Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
skipping history, allow temporary url for display purposes
added options to web floater to hide history and disable buttons
changes to common libraries from the server codebase:
* Additional error checking in http handlers.
* Uniform log spam for http errors.
* Switch to using constants for http heads and status codes.
* Fixed bugs in incorrectly checking if parsing LLSD xml resulted in an error.
* Reduced spam regarding LLSD parsing errors in the default completedRaw http handler. It should not longer be necessary to short-circuit completedRaw to avoid spam.
* Ported over a few bug fixes from the server code.
* Switch mode http status codes to use S32 instead of U32.
* Ported LLSD::asStringRef from server code; avoids copying strings all over the place.
* Ported server change to LLSD::asBinary; this always returns a reference now instead of copying the entire binary blob.
* Ported server pretty notation format (and pretty binary format) to llsd serialization.
* The new LLCurl::Responder API no longer has two error handlers to choose from. Overriding the following methods have been deprecated:
** error - use httpFailure
** errorWithContent - use httpFailure
** result - use httpSuccess
** completed - use httpCompleted
** completedHeader - no longer necessary; call getResponseHeaders() from a completion method to obtain these headers.
* In order to 'catch' a completed http request, override one of these methods:
** httpSuccess - Called for any 2xx status code.
** httpFailure - Called for any non-2xx status code.
** httpComplete - Called for all status codes. Default implementation is to call either httpSuccess or httpFailure.
* It is recommended to keep these methods protected/private in order to avoid triggering of these methods without using a 'push' method (see below).
* Uniform error handling should followed whenever possible by calling a variant of this during httpFailure:
** llwarns << dumpResponse() << llendl;
* Be sure to include LOG_CLASS(your_class_name) in your class in order for the log entry to give more context.
* In order to 'push' a result into the responder, you should no longer call error, errorWithContent, result, or completed.
* Nor should you directly call httpSuccess/Failure/Completed (unless passing a message up to a parent class).
* Instead, you can set the internal content of a responder and trigger a corresponding method using the following methods:
** successResult - Sets results and calls httpSuccess
** failureResult - Sets results and calls httpFailure
** completedResult - Sets results and calls httpCompleted
* To obtain information about a the response from a reponder method, use the following getters:
** getStatus - HTTP status code
** getReason - Reason string
** getContent - Content (Parsed body LLSD)
** getResponseHeaders - Response Headers (LLSD map)
** getHTTPMethod - HTTP method of the request
** getURL - URL of the request
* It is still possible to override completeRaw if you want to manipulate data directly out of LLPumpIO.
* See indra/llmessage/llcurl.h for more information.
ensure that layout stack has updated its layout before manually resizing one of its elements
(which was causing the manual resize to be stomped on by the newly triggered layout update)
made layout stack animation occur even when layout stack not visible (inventory will appear in proper open/closed state)
LLView::setShape() now only calls handleReshape() when dimensions change
removed extraneous calls to LLLayoutStack::updateClass() so that it should be called only
once per frame now, allowing it to limit animation updates to layout stacks to one per frame.
fixed rendering glitches arising from reshaping LLFolderView while in the middle of its draw() method
Implemented new requirements from XD: "Profile window should keep last size,
regardless of whether it was own profile or another users'.
If multiple windows open, last one touched is the size we store."
idle calls.
Reviewed by davep.
fixed handle downcast not initiating handle
fixed title of how to window to always say "How To" instead of showing url
removed unused LLWeb functions for opening non-web media
moved logic inside floaters and away from auxiliary functions
when using trusted browser or explicitly disabling address bar
lack of window focus
also allow right clip to copy url from disabled address bar
changed browser id back to a string so it accepts malformed uuid strings
coming from webkit - "{uuid}" instead of "uuid"
panel - profile panel position changes do not persist
EXP-1030 FIX Search button toggle can get out of synch in bottom bar
made llinstancetracker::iterator do own nested level management (removing need for separate guard)
added support for filename= to floaters
can pass in arbitrary window_class to floaters
changes in size of target windows other than _blank or "" are not saved
EXP-1018 FIX Profile button in Basic mode does not toggle correctly when profile is opened and toggles on and closes other Web Content Panel windows
viewer fail with intrusted browser error in viewer
search floater derives from floater_web_content
all web content now uses floater_web_content instead of media_browser
without any browser chrome and at an appropriate default size
position parameters in
Change to llfloaterwebcontent.cpp is a whitespace change only to fix a broken checkin
from loading or progress bar
So many things wrong here it wasn't funny - button not enabled, button not connected to function, wrong call to stop browser etc.
location history for that session in Webkit 4.7
Web Content Browser
when a site is loaded over https
system browser
This change makes LLFloaterWebContent always specify a MIME type of "text/html" when navigating to an URL. This tells the plugin system to skip the MIME type probe (which is what does the HEAD request) and just use the WebKit plugin.
This means non-web content (such as QuickTime movies) may not work properly in the web content floater. Hopefully this won't be a problem...
web apps
Completes MVP
viewer web apps
Added support for graphic browser buttons and laid them out differently
for viewer web apps
Latest traunch of fixes to new Web only content floater
Also removed line in test app that fails to build - have a note to fix later
viewer web apps