path: root/indra/newview
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview')
3 files changed, 108 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml
index 4e5ad60513..054c8d793a 100755
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/settings.xml
@@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@
- <real>11.0</real>
+ <real>9.0</real>
@@ -1365,7 +1365,31 @@
- <real>35</real>
+ <real>50</real>
+ </map>
+ <key>CameraFieldOfView</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Vertical camera field of view for DoF effect (in degrees)</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>F32</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <real>60.0</real>
+ </map>
+ <key>CameraAspectRatio</key>
+ <map>
+ <key>Comment</key>
+ <string>Camera aspect ratio for DoF effect</string>
+ <key>Persist</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>F32</string>
+ <key>Value</key>
+ <real>1.5</real>
@@ -1377,7 +1401,7 @@
- <real>54</real>
+ <real>45</real>
@@ -6622,9 +6646,9 @@
- <real>-0.35</real>
+ <real>-0.75</real>
- <real>0.7</real>
+ <real>1.0</real>
@@ -6638,9 +6662,9 @@
- <real>-1</real>
- <real>-1</real>
+ <real>0.5</real>
+ <real>0.4</real>
@@ -6654,9 +6678,9 @@
- <real>-0.2</real>
+ <real>0.5</real>
- <real>-0.2</real>
+ <real>0.3</real>
diff --git a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredF.glsl b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredF.glsl
index 02712e0a5b..7c89c01ea4 100644
--- a/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredF.glsl
+++ b/indra/newview/app_settings/shaders/class1/deferred/postDeferredF.glsl
@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@ uniform sampler2D bloomMap;
uniform float depth_cutoff;
uniform float norm_cutoff;
-uniform float near_focal_distance;
-uniform float far_focal_distance;
+uniform float focal_distance;
+uniform float blur_constant;
+uniform float tan_pixel_angle;
+uniform float magnification;
uniform mat4 inv_proj;
uniform vec2 screen_res;
@@ -39,11 +41,22 @@ void dofSample(inout vec4 diff, inout float w, float fd, float x, float y)
vec2 tc = vary_fragcoord.xy+vec2(x,y);
float d = getDepth(tc);
- if (d < fd)
+ float wg = 1.0;
+ //if (d < fd)
+ //{
+ // diff += texture2DRect(diffuseRect, tc);
+ // w = 1.0;
+ //}
+ if (d > fd)
- diff += texture2DRect(diffuseRect, tc);
- w += 1.0;
+ wg = max(d/fd, 0.1);
+ diff += texture2DRect(diffuseRect, tc+vec2(0.5,0.5))*wg*0.25;
+ diff += texture2DRect(diffuseRect, tc+vec2(-0.5,0.5))*wg*0.25;
+ diff += texture2DRect(diffuseRect, tc+vec2(0.5,-0.5))*wg*0.25;
+ diff += texture2DRect(diffuseRect, tc+vec2(-0.5,-0.5))*wg*0.25;
+ w += wg;
void dofSampleNear(inout vec4 diff, inout float w, float x, float y)
@@ -64,22 +77,30 @@ void main()
float sc = 0.75;
- float depth[5];
- depth[0] = getDepth(tc);
+ float depth;
+ depth = getDepth(tc);
vec4 diff = texture2DRect(diffuseRect, vary_fragcoord.xy);
- if (depth[0] < far_focal_distance)
{ //pixel is behind far focal plane
float w = 1.0;
- float fd = (depth[0]-far_focal_distance)*0.5+far_focal_distance;
- float sc = far_focal_distance - depth[0];
- sc /= near_focal_distance-far_focal_distance;
+ sc = (abs(depth-focal_distance)/-depth)*blur_constant;
+ sc /= magnification;
+ // tan_pixel_angle = pixel_length/-depth;
+ float pixel_length = tan_pixel_angle*-focal_distance;
+ sc = sc/pixel_length;
+ //diff.r = sc;
- sc = sqrt(sc);
+ sc = min(abs(sc), 8.0);
- sc = min(sc, 8.0);
+ //sc = 4.0;
+ float fd = depth*0.5f;
while (sc > 1.0)
@@ -96,41 +117,10 @@ void main()
dofSample(diff,w, fd, sc2,0);
sc -= 0.5;
diff /= w;
- else
- {
- float fd = near_focal_distance;
- if (depth[0] > fd)
- { //pixel is in front of near focal plane
- //diff.r = 1.0;
- float w = 1.0;
- float sc = near_focal_distance-depth[0];
- sc /= near_focal_distance;
- sc *= 8.0;
- sc = min(sc, 8.0);
- fd = depth[0];
- while (sc > 1.0)
- {
- dofSampleNear(diff,w, sc,sc);
- dofSampleNear(diff,w, -sc,sc);
- dofSampleNear(diff,w, sc,-sc);
- dofSampleNear(diff,w, -sc,-sc);
- sc -= 0.5;
- float sc2 = sc*1.414;
- dofSampleNear(diff,w, 0,sc2);
- dofSampleNear(diff,w, 0,-sc2);
- dofSampleNear(diff,w, -sc2,0);
- dofSampleNear(diff,w, sc2,0);
- sc -= 0.5;
- }
- diff /= w;
- }
- }
vec4 bloom = texture2D(bloomMap, vary_fragcoord.xy/screen_res);
gl_FragColor = diff + bloom;
diff --git a/indra/newview/pipeline.cpp b/indra/newview/pipeline.cpp
index f0446b024c..fc8abc2084 100644
--- a/indra/newview/pipeline.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/pipeline.cpp
@@ -6160,44 +6160,59 @@ void LLPipeline::renderBloom(BOOL for_snapshot, F32 zoom_factor, int subfield)
//convert to mm
subject_distance *= 1000.f;
F32 fnumber = gSavedSettings.getF32("CameraFNumber");
- F32 focal_length = gSavedSettings.getF32("CameraFocalLength");
- F32 coc_ratio = gSavedSettings.getF32("CameraCoCRatio");
+ const F32 default_focal_length = gSavedSettings.getF32("CameraFocalLength");
+ //F32 coc_ratio = gSavedSettings.getF32("CameraCoCRatio");
- F32 coc = coc_ratio/mScreen.getHeight();
+ //F32 coc = coc_ratio/mScreen.getHeight();
- F32 hyperfocal_distance = (focal_length*focal_length)/(fnumber*coc);
- subject_distance = llmin(hyperfocal_distance, subject_distance);
- //adjust focal length for subject distance
- focal_length = llmax(focal_length, 1.f/(1.f/focal_length - 1.f/subject_distance));
- //adjust focal length for zoom
F32 fov = LLViewerCamera::getInstance()->getView();
- focal_length *= 1.f/fov;
- F32 near_focal_distance = hyperfocal_distance*subject_distance/(hyperfocal_distance+subject_distance);
- //beyond far clip plane is effectively infinity
- F32 far_focal_distance = 4096.f;
+ const F32 default_fov = gSavedSettings.getF32("CameraFieldOfView") * F_PI/180.f;
+ const F32 default_aspect_ratio = gSavedSettings.getF32("CameraAspectRatio");
+ F32 aspect_ratio = (F32) mScreen.getWidth()/(F32)mScreen.getHeight();
+ F32 dv = 2.f*default_focal_length * tanf(default_fov/2.f);
+ F32 dh = 2.f*default_focal_length * tanf(default_fov*default_aspect_ratio/2.f);
- if (subject_distance < hyperfocal_distance)
- {
- far_focal_distance = hyperfocal_distance*subject_distance/(hyperfocal_distance-subject_distance);
- far_focal_distance /= 1000.f;
- }
+ F32 focal_length = dv/(2*tanf(fov/2.f));
+ //F32 hyperfocal_distance = (focal_length*focal_length)/(fnumber*coc);
+ //subject_distance = llmin(hyperfocal_distance, subject_distance);
- near_focal_distance /= 1000.f;
+ //adjust focal length for subject distance
+ //focal_length = llmax(focal_length, 1.f/(1.f/focal_length - 1.f/subject_distance));
- shader->uniform1f("far_focal_distance", -far_focal_distance);
- shader->uniform1f("near_focal_distance", -near_focal_distance);
+ F32 tan_pixel_angle = tanf(LLDrawable::sCurPixelAngle);
+ // from wikipedia -- c = |s2-s1|/s2 * f^2/(N(S1-f))
+ // where N = fnumber
+ // s2 = dot distance
+ // s1 = subject distance
+ // f = focal length
+ //
+ F32 blur_constant = focal_length*focal_length/(fnumber*(subject_distance-focal_length));
+ blur_constant /= 1000.f; //convert to meters for shader
+ F32 magnification = focal_length/(subject_distance-focal_length);
+ shader->uniform1f("focal_distance", -subject_distance/1000.f);
+ shader->uniform1f("blur_constant", blur_constant);
+ shader->uniform1f("tan_pixel_angle", tanf(1.f/LLDrawable::sCurPixelAngle));
+ shader->uniform1f("magnification", magnification);
S32 channel = shader->enableTexture(LLViewerShaderMgr::DEFERRED_DIFFUSE, LLTexUnit::TT_RECT_TEXTURE);
if (channel > -1)
mScreen.bindTexture(0, channel);
- gGL.getTexUnit(0)->setTextureFilteringOption(LLTexUnit::TFO_POINT);
+ gGL.getTexUnit(0)->setTextureFilteringOption(LLTexUnit::TFO_BILINEAR);
+ //channel = shader->enableTexture(LLViewerShaderMgr::DEFERRED_DEPTH, LLTexUnit::TT_RECT_TEXTURE);
+ //if (channel > -1)
+ //{
+ //gGL.getTexUnit(channel)->setTextureFilteringOption(LLTexUnit::TFO_BILINEAR);
+ //}
gGL.texCoord2f(tc1.mV[0], tc1.mV[1]);