From 876369f615c62f07849368a481ae2260d13680a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Denis Serdjuk <>
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 21:24:14 +0200
Subject: fixed  Bug   	 Major   	 EXT-5086   	 llDialog buttons are
 displayed in wrong order Order of the buttons has been recovered to viewer
 1.23 behavior.

branch : product-engine
 indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml            |   4 +-
 indra/newview/lltoastnotifypanel.cpp               | 130 +++++++++++++--------
 indra/newview/lltoastnotifypanel.h                 |   8 +-
 .../skins/default/xui/en/panel_notification.xml    |  12 +-
 4 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml
index d0c2f3cb34..c0cf8ec1ad 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml
@@ -5055,7 +5055,9 @@
       <string>Default width of buttons in the toast. 
-      Note if required width will be less then this one, a button will be reshaped to default size , otherwise to required</string>
+      Notes:
+      If required width will be less then this one, a button will be reshaped to default size , otherwise to required
+      Change of this parameter will affect the layout of buttons in notification toast.</string>
diff --git a/indra/newview/lltoastnotifypanel.cpp b/indra/newview/lltoastnotifypanel.cpp
index 980b51337f..ef3535042c 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lltoastnotifypanel.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/lltoastnotifypanel.cpp
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
 #include "llnotificationsutil.h"
 const S32 BOTTOM_PAD = VPAD * 3;
+const S32 IGNORE_BTN_TOP_DELTA = 3*VPAD;//additional ignore_btn padding
@@ -127,14 +128,6 @@ mAddedDefaultBtn(false)
 		std::vector<index_button_pair_t> buttons;
-		for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumOptions; i++)
-		{
-			LLSD form_element = form->getElement(i);
-			if (form_element["type"].asString() != "button")
-			{
-				continue;
-			}
-		}
 		S32 buttons_width = 0;
 		// create all buttons and accumulate they total width to reshape mControlPanel
 		for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumOptions; i++)
@@ -155,22 +148,42 @@ mAddedDefaultBtn(false)
-			//try get an average left_pad to spread out buttons
-			S32 left_pad = (getRect().getWidth() - buttons_width) / (S32(buttons.size() + 1));
-			// left_pad can be < 2*HPAD if we have a lot of buttons. 
-			if(left_pad < 2*HPAD)
+			const S32 button_panel_width = mControlPanel->getRect().getWidth();// do not change width of the panel
+			S32 button_panel_height = mControlPanel->getRect().getHeight();
+			//try get an average h_pad to spread out buttons
+			S32 h_pad = (button_panel_width - buttons_width) / (S32(buttons.size()));
+			if(h_pad < 2*HPAD)
-				//Probably it is  a scriptdialog toast, set default left_pad
-				left_pad = 2*HPAD;
+				/*
+				 * Probably it is  a scriptdialog toast
+				 * for a scriptdialog toast h_pad can be < 2*HPAD if we have a lot of buttons.
+				 * In last case set default h_pad to avoid heaping of buttons 
+				 */
+				h_pad = 2*HPAD;
-			//how many rows we need to fit all buttons with current width of the panel
-			S32 button_rows = (buttons_width + left_pad * S32(buttons.size() + 1)) / getRect().getWidth() + 1;
-			//calculate required panel height 
-			S32 button_panel_height = button_rows *( BTN_HEIGHT + VPAD) + BOTTOM_PAD;
-			adjustPanelForScriptNotice(getRect().getWidth(), button_panel_height);
-			//we begin from lefttop angle and go to rightbottom.
-			updateButtonsLayout(buttons, left_pad, button_panel_height);
+			if (mIsScriptDialog)
+			{
+				// we are using default width for script buttons so we can determinate button_rows
+				//to get a number of rows we divide the required width of the buttons to button_panel_width
+				S32 button_rows = llceil(F32(buttons.size() - 1) * (BUTTON_WIDTH + h_pad) / button_panel_width);
+				//S32 button_rows = (buttons.size() - 1) * (BUTTON_WIDTH + h_pad) / button_panel_width;
+				//reserve one row for the ignore_btn
+				button_rows++;
+				//calculate required panel height for scripdialog notification.
+				button_panel_height = button_rows * (BTN_HEIGHT + VPAD)	+ IGNORE_BTN_TOP_DELTA + BOTTOM_PAD;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// in common case buttons can have different widths so we need to calculate button_rows according to buttons_width
+				//S32 button_rows = llceil(F32(buttons.size()) * (buttons_width + h_pad) / button_panel_width);
+				S32 button_rows = llceil(F32((buttons.size() - 1) * h_pad + buttons_width) / button_panel_width);
+				//calculate required panel height 
+				button_panel_height = button_rows * (BTN_HEIGHT + VPAD)	+ BOTTOM_PAD;
+			}
+			// we need to keep min width and max height to make visible all buttons, because width of the toast can not be changed
+			adjustPanelForScriptNotice(button_panel_width, button_panel_height);
+			updateButtonsLayout(buttons, h_pad);
 	// adjust panel's height to the text size
@@ -202,7 +215,8 @@ LLButton* LLToastNotifyPanel::createButton(const LLSD& form_element, BOOL is_opt
 	LLButton::Params p;
-	const LLFontGL* font = form_element["index"].asInteger() == -1 ? sFontSmall: sFont; // for ignore button in script dialog
+	bool is_ignore_btn = form_element["index"].asInteger() == -1;
+	const LLFontGL* font = is_ignore_btn ? sFontSmall: sFont; // for ignore button in script dialog["name"].asString());
@@ -216,12 +230,19 @@ LLButton* LLToastNotifyPanel::createButton(const LLSD& form_element, BOOL is_opt
+	// for the scriptdialog buttons we use fixed button size. This  is a limit!
 	if (!mIsScriptDialog && font->getWidth(form_element["text"].asString()) > BUTTON_WIDTH)
 		p.rect.width = 1;
 		p.auto_resize = true;
+	else if (mIsScriptDialog && is_ignore_btn)
+	{
+		// this is ignore button,make it smaller
+		p.rect.height = BTN_HEIGHT_SMALL;
+		p.rect.width = 1;
+		p.auto_resize = true;
+	}
 	LLButton* btn = LLUICtrlFactory::create<LLButton>(p);
@@ -241,38 +262,48 @@ LLToastNotifyPanel::~LLToastNotifyPanel()
-void LLToastNotifyPanel::updateButtonsLayout(const std::vector<index_button_pair_t>& buttons, S32 left_pad, S32 top)
+void LLToastNotifyPanel::updateButtonsLayout(const std::vector<index_button_pair_t>& buttons, S32 h_pad)
-	S32 left = left_pad;
+	S32 left = 0;
+	//reserve place for ignore button
+	S32 bottom_offset = mIsScriptDialog ? (BTN_HEIGHT + IGNORE_BTN_TOP_DELTA + BOTTOM_PAD) : BOTTOM_PAD;
+	S32 max_width = mControlPanel->getRect().getWidth();
 	LLButton* ignore_btn = NULL;
 	for (std::vector<index_button_pair_t>::const_iterator it = buttons.begin(); it != buttons.end(); it++)
-		if(left + it->second->getRect().getWidth() + 2*HPAD > getRect().getWidth())
-		{
-			// looks like we need to add button to the next row
-			left = left_pad;
-			top-= (BTN_HEIGHT + VPAD);
-		}
-		LLRect btn_rect(it->second->getRect());
-		if(mIsScriptDialog && it->first == -1)
+		if (it->first == -1)
-			//this is ignore button ( index == -1) we need to add it into new extra row at the end
 			ignore_btn = it->second;
-		btn_rect.setLeftTopAndSize(left, top, btn_rect.getWidth(), btn_rect.getHeight());
-		it->second->setRect(btn_rect);					
-		left = btn_rect.mLeft + btn_rect.getWidth() + left_pad;
-		addChild(it->second, -1);
+		LLButton* btn = it->second;
+		LLRect btn_rect(btn->getRect());
+		if (left + btn_rect.getWidth() > max_width)// whether there is still some place for button+h_pad in the mControlPanel
+		{
+			// looks like we need to add button to the next row
+			left = 0;
+			bottom_offset += (BTN_HEIGHT + VPAD);
+		}
+		//we arrange buttons from bottom to top for backward support of old script
+		btn_rect.setOriginAndSize(left, bottom_offset, btn_rect.getWidth(),	btn_rect.getHeight());
+		btn->setRect(btn_rect);
+		left = btn_rect.mLeft + btn_rect.getWidth() + h_pad;
+		mControlPanel->addChild(btn, -1);
-	if(ignore_btn)
+	if (mIsScriptDialog && ignore_btn != NULL)
-		LLRect btn_rect(ignore_btn->getRect());
-		btn_rect.setOriginAndSize(getRect().getWidth() - btn_rect.getWidth() - left_pad,
-				BOTTOM_PAD,// move button at the bottom edge
-				btn_rect.getWidth(), btn_rect.getHeight());
-		ignore_btn->setRect(btn_rect);
-		addChild(ignore_btn, -1);
+		LLRect ignore_btn_rect(ignore_btn->getRect());
+		S32 buttons_per_row = max_width / BUTTON_WIDTH; //assume that h_pad far less than BUTTON_WIDTH
+		S32 ignore_btn_left = buttons_per_row * BUTTON_WIDTH + (buttons_per_row	- 1) * h_pad - ignore_btn_rect.getWidth();
+		if (ignore_btn_left + ignore_btn_rect.getWidth() > max_width)// make sure that the ignore button is in panel
+		{
+			ignore_btn_left = max_width - ignore_btn_rect.getWidth() - 2 * HPAD;
+		}
+		ignore_btn_rect.setOriginAndSize(ignore_btn_left, BOTTOM_PAD,// always move ignore button at the bottom
+				ignore_btn_rect.getWidth(), ignore_btn_rect.getHeight());
+		ignore_btn->setRect(ignore_btn_rect);
+		mControlPanel->addChild(ignore_btn, -1);
@@ -280,18 +311,15 @@ void LLToastNotifyPanel::adjustPanelForScriptNotice(S32 button_panel_width, S32
 	//adjust layout
 	// we need to keep min width and max height to make visible all buttons, because width of the toast can not be changed
-	LLRect button_rect = mControlPanel->getRect();
 	reshape(getRect().getWidth(), mInfoPanel->getRect().getHeight() + button_panel_height + VPAD);
-	button_rect.set(0, button_rect.mBottom + button_panel_height, button_rect.getWidth(), button_rect.mBottom);
-	mControlPanel->reshape(button_rect.getWidth(), button_panel_height);
-	mControlPanel->setRect(button_rect);
+	mControlPanel->reshape( button_panel_width, button_panel_height);
 void LLToastNotifyPanel::adjustPanelForTipNotice()
 	LLRect info_rect = mInfoPanel->getRect();
 	LLRect this_rect = getRect();
+	//we don't need display ControlPanel for tips because they doesn't contain any buttons. 
 	reshape(getRect().getWidth(), mInfoPanel->getRect().getHeight());
diff --git a/indra/newview/lltoastnotifypanel.h b/indra/newview/lltoastnotifypanel.h
index 1f50c21f6f..3d57c50386 100644
--- a/indra/newview/lltoastnotifypanel.h
+++ b/indra/newview/lltoastnotifypanel.h
@@ -73,7 +73,13 @@ private:
 	void adjustPanelForScriptNotice(S32 max_width, S32 max_height);
 	void adjustPanelForTipNotice();
 	void addDefaultButton();
-	void updateButtonsLayout(const std::vector<index_button_pair_t>& buttons, S32 left_pad, S32 top);
+	/*
+	 * It lays out buttons of the notification in  mControlPanel.
+	 * Buttons will be placed from BOTTOM to TOP.
+	 * @param  h_pad horizontal space between buttons. It is depent on number of buttons.
+	 * @param buttons vector of button to be added. 
+	 */
+	void updateButtonsLayout(const std::vector<index_button_pair_t>& buttons, S32 h_pad);
 	// panel elements
 	LLTextBase*		mTextBox;
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_notification.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_notification.xml
index 145a24b642..f3c63afedf 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_notification.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_notification.xml
@@ -83,12 +83,16 @@
-    height="40" 
+    height="30" 
+    width="290"
-    left="0"
-    left_delta="-38"
+    left="10"
-    top_pad="0">
+    top_pad="5">
+    <!-- 
+    Notes:
+    This panel holds buttons of notification. Change of its size can affect the layout of buttons. 
+     -->
cgit v1.2.3