Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Implement Flashing Conversations panel line item behavior): build new class LLFlashTimer based on LLSysWellChiclet::FlashToLitTimer; prepared it for general purpose; replaced LLSysWellChiclet::FlashToLitTimer to LLFlashTimer
in accordance with the naming convention in the project, some classes and corresponding files should be renamed:
LLIMConversation -> LLFloaterIMSessionTab
LLIMFloater -> LLFloaterIMSession
LLNearbyChat -> LLFloaterIMNearbyChat
LLIMFloaterContainer -> LLFloaterIMContainer
LLNearbyChatBarListener -> LLFloaterIMNearbyChatListener
LLNearbyChatHandler -> LLFloaterIMNearbyChatHandler
regress was using the people panel or a notecard to start a im/call with a user. When doing this the conversation line item would not be focused. Resolution: Changed all calls to LLIMFloater::show() to LLIMFloaterContainer::showConversation(), which will first select the conversation line item and then show the corresponding conversation floater.
Fixed boost trackable objects usage.
object inventory offers don't increment system menu count
added customizable merging behavior for duplicate "unique" notifications
fixed overeager notification channels
phase 2, removal of extraneous signaling in favor of llnotificationchannels
made notificationchannels work better with overrides and lifetime managed
by creator
phase 1, removal of most of llnotificationhandler
crash on exit.
The crash happened if connection timed out while there were unread object inventory offers.
a new one when viewer exits.
Could not reproduce the crash. This is a possible fix for EXP-1672.
The message before the crash in all client logs was: "WARNING: LLSingleton<class LLChicletBar>::getInstance: Trying to access deleted singleton class LLChicletBar creating new instance"
- Floaters dock to chiclets at the bottom.
- Floaters docking region limited to non-toolbar view.
- Chiclet bar is positioned between the right toolbar and the minimized floaters stacked at the top left corner by default.
changed ordering of template loading relative to constructor setting of params
moved a lot of constructor-set params to template files
reviewed by Leslie
profile pic in Basic and Advanced modes
1 Avoided memory leak in LLScriptFloaterManager caused not destroying processed notifications.
2 Provided destroying notification if user initiate closing script floater and not destroying if viewer exit.
reviewed by Mike Antipov at
branch : product-engine
changing IM well button background when IM window isn't visible.
branch : product-engine
- moved the common code (menu stuff handling) from LLIMP2PChiclet, LLAdHocChiclet, LLIMGroupChiclet to their parent LLIMChiclet
- added popup menus to LLInvOfferChiclet and LLScriptChiclet (notice that just the closing menu item was added because these chiclets are not connected with IM sessions.)
Reviewed by Mike Antipov at
branch : product-engine
to be controllable)
Made flashing count and period for IM Well and Notification Well icons configurable via viewer settings: WellIconFlashCount, WellIconFlashPeriod.
Due to Flash Timer is implemented as derived class from EventTimer it is impossible to change period in runtime. So, both settings are made as required restart.
Also removed deprecated "flash_to_lit_count" & "flash_period" widget params.
Reviewed by Vadim at
branch : product-engine
sessions and unresolved notifications)
* Implemented hiding of bottom tray's wells if there are no active IMs or unresolved notifications (via LLBottomTray::notifyParent)
* Also refactored initializing code to init a pointer to a chiclet panel and map with bottomtray parts in postBuild BEFORE initializing start wells' visibility.
For now minimal viewer width when all buttons are still visible (and have non-truncated labels in the 'EN' locale) with opened sidetray is 1041 px; with short Speak button (without text label) is 990 px. (with implemented patch in
Each well button takes 37 px (with a padding). So, they can free up to 74 px when invisible.
reviewed by Vadim at
branch : product-engine
but not in focus”,
allowed to increment IM message counter when IM window is opened but doesn't have focus and reset IM counter when IM window get focus;
reviewed by Mike Antipov at
branch : product-engine
discarded when offered objects got the same name.
Had to do minor refactoring of LLScripFloaterManager in order to fix this issue.
branch : product-engine
bar after making second
voice call
branch : product-engine
Handling of mouseDown event was delegated to chiclet's button.
Also double callback was connected with onMouseDown handler to ride from missed click behavior.
branch : product-engine
implemented exclude sets for groups of transient floaters, now transient floaters not closes if user click on view from global exclude set or from floater group set;
made IM floater goes foreground if it visible but not focused instead hide floater;
branch : product-engine
(following by the 7d600b529ee8 commit)
branch : product-engine
corrected chiclet destroying;
branch : product-engine
added destroying chiclet on chiclet panel item remove event;
made LLIMChiclet destructor virtual;
branch : product-engine
on IM Chiclets.
branch : product-engine
avoided redundant rearranging of chiclet panel;
branch : product-engine
branch : product-engine
when there's nothing to see
It was decided to handle an enabling of buttons from syswellwindow according to his empty state
branch : product-engine
LLChicletPanel::Params::Params (move into widget xml).
Removed hardcodes.
branch : product-engine
branch : product-engine
"show session" enabled when chiclet window is visible).
branch : product-engine
LLChicletPanel::Params::Params (move into widget xml).
branch : product-engine
voice session)
-- do nothing in Wells in case the same count of unread messages comes.
branch : product-engine
bar when voice indicator isn't shown
branch : product-engine