Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Specifically, the shutdown crash reported in SL-13512 was due to
LLExperienceCache::idleCoro() looping on suspendUntilTimeout(), failing to
notice in its slumbers that the viewer was shutting down around it.
Make suspendUntilTimeout() internally call suspendUntilEventOnWithTimeout(),
which already listens for "LLApp" state-change events and throws Stopping when
LLApp enters its shutdown sequence.
tryPushFrontFor() is pushFront() with a std::chrono::duration timeout.
LLCoros::Mutex means boost::fibers::mutex
LLCoros::LockType means std::unique_lock<boost::fibers::mutex>
LLCoros::ConditionVariable means boost::fibers::condition_variable
LLCoros::cv_status means boost::fibers::cv_status
So as not to drag in all of boost::fibers::mutex.hpp or condition_variable.hpp
for each consumer of llcoros.h, instead #define LLCOROS_MUTEX_HEADER and
LLCOROS_CONDVAR_HEADER. Those who need them can #include the relevant macro.
Update llcond.h and llthreadsafequeue.h accordingly.
for compatibility with Python llbase.llsd.parse().
The Python parse() currently requires uppercase hex digits for b16"hex"
coding; lowercase hex digits cause it to raise LLSDParseError.
First, the signature classname(const T*) was wrong: that function could only
accept a pointer to const T. The expression classname(someptr) where someptr
was a pointer to non-const SomeType displayed "SomeType*" because it could
only match classname(const T&), where T was SomeType*.
classname(T* const) is what we should have written, meaning "const pointer to
T" rather than "pointer to const T."
Second, the previous implementation failed to handle the case in which the
pointer was nullptr.
LLSDNotationFormatter (also LLSDNotationStreamer that uses it, plus
operator<<(std::ostream&, const LLSD&) that uses LLSDNotationStreamer) is most
useful for displaying LLSD to a human, e.g. for logging. Having the default
dump raw binary bytes into the log file is not only suboptimal, it can
truncate the output if one of those bytes is '\0'. (This is a problem with the
logging subsystem, but that's a story for another day.)
Use OPTIONS_PRETTY_BINARY wherever there is a default LLSDFormatter
::EFormatterOptions argument.
Also, allow setting LLSDFormatter subclass boolalpha(), realFormat() and
format(options) using optional constructor arguments. Naturally, each subclass
that supports this must accept and forward these constructor arguments to its
LLSDFormatter base class constructor.
Fix a couple bugs in LLSDNotationFormatter::format_impl() for an LLSD::Binary
- The code unconditionally emitted a b(len) type prefix followed by either raw
binary or hex, depending on the option flag. OPTIONS_PRETTY_BINARY caused it
to emit "0x" before the hex representation of the data. This is wrong in
that it can't be read back by either the C++ or the Python LLSD parser.
Correct OPTIONS_PRETTY_BINARY formatting consists of b16"hex digits" rather
than b(len)"raw bytes".
- Although the code did set hex mode, it didn't set either the field width or
the fill character, so that a byte value less than 16 would emit a single
digit rather than two.
Instead of having one LLSDFormatter::format() method with an optional options
argument, declare two overloads. The format() overload without options passes
the mOptions data member to the overload accepting options.
Refactor the LLSDFormatter family, hoisting the recursive format_impl() method
(accepting level) to a pure virtual method at LLSDFormatter base-class level.
Most subclasses therefore need not override either base-class format() method,
only format_impl(). In fact the short format() overload isn't even virtual.
Consistently use LLSDFormatter::EFormatterOptions enum as the options
parameter wherever such options are accepted.
for new llsd_clone(), llsd_shallow() functions.
# Conflicts:
# indra/newview/pipeline.cpp
On Mac, even if you run a test program with --debug or set LOGTEST=DEBUG, it
won't log to stderr if you're filtering build output or running the build in
an emacs compile buffer. This is because, on Mac, a viewer launched by mouse
rather than from the command line is passed a stderr stream that ultimately
gets logged to the system Console. The shouldLogToStderr() function is
intended to avoid spamming the Console with the (voluminous) viewer log
output. It tests whether stderr isatty() and, if not, suppresses calling
This makes debugging test programs using log output trickier than necessary.
Change shouldLogToStderr() to permit logging when either stderr isatty() or is
a pipe. The original intention is preserved in that empirically, a viewer
launched by mouse is passed a stderr stream identified as a character device
rather than as a pipe.
Also introduce SetEnv, a class that facilitates setting (e.g.) LOGTEST=DEBUG
for specific test programs without setting it for all test programs in the
build. Using the constructor for a static object means you can set environment
variables before main() is entered, which is important because it's the main()
function in test.cpp that acts on the LOGTEST and LOGFAIL environment
These changes make it unnecessary to retain the temporary change in test.cpp
to force LOGTEST to DEBUG.
llmainthreadtask_test builds in a Sync timeout to keep build-time tests from
hanging. That timeout was set to 2000ms, which seems as though it ought to be
plenty enough time for a process with only 2 threads to exchange data between
them. But on TeamCity EC2 Windows build hosts, sometimes we hit that timeout
and fail. Extend it to try to improve the robustness of builds, even though
the possibility of a production viewer blocking for that long for anything
seems worrisome. (Fortunately the production viewer does not use Sync.)
Also isClosed() and explicit operator bool() to detect closed state.
close() causes every subsequent pushFront() to throw
LLThreadSafeQueueInterrupt. Once the queue is drained, it causes popBack() to
throw likewise.
For the main coroutine on each thread, show the 'main0' (or whatever) name
instead of the empty-string name.
Now that we have the Sync class to help construct unit tests that move forward
in a deterministic stepwise order, we can build suitable unit tests for
Actually, introduce static LLCoros::logname() and make the namespaced free
function an alias for that.
Because CoroData is a subclass of LLInstanceTracker with a key, every instance
requires a distinct key. That conflicts with our "getName() returns empty
string for default coroutine on thread" convention. Introduce a new CoroData
constructor, specifically for the default coroutine on each thread, that
initializes the getName() name to empty string while providing a distinct
"mainN" key. Make get_CoroData() use that new constructor for its thread_local
instance, passing an atomic<int> incremented each time we initialize one for a
new thread.
Then LLCoros::logname() returns either the getName() name or the key.
The new LLCoros::Stop exception is intended to terminate long-lived coroutines
-- not interrupt mainstream shutdown processing. Only throw it on an
explicitly-launched coroutine.
Make LLCoros::getName() (used by the above test) static. As with other LLCoros
methods, it might be called after the LLCoros LLSingleton instance has been
deleted. Requiring the caller to call instance() implies a possible need to
also call wasDeleted(). Encapsulate that nuance into a static method instead.
The LLTHROW() abstraction allows us to enrich the subject exception with a
boost::stacktrace -- without having to propagate the boost/stacktrace.hpp
header throughout the code base.
To my delight, our existing use of
boost::current_exception_diagnostic_information() already reports the newly
added boost::stacktrace information -- we don't have to query it specifically!
llexception_test.cpp is about discovering appropriate infrastructure to get
good information from the LLTHROW() and LOG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION() mechanism.
But we didn't before have a test that actually exercises them. Now we do.
LLStacktrace has no behavior except when you stream an instance to a
std::ostream. Then it reports the current traceback at that point to the
This bit of indirection is intended to avoid the boost/stacktrace.hpp header
from being included everywhere.
But leave LLTempRedirect available in the code base.
LLSD::emptyMap() is a factory for an empty map instance, NOT a predicate on
any particular instance. In fact checking configuration.isUndefined() and
testing whether the map is empty are both subsumed by (! configuration).
Make the LLError::Settings LLSingleton duplicate the file handle for stderr
(usually 2) on construction. Make its destructor restore the original target
for that file handle. Provide a getDupStderr() method to obtain the duplicate
file handle.
Move Settings declaration up to the top of the file so other code can
reference it.
Make RecordToFile (the Recorder subclass engaged by LLError::logToFile()),
instead of duplicating stderr's file handle itself, capture the duplicate
stderr file handle from Settings to revert stderr redirection on destruction.
Make RecordToStderr (the Recorder subclass engaged by LLError::logToStderr())
use fdopen() to create an LLFILE* targeting the duplicate file handle from
Settings. Write output to that instead of to stderr so logToStderr() continues
to provide output for the user instead of duplicating each line into the log
Some of the libraries we use produce log output to stderr. Such output can be
informative, but is invisible unless you launch the viewer from a console. In
particular, it's invisible to anyone trying to diagnose a problem by reading
someone else's SecondLife.log file.
Make RecordToFile -- the Recorder subclass engaged by LLError::logToFile() --
redirect STDERR_FILENO to the newly-opened log file so that any subsequent
writes to stderr (or cerr, for that matter) will be captured in the log file.
But first duplicate the original stderr file handle, and restore it when
RecordToFile is destroyed. That way, output written to stderr during the final
moments of application shutdown should still appear on (console) stderr.
LLUniqueFile wraps an LLFILE* in a move-only class that closes the wrapped
LLFILE* on destruction. It provides conversion operators to permit idiomatic
usage as an LLFILE* value.
Instead of heap-allocating a CoroData instance per coroutine, storing the
pointer in a ptr_map and deleting it from the ptr_map once the
fiber_specific_ptr for that coroutine is cleaned up -- just declare a stack
instance on the top-level stack frame, the simplest C++ lifespan management.
Derive CoroData from LLInstanceTracker to detect potential name collisions and
to enumerate instances.
Continue registering each coroutine's CoroData instance in our
fiber_specific_ptr, but use a no-op deleter function.
Make ~LLCoros() directly pump the fiber scheduler a few times, instead of
having a special "LLApp" listener.
By the time "LLApp" listeners are notified that the app is quitting, the
mainloop is no longer running. Even though those listeners do things like
close work queues and inject exceptions into pending promises, any coroutines
waiting on those resources must regain control before they can notice and shut
down properly. Add a final "LLApp" listener that resumes ready coroutines a
few more times.
Make sure every other "LLApp" listener is positioned before that new one.
unless we're going to reference it.
Add LLCoros::TempStatus instances around known suspension points so
printActiveCoroutines() can report what each suspended coroutine is waiting
Similarly, sprinkle checkStop() calls at known suspension points.
Make LLApp::setStatus() post an event to a new LLEventPump "LLApp" with a
string corresponding to the status value being set, but only until
~LLEventPumps() -- since setStatus() also gets called very late in the
application's lifetime.
Make postAndSuspendSetup() (used by postAndSuspend(), suspendUntilEventOn(),
postAndSuspendWithTimeout(), suspendUntilEventOnWithTimeout()) add a listener
on the new "LLApp" LLEventPump that pushes the new LLCoros::Stopping exception
to the coroutine waiting on the LLCoros::Promise. Make it return the new
LLBoundListener along with the previous one.
Accordingly, make postAndSuspend() and postAndSuspendWithTimeout() store the
new LLBoundListener returned by postAndSuspendSetup() in a LLTempBoundListener
(as with the previous one) so it will automatically disconnect once the wait
is over.
Make each LLCoprocedurePool instance listen on "LLApp" with a listener that
closes the queue on which new work items are dispatched. Closing the queue
causes the waiting dispatch coroutine to terminate. Store the connection in an
LLTempBoundListener on the LLCoprocedurePool so it will disconnect
automatically on destruction.
Refactor the loop in coprocedureInvokerCoro() to instantiate TempStatus around
the suspending call.
Change a couple spammy LL_INFOS() calls to LL_DEBUGS(). Give all logging calls
in that module a "CoProcMgr" tag to make it straightforward to re-enable the
LL_DEBUGS() calls as desired.
Introduce LLCoros::Stop exception, with subclasses Stopping, Stopped and
Shutdown. Add LLCoros::checkStop(), intended to be called periodically by any
coroutine with nontrivial lifespan. It checks the LLApp status and, unless
isRunning(), throws one of these new exceptions.
Make LLCoros::toplevel() catch Stop specially and log forcible coroutine
Now that LLApp status matters even in a test program, introduce a trivial
LLTestApp subclass whose sole function is to make isRunning() true.
(LLApp::setStatus() is protected: only a subclass can call it.) Add LLTestApp
instances to lleventcoro_test.cpp and lllogin_test.cpp.
Make LLCoros::toplevel() accept parameters by value rather than by const
reference so we can continue using them even after context switches.
Make private LLCoros::get_CoroData() static. Given that we've observed some
coroutines living past LLCoros destruction, making the caller call
LLCoros::instance() is more dangerous than encapsulating it within a static
method -- since the encapsulated call can check LLCoros::wasDeleted() first
and do something reasonable instead. This also eliminates the need for both a
const and non-const overload.
Defend LLCoros::delete_CoroData() (cleanup function for fiber_specific_ptr for
CoroData, implicitly called after coroutine termination) against calls after
Add a status string to coroutine-local data, with LLCoro::setStatus(),
getStatus() and RAII class TempStatus.
Add an optional 'when' string argument to LLCoros::printActiveCoroutines().
Make ~LLCoros() print the coroutines still active at destruction.
~LLEventPumps() deletes every LLEventPump instance it created itself. However,
many classes themselves contain LLEventPump subclass instances. These are
registered with LLEventPumps without it managing their lifespan.
But LLEventPump::reset() frees the LLStandardSignal aka
boost::signals2::signal instance owned by the LLEventPump, perforce
disconnecting all current listeners and disabling the LLEventPump. Even though
the instance still exists, if someone subsequently calls post(), nothing will
happen -- which is better than control trying to reach a method of a deleted