Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
That is, our replacement `pairs()` forwards the call to built-in `pairs()`
when the passed object has no `__iter()` metamethod. Similarly, our
replacement `ipairs()` forwards to built-in `ipairs()` when the passed object
has no `__index()` metamethod.
This allows for the possibility that the built-in `pairs()` and `ipairs()`
functions engage more efficient implementations than the obvious ones.
Specifically, make pairs(obj) honor obj's __iter() metamethod if any.
Make ipairs(obj) honor obj's __index() metamethod, if any. Given the semantics
of the __index() metamethod, though, this only works for a proxy table if the
proxy has no array entries (int keys) of its own.
Introduce abstract base class InvResultSet, derived from LLIntTracker so each
instance has a unique int key. InvResultSet supports virtual getLength() and
getSlice() operations. getSlice() returns an LLSD array limited to
MAX_ITEM_LIMIT result set entries. It permits retrieving a "slice" of the
contained result set starting at an arbitrary index. A sequence of getSlice()
calls can eventually retrieve a whole result set.
InvResultSet has subclasses CatResultSet containing cat_array_t, and
ItemResultSet containing item_array_t. Each implements a virtual method that
produces an LLSD map from a single array item.
Make LLInventoryListener::getItemsInfo(), getDirectDescendants() and
collectDescendantsIf() instantiate heap CatResultSet and ItemResultSet objects
containing the resultant LLPointer arrays, and return their int keys for
categories and items.
Add LLInventoryListener::getSlice() and closeResult() methods that accept the
int keys of result sets. getSlice() returns the requested LLSD array to its
caller, while closeResult() is fire-and-forget.
Because bulk data transfer is now performed by getSlice() rather than by
collectDescendantsIf(), change the latter's "limit" default to unlimited.
Allow the C++ code to collect an arbitrary number of LLPointer array entries,
as long as getSlice() limits retrieval overhead.
Spell "descendants" correctly, unlike the "descendents" spelling embedded in
the rest of the viewer... sigh. Make the Lua module provide both spellings.
Make MAX_ITEM_LIMIT a U32 instead of F32.
In LLInventory.lua, store int result set keys from 'getItemsInfo',
'getDirectDescendants' and 'collectDescendantsIf' in a table with a close()
function. The close() function invokes 'closeResult' with the bound int keys.
Give that table an __index() metamethod that recognizes only 'categories' and
'items' keys: anything else returns nil. For either of the recognized keys,
call 'getSlice' with the corresponding result set key to retrieve (the initial
slice of) the actual result set. Cache that result. Lazy retrieval means that
if the caller only cares about categories, or only about items, the other
result set need never be retrieved at all.
This is a first step: like the previous code, it still retrieves only up to
the first 100 result set entries. But the C++ code now supports retrieval of
additional slices, so extending result set retrieval is mostly Lua work.
Finally, wrap the table-with-metamethod in an LL.setdtor() proxy whose
destructor calls its close() method to tell LLInventoryListener to destroy the
CatResultSet and ItemResultSet with the bound keys.
The point of LLIntTracker is to generate its keys implicitly, so that its int
getKey() can be treated more or less like an instance pointer, with the added
bonus that the key can be passed around via LLSD.
LLIntTracker generates random int keys to try to make it a little harder for
one script to mess with an LLIntTracker instance belonging to another.
One could argue that LLInstanceTracker is a container of sorts, and erase() is
more conventional. This affects no other code, as destruct() is not currently
Replace the global next(), pairs() and ipairs() functions with a C++ function
that drills down through layers of setdtor() proxy objects and then forwards
the updated arguments to the original global function.
Add a Luau __iter() metamethod to setdtor() proxy objects that, like other
proxy metamethods, drills down to the underlying _target object. __iter()
recognizes the case of a _target table which itself has a __iter() metamethod.
Also add __idiv() metamethod to support integer division.
Add tests for proxy // division, next(proxy), next(proxy, key), pairs(proxy),
ipairs(proxy) and 'for k, v in proxy'. Also test the case where the table
wrapped in the proxy has an __iter() metamethod of its own.
Trim redundant output from test_setdtor.lua.
`setdtor('description', object, function)` returns a proxy userdata object
referencing object and function. When the proxy is garbage-collected, or at
the end of the script, its destructor calls `function(object)`.
The original object may be retrieved as `proxy._target`, e.g. to pass it to
the `table` library. The proxy also has a metatable with metamethods
supporting arithmetic operations, string concatenation, length and table
indexing. For other operations, retrieve `proxy._target`. (But don't assign to
`proxy._target`. It will appear to work, in that subsequent references to
`proxy._target` will retrieve the replacement object -- however, the
destructor will still call `function(original object)`.)
Fix bugs in `lua_setfieldv()`, `lua_rawgetfield()` and `lua_rawsetfield()`.
Add C++ functions `lua_destroyuserdata()` to explicitly destroy a
`lua_emplace<T>()` userdata object, plus `lua_destroybounduserdata()`. The
latter can bind such a userdata object as an upvalue to pass to `LL.atexit()`.
Make `` and `LL.leaphelp()` help text include the `LL.` prefix.
Allow UI to have lazily-loaded submodules.
Lua inventory api
Fix for #2385: say, shout and whisper messages from the script should be displayed consistently
In particular, where the raw leap.request().response call would return
{OK_okcancelbuttons=true}, just return the string 'OK' or 'Cancel'.
Update existing consumer scripts.
This way encourages "UI = require 'UI'; UI.Floater"
instead of just "Floater = require 'Floater'".
Moreover, now we don't need UI to maintain a list of allowed submodules;
that's effected by membership in the subdirectory.
Equip UI with an __index metamethod. When someone references an unknown
key/field in UI, require() that module and cache it for future reference.
Add util.setmetamethods() as a way to find or create a metatable on a
specified table containing specified metamethods.
Exercise the new functionality by referencing UI.popup in test_popup.lua.
displayed consistently
Fix for #2237: intermittent Lua data stack overflow.
Otherwise, an exception raised in the block containing a LuaStackDelta
instance -- that might be caught -- would result in an LL_ERRS() crash. We
can't expect a block exited via exception to keep its contract wrt the Lua
data stack.
Specifically, defend against a callback that runs so long it suspends at a
point after the next timer tick.
Use a static unordered_map to allow a function receiving (lua_State* L) to
look up the LuaState instance managing that lua_State. We've thought about
this from time to time already. LuaState's constructor creates the map entry;
its destructor removes it; the new static getParent(lua_State* L) method
performs the lookup.
Migrate lluau::set_interrupts_counter() and check_interrupts_counter() into
LuaState member functions. Add a new mInterrupts counter for them.
Importantly, LuaState::check_interrupts_counter(), which is indirectly called
by a lua_callbacks().interrupt function, no longer performs any Lua stack
operations. Empirically, it seems the Lua engine is capable of interrupting
itself at a moment when re-entry confuses it.
Change previous lluau::set_interrupts_counter(L, 0) calls to
Also add LuaStackDelta class, and a lua_checkdelta() helper macro, to verify
that the Lua data stack depth on exit from a block differs from the depth on
entry by exactly the expected amount. Sprinkle lua_checkdelta() macros in
likely places.
In fact we set mOldValue from mVar, and restore mVar from mOldValue, so the
VAR type makes the most sense. The previous way, you'd get actual errors if
you tried to use TempSet(pointervar, nullptr): that declared mOldValue to be
nullptr_t, which you can't initialize from mVar.
luaL_checkstack() accepts a third parameter which is included in the stack
overflow error message. We've been passing nullptr, leading to messages of the
form "stack overflow ((null))". lluau_checkstack() implicitly passes
__FUNCTION__, so we can distinguish which underlying luaL_checkstack() call
encountered the stack overflow condition.
Also, when calling each atexit() function, pass Luau's debug.traceback()
function as the lua_pcall() error handler. This should help diagnose errors in
atexit() functions.
Update Luau to v0.638-r2 (2024-08-12 build)
Lua api for sending group messages
Add Throttle and LogThrottle classes to manage throttled APIs.
Introduce a custom coroutine/fiber scheduler to prioritize UI.
With approval from Maxim and Atlas, merging to project trunk.