Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Now checking if inventory is usable before checking if views are initialized.
Name change "DontShowInHierarchy"->"Hidden".
Fixed a bug where addChangedMask(LLInventoryObserver::SORT) was being called before the new sort order was established.
branch : avatar-pipeline
EXT-3476 : Dragging and item in the PlacesSP brings up the InventorySP
EXT-1916 : Landmarks are not sorted in the Favorites Accordion
Added a new LLInventoryObserver::SORT request for resorting folder contents.
Landmarks no longer use the same sorting as accordions.
branch : avatar-pipeline
Fixed merge from changeset: 156496ce7d3f to restore my original getActiveInventoryPanel code.
accordion to fav bar".
- Added method to get currently active tab in sidetray.
- Disabled opening sidetray inventory panel upon receiving new inventory item or after drag-n-drop operations with landmarks in sidetray places panel.
branch : product-engine
Filter now works correctly.
Made some naming changes (e.g. setFilterType -> setFilterObjectType) so that what you choose to filter by is more explicit.
branch : avatar-pipeline
Added ability to filter by UUID. Work in progress.
branch : avatar-pipeline
various filter options
EXT-3124 : Add lookup for finding all linked items to an item
LLInventoryFilter cleanup, including adding ability to lookup item by UUID.
branch : avatar-pipeline
Added logic to choose the side panel if it's open, or open the side panel if no other inventory panels are open.
branch : avatar-pipeline
Preliminary checkin to improve this infrastructure.
branch : avatar-pipeline
Code reviewed by Seraph
branch : avatar-pipeline
EXT-3067 : INFRASTRUCTURE : LLInventoryPanel::modelChanged cleanup
Added REBUILD mask to inventory observer.
Added new logic for rebuilding linked items when an item is purged.
Took out atrocious expensive refresh that was being triggered on most LLInventoryPanel::modelChanged.
branch : avatar-pipeline
EXT-3067 : INFRASTRUCTURE : LLInventoryPanel::modelChanged cleanup
This first set of checkins is just llinventorypanel infrastructure cleanup, including comments and improved use of iterators.
branch : avatar-pipeline
InventorySP will open if no inventory floaters are open.
branch : avatar-pipeline
Changed logic for getActiveInventory so that it considers InventorySP.
Removed getActiveInventory and replaced with getActiveInventoryPanel since that follows its current usage.
This currently contains a bug because the InventorySP always thinks it's open.
branch : avatar-pipeline
Preliminary checkin, includes cleanup for llinventorypanel.
Also removed several unused private classes and such from llinventorypanel.
branch : avatar-pipeline
sidepanel is blank
Changed the way that we're generating initial views for inventory panels. Instead of waiting for a notification, we check on idle and generate the views whenever we first see that the inventory has become usable.
branch : avatar-pipeline
COF folder was being removed from panel because its parent is outside the panel. Added checks so that first-level children of panel root are never to be removed.
branch : avatar-pipeline
Also did some minor cleanup on header files.
branch : avatar-pipeline
Also made several infrastructure improvements that help inventory panels defer generating their folders/views until after inventory has been loaded up. This was pretty haphazard before.
branch : avatar-pipeline
1. Changed sidepanel names to have "sidepanel" (e.g. panel_appearance -> sidepanel_appearance)
2. Changed some "Looks" names to "Outfits"
3. Changed LLPanelLooks to LLPanelOutfitsInventory (to match other inventory panel naming)
4. Took out tab from sidepanel_appearance.
branch : avatar-pipeline
EXT-1763 : Places - Landmarks : Unable to drop a landmark into Landamrks & FavoriteBar accordian panels
Threefixes in here.
(1) Simple disable of double-click.
(2) Corrected typos "hierary"-> "hierarchy".
(3) Now adding start folder to specialized inventory panels, so that we get the start folder's listener for drag&drop operations.
branch : avatar-pipeline
"INVENTORY" to using generic "My Inventory" keyword.
branch : avatar-pipeline
branch : avatar-pipeline
branch : avatar-pipeline
Moved LLInventoryPanelObserver to be private to LLInventoryPanel
branch : avatar-pipeline
Removed a bunch of unnecessary header inclues.
branch : avatar-pipeline
branch : avatar-pipeline
STRUCTURE flag not set"
EXT-2432 : Diagnose warning spam: "[X] does not exist in either view or model, but notification triggered"
Restructured llinventorypanel's handling of add/remove/structure so it's easier to understand
Removed false positive "notification triggered" warning since objects can now exist outside of various inventory panels' directories.
branch : avatar-pipeline
STRUCTURE flag not set"
EXT-2432 : Diagnose warning spam: "[X] does not exist in either view or model, but notification triggered"
Restructured llinventorypanel's handling of add/remove/structure so it's easier to understand
Removed false positive "notification triggered" warning since objects can now exist outside of various inventory panels' directories.
branch : avatar-pipeline
branch : avatar-pipeline
object not found - ignoring"
This warning is a false positive, also existed in 1.23. Removing.
branch : avatar-pipeline
branch : avatar-pipeline
with invalid objectp->mType"
Trivial fix to just ignore reading in items that have unknown/none asset type.
branch : avatar-pipeline
branch : avatar-pipeline
branch : product-engine
Adds gear menu, add button, trash.
branch : avatar-pipeline
branch : avatar-pipeline