path: root/indra
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra')
7 files changed, 72 insertions, 163 deletions
diff --git a/indra/llrender/llfontfreetype.cpp b/indra/llrender/llfontfreetype.cpp
index 1246cfc44b..786dc64452 100644
--- a/indra/llrender/llfontfreetype.cpp
+++ b/indra/llrender/llfontfreetype.cpp
@@ -98,9 +98,7 @@ LLFontGlyphInfo::LLFontGlyphInfo(U32 index)
mWidth(0), // In pixels
mHeight(0), // In pixels
mXAdvance(0.f), // In pixels
- mYAdvance(0.f), // In pixels
- mIsRendered(FALSE),
- mMetricsValid(FALSE)
+ mYAdvance(0.f) // In pixels
@@ -199,7 +197,7 @@ BOOL LLFontFreetype::loadFace(const std::string& filename, F32 point_size, F32 v
if (!mIsFallback)
// Add the default glyph
- addGlyph(0, 0);
+ addGlyphFromFont(this, 0, 0);
mName = filename;
@@ -251,57 +249,10 @@ F32 LLFontFreetype::getXAdvance(llwchar wch) const
if (mFTFace == NULL)
return 0.0;
- //llassert(!mIsFallback);
- U32 glyph_index;
// Return existing info only if it is current
LLFontGlyphInfo* gi = getGlyphInfo(wch);
- if (gi && gi->mMetricsValid)
- {
- return gi->mXAdvance;
- }
- const LLFontFreetype* fontp = this;
- // Initialize char to glyph map
- glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(mFTFace, wch);
- if (glyph_index == 0)
- {
- font_vector_t::const_iterator iter;
- for(iter = mFallbackFonts.begin(); (iter != mFallbackFonts.end()) && (glyph_index == 0); iter++)
- {
- glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index((*iter)->mFTFace, wch);
- if(glyph_index)
- {
- fontp = *iter;
- }
- }
- }
- if (glyph_index)
+ if (gi)
- // This font has this glyph
- fontp->renderGlyph(glyph_index);
- // Create the entry if it's not there
- char_glyph_info_map_t::iterator iter2 = mCharGlyphInfoMap.find(wch);
- if (iter2 == mCharGlyphInfoMap.end())
- {
- gi = new LLFontGlyphInfo(glyph_index);
- insertGlyphInfo(wch, gi);
- }
- else
- {
- gi = iter2->second;
- }
- gi->mWidth = fontp->mFTFace->glyph->bitmap.width;
- gi->mHeight = fontp->mFTFace->glyph->bitmap.rows;
- // Convert these from 26.6 units to float pixels.
- gi->mXAdvance = fontp->mFTFace->glyph->advance.x / 64.f;
- gi->mYAdvance = fontp->mFTFace->glyph->advance.y / 64.f;
- gi->mMetricsValid = TRUE;
return gi->mXAdvance;
@@ -323,10 +274,10 @@ F32 LLFontFreetype::getXKerning(llwchar char_left, llwchar char_right) const
return 0.0;
- LLFontGlyphInfo* left_glyph_info = get_if_there(mCharGlyphInfoMap, char_left, (LLFontGlyphInfo*)NULL);
+ LLFontGlyphInfo* left_glyph_info = getGlyphInfo(char_left);;
U32 left_glyph = left_glyph_info ? left_glyph_info->mGlyphIndex : 0;
// Kern this puppy.
- LLFontGlyphInfo* right_glyph_info = get_if_there(mCharGlyphInfoMap, char_right, (LLFontGlyphInfo*)NULL);
+ LLFontGlyphInfo* right_glyph_info = getGlyphInfo(char_right);
U32 right_glyph = right_glyph_info ? right_glyph_info->mGlyphIndex : 0;
FT_Vector delta;
@@ -339,18 +290,10 @@ F32 LLFontFreetype::getXKerning(llwchar char_left, llwchar char_right) const
BOOL LLFontFreetype::hasGlyph(llwchar wch) const
- const LLFontGlyphInfo* gi = getGlyphInfo(wch);
- if (gi && gi->mIsRendered)
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
+ return(mCharGlyphInfoMap.find(wch) != mCharGlyphInfoMap.end());
-BOOL LLFontFreetype::addChar(llwchar wch) const
+LLFontGlyphInfo* LLFontFreetype::addGlyph(llwchar wch) const
if (mFTFace == NULL)
return FALSE;
@@ -371,30 +314,23 @@ BOOL LLFontFreetype::addChar(llwchar wch) const
glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index((*iter)->mFTFace, wch);
if (glyph_index)
- addGlyphFromFont(*iter, wch, glyph_index);
- return TRUE;
+ return addGlyphFromFont(*iter, wch, glyph_index);
char_glyph_info_map_t::iterator iter = mCharGlyphInfoMap.find(wch);
- if (iter == mCharGlyphInfoMap.end() || !(iter->second->mIsRendered))
+ if (iter == mCharGlyphInfoMap.end())
- BOOL result = addGlyph(wch, glyph_index);
- return result;
+ return addGlyphFromFont(this, wch, glyph_index);
- return FALSE;
-BOOL LLFontFreetype::addGlyph(llwchar wch, U32 glyph_index) const
- return addGlyphFromFont(this, wch, glyph_index);
+ return NULL;
-BOOL LLFontFreetype::addGlyphFromFont(const LLFontFreetype *fontp, llwchar wch, U32 glyph_index) const
+LLFontGlyphInfo* LLFontFreetype::addGlyphFromFont(const LLFontFreetype *fontp, llwchar wch, U32 glyph_index) const
if (mFTFace == NULL)
- return FALSE;
+ return NULL;
@@ -417,8 +353,6 @@ BOOL LLFontFreetype::addGlyphFromFont(const LLFontFreetype *fontp, llwchar wch,
// Convert these from 26.6 units to float pixels.
gi->mXAdvance = fontp->mFTFace->glyph->advance.x / 64.f;
gi->mYAdvance = fontp->mFTFace->glyph->advance.y / 64.f;
- gi->mIsRendered = TRUE;
- gi->mMetricsValid = TRUE;
insertGlyphInfo(wch, gi);
@@ -489,7 +423,11 @@ BOOL LLFontFreetype::addGlyphFromFont(const LLFontFreetype *fontp, llwchar wch,
// omit it from the font-image.
- return TRUE;
+ LLImageGL *image_gl = mFontBitmapCachep->getImageGL(bitmap_num);
+ LLImageRaw *image_raw = mFontBitmapCachep->getImageRaw(bitmap_num);
+ image_gl->setSubImage(image_raw, 0, 0, image_gl->getWidth(), image_gl->getHeight());
+ return gi;
LLFontGlyphInfo* LLFontFreetype::getGlyphInfo(llwchar wch) const
@@ -499,7 +437,11 @@ LLFontGlyphInfo* LLFontFreetype::getGlyphInfo(llwchar wch) const
return iter->second;
- return NULL;
+ else
+ {
+ // this glyph doesn't yet exist, so render it and return the result
+ return addGlyph(wch);
+ }
void LLFontFreetype::insertGlyphInfo(llwchar wch, LLFontGlyphInfo* gi) const
@@ -556,19 +498,12 @@ void LLFontFreetype::reset(F32 vert_dpi, F32 horz_dpi)
void LLFontFreetype::resetBitmapCache()
- // Iterate through glyphs and clear the mIsRendered flag
- for (char_glyph_info_map_t::iterator iter = mCharGlyphInfoMap.begin();
- iter != mCharGlyphInfoMap.end(); ++iter)
- {
- iter->second->mIsRendered = FALSE;
- //FIXME: this is only strictly necessary when resetting the entire font,
- //not just flushing the bitmap
- iter->second->mMetricsValid = FALSE;
- }
+ for_each(mCharGlyphInfoMap.begin(), mCharGlyphInfoMap.end(), DeletePairedPointer());
+ mCharGlyphInfoMap.clear();
// Add the empty glyph
- addGlyph(0, 0);
+ addGlyphFromFont(this, 0, 0);
void LLFontFreetype::destroyGL()
@@ -576,21 +511,11 @@ void LLFontFreetype::destroyGL()
-BOOL LLFontFreetype::getIsFallback() const
- return mIsFallback;
const std::string &LLFontFreetype::getName() const
return mName;
-F32 LLFontFreetype::getPointSize() const
- return mPointSize;
const LLPointer<LLFontBitmapCache> LLFontFreetype::getFontBitmapCache() const
return mFontBitmapCachep;
diff --git a/indra/llrender/llfontfreetype.h b/indra/llrender/llfontfreetype.h
index 5adaab3a88..1325b4995b 100644
--- a/indra/llrender/llfontfreetype.h
+++ b/indra/llrender/llfontfreetype.h
@@ -70,10 +70,8 @@ public:
S32 mHeight; // In pixels
F32 mXAdvance; // In pixels
F32 mYAdvance; // In pixels
- BOOL mMetricsValid; // We have up-to-date metrics for this glyph
// Information for actually rendering
- BOOL mIsRendered; // We actually have rendered this glyph
S32 mXBitmapOffset; // Offset to the origin in the bitmap
S32 mYBitmapOffset; // Offset to the origin in the bitmap
S32 mXBearing; // Distance from baseline to left in pixels
@@ -133,34 +131,27 @@ public:
F32 getXAdvance(llwchar wc) const;
F32 getXKerning(llwchar char_left, llwchar char_right) const; // Get the kerning between the two characters
- BOOL hasGlyph(llwchar wch) const; // Has a glyph for this character
- BOOL addChar(llwchar wch) const; // Add a new character to the font if necessary
- BOOL addGlyph(llwchar wch, U32 glyph_index) const; // Add a new glyph to the existing font
- BOOL addGlyphFromFont(const LLFontFreetype *fontp, llwchar wch, U32 glyph_index) const; // Add a glyph from this font to the other (returns the glyph_index, 0 if not found)
LLFontGlyphInfo* getGlyphInfo(llwchar wch) const;
- void insertGlyphInfo(llwchar wch, LLFontGlyphInfo* gi) const;
- void renderGlyph(U32 glyph_index) const;
void reset(F32 vert_dpi, F32 horz_dpi);
- void resetBitmapCache();
void destroyGL();
- BOOL getIsFallback() const;
const std::string& getName() const;
- F32 getPointSize() const;
const LLPointer<LLFontBitmapCache> getFontBitmapCache() const;
void setStyle(U8 style);
U8 getStyle() const;
+ void resetBitmapCache();
void setSubImageLuminanceAlpha(U32 x, U32 y, U32 bitmap_num, U32 width, U32 height, U8 *data, S32 stride = 0) const;
+ BOOL hasGlyph(llwchar wch) const; // Has a glyph for this character
+ LLFontGlyphInfo* addGlyph(llwchar wch) const; // Add a new character to the font if necessary
+ LLFontGlyphInfo* addGlyphFromFont(const LLFontFreetype *fontp, llwchar wch, U32 glyph_index) const; // Add a glyph from this font to the other (returns the glyph_index, 0 if not found)
+ void renderGlyph(U32 glyph_index) const;
+ void insertGlyphInfo(llwchar wch, LLFontGlyphInfo* gi) const;
std::string mName;
diff --git a/indra/llrender/llfontgl.cpp b/indra/llrender/llfontgl.cpp
index 2d7b9760e8..c9163d2890 100644
--- a/indra/llrender/llfontgl.cpp
+++ b/indra/llrender/llfontgl.cpp
@@ -252,11 +252,6 @@ S32 LLFontGL::render(const LLWString &wstr, S32 begin_offset, F32 x, F32 y, cons
llwchar wch = wstr[i];
- if (!mFontFreetype->hasGlyph(wch))
- {
- addChar(wch);
- }
const LLFontGlyphInfo* fgi= mFontFreetype->getGlyphInfo(wch);
if (!fgi)
@@ -299,10 +294,6 @@ S32 LLFontGL::render(const LLWString &wstr, S32 begin_offset, F32 x, F32 y, cons
if (next_char && (next_char < LAST_CHARACTER))
// Kern this puppy.
- if (!mFontFreetype->hasGlyph(next_char))
- {
- addChar(next_char);
- }
cur_x += mFontFreetype->getXKerning(wch, next_char);
@@ -442,15 +433,22 @@ F32 LLFontGL::getWidthF32(const llwchar* wchars, S32 begin_offset, S32 max_chars
F32 cur_x = 0;
const S32 max_index = begin_offset + max_chars;
- for (S32 i = begin_offset; i < max_index; i++)
+ F32 width_padding = 0.f;
+ for (S32 i = begin_offset; i < max_index && wchars[i] != 0; i++)
llwchar wch = wchars[i];
- if (wch == 0)
- {
- break; // done
- }
- cur_x += mFontFreetype->getXAdvance(wch);
+ const LLFontGlyphInfo* fgi= mFontFreetype->getGlyphInfo(wch);
+ F32 advance = mFontFreetype->getXAdvance(wch);
+ // for the last character we want to measure the greater of its width and xadvance values
+ // so keep track of the difference between these values for the each character we measure
+ // so we can fix things up at the end
+ width_padding = llmax(0.f, (F32)fgi->mWidth - advance);
+ cur_x += advance;
llwchar next_char = wchars[i+1];
if (((i + 1) < begin_offset + max_chars)
@@ -464,6 +462,9 @@ F32 LLFontGL::getWidthF32(const llwchar* wchars, S32 begin_offset, S32 max_chars
cur_x = (F32)llfloor(cur_x + 0.5f);
+ // add in extra pixels for last character's width past its xadvance
+ cur_x += width_padding;
return cur_x / sScaleX;
@@ -663,25 +664,6 @@ S32 LLFontGL::charFromPixelOffset(const llwchar* wchars, S32 begin_offset, F32 t
return llmin(max_chars, pos - begin_offset);
-BOOL LLFontGL::addChar(llwchar wch) const
- if (!mFontFreetype->addChar(wch))
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- stop_glerror();
- LLFontGlyphInfo *glyph_info = mFontFreetype->getGlyphInfo(wch);
- U32 bitmap_num = glyph_info->mBitmapNum;
- const LLFontBitmapCache* font_bitmap_cache = mFontFreetype->getFontBitmapCache();
- LLImageGL *image_gl = font_bitmap_cache->getImageGL(bitmap_num);
- LLImageRaw *image_raw = font_bitmap_cache->getImageRaw(bitmap_num);
- image_gl->setSubImage(image_raw, 0, 0, image_gl->getWidth(), image_gl->getHeight());
- return TRUE;
const LLFontDescriptor& LLFontGL::getFontDesc() const
return mFontDescriptor;
diff --git a/indra/llrender/llfontgl.h b/indra/llrender/llfontgl.h
index ad84b6d641..a278d88287 100644
--- a/indra/llrender/llfontgl.h
+++ b/indra/llrender/llfontgl.h
@@ -131,8 +131,6 @@ public:
// Returns the index of the character closest to pixel position x (ignoring text to the right of max_pixels and max_chars)
S32 charFromPixelOffset(const llwchar* wchars, S32 char_offset, F32 x, F32 max_pixels=F32_MAX, S32 max_chars = S32_MAX, BOOL round = TRUE) const;
- BOOL addChar(const llwchar wch) const;
const LLFontDescriptor& getFontDesc() const;
diff --git a/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp b/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
index 97a2c70fe8..3c5213a0b3 100644
--- a/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
+++ b/indra/llui/lltextbase.cpp
@@ -1106,12 +1106,17 @@ void LLTextBase::reflow(S32 start_index)
S32 segment_width = segment->getWidth(seg_offset, character_count);
remaining_pixels -= segment_width;
- S32 text_left = getLeftOffset(text_width - remaining_pixels);
seg_offset += character_count;
S32 last_segment_char_on_line = segment->getStart() + seg_offset;
+ S32 text_left = getLeftOffset(text_width - remaining_pixels);
+ LLRect line_rect(text_left,
+ cur_top,
+ text_left + (text_width - remaining_pixels),
+ cur_top - line_height);
// if we didn't finish the current segment...
if (last_segment_char_on_line < segment->getEnd())
@@ -1129,10 +1134,7 @@ void LLTextBase::reflow(S32 start_index)
- LLRect(text_left,
- cur_top,
- text_left + (text_width - remaining_pixels),
- cur_top - line_height),
+ line_rect,
line_start_index = segment->getStart() + seg_offset;
@@ -1147,15 +1149,12 @@ void LLTextBase::reflow(S32 start_index)
- LLRect(text_left,
- cur_top,
- text_left + (text_width - remaining_pixels),
- cur_top - line_height),
+ line_rect,
cur_top -= llround((F32)line_height * mLineSpacingMult) + mLineSpacingPixels;
- // finished a segment and there are segments remaining on this line
+ // ...or finished a segment and there are segments remaining on this line
// subtract pixels used and increment segment
diff --git a/indra/newview/llexpandabletextbox.cpp b/indra/newview/llexpandabletextbox.cpp
index 2467356018..e2d6bcee8f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llexpandabletextbox.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llexpandabletextbox.cpp
@@ -57,7 +57,20 @@ public:
return start_offset;
- /*virtual*/ S32 getNumChars(S32 num_pixels, S32 segment_offset, S32 line_offset, S32 max_chars) const { return getEnd() - getStart(); }
+ /*virtual*/ S32 getNumChars(S32 num_pixels, S32 segment_offset, S32 line_offset, S32 max_chars) const
+ {
+ // require full line to ourselves
+ if (line_offset == 0)
+ {
+ // print all our text
+ return getEnd() - getStart();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // wait for next line
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
/*virtual*/ F32 draw(S32 start, S32 end, S32 selection_start, S32 selection_end, const LLRect& draw_rect)
F32 right_x;
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/widgets/expandable_text.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/widgets/expandable_text.xml
index 120deaaef5..319beac291 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/widgets/expandable_text.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/widgets/expandable_text.xml
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+ allow_scroll="true"