.getValueReal("background_r");
-				mBackgroundG = (F32)message_in.getValueReal("background_g");
-				mBackgroundB = (F32)message_in.getValueReal("background_b");
-//				mBackgroundA = message_in.setValueReal("background_a");		// Ignore any alpha
-				if(!name.empty())
-				{
-					// Find the shared memory region with this name
-					SharedSegmentMap::iterator iter = mSharedSegments.find(name);
-					if(iter != mSharedSegments.end())
-					{
-						mPixels = (unsigned char*)iter->second.mAddress;
-						mWidth = width;
-						mHeight = height;
-						if(initBrowserWindow())
-						{
-							// size changed so tell the browser
-							LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setSize( mBrowserWindowId, mWidth, mHeight );
-	//						std::cerr << "webkit plugin: set size to " << mWidth << " x " << mHeight 
-	//								<< ", rowspan is " << LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->getBrowserRowSpan(mBrowserWindowId) << std::endl;
-							S32 real_width = LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->getBrowserRowSpan(mBrowserWindowId) / LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->getBrowserDepth(mBrowserWindowId); 
-							// The actual width the browser will be drawing to is probably smaller... let the host know by modifying texture_width in the response.
-							if(real_width <= texture_width)
-							{
-								texture_width = real_width;
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								// This won't work -- it'll be bigger than the allocated memory.  This is a fatal error.
-	//							std::cerr << "Fatal error: browser rowbytes greater than texture width" << std::endl;
-								mDeleteMe = true;
-								return;
-							}
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							// Setting up the browser window failed.  This is a fatal error.
-							mDeleteMe = true;
-						}
-						mTextureWidth = texture_width;
-						mTextureHeight = texture_height;
-					};
-				};
-				LLPluginMessage message(LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA, "size_change_response");
-				message.setValue("name", name);
-				message.setValueS32("width", width);
-				message.setValueS32("height", height);
-				message.setValueS32("texture_width", texture_width);
-				message.setValueS32("texture_height", texture_height);
-				sendMessage(message);
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "load_uri")
-			{
-				std::string uri = message_in.getValue("uri");
-//				std::cout << "loading URI: " << uri << std::endl;
-				if(!uri.empty())
-				{
-					{
-						LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->navigateTo( mBrowserWindowId, uri );
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						mInitialNavigateURL = uri;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "mouse_event")
-			{
-				std::string event = message_in.getValue("event");
-				S32 button = message_in.getValueS32("button");
-				mLastMouseX = message_in.getValueS32("x");
-				mLastMouseY = message_in.getValueS32("y");
-				std::string modifiers = message_in.getValue("modifiers");
-				// Treat unknown mouse events as mouse-moves.
-				LLQtWebKit::EMouseEvent mouse_event = LLQtWebKit::ME_MOUSE_MOVE;
-				if(event == "down")
-				{
-					mouse_event = LLQtWebKit::ME_MOUSE_DOWN;
-				}
-				else if(event == "up")
-				{
-					mouse_event = LLQtWebKit::ME_MOUSE_UP;
-				}
-				else if(event == "double_click")
-				{
-					mouse_event = LLQtWebKit::ME_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK;
-				}
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->mouseEvent( mBrowserWindowId, mouse_event, button, mLastMouseX, mLastMouseY, decodeModifiers(modifiers));
-				checkEditState();
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "scroll_event")
-			{
-				S32 x = message_in.getValueS32("x");
-				S32 y = message_in.getValueS32("y");
-				std::string modifiers = message_in.getValue("modifiers");
-				// Incoming scroll events are adjusted so that 1 detent is approximately 1 unit.
-				// Qt expects 1 detent to be 120 units.
-				// It also seems that our y scroll direction is inverted vs. what Qt expects.
-				x *= 120;
-				y *= -120;
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->scrollWheelEvent(mBrowserWindowId, mLastMouseX, mLastMouseY, x, y, decodeModifiers(modifiers));
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "key_event")
-			{
-				std::string event = message_in.getValue("event");
-				S32 key = message_in.getValueS32("key");
-				std::string modifiers = message_in.getValue("modifiers");
-				LLSD native_key_data = message_in.getValueLLSD("native_key_data");
-				// Treat unknown events as key-up for safety.
-				LLQtWebKit::EKeyEvent key_event = LLQtWebKit::KE_KEY_UP;
-				if(event == "down")
-				{
-					key_event = LLQtWebKit::KE_KEY_DOWN;
-				}
-				else if(event == "repeat")
-				{
-					key_event = LLQtWebKit::KE_KEY_REPEAT;
-				}
-				keyEvent(key_event, key, decodeModifiers(modifiers), native_key_data);
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "text_event")
-			{
-				std::string text = message_in.getValue("text");
-				std::string modifiers = message_in.getValue("modifiers");
-				LLSD native_key_data = message_in.getValueLLSD("native_key_data");
-				unicodeInput(text, decodeModifiers(modifiers), native_key_data);
-			}
-			if(message_name == "edit_cut")
-			{
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->userAction( mBrowserWindowId, LLQtWebKit::UA_EDIT_CUT );
-				checkEditState();
-			}
-			if(message_name == "edit_copy")
-			{
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->userAction( mBrowserWindowId, LLQtWebKit::UA_EDIT_COPY );
-				checkEditState();
-			}
-			if(message_name == "edit_paste")
-			{
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->userAction( mBrowserWindowId, LLQtWebKit::UA_EDIT_PASTE );
-				checkEditState();
-			}
-			if(message_name == "pick_file_response")
-			{
-				onPickFileResponse(message_in.getValue("file"));
-			}
-			if(message_name == "auth_response")
-			{
-				authResponse(message_in);
-			}
-			else
-			if(message_name == "enable_media_plugin_debugging")
-			{
-				mEnableMediaPluginDebugging = message_in.getValueBoolean( "enable" );
-			}
-			else
-			if(message_name == "js_enable_object")
-			{
-				bool enable = message_in.getValueBoolean( "enable" );
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setSLObjectEnabled( enable );
-			}
-			else
-			if(message_name == "js_agent_location")
-			{
-				F32 x = (F32)message_in.getValueReal("x");
-				F32 y = (F32)message_in.getValueReal("y");
-				F32 z = (F32)message_in.getValueReal("z");
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setAgentLocation( x, y, z );
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->emitLocation();
-			}
-			else
-			if(message_name == "js_agent_global_location")
-			{
-				F32 x = (F32)message_in.getValueReal("x");
-				F32 y = (F32)message_in.getValueReal("y");
-				F32 z = (F32)message_in.getValueReal("z");
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setAgentGlobalLocation( x, y, z );
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->emitLocation();
-			}
-			else			
-			if(message_name == "js_agent_orientation")
-			{
-				F32 angle = (F32)message_in.getValueReal("angle");
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setAgentOrientation( angle );
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->emitLocation();
-			}
-			else
-			if(message_name == "js_agent_region")
-			{
-				const std::string& region = message_in.getValue("region");
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setAgentRegion( region );
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->emitLocation();
-			}
-			else
-				if(message_name == "js_agent_maturity")
-				{
-					const std::string& maturity = message_in.getValue("maturity");
-					LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setAgentMaturity( maturity );
-					LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->emitMaturity();
-				}
-			else
-			if(message_name == "js_agent_language")
-			{
-				const std::string& language = message_in.getValue("language");
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setAgentLanguage( language );
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->emitLanguage();
-			}
-			else
-			{
-//				std::cerr << "MediaPluginWebKit::receiveMessage: unknown media message: " << message_string << std::endl;
-			}
-		}
-		else if(message_class == LLPLUGIN_MESSAGE_CLASS_MEDIA_BROWSER)
-		{
-			if(message_name == "focus")
-			{
-				bool val = message_in.getValueBoolean("focused");
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->focusBrowser( mBrowserWindowId, val );
-				if(mFirstFocus && val)
-				{
-					// On the first focus, post a tab key event.  This fixes a problem with initial focus.
-					std::string empty;
-					keyEvent(LLQtWebKit::KE_KEY_DOWN, KEY_TAB, decodeModifiers(empty));
-					keyEvent(LLQtWebKit::KE_KEY_UP, KEY_TAB, decodeModifiers(empty));
-					mFirstFocus = false;
-				}
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "set_page_zoom_factor")
-			{
-				F32 factor = (F32)message_in.getValueReal("factor");
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setPageZoomFactor(factor);
-				LL_WARNS() << "Ignoring setPageZoomFactor message (llqtwebkit version is too old)." << LL_ENDL;
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "clear_cache")
-			{
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->clearCache();
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "clear_cookies")
-			{
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->clearAllCookies();
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "enable_cookies")
-			{
-				mCookiesEnabled = message_in.getValueBoolean("enable");
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->enableCookies( mCookiesEnabled );
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "enable_plugins")
-			{
-				mPluginsEnabled = message_in.getValueBoolean("enable");
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->enablePlugins( mPluginsEnabled );
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "enable_javascript")
-			{
-				mJavascriptEnabled = message_in.getValueBoolean("enable");
-				//LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->enableJavascript( mJavascriptEnabled );
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "set_cookies")
-			{
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setCookies(message_in.getValue("cookies"));
-				// debug spam
-				postDebugMessage( "Plugin setting cookie: " + message_in.getValue("cookies") );
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "proxy_setup")
-			{
-				bool val = message_in.getValueBoolean("enable");
-				std::string host = message_in.getValue("host");
-				int port = message_in.getValueS32("port");
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->enableProxy( val, host, port );
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "browse_stop")
-			{
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->userAction( mBrowserWindowId, LLQtWebKit::UA_NAVIGATE_STOP );
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "browse_reload")
-			{
-				// foo = message_in.getValueBoolean("ignore_cache");
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->userAction( mBrowserWindowId, LLQtWebKit::UA_NAVIGATE_RELOAD );
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "browse_forward")
-			{
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->userAction( mBrowserWindowId, LLQtWebKit::UA_NAVIGATE_FORWARD );
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "browse_back")
-			{
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->userAction( mBrowserWindowId, LLQtWebKit::UA_NAVIGATE_BACK );
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "set_status_redirect")
-			{
-				int code = message_in.getValueS32("code");
-				std::string url = message_in.getValue("url");
-				if ( 404 == code )	// browser lib only supports 404 right now
-				{
-				 	LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->set404RedirectUrl( mBrowserWindowId, url );
-				};
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "set_user_agent")
-			{
-				mUserAgent = message_in.getValue("user_agent");
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setBrowserAgentId( mUserAgent );
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "show_web_inspector")
-			{
-				bool val = message_in.getValueBoolean("show");
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->showWebInspector( val );
-				LL_WARNS() << "Ignoring showWebInspector message (llqtwebkit version is too old)." << LL_ENDL;
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "ignore_ssl_cert_errors")
-			{
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setIgnoreSSLCertErrors( message_in.getValueBoolean("ignore") );
-				LL_WARNS() << "Ignoring ignore_ssl_cert_errors message (llqtwebkit version is too old)." << LL_ENDL;
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "add_certificate_file_path")
-			{
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->setCAFile( message_in.getValue("path") );
-				LL_WARNS() << "Ignoring add_certificate_file_path message (llqtwebkit version is too old)." << LL_ENDL;
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "init_history")
-			{
-				// Initialize browser history
-				LLSD history = message_in.getValueLLSD("history");
-				// First, clear the URL history
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->clearHistory(mBrowserWindowId);
-				// Then, add the history items in order
-				LLSD::array_iterator iter_history = history.beginArray();
-				LLSD::array_iterator end_history = history.endArray();
-				for(; iter_history != end_history; ++iter_history)
-				{
-					std::string url = (*iter_history).asString();
-					if(! url.empty()) {
-						LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->prependHistoryUrl(mBrowserWindowId, url);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "proxy_window_opened")
-			{
-				std::string target = message_in.getValue("target");
-				std::string uuid = message_in.getValue("uuid");
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->proxyWindowOpened(mBrowserWindowId, target, uuid);
-			}
-			else if(message_name == "proxy_window_closed")
-			{
-				std::string uuid = message_in.getValue("uuid");
-				LLQtWebKit::getInstance()->proxyWindowClosed(mBrowserWindowId, uuid);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-//				std::cerr << "MediaPluginWebKit::receiveMessage: unknown media_browser message: " << message_string << std::endl;
-			};
-		}
-		else
-		{
-//			std::cerr << "MediaPluginWebKit::receiveMessage: unknown message class: " << message_class << std::endl;
-		};
-	}
-void MediaPluginWebKit::setVolume(F32 volume)
-	mVolumeCatcher.setVolume(volume);
-int init_media_plugin(LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction host_send_func, void *host_user_data, LLPluginInstance::sendMessageFunction *plugin_send_func, void **plugin_user_data)
-	MediaPluginWebKit *self = new MediaPluginWebKit(host_send_func, host_user_data);
-	*plugin_send_func = MediaPluginWebKit::staticReceiveMessage;
-	*plugin_user_data = (void*)self;
-	return 0;
diff --git a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/volume_catcher.h b/indra/media_plugins/webkit/volume_catcher.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 337f2913d3..0000000000
--- a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/volume_catcher.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- * @file volume_catcher.h
- * @brief Interface to a class with platform-specific implementations that allows control of the audio volume of all sources in the current process.
- *
- * @cond
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2010&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- * @endcond
- */
-#include "linden_common.h"
-class VolumeCatcherImpl;
-class VolumeCatcher
- public:
-	VolumeCatcher();
-	~VolumeCatcher();
-	void setVolume(F32 volume); // 0.0 - 1.0
-	// Set the left-right pan of audio sources
-	// where -1.0 = left, 0 = center, and 1.0 = right
-	void setPan(F32 pan); 
-	void pump(); // call this at least a few times a second if you can - it affects how quickly we can 'catch' a new audio source and adjust its volume
- private:
-	VolumeCatcherImpl *pimpl;
diff --git a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/windows_volume_catcher.cpp b/indra/media_plugins/webkit/windows_volume_catcher.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index 0cfb810906..0000000000
--- a/indra/media_plugins/webkit/windows_volume_catcher.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
- * @file windows_volume_catcher.cpp
- * @brief A Windows implementation of volume level control of all audio channels opened by a process.
- *
- * @cond
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2010&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- * @endcond
- */
-#include "volume_catcher.h"
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "llsingleton.h"
-class VolumeCatcherImpl : public LLSingleton<VolumeCatcherImpl>
-friend LLSingleton<VolumeCatcherImpl>;
-	void setVolume(F32 volume);
-	void setPan(F32 pan);
-	// This is a singleton class -- both callers and the component implementation should use getInstance() to find the instance.
-	VolumeCatcherImpl();
-	~VolumeCatcherImpl();
-	typedef void (WINAPI *set_volume_func_t)(F32);
-	typedef void (WINAPI *set_mute_func_t)(bool);
-	set_volume_func_t mSetVolumeFunc;
-	set_mute_func_t mSetMuteFunc;
-	// tests if running on Vista, 7, 8 + once in CTOR
-	bool isWindowsVistaOrHigher();
-	F32 	mVolume;
-	F32 	mPan;
-	bool mSystemIsVistaOrHigher;
-bool VolumeCatcherImpl::isWindowsVistaOrHigher()
-	ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO));
-	osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
-	GetVersionEx(&osvi);
-	return osvi.dwMajorVersion >= 6;
-:	mVolume(1.0f),			// default volume is max
-	mPan(0.f)				// default pan is centered
-	mSystemIsVistaOrHigher = isWindowsVistaOrHigher();
-	if ( ! mSystemIsVistaOrHigher )
-	{
-		HMODULE handle = ::LoadLibrary(L"winmm.dll");
-		if(handle)
-		{
-			mSetVolumeFunc = (set_volume_func_t)::GetProcAddress(handle, "setPluginVolume");
-			mSetMuteFunc = (set_mute_func_t)::GetProcAddress(handle, "setPluginMute");
-		}
-	}
-void VolumeCatcherImpl::setVolume(F32 volume)
-	mVolume = volume;
-	if ( mSystemIsVistaOrHigher )
-	{
-		// set both left/right to same volume
-		// TODO: use pan value to set independently
-		DWORD left_channel  = (DWORD)(mVolume * 65535.0f);
-		DWORD right_channel =  (DWORD)(mVolume * 65535.0f);
-		DWORD hw_volume = left_channel << 16 | right_channel;
-		::waveOutSetVolume(NULL, hw_volume);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if (mSetMuteFunc)
-		{
-			mSetMuteFunc(volume == 0.f);
-		}
-		if (mSetVolumeFunc)
-		{
-			mSetVolumeFunc(mVolume);
-		}
-	}
-void VolumeCatcherImpl::setPan(F32 pan)
-{	// remember pan for calculating individual channel levels later
-	mPan = pan;
-	pimpl = VolumeCatcherImpl::getInstance();
-	// Let the instance persist until exit.
-void VolumeCatcher::setVolume(F32 volume)
-	pimpl->setVolume(volume);
-void VolumeCatcher::setPan(F32 pan)
-	pimpl->setPan(pan);
-void VolumeCatcher::pump()
-	// No periodic tasks are necessary for this implementation.
diff --git a/indra/media_plugins/winmmshim/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/media_plugins/winmmshim/CMakeLists.txt
index bf74f81809..6890589892 100755
--- a/indra/media_plugins/winmmshim/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/media_plugins/winmmshim/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -22,9 +22,6 @@ set(winmm_shim_HEADER_FILES
 list(APPEND winmm_shim_SOURCE_FILES ${winmm_shim_HEADER_FILES})
-                            PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY TRUE)
diff --git a/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
index d575e5cd8c..087d508c42 100755
--- a/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1764,7 +1764,6 @@ if (WINDOWS)
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/qtwebkit4.dll
@@ -1782,7 +1781,6 @@ if (WINDOWS)
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}/qtwebkitd4.dll
@@ -2013,7 +2011,6 @@ if (LINUX)
-    media_plugin_webkit
@@ -2185,7 +2182,6 @@ if (PACKAGE)
     list(APPEND SYMBOL_SEARCH_DIRS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/media_plugins/gstreamer010/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}")
     list(APPEND SYMBOL_SEARCH_DIRS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/media_plugins/quicktime/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}")
     set(VIEWER_SYMBOL_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/secondlife-symbols-darwin.tar.bz2")
     set(VIEWER_EXE_GLOBS "'Second Life' SLPlugin mac-crash-logger")
     set(VIEWER_EXE_GLOBS "'Second Life' mac-crash-logger")
diff --git a/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp b/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp
index 663f1a3550..68976dcfe3 100755
--- a/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llappviewer.cpp
@@ -124,7 +124,9 @@
 #include "llleap.h"
 #include "stringize.h"
 #include "llcoros.h"
+#if !LL_LINUX
 #include "cef/llceflib.h"
 // Third party library includes
 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
@@ -3370,7 +3372,11 @@ LLSD LLAppViewer::getViewerInfo() const
 		info["VOICE_VERSION"] = LLTrans::getString("NotConnected");
+#if !LL_LINUX
+	info["LLCEFLIB_VERSION"] = "Undefined";
 	S32 packets_in = LLViewerStats::instance().getRecording().getSum(LLStatViewer::PACKETS_IN);
 	if (packets_in > 0)
diff --git a/indra/newview/ b/indra/newview/
index bc5be822d0..15ec946e63 100755
--- a/indra/newview/
+++ b/indra/newview/
@@ -1076,7 +1076,6 @@ class LinuxManifest(ViewerManifest):
         # plugins
         if self.prefix(src="", dst="bin/llplugin"):
-            self.path2basename("../media_plugins/webkit", "")
             self.path("../media_plugins/gstreamer010/", "")
@@ -1224,7 +1223,6 @@ class Linux_i686_Manifest(LinuxManifest):
-                self.path("*")
diff --git a/indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 25aaebb783..0000000000
--- a/indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-# -*- cmake -*-
-if (DARWIN)
-    include(CMakeFindFrameworks)
-    find_library(COREFOUNDATION_LIBRARY CoreFoundation)
-endif (DARWIN)
-### llfbconnecttest
-    llfbconnecttest.cpp
-    llfbconnecttest.h
-    bookmarks.txt
-    )
-    WIN32
-    ${llfbconnecttest_SOURCE_FILES}
-    FALSE
-if (DARWIN)
-  # The testbed needs to use a couple of CoreFoundation calls now, to deal with being a bundled app.
-  target_link_libraries(llfbconnecttest
-  )
-endif (DARWIN)
-  stage_third_party_libs
-  SLPlugin
-  media_plugin_webkit
-# turn off weird GLUI pragma 
-  # glui.h contains code that triggers the "overloaded-virtual" warning in gcc.  
-  set_source_files_properties(llfbconnecttest.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wno-overloaded-virtual")
-# Gather build products of the various dependencies into the build directory for the testbed.
-if (DARWIN)
-  # path inside the app bundle where we'll need to copy plugins and other related files
-  )
-  # create the Contents/Resources directory
-  add_custom_command(
-    TARGET llfbconnecttest POST_BUILD
-    ARGS
-      -E
-      make_directory
-    COMMENT "Creating Resources directory in app bundle."
-  ) 
-else (DARWIN)
-  )
-endif (DARWIN)
-add_custom_command(TARGET llfbconnecttest POST_BUILD
-add_custom_command(TARGET llfbconnecttest POST_BUILD
-set(BUILT_WEBKIT_PLUGIN $<TARGET_FILE:media_plugin_webkit>)
-add_custom_command(TARGET llfbconnecttest POST_BUILD
-# copy over bookmarks file if llfbconnecttest gets built
-add_custom_command(TARGET llfbconnecttest POST_BUILD
-# also copy it to the same place as SLPlugin, which is what the mac wants...
-add_custom_command(TARGET llfbconnecttest POST_BUILD
-  #********************
-  # Plugin test library deploy
-  #
-  # Debug config runtime files required for the FB connect test
-  set(fbconnecttest_debug_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}")
-  set(fbconnecttest_debug_files
-    libeay32.dll
-    libglib-2.0-0.dll
-    libgmodule-2.0-0.dll
-    libgobject-2.0-0.dll
-    libgthread-2.0-0.dll
-    qtcored4.dll
-    qtguid4.dll
-    qtnetworkd4.dll
-    qtopengld4.dll
-    qtwebkitd4.dll
-    ssleay32.dll
-    )
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${fbconnecttest_debug_src_dir}
-    out_targets
-    ${fbconnecttest_debug_files}
-    )
-  set(fbconnect_test_targets ${fbconnect_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  # Debug config runtime files required for the FB connect test (Qt image format plugins)
-  set(fbconecttest_debug_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}/imageformats")
-  set(fbconecttest_debug_files
-    qgifd4.dll
-    qicod4.dll
-    qjpegd4.dll
-    qmngd4.dll
-    qsvgd4.dll
-    qtiffd4.dll
-    )
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${fbconecttest_debug_src_dir}
-    "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Debug/imageformats"
-    out_targets
-    ${fbconecttest_debug_files}
-    )
-  set(fbconnect_test_targets ${fbconnect_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  # Debug config runtime files required for the FB connect test (Qt codec plugins)
-  set(fbconnecttest_debug_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}/codecs")
-  set(fbconnecttest_debug_files
-    qcncodecsd4.dll
-    qjpcodecsd4.dll
-    qkrcodecsd4.dll
-    qtwcodecsd4.dll
-    )
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${fbconnecttest_debug_src_dir}
-    "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Debug/codecs"
-    out_targets
-    ${fbconnecttest_debug_files}
-    )
-  set(fbconnect_test_targets ${fbconnect_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  # Release & ReleaseDebInfo config runtime files required for the FB connect test
-  set(fbconnecttest_release_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}")
-  set(fbconnecttest_release_files
-    libeay32.dll
-    libglib-2.0-0.dll
-    libgmodule-2.0-0.dll
-    libgobject-2.0-0.dll
-    libgthread-2.0-0.dll
-    qtcore4.dll
-    qtgui4.dll
-    qtnetwork4.dll
-    qtopengl4.dll
-    qtwebkit4.dll
-    qtxmlpatterns4.dll
-    ssleay32.dll
-    )
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_src_dir}
-    out_targets
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_files}
-    )
-  set(fbconnect_test_targets ${fbconnect_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_src_dir}
-    out_targets
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_files}
-    )
-  set(fbconnect_test_targets ${fbconnect_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  # Release & ReleaseDebInfo config runtime files required for the FB connect test (Qt image format plugins)
-  set(fbconnecttest_release_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/imageformats")
-  set(fbconnecttest_release_files
-    qgif4.dll
-    qico4.dll
-    qjpeg4.dll
-    qmng4.dll
-    qsvg4.dll
-    qtiff4.dll
-    )
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_src_dir}
-    "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Release/imageformats"
-    out_targets
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_files}
-    )
-  set(fbconnect_test_targets ${fbconnect_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_src_dir}
-    "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/RelWithDebInfo/imageformats"
-    out_targets
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_files}
-    )
-  set(fbconnect_test_targets ${fbconnect_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  # Release & ReleaseDebInfo config runtime files required for the FB connect test (Qt codec plugins)
-  set(fbconnecttest_release_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/codecs")
-  set(fbconnecttest_release_files
-    qcncodecs4.dll  
-    qjpcodecs4.dll  
-    qkrcodecs4.dll  
-    qtwcodecs4.dll  
-    )
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_src_dir}
-    "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Release/codecs"
-    out_targets
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_files}
-    )
-  set(fbconnect_test_targets ${fbconnect_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_src_dir}
-    "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/RelWithDebInfo/codecs"
-    out_targets
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_files}
-    )
-  set(fbconnect_test_targets ${fbconnect_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-   add_custom_target(copy_fbconnecttest_libs ALL
-     DEPENDS 
-     ${fbconnect_test_targets}
-     )
-  add_dependencies(llfbconnecttest copy_fbconnecttest_libs)
-if (DARWIN)
-  set(fbconnecttest_release_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}")
-  set(fbconnecttest_release_files
-    libexception_handler.dylib
-    libaprutil-1.0.dylib
-    libapr-1.0.dylib
-    libexpat.1.5.2.dylib
-    libQtCore.4.7.1.dylib
-    libQtCore.4.dylib
-    libQtGui.4.7.1.dylib
-    libQtGui.4.dylib
-    libQtNetwork.4.7.1.dylib
-    libQtNetwork.4.dylib
-    libQtOpenGL.4.7.1.dylib
-    libQtOpenGL.4.dylib
-    libQtWebKit.4.7.1.dylib
-    libQtWebKit.4.dylib
-    libQtSvg.4.7.1.dylib
-    libQtSvg.4.dylib
-    libQtXml.4.7.1.dylib
-    libQtXml.4.dylib
-    )
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_src_dir}
-    out_targets
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_files}
-    )
-  set(fbconnect_test_targets ${fbconnect_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  # Release & ReleaseDebInfo config runtime files required for the FB connect test (Qt image format plugins)
-  set(fbconnecttest_release_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_PLUGINS}/imageformats")
-  set(fbconnecttest_release_files
-    libqgif.dylib
-    libqico.dylib
-    libqjpeg.dylib
-    libqmng.dylib
-    libqsvg.dylib
-    libqtiff.dylib
-    )
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_src_dir}
-    "${PLUGINS_DESTINATION_DIR}/imageformats"
-    out_targets
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_files}
-    )
-  set(fbconnect_test_targets ${fbconnect_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  # Release & ReleaseDebInfo config runtime files required for the FB connect test (Qt codec plugins)
-  set(fbconnecttest_release_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_PLUGINS}/codecs")
-  set(fbconnecttest_release_files
-    libqcncodecs.dylib
-    libqjpcodecs.dylib
-    libqkrcodecs.dylib
-    libqtwcodecs.dylib
-    )
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_src_dir}
-    out_targets
-    ${fbconnecttest_release_files}
-    )
-  set(fbconnect_test_targets ${fbconnect_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  add_custom_target(copy_fbconnecttest_libs ALL
-    ${fbconnect_test_targets}
-    )
-  add_dependencies(llfbconnecttest copy_fbconnecttest_libs)
-endif (DARWIN)
-if (LINUX)
-endif (LINUX)
diff --git a/indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/README.Linden b/indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/README.Linden
deleted file mode 100644
index 7488ce680a..0000000000
--- a/indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/README.Linden
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-1.  Description
-    Exercises SLPlugin.  Specific functions and goals aren't clear
-    from the source.
-2.  Running
-  2.1  Mac
-    Make certain '.' is included in PATH.  E.g.:
-       PATH=.:"$PATH" open build-darwin-i386/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/RelWithDebInfo/
-    Otherwise the program won't find SLPlugin and will timeout and
-    fail after 30 seconds and give you little information as to why.
-    Running 'dtruss' on plugin test applications will give you a great
-    deal of insight into why they aren't activating.
diff --git a/indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/bookmarks.txt b/indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/bookmarks.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3995627ea9..0000000000
--- a/indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/bookmarks.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# format is description, url (don't put ',' chars in description :)
-# if no ',' found, whole line is used for both description and url
-Google Home Page,
-Facebook Home Page,
diff --git a/indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/llfbconnecttest.cpp b/indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/llfbconnecttest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 483a15c468..0000000000
--- a/indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/llfbconnecttest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2394 +0,0 @@
- * @file LLFBConnectTest.cpp
- * @brief Facebook Connect Test App
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "linden_common.h"
-#include "indra_constants.h"
-#include "llapr.h"
-#include "llerrorcontrol.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "llfbconnecttest.h"
-#if __APPLE__
-	#include <GLUT/glut.h>
-	#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
-	#include "GL/freeglut.h"
-#pragma warning(disable: 4263)
-#pragma warning(disable: 4264)
-#include "glui.h"
-LLFBConnectTest* gApplication = 0;
-static void gluiCallbackWrapper( int control_id );
-static bool isTexture( GLuint texture )
-	bool result = false;
-	// glIsTexture will sometimes return false for real textures... do this instead.
-	if(texture != 0)
-		result = true;
-	return result;
-	mMediaTextureHandle = 0;
-	mPickTextureHandle = 0;
-	mMediaSource = NULL;
-	mPickTexturePixels = NULL;
-	// delete OpenGL texture handles
-	if ( isTexture( mPickTextureHandle ) )
-	{
-		std::cerr << "remMediaPanel: deleting pick texture " << mPickTextureHandle << std::endl;
-		glDeleteTextures( 1, &mPickTextureHandle );
-		mPickTextureHandle = 0;
-	}
-	if ( isTexture( mMediaTextureHandle ) )
-	{
-		std::cerr << "remMediaPanel: deleting media texture " << mMediaTextureHandle << std::endl;
-		glDeleteTextures( 1, &mMediaTextureHandle );
-		mMediaTextureHandle = 0;
-	}
-	if(mPickTexturePixels)
-	{
-		delete mPickTexturePixels;
-	}
-	if(mMediaSource)
-	{
-		delete mMediaSource;
-	}
-LLFBConnectTest::LLFBConnectTest( int app_window, int window_width, int window_height ) :
-	mVersionMajor( 2 ),
-	mVersionMinor( 0 ),
-	mVersionPatch( 0 ),
-	mMaxPanels( 25 ),
-	mViewportAspect( 0 ),
-	mAppWindow( app_window ),
-	mCurMouseX( 0 ),
-	mCurMouseY( 0 ),
-	mFuzzyMedia( true ),
-	mSelectedPanel( 0 ),
-	mDistanceCameraToSelectedGeometry( 0.0f ),
-	//mMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies( 0 ),
-	mMediaBrowserControlBackButton( 0 ),
-	mMediaBrowserControlForwardButton( 0 ),
-	//mMediaTimeControlVolume( 100 ),
-	//mMediaTimeControlSeekSeconds( 0 ),
-	//mGluiMediaTimeControlWindowFlag( true ),
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindowFlag( true ),
-	mMediaBrowserControlBackButtonFlag( true ),
-	mMediaBrowserControlForwardButtonFlag( true ),
-	mHomeWebUrl( "" )
-	// debugging spam
-	std::cout << std::endl << "             GLUT version: " << "3.7.6" << std::endl;	// no way to get real version from GLUT
-	std::cout << std::endl << "             GLUI version: " << GLUI_Master.get_version() << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::endl << "Media Plugin Test version: " << mVersionMajor << "." << mVersionMinor << "." << mVersionPatch << std::endl;
-	// bookmark title
-	mBookmarks.push_back( std::pair< std::string, std::string >( "--- Bookmarks ---", "" ) );
-	// insert hardcoded URLs here as required for testing
-	//mBookmarks.push_back( std::pair< std::string, std::string >( "description", "url" ) );
-	// read bookmarks from file.
-	// note: uses command in ./CmakeLists.txt which copies bookmmarks file from source directory
-	//       to app directory (WITHOUT build configuration dir) (this is cwd in Windows within MSVC)
-	//		 For example, test_apps\llplugintest and not test_apps\llplugintest\Release
-	//		 This may need to be changed for Mac/Linux builds.
-	// See for large list of media URLs from AGNI
-	const std::string bookmarks_filename( "bookmarks.txt" );
-	std::ifstream file_handle( bookmarks_filename.c_str() );
-	if ( file_handle.is_open() )
-	{
-		std::cout << "Reading bookmarks for test" << std::endl;
-		while( ! file_handle.eof() )
-		{
-			std::string line;
-			std::getline( file_handle, line );
-			if ( file_handle.eof() )
-				break;
-			if ( line.substr( 0, 1 ) != "#" )
-			{
-				size_t comma_pos = line.find_first_of( ',' );
-				if ( comma_pos != std::string::npos )
-				{
-					std::string description = line.substr( 0, comma_pos );
-					std::string url = line.substr( comma_pos + 1 );
-					mBookmarks.push_back( std::pair< std::string, std::string >( description, url ) );
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					mBookmarks.push_back( std::pair< std::string, std::string >( line, line ) );
-				};
-			};
-		};
-		std::cout << "Read " << mBookmarks.size() << " bookmarks" << std::endl;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		std::cout << "Unable to read bookmarks from file: " << bookmarks_filename << std::endl;
-	};
-	// initialize linden lab APR module
-	ll_init_apr();
-	// Set up llerror logging
-	{
-		LLError::initForApplication(".");
-		LLError::setDefaultLevel(LLError::LEVEL_INFO);
-		//LLError::setTagLevel("Plugin", LLError::LEVEL_DEBUG);
-	}
-	// lots of randomness in this app
-	srand( ( unsigned int )time( 0 ) );
-	// build GUI
-	makeChrome();
-	// OpenGL initialilzation
-	glClearColor( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
-	glClearDepth( 1.0f );
-	glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
-	glEnable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL );
-	glDepthFunc( GL_LEQUAL );
-	glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
-	glDisable( GL_BLEND );
-	glColor3f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
-	glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 );
-	glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0 );
-	// start with a sane view
-	resetView();
-	// initial media panel
-	const int num_initial_panels = 1;
-	for( int i = 0; i < num_initial_panels; ++i )
-	{
-		//addMediaPanel( mBookmarks[ rand() % ( mBookmarks.size() - 1 ) + 1 ].second );
-		addMediaPanel( mHomeWebUrl );
-	};
-	// delete all media panels
-	for( int i = 0; i < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++i )
-	{
-		remMediaPanel( mMediaPanels[ i ] );
-	};
-	// Stop the plugin read thread if it's running.
-	LLPluginProcessParent::setUseReadThread(false);
-void LLFBConnectTest::reshape( int width, int height )
-	// update viewport (the active window inside the chrome)
-	int viewport_x, viewport_y;
-	int viewport_height, viewport_width;
-	GLUI_Master.get_viewport_area( &viewport_x, &viewport_y, &viewport_width, &viewport_height );
-	mViewportAspect = (float)( viewport_width ) / (float)( viewport_height );
-	glViewport( viewport_x, viewport_y, viewport_width, viewport_height );
-	// save these as we'll need them later
-	mWindowWidth = width;
-	mWindowHeight = height;
-	// adjust size of URL bar so it doesn't get clipped
-	mUrlEdit->set_w( mWindowWidth - 360 );
-	// GLUI requires this
-	if ( glutGetWindow() != mAppWindow )
-		glutSetWindow( mAppWindow );
-	// trigger re-display
-	glutPostRedisplay();
-void LLFBConnectTest::bindTexture(GLuint texture, GLint row_length, GLint alignment)
-	glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
-	glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture );
-	glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, row_length );
-	glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, alignment );
-bool LLFBConnectTest::checkGLError(const char *name)
-	bool result = false;
-	GLenum error = glGetError();
-	if(error != GL_NO_ERROR)
-	{
-		// For some reason, glGenTextures is returning GL_INVALID_VALUE...
-		std::cout << name << " ERROR 0x" << std::hex << error << std::dec << std::endl;
-		result = true;
-	}
-	return result;
-GLfloat LLFBConnectTest::distanceToCamera( GLfloat point_x, GLfloat point_y, GLfloat point_z )
-	GLdouble camera_pos_x = 0.0f;
-	GLdouble camera_pos_y = 0.0f;
-	GLdouble camera_pos_z = 0.0f;
-	GLdouble modelMatrix[16];
-	GLdouble projMatrix[16];
-	GLint viewport[4];
-	glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelMatrix);
-	glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projMatrix);
-	glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
-	gluUnProject(
-		(viewport[2]-viewport[0])/2 , (viewport[3]-viewport[1])/2,
-		0.0,
-		modelMatrix, projMatrix, viewport,
-		&camera_pos_x, &camera_pos_y, &camera_pos_z );
-	GLfloat distance =
-		sqrt( ( camera_pos_x - point_x ) * ( camera_pos_x - point_x ) +
-			  ( camera_pos_y - point_y ) * ( camera_pos_y - point_y ) +
-			  ( camera_pos_z - point_z ) * ( camera_pos_z - point_z ) );
-	return distance;
-void LLFBConnectTest::drawGeometry( int panel, bool selected )
-	// texture coordinates for each panel
-	GLfloat non_opengl_texture_coords[ 8 ] = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
-	GLfloat opengl_texture_coords[ 8 ] =     { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
-	GLfloat *texture_coords = mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mAppTextureCoordsOpenGL?opengl_texture_coords:non_opengl_texture_coords;
-	// base coordinates for each panel
-	GLfloat base_vertex_pos[ 8 ] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
-	// calculate posiitons
-	const int num_panels = (int)mMediaPanels.size();
-	const int num_rows = (int)sqrt( (float)num_panels );
-	const int num_cols = num_panels / num_rows;
-	const int panel_x = ( panel / num_rows );
-	const int panel_y = ( panel % num_rows );
-	// default spacing is small - make it larger if checkbox set - for testing positional audio
-	float spacing = 0.1f;
-	//if ( mLargePanelSpacing )
-	//	spacing = 2.0f;
-	const GLfloat offset_x = num_cols * ( 1.0 + spacing ) / 2;
-	const GLfloat offset_y = num_rows * ( 1.0 + spacing ) / 2;
-	// Adjust for media aspect ratios
-	{
-		float aspect = 1.0f;
-		if(mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaHeight != 0)
-		{
-			aspect = (float)mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaWidth / (float)mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaHeight;
-		}
-		if(aspect > 1.0f)
-		{
-			// media is wider than it is high -- adjust the top and bottom in
-			for( int corner = 0; corner < 4; ++corner )
-			{
-				float temp = base_vertex_pos[corner * 2 + 1];
-				if(temp < 0.5f)
-					temp += 0.5 - (0.5f / aspect);
-				else
-					temp -= 0.5 - (0.5f / aspect);
-				base_vertex_pos[corner * 2 + 1] = temp;
-			}
-		}
-		else if(aspect < 1.0f)
-		{
-			// media is higher than it is wide -- adjust the left and right sides in
-			for( int corner = 0; corner < 4; ++corner )
-			{
-				float temp = base_vertex_pos[corner * 2];
-				if(temp < 0.5f)
-					temp += 0.5f - (0.5f * aspect);
-				else
-					temp -= 0.5f - (0.5f * aspect);
-				base_vertex_pos[corner * 2] = temp;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	glBegin( GL_QUADS );
-	for( int corner = 0; corner < 4; ++corner )
-	{
-		glTexCoord2f( texture_coords[ corner * 2 ], texture_coords[ corner * 2 + 1 ] );
-		GLfloat x = base_vertex_pos[ corner * 2 ] + panel_x * ( 1.0 + spacing ) - offset_x + spacing / 2.0f;
-		GLfloat y = base_vertex_pos[ corner * 2 + 1 ] + panel_y * ( 1.0 + spacing ) - offset_y + spacing / 2.0f;
-		glVertex3f( x, y, 0.0f );
-	};
-	glEnd();
-	// calculate distance to this panel if it's selected
-	if ( selected )
-	{
-		GLfloat point_x = base_vertex_pos[ 0 ] + panel_x * ( 1.0 + spacing ) - offset_x + spacing / 2.0f;
-		GLfloat point_y = base_vertex_pos[ 0 + 1 ] + panel_y * ( 1.0 + spacing ) - offset_y + spacing / 2.0f;
-		GLfloat point_z = 0.0f;
-		mDistanceCameraToSelectedGeometry = distanceToCamera( point_x, point_y, point_z );
-	};
-void LLFBConnectTest::startPanelHighlight( float red, float green, float blue, float line_width )
-	glPushAttrib( GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS );
-	glPolygonOffset( -2.5f, -2.5f );
-	glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE );
-	glLineWidth( line_width );
-	glColor3f( red, green, blue );
-	glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
-void LLFBConnectTest::endPanelHighlight()
-	glPopAttrib();
-void LLFBConnectTest::draw( int draw_type )
-	for( int panel = 0; panel < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++panel )
-	{
-		// drawing pick texture
-		if ( draw_type == DrawTypePickTexture )
-		{
-			// only bother with pick if we have something to render
-			// Actually, we need to pick even if we're not ready to render.
-			// Otherwise you can't select and remove a panel which has gone bad.
-			//if ( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mReadyToRender )
-			{
-				glMatrixMode( GL_TEXTURE );
-				glPushMatrix();
-				// pick texture is a power of 2 so no need to scale
-				glLoadIdentity();
-				// bind to media texture
-				glLoadIdentity();
-				bindTexture( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mPickTextureHandle );
-				// draw geometry using pick texture
-				drawGeometry( panel, false );
-				glMatrixMode( GL_TEXTURE );
-				glPopMatrix();
-			};
-		}
-		else
-		if ( draw_type == DrawTypeMediaTexture )
-		{
-			bool texture_valid = false;
-			bool plugin_exited = false;
-			if(mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaSource)
-			{
-				texture_valid = mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaSource->textureValid();
-				plugin_exited = mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaSource->isPluginExited();
-			}
-			// save texture matrix (changes for each panel)
-			glMatrixMode( GL_TEXTURE );
-			glPushMatrix();
-			// only process texture if the media is ready to draw
-			// (we still want to draw the geometry)
-			if ( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mReadyToRender && texture_valid )
-			{
-				// bind to media texture
-				bindTexture( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaTextureHandle );
-				if ( mFuzzyMedia )
-				{
-				}
-				else
-				{
-				}
-				// scale to fit panel
-				glScalef( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mTextureScaleX,
-							mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mTextureScaleY,
-								1.0f );
-			};
-			float intensity = plugin_exited?0.25f:1.0f;
-			// highlight the selected panel
-			if ( mSelectedPanel && ( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mId == mSelectedPanel->mId ) )
-			{
-				startPanelHighlight( intensity, intensity, 0.0f, 5.0f );
-				drawGeometry( panel, true );
-				endPanelHighlight();
-			}
-			else
-			// this panel not able to render yet since it
-			// doesn't have enough information
-			if ( !mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mReadyToRender )
-			{
-				startPanelHighlight( intensity, 0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f );
-				drawGeometry( panel, false );
-				endPanelHighlight();
-			}
-			else
-			// just display a border around the media
-			{
-				startPanelHighlight( 0.0f, intensity, 0.0f, 2.0f );
-				drawGeometry( panel, false );
-				endPanelHighlight();
-			};
-			if ( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mReadyToRender && texture_valid )
-			{
-				// draw visual geometry
-				drawGeometry( panel, false );
-			}
-			// restore texture matrix (changes for each panel)
-			glMatrixMode( GL_TEXTURE );
-			glPopMatrix();
-		};
-	};
-void LLFBConnectTest::display()
-	// GLUI requires this
-	if ( glutGetWindow() != mAppWindow )
-		glutSetWindow( mAppWindow );
-	// start with a clean slate
-	glClearColor( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
-	// set up OpenGL view
-	glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
-	glLoadIdentity();
-	glFrustum( -mViewportAspect * 0.04f, mViewportAspect * 0.04f, -0.04f, 0.04f, 0.1f, 50.0f );
-	glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
-	glLoadIdentity();
-	glTranslatef( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0f );
-	glTranslatef( mViewPos[ 0 ], mViewPos[ 1 ], -mViewPos[ 2 ] );
-	glMultMatrixf( mViewRotation );
-	// draw pick texture
-	draw( DrawTypePickTexture );
-	// read colors and get coordinate values
-	glReadPixels( mCurMouseX, mCurMouseY, 1, 1, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, mPixelReadColor );
-	// clear the pick render (otherwise it may depth-fight with the textures rendered later)
-	// draw visible geometry
-	draw( DrawTypeMediaTexture );
-	glutSwapBuffers();
-void LLFBConnectTest::idle()
-//	checkGLError("LLFBConnectTest::idle");
-	// GLUI requires this
-	if ( glutGetWindow() != mAppWindow )
-		glutSetWindow( mAppWindow );
-	// random creation/destruction of panels enabled?
-	const time_t panel_timeout_time = 5;
-	if ( mRandomPanelCount )
-	{
-		// time for a change
-		static time_t last_panel_time = 0;
-		if ( time( NULL ) - last_panel_time > panel_timeout_time )
-		{
-			if ( rand() % 2 == 0 )
-			{
-				if ( mMediaPanels.size() < 16 )
-				{
-					std::cout << "Randomly adding new panel" << std::endl;
-					addMediaPanel( mBookmarks[ rand() % ( mBookmarks.size() - 1 ) + 1 ].second );
-				};
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if ( mMediaPanels.size() > 0 )
-				{
-					std::cout << "Deleting selected panel" << std::endl;
-					remMediaPanel( mSelectedPanel );
-				};
-			};
-			time( &last_panel_time );
-		};
-	};
-	// random selection of bookmarks enabled?
-	const time_t bookmark_timeout_time = 5;
-	if ( mRandomBookmarks )
-	{
-		// time for a change
-		static time_t last_bookmark_time = 0;
-		if ( time( NULL ) - last_bookmark_time > bookmark_timeout_time )
-		{
-			// go to a different random bookmark on each panel
-			for( int panel = 0; panel < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++panel )
-			{
-				std::string uri = mBookmarks[ rand() % ( mBookmarks.size() - 1 ) + 1 ].second;
-				std::cout << "Random: navigating to : " << uri << std::endl;
-				std::string mime_type = mimeTypeFromUrl( uri );
-				if ( mime_type != mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMimeType )
-				{
-					replaceMediaPanel( mMediaPanels[ panel ], uri );
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaSource->loadURI( uri );
-					mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaSource->start();
-				};
-			};
-			time( &last_bookmark_time );
-		};
-	};
-	// update UI
-	if ( mSelectedPanel )
-	{
-		// set volume based on slider if we have time media
-		//if ( mGluiMediaTimeControlWindowFlag )
-		//{
-		//	mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setVolume( (float)mMediaTimeControlVolume / 100.0f );
-		//};
-		// NOTE: it is absurd that we need cache the state of GLUI controls
-		//       but enabling/disabling controls drags framerate from 500+
-		//		 down to 15. Not a problem for plugin system - only this test
-		// enable/disable time based UI controls based on type of plugin
-		if ( mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaTime() )
-		{
-			/*
-			if ( ! mGluiMediaTimeControlWindowFlag )
-			{
-				mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->enable();
-				mGluiMediaTimeControlWindowFlag = true;
-			};
-			*/
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			/*
-			if ( mGluiMediaTimeControlWindowFlag )
-			{
-				mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->disable();
-				mGluiMediaTimeControlWindowFlag = false;
-			};
-			*/
-		};
-		// enable/disable browser based UI controls based on type of plugin
-		if ( mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaBrowser() )
-		{
-			if ( ! mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindowFlag )
-			{
-				mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->enable();
-				mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindowFlag = true;
-			};
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if ( mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindowFlag )
-			{
-				mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->disable();
-				mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindowFlag = false;
-			};
-		};
-		// enable/disable browser back button depending on browser history
-		if ( mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getHistoryBackAvailable()  )
-		{
-			if ( ! mMediaBrowserControlBackButtonFlag )
-			{
-				mMediaBrowserControlBackButton->enable();
-				mMediaBrowserControlBackButtonFlag = true;
-			};
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if ( mMediaBrowserControlBackButtonFlag )
-			{
-				mMediaBrowserControlBackButton->disable();
-				mMediaBrowserControlBackButtonFlag = false;
-			};
-		};
-		// enable/disable browser forward button depending on browser history
-		if ( mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getHistoryForwardAvailable()  )
-		{
-			if ( ! mMediaBrowserControlForwardButtonFlag )
-			{
-				mMediaBrowserControlForwardButton->enable();
-				mMediaBrowserControlForwardButtonFlag = true;
-			};
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if ( mMediaBrowserControlForwardButtonFlag )
-			{
-				mMediaBrowserControlForwardButton->disable();
-				mMediaBrowserControlForwardButtonFlag = false;
-			};
-		};
-		// NOTE: This is *very* slow and not worth optimising
-		updateStatusBar();
-	};
-	// update all the panels
-	for( int panel_index = 0; panel_index < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++panel_index )
-	{
-		mediaPanel *panel = mMediaPanels[ panel_index ];
-		// call plugins idle function so it can potentially update itself
-		panel->mMediaSource->idle();
-		// update each media panel
-		updateMediaPanel( panel );
-		LLRect dirty_rect;
-		if ( ! panel->mMediaSource->textureValid() )
-		{
-			//std::cout << "texture invalid, skipping update..." << std::endl;
-		}
-		else
-		if ( panel &&
-			 ( panel->mMediaWidth != panel->mMediaSource->getWidth() ||
-			   panel->mMediaHeight != panel->mMediaSource->getHeight() ) )
-		{
-			//std::cout << "Resize in progress, skipping update..." << std::endl;
-		}
-		else
-		if ( panel->mMediaSource->getDirty( &dirty_rect ) )
-		{
-			const unsigned char* pixels = panel->mMediaSource->getBitsData();
-			if ( pixels && isTexture(panel->mMediaTextureHandle))
-			{
-				int x_offset = dirty_rect.mLeft;
-				int y_offset = dirty_rect.mBottom;
-				int width = dirty_rect.mRight - dirty_rect.mLeft;
-				int height = dirty_rect.mTop - dirty_rect.mBottom;
-				if((dirty_rect.mRight <= panel->mTextureWidth) && (dirty_rect.mTop <= panel->mTextureHeight))
-				{
-					// Offset the pixels pointer properly
-					pixels += ( y_offset * panel->mMediaSource->getTextureDepth() * panel->mMediaSource->getBitsWidth() );
-					pixels += ( x_offset * panel->mMediaSource->getTextureDepth() );
-					// set up texture
-					bindTexture( panel->mMediaTextureHandle, panel->mMediaSource->getBitsWidth() );
-					if ( mFuzzyMedia )
-					{
-					}
-					else
-					{
-					};
-					checkGLError("glTexParameteri");
-					if(panel->mMediaSource->getTextureFormatSwapBytes())
-					{
-						glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, 1);
-						checkGLError("glPixelStorei");
-					}
-					// draw portion that changes into texture
-					glTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
-						x_offset,
-						y_offset,
-						width,
-						height,
-						panel->mMediaSource->getTextureFormatPrimary(),
-						panel->mMediaSource->getTextureFormatType(),
-						pixels );
-					if(checkGLError("glTexSubImage2D"))
-					{
-						std::cerr << "    panel ID=" << panel->mId << std::endl;
-						std::cerr << "    texture size = " << panel->mTextureWidth << " x " << panel->mTextureHeight << std::endl;
-						std::cerr << "    media size = " << panel->mMediaWidth << " x " << panel->mMediaHeight << std::endl;
-						std::cerr << "    dirty rect = " << dirty_rect.mLeft << ", " << dirty_rect.mBottom << ", " << dirty_rect.mRight << ", " << dirty_rect.mTop << std::endl;
-						std::cerr << "    texture width = " << panel->mMediaSource->getBitsWidth() << std::endl;
-						std::cerr << "    format primary = 0x" << std::hex << panel->mMediaSource->getTextureFormatPrimary() << std::dec << std::endl;
-						std::cerr << "    format type = 0x" << std::hex << panel->mMediaSource->getTextureFormatType() << std::dec << std::endl;
-						std::cerr << "    pixels = " << (void*)pixels << std::endl;
-					}
-					if(panel->mMediaSource->getTextureFormatSwapBytes())
-					{
-						glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, 0);
-						checkGLError("glPixelStorei");
-					}
-					panel->mMediaSource->resetDirty();
-					panel->mReadyToRender = true;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					std::cerr << "dirty rect is outside current media size, skipping update" << std::endl;
-				}
-			};
-		};
-	};
-	// GLUI requires this
-	if ( glutGetWindow() != mAppWindow )
-		glutSetWindow( mAppWindow );
-	// trigger re-display
-	glutPostRedisplay();
-void LLFBConnectTest::windowPosToTexturePos( int window_x, int window_y,
-											   int& media_x, int& media_y,
-											   int& id )
-	if ( ! mSelectedPanel )
-	{
-		media_x = 0;
-		media_y = 0;
-		id = 0;
-		return;
-	};
-	// record cursor poisiton for a readback next frame
-	mCurMouseX = window_x;
-	// OpenGL app == coordinate system this way
-	// NOTE: unrelated to settings in plugin - this
-	// is just for this app
-	mCurMouseY = mWindowHeight - window_y;
-	// extract x (0..1023, y (0..1023) and id (0..15) from RGB components
-	unsigned long pixel_read_color_bits = ( mPixelReadColor[ 0 ] << 16 ) | ( mPixelReadColor[ 1 ] << 8 ) | mPixelReadColor[ 2 ];
-	int texture_x = pixel_read_color_bits & 0x3ff;
-	int texture_y = ( pixel_read_color_bits >> 10 ) & 0x3ff;
-	id = ( pixel_read_color_bits >> 20 ) & 0x0f;
-	// scale to size of media (1024 because we use 10 bits for X and Y from 24)
-	media_x = (int)( ( (float)mSelectedPanel->mMediaWidth * (float)texture_x ) / 1024.0f );
-	media_y = (int)( ( (float)mSelectedPanel->mMediaHeight * (float)texture_y ) / 1024.0f );
-	// we assume the plugin uses an inverted coordinate scheme like OpenGL
-	// if not, the plugin code inverts the Y coordinate for us - we don't need to
-	media_y = mSelectedPanel->mMediaHeight - media_y;
-	if ( media_x > 0 && media_y > 0 )
-	{
-		//std::cout << "      mouse coords: " << mCurMouseX << " x " << mCurMouseY << " and id = " << id  << std::endl;
-		//std::cout << "raw texture coords: " << texture_x << " x " << texture_y << " and id = " << id  << std::endl;
-		//std::cout << "      media coords: " << media_x << " x " << media_y << " and id = " << id  << std::endl;
-		//std::cout << std::endl;
-	};
-void LLFBConnectTest::selectPanelById( int id )
-	for( int panel = 0; panel < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++panel )
-	{
-		if ( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mId == id )
-		{
-			selectPanel(mMediaPanels[ panel ]);
-			return;
-		};
-	};
-void LLFBConnectTest::selectPanel( mediaPanel* panel )
-	if( mSelectedPanel == panel )
-		return;
-	// turn off volume before we delete it
-	if( mSelectedPanel && mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource )
-	{
-		mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setVolume( 0.0f );
-		mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setPriority( LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_LOW );
-	};
-	mSelectedPanel = panel;
-	if( mSelectedPanel && mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource )
-	{
-		//mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setVolume( (float)mMediaTimeControlVolume / 100.0f );
-		mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setPriority( LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_NORMAL );
-		if(!mSelectedPanel->mStartUrl.empty())
-		{
-			mUrlEdit->set_text(const_cast<char*>(mSelectedPanel->mStartUrl.c_str()) );
-		}
-	};
-mediaPanel*  LLFBConnectTest::findMediaPanel( LLPluginClassMedia* source )
-	mediaPanel *result = NULL;
-	for( int panel = 0; panel < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++panel )
-	{
-		if ( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaSource == source )
-		{
-			result = mMediaPanels[ panel ];
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-mediaPanel* LLFBConnectTest::findMediaPanel( const std::string &target_name )
-	mediaPanel *result = NULL;
-	for( int panel = 0; panel < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++panel )
-	{
-		if ( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mTarget == target_name )
-		{
-			result = mMediaPanels[ panel ];
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-void LLFBConnectTest::navigateToNewURI( std::string uri )
-	if ( uri.length() )
-	{
-		std::string mime_type = mimeTypeFromUrl( uri );
-		if ( !mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->isPluginExited() && (mime_type == mSelectedPanel->mMimeType) )
-		{
-			std::cout << "MIME type is the same" << std::endl;
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->loadURI( uri );
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->start();
-			mBookmarkList->do_selection( 0 );
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			std::cout << "MIME type changed or plugin had exited" << std::endl;
-			replaceMediaPanel( mSelectedPanel, uri );
-			mBookmarkList->do_selection( 0 );
-		}
-	};
-void LLFBConnectTest::initUrlHistory( std::string uris )
-	if ( uris.length() > 0 )
-	{
-		std::cout << "init URL : " << uris << std::endl;
-		LLSD historySD;
-		char *cstr, *p;
-		cstr = new char[uris.size()+1];
-		strcpy(cstr, uris.c_str());
-		const char *DELIMS = " ,;";
-		p = strtok(cstr, DELIMS);
-		while (p != NULL) {
-			historySD.insert(0, p);
-			p = strtok(NULL, DELIMS);
-		}
-		mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->initializeUrlHistory(historySD);
-		delete[] cstr;
-	}
-void LLFBConnectTest::gluiCallback( int control_id )
-	if ( control_id == mIdBookmarks )
-	{
-		std::string uri = mBookmarks[ mSelBookmark ].second;
-		navigateToNewURI( uri );
-	}
-	else
-    if ( control_id == mIdUrlEdit)
-	{
-		std::string uri = mUrlEdit->get_text();
-		navigateToNewURI( uri );
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdUrlInitHistoryEdit )
-	{
-		std::string uri = mUrlInitHistoryEdit->get_text();
-		initUrlHistory( uri );
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdControlAddPanel )
-	{
-		addMediaPanel( mBookmarks[ rand() % ( mBookmarks.size() - 1 ) + 1 ].second );
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdControlRemPanel )
-	{
-		remMediaPanel( mSelectedPanel );
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdDisableTimeout )
-	{
-		// Set the "disable timeout" flag for all active plugins.
-		for( int i = 0; i < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++i )
-		{
-			mMediaPanels[ i ]->mMediaSource->setDisableTimeout(mDisableTimeout);
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdUsePluginReadThread )
-	{
-		LLPluginProcessParent::setUseReadThread(mUsePluginReadThread);
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdControlCrashPlugin )
-	{
-		// send message to plugin and ask it to crash
-		// (switch out for ReleaseCandidate version :) )
-		if(mSelectedPanel && mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource)
-		{
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->crashPlugin();
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdControlHangPlugin )
-	{
-		// send message to plugin and ask it to hang
-		// (switch out for ReleaseCandidate version :) )
-		if(mSelectedPanel && mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource)
-		{
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->hangPlugin();
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdControlExitApp )
-	{
-		// text for exiting plugin system cleanly
-		delete this;	// clean up
-		exit( 0 );
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaTimeControlPlay )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		{
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setLoop( false );
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->start();
-		};
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaTimeControlLoop )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		{
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setLoop( true );
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->start();
-		};
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaTimeControlPause )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pause();
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaTimeControlStop )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		{
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->stop();
-		};
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaTimeControlSeek )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		{
-			// get value from spinner
-			float seconds_to_seek = mMediaTimeControlSeekSeconds;
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->seek( seconds_to_seek );
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->start();
-		};
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaTimeControlRewind )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		{
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setLoop( false );
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->start(-2.0f);
-		};
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaTimeControlFastForward )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		{
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setLoop( false );
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->start(2.0f);
-		};
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaBrowserControlBack )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->browse_back();
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaBrowserControlStop )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->browse_stop();
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaBrowserControlForward )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->browse_forward();
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaBrowserControlHome )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->loadURI( mHomeWebUrl );
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaBrowserControlReload )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->browse_reload( true );
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaBrowserControlClearCache )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->clear_cache();
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaBrowserControlClearCookies )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->clear_cookies();
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		{
-			if ( mMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies )
-			{
-				mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->enable_cookies( true );
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->enable_cookies( false );
-			}
-		};
-	};
-void LLFBConnectTest::keyboard( int key )
-	//if ( key == 'a' || key == 'A' )
-	//	addMediaPanel( mBookmarks[ rand() % ( mBookmarks.size() - 1 ) + 1 ].second );
-	//else
-	//if ( key == 'r' || key == 'R' )
-	//	remMediaPanel( mSelectedPanel );
-	//else
-	//if ( key == 'd' || key == 'D' )
-	//	dumpPanelInfo();
-	//else
-	if ( key == 27 )
-	{
-		std::cout << "Application finished - exiting..." << std::endl;
-		delete this;
-		exit( 0 );
-	};
-	mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->keyEvent( LLPluginClassMedia::KEY_EVENT_DOWN, key, 0 , LLSD());
-	mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->keyEvent( LLPluginClassMedia::KEY_EVENT_UP, key, 0, LLSD());
-void LLFBConnectTest::mouseButton( int button, int state, int x, int y )
-	if ( button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON )
-	{
-		if ( state == GLUT_DOWN )
-		{
-			int media_x, media_y, id;
-			windowPosToTexturePos( x, y, media_x, media_y, id );
-			if ( mSelectedPanel )
-				mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->mouseEvent( LLPluginClassMedia::MOUSE_EVENT_DOWN, 0, media_x, media_y, 0 );
-		}
-		else
-		if ( state == GLUT_UP )
-		{
-			int media_x, media_y, id;
-			windowPosToTexturePos( x, y, media_x, media_y, id );
-			// only select a panel if we're on a panel
-			// (HACK: strictly speaking this rules out clicking on
-			// the origin of a panel but that's very unlikely)
-			if ( media_x > 0 && media_y > 0 )
-			{
-				selectPanelById( id );
-				if ( mSelectedPanel )
-					mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->mouseEvent( LLPluginClassMedia::MOUSE_EVENT_UP, 0, media_x, media_y, 0 );
-			};
-		};
-	};
-void LLFBConnectTest::mousePassive( int x, int y )
-	int media_x, media_y, id;
-	windowPosToTexturePos( x, y, media_x, media_y, id );
-	if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->mouseEvent( LLPluginClassMedia::MOUSE_EVENT_MOVE, 0, media_x, media_y, 0 );
-void LLFBConnectTest::mouseMove( int x, int y )
-	int media_x, media_y, id;
-	windowPosToTexturePos( x, y, media_x, media_y, id );
-	if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->mouseEvent( LLPluginClassMedia::MOUSE_EVENT_MOVE, 0, media_x, media_y, 0 );
-void LLFBConnectTest::makeChrome()
-	// IDs used by GLUI
-	int start_id = 0x1000;
-	// right side window - geometry manipulators
-#if __APPLE__
-	// the Apple GLUT implementation doesn't seem to set the graphic offset of subwindows correctly when they overlap in certain ways.
-	// Use a separate controls window in this case.
-	// GLUI window at right containing manipulation controls and other buttons
-	int x = glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_X) + glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH) + 4;
-	int y = glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_Y);
-	GLUI* right_glui_window = GLUI_Master.create_glui( "", 0, x, y );
-	GLUI* right_glui_window = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow( mAppWindow, GLUI_SUBWINDOW_RIGHT );
-	mViewRotationCtrl = right_glui_window->add_rotation( "Rotation", mViewRotation );
-	mViewTranslationCtrl = right_glui_window->add_translation( "Translate", GLUI_TRANSLATION_XY, mViewPos );
-	mViewTranslationCtrl->set_speed( 0.01f );
-	mViewScaleCtrl = right_glui_window->add_translation( "Scale", GLUI_TRANSLATION_Z, &mViewPos[ 2 ] );
-	mViewScaleCtrl->set_speed( 0.05f );
-	right_glui_window->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	// right side window - app controls
-	/*
-	mIdControlAddPanel = start_id++;
-	right_glui_window->add_statictext( "" );
-	right_glui_window->add_separator();
-	right_glui_window->add_statictext( "" );
-	right_glui_window->add_button( "Add panel", mIdControlAddPanel, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	right_glui_window->add_statictext( "" );
-	mIdControlRemPanel = start_id++;
-	right_glui_window->add_button( "Rem panel", mIdControlRemPanel, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	right_glui_window->add_statictext( "" );
-	right_glui_window->add_separator();
-	right_glui_window->add_statictext( "" );
-	mIdControlCrashPlugin = start_id++;
-	right_glui_window->add_button( "Crash plugin", mIdControlCrashPlugin, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mIdControlHangPlugin = start_id++;
-	right_glui_window->add_button( "Hang plugin", mIdControlHangPlugin, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	*/
-	right_glui_window->add_statictext( "" );
-	right_glui_window->add_separator();
-	right_glui_window->add_statictext( "" );
-	mIdControlExitApp = start_id++;
-	right_glui_window->add_button( "Exit app", mIdControlExitApp, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	//// top window - holds bookmark UI
-	mIdBookmarks = start_id++;
-	mSelBookmark = 0;
-	GLUI* glui_window_top = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow( mAppWindow, GLUI_SUBWINDOW_TOP );
-	mBookmarkList = glui_window_top->add_listbox( "", &mSelBookmark, mIdBookmarks, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	// only add the first 50 bookmarks - list can be very long sometimes (30,000+)
-	// when testing list of media URLs from AGNI for example
-	for( unsigned int each = 0; each < mBookmarks.size() && each < 50; ++each )
-		mBookmarkList->add_item( each, const_cast< char* >( mBookmarks[ each ].first.c_str() ) );
-	glui_window_top->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	glui_window_top->add_column( false );
-	mIdUrlEdit = start_id++;
-	mUrlEdit = glui_window_top->add_edittext( "Url:", GLUI_EDITTEXT_TEXT, 0, mIdUrlEdit, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mUrlEdit->set_w( 600 );
-	//GLUI* glui_window_top2 = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow( mAppWindow, GLUI_SUBWINDOW_TOP );
-	//mIdUrlInitHistoryEdit = start_id++;
-	//mUrlInitHistoryEdit = glui_window_top2->add_edittext( "Init History (separate by commas or semicolons):",
-	//	GLUI_EDITTEXT_TEXT, 0, mIdUrlInitHistoryEdit, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	//mUrlInitHistoryEdit->set_w( 800 );
-	// top window - media controls for "time" media types (e.g. movies)
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow( mAppWindow, GLUI_SUBWINDOW_TOP );
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	mIdMediaTimeControlPlay = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_button( "PLAY", mIdMediaTimeControlPlay, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaTimeControlLoop = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_button( "LOOP", mIdMediaTimeControlLoop, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaTimeControlPause = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_button( "PAUSE", mIdMediaTimeControlPause, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	GLUI_Button  *button;
-	mIdMediaTimeControlRewind = start_id++;
-	button = mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_button( "<<", mIdMediaTimeControlRewind, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	button->set_w(30);
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaTimeControlFastForward = start_id++;
-	button = mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_button( ">>", mIdMediaTimeControlFastForward, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	button->set_w(30);
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( true );
-	mIdMediaTimeControlStop = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_button( "STOP", mIdMediaTimeControlStop, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaTimeControlVolume = start_id++;
-	GLUI_Spinner* spinner = mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_spinner( "Volume", 2, &mMediaTimeControlVolume, mIdMediaTimeControlVolume, gluiCallbackWrapper);
-	spinner->set_float_limits( 0, 100 );
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( true );
-	mIdMediaTimeControlSeekSeconds = start_id++;
-	spinner = mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_spinner( "", 2, &mMediaTimeControlSeekSeconds, mIdMediaTimeControlSeekSeconds, gluiCallbackWrapper);
-	spinner->set_float_limits( 0, 200 );
-	spinner->set_w( 32 );
-	spinner->set_speed( 0.025f );
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaTimeControlSeek = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_button( "SEEK", mIdMediaTimeControlSeek, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	// top window - media controls for "browser" media types (e.g. web browser)
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow( mAppWindow, GLUI_SUBWINDOW_TOP );
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	mIdMediaBrowserControlBack = start_id++;
-	mMediaBrowserControlBackButton = mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_button( "BACK", mIdMediaBrowserControlBack, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaBrowserControlStop = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_button( "STOP", mIdMediaBrowserControlStop, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaBrowserControlForward = start_id++;
-	mMediaBrowserControlForwardButton = mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_button( "FORWARD", mIdMediaBrowserControlForward, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaBrowserControlHome = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_button( "HOME", mIdMediaBrowserControlHome, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaBrowserControlReload = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_button( "RELOAD", mIdMediaBrowserControlReload, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	/*
-	mIdMediaBrowserControlClearCache = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_button( "CLEAR CACHE", mIdMediaBrowserControlClearCache, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaBrowserControlClearCookies = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_button( "CLEAR COOKIES", mIdMediaBrowserControlClearCookies, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies = start_id++;
-	mMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies = 0;
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_checkbox( "Enable Cookies", &mMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies, mIdMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	// top window - misc controls
-	GLUI* glui_window_misc_control = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow( mAppWindow, GLUI_SUBWINDOW_TOP );
-	mIdRandomPanelCount = start_id++;
-	mRandomPanelCount = 0;
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_checkbox( "Randomize panel count", &mRandomPanelCount, mIdRandomPanelCount, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	glui_window_misc_control->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_column( true );
-	mIdRandomBookmarks = start_id++;
-	mRandomBookmarks = 0;
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_checkbox( "Randomize bookmarks", &mRandomBookmarks, mIdRandomBookmarks, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	glui_window_misc_control->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_column( true );
-	mIdDisableTimeout = start_id++;
-	mDisableTimeout = 0;
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_checkbox( "Disable plugin timeout", &mDisableTimeout, mIdDisableTimeout, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	glui_window_misc_control->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_column( true );
-	mIdUsePluginReadThread = start_id++;
-	mUsePluginReadThread = 0;
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_checkbox( "Use plugin read thread", &mUsePluginReadThread, mIdUsePluginReadThread, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	glui_window_misc_control->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_column( true );
-	mIdLargePanelSpacing = start_id++;
-	mLargePanelSpacing = 0;
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_checkbox( "Large Panel Spacing", &mLargePanelSpacing, mIdLargePanelSpacing, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	glui_window_misc_control->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_column( true );
-	// bottom window - status
-	mBottomGLUIWindow = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow( mAppWindow, GLUI_SUBWINDOW_BOTTOM );
-	mStatusText = mBottomGLUIWindow->add_statictext( "" );
-	mBottomGLUIWindow->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-void LLFBConnectTest::resetView()
-	mViewRotationCtrl->reset();
-	mViewScaleCtrl->set_x( 0.0f );
-	mViewScaleCtrl->set_y( 0.0f );
-	mViewScaleCtrl->set_z( 1.3f );
-	mViewTranslationCtrl->set_x( 0.0f );
-	mViewTranslationCtrl->set_y( 0.0f );
-	mViewTranslationCtrl->set_z( 0.0f );
-void LLFBConnectTest::makePickTexture( int id, GLuint* texture_handle, unsigned char** texture_pixels )
-	int pick_texture_width = 1024;
-	int pick_texture_height = 1024;
-	int pick_texture_depth = 3;
-	unsigned char* ptr = new unsigned char[ pick_texture_width * pick_texture_height * pick_texture_depth ];
-	for( int y = 0; y < pick_texture_height; ++y )
-	{
-		for( int x = 0; x < pick_texture_width * pick_texture_depth ; x += pick_texture_depth )
-		{
-			unsigned long bits = 0L;
-			bits |= ( id << 20 ) | ( y << 10 ) | ( x / 3 );
-			unsigned char r_component = ( bits >> 16 ) & 0xff;
-			unsigned char g_component = ( bits >> 8 ) & 0xff;
-			unsigned char b_component = bits & 0xff;
-			ptr[ y * pick_texture_width * pick_texture_depth + x + 0 ] = r_component;
-			ptr[ y * pick_texture_width * pick_texture_depth + x + 1 ] = g_component;
-			ptr[ y * pick_texture_width * pick_texture_depth + x + 2 ] = b_component;
-		};
-	};
-	glGenTextures( 1, texture_handle );
-	checkGLError("glGenTextures");
-	std::cout << "glGenTextures returned " << *texture_handle << std::endl;
-	bindTexture( *texture_handle );
-	glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
-					GL_RGB,
-						pick_texture_width, pick_texture_height,
-							0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ptr );
-	*texture_pixels = ptr;
-std::string LLFBConnectTest::mimeTypeFromUrl( std::string& url )
-	// default to web
-	std::string mime_type = "text/html";
-	// we may need a more advanced MIME type accessor later :-)
-	if ( url.find( ".mov" ) != std::string::npos )	// Movies
-		mime_type = "video/quicktime";
-	else
-	if ( url.find( ".txt" ) != std::string::npos )	// Apple Text descriptors
-		mime_type = "video/quicktime";
-	else
-	if ( url.find( ".mp3" ) != std::string::npos )	// Apple Text descriptors
-		mime_type = "video/quicktime";
-	else
-	if ( url.find( "example://" ) != std::string::npos )	// Example plugin
-		mime_type = "example/example";
-	return mime_type;
-std::string LLFBConnectTest::pluginNameFromMimeType( std::string& mime_type )
-	std::string plugin_name( "media_plugin_null.dylib" );
-	if ( mime_type == "video/quicktime" )
-		plugin_name = "media_plugin_quicktime.dylib";
-	else
-	if ( mime_type == "text/html" )
-		plugin_name = "media_plugin_webkit.dylib";
-	std::string plugin_name( "media_plugin_null.dll" );
-	if ( mime_type == "video/quicktime" )
-		plugin_name = "media_plugin_quicktime.dll";
-	else
-	if ( mime_type == "text/html" )
-		plugin_name = "media_plugin_webkit.dll";
-	else
-	if ( mime_type == "example/example" )
-		plugin_name = "media_plugin_example.dll";
-#elif LL_LINUX
-	std::string plugin_name( "" );
-	if ( mime_type == "video/quicktime" )
-		plugin_name = "";
-	else
-	if ( mime_type == "text/html" )
-		plugin_name = "";
-	return plugin_name;
-mediaPanel* LLFBConnectTest::addMediaPanel( std::string url )
-	// Get the plugin filename using the URL
-	std::string mime_type = mimeTypeFromUrl( url );
-	std::string plugin_name = pluginNameFromMimeType( mime_type );
-	// create a random size for the new media
-	int media_width;
-	int media_height;
-	getRandomMediaSize( media_width, media_height, mime_type );
-	media_width = 1024;
-	media_height = 1536;
-	// make a new plugin
-	LLPluginClassMedia* media_source = new LLPluginClassMedia(this);
-	// enable cookies so the FB login works
-	media_source->enable_cookies(true);
-	// tell the plugin what size we asked for
-	media_source->setSize( media_width, media_height );
-	// Use the launcher start and initialize the plugin
-	std::string launcher_name( "SLPlugin" );
-	std::string launcher_name( "SLPlugin.exe" );
-	// for this test app, use the cwd as the user data path (ugh).
-	std::string user_data_path = ".\\";
-        char cwd[ FILENAME_MAX ];
-	if (NULL == getcwd( cwd, FILENAME_MAX - 1 ))
-	{
-		std::cerr << "Couldn't get cwd - probably too long - failing to init." << std::endl;
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	std::string user_data_path = std::string( cwd ) + "/";
-	media_source->setUserDataPath(user_data_path);
-	media_source->init( launcher_name, user_data_path, plugin_name, false );
-	//media_source->setDisableTimeout(mDisableTimeout);
-	// make a new panel and save parameters
-	mediaPanel* panel = new mediaPanel;
-	panel->mMediaSource = media_source;
-	panel->mStartUrl = url;
-	panel->mMimeType = mime_type;
-	panel->mMediaWidth = media_width;
-	panel->mMediaHeight = media_height;
-	panel->mTextureWidth = 0;
-	panel->mTextureHeight = 0;
-	panel->mTextureScaleX = 0;
-	panel->mTextureScaleY = 0;
-	panel->mMediaTextureHandle = 0;
-	panel->mPickTextureHandle = 0;
-	panel->mAppTextureCoordsOpenGL = false;	// really need an 'undefined' state here too
-	panel->mReadyToRender = false;
-	// look through current media panels to find an unused index number
-	bool id_exists = true;
-	for( int nid = 0; nid < mMaxPanels; ++nid )
-	{
-		// does this id exist already?
-		id_exists = false;
-		for( int pid = 0; pid < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++pid )
-		{
-			if ( nid == mMediaPanels[ pid ]->mId )
-			{
-				id_exists = true;
-				break;
-			};
-		};
-		// id wasn't found so we can use it
-		if ( ! id_exists )
-		{
-			panel->mId = nid;
-			break;
-		};
-	};
-	// if we get here and this flag is set, there is no room for any more panels
-	if ( id_exists )
-	{
-		std::cout << "No room for any more panels" << std::endl;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// now we have the ID we can use it to make the
-		// pick texture (id is baked into texture pixels)
-		makePickTexture( panel->mId, &panel->mPickTextureHandle, &panel->mPickTexturePixels );
-		// save this in the list of panels
-		mMediaPanels.push_back( panel );
-		// select the panel that was just created
-		selectPanel( panel );
-		// load and start the URL
-		panel->mMediaSource->loadURI( url );
-		panel->mMediaSource->start();
-		std::cout << "Adding new media panel for " << url << "(" << media_width << "x" << media_height << ") with index " << panel->mId << " - total panels = " << mMediaPanels.size() << std::endl;
-	}
-	return panel;
-void LLFBConnectTest::updateMediaPanel( mediaPanel* panel )
-//	checkGLError("LLFBConnectTest::updateMediaPanel");
-	if ( ! panel )
-		return;
-	if(!panel->mMediaSource || !panel->mMediaSource->textureValid())
-	{
-		panel->mReadyToRender = false;
-		return;
-	}
-	// take a reference copy of the plugin values since they
-	// might change during this lifetime of this function
-	int plugin_media_width = panel->mMediaSource->getWidth();
-	int plugin_media_height = panel->mMediaSource->getHeight();
-	int plugin_texture_width = panel->mMediaSource->getBitsWidth();
-	int plugin_texture_height = panel->mMediaSource->getBitsHeight();
-	// If the texture isn't created or the media or texture dimensions changed AND
-	// the sizes are valid then we need to delete the old media texture (if necessary)
-	// then make a new one.
-	if ((panel->mMediaTextureHandle == 0 ||
-		 panel->mMediaWidth != plugin_media_width ||
-		 panel->mMediaHeight != plugin_media_height ||
-		 panel->mTextureWidth != plugin_texture_width ||
-		 panel->mTextureHeight != plugin_texture_height) &&
-		( plugin_media_width > 0 && plugin_media_height > 0 &&
-		  plugin_texture_width > 0 && plugin_texture_height > 0 ) )
-	{
-		std::cout << "Valid media size (" <<  plugin_media_width << " x " << plugin_media_height
-				<< ") and texture size (" <<  plugin_texture_width << " x " << plugin_texture_height
-				<< ") for panel with ID=" << panel->mId << " - making texture" << std::endl;
-		// delete old GL texture
-		if ( isTexture( panel->mMediaTextureHandle ) )
-		{
-			std::cerr << "updateMediaPanel: deleting texture " << panel->mMediaTextureHandle << std::endl;
-			glDeleteTextures( 1, &panel->mMediaTextureHandle );
-			panel->mMediaTextureHandle = 0;
-		}
-		std::cerr << "before: pick texture is " << panel->mPickTextureHandle << ", media texture is " << panel->mMediaTextureHandle << std::endl;
-		// make a GL texture based on the dimensions the plugin told us
-		GLuint new_texture = 0;
-		glGenTextures( 1, &new_texture );
-		checkGLError("glGenTextures");
-		std::cout << "glGenTextures returned " << new_texture << std::endl;
-		panel->mMediaTextureHandle = new_texture;
-		bindTexture( panel->mMediaTextureHandle );
-		std::cout << "Setting texture size to " << plugin_texture_width << " x " << plugin_texture_height << std::endl;
-		glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
-			GL_RGB,
-				plugin_texture_width, plugin_texture_height,
-						0 );
-		std::cerr << "after: pick texture is " << panel->mPickTextureHandle << ", media texture is " << panel->mMediaTextureHandle << std::endl;
-	};
-	// update our record of the media and texture dimensions
-	// NOTE: do this after we we check for sizes changes
-	panel->mMediaWidth = plugin_media_width;
-	panel->mMediaHeight = plugin_media_height;
-	panel->mTextureWidth = plugin_texture_width;
-	panel->mTextureHeight = plugin_texture_height;
-	if ( plugin_texture_width > 0 )
-	{
-		panel->mTextureScaleX = (double)panel->mMediaWidth / (double)panel->mTextureWidth;
-	};
-	if ( plugin_texture_height > 0 )
-	{
-		panel->mTextureScaleY = (double)panel->mMediaHeight / (double)panel->mTextureHeight;
-	};
-	// update the flag which tells us if the media source uses OprnGL coords or not.
-	panel->mAppTextureCoordsOpenGL = panel->mMediaSource->getTextureCoordsOpenGL();
-	// Check to see if we have enough to render this panel.
-	// If we do, set a flag that the display functions use so
-	// they only render a panel with media if it's ready.
-	if ( panel->mMediaWidth < 0 ||
-		 panel->mMediaHeight < 0 ||
-		 panel->mTextureWidth < 1 ||
-		 panel->mTextureHeight < 1 ||
-		 panel->mMediaTextureHandle == 0 )
-	{
-		panel->mReadyToRender = false;
-	};
-mediaPanel* LLFBConnectTest::replaceMediaPanel( mediaPanel* panel, std::string url )
-	// no media panels so we can't change anything - have to add
-	if ( mMediaPanels.size() == 0 )
-		return NULL;
-	// sanity check
-	if ( ! panel )
-		return NULL;
-	int index;
-	for(index = 0; index < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); index++)
-	{
-		if(mMediaPanels[index] == panel)
-			break;
-	}
-	if(index >= (int)mMediaPanels.size())
-	{
-		// panel isn't in mMediaPanels
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	std::cout << "Replacing media panel with index " << panel->mId << std::endl;
-	int panel_id = panel->mId;
-	if(mSelectedPanel == panel)
-		mSelectedPanel = NULL;
-	delete panel;
-	// Get the plugin filename using the URL
-	std::string mime_type = mimeTypeFromUrl( url );
-	std::string plugin_name = pluginNameFromMimeType( mime_type );
-	// create a random size for the new media
-	int media_width;
-	int media_height;
-	getRandomMediaSize( media_width, media_height, mime_type );
-	// make a new plugin
-	LLPluginClassMedia* media_source = new LLPluginClassMedia(this);
-	// tell the plugin what size we asked for
-	media_source->setSize( media_width, media_height );
-	// Use the launcher start and initialize the plugin
-	std::string launcher_name( "SLPlugin" );
-	std::string launcher_name( "SLPlugin.exe" );
-	// for this test app, use the cwd as the user data path (ugh).
-	std::string user_data_path = ".\\";
-        char cwd[ FILENAME_MAX ];
-	if (NULL == getcwd( cwd, FILENAME_MAX - 1 ))
-	{
-		std::cerr << "Couldn't get cwd - probably too long - failing to init." << std::endl;
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	std::string user_data_path = std::string( cwd ) + "/";
-	media_source->setUserDataPath(user_data_path);
-	media_source->init( launcher_name, user_data_path, plugin_name, false );
-	//media_source->setDisableTimeout(mDisableTimeout);
-	// make a new panel and save parameters
-	panel = new mediaPanel;
-	panel->mMediaSource = media_source;
-	panel->mStartUrl = url;
-	panel->mMimeType = mime_type;
-	panel->mMediaWidth = media_width;
-	panel->mMediaHeight = media_height;
-	panel->mTextureWidth = 0;
-	panel->mTextureHeight = 0;
-	panel->mTextureScaleX = 0;
-	panel->mTextureScaleY = 0;
-	panel->mMediaTextureHandle = 0;
-	panel->mPickTextureHandle = 0;
-	panel->mAppTextureCoordsOpenGL = false;	// really need an 'undefined' state here too
-	panel->mReadyToRender = false;
-	panel->mId = panel_id;
-	// Replace the entry in the panels array
-	mMediaPanels[index] = panel;
-	// now we have the ID we can use it to make the
-	// pick texture (id is baked into texture pixels)
-	makePickTexture( panel->mId, &panel->mPickTextureHandle, &panel->mPickTexturePixels );
-	// select the panel that was just created
-	selectPanel( panel );
-	// load and start the URL
-	panel->mMediaSource->loadURI( url );
-	panel->mMediaSource->start();
-	return panel;
-void LLFBConnectTest::getRandomMediaSize( int& width, int& height, std::string mime_type )
-	// Make a new media source with a random size which we'll either
-	// directly or the media plugin will tell us what it wants later.
-	// Use a random size so we can test support for weird media sizes.
-	// (Almost everything else will get filled in later once the
-	// plugin responds)
-	// NB. Do we need to enforce that width is on 4 pixel boundary?
-	width = ( ( rand() % 170 ) + 30 ) * 4;
-	height = ( ( rand() % 170 ) + 30 ) * 4;
-	// adjust this random size if it's a browser so we get
-	// a more useful size for testing..
-	if ( mime_type == "text/html" || mime_type == "example/example"  )
-	{
-		width = ( ( rand() % 100 ) + 100 ) * 4;
-		height = ( width * ( ( rand() % 400 ) + 1000 ) ) / 1000;
-	};
-void LLFBConnectTest::remMediaPanel( mediaPanel* panel )
-	// always leave one panel
-	if ( mMediaPanels.size() == 1 )
-		return;
-	// sanity check - don't think this can happen but see above for a case where it might...
-	if ( ! panel )
-		return;
-	std::cout << "Removing media panel with index " << panel->mId << " - total panels = " << mMediaPanels.size() - 1 << std::endl;
-	if(mSelectedPanel == panel)
-		mSelectedPanel = NULL;
-	delete panel;
-	// remove from storage list
-	for( int i = 0; i < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++i )
-	{
-		if ( mMediaPanels[ i ] == panel )
-		{
-			mMediaPanels.erase( mMediaPanels.begin() + i );
-			break;
-		};
-	};
-	// select the first panel
-	selectPanel( mMediaPanels[ 0 ] );
-void LLFBConnectTest::updateStatusBar()
-	if ( ! mSelectedPanel )
-		return;
-	// cache results - this is a very slow function
-	static int cached_id = -1;
-	static int cached_media_width = -1;
-	static int cached_media_height = -1;
-	static int cached_texture_width = -1;
-	static int cached_texture_height = -1;
-	static bool cached_supports_browser_media = true;
-	static bool cached_supports_time_media = false;
-	static int cached_movie_time = -1;
-	static GLfloat cached_distance = -1.0f;
-	static std::string cached_plugin_version = "";
-	if (
-		 cached_id == mSelectedPanel->mId &&
-		 cached_media_width == mSelectedPanel->mMediaWidth &&
-		 cached_media_height  == mSelectedPanel->mMediaHeight &&
-		 cached_texture_width == mSelectedPanel->mTextureWidth &&
-		 cached_texture_height == mSelectedPanel->mTextureHeight &&
-		 cached_supports_browser_media == mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaBrowser() &&
-		 cached_supports_time_media == mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaTime() &&
-		 cached_plugin_version == mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getPluginVersion() &&
-		 cached_movie_time == (int)mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getCurrentTime() &&
-		 cached_distance == mDistanceCameraToSelectedGeometry
-	   )
-	{
-		// nothing changed so don't spend time here
-		return;
-	};
-	std::ostringstream stream( "" );
-	stream.str( "" );
-	stream.clear();
-	stream << "Id: ";
-	stream << std::setw( 2 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-	stream << mSelectedPanel->mId;
-	stream << " | ";
-	stream << "Media: ";
-	stream << std::setw( 3 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-	stream << mSelectedPanel->mMediaWidth;
-	stream << " x ";
-	stream << std::setw( 3 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-	stream << mSelectedPanel->mMediaHeight;
-	stream << " | ";
-	stream << "Texture: ";
-	stream << std::setw( 4 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-	stream << mSelectedPanel->mTextureWidth;
-	stream << " x ";
-	stream << std::setw( 4 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-	stream << mSelectedPanel->mTextureHeight;
-	stream << " | ";
-	stream << "Distance: ";
-	stream << std::setw( 6 );
-	stream << std::setprecision( 3 );
-	stream << std::setprecision( 3 );
-	stream << mDistanceCameraToSelectedGeometry;
-	stream << " | ";
-	if ( mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaBrowser() )
-		stream << "BROWSER";
-	else
-	if ( mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaTime() )
-		stream << "TIME   ";
-	stream << " | ";
-	stream << mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getPluginVersion();
-	stream << " | ";
-	if ( mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaTime() )
-	{
-		stream << std::setw( 3 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-		stream << (int)mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getCurrentTime();
-		stream << " / ";
-		stream << std::setw( 3 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-		stream << (int)mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getDuration();
-		stream << " @ ";
-		stream << (int)mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getCurrentPlayRate();
-		stream << " | ";
-	};
-	glutSetWindow( mBottomGLUIWindow->get_glut_window_id() );
-	mStatusText->set_text( const_cast< char*>( stream.str().c_str() ) );
-	glutSetWindow( mAppWindow );
-	// caching
-	cached_id = mSelectedPanel->mId;
-	cached_media_width = mSelectedPanel->mMediaWidth;
-	cached_media_height = mSelectedPanel->mMediaHeight;
-	cached_texture_width = mSelectedPanel->mTextureWidth;
-	cached_texture_height = mSelectedPanel->mTextureHeight;
-	cached_supports_browser_media = mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaBrowser();
-	cached_supports_time_media = mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaTime();
-	cached_plugin_version = mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getPluginVersion();
-	cached_movie_time = (int)mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getCurrentTime();
-void LLFBConnectTest::dumpPanelInfo()
-	std::cout << std::endl << "===== Media Panels =====" << std::endl;
-	for( int i = 0; i < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++i )
-	{
-		std::cout << std::setw( 2 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-		std::cout << i + 1 << "> ";
-		std::cout << "Id: ";
-		std::cout << std::setw( 2 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-		std::cout << mMediaPanels[ i ]->mId;
-		std::cout << " | ";
-		std::cout << "Media: ";
-		std::cout << std::setw( 3 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-		std::cout << mMediaPanels[ i ]->mMediaWidth;
-		std::cout << " x ";
-		std::cout << std::setw( 3 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-		std::cout << mMediaPanels[ i ]->mMediaHeight;
-		std::cout << " | ";
-		std::cout << "Texture: ";
-		std::cout << std::setw( 4 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-		std::cout << mMediaPanels[ i ]->mTextureWidth;
-		std::cout << " x ";
-		std::cout << std::setw( 4 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-		std::cout << mMediaPanels[ i ]->mTextureHeight;
-		std::cout << " | ";
-		if ( mMediaPanels[ i ] == mSelectedPanel )
-			std::cout << "(selected)";
-		std::cout << std::endl;
-	};
-	std::cout << "========================" << std::endl;
-void LLFBConnectTest::handleMediaEvent(LLPluginClassMedia* self, EMediaEvent event)
-	// Uncomment this to make things much, much quieter.
-//	return;
-	switch(event)
-	{
-			// too spammy -- don't log these
-//			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_CONTENT_UPDATED " << std::endl;
-		break;
-			// too spammy -- don't log these
-//			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_TIME_DURATION_UPDATED, time is " << self->getCurrentTime() << " of " << self->getDuration() << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_SIZE_CHANGED " << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_CURSOR_CHANGED, new cursor is " << self->getCursorName() << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_BEGIN " << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_COMPLETE, result string is: " << self->getNavigateResultString() << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_PROGRESS_UPDATED, loading at " << self->getProgressPercent() << "%" << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_STATUS_TEXT_CHANGED, new status text is: " << self->getStatusText() << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_NAME_CHANGED, new name is: " << self->getMediaName() << std::endl;
-			glutSetWindowTitle( self->getMediaName().c_str() );
-		break;
-		{
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_LOCATION_CHANGED, new uri is: " << self->getLocation() << std::endl;
-			mediaPanel* panel = findMediaPanel(self);
-			if(panel != NULL)
-			{
-				panel->mStartUrl = self->getLocation();
-				if(panel == mSelectedPanel)
-				{
-					mUrlEdit->set_text(const_cast<char*>(panel->mStartUrl.c_str()) );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_ERROR_PAGE, uri is: " << self->getClickURL() << std::endl;
-		break;
-		{
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_CLICK_LINK_HREF, uri is " << self->getClickURL() << ", target is " << self->getClickTarget() << std::endl;
-			// retrieve the event parameters
-			std::string url = self->getClickURL();
-			std::string target = self->getClickTarget();
-			if(target == "_external")
-			{
-				// this should open in an external browser, but since this is a test app we don't care.
-			}
-			else if(target == "_blank")
-			{
-				// Create a new panel with the specified URL.
-				addMediaPanel(url);
-			}
-			else // other named target
-			{
-				mediaPanel *target_panel = findMediaPanel(target);
-				if(target_panel)
-				{
-					target_panel = replaceMediaPanel(target_panel, url);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					target_panel = addMediaPanel(url);
-				}
-				if(target_panel)
-				{
-					target_panel->mTarget = target;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_CLICK_LINK_NOFOLLOW, uri is " << self->getClickURL() << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_PLUGIN_FAILED" << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_PLUGIN_FAILED_LAUNCH" << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_CLOSE_REQUEST" << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_PICK_FILE_REQUEST" << std::endl;
-			// TODO: display an actual file picker
-			self->sendPickFileResponse("cake");
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_GEOMETRY_CHANGE, uuid is " << self->getClickUUID() 
-				<< ", x = " << self->getGeometryX() 
-				<< ", y = " << self->getGeometryY() 
-				<< ", width = " << self->getGeometryWidth() 
-				<< ", height = " << self->getGeometryHeight() 
-				<< std::endl;
-		break;
-		{
-			//std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_AUTH_REQUEST, url " << self->getAuthURL() ", realm " << self->getAuthRealm() << std::endl;
-			// TODO: display an auth dialog
-			self->sendAuthResponse(false, "", "");
-		}
-		break;
-		{
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_LINK_HOVERED, hover text is: " << self->getHoverText() << std::endl;
-		}
-		break;
-		default:
-		{
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  <unknown>, code is: " << int(event) << std::endl;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-static void gluiCallbackWrapper( int control_id )
-	if ( gApplication )
-		gApplication->gluiCallback( control_id );
-void glutReshape( int width, int height )
-	if ( gApplication )
-		gApplication->reshape( width, height );
-void glutDisplay()
-	if ( gApplication )
-		gApplication->display();
-void glutIdle(int update_ms)
-	GLUI_Master.set_glutTimerFunc( update_ms, glutIdle, update_ms);
-	if ( gApplication )
-		gApplication->idle();
-void glutKeyboard( unsigned char key, int x, int y )
-	if ( gApplication )
-		gApplication->keyboard( key );
-void glutMousePassive( int x, int y )
-	if ( gApplication )
-		gApplication->mousePassive( x, y );
-void glutMouseMove( int x , int y )
-	if ( gApplication )
-		gApplication->mouseMove( x, y );
-void glutMouseButton( int button, int state, int x, int y )
-	if ( gApplication )
-		gApplication->mouseButton( button, state, x, y );
-int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
-	// Set the current working directory to <application bundle>/Contents/Resources/
-	CFURLRef resources_url = CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle());
-	if(resources_url != NULL)
-	{
-		CFStringRef resources_string = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(resources_url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
-		CFRelease(resources_url);
-		if(resources_string != NULL)
-		{
-			char buffer[PATH_MAX] = "";
-			if(CFStringGetCString(resources_string, buffer, sizeof(buffer), kCFStringEncodingUTF8))
-			{
-				chdir(buffer);
-			}
-			CFRelease(resources_string);
-		}
-	}
-	glutInit( &argc, argv );
-	glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB );
-	const int app_window_x = 80;
-	const int app_window_y = 0;
-	const int app_window_width = 960;
-	const int app_window_height = 960;
-	glutInitWindowPosition( app_window_x, app_window_y );
-	glutInitWindowSize( app_window_width, app_window_height );
-	int app_window_handle = glutCreateWindow( "LLFBConnectTest" );
-	glutDisplayFunc( glutDisplay );
-	GLUI_Master.set_glutReshapeFunc( glutReshape );
-	GLUI_Master.set_glutKeyboardFunc( glutKeyboard );
-	GLUI_Master.set_glutMouseFunc( glutMouseButton );
-	glutPassiveMotionFunc( glutMousePassive );
-	glutMotionFunc( glutMouseMove );
-	glutSetWindow( app_window_handle );
-	gApplication = new LLFBConnectTest( app_window_handle, app_window_width, app_window_height );
-	// update at approximately 60hz
-	int update_ms = 1000 / 60;
-	GLUI_Master.set_glutTimerFunc( update_ms, glutIdle, update_ms);
-	glutMainLoop();
-	delete gApplication;
diff --git a/indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/llfbconnecttest.h b/indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/llfbconnecttest.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 77e4d096d0..0000000000
--- a/indra/test_apps/llfbconnecttest/llfbconnecttest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
- * @file LLFBConnectTest.cpp
- * @brief Facebook Connect Test App
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#ifndef LL_FB_CONNECT_H
-#define LL_FB_CONNECT_H
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include "llpluginclassmedia.h"
-#include "llgl.h"
-// Forward declarations
-class GLUI_Rotation;
-class GLUI_Translation;
-class GLUI_Listbox;
-class GLUI_EditText;
-class GLUI_StaticText;
-class GLUI;
-class GLUI_Button;
-struct mediaPanel
-	public:
-		mediaPanel();
-		~mediaPanel();
-		int mId;
-		std::string mStartUrl;
-		std::string mMimeType;
-		std::string mTarget;
-		LLPluginClassMedia *mMediaSource;
-		int mMediaWidth;
-		int mMediaHeight;
-		int mTextureWidth;
-		int mTextureHeight;
-		double mTextureScaleX;
-		double mTextureScaleY;
-		GLuint mMediaTextureHandle;
-		GLuint mPickTextureHandle;
-		unsigned char* mPickTexturePixels;
-		bool mAppTextureCoordsOpenGL;
-		bool mReadyToRender;
-class LLFBConnectTest : public LLPluginClassMediaOwner
-	public:
-		LLFBConnectTest( int app_window, int window_width, int window_height );
-		~LLFBConnectTest();
-		void reshape( int width, int height );
-		void display();
-		void idle();
-		void gluiCallback( int control_id );
-		void keyboard( int key );
-		void mousePassive( int x, int y );
-		void mouseButton( int button, int state, int x, int y );
-		void mouseMove( int x, int y );
-		void bindTexture(GLuint texture, GLint row_length = 0, GLint alignment = 1);
-		bool checkGLError(const char *name = "OpenGL");
-		void drawGeometry( int panel, bool selected );
-		void startPanelHighlight( float red, float green, float blue, float line_width );
-		void endPanelHighlight();
-		enum { DrawTypePickTexture, DrawTypeMediaTexture };
-		void draw( int draw_type );
-		void windowPosToTexturePos( int window_x, int window_y, int& media_x, int& media_y, int& id );
-		mediaPanel* addMediaPanel( std::string url );
-		void updateMediaPanel( mediaPanel* panel );
-		void remMediaPanel( mediaPanel* panel );
-		mediaPanel* replaceMediaPanel( mediaPanel* panel, std::string url );
-		void getRandomMediaSize( int& width, int& height, std::string mime_type );
-		void navigateToNewURI( std::string uri );
-        void initUrlHistory( std::string uri );
-		void selectPanelById( int id );
-		void selectPanel( mediaPanel* panel );
-		mediaPanel* findMediaPanel( LLPluginClassMedia* panel );
-		mediaPanel* findMediaPanel( const std::string &target_name );
-		void makePickTexture( int id, GLuint* texture_handle, unsigned char** texture_pixels );
-		void makeChrome();
-		void resetView();
-		void dumpPanelInfo();
-		void updateStatusBar();
-		GLfloat distanceToCamera( GLfloat point_x, GLfloat point_y, GLfloat point_z );
-	// Inherited from LLPluginClassMediaOwner
-	/*virtual*/ void handleMediaEvent(LLPluginClassMedia* self, LLPluginClassMediaOwner::EMediaEvent);
-	private:
-		const int mVersionMajor;
-		const int mVersionMinor;
-		const int mVersionPatch;
-		const int mMaxPanels;
-		int mAppWindow;
-		int mWindowWidth;
-		int mWindowHeight;
-		int mCurMouseX;
-		int mCurMouseY;
-		unsigned char mPixelReadColor[ 3 ];
-		bool mFuzzyMedia;
-		const std::string mHomeWebUrl;
-		std::vector< mediaPanel* > mMediaPanels;
-		mediaPanel* mSelectedPanel;
-		std::string mimeTypeFromUrl( std::string& url );
-		std::string pluginNameFromMimeType( std::string& mime_type );
-		GLUI_Rotation* mViewRotationCtrl;
-		GLUI_Translation* mViewScaleCtrl;
-		GLUI_Translation* mViewTranslationCtrl;
-		float mViewportAspect;
-		float mViewPos[ 3 ];
-		float mViewRotation[ 16 ];
-		float mDistanceCameraToSelectedGeometry;
-		std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > mBookmarks;
-		GLUI_Listbox* mBookmarkList;
-		int mIdBookmarks;
-		int mIdUrlEdit;
-		GLUI_EditText* mUrlEdit;
-		int mSelBookmark;
-		int mIdControlExitApp;
-		GLUI* mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow;
-		int mIdMediaBrowserControlBack;
-		GLUI_Button* mMediaBrowserControlBackButton;
-		int mIdMediaBrowserControlStop;
-		int mIdMediaBrowserControlForward;
-		GLUI_Button* mMediaBrowserControlForwardButton;
-		bool mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindowFlag;
-		bool mMediaBrowserControlBackButtonFlag;
-		bool mMediaBrowserControlForwardButtonFlag;
-		int mIdMediaBrowserControlHome;
-		int mIdMediaBrowserControlReload;
-		GLUI* mBottomGLUIWindow;
-		GLUI_StaticText* mStatusText;
-#endif	// LL_FB_CONNECT_H
diff --git a/indra/test_apps/llplugintest/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/test_apps/llplugintest/CMakeLists.txt
index 0c8bdc464d..18f7e36d20 100755
--- a/indra/test_apps/llplugintest/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/test_apps/llplugintest/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -254,138 +254,8 @@ endif (DARWIN)
 #  )
 #endif (DARWIN)
-### llmediaplugintest
-    llmediaplugintest.cpp
-    llmediaplugintest.h
-    bookmarks.txt
-    )
-    WIN32
-    ${llmediaplugintest_SOURCE_FILES}
-    FALSE
-if (DARWIN)
-  # The testbed needs to use a couple of CoreFoundation calls now, to deal with being a bundled app.
-  target_link_libraries(llmediaplugintest
-  )
-endif (DARWIN)
-  stage_third_party_libs
-  SLPlugin
-  media_plugin_quicktime
-  media_plugin_webkit
-  media_plugin_example
-# turn off weird GLUI pragma 
-  # glui.h contains code that triggers the "overloaded-virtual" warning in gcc.  
-  set_source_files_properties(llmediaplugintest.cpp PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wno-overloaded-virtual")
 # Gather build products of the various dependencies into the build directory for the testbed.
-if (DARWIN)
-  # path inside the app bundle where we'll need to copy plugins and other related files
-  )
-  # create the Contents/Resources directory
-  add_custom_command(
-    TARGET llmediaplugintest POST_BUILD
-    ARGS
-      -E
-      make_directory
-    COMMENT "Creating Resources directory in app bundle."
-  ) 
-else (DARWIN)
-  )
-endif (DARWIN)
-add_custom_command(TARGET llmediaplugintest POST_BUILD
-add_custom_command(TARGET llmediaplugintest POST_BUILD
-set(BUILT_WEBKIT_PLUGIN $<TARGET_FILE:media_plugin_webkit>)
-add_custom_command(TARGET llmediaplugintest POST_BUILD
-  set(BUILT_QUICKTIME_PLUGIN $<TARGET_FILE:media_plugin_quicktime>)
-  add_custom_command(TARGET llmediaplugintest POST_BUILD
-  )
-set(BUILT_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN $<TARGET_FILE:media_plugin_example>)
-add_custom_command(TARGET llmediaplugintest POST_BUILD
-# copy over bookmarks file if llmediaplugintest gets built
-add_custom_command(TARGET llmediaplugintest POST_BUILD
-# also copy it to the same place as SLPlugin, which is what the mac wants...
-add_custom_command(TARGET llmediaplugintest POST_BUILD
-if (DARWIN)
-#   add_custom_command(TARGET llmediaplugintest POST_BUILD
-#     DEPENDS ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/libllqtwebkit.dylib
-#   )
-endif (DARWIN)
   # Plugin test library deploy
@@ -402,7 +272,6 @@ if(WINDOWS)
-    qtwebkitd4.dll
@@ -459,7 +328,6 @@ if(WINDOWS)
-    qtwebkit4.dll
@@ -534,8 +402,6 @@ if(WINDOWS)
-  add_dependencies(llmediaplugintest copy_plugintest_libs)
 if (DARWIN)
@@ -553,8 +419,6 @@ if (DARWIN)
-    libQtWebKit.4.7.1.dylib
-    libQtWebKit.4.dylib
@@ -607,7 +471,5 @@ if (DARWIN)
-  add_dependencies(llmediaplugintest copy_plugintest_libs)
 endif (DARWIN)
diff --git a/indra/test_apps/llplugintest/llmediaplugintest.cpp b/indra/test_apps/llplugintest/llmediaplugintest.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index fa4f5abd28..0000000000
--- a/indra/test_apps/llplugintest/llmediaplugintest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2377 +0,0 @@
- * @file LLMediaPluginTest.cpp
- * @brief Primary test application for LLMedia (Separate Process) Plugin system
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2011, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include "linden_common.h"
-#include "indra_constants.h"
-#include "llapr.h"
-#include "llerrorcontrol.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <ctime>
-#include "llmediaplugintest.h"
-#pragma warning(disable: 4263)
-#pragma warning(disable: 4264)
-#if __APPLE__
-	#include <GLUT/glut.h>
-	#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
-	#include "GL/freeglut.h"
-#include "glui.h"
-LLMediaPluginTest* gApplication = 0;
-static void gluiCallbackWrapper( int control_id );
-static bool isTexture( GLuint texture )
-	bool result = false;
-	// glIsTexture will sometimes return false for real textures... do this instead.
-	if(texture != 0)
-		result = true;
-	return result;
-	mMediaTextureHandle = 0;
-	mPickTextureHandle = 0;
-	mMediaSource = NULL;
-	mPickTexturePixels = NULL;
-	// delete OpenGL texture handles
-	if ( isTexture( mPickTextureHandle ) )
-	{
-		std::cerr << "remMediaPanel: deleting pick texture " << mPickTextureHandle << std::endl;
-		glDeleteTextures( 1, &mPickTextureHandle );
-		mPickTextureHandle = 0;
-	}
-	if ( isTexture( mMediaTextureHandle ) )
-	{
-		std::cerr << "remMediaPanel: deleting media texture " << mMediaTextureHandle << std::endl;
-		glDeleteTextures( 1, &mMediaTextureHandle );
-		mMediaTextureHandle = 0;
-	}
-	if(mPickTexturePixels)
-	{
-		delete mPickTexturePixels;
-	}
-	if(mMediaSource)
-	{
-		delete mMediaSource;
-	}
-LLMediaPluginTest::LLMediaPluginTest( int app_window, int window_width, int window_height ) :
-	mVersionMajor( 2 ),
-	mVersionMinor( 0 ),
-	mVersionPatch( 0 ),
-	mMaxPanels( 25 ),
-	mViewportAspect( 0 ),
-	mAppWindow( app_window ),
-	mCurMouseX( 0 ),
-	mCurMouseY( 0 ),
-	mFuzzyMedia( true ),
-	mSelectedPanel( 0 ),
-	mDistanceCameraToSelectedGeometry( 0.0f ),
-	mMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies( 0 ),
-	mMediaBrowserControlBackButton( 0 ),
-	mMediaBrowserControlForwardButton( 0 ),
-	mMediaTimeControlVolume( 100 ),
-	mMediaTimeControlSeekSeconds( 0 ),
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindowFlag( true ),
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindowFlag( true ),
-	mMediaBrowserControlBackButtonFlag( true ),
-	mMediaBrowserControlForwardButtonFlag( true ),
-	mHomeWebUrl( "" )
-	// debugging spam
-	std::cout << std::endl << "             GLUT version: " << "3.7.6" << std::endl;	// no way to get real version from GLUT
-	std::cout << std::endl << "             GLUI version: " << GLUI_Master.get_version() << std::endl;
-	std::cout << std::endl << "Media Plugin Test version: " << mVersionMajor << "." << mVersionMinor << "." << mVersionPatch << std::endl;
-	// bookmark title
-	mBookmarks.push_back( std::pair< std::string, std::string >( "--- Bookmarks ---", "" ) );
-	// insert hardcoded URLs here as required for testing
-	//mBookmarks.push_back( std::pair< std::string, std::string >( "description", "url" ) );
-	// read bookmarks from file.
-	// note: uses command in ./CmakeLists.txt which copies bookmmarks file from source directory
-	//       to app directory (WITHOUT build configuration dir) (this is cwd in Windows within MSVC)
-	//		 For example, test_apps\llplugintest and not test_apps\llplugintest\Release
-	//		 This may need to be changed for Mac/Linux builds.
-	// See for large list of media URLs from AGNI
-	const std::string bookmarks_filename( "bookmarks.txt" );
-	std::ifstream file_handle( bookmarks_filename.c_str() );
-	if ( file_handle.is_open() )
-	{
-		std::cout << "Reading bookmarks for test" << std::endl;
-		while( ! file_handle.eof() )
-		{
-			std::string line;
-			std::getline( file_handle, line );
-			if ( file_handle.eof() )
-				break;
-			if ( line.substr( 0, 1 ) != "#" )
-			{
-				size_t comma_pos = line.find_first_of( ',' );
-				if ( comma_pos != std::string::npos )
-				{
-					std::string description = line.substr( 0, comma_pos );
-					std::string url = line.substr( comma_pos + 1 );
-					mBookmarks.push_back( std::pair< std::string, std::string >( description, url ) );
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					mBookmarks.push_back( std::pair< std::string, std::string >( line, line ) );
-				};
-			};
-		};
-		std::cout << "Read " << mBookmarks.size() << " bookmarks" << std::endl;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		std::cout << "Unable to read bookmarks from file: " << bookmarks_filename << std::endl;
-	};
-	// initialize linden lab APR module
-	ll_init_apr();
-	// Set up llerror logging
-	{
-		LLError::initForApplication(".");
-		LLError::setDefaultLevel(LLError::LEVEL_INFO);
-		//LLError::setTagLevel("Plugin", LLError::LEVEL_DEBUG);
-	}
-	// lots of randomness in this app
-	srand( ( unsigned int )time( 0 ) );
-	// build GUI
-	makeChrome();
-	// OpenGL initialilzation
-	glClearColor( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
-	glClearDepth( 1.0f );
-	glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
-	glEnable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL );
-	glDepthFunc( GL_LEQUAL );
-	glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
-	glDisable( GL_BLEND );
-	glColor3f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
-	glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 );
-	glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0 );
-	// start with a sane view
-	resetView();
-	// initial media panel
-	const int num_initial_panels = 1;
-	for( int i = 0; i < num_initial_panels; ++i )
-	{
-		//addMediaPanel( mBookmarks[ rand() % ( mBookmarks.size() - 1 ) + 1 ].second );
-		addMediaPanel( mHomeWebUrl );
-	};
-	// delete all media panels
-	for( int i = 0; i < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++i )
-	{
-		remMediaPanel( mMediaPanels[ i ] );
-	};
-	// Stop the plugin read thread if it's running.
-	LLPluginProcessParent::setUseReadThread(false);
-void LLMediaPluginTest::reshape( int width, int height )
-	// update viewport (the active window inside the chrome)
-	int viewport_x, viewport_y;
-	int viewport_height, viewport_width;
-	GLUI_Master.get_viewport_area( &viewport_x, &viewport_y, &viewport_width, &viewport_height );
-	mViewportAspect = (float)( viewport_width ) / (float)( viewport_height );
-	glViewport( viewport_x, viewport_y, viewport_width, viewport_height );
-	// save these as we'll need them later
-	mWindowWidth = width;
-	mWindowHeight = height;
-	// adjust size of URL bar so it doesn't get clipped
-	mUrlEdit->set_w( mWindowWidth - 360 );
-	// GLUI requires this
-	if ( glutGetWindow() != mAppWindow )
-		glutSetWindow( mAppWindow );
-	// trigger re-display
-	glutPostRedisplay();
-void LLMediaPluginTest::bindTexture(GLuint texture, GLint row_length, GLint alignment)
-	glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
-	glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture );
-	glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, row_length );
-	glPixelStorei( GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, alignment );
-bool LLMediaPluginTest::checkGLError(const char *name)
-	bool result = false;
-	GLenum error = glGetError();
-	if(error != GL_NO_ERROR)
-	{
-		// For some reason, glGenTextures is returning GL_INVALID_VALUE...
-		std::cout << name << " ERROR 0x" << std::hex << error << std::dec << std::endl;
-		result = true;
-	}
-	return result;
-GLfloat LLMediaPluginTest::distanceToCamera( GLfloat point_x, GLfloat point_y, GLfloat point_z )
-	GLdouble camera_pos_x = 0.0f;
-	GLdouble camera_pos_y = 0.0f;
-	GLdouble camera_pos_z = 0.0f;
-	GLdouble modelMatrix[16];
-	GLdouble projMatrix[16];
-	GLint viewport[4];
-	glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelMatrix);
-	glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projMatrix);
-	glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
-	gluUnProject(
-		(viewport[2]-viewport[0])/2 , (viewport[3]-viewport[1])/2,
-		0.0,
-		modelMatrix, projMatrix, viewport,
-		&camera_pos_x, &camera_pos_y, &camera_pos_z );
-	GLfloat distance =
-		sqrt( ( camera_pos_x - point_x ) * ( camera_pos_x - point_x ) +
-			  ( camera_pos_y - point_y ) * ( camera_pos_y - point_y ) +
-			  ( camera_pos_z - point_z ) * ( camera_pos_z - point_z ) );
-	return distance;
-void LLMediaPluginTest::drawGeometry( int panel, bool selected )
-	// texture coordinates for each panel
-	GLfloat non_opengl_texture_coords[ 8 ] = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
-	GLfloat opengl_texture_coords[ 8 ] =     { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
-	GLfloat *texture_coords = mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mAppTextureCoordsOpenGL?opengl_texture_coords:non_opengl_texture_coords;
-	// base coordinates for each panel
-	GLfloat base_vertex_pos[ 8 ] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
-	// calculate posiitons
-	const int num_panels = (int)mMediaPanels.size();
-	const int num_rows = (int)sqrt( (float)num_panels );
-	const int num_cols = num_panels / num_rows;
-	const int panel_x = ( panel / num_rows );
-	const int panel_y = ( panel % num_rows );
-	// default spacing is small - make it larger if checkbox set - for testing positional audio
-	float spacing = 0.1f;
-	if ( mLargePanelSpacing )
-		spacing = 2.0f;
-	const GLfloat offset_x = num_cols * ( 1.0 + spacing ) / 2;
-	const GLfloat offset_y = num_rows * ( 1.0 + spacing ) / 2;
-	// Adjust for media aspect ratios
-	{
-		float aspect = 1.0f;
-		if(mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaHeight != 0)
-		{
-			aspect = (float)mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaWidth / (float)mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaHeight;
-		}
-		if(aspect > 1.0f)
-		{
-			// media is wider than it is high -- adjust the top and bottom in
-			for( int corner = 0; corner < 4; ++corner )
-			{
-				float temp = base_vertex_pos[corner * 2 + 1];
-				if(temp < 0.5f)
-					temp += 0.5 - (0.5f / aspect);
-				else
-					temp -= 0.5 - (0.5f / aspect);
-				base_vertex_pos[corner * 2 + 1] = temp;
-			}
-		}
-		else if(aspect < 1.0f)
-		{
-			// media is higher than it is wide -- adjust the left and right sides in
-			for( int corner = 0; corner < 4; ++corner )
-			{
-				float temp = base_vertex_pos[corner * 2];
-				if(temp < 0.5f)
-					temp += 0.5f - (0.5f * aspect);
-				else
-					temp -= 0.5f - (0.5f * aspect);
-				base_vertex_pos[corner * 2] = temp;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	glBegin( GL_QUADS );
-	for( int corner = 0; corner < 4; ++corner )
-	{
-		glTexCoord2f( texture_coords[ corner * 2 ], texture_coords[ corner * 2 + 1 ] );
-		GLfloat x = base_vertex_pos[ corner * 2 ] + panel_x * ( 1.0 + spacing ) - offset_x + spacing / 2.0f;
-		GLfloat y = base_vertex_pos[ corner * 2 + 1 ] + panel_y * ( 1.0 + spacing ) - offset_y + spacing / 2.0f;
-		glVertex3f( x, y, 0.0f );
-	};
-	glEnd();
-	// calculate distance to this panel if it's selected
-	if ( selected )
-	{
-		GLfloat point_x = base_vertex_pos[ 0 ] + panel_x * ( 1.0 + spacing ) - offset_x + spacing / 2.0f;
-		GLfloat point_y = base_vertex_pos[ 0 + 1 ] + panel_y * ( 1.0 + spacing ) - offset_y + spacing / 2.0f;
-		GLfloat point_z = 0.0f;
-		mDistanceCameraToSelectedGeometry = distanceToCamera( point_x, point_y, point_z );
-	};
-void LLMediaPluginTest::startPanelHighlight( float red, float green, float blue, float line_width )
-	glPushAttrib( GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS );
-	glPolygonOffset( -2.5f, -2.5f );
-	glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE );
-	glLineWidth( line_width );
-	glColor3f( red, green, blue );
-	glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
-void LLMediaPluginTest::endPanelHighlight()
-	glPopAttrib();
-void LLMediaPluginTest::draw( int draw_type )
-	for( int panel = 0; panel < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++panel )
-	{
-		// drawing pick texture
-		if ( draw_type == DrawTypePickTexture )
-		{
-			// only bother with pick if we have something to render
-			// Actually, we need to pick even if we're not ready to render.
-			// Otherwise you can't select and remove a panel which has gone bad.
-			//if ( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mReadyToRender )
-			{
-				glMatrixMode( GL_TEXTURE );
-				glPushMatrix();
-				// pick texture is a power of 2 so no need to scale
-				glLoadIdentity();
-				// bind to media texture
-				glLoadIdentity();
-				bindTexture( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mPickTextureHandle );
-				// draw geometry using pick texture
-				drawGeometry( panel, false );
-				glMatrixMode( GL_TEXTURE );
-				glPopMatrix();
-			};
-		}
-		else
-		if ( draw_type == DrawTypeMediaTexture )
-		{
-			bool texture_valid = false;
-			bool plugin_exited = false;
-			if(mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaSource)
-			{
-				texture_valid = mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaSource->textureValid();
-				plugin_exited = mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaSource->isPluginExited();
-			}
-			// save texture matrix (changes for each panel)
-			glMatrixMode( GL_TEXTURE );
-			glPushMatrix();
-			// only process texture if the media is ready to draw
-			// (we still want to draw the geometry)
-			if ( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mReadyToRender && texture_valid )
-			{
-				// bind to media texture
-				bindTexture( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaTextureHandle );
-				if ( mFuzzyMedia )
-				{
-				}
-				else
-				{
-				}
-				// scale to fit panel
-				glScalef( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mTextureScaleX,
-							mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mTextureScaleY,
-								1.0f );
-			};
-			float intensity = plugin_exited?0.25f:1.0f;
-			// highlight the selected panel
-			if ( mSelectedPanel && ( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mId == mSelectedPanel->mId ) )
-			{
-				startPanelHighlight( intensity, intensity, 0.0f, 5.0f );
-				drawGeometry( panel, true );
-				endPanelHighlight();
-			}
-			else
-			// this panel not able to render yet since it
-			// doesn't have enough information
-			if ( !mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mReadyToRender )
-			{
-				startPanelHighlight( intensity, 0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f );
-				drawGeometry( panel, false );
-				endPanelHighlight();
-			}
-			else
-			// just display a border around the media
-			{
-				startPanelHighlight( 0.0f, intensity, 0.0f, 2.0f );
-				drawGeometry( panel, false );
-				endPanelHighlight();
-			};
-			if ( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mReadyToRender && texture_valid )
-			{
-				// draw visual geometry
-				drawGeometry( panel, false );
-			}
-			// restore texture matrix (changes for each panel)
-			glMatrixMode( GL_TEXTURE );
-			glPopMatrix();
-		};
-	};
-void LLMediaPluginTest::display()
-	// GLUI requires this
-	if ( glutGetWindow() != mAppWindow )
-		glutSetWindow( mAppWindow );
-	// start with a clean slate
-	glClearColor( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
-	// set up OpenGL view
-	glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
-	glLoadIdentity();
-	glFrustum( -mViewportAspect * 0.04f, mViewportAspect * 0.04f, -0.04f, 0.04f, 0.1f, 50.0f );
-	glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
-	glLoadIdentity();
-	glTranslatef( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0f );
-	glTranslatef( mViewPos[ 0 ], mViewPos[ 1 ], -mViewPos[ 2 ] );
-	glMultMatrixf( mViewRotation );
-	// draw pick texture
-	draw( DrawTypePickTexture );
-	// read colors and get coordinate values
-	glReadPixels( mCurMouseX, mCurMouseY, 1, 1, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, mPixelReadColor );
-	// clear the pick render (otherwise it may depth-fight with the textures rendered later)
-	// draw visible geometry
-	draw( DrawTypeMediaTexture );
-	glutSwapBuffers();
-void LLMediaPluginTest::idle()
-//	checkGLError("LLMediaPluginTest::idle");
-	// GLUI requires this
-	if ( glutGetWindow() != mAppWindow )
-		glutSetWindow( mAppWindow );
-	// random creation/destruction of panels enabled?
-	const time_t panel_timeout_time = 5;
-	if ( mRandomPanelCount )
-	{
-		// time for a change
-		static time_t last_panel_time = 0;
-		if ( time( NULL ) - last_panel_time > panel_timeout_time )
-		{
-			if ( rand() % 2 == 0 )
-			{
-				if ( mMediaPanels.size() < 16 )
-				{
-					std::cout << "Randomly adding new panel" << std::endl;
-					addMediaPanel( mBookmarks[ rand() % ( mBookmarks.size() - 1 ) + 1 ].second );
-				};
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if ( mMediaPanels.size() > 0 )
-				{
-					std::cout << "Deleting selected panel" << std::endl;
-					remMediaPanel( mSelectedPanel );
-				};
-			};
-			time( &last_panel_time );
-		};
-	};
-	// random selection of bookmarks enabled?
-	const time_t bookmark_timeout_time = 5;
-	if ( mRandomBookmarks )
-	{
-		// time for a change
-		static time_t last_bookmark_time = 0;
-		if ( time( NULL ) - last_bookmark_time > bookmark_timeout_time )
-		{
-			// go to a different random bookmark on each panel
-			for( int panel = 0; panel < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++panel )
-			{
-				std::string uri = mBookmarks[ rand() % ( mBookmarks.size() - 1 ) + 1 ].second;
-				std::cout << "Random: navigating to : " << uri << std::endl;
-				std::string mime_type = mimeTypeFromUrl( uri );
-				if ( mime_type != mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMimeType )
-				{
-					replaceMediaPanel( mMediaPanels[ panel ], uri );
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaSource->loadURI( uri );
-					mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaSource->start();
-				};
-			};
-			time( &last_bookmark_time );
-		};
-	};
-	// update UI
-	if ( mSelectedPanel )
-	{
-		// set volume based on slider if we have time media
-		//if ( mGluiMediaTimeControlWindowFlag )
-		//{
-		//	mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setVolume( (float)mMediaTimeControlVolume / 100.0f );
-		//};
-		// NOTE: it is absurd that we need cache the state of GLUI controls
-		//       but enabling/disabling controls drags framerate from 500+
-		//		 down to 15. Not a problem for plugin system - only this test
-		// enable/disable time based UI controls based on type of plugin
-		if ( mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaTime() )
-		{
-			if ( ! mGluiMediaTimeControlWindowFlag )
-			{
-				mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->enable();
-				mGluiMediaTimeControlWindowFlag = true;
-			};
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if ( mGluiMediaTimeControlWindowFlag )
-			{
-				mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->disable();
-				mGluiMediaTimeControlWindowFlag = false;
-			};
-		};
-		// enable/disable browser based UI controls based on type of plugin
-		if ( mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaBrowser() )
-		{
-			if ( ! mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindowFlag )
-			{
-				mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->enable();
-				mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindowFlag = true;
-			};
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if ( mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindowFlag )
-			{
-				mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->disable();
-				mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindowFlag = false;
-			};
-		};
-		// enable/disable browser back button depending on browser history
-		if ( mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getHistoryBackAvailable()  )
-		{
-			if ( ! mMediaBrowserControlBackButtonFlag )
-			{
-				mMediaBrowserControlBackButton->enable();
-				mMediaBrowserControlBackButtonFlag = true;
-			};
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if ( mMediaBrowserControlBackButtonFlag )
-			{
-				mMediaBrowserControlBackButton->disable();
-				mMediaBrowserControlBackButtonFlag = false;
-			};
-		};
-		// enable/disable browser forward button depending on browser history
-		if ( mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getHistoryForwardAvailable()  )
-		{
-			if ( ! mMediaBrowserControlForwardButtonFlag )
-			{
-				mMediaBrowserControlForwardButton->enable();
-				mMediaBrowserControlForwardButtonFlag = true;
-			};
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if ( mMediaBrowserControlForwardButtonFlag )
-			{
-				mMediaBrowserControlForwardButton->disable();
-				mMediaBrowserControlForwardButtonFlag = false;
-			};
-		};
-		// NOTE: This is *very* slow and not worth optimising
-		updateStatusBar();
-	};
-	// update all the panels
-	for( int panel_index = 0; panel_index < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++panel_index )
-	{
-		mediaPanel *panel = mMediaPanels[ panel_index ];
-		// call plugins idle function so it can potentially update itself
-		panel->mMediaSource->idle();
-		// update each media panel
-		updateMediaPanel( panel );
-		LLRect dirty_rect;
-		if ( ! panel->mMediaSource->textureValid() )
-		{
-			//std::cout << "texture invalid, skipping update..." << std::endl;
-		}
-		else
-		if ( panel &&
-			 ( panel->mMediaWidth != panel->mMediaSource->getWidth() ||
-			   panel->mMediaHeight != panel->mMediaSource->getHeight() ) )
-		{
-			//std::cout << "Resize in progress, skipping update..." << std::endl;
-		}
-		else
-		if ( panel->mMediaSource->getDirty( &dirty_rect ) )
-		{
-			const unsigned char* pixels = panel->mMediaSource->getBitsData();
-			if ( pixels && isTexture(panel->mMediaTextureHandle))
-			{
-				int x_offset = dirty_rect.mLeft;
-				int y_offset = dirty_rect.mBottom;
-				int width = dirty_rect.mRight - dirty_rect.mLeft;
-				int height = dirty_rect.mTop - dirty_rect.mBottom;
-				if((dirty_rect.mRight <= panel->mTextureWidth) && (dirty_rect.mTop <= panel->mTextureHeight))
-				{
-					// Offset the pixels pointer properly
-					pixels += ( y_offset * panel->mMediaSource->getTextureDepth() * panel->mMediaSource->getBitsWidth() );
-					pixels += ( x_offset * panel->mMediaSource->getTextureDepth() );
-					// set up texture
-					bindTexture( panel->mMediaTextureHandle, panel->mMediaSource->getBitsWidth() );
-					if ( mFuzzyMedia )
-					{
-					}
-					else
-					{
-					};
-					checkGLError("glTexParameteri");
-					if(panel->mMediaSource->getTextureFormatSwapBytes())
-					{
-						glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, 1);
-						checkGLError("glPixelStorei");
-					}
-					// draw portion that changes into texture
-					glTexSubImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
-						x_offset,
-						y_offset,
-						width,
-						height,
-						panel->mMediaSource->getTextureFormatPrimary(),
-						panel->mMediaSource->getTextureFormatType(),
-						pixels );
-					if(checkGLError("glTexSubImage2D"))
-					{
-						std::cerr << "    panel ID=" << panel->mId << std::endl;
-						std::cerr << "    texture size = " << panel->mTextureWidth << " x " << panel->mTextureHeight << std::endl;
-						std::cerr << "    media size = " << panel->mMediaWidth << " x " << panel->mMediaHeight << std::endl;
-						std::cerr << "    dirty rect = " << dirty_rect.mLeft << ", " << dirty_rect.mBottom << ", " << dirty_rect.mRight << ", " << dirty_rect.mTop << std::endl;
-						std::cerr << "    texture width = " << panel->mMediaSource->getBitsWidth() << std::endl;
-						std::cerr << "    format primary = 0x" << std::hex << panel->mMediaSource->getTextureFormatPrimary() << std::dec << std::endl;
-						std::cerr << "    format type = 0x" << std::hex << panel->mMediaSource->getTextureFormatType() << std::dec << std::endl;
-						std::cerr << "    pixels = " << (void*)pixels << std::endl;
-					}
-					if(panel->mMediaSource->getTextureFormatSwapBytes())
-					{
-						glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES, 0);
-						checkGLError("glPixelStorei");
-					}
-					panel->mMediaSource->resetDirty();
-					panel->mReadyToRender = true;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					std::cerr << "dirty rect is outside current media size, skipping update" << std::endl;
-				}
-			};
-		};
-	};
-	// GLUI requires this
-	if ( glutGetWindow() != mAppWindow )
-		glutSetWindow( mAppWindow );
-	// trigger re-display
-	glutPostRedisplay();
-void LLMediaPluginTest::windowPosToTexturePos( int window_x, int window_y,
-											   int& media_x, int& media_y,
-											   int& id )
-	if ( ! mSelectedPanel )
-	{
-		media_x = 0;
-		media_y = 0;
-		id = 0;
-		return;
-	};
-	// record cursor poisiton for a readback next frame
-	mCurMouseX = window_x;
-	// OpenGL app == coordinate system this way
-	// NOTE: unrelated to settings in plugin - this
-	// is just for this app
-	mCurMouseY = mWindowHeight - window_y;
-	// extract x (0..1023, y (0..1023) and id (0..15) from RGB components
-	unsigned long pixel_read_color_bits = ( mPixelReadColor[ 0 ] << 16 ) | ( mPixelReadColor[ 1 ] << 8 ) | mPixelReadColor[ 2 ];
-	int texture_x = pixel_read_color_bits & 0x3ff;
-	int texture_y = ( pixel_read_color_bits >> 10 ) & 0x3ff;
-	id = ( pixel_read_color_bits >> 20 ) & 0x0f;
-	// scale to size of media (1024 because we use 10 bits for X and Y from 24)
-	media_x = (int)( ( (float)mSelectedPanel->mMediaWidth * (float)texture_x ) / 1024.0f );
-	media_y = (int)( ( (float)mSelectedPanel->mMediaHeight * (float)texture_y ) / 1024.0f );
-	// we assume the plugin uses an inverted coordinate scheme like OpenGL
-	// if not, the plugin code inverts the Y coordinate for us - we don't need to
-	media_y = mSelectedPanel->mMediaHeight - media_y;
-	if ( media_x > 0 && media_y > 0 )
-	{
-		//std::cout << "      mouse coords: " << mCurMouseX << " x " << mCurMouseY << " and id = " << id  << std::endl;
-		//std::cout << "raw texture coords: " << texture_x << " x " << texture_y << " and id = " << id  << std::endl;
-		//std::cout << "      media coords: " << media_x << " x " << media_y << " and id = " << id  << std::endl;
-		//std::cout << std::endl;
-	};
-void LLMediaPluginTest::selectPanelById( int id )
-	for( int panel = 0; panel < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++panel )
-	{
-		if ( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mId == id )
-		{
-			selectPanel(mMediaPanels[ panel ]);
-			return;
-		};
-	};
-void LLMediaPluginTest::selectPanel( mediaPanel* panel )
-	if( mSelectedPanel == panel )
-		return;
-	// turn off volume before we delete it
-	if( mSelectedPanel && mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource )
-	{
-		mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setVolume( 0.0f );
-		mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setPriority( LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_LOW );
-	};
-	mSelectedPanel = panel;
-	if( mSelectedPanel && mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource )
-	{
-		mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setVolume( (float)mMediaTimeControlVolume / 100.0f );
-		mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setPriority( LLPluginClassMedia::PRIORITY_NORMAL );
-		if(!mSelectedPanel->mStartUrl.empty())
-		{
-			mUrlEdit->set_text(const_cast<char*>(mSelectedPanel->mStartUrl.c_str()) );
-		}
-	};
-mediaPanel*  LLMediaPluginTest::findMediaPanel( LLPluginClassMedia* source )
-	mediaPanel *result = NULL;
-	for( int panel = 0; panel < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++panel )
-	{
-		if ( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mMediaSource == source )
-		{
-			result = mMediaPanels[ panel ];
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-mediaPanel* LLMediaPluginTest::findMediaPanel( const std::string &target_name )
-	mediaPanel *result = NULL;
-	for( int panel = 0; panel < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++panel )
-	{
-		if ( mMediaPanels[ panel ]->mTarget == target_name )
-		{
-			result = mMediaPanels[ panel ];
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-void LLMediaPluginTest::navigateToNewURI( std::string uri )
-	if ( uri.length() )
-	{
-		std::string mime_type = mimeTypeFromUrl( uri );
-		if ( !mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->isPluginExited() && (mime_type == mSelectedPanel->mMimeType) )
-		{
-			std::cout << "MIME type is the same" << std::endl;
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->loadURI( uri );
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->start();
-			mBookmarkList->do_selection( 0 );
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			std::cout << "MIME type changed or plugin had exited" << std::endl;
-			replaceMediaPanel( mSelectedPanel, uri );
-			mBookmarkList->do_selection( 0 );
-		}
-	};
-void LLMediaPluginTest::initUrlHistory( std::string uris )
-	if ( uris.length() > 0 )
-	{
-		std::cout << "init URL : " << uris << std::endl;
-		LLSD historySD;
-		char *cstr, *p;
-		cstr = new char[uris.size()+1];
-		strcpy(cstr, uris.c_str());
-		const char *DELIMS = " ,;";
-		p = strtok(cstr, DELIMS);
-		while (p != NULL) {
-			historySD.insert(0, p);
-			p = strtok(NULL, DELIMS);
-		}
-		mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->initializeUrlHistory(historySD);
-		delete[] cstr;
-	}
-void LLMediaPluginTest::gluiCallback( int control_id )
-	if ( control_id == mIdBookmarks )
-	{
-		std::string uri = mBookmarks[ mSelBookmark ].second;
-		navigateToNewURI( uri );
-	}
-	else
-    if ( control_id == mIdUrlEdit)
-	{
-		std::string uri = mUrlEdit->get_text();
-		navigateToNewURI( uri );
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdUrlInitHistoryEdit )
-	{
-		std::string uri = mUrlInitHistoryEdit->get_text();
-		initUrlHistory( uri );
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdControlAddPanel )
-	{
-		addMediaPanel( mBookmarks[ rand() % ( mBookmarks.size() - 1 ) + 1 ].second );
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdControlRemPanel )
-	{
-		remMediaPanel( mSelectedPanel );
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdDisableTimeout )
-	{
-		// Set the "disable timeout" flag for all active plugins.
-		for( int i = 0; i < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++i )
-		{
-			mMediaPanels[ i ]->mMediaSource->setDisableTimeout(mDisableTimeout);
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdUsePluginReadThread )
-	{
-		LLPluginProcessParent::setUseReadThread(mUsePluginReadThread);
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdControlCrashPlugin )
-	{
-		// send message to plugin and ask it to crash
-		// (switch out for ReleaseCandidate version :) )
-		if(mSelectedPanel && mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource)
-		{
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->crashPlugin();
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdControlHangPlugin )
-	{
-		// send message to plugin and ask it to hang
-		// (switch out for ReleaseCandidate version :) )
-		if(mSelectedPanel && mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource)
-		{
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->hangPlugin();
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdControlExitApp )
-	{
-		// text for exiting plugin system cleanly
-		delete this;	// clean up
-		exit( 0 );
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaTimeControlPlay )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		{
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setLoop( false );
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->start();
-		};
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaTimeControlLoop )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		{
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setLoop( true );
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->start();
-		};
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaTimeControlPause )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pause();
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaTimeControlStop )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		{
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->stop();
-		};
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaTimeControlSeek )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		{
-			// get value from spinner
-			float seconds_to_seek = mMediaTimeControlSeekSeconds;
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->seek( seconds_to_seek );
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->start();
-		};
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaTimeControlRewind )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		{
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setLoop( false );
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->start(-2.0f);
-		};
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaTimeControlFastForward )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		{
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->setLoop( false );
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->start(2.0f);
-		};
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaBrowserControlBack )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->browse_back();
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaBrowserControlStop )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->browse_stop();
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaBrowserControlForward )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->browse_forward();
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaBrowserControlHome )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->loadURI( mHomeWebUrl );
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaBrowserControlReload )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->browse_reload( true );
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaBrowserControlClearCache )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->clear_cache();
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaBrowserControlClearCookies )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-			mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->clear_cookies();
-	}
-	else
-	if ( control_id == mIdMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies )
-	{
-		if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		{
-			if ( mMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies )
-			{
-				mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->enable_cookies( true );
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->enable_cookies( false );
-			}
-		};
-	};
-void LLMediaPluginTest::keyboard( int key )
-	//if ( key == 'a' || key == 'A' )
-	//	addMediaPanel( mBookmarks[ rand() % ( mBookmarks.size() - 1 ) + 1 ].second );
-	//else
-	//if ( key == 'r' || key == 'R' )
-	//	remMediaPanel( mSelectedPanel );
-	//else
-	//if ( key == 'd' || key == 'D' )
-	//	dumpPanelInfo();
-	//else
-	if ( key == 27 )
-	{
-		std::cout << "Application finished - exiting..." << std::endl;
-		delete this;
-		exit( 0 );
-	};
-	mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->keyEvent( LLPluginClassMedia::KEY_EVENT_DOWN, key, 0 , LLSD());
-	mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->keyEvent( LLPluginClassMedia::KEY_EVENT_UP, key, 0, LLSD());
-void LLMediaPluginTest::mouseButton( int button, int state, int x, int y )
-	if ( button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON )
-	{
-		if ( state == GLUT_DOWN )
-		{
-			int media_x, media_y, id;
-			windowPosToTexturePos( x, y, media_x, media_y, id );
-			if ( mSelectedPanel )
-				mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->mouseEvent( LLPluginClassMedia::MOUSE_EVENT_DOWN, 0, media_x, media_y, 0 );
-		}
-		else
-		if ( state == GLUT_UP )
-		{
-			int media_x, media_y, id;
-			windowPosToTexturePos( x, y, media_x, media_y, id );
-			// only select a panel if we're on a panel
-			// (HACK: strictly speaking this rules out clicking on
-			// the origin of a panel but that's very unlikely)
-			if ( media_x > 0 && media_y > 0 )
-			{
-				selectPanelById( id );
-				if ( mSelectedPanel )
-					mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->mouseEvent( LLPluginClassMedia::MOUSE_EVENT_UP, 0, media_x, media_y, 0 );
-			};
-		};
-	};
-void LLMediaPluginTest::mousePassive( int x, int y )
-	int media_x, media_y, id;
-	windowPosToTexturePos( x, y, media_x, media_y, id );
-	if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->mouseEvent( LLPluginClassMedia::MOUSE_EVENT_MOVE, 0, media_x, media_y, 0 );
-void LLMediaPluginTest::mouseMove( int x, int y )
-	int media_x, media_y, id;
-	windowPosToTexturePos( x, y, media_x, media_y, id );
-	if ( mSelectedPanel )
-		mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->mouseEvent( LLPluginClassMedia::MOUSE_EVENT_MOVE, 0, media_x, media_y, 0 );
-void LLMediaPluginTest::makeChrome()
-	// IDs used by GLUI
-	int start_id = 0x1000;
-	// right side window - geometry manipulators
-#if __APPLE__
-	// the Apple GLUT implementation doesn't seem to set the graphic offset of subwindows correctly when they overlap in certain ways.
-	// Use a separate controls window in this case.
-	// GLUI window at right containing manipulation controls and other buttons
-	int x = glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_X) + glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH) + 4;
-	int y = glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_Y);
-	GLUI* right_glui_window = GLUI_Master.create_glui( "", 0, x, y );
-	GLUI* right_glui_window = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow( mAppWindow, GLUI_SUBWINDOW_RIGHT );
-	mViewRotationCtrl = right_glui_window->add_rotation( "Rotation", mViewRotation );
-	mViewTranslationCtrl = right_glui_window->add_translation( "Translate", GLUI_TRANSLATION_XY, mViewPos );
-	mViewTranslationCtrl->set_speed( 0.01f );
-	mViewScaleCtrl = right_glui_window->add_translation( "Scale", GLUI_TRANSLATION_Z, &mViewPos[ 2 ] );
-	mViewScaleCtrl->set_speed( 0.05f );
-	right_glui_window->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	// right side window - app controls
-	mIdControlAddPanel = start_id++;
-	right_glui_window->add_statictext( "" );
-	right_glui_window->add_separator();
-	right_glui_window->add_statictext( "" );
-	right_glui_window->add_button( "Add panel", mIdControlAddPanel, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	right_glui_window->add_statictext( "" );
-	mIdControlRemPanel = start_id++;
-	right_glui_window->add_button( "Rem panel", mIdControlRemPanel, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	right_glui_window->add_statictext( "" );
-	right_glui_window->add_separator();
-	right_glui_window->add_statictext( "" );
-	mIdControlCrashPlugin = start_id++;
-	right_glui_window->add_button( "Crash plugin", mIdControlCrashPlugin, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mIdControlHangPlugin = start_id++;
-	right_glui_window->add_button( "Hang plugin", mIdControlHangPlugin, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	right_glui_window->add_statictext( "" );
-	right_glui_window->add_separator();
-	right_glui_window->add_statictext( "" );
-	mIdControlExitApp = start_id++;
-	right_glui_window->add_button( "Exit app", mIdControlExitApp, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	//// top window - holds bookmark UI
-	mIdBookmarks = start_id++;
-	mSelBookmark = 0;
-	GLUI* glui_window_top = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow( mAppWindow, GLUI_SUBWINDOW_TOP );
-	mBookmarkList = glui_window_top->add_listbox( "", &mSelBookmark, mIdBookmarks, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	// only add the first 50 bookmarks - list can be very long sometimes (30,000+)
-	// when testing list of media URLs from AGNI for example
-	for( unsigned int each = 0; each < mBookmarks.size() && each < 50; ++each )
-		mBookmarkList->add_item( each, const_cast< char* >( mBookmarks[ each ].first.c_str() ) );
-	glui_window_top->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	glui_window_top->add_column( false );
-	mIdUrlEdit = start_id++;
-	mUrlEdit = glui_window_top->add_edittext( "Url:", GLUI_EDITTEXT_TEXT, 0, mIdUrlEdit, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mUrlEdit->set_w( 600 );
-	GLUI* glui_window_top2 = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow( mAppWindow, GLUI_SUBWINDOW_TOP );
-	mIdUrlInitHistoryEdit = start_id++;
-	mUrlInitHistoryEdit = glui_window_top2->add_edittext( "Init History (separate by commas or semicolons):",
-		GLUI_EDITTEXT_TEXT, 0, mIdUrlInitHistoryEdit, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mUrlInitHistoryEdit->set_w( 800 );
-	// top window - media controls for "time" media types (e.g. movies)
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow( mAppWindow, GLUI_SUBWINDOW_TOP );
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	mIdMediaTimeControlPlay = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_button( "PLAY", mIdMediaTimeControlPlay, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaTimeControlLoop = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_button( "LOOP", mIdMediaTimeControlLoop, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaTimeControlPause = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_button( "PAUSE", mIdMediaTimeControlPause, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	GLUI_Button  *button;
-	mIdMediaTimeControlRewind = start_id++;
-	button = mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_button( "<<", mIdMediaTimeControlRewind, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	button->set_w(30);
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaTimeControlFastForward = start_id++;
-	button = mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_button( ">>", mIdMediaTimeControlFastForward, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	button->set_w(30);
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( true );
-	mIdMediaTimeControlStop = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_button( "STOP", mIdMediaTimeControlStop, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaTimeControlVolume = start_id++;
-	GLUI_Spinner* spinner = mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_spinner( "Volume", 2, &mMediaTimeControlVolume, mIdMediaTimeControlVolume, gluiCallbackWrapper);
-	spinner->set_float_limits( 0, 100 );
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( true );
-	mIdMediaTimeControlSeekSeconds = start_id++;
-	spinner = mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_spinner( "", 2, &mMediaTimeControlSeekSeconds, mIdMediaTimeControlSeekSeconds, gluiCallbackWrapper);
-	spinner->set_float_limits( 0, 200 );
-	spinner->set_w( 32 );
-	spinner->set_speed( 0.025f );
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaTimeControlSeek = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_button( "SEEK", mIdMediaTimeControlSeek, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	// top window - media controls for "browser" media types (e.g. web browser)
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow( mAppWindow, GLUI_SUBWINDOW_TOP );
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	mIdMediaBrowserControlBack = start_id++;
-	mMediaBrowserControlBackButton = mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_button( "BACK", mIdMediaBrowserControlBack, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaBrowserControlStop = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_button( "STOP", mIdMediaBrowserControlStop, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaBrowserControlForward = start_id++;
-	mMediaBrowserControlForwardButton = mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_button( "FORWARD", mIdMediaBrowserControlForward, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaBrowserControlHome = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_button( "HOME", mIdMediaBrowserControlHome, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaBrowserControlReload = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_button( "RELOAD", mIdMediaBrowserControlReload, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaBrowserControlClearCache = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_button( "CLEAR CACHE", mIdMediaBrowserControlClearCache, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaBrowserControlClearCookies = start_id++;
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_button( "CLEAR COOKIES", mIdMediaBrowserControlClearCookies, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_column( false );
-	mIdMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies = start_id++;
-	mMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies = 0;
-	mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow->add_checkbox( "Enable Cookies", &mMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies, mIdMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	// top window - misc controls
-	GLUI* glui_window_misc_control = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow( mAppWindow, GLUI_SUBWINDOW_TOP );
-	mIdRandomPanelCount = start_id++;
-	mRandomPanelCount = 0;
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_checkbox( "Randomize panel count", &mRandomPanelCount, mIdRandomPanelCount, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	glui_window_misc_control->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_column( true );
-	mIdRandomBookmarks = start_id++;
-	mRandomBookmarks = 0;
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_checkbox( "Randomize bookmarks", &mRandomBookmarks, mIdRandomBookmarks, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	glui_window_misc_control->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_column( true );
-	mIdDisableTimeout = start_id++;
-	mDisableTimeout = 0;
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_checkbox( "Disable plugin timeout", &mDisableTimeout, mIdDisableTimeout, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	glui_window_misc_control->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_column( true );
-	mIdUsePluginReadThread = start_id++;
-	mUsePluginReadThread = 0;
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_checkbox( "Use plugin read thread", &mUsePluginReadThread, mIdUsePluginReadThread, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	glui_window_misc_control->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_column( true );
-	mIdLargePanelSpacing = start_id++;
-	mLargePanelSpacing = 0;
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_checkbox( "Large Panel Spacing", &mLargePanelSpacing, mIdLargePanelSpacing, gluiCallbackWrapper );
-	glui_window_misc_control->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-	glui_window_misc_control->add_column( true );
-	// bottom window - status
-	mBottomGLUIWindow = GLUI_Master.create_glui_subwindow( mAppWindow, GLUI_SUBWINDOW_BOTTOM );
-	mStatusText = mBottomGLUIWindow->add_statictext( "" );
-	mBottomGLUIWindow->set_main_gfx_window( mAppWindow );
-void LLMediaPluginTest::resetView()
-	mViewRotationCtrl->reset();
-	mViewScaleCtrl->set_x( 0.0f );
-	mViewScaleCtrl->set_y( 0.0f );
-	mViewScaleCtrl->set_z( 3.0f );
-	mViewTranslationCtrl->set_x( 0.0f );
-	mViewTranslationCtrl->set_y( 0.0f );
-	mViewTranslationCtrl->set_z( 0.0f );
-void LLMediaPluginTest::makePickTexture( int id, GLuint* texture_handle, unsigned char** texture_pixels )
-	int pick_texture_width = 1024;
-	int pick_texture_height = 1024;
-	int pick_texture_depth = 3;
-	unsigned char* ptr = new unsigned char[ pick_texture_width * pick_texture_height * pick_texture_depth ];
-	for( int y = 0; y < pick_texture_height; ++y )
-	{
-		for( int x = 0; x < pick_texture_width * pick_texture_depth ; x += pick_texture_depth )
-		{
-			unsigned long bits = 0L;
-			bits |= ( id << 20 ) | ( y << 10 ) | ( x / 3 );
-			unsigned char r_component = ( bits >> 16 ) & 0xff;
-			unsigned char g_component = ( bits >> 8 ) & 0xff;
-			unsigned char b_component = bits & 0xff;
-			ptr[ y * pick_texture_width * pick_texture_depth + x + 0 ] = r_component;
-			ptr[ y * pick_texture_width * pick_texture_depth + x + 1 ] = g_component;
-			ptr[ y * pick_texture_width * pick_texture_depth + x + 2 ] = b_component;
-		};
-	};
-	glGenTextures( 1, texture_handle );
-	checkGLError("glGenTextures");
-	std::cout << "glGenTextures returned " << *texture_handle << std::endl;
-	bindTexture( *texture_handle );
-	glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
-					GL_RGB,
-						pick_texture_width, pick_texture_height,
-							0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ptr );
-	*texture_pixels = ptr;
-std::string LLMediaPluginTest::mimeTypeFromUrl( std::string& url )
-	// default to web
-	std::string mime_type = "text/html";
-	// we may need a more advanced MIME type accessor later :-)
-	if ( url.find( ".mov" ) != std::string::npos )	// Movies
-		mime_type = "video/quicktime";
-	else
-	if ( url.find( ".txt" ) != std::string::npos )	// Apple Text descriptors
-		mime_type = "video/quicktime";
-	else
-	if ( url.find( ".mp3" ) != std::string::npos )	// Apple Text descriptors
-		mime_type = "video/quicktime";
-	else
-	if ( url.find( "example://" ) != std::string::npos )	// Example plugin
-		mime_type = "example/example";
-	return mime_type;
-std::string LLMediaPluginTest::pluginNameFromMimeType( std::string& mime_type )
-	std::string plugin_name( "media_plugin_null.dylib" );
-	if ( mime_type == "video/quicktime" )
-		plugin_name = "media_plugin_quicktime.dylib";
-	else
-	if ( mime_type == "text/html" )
-		plugin_name = "media_plugin_webkit.dylib";
-	std::string plugin_name( "media_plugin_null.dll" );
-	if ( mime_type == "video/quicktime" )
-		plugin_name = "media_plugin_quicktime.dll";
-	else
-	if ( mime_type == "text/html" )
-		plugin_name = "media_plugin_webkit.dll";
-	else
-	if ( mime_type == "example/example" )
-		plugin_name = "media_plugin_example.dll";
-#elif LL_LINUX
-	std::string plugin_name( "" );
-	if ( mime_type == "video/quicktime" )
-		plugin_name = "";
-	else
-	if ( mime_type == "text/html" )
-		plugin_name = "";
-	return plugin_name;
-mediaPanel* LLMediaPluginTest::addMediaPanel( std::string url )
-	// Get the plugin filename using the URL
-	std::string mime_type = mimeTypeFromUrl( url );
-	std::string plugin_name = pluginNameFromMimeType( mime_type );
-	// create a random size for the new media
-	int media_width;
-	int media_height;
-	getRandomMediaSize( media_width, media_height, mime_type );
-	// make a new plugin
-	LLPluginClassMedia* media_source = new LLPluginClassMedia(this);
-	// tell the plugin what size we asked for
-	media_source->setSize( media_width, media_height );
-	// Use the launcher start and initialize the plugin
-	std::string launcher_name( "SLPlugin" );
-	std::string launcher_name( "SLPlugin.exe" );
-	// for this test app, use the cwd as the user data path (ugh).
-	std::string user_data_path = ".\\";
-        char cwd[ FILENAME_MAX ];
-	if (NULL == getcwd( cwd, FILENAME_MAX - 1 ))
-	{
-		std::cerr << "Couldn't get cwd - probably too long - failing to init." << std::endl;
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	std::string user_data_path = std::string( cwd ) + "/";
-	media_source->setUserDataPath(user_data_path);
-	media_source->init( launcher_name, user_data_path, plugin_name, false );
-	media_source->setDisableTimeout(mDisableTimeout);
-	// make a new panel and save parameters
-	mediaPanel* panel = new mediaPanel;
-	panel->mMediaSource = media_source;
-	panel->mStartUrl = url;
-	panel->mMimeType = mime_type;
-	panel->mMediaWidth = media_width;
-	panel->mMediaHeight = media_height;
-	panel->mTextureWidth = 0;
-	panel->mTextureHeight = 0;
-	panel->mTextureScaleX = 0;
-	panel->mTextureScaleY = 0;
-	panel->mMediaTextureHandle = 0;
-	panel->mPickTextureHandle = 0;
-	panel->mAppTextureCoordsOpenGL = false;	// really need an 'undefined' state here too
-	panel->mReadyToRender = false;
-	// look through current media panels to find an unused index number
-	bool id_exists = true;
-	for( int nid = 0; nid < mMaxPanels; ++nid )
-	{
-		// does this id exist already?
-		id_exists = false;
-		for( int pid = 0; pid < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++pid )
-		{
-			if ( nid == mMediaPanels[ pid ]->mId )
-			{
-				id_exists = true;
-				break;
-			};
-		};
-		// id wasn't found so we can use it
-		if ( ! id_exists )
-		{
-			panel->mId = nid;
-			break;
-		};
-	};
-	// if we get here and this flag is set, there is no room for any more panels
-	if ( id_exists )
-	{
-		std::cout << "No room for any more panels" << std::endl;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// now we have the ID we can use it to make the
-		// pick texture (id is baked into texture pixels)
-		makePickTexture( panel->mId, &panel->mPickTextureHandle, &panel->mPickTexturePixels );
-		// save this in the list of panels
-		mMediaPanels.push_back( panel );
-		// select the panel that was just created
-		selectPanel( panel );
-		// load and start the URL
-		panel->mMediaSource->loadURI( url );
-		panel->mMediaSource->start();
-		std::cout << "Adding new media panel for " << url << "(" << media_width << "x" << media_height << ") with index " << panel->mId << " - total panels = " << mMediaPanels.size() << std::endl;
-	}
-	return panel;
-void LLMediaPluginTest::updateMediaPanel( mediaPanel* panel )
-//	checkGLError("LLMediaPluginTest::updateMediaPanel");
-	if ( ! panel )
-		return;
-	if(!panel->mMediaSource || !panel->mMediaSource->textureValid())
-	{
-		panel->mReadyToRender = false;
-		return;
-	}
-	// take a reference copy of the plugin values since they
-	// might change during this lifetime of this function
-	int plugin_media_width = panel->mMediaSource->getWidth();
-	int plugin_media_height = panel->mMediaSource->getHeight();
-	int plugin_texture_width = panel->mMediaSource->getBitsWidth();
-	int plugin_texture_height = panel->mMediaSource->getBitsHeight();
-	// If the texture isn't created or the media or texture dimensions changed AND
-	// the sizes are valid then we need to delete the old media texture (if necessary)
-	// then make a new one.
-	if ((panel->mMediaTextureHandle == 0 ||
-		 panel->mMediaWidth != plugin_media_width ||
-		 panel->mMediaHeight != plugin_media_height ||
-		 panel->mTextureWidth != plugin_texture_width ||
-		 panel->mTextureHeight != plugin_texture_height) &&
-		( plugin_media_width > 0 && plugin_media_height > 0 &&
-		  plugin_texture_width > 0 && plugin_texture_height > 0 ) )
-	{
-		std::cout << "Valid media size (" <<  plugin_media_width << " x " << plugin_media_height
-				<< ") and texture size (" <<  plugin_texture_width << " x " << plugin_texture_height
-				<< ") for panel with ID=" << panel->mId << " - making texture" << std::endl;
-		// delete old GL texture
-		if ( isTexture( panel->mMediaTextureHandle ) )
-		{
-			std::cerr << "updateMediaPanel: deleting texture " << panel->mMediaTextureHandle << std::endl;
-			glDeleteTextures( 1, &panel->mMediaTextureHandle );
-			panel->mMediaTextureHandle = 0;
-		}
-		std::cerr << "before: pick texture is " << panel->mPickTextureHandle << ", media texture is " << panel->mMediaTextureHandle << std::endl;
-		// make a GL texture based on the dimensions the plugin told us
-		GLuint new_texture = 0;
-		glGenTextures( 1, &new_texture );
-		checkGLError("glGenTextures");
-		std::cout << "glGenTextures returned " << new_texture << std::endl;
-		panel->mMediaTextureHandle = new_texture;
-		bindTexture( panel->mMediaTextureHandle );
-		std::cout << "Setting texture size to " << plugin_texture_width << " x " << plugin_texture_height << std::endl;
-		glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
-			GL_RGB,
-				plugin_texture_width, plugin_texture_height,
-						0 );
-		std::cerr << "after: pick texture is " << panel->mPickTextureHandle << ", media texture is " << panel->mMediaTextureHandle << std::endl;
-	};
-	// update our record of the media and texture dimensions
-	// NOTE: do this after we we check for sizes changes
-	panel->mMediaWidth = plugin_media_width;
-	panel->mMediaHeight = plugin_media_height;
-	panel->mTextureWidth = plugin_texture_width;
-	panel->mTextureHeight = plugin_texture_height;
-	if ( plugin_texture_width > 0 )
-	{
-		panel->mTextureScaleX = (double)panel->mMediaWidth / (double)panel->mTextureWidth;
-	};
-	if ( plugin_texture_height > 0 )
-	{
-		panel->mTextureScaleY = (double)panel->mMediaHeight / (double)panel->mTextureHeight;
-	};
-	// update the flag which tells us if the media source uses OprnGL coords or not.
-	panel->mAppTextureCoordsOpenGL = panel->mMediaSource->getTextureCoordsOpenGL();
-	// Check to see if we have enough to render this panel.
-	// If we do, set a flag that the display functions use so
-	// they only render a panel with media if it's ready.
-	if ( panel->mMediaWidth < 0 ||
-		 panel->mMediaHeight < 0 ||
-		 panel->mTextureWidth < 1 ||
-		 panel->mTextureHeight < 1 ||
-		 panel->mMediaTextureHandle == 0 )
-	{
-		panel->mReadyToRender = false;
-	};
-mediaPanel* LLMediaPluginTest::replaceMediaPanel( mediaPanel* panel, std::string url )
-	// no media panels so we can't change anything - have to add
-	if ( mMediaPanels.size() == 0 )
-		return NULL;
-	// sanity check
-	if ( ! panel )
-		return NULL;
-	int index;
-	for(index = 0; index < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); index++)
-	{
-		if(mMediaPanels[index] == panel)
-			break;
-	}
-	if(index >= (int)mMediaPanels.size())
-	{
-		// panel isn't in mMediaPanels
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	std::cout << "Replacing media panel with index " << panel->mId << std::endl;
-	int panel_id = panel->mId;
-	if(mSelectedPanel == panel)
-		mSelectedPanel = NULL;
-	delete panel;
-	// Get the plugin filename using the URL
-	std::string mime_type = mimeTypeFromUrl( url );
-	std::string plugin_name = pluginNameFromMimeType( mime_type );
-	// create a random size for the new media
-	int media_width;
-	int media_height;
-	getRandomMediaSize( media_width, media_height, mime_type );
-	// make a new plugin
-	LLPluginClassMedia* media_source = new LLPluginClassMedia(this);
-	// tell the plugin what size we asked for
-	media_source->setSize( media_width, media_height );
-	// Use the launcher start and initialize the plugin
-	std::string launcher_name( "SLPlugin" );
-	std::string launcher_name( "SLPlugin.exe" );
-	// for this test app, use the cwd as the user data path (ugh).
-	std::string user_data_path = ".\\";
-        char cwd[ FILENAME_MAX ];
-	if (NULL == getcwd( cwd, FILENAME_MAX - 1 ))
-	{
-		std::cerr << "Couldn't get cwd - probably too long - failing to init." << std::endl;
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	std::string user_data_path = std::string( cwd ) + "/";
-	media_source->setUserDataPath(user_data_path);
-	media_source->init( launcher_name, user_data_path, plugin_name, false );
-	media_source->setDisableTimeout(mDisableTimeout);
-	// make a new panel and save parameters
-	panel = new mediaPanel;
-	panel->mMediaSource = media_source;
-	panel->mStartUrl = url;
-	panel->mMimeType = mime_type;
-	panel->mMediaWidth = media_width;
-	panel->mMediaHeight = media_height;
-	panel->mTextureWidth = 0;
-	panel->mTextureHeight = 0;
-	panel->mTextureScaleX = 0;
-	panel->mTextureScaleY = 0;
-	panel->mMediaTextureHandle = 0;
-	panel->mPickTextureHandle = 0;
-	panel->mAppTextureCoordsOpenGL = false;	// really need an 'undefined' state here too
-	panel->mReadyToRender = false;
-	panel->mId = panel_id;
-	// Replace the entry in the panels array
-	mMediaPanels[index] = panel;
-	// now we have the ID we can use it to make the
-	// pick texture (id is baked into texture pixels)
-	makePickTexture( panel->mId, &panel->mPickTextureHandle, &panel->mPickTexturePixels );
-	// select the panel that was just created
-	selectPanel( panel );
-	// load and start the URL
-	panel->mMediaSource->loadURI( url );
-	panel->mMediaSource->start();
-	return panel;
-void LLMediaPluginTest::getRandomMediaSize( int& width, int& height, std::string mime_type )
-	// Make a new media source with a random size which we'll either
-	// directly or the media plugin will tell us what it wants later.
-	// Use a random size so we can test support for weird media sizes.
-	// (Almost everything else will get filled in later once the
-	// plugin responds)
-	// NB. Do we need to enforce that width is on 4 pixel boundary?
-	width = ( ( rand() % 170 ) + 30 ) * 4;
-	height = ( ( rand() % 170 ) + 30 ) * 4;
-	// adjust this random size if it's a browser so we get
-	// a more useful size for testing..
-	if ( mime_type == "text/html" || mime_type == "example/example"  )
-	{
-		width = ( ( rand() % 100 ) + 100 ) * 4;
-		height = ( width * ( ( rand() % 400 ) + 1000 ) ) / 1000;
-	};
-void LLMediaPluginTest::remMediaPanel( mediaPanel* panel )
-	// always leave one panel
-	if ( mMediaPanels.size() == 1 )
-		return;
-	// sanity check - don't think this can happen but see above for a case where it might...
-	if ( ! panel )
-		return;
-	std::cout << "Removing media panel with index " << panel->mId << " - total panels = " << mMediaPanels.size() - 1 << std::endl;
-	if(mSelectedPanel == panel)
-		mSelectedPanel = NULL;
-	delete panel;
-	// remove from storage list
-	for( int i = 0; i < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++i )
-	{
-		if ( mMediaPanels[ i ] == panel )
-		{
-			mMediaPanels.erase( mMediaPanels.begin() + i );
-			break;
-		};
-	};
-	// select the first panel
-	selectPanel( mMediaPanels[ 0 ] );
-void LLMediaPluginTest::updateStatusBar()
-	if ( ! mSelectedPanel )
-		return;
-	// cache results - this is a very slow function
-	static int cached_id = -1;
-	static int cached_media_width = -1;
-	static int cached_media_height = -1;
-	static int cached_texture_width = -1;
-	static int cached_texture_height = -1;
-	static bool cached_supports_browser_media = true;
-	static bool cached_supports_time_media = false;
-	static int cached_movie_time = -1;
-	static GLfloat cached_distance = -1.0f;
-	static std::string cached_plugin_version = "";
-	if (
-		 cached_id == mSelectedPanel->mId &&
-		 cached_media_width == mSelectedPanel->mMediaWidth &&
-		 cached_media_height  == mSelectedPanel->mMediaHeight &&
-		 cached_texture_width == mSelectedPanel->mTextureWidth &&
-		 cached_texture_height == mSelectedPanel->mTextureHeight &&
-		 cached_supports_browser_media == mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaBrowser() &&
-		 cached_supports_time_media == mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaTime() &&
-		 cached_plugin_version == mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getPluginVersion() &&
-		 cached_movie_time == (int)mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getCurrentTime() &&
-		 cached_distance == mDistanceCameraToSelectedGeometry
-	   )
-	{
-		// nothing changed so don't spend time here
-		return;
-	};
-	std::ostringstream stream( "" );
-	stream.str( "" );
-	stream.clear();
-	stream << "Id: ";
-	stream << std::setw( 2 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-	stream << mSelectedPanel->mId;
-	stream << " | ";
-	stream << "Media: ";
-	stream << std::setw( 3 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-	stream << mSelectedPanel->mMediaWidth;
-	stream << " x ";
-	stream << std::setw( 3 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-	stream << mSelectedPanel->mMediaHeight;
-	stream << " | ";
-	stream << "Texture: ";
-	stream << std::setw( 4 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-	stream << mSelectedPanel->mTextureWidth;
-	stream << " x ";
-	stream << std::setw( 4 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-	stream << mSelectedPanel->mTextureHeight;
-	stream << " | ";
-	stream << "Distance: ";
-	stream << std::setw( 6 );
-	stream << std::setprecision( 3 );
-	stream << std::setprecision( 3 );
-	stream << mDistanceCameraToSelectedGeometry;
-	stream << " | ";
-	if ( mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaBrowser() )
-		stream << "BROWSER";
-	else
-	if ( mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaTime() )
-		stream << "TIME   ";
-	stream << " | ";
-	stream << mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getPluginVersion();
-	stream << " | ";
-	if ( mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaTime() )
-	{
-		stream << std::setw( 3 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-		stream << (int)mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getCurrentTime();
-		stream << " / ";
-		stream << std::setw( 3 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-		stream << (int)mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getDuration();
-		stream << " @ ";
-		stream << (int)mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getCurrentPlayRate();
-		stream << " | ";
-	};
-	glutSetWindow( mBottomGLUIWindow->get_glut_window_id() );
-	mStatusText->set_text( const_cast< char*>( stream.str().c_str() ) );
-	glutSetWindow( mAppWindow );
-	// caching
-	cached_id = mSelectedPanel->mId;
-	cached_media_width = mSelectedPanel->mMediaWidth;
-	cached_media_height = mSelectedPanel->mMediaHeight;
-	cached_texture_width = mSelectedPanel->mTextureWidth;
-	cached_texture_height = mSelectedPanel->mTextureHeight;
-	cached_supports_browser_media = mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaBrowser();
-	cached_supports_time_media = mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->pluginSupportsMediaTime();
-	cached_plugin_version = mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getPluginVersion();
-	cached_movie_time = (int)mSelectedPanel->mMediaSource->getCurrentTime();
-void LLMediaPluginTest::dumpPanelInfo()
-	std::cout << std::endl << "===== Media Panels =====" << std::endl;
-	for( int i = 0; i < (int)mMediaPanels.size(); ++i )
-	{
-		std::cout << std::setw( 2 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-		std::cout << i + 1 << "> ";
-		std::cout << "Id: ";
-		std::cout << std::setw( 2 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-		std::cout << mMediaPanels[ i ]->mId;
-		std::cout << " | ";
-		std::cout << "Media: ";
-		std::cout << std::setw( 3 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-		std::cout << mMediaPanels[ i ]->mMediaWidth;
-		std::cout << " x ";
-		std::cout << std::setw( 3 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-		std::cout << mMediaPanels[ i ]->mMediaHeight;
-		std::cout << " | ";
-		std::cout << "Texture: ";
-		std::cout << std::setw( 4 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-		std::cout << mMediaPanels[ i ]->mTextureWidth;
-		std::cout << " x ";
-		std::cout << std::setw( 4 ) << std::setfill( '0' );
-		std::cout << mMediaPanels[ i ]->mTextureHeight;
-		std::cout << " | ";
-		if ( mMediaPanels[ i ] == mSelectedPanel )
-			std::cout << "(selected)";
-		std::cout << std::endl;
-	};
-	std::cout << "========================" << std::endl;
-void LLMediaPluginTest::handleMediaEvent(LLPluginClassMedia* self, EMediaEvent event)
-	// Uncomment this to make things much, much quieter.
-//	return;
-	switch(event)
-	{
-			// too spammy -- don't log these
-//			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_CONTENT_UPDATED " << std::endl;
-		break;
-			// too spammy -- don't log these
-//			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_TIME_DURATION_UPDATED, time is " << self->getCurrentTime() << " of " << self->getDuration() << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_SIZE_CHANGED " << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_CURSOR_CHANGED, new cursor is " << self->getCursorName() << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_BEGIN " << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_COMPLETE, result string is: " << self->getNavigateResultString() << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_PROGRESS_UPDATED, loading at " << self->getProgressPercent() << "%" << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_STATUS_TEXT_CHANGED, new status text is: " << self->getStatusText() << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_NAME_CHANGED, new name is: " << self->getMediaName() << std::endl;
-			glutSetWindowTitle( self->getMediaName().c_str() );
-		break;
-		{
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_LOCATION_CHANGED, new uri is: " << self->getLocation() << std::endl;
-			mediaPanel* panel = findMediaPanel(self);
-			if(panel != NULL)
-			{
-				panel->mStartUrl = self->getLocation();
-				if(panel == mSelectedPanel)
-				{
-					mUrlEdit->set_text(const_cast<char*>(panel->mStartUrl.c_str()) );
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_NAVIGATE_ERROR_PAGE, uri is: " << self->getClickURL() << std::endl;
-		break;
-		{
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_CLICK_LINK_HREF, uri is " << self->getClickURL() << ", target is " << self->getClickTarget() << std::endl;
-			// retrieve the event parameters
-			std::string url = self->getClickURL();
-			std::string target = self->getClickTarget();
-			if(target == "_external")
-			{
-				// this should open in an external browser, but since this is a test app we don't care.
-			}
-			else if(target == "_blank")
-			{
-				// Create a new panel with the specified URL.
-				addMediaPanel(url);
-			}
-			else // other named target
-			{
-				mediaPanel *target_panel = findMediaPanel(target);
-				if(target_panel)
-				{
-					target_panel = replaceMediaPanel(target_panel, url);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					target_panel = addMediaPanel(url);
-				}
-				if(target_panel)
-				{
-					target_panel->mTarget = target;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_CLICK_LINK_NOFOLLOW, uri is " << self->getClickURL() << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_PLUGIN_FAILED" << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_PLUGIN_FAILED_LAUNCH" << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_CLOSE_REQUEST" << std::endl;
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_PICK_FILE_REQUEST" << std::endl;
-			// TODO: display an actual file picker
-			self->sendPickFileResponse("cake");
-		break;
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_GEOMETRY_CHANGE, uuid is " << self->getClickUUID() 
-				<< ", x = " << self->getGeometryX() 
-				<< ", y = " << self->getGeometryY() 
-				<< ", width = " << self->getGeometryWidth() 
-				<< ", height = " << self->getGeometryHeight() 
-				<< std::endl;
-		break;
-		{
-			//std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_AUTH_REQUEST, url " << self->getAuthURL() ", realm " << self->getAuthRealm() << std::endl;
-			// TODO: display an auth dialog
-			self->sendAuthResponse(false, "", "");
-		}
-		break;
-		{
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  MEDIA_EVENT_LINK_HOVERED, hover text is: " << self->getHoverText() << std::endl;
-		}
-		break;
-		default:
-		{
-			std::cerr <<  "Media event:  <unknown>, code is: " << int(event) << std::endl;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-static void gluiCallbackWrapper( int control_id )
-	if ( gApplication )
-		gApplication->gluiCallback( control_id );
-void glutReshape( int width, int height )
-	if ( gApplication )
-		gApplication->reshape( width, height );
-void glutDisplay()
-	if ( gApplication )
-		gApplication->display();
-void glutIdle(int update_ms)
-	GLUI_Master.set_glutTimerFunc( update_ms, glutIdle, update_ms);
-	if ( gApplication )
-		gApplication->idle();
-void glutKeyboard( unsigned char key, int x, int y )
-	if ( gApplication )
-		gApplication->keyboard( key );
-void glutMousePassive( int x, int y )
-	if ( gApplication )
-		gApplication->mousePassive( x, y );
-void glutMouseMove( int x , int y )
-	if ( gApplication )
-		gApplication->mouseMove( x, y );
-void glutMouseButton( int button, int state, int x, int y )
-	if ( gApplication )
-		gApplication->mouseButton( button, state, x, y );
-int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
-	// Set the current working directory to <application bundle>/Contents/Resources/
-	CFURLRef resources_url = CFBundleCopyResourcesDirectoryURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle());
-	if(resources_url != NULL)
-	{
-		CFStringRef resources_string = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(resources_url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
-		CFRelease(resources_url);
-		if(resources_string != NULL)
-		{
-			char buffer[PATH_MAX] = "";
-			if(CFStringGetCString(resources_string, buffer, sizeof(buffer), kCFStringEncodingUTF8))
-			{
-				chdir(buffer);
-			}
-			CFRelease(resources_string);
-		}
-	}
-	glutInit( &argc, argv );
-	glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB );
-	const int app_window_x = 80;
-	const int app_window_y = 0;
-	const int app_window_width = 960;
-	const int app_window_height = 960;
-	glutInitWindowPosition( app_window_x, app_window_y );
-	glutInitWindowSize( app_window_width, app_window_height );
-	int app_window_handle = glutCreateWindow( "LLMediaPluginTest" );
-	glutDisplayFunc( glutDisplay );
-	GLUI_Master.set_glutReshapeFunc( glutReshape );
-	GLUI_Master.set_glutKeyboardFunc( glutKeyboard );
-	GLUI_Master.set_glutMouseFunc( glutMouseButton );
-	glutPassiveMotionFunc( glutMousePassive );
-	glutMotionFunc( glutMouseMove );
-	glutSetWindow( app_window_handle );
-	gApplication = new LLMediaPluginTest( app_window_handle, app_window_width, app_window_height );
-	// update at approximately 60hz
-	int update_ms = 1000 / 60;
-	GLUI_Master.set_glutTimerFunc( update_ms, glutIdle, update_ms);
-	glutMainLoop();
-	delete gApplication;
diff --git a/indra/test_apps/llplugintest/llmediaplugintest.h b/indra/test_apps/llplugintest/llmediaplugintest.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 1f6f18e43c..0000000000
--- a/indra/test_apps/llplugintest/llmediaplugintest.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
- * @file LLMediaPluginTest.cpp
- * @brief Primary test application for LLMedia (Separate Process) Plugin system
- *
- * $LicenseInfo:firstyear=2008&license=viewerlgpl$
- * Second Life Viewer Source Code
- * Copyright (C) 2010, Linden Research, Inc.
- * 
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
- * version 2.1 of the License only.
- * 
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- * 
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
- * 
- * Linden Research, Inc., 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA  94111  USA
- * $/LicenseInfo$
- */
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include "llpluginclassmedia.h"
-#include "llgl.h"
-// Forward declarations
-class GLUI_Rotation;
-class GLUI_Translation;
-class GLUI_Listbox;
-class GLUI_EditText;
-class GLUI_StaticText;
-class GLUI;
-class GLUI_Button;
-struct mediaPanel
-	public:
-		mediaPanel();
-		~mediaPanel();
-		int mId;
-		std::string mStartUrl;
-		std::string mMimeType;
-		std::string mTarget;
-		LLPluginClassMedia *mMediaSource;
-		int mMediaWidth;
-		int mMediaHeight;
-		int mTextureWidth;
-		int mTextureHeight;
-		double mTextureScaleX;
-		double mTextureScaleY;
-		GLuint mMediaTextureHandle;
-		GLuint mPickTextureHandle;
-		unsigned char* mPickTexturePixels;
-		bool mAppTextureCoordsOpenGL;
-		bool mReadyToRender;
-class LLMediaPluginTest : public LLPluginClassMediaOwner
-	public:
-		LLMediaPluginTest( int app_window, int window_width, int window_height );
-		~LLMediaPluginTest();
-		void reshape( int width, int height );
-		void display();
-		void idle();
-		void gluiCallback( int control_id );
-		void keyboard( int key );
-		void mousePassive( int x, int y );
-		void mouseButton( int button, int state, int x, int y );
-		void mouseMove( int x, int y );
-		void bindTexture(GLuint texture, GLint row_length = 0, GLint alignment = 1);
-		bool checkGLError(const char *name = "OpenGL");
-		void drawGeometry( int panel, bool selected );
-		void startPanelHighlight( float red, float green, float blue, float line_width );
-		void endPanelHighlight();
-		enum { DrawTypePickTexture, DrawTypeMediaTexture };
-		void draw( int draw_type );
-		void windowPosToTexturePos( int window_x, int window_y, int& media_x, int& media_y, int& id );
-		mediaPanel* addMediaPanel( std::string url );
-		void updateMediaPanel( mediaPanel* panel );
-		void remMediaPanel( mediaPanel* panel );
-		mediaPanel* replaceMediaPanel( mediaPanel* panel, std::string url );
-		void getRandomMediaSize( int& width, int& height, std::string mime_type );
-		void navigateToNewURI( std::string uri );
-        void initUrlHistory( std::string uri );
-		void selectPanelById( int id );
-		void selectPanel( mediaPanel* panel );
-		mediaPanel* findMediaPanel( LLPluginClassMedia* panel );
-		mediaPanel* findMediaPanel( const std::string &target_name );
-		void makePickTexture( int id, GLuint* texture_handle, unsigned char** texture_pixels );
-		void makeChrome();
-		void resetView();
-		void dumpPanelInfo();
-		void updateStatusBar();
-		GLfloat distanceToCamera( GLfloat point_x, GLfloat point_y, GLfloat point_z );
-	// Inherited from LLPluginClassMediaOwner
-	/*virtual*/ void handleMediaEvent(LLPluginClassMedia* self, LLPluginClassMediaOwner::EMediaEvent);
-	private:
-		const int mVersionMajor;
-		const int mVersionMinor;
-		const int mVersionPatch;
-		const int mMaxPanels;
-		int mAppWindow;
-		int mWindowWidth;
-		int mWindowHeight;
-		int mCurMouseX;
-		int mCurMouseY;
-		unsigned char mPixelReadColor[ 3 ];
-		bool mFuzzyMedia;
-		const std::string mHomeWebUrl;
-		std::vector< mediaPanel* > mMediaPanels;
-		mediaPanel* mSelectedPanel;
-		std::string mimeTypeFromUrl( std::string& url );
-		std::string pluginNameFromMimeType( std::string& mime_type );
-		GLUI_Rotation* mViewRotationCtrl;
-		GLUI_Translation* mViewScaleCtrl;
-		GLUI_Translation* mViewTranslationCtrl;
-		float mViewportAspect;
-		float mViewPos[ 3 ];
-		float mViewRotation[ 16 ];
-		float mDistanceCameraToSelectedGeometry;
-		int mIdControlAddPanel;
-		int mIdControlRemPanel;
-		std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > mBookmarks;
-		GLUI_Listbox* mBookmarkList;
-		int mIdBookmarks;
-		int mIdUrlEdit;
-		GLUI_EditText* mUrlEdit;
-        int mIdUrlInitHistoryEdit;
-		GLUI_EditText* mUrlInitHistoryEdit;
-		int mSelBookmark;
-		int mIdRandomPanelCount;
-		int mRandomPanelCount;
-		int mIdRandomBookmarks;
-		int mRandomBookmarks;
-		int mIdDisableTimeout;
-		int mDisableTimeout;
-		int mIdUsePluginReadThread;
-		int mUsePluginReadThread;
-		int mIdLargePanelSpacing;
-		int mLargePanelSpacing;
-		int mIdControlCrashPlugin;
-		int mIdControlHangPlugin;
-		int mIdControlExitApp;
-		GLUI* mGluiMediaTimeControlWindow;
-		int mIdMediaTimeControlPlay;
-		int mIdMediaTimeControlLoop;
-		int mIdMediaTimeControlPause;
-		int mIdMediaTimeControlStop;
-		int mIdMediaTimeControlSeek;
-		int mIdMediaTimeControlVolume;
-		int mMediaTimeControlVolume;
-		int mIdMediaTimeControlSeekSeconds;
-		int mMediaTimeControlSeekSeconds;
-		int mIdMediaTimeControlRewind;
-		int mIdMediaTimeControlFastForward;
-		GLUI* mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindow;
-		int mIdMediaBrowserControlBack;
-		GLUI_Button* mMediaBrowserControlBackButton;
-		int mIdMediaBrowserControlStop;
-		int mIdMediaBrowserControlForward;
-		GLUI_Button* mMediaBrowserControlForwardButton;
-		bool mGluiMediaTimeControlWindowFlag;
-		bool mGluiMediaBrowserControlWindowFlag;
-		bool mMediaBrowserControlBackButtonFlag;
-		bool mMediaBrowserControlForwardButtonFlag;
-		int mIdMediaBrowserControlHome;
-		int mIdMediaBrowserControlReload;
-		int mIdMediaBrowserControlClearCache;
-		int mIdMediaBrowserControlClearCookies;
-		int mIdMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies;
-		int mMediaBrowserControlEnableCookies;
-		GLUI* mBottomGLUIWindow;
-		GLUI_StaticText* mStatusText;
cgit v1.2.3

From 2fc42c1221393161fcd882b6bb73a7a6da9d07e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rider Linden <>
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2015 12:21:09 -0700
Subject: MAINT-5687: Further purge QT and webkit from the build.

 indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt                |  30 ------
 indra/newview/            |  30 ------
 indra/test_apps/llplugintest/CMakeLists.txt | 139 ----------------------------
 3 files changed, 199 deletions(-)

diff --git a/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
index 087d508c42..73ed651e65 100755
--- a/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/newview/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1760,39 +1760,9 @@ if (WINDOWS)
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/qtcore4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/qtgui4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/qtnetwork4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/qtopengl4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/qtxmlpatterns4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/imageformats/qgif4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/imageformats/qico4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/imageformats/qjpeg4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/imageformats/qmng4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/imageformats/qsvg4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/imageformats/qtiff4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/codecs/qcncodecs4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/codecs/qjpcodecs4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/codecs/qkrcodecs4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/codecs/qtwcodecs4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}/qtcored4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}/qtguid4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}/qtnetworkd4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}/qtopengld4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}/qtxmlpatternsd4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}/imageformats/qgifd4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}/imageformats/qicod4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}/imageformats/qjpegd4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}/imageformats/qmngd4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}/imageformats/qsvgd4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}/imageformats/qtiffd4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/codecs/qcncodecsd4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/codecs/qjpcodecsd4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/codecs/qkrcodecsd4.dll
-      ${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/codecs/qtwcodecsd4.dll
diff --git a/indra/newview/ b/indra/newview/
index 15ec946e63..9a65171d44 100755
--- a/indra/newview/
+++ b/indra/newview/
@@ -1216,36 +1216,6 @@ class Linux_i686_Manifest(LinuxManifest):
-            # plugin runtime
-            if self.prefix(src=os.path.join(pkgdir, "lib"), dst="lib"):
-                self.path("*")
-                self.path("*")
-                self.path("*")
-                self.path("*")
-                self.path("*")
-                self.path("*")
-                self.end_prefix("lib")
-            # For WebKit/Qt plugin runtimes (image format plugins)
-            if self.prefix(src=os.path.join(pkgdir, "llplugin", "imageformats"),
-                           dst="bin/llplugin/imageformats"):
-                self.path("")
-                self.path("")
-                self.path("")
-                self.path("")
-                self.path("")
-                self.path("")
-                self.end_prefix("bin/llplugin/imageformats")
-            # For WebKit/Qt plugin runtimes (codec/character encoding plugins)
-            if self.prefix(src=os.path.join(pkgdir, "llplugin", "codecs"),
-                           dst="bin/llplugin/codecs"):
-                self.path("")
-                self.path("")
-                self.path("")
-                self.path("")
-                self.end_prefix("bin/llplugin/codecs")
diff --git a/indra/test_apps/llplugintest/CMakeLists.txt b/indra/test_apps/llplugintest/CMakeLists.txt
index 18f7e36d20..e682eaccca 100755
--- a/indra/test_apps/llplugintest/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/indra/test_apps/llplugintest/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -268,10 +268,6 @@ if(WINDOWS)
-    qtcored4.dll
-    qtguid4.dll
-    qtnetworkd4.dll
-    qtopengld4.dll
@@ -282,40 +278,6 @@ if(WINDOWS)
   set(plugin_test_targets ${plugin_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  # Debug config runtime files required for the plugin test mule (Qt image format plugins)
-  set(plugintest_debug_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}/imageformats")
-  set(plugintest_debug_files
-    qgifd4.dll
-    qicod4.dll
-    qjpegd4.dll
-    qmngd4.dll
-    qsvgd4.dll
-    qtiffd4.dll
-    )
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${plugintest_debug_src_dir}
-    "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Debug/imageformats"
-    out_targets
-    ${plugintest_debug_files}
-    )
-  set(plugin_test_targets ${plugin_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  # Debug config runtime files required for the plugin test mule (Qt codec plugins)
-  set(plugintest_debug_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_DEBUG}/codecs")
-  set(plugintest_debug_files
-    qcncodecsd4.dll
-    qjpcodecsd4.dll
-    qkrcodecsd4.dll
-    qtwcodecsd4.dll
-    )
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${plugintest_debug_src_dir}
-    "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Debug/codecs"
-    out_targets
-    ${plugintest_debug_files}
-    )
-  set(plugin_test_targets ${plugin_test_targets} ${out_targets})
   # Release & ReleaseDebInfo config runtime files required for the plugin test mule
   set(plugintest_release_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}")
@@ -324,11 +286,6 @@ if(WINDOWS)
-    qtcore4.dll
-    qtgui4.dll
-    qtnetwork4.dll
-    qtopengl4.dll
-    qtxmlpatterns4.dll
@@ -347,56 +304,6 @@ if(WINDOWS)
   set(plugin_test_targets ${plugin_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  # Release & ReleaseDebInfo config runtime files required for the plugin test mule (Qt image format plugins)
-  set(plugintest_release_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/imageformats")
-  set(plugintest_release_files
-    qgif4.dll
-    qico4.dll
-    qjpeg4.dll
-    qmng4.dll
-    qsvg4.dll
-    qtiff4.dll
-    )
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${plugintest_release_src_dir}
-    "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Release/imageformats"
-    out_targets
-    ${plugintest_release_files}
-    )
-  set(plugin_test_targets ${plugin_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${plugintest_release_src_dir}
-    "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/RelWithDebInfo/imageformats"
-    out_targets
-    ${plugintest_release_files}
-    )
-  set(plugin_test_targets ${plugin_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  # Release & ReleaseDebInfo config runtime files required for the plugin test mule (Qt codec plugins)
-  set(plugintest_release_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_RELEASE}/codecs")
-  set(plugintest_release_files
-    qcncodecs4.dll  
-    qjpcodecs4.dll  
-    qkrcodecs4.dll  
-    qtwcodecs4.dll  
-    )
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${plugintest_release_src_dir}
-    "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Release/codecs"
-    out_targets
-    ${plugintest_release_files}
-    )
-  set(plugin_test_targets ${plugin_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${plugintest_release_src_dir}
-    "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/RelWithDebInfo/codecs"
-    out_targets
-    ${plugintest_release_files}
-    )
-  set(plugin_test_targets ${plugin_test_targets} ${out_targets})
    add_custom_target(copy_plugintest_libs ALL
@@ -411,18 +318,6 @@ if (DARWIN)
-    libQtCore.4.7.1.dylib
-    libQtCore.4.dylib
-    libQtGui.4.7.1.dylib
-    libQtGui.4.dylib
-    libQtNetwork.4.7.1.dylib
-    libQtNetwork.4.dylib
-    libQtOpenGL.4.7.1.dylib
-    libQtOpenGL.4.dylib
-    libQtSvg.4.7.1.dylib
-    libQtSvg.4.dylib
-    libQtXml.4.7.1.dylib
-    libQtXml.4.dylib
@@ -432,40 +327,6 @@ if (DARWIN)
   set(plugin_test_targets ${plugin_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  # Release & ReleaseDebInfo config runtime files required for the FB connect test (Qt image format plugins)
-  set(plugintest_release_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_PLUGINS}/imageformats")
-  set(plugintest_release_files
-    libqgif.dylib
-    libqico.dylib
-    libqjpeg.dylib
-    libqmng.dylib
-    libqsvg.dylib
-    libqtiff.dylib
-    )
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${plugintest_release_src_dir}
-    "${PLUGINS_DESTINATION_DIR}/imageformats"
-    out_targets
-    ${plugintest_release_files}
-    )
-  set(plugin_test_targets ${plugin_test_targets} ${out_targets})
-  # Release & ReleaseDebInfo config runtime files required for the FB connect test (Qt codec plugins)
-  set(plugintest_release_src_dir "${ARCH_PREBUILT_DIRS_PLUGINS}/codecs")
-  set(plugintest_release_files
-    libqcncodecs.dylib
-    libqjpcodecs.dylib
-    libqkrcodecs.dylib
-    libqtwcodecs.dylib
-    )
-  copy_if_different(
-    ${plugintest_release_src_dir}
-    out_targets
-    ${plugintest_release_files}
-    )
-  set(plugin_test_targets ${plugin_test_targets} ${out_targets})
   add_custom_target(copy_plugintest_libs ALL
cgit v1.2.3