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4 files changed, 434 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/llterrainpaintmap.cpp b/indra/newview/llterrainpaintmap.cpp
index 7dc09a4748..6a57605325 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llterrainpaintmap.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llterrainpaintmap.cpp
@@ -575,12 +575,16 @@ LLTerrainPaintQueue LLTerrainPaintMap::convertPaintQueueRGBAToRGB(LLViewerTextur
paint_out->mWidthY = paint_in->mWidthY;
paint_out->mBitDepth = 8; // Will be reduced to 5 bits later
paint_out->mComponents = LLTerrainPaint::RGB;
+ paint_out->assert_confined_to(tex);
+ paint_out->confine_to(tex);
paint_out->mData.resize(paint_out->mComponents * paint_out->mWidthX * paint_out->mWidthY);
constexpr GLint miplevel = 0;
const S32 x_offset = paint_out->mStartX;
const S32 y_offset = paint_out->mStartY;
- const S32 width = llmin(paint_out->mWidthX, tex.getWidth() - x_offset);
- const S32 height = llmin(paint_out->mWidthY, tex.getHeight() - y_offset);
+ const S32 width = paint_out->mWidthX;
+ const S32 height = paint_out->mWidthY;
constexpr GLenum pixformat = GL_RGB;
constexpr GLenum pixtype = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
llassert(paint_out->mData.size() <= std::numeric_limits<GLsizei>::max());
@@ -613,22 +617,294 @@ LLTerrainPaintQueue LLTerrainPaintMap::convertPaintQueueRGBAToRGB(LLViewerTextur
return queue_out;
+// static
+LLTerrainPaintQueue LLTerrainPaintMap::convertBrushQueueToPaintRGB(const LLViewerRegion& region, LLViewerTexture& tex, LLTerrainBrushQueue& queue_in)
+ check_tex(tex);
+ // TODO: Avoid allocating a scratch render buffer and use mAuxillaryRT instead
+ // TODO: even if it means performing extra render operations to apply the brushes, in rare cases where the paints can't all fit within an area that can be represented by the buffer
+ LLRenderTarget scratch_target;
+ const S32 max_dim = llmax(tex.getWidth(), tex.getHeight());
+ scratch_target.allocate(max_dim, max_dim, GL_RGB, false, LLTexUnit::eTextureType::TT_TEXTURE,
+ LLTexUnit::eTextureMipGeneration::TMG_NONE);
+ if (!scratch_target.isComplete())
+ {
+ llassert(false);
+ LL_WARNS() << "Failed to allocate render target" << LL_ENDL;
+ return false;
+ }
+ gGL.getTexUnit(0)->disable();
+ stop_glerror();
+ scratch_target.bindTarget();
+ glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ scratch_target.clear();
+ const F32 target_half_width = (F32)scratch_target.getWidth() / 2.0f;
+ const F32 target_half_height = (F32)scratch_target.getHeight() / 2.0f;
+ LLVertexBuffer* buf = &get_paint_triangle_buffer();
+ // Update projection matrix and viewport
+ // *NOTE: gl_state_for_2d also sets the modelview matrix. This will be overridden later.
+ {
+ stop_glerror();
+ gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION);
+ gGL.pushMatrix();
+ gGL.loadIdentity();
+ gGL.ortho(-target_half_width, target_half_width, -target_half_height, target_half_height, 0.25f, 1.0f);
+ stop_glerror();
+ const LLRect texture_rect(0, scratch_target.getHeight(), scratch_target.getWidth(), 0);
+ glViewport(texture_rect.mLeft, texture_rect.mBottom, texture_rect.getWidth(), texture_rect.getHeight());
+ }
+ // View matrix
+ // Coordinates should be in pixels. 1.0f = 1 pixel on the framebuffer.
+ // Camera is centered in the middle of the framebuffer.
+ glh::matrix4f view((GLfloat *) OGL_TO_CFR_ROTATION);
+ {
+ LLViewerCamera camera;
+ const LLVector3 camera_origin(target_half_width, target_half_height, 0.5f);
+ const LLVector3 camera_look_down(target_half_width, target_half_height, 0.0f);
+ camera.lookAt(camera_origin, camera_look_down, LLVector3::y_axis);
+ camera.setAspect(F32(scratch_target.getHeight()) / F32(scratch_target.getWidth()));
+ GLfloat ogl_matrix[16];
+ camera.getOpenGLTransform(ogl_matrix);
+ view *= glh::matrix4f(ogl_matrix);
+ }
+ LLGLDisable stencil(GL_STENCIL_TEST);
+ LLGLDisable scissor(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);
+ LLGLEnable cull_face(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ LLGLDepthTest depth_test(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_ALWAYS);
+ LLGLEnable blend(GL_BLEND);
+ gGL.setSceneBlendType(LLRender::BT_ALPHA);
+ LLGLSLShader& shader = gTerrainStampProgram;
+ shader.bind();
+ // First, apply the paint map as the background
+ {
+ glh::matrix4f model;
+ {
+ model.set_scale(glh::vec3f((F32)tex.getWidth(), (F32)tex.getHeight(), 1.0f));
+ model.set_translate(glh::vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
+ }
+ glh::matrix4f modelview = view * model;
+ gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW);
+ gGL.loadMatrix(modelview.m);
+ shader.bindTexture(LLShaderMgr::DIFFUSE_MAP, &tex);
+ // We care about the whole paintmap, which is already a power of two.
+ // Hence, TERRAIN_STAMP_SCALE = (1.0,1.0)
+ shader.uniform2f(LLShaderMgr::TERRAIN_STAMP_SCALE, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ buf->setBuffer();
+ buf->draw(LLRender::TRIANGLES, buf->getIndicesSize(), 0);
+ }
+ LLTerrainPaintQueue queue_out(LLTerrainPaint::RGB);
+ // Incrementally apply each brush stroke to the render target, then extract
+ // the result back into memory as an RGB paint.
+ // Put each result in queue_out.
+ const std::vector<LLTerrainBrush::ptr_t>& brush_list = queue_in.get();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < brush_list.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const LLTerrainBrush::ptr_t& brush_in = brush_list[i];
+ // Modelview matrix for the current brush
+ // View matrix is already computed. Just need the model matrix.
+ // Orthographic projection matrix is already updated
+ // *NOTE: Brush path information is in region space. It will need to be
+ // converted to paintmap pixel space before it makes sense.
+ F32 brush_width_x;
+ F32 brush_width_y;
+ F32 brush_start_x;
+ F32 brush_start_y;
+ {
+ F32 min_x = brush_in->mPath[0].mV[VX];
+ F32 max_x = min_x;
+ F32 min_y = brush_in->mPath[0].mV[VY];
+ F32 max_y = min_y;
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < brush_in->mPath.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const F32 x = brush_in->mPath[i].mV[VX];
+ const F32 y = brush_in->mPath[i].mV[VY];
+ min_x = llmin(min_x, x);
+ max_x = llmax(max_x, x);
+ min_y = llmin(min_y, y);
+ max_y = llmax(max_y, y);
+ }
+ brush_width_x = brush_in->mBrushSize + (max_x - min_x);
+ brush_width_y = brush_in->mBrushSize + (max_y - min_y);
+ brush_start_x = min_x - (brush_in->mBrushSize / 2.0f);
+ brush_start_y = min_y - (brush_in->mBrushSize / 2.0f);
+ // Convert brush path information to paintmap pixel space from region
+ // space.
+ brush_width_x *= tex.getWidth() / region.getWidth();
+ brush_width_y *= tex.getHeight() / region.getWidth();
+ brush_start_x *= tex.getWidth() / region.getWidth();
+ brush_start_y *= tex.getHeight() / region.getWidth();
+ }
+ glh::matrix4f model;
+ {
+ model.set_scale(glh::vec3f(brush_width_x, brush_width_y, 1.0f));
+ model.set_translate(glh::vec3f(brush_start_x, brush_start_y, 0.0f));
+ }
+ glh::matrix4f modelview = view * model;
+ gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_MODELVIEW);
+ gGL.loadMatrix(modelview.m);
+ // Apply the "brush" to the render target
+ {
+ // TODO: Use different shader for this - currently this is using the stamp shader. The white image is just a placeholder for now
+ shader.bindTexture(LLShaderMgr::DIFFUSE_MAP, LLViewerFetchedTexture::sWhiteImagep);
+ shader.uniform2f(LLShaderMgr::TERRAIN_STAMP_SCALE, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ buf->setBuffer();
+ buf->draw(LLRender::TRIANGLES, buf->getIndicesSize(), 0);
+ }
+ // Extract the result back into memory as an RGB paint
+ LLTerrainPaint::ptr_t paint_out = std::make_shared<LLTerrainPaint>();
+ {
+ paint_out->mStartX = U16(floor(brush_start_x));
+ paint_out->mStartY = U16(floor(brush_start_y));
+ const F32 dX = brush_start_x - F32(paint_out->mStartX);
+ const F32 dY = brush_start_y - F32(paint_out->mStartY);
+ paint_out->mWidthX = U16(ceil(brush_width_x + dX));
+ paint_out->mWidthY = U16(ceil(brush_width_y + dY));
+ paint_out->mBitDepth = 8; // Will be reduced to 5 bits later
+ paint_out->mComponents = LLTerrainPaint::RGB;
+ // The brush strokes are expected to sometimes partially venture
+ // outside of the paintmap bounds.
+ paint_out->confine_to(tex);
+ paint_out->mData.resize(paint_out->mComponents * paint_out->mWidthX * paint_out->mWidthY);
+ constexpr GLint miplevel = 0;
+ const S32 x_offset = paint_out->mStartX;
+ const S32 y_offset = paint_out->mStartY;
+ const S32 width = paint_out->mWidthX;
+ const S32 height = paint_out->mWidthY;
+ constexpr GLenum pixformat = GL_RGB;
+ constexpr GLenum pixtype = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
+ llassert(paint_out->mData.size() <= std::numeric_limits<GLsizei>::max());
+ const GLsizei buf_size = (GLsizei)paint_out->mData.size();
+ U8* pixels = paint_out->;
+ glReadPixels(x_offset, y_offset, width, height, pixformat, pixtype, pixels);
+ }
+ // Enqueue the result to the new paint queue, with bit depths per color
+ // channel reduced from 8 to 5, and reduced from RGBA (paintmap
+ // sub-rectangle update with alpha mask) to RGB (paintmap sub-rectangle
+ // update without alpha mask). This format is suitable for sending
+ // over the network.
+ // *TODO: At some point, queue_out will pass through a network
+ // round-trip which will reduce the bit depth, making the
+ // pre-conversion step not necessary.
+ queue_out.enqueue(paint_out);
+ queue_out.convertBitDepths(queue_out.size()-1, 5);
+ }
+ queue_in.clear();
+ scratch_target.flush();
+ LLGLSLShader::unbind();
+ gGL.matrixMode(LLRender::MM_PROJECTION);
+ gGL.popMatrix();
+ return queue_out;
+template<typename T>
+LLTerrainQueue<T>::LLTerrainQueue(LLTerrainQueue<T>& other)
+ *this = other;
+template<typename T>
+LLTerrainQueue<T>& LLTerrainQueue<T>::operator=(LLTerrainQueue<T>& other)
+ mList = other.mList;
+ return *this;
+template<typename T>
+bool LLTerrainQueue<T>::enqueue(std::shared_ptr<T>& t, bool dry_run)
+ if (!dry_run) { mList.push_back(t); }
+ return true;
+template<typename T>
+bool LLTerrainQueue<T>::enqueue(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<T>>& list)
+ constexpr bool dry_run = true;
+ for (T::ptr_t& t : list)
+ {
+ if (!enqueue(t), dry_run) { return false; }
+ }
+ for (T::ptr_t& t : list)
+ {
+ enqueue(t);
+ }
+ return true;
+template<typename T>
+size_t LLTerrainQueue<T>::size() const
+ return mList.size();
+template<typename T>
+bool LLTerrainQueue<T>::empty() const
+ return mList.empty();
+template<typename T>
+void LLTerrainQueue<T>::clear()
+ mList.clear();
+void LLTerrainPaint::assert_confined_to(const LLTexture& tex) const
+ llassert(mStartX >= 0 && mStartX < tex.getWidth());
+ llassert(mStartY >= 0 && mStartY < tex.getHeight());
+ llassert(mWidthX <= tex.getWidth() - mStartX);
+ llassert(mWidthY <= tex.getHeight() - mStartY);
+void LLTerrainPaint::confine_to(const LLTexture& tex)
+ mStartX = llmax(mStartX, 0);
+ mStartY = llmax(mStartY, 0);
+ mWidthX = llmin(mWidthX, tex.getWidth() - mStartX);
+ mWidthY = llmin(mWidthY, tex.getHeight() - mStartY);
+ assert_confined_to(tex);
LLTerrainPaintQueue::LLTerrainPaintQueue(U8 components)
: mComponents(components)
llassert(mComponents == LLTerrainPaint::RGB || mComponents == LLTerrainPaint::RGBA);
-LLTerrainPaintQueue::LLTerrainPaintQueue(const LLTerrainPaintQueue& other)
+LLTerrainPaintQueue::LLTerrainPaintQueue(LLTerrainPaintQueue& other)
+: LLTerrainQueue<LLTerrainPaint>(other)
+, mComponents(other.mComponents)
- *this = other;
llassert(mComponents == LLTerrainPaint::RGB || mComponents == LLTerrainPaint::RGBA);
-LLTerrainPaintQueue& LLTerrainPaintQueue::operator=(const LLTerrainPaintQueue& other)
+LLTerrainPaintQueue& LLTerrainPaintQueue::operator=(LLTerrainPaintQueue& other)
+ LLTerrainQueue<LLTerrainPaint>::operator=(other);
mComponents = other.mComponents;
- mList = other.mList;
return *this;
@@ -653,37 +929,12 @@ bool LLTerrainPaintQueue::enqueue(LLTerrainPaint::ptr_t& paint, bool dry_run)
llassert(paint->mStartX < max_texture_width);
llassert(paint->mStartY < max_texture_width);
- if (!dry_run) { mList.push_back(paint); }
- return true;
+ return LLTerrainQueue<LLTerrainPaint>::enqueue(paint, dry_run);
-bool LLTerrainPaintQueue::enqueue(LLTerrainPaintQueue& paint_queue)
+bool LLTerrainPaintQueue::enqueue(LLTerrainPaintQueue& queue)
- constexpr bool dry_run = true;
- for (LLTerrainPaint::ptr_t& paint : paint_queue.mList)
- {
- if (!enqueue(paint), dry_run) { return false; }
- }
- for (LLTerrainPaint::ptr_t& paint : paint_queue.mList)
- {
- enqueue(paint);
- }
- return true;
-size_t LLTerrainPaintQueue::size() const
- return mList.size();
-bool LLTerrainPaintQueue::empty() const
- return mList.empty();
-void LLTerrainPaintQueue::clear()
- mList.clear();
+ return LLTerrainQueue<LLTerrainPaint>::enqueue(queue.mList);
void LLTerrainPaintQueue::convertBitDepths(size_t index, U8 target_bit_depth)
@@ -705,3 +956,33 @@ void LLTerrainPaintQueue::convertBitDepths(size_t index, U8 target_bit_depth)
paint->mBitDepth = target_bit_depth;
+: LLTerrainQueue<LLTerrainBrush>()
+LLTerrainBrushQueue::LLTerrainBrushQueue(LLTerrainBrushQueue& other)
+: LLTerrainQueue<LLTerrainBrush>(other)
+LLTerrainBrushQueue& LLTerrainBrushQueue::operator=(LLTerrainBrushQueue& other)
+ LLTerrainQueue<LLTerrainBrush>::operator=(other);
+ return *this;
+bool LLTerrainBrushQueue::enqueue(LLTerrainBrush::ptr_t& brush, bool dry_run)
+ llassert(brush->mBrushSize > 0);
+ llassert(!brush->mPath.empty());
+ llassert(brush->mPathOffset < brush->mPath.size());
+ llassert(brush->mPathOffset < 2); // Harmless, but doesn't do anything useful, so might be a sign of implementation error
+ return LLTerrainQueue<LLTerrainBrush>::enqueue(brush, dry_run);
+bool LLTerrainBrushQueue::enqueue(LLTerrainBrushQueue& queue)
+ return LLTerrainQueue<LLTerrainBrush>::enqueue(queue.mList);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llterrainpaintmap.h b/indra/newview/llterrainpaintmap.h
index b4d706b107..cffdad80a2 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llterrainpaintmap.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llterrainpaintmap.h
@@ -28,10 +28,14 @@
#include "llviewerprecompiledheaders.h"
+class LLTexture;
class LLViewerRegion;
class LLViewerTexture;
class LLTerrainPaintQueue;
+class LLTerrainBrushQueue;
+// TODO: Terrain painting across regions. Assuming painting is confined to one
+// region for now.
class LLTerrainPaintMap
@@ -43,8 +47,34 @@ public:
// Returns true if successful
static bool bakeHeightNoiseIntoPBRPaintMapRGB(const LLViewerRegion& region, LLViewerTexture& tex);
+ // This operation clears the queue
+ // TODO: Decide if clearing the queue is needed - seems inconsistent
static void applyPaintQueueRGB(LLViewerTexture& tex, LLTerrainPaintQueue& queue);
static LLTerrainPaintQueue convertPaintQueueRGBAToRGB(LLViewerTexture& tex, LLTerrainPaintQueue& queue_in);
+ // TODO: Implement (it's similar to convertPaintQueueRGBAToRGB but different shader + need to calculate the dimensions + need a different vertex buffer for each brush stroke)
+ static LLTerrainPaintQueue convertBrushQueueToPaintRGB(const LLViewerRegion& region, LLViewerTexture& tex, LLTerrainBrushQueue& queue_in);
+template<typename T>
+class LLTerrainQueue
+ LLTerrainQueue() = default;
+ LLTerrainQueue(LLTerrainQueue<T>& other);
+ LLTerrainQueue& operator=(LLTerrainQueue<T>& other);
+ bool enqueue(std::shared_ptr<T>& t, bool dry_run = false);
+ size_t size() const;
+ bool empty() const;
+ void clear();
+ const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<T>>& get() const { return mList; }
+ bool enqueue(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<T>>& list);
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<T>> mList;
// Enqueued paint operations, in texture coordinates.
@@ -63,23 +93,27 @@ struct LLTerrainPaint
const static U8 RGB = 3;
const static U8 RGBA = 4;
std::vector<U8> mData;
+ // Asserts that this paint's start/width fit within the bounds of the
+ // provided texture dimensions.
+ void assert_confined_to(const LLTexture& tex) const;
+ // Confines this paint's start/width so it fits within the bounds of the
+ // provided texture dimensions.
+ // Does not allocate mData.
+ void confine_to(const LLTexture& tex);
-class LLTerrainPaintQueue
+class LLTerrainPaintQueue : public LLTerrainQueue<LLTerrainPaint>
+ LLTerrainPaintQueue() = delete;
// components determines what type of LLTerrainPaint is allowed. Must be 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA)
LLTerrainPaintQueue(U8 components);
- LLTerrainPaintQueue(const LLTerrainPaintQueue& other);
- LLTerrainPaintQueue& operator=(const LLTerrainPaintQueue& other);
+ LLTerrainPaintQueue(LLTerrainPaintQueue& other);
+ LLTerrainPaintQueue& operator=(LLTerrainPaintQueue& other);
bool enqueue(LLTerrainPaint::ptr_t& paint, bool dry_run = false);
- bool enqueue(LLTerrainPaintQueue& paint_queue);
- size_t size() const;
- bool empty() const;
- void clear();
- const std::vector<LLTerrainPaint::ptr_t>& get() const { return mList; }
+ bool enqueue(LLTerrainPaintQueue& queue);
U8 getComponents() const { return mComponents; }
// Convert mBitDepth for the LLTerrainPaint in the queue at index
@@ -92,5 +126,41 @@ public:
U8 mComponents;
- std::vector<LLTerrainPaint::ptr_t> mList;
+struct LLTerrainBrush
+ using ptr_t = std::shared_ptr<LLTerrainBrush>;
+ // Width of the brush in region space. The brush is a square texture with
+ // alpha.
+ F32 mBrushSize;
+ // Brush path points in region space, excluding the vertical axis, which
+ // does not contribute to the paint map.
+ std::vector<LLVector2> mPath;
+ // Offset of the brush path to actually start drawing at. An offset of 0
+ // indicates that a brush stroke has just started (i.e. the user just
+ // pressed down the mouse button). An offset greater than 0 indicates the
+ // continuation of a brush stroke. Skipped entries in mPath are not drawn
+ // directly, but are used for stroke orientation and path interpolation.
+ // TODO: For the initial implementation, mPathOffset will be 0 and mPath
+ // will be of length of at most 1, leading to discontinuous paint paths.
+ // Then, mPathOffset may be 1 or 0, 1 indicating the continuation of a
+ // stroke with linear interpolation. It is unlikely that we will implement
+ // anything more sophisticated than that for now.
+ U8 mPathOffset;
+ // Indicates if this is the end of the brush stroke. Can occur if the mouse
+ // button is lifted, or if the mouse temporarily stops while held down.
+ bool mPathEnd;
+class LLTerrainBrushQueue : public LLTerrainQueue<LLTerrainBrush>
+ LLTerrainBrushQueue();
+ LLTerrainBrushQueue(LLTerrainBrushQueue& other);
+ LLTerrainBrushQueue& operator=(LLTerrainBrushQueue& other);
+ bool enqueue(LLTerrainBrush::ptr_t& brush, bool dry_run = false);
+ bool enqueue(LLTerrainBrushQueue& queue);
diff --git a/indra/newview/llviewermenu.cpp b/indra/newview/llviewermenu.cpp
index c4bb5eaa2e..dd6b6d1ca1 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llviewermenu.cpp
+++ b/indra/newview/llviewermenu.cpp
@@ -1461,17 +1461,38 @@ class LLAdvancedTerrainEditLocalPaintMap : public view_listener_t
return false;
+ LLTerrainBrushQueue& brush_queue = gLocalTerrainMaterials.getBrushQueue();
LLTerrainPaintQueue& paint_request_queue = gLocalTerrainMaterials.getPaintRequestQueue();
+ const LLViewerRegion* region = gAgent.getRegion();
+ if (!region)
+ {
+ LL_WARNS() << "No current region for calculating paint operations" << LL_ENDL;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // TODO: Create the brush
+ // Just a dab for now
+ LLTerrainBrush::ptr_t brush = std::make_shared<LLTerrainBrush>();
+ brush->mBrushSize = 16.0f;
+ brush->mPath.emplace_back(17.0f, 17.0f);
+ brush->mPathOffset = 0;
+ brush->mPathEnd = true;
+ brush_queue.enqueue(brush);
+ LLTerrainPaintQueue brush_as_paint_queue = LLTerrainPaintMap::convertBrushQueueToPaintRGB(*region, *tex, brush_queue);
+ //paint_send_queue.enqueue(brush_as_paint_queue); // TODO: What was this line for? (it might also be a leftover line from an unfinished edit)
+ // TODO: Keep this around for later testing (i.e. when reducing framebuffer size and the offsets that requires)
+#if 0
// Enqueue a paint
- // Overrides an entire region patch with the material in the last slot
+ // Modifies a subsection of the region paintmap with the material in
+ // the last slot.
// It is currently the responsibility of the paint queue to convert
// incoming bits to the right bit depth for the paintmap (this could
// change in the future).
LLTerrainPaint::ptr_t paint = std::make_shared<LLTerrainPaint>();
- const U16 width = U16(tex->getWidth() / 16);
- paint->mStartX = width - 1;
- paint->mStartY = width - 1;
+ const U16 width = 33;
+ paint->mStartX = 1;
+ paint->mStartY = 1;
paint->mWidthX = width;
paint->mWidthY = width;
constexpr U8 bit_depth = 5;
@@ -1488,12 +1509,19 @@ class LLAdvancedTerrainEditLocalPaintMap : public view_listener_t
const size_t pixel = (h * paint->mWidthX) + w;
// Solid blue color
paint->mData[(components*pixel) + components - 2] = max_value; // blue
- // Alpha gradient from 0.0 to 1.0 along w
- const U8 alpha = U8(F32(max_value) * F32(w+1) / F32(paint->mWidthX));
+ //// Alpha grid: 1.0 if odd for either dimension, 0.0 otherwise
+ //const U8 alpha = U8(F32(max_value) * F32(bool(w % 2) || bool(h % 2)));
+ //paint->mData[(components*pixel) + components - 1] = alpha; // alpha
+ // Alpha "frame"
+ const bool edge = w == 0 || h == 0 || w == (paint->mWidthX - 1) || h == (paint->mWidthY - 1);
+ const bool near_edge_frill = ((w == 1 || w == (paint->mWidthX - 2)) && (h % 2 == 0)) ||
+ ((h == 1 || h == (paint->mWidthY - 2)) && (w % 2 == 0));
+ const U8 alpha = U8(F32(max_value) * F32(edge || near_edge_frill));
paint->mData[(components*pixel) + components - 1] = alpha; // alpha
// Apply the paint queues ad-hoc right here for now.
// *TODO: Eventually the paint queue(s) should be applied at a
diff --git a/indra/newview/llvlcomposition.h b/indra/newview/llvlcomposition.h
index 3f1124a8ac..9a5d74adda 100644
--- a/indra/newview/llvlcomposition.h
+++ b/indra/newview/llvlcomposition.h
@@ -90,6 +90,10 @@ public:
void setPaintType(U32 paint_type) { mPaintType = paint_type; }
LLViewerTexture* getPaintMap();
void setPaintMap(LLViewerTexture* paint_map);
+ // Queue of client-triggered brush operations that need to be converted
+ // into a form that can be sent to the server.
+ // TODO: Consider getting rid of mPaintRequestQueue, as it's not really needed (brushes go directly to RGB queue)
+ LLTerrainBrushQueue& getBrushQueue() { return mBrushQueue; }
// Queue of client-triggered paint operations that need to be converted
// into a form that can be sent to the server.
// Paints in this queue are in RGBA format.
@@ -116,6 +120,7 @@ protected:
LLPointer<LLViewerTexture> mPaintMap;
+ LLTerrainBrushQueue mBrushQueue;
LLTerrainPaintQueue mPaintRequestQueue{U8(4)};
LLTerrainPaintQueue mPaintMapQueue{U8(3)};