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That is, when LLViewerFetchedTexture::scheduleCreateTexture() wants to call
createTexture() on the LLImageGLThread, but postCreateTexture() on the main
thread, use the "mainloop" WorkQueue to set up the handshake.
Give ThreadPool a public virtual run() method so a subclass can override with
desired behavior. This necessitates a virtual destructor. Add accessors for
embedded WorkQueue (for post calls), ThreadPool name and width (in threads).
Allow LLSimpleton::createInstance() to forward arguments to the subject
Make LLImageGLThread an LLSimpleton - that abstraction didn't yet exist at the
time LLImageGLThread was coded. Also derive from ThreadPool rather than
LLThread. Make it a single-thread "pool" with a very large queue capacity.
Give ThreadPool and WorkQueue the ability to override default
ThreadSafeSchedule capacity.
Instantiate "mainloop" WorkQueue and "General" ThreadPool with very large
capacity because we never want to have to block trying to push to either.
postIfOpen() provides a no-exception alternative to post(), which blocks if
full but throws if closed. postIfOpen() likewise blocks if full, but returns
true if able to post and false if the queue was closed.
instead of requiring a separate declaration for each subclass.
The previous way produces errors in clang.
LLMemTracked, introduce alignas, hook most/all reamining allocs, disable synchronous occlusion, and convert frequently accessed LLSingletons to LLSimpleton
postTo() sets up two-way communication: the caller asks to run work on some
other WorkQueue, expecting an eventual callback on the originating WorkQueue.
That permits us to transport any exception thrown by the work callable back to
rethrow on the originating WorkQueue.
In addition to the name making the blocking explicit, we changed the
signature: instead of specifying a target WorkQueue on which to run,
waitForResult() runs the passed callable on its own WorkQueue.
Why is that? Because, unlike postTo(), we do not require a handshake between
two different WorkQueues. postTo() allows running arbitrary callback code,
setting variables or whatever, on the originating WorkQueue (presumably on the
originating thread). waitForResult() synchronizes using Promise/Future, which
are explicitly designed for cross-thread communication. We need not call
set_value() on the originating thread, so we don't need a postTo() callback
physics shapes display).
The idea is that you can call runOn(target, callable) from a (non-default)
coroutine and block that coroutine until the result becomes available.
As a safety check, we forbid calling runOn() from a thread's default
coroutine, assuming that a given thread's default coroutine is the one
servicing the relevant WorkQueue.
Add a test exercising this feature.
ThreadPool bundles a WorkQueue with the specified number of worker threads to
service it. Each ThreadPool has a name that can be used to locate its
Each worker thread calls WorkQueue::runUntilClose().
ThreadPool listens on the "LLApp" LLEventPump for shutdown notification. On
receiving that, it closes its WorkQueue and then join()s each of its worker
threads for orderly shutdown.
Add a settings.xml entry "ThreadPoolSizes", the first LLSD-valued settings
entry to expect a map: pool name->size. The expectation is that usually code
instantiating a particular ThreadPool will have a default size in mind, but it
should check "ThreadPoolSizes" for a user override.
Make idle_startup()'s STATE_SEED_CAP_GRANTED state instantiate a "General"
ThreadPool. This is function-static for lazy initialization.
Eliminate LLMainLoopRepeater, which is completely unreferenced. Any potential
future use cases are better addressed by posting to the main loop's WorkQueue.
Eliminate llappviewer.cpp's private LLDeferredTaskList class, which
implemented LLAppViewer::addOnIdleCallback(). Make addOnIdleCallback() post
work to the main loop's WorkQueue instead.
optimization bugs.
LLSD. Enable Fast Timers when Tracy is enabled to catch Fast Timer overhead.
VAOs by default.
It seems CALLBACK is a macro in some Microsoft header file. Bleah.
Also make workqueue_test.cpp more robust.
A typical WorkQueue has a string name, which can be used to find it to post
work to it. "Work" is a nullary callable.
WorkQueue is a multi-producer, multi-consumer thread-safe queue: multiple
threads can service the WorkQueue, multiple threads can post work to it.
Work can be scheduled in the future by submitting with a timestamp. In
addition, a given work item can be scheduled to run on a recurring basis.
A requesting thread servicing a WorkQueue of its own, such as the viewer's
main thread, can submit work to another WorkQueue along with a callback to be
passed the result (of arbitrary type) of the first work item. The callback is
posted to the originating WorkQueue, permitting safe data exchange between
participating threads.
Methods are provided for different kinds of servicing threads. runUntilClose()
is useful for a simple worker thread. runFor(duration) devotes no more than a
specified time slice to that WorkQueue, e.g. for use by the main thread.
Its previous behavior, returning a const reference without locking, was wrong:
it could return a reference to an object in an inconsistent state if it was
concurrently being modified on another thread.
Locking the mutex and returning a copy by value is the correct behavior.
It feels wrong to return a dumb LLInstanceTracker subclass* from getInstance()
when we use std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr internally. But tweak consumers
to use 'auto' or LLInstanceTracker::ptr_t in case we later revisit this
We did add a couple get() calls where it's important to obtain a dumb pointer.
ThreadSafeSchedule::tryPopUntil() (and therefore tryPopFor()) was simply
delegating to LLThreadSafeQueue::tryPopUntil(), with an adjusted timeout since
we want to wake up as soon as the head item, if any, becomes ready. But then
we have to loop back to retry the pop to actually deal with that head item.
In addition, ThreadSafeSchedule::popWithTime() was spinning rather than
properly blocking on a timed condition variable. Fixed.
ThreadSafeSchedule orders its items by timestamp, which can be passed either
implicitly or explicitly. The timestamp specifies earliest delivery time: an
item cannot be popped until that time.
Add initial tests.
Tweak the LLThreadSafeQueue base class to support ThreadSafeSchedule:
introduce virtual canPop() method to report whether the current head item is
available to pop. The base class unconditionally says yes, ThreadSafeSchedule
says it depends on whether its timestamp is still in the future.
This replaces the protected pop_() overload accepting a predicate. Rather than
explicitly passing a predicate through a couple levels of function call, use
canPop() at the level it matters. Runtime behavior that varies depending on
an object's leaf class is what virtual functions were invented for.
Give pop_() a three-state enum return so pop() can distinguish between "closed
and empty" (throws exception) versus "closed, not yet drained because we're
not yet ready to pop the head item" (waits).
Also break out protected tryPopUntil_() method, the body logic of
tryPopUntil(). The public method locks the data structure, the protected
method requires that its caller has already done so.
Add chrono.h with a more full-featured LL::time_point_cast() function than the
one found in <chrono>, which only converts between time_point durations, not
between time_points based on different clocks.
Instead, break out a separate pop_() method that explicitly provides the
lambda to the real pop_() implementation.
Add LL::PriorityQueueAdapter, a wrapper for std::priority_queue to make its
API more closely resemble std::queue for drop-in use as LLThreadSafeQueue's
underlying QueueT container.
Support move-only element types.
Factor out some implementation redundancy: wrap actual push semantics as
push_(), actual pop semantics as pop_(). push(), tryPush() and tryPushUntil()
now call push_(); pop(), tryPop() and tryPopUntil() now call pop_().
Break out tryLock() and tryLockUntil() methods that, if they can lock, run the
passed callable. Then tryPush(), tryPushUntil(), tryPop() and tryPopUntil()
pass lambdas containing the meat of the original method body to tryLock() or
tryLockUntil(), as appropriate.
Push autobuild updates made in DRTVWR-541 into -546
These functions allow prepending or removing an item at the left end of an
arbitrary tuple -- for instance, to add a sequence key to a caller's data,
then remove it again when delivering the original tuple.
First, parameterize LLThreadSafeQueue's queue type. This allows us to
substitute (e.g.) a std::priority_queue for a particular instance.
Use std::queue for the default queue type, changing the operations invoked on
the queue type from std::deque methods to std::queue methods.
Rename published methods from (e.g.) pushFront() and popBack() to simple
push() and pop(), retaining legacy names as aliases. Not only are the overt
Front and Back unnecessary; they're the opposite of how std::queue uses
std::deque or std::list, so they only confuse the reader.
Break out tryPushUntil() method. We already use that logic internally to
tryPushFor(), so it's just as easy to publish it as its own entry point.
Add tryPopFor() and tryPopUntil() to allow limiting the time we'll wait for a
queue item to become available.
Fortunately we already have platform-independent wrappers in llmemory.h.
because it causes frame stalls while logging.