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It's useful to be able to say STRINGIZE(item0 << item1 << item2), and we use
that a lot in our code base. But weird syntax aside, there are a couple
advantages to being able to write stringize(item0, item1, item2).
First, it allows stringize() to be used from within some other variadic
function, without having to make that function a macro that accepts an
arbitrary insertion-operator expression. There's no such thing as a member
Second, particularly for variadic functions, it allows us to optimize the
single-argument case stringize(item0). A macro can't do that. When item0 is
already a string of the desired char type, instead of streaming it into a
std::ostringstream and retrieving it again, we can simply return the input
string. When it's a pointer to the desired char type, we can directly
construct the result string without the help of std::ostringstream. When it's
a string of some other char type, we can engage ll_convert() to perform needed
We generalize and optimize the generic gstringize() function, retaining the
role of stringize() and wstringize() as thin wrappers that merely provide the
desired char type.
Optimizing the single-argument case requires separately defining gstringize()
with two or more arguments: the general case. Then gstringize(arg) is
delegated to a gstringize_impl class template so we can partially specialize
to recognize a std::basic_string<desired_char_type> argument, as well as
desired_char_type*. Both these specializations engage ll_convert(), which
already handles the trivial case when no conversion is required.
Use of ll_convert() in this role supercedes and generalizes the previous
wstring_to_utf8str() and utf8str_to_wstring() overloads.
Also introduce stream_to(std::ostream&, ...) to support variadic streaming to
other destinations, e.g. a file, std::cout, ...
even if idle() exits early.
Avatar wasn't reflecting but distorting, since avatar was already under water it looked like a 'reflection' of avatar, but was not rotated right and with wrong angle.
Make avatar cloud delay longer proportionally to load time
in stats window
before blocking on the pending future. Otherwise the window thread can remain
blocked in a GetMessage() call and deadlock the app.
llwindowwin32.cpp's LLWinImm class used to dynamically load IMM32.DLL and
populate its methods using GetProcAddress(). That was to support Windows XP.
Since we've dropped Windows XP, use static linking instead, with dramatically
fewer lines of code (and less of a thread safety alarm trigger).
We retain the LLWinImm wrapper class only as a hook for Tracy instrumentation.
We want to skip calling PostMessage() to bump the window thread out of
GetMessage() in any frame with no work functions pending for that thread. That
test depends on being able to sense the size() of the queue. Having converted
to WorkQueue, we need that queue to support size().
LLWindowWin32::mWndProc was a public WNDPROC member. If set non-NULL,
mainWindowProc() would call that before falling into its own handler code. But
now, mWndProc would be called on the window thread instead of on the main
thread. Running arbitrary callback code on the window thread could cause all
sorts of problems.
It could be made safe by posting the callback call to the "mainloop" WorkQueue
for execution on the main thread. But as no code actually references it,
delete it instead.
Per DaveP, the recent change to LLWindowsWin32Thread::post() could end up
calling PostMessage() many times per frame, with nontrivial overhead.
Reinstate the more selective code that calls PostMessage() with the dummy
message (to bust us out of GetMessage() to check pending window-thread work
requests) at most once per frame.
Move the whole LLWindowWin32Thread class inside LLWindowWin32, and make it a
struct. Migrate the struct declaration to llwindowwin32.cpp.
Derive it from ThreadPool, which provides the WorkQueue. Use runPending()
instead of manually popping and running individual queue items.
Make its post() operation always PostMessage(bogus) whenever we put an entry
in the WorkQueue, so we won't remain blocked in GetMessage().
Instead of storing a back pointer to the LLWindowWin32 instance, store the
relevant HWND and HDC in LLWindowWin32Thread itself to avoid cross-thread
timing problems.
Extract both instances of a large duplicated block of LLWindowWin32 code to a
new recreateWindow() method, and call it in those places. Per the TODO, use a
std::future to pass the new HWND and HDC back to LLWindowWin32 -- but also
store them locally on the LLWindowWin32Thread instance.
That is, when LLViewerFetchedTexture::scheduleCreateTexture() wants to call
createTexture() on the LLImageGLThread, but postCreateTexture() on the main
thread, use the "mainloop" WorkQueue to set up the handshake.
Give ThreadPool a public virtual run() method so a subclass can override with
desired behavior. This necessitates a virtual destructor. Add accessors for
embedded WorkQueue (for post calls), ThreadPool name and width (in threads).
Allow LLSimpleton::createInstance() to forward arguments to the subject
Make LLImageGLThread an LLSimpleton - that abstraction didn't yet exist at the
time LLImageGLThread was coded. Also derive from ThreadPool rather than
LLThread. Make it a single-thread "pool" with a very large queue capacity.
freezes the File Explorer
SL-14098, enable occlusion culling during reflection pass
Approved-by: Michael Pohoreski
Give ThreadPool and WorkQueue the ability to override default
ThreadSafeSchedule capacity.
Instantiate "mainloop" WorkQueue and "General" ThreadPool with very large
capacity because we never want to have to block trying to push to either.
Use the new WorkQueue::postIfOpen() method in LLImageGLThread::post(). That
makes the LLImageGLThread method a trivial wrapper, which can accept templated
work items and pass them through to the WorkQueue method, eliminating double
indirection due to multiple layers of std::function.
Eliminate LLImageGLThread's WorkQueue intended for work on the main queue.
Since the main loop already has a WorkQueue of its own, post work directly to
that WorkQueue instead of using a separate WorkQueue misleadingly embedded in
Instead of looking up the main thread's WorkQueue every time, capture a
pointer in LLImageGL's constructor.
We no longer need a fallback queue for when the main thread's WorkQueue is
full. We no longer need the main loop to poll LLImageGL to service the local
main-thread-targeted WorkQueue, or to copy work from the fallback queue to the
main queue. That eliminates LLImageGLThread::postCallback(), mCallbackQueue,
mPendingCallbackQ, executeCallbacks() -- and even LLImageGL::updateClass() and
LLAppViewer's call to it.
Change LLViewerFetchedTexture::scheduleCreateTexture() to post work to the
main thread's WorkQueue instead of calling LLImageGLThread::postCallback().
postIfOpen() provides a no-exception alternative to post(), which blocks if
full but throws if closed. postIfOpen() likewise blocks if full, but returns
true if able to post and false if the queue was closed.
instead of requiring a separate declaration for each subclass.
The previous way produces errors in clang.
That function wants to pass a code_page to ll_convert_string_to_wide(), but
the code_page parameter was being mistaken for the length parameter, leading
to access violations.
clang allows us to specify, as a default function parameter, an expression
involving a preceding parameter, e.g. (char* ptr, size_t len=strlen(ptr)). The
Microsoft compiler produces errors, requiring more overloads to address that.
Also #undef llstring.h's declaration helper macros at the bottom of the file.
Once we've used them to declare stuff, they need not (should not) be visible
to the consuming source file.
Use new ll_convert_forms() macro in llstring.h to declare, for each
wide-string conversion function of interest, four overloads. The real one, the
nontrivial one, is (const char*, size_t len), implemented in llstring.cpp. Then
(const string&, size_t len), (const char*) and (const string&) are each
trivially implemented with an inline call to (const char*, size_t len).
Notably, we change all S32 len parameters to size_t. Using S32 is old skool.
Tweak each nontrivial implementation in llstring.cpp to accept (const char*,
size_t len) instead of (const string&) with or without explicit length.
Eliminate from llstring.cpp trivial overloads (deriving length from either a
const char* or from a string), since those are now inline in the header.
Of course three of those overloads will be unified once we enable C++17 and
change each relevant parameter to std::string_view, but we're not yet there.
Meanwhile, this suite of overloads minimizes, to the best of our ability, new
string allocations solely for parameter passing. And use of a macro means we
need only change the macro once we get std::string_view.
We take this step because some use cases require (const char*), some require
(const string&, size_t len), others (const char*, size_t len) ... We were
missing some key overloads, and had to work around them by instantiating new
string objects (necessitating both allocation and character copying) just to
pass the desired parameter. Using the macro ensures this consistent set of
overloads for every wide-string conversion function.
Additionally, knowing that the ugly-name overloads exist, ll_convert_forms()
implicitly defines corresponding ll_convert<TARGET>() overloads.
Streamline declarations of utf16str_to_wstring(), wstring_to_utf16str(),
utf8str_to_utf16str(), utf16str_to_utf8str(), utf8str_to_wstring(),
wstring_to_utf8str(), ll_convert_wide_to_wstring() and
ll_convert_wstring_to_wide() using ll_convert_forms().
Use corresponding new ll_convert_cp_forms() macro to declare consistent
overloads for conversion functions accepting an optional unsigned int
code_page parameter. We used to delegate to the .cpp file the implementation
of each overload accepting code_page so llstring.h need not include the
Windows header defining the CP_UTF8 default; this is more simply accomplished
by introducing a small ll_wstring_default_code_page() function to retrieve it
from the .cpp file. That lets us specify the code_page parameter as optional,
using that function as its default value.
Use ll_convert_cp_forms() to streamline declarations of
ll_convert_wide_to_string() and ll_convert_string_to_wide().
Introduce real implementations of ll_convert_wide_to_wstring() and
ll_convert_wstring_to_wide(). The previous implementations merely copied
individual characters, which is wrong: when we convert UTF16LE to UTF32, we
can and should fold multi-character UTF16LE encodings to the corresponding
single UTF32 character. The real implemenations leverage our awareness that
both llutf16string and Windows std::wstring (either variant) use UTF16LE
encoding, so we can reuse the corresponding llutf16string conversions.
Introduce generic ll_convert_length() function, specialized as either
std::strlen() or std::wcslen() depending on parameter type. (Even if
std::wcslen() is derived from classic C, why doesn't the C++ standard library
define a std::strlen(const wchar_t*) overload to call it?)
Fix ll_convert_alias()'s ll_convert_impl specialization's operator() to accept
boost::call_traits::param_type, so we can pass (e.g.) const std::wstring& but
also const wchar_t* instead of const wchar_t*&.
Now that we've enabled -std=c++14 for the whole viewer source tree, that CMake
directive is actually a step backwards -- since it introduces -std=gnu++11 on
the compiler command line, after the one we want, which apparently overrides
c++14 with gnu++11 and causes errors with legitimate C++14 constructs.
SL-16127 More tweaks
Approved-by: Euclid Linden
Approved-by: Dave Parks
LLMemTracked, introduce alignas, hook most/all reamining allocs, disable synchronous occlusion, and convert frequently accessed LLSingletons to LLSimpleton
vars, and use atmospheric already calculated
In llpreprocessor.h, consider the case of clang on Windows: #define
LL_WCHAR_T_NATIVE there as well as for the Microsoft compiler with /Zc:wchar_t
In stdtypes.h, inject a LLWCHAR_IS_WCHAR_T symbol to allow the preprocessor to
make decisions about when the types are identical.
llstring.h's conversion logic deals with three types of wide strings
(LLWString, std::wstring and utf16string) based on three types of wide char
(llwchar, wchar_t and U16, respectively). Sometimes they're three distinct
types, sometimes wchar_t is identical to llwchar and sometimes wchar_t is
identical to U16. Rationalize the three cases using ll_convert_u16_alias() and
new ll_convert_wstr_alias() macros.
stringize.h was directly calling wstring_to_utf8str() and utf8str_to_wstring(),
which was producing errors with VS 2019 clang since there isn't actually a
wstring_to_utf8str(std::wstring) overload. Use ll_convert<std::string>()
instead, since that redirects to the relevant ll_convert_wide_to_string()
function. (And now you see why we've been trying to migrate to the uniform
ll_convert<target>() wrapper!) Similarly, call ll_convert<std::wstring>()
instead of a two-step conversion from utf8str_to_wstring(), producing LLWString,
then a character-by-character copy from LLWString to std::wstring. That
isn't even correct: on Windows, we should be encoding from UTF32 to UTF16.
Approved-by: Euclid Linden
Approved-by: Dave Parks
vars, and use atmospheric already calculated
postTo() sets up two-way communication: the caller asks to run work on some
other WorkQueue, expecting an eventual callback on the originating WorkQueue.
That permits us to transport any exception thrown by the work callable back to
rethrow on the originating WorkQueue.
In addition to the name making the blocking explicit, we changed the
signature: instead of specifying a target WorkQueue on which to run,
waitForResult() runs the passed callable on its own WorkQueue.
Why is that? Because, unlike postTo(), we do not require a handshake between
two different WorkQueues. postTo() allows running arbitrary callback code,
setting variables or whatever, on the originating WorkQueue (presumably on the
originating thread). waitForResult() synchronizes using Promise/Future, which
are explicitly designed for cross-thread communication. We need not call
set_value() on the originating thread, so we don't need a postTo() callback