Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
file(DOWNLOAD) replacing execute_process(COMMAND curl),
file(ARCHIVE_EXTRACT) replacing execute_process(COMMAND tar xf),
file(MAKE_DIRECTORY) replacing execute_process(COMMAND mkdir -p),
file(COPY) replacing execute_process(COMMAND cp),
file(RENAME) replacing execute_process(COMMAND mv),
try_compile replacing execute_process(COMMAND cmake/make),
0 replacing ${${_binary}_installed} where appropriate,
no FMOD reinstallation when it's already installed,
and archives & unarchived source/build directories are in CMake
root binary directory, instead of /tmp.
SHOW_PROGRESS is on for downloading Dullahan from the Megapahit
website cause it can be slow.
by making sure we *write* the _installed files (containing the value 0).
LL's build seems to have a minimum macOS of 13.3.
by moving them to Variables.cmake so they can be reused throughout
all CMake files.
For now it still downloads even though the builder has downloaded
the files before. You could temporarily comment out the relevant
use_prebuilt_binary calls to skip all the re-downloads and re-installs.
* Enable CEF browser for Linux
* Disable the update for Linux, we don't have that one right now
* Update build_linux.yaml
We need libpulse-dev for volume_catcher Linux
* Add linux_volum_catcher* files
* Enable OpenAL for Linux-ReleaseOS
* Linux: Update OpenAL
* Update SDL2
* Add libsndio-dev to the dependencies.
* Update CEF to an official LL version
* Remove dupe of emoji_shortcodes
* Reording autobuild does because it can and wants to
* Linux: Disable NDOF for the time being. After updating the ndof 3P needs to be rebuilt and we do not have a fresh one from LL yet.
Forcefully undefine LIB_NDOF, it gets defined in the build variables no matter if it is safe to define.
* Remove wrestling with mutliarch and LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
* Remove tcmalloc snippet, tcmalloc is a very faint bad dream of the past
* Putting out a warning this viewer ran on a x64 arch and then suggesting to install 32 bit compat packages makes no sense at all
* CEF resources need to be in lib
* It;'s okay to warn about missing plugins
* Linux: CEF keyboard handling
* Remove old gstreamer 0.10 implementation
* Linux DSO loading always had been very peculiar due to macro magic.
At least now it is peculiar shared magic with only one implementation.
* Remove -fPIC. We get that one from LL_BUILD
* /proc/cpuinfo is not reliable to detrmine the max CPU clock. Try to determine this by reading "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq".
Only if this fails go back to /proc/cpuinfo
* Cleanup
* Cleanup common linker and compiler flags, make it more obvious which flags are for which OS/compiler
* Switch to correct plugin file
* Install libpulse-dev for volume catcher.
* And the runner needs libsndio-dev as well.
* check for runner.os=='linux'. matrix.os is the full name of the image (limux-large).
The lllibs need to be built as static libs now, otherwise SLPlugin
would lose reference to gSavedSettings. The media plugins still need to
be built as dynamic libs however, so they can't rely on the condition in
LibraryInstall.cmake any more.
Since the Megapahit viewer, when built using GCC, is using the default
value for _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI (which is 1 for the newer C++11 ABI as
opposed to 0 for the older C++03 ABI), the Dullahan dependency needs to
be built with the very same _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI setting too, otherwise
apr_dso would fail at loading because of the failure
to refer to the setOnConsoleMessageCallback function with strictly the same
(not differing between std::__cxx11::basic_string vs. std::basic_string)
parameter types.
The CEF build is Spotify's, so no live streaming support, while the
Dullahan package used by the viewer was built using Kokua's dullahan
fork. After rebuilding it with _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI kept at default
by not overriding it in variables (from the build-variables repo), the
order of the target link libraries in CEFPlugin.cmake doesn't seem to
matter any more (it did before!).
Now EXTERNAL_TOS can be safely omitted from GNU/Linux added compile
definitions (but still used on FreeBSD).
Just untar Dullahan package manually in prebuilt libs dir.
All 3Ps include dirs are treated as SYSTEM, this will stop compilers
stop emitting warnings from those files and greatly helps having high
warning levels and not being swamped by warnings that come from
external libraries.
enough now).
with the same name (that's why 3ps had names like apr::apr),
but it's safer and saner to put the LL 3ps under the ll:: prefix.
This also allows means it is possible to get rid of that bad "if( TRAGET ...) return() endif()" pattern and rather use include_guard().
Change projects to cmake targetsto get rid of havig to hardcore
include directories and link libraries in consumer projects.
changes in this batch since I'm working on Windows box but some speculative macOS ones too although they are quite untested
media plugin are
logic to copy files to right place
configure picks it up
for new CEF code