path: root/indra/newview/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/')
1 files changed, 437 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/ b/indra/newview/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..104d860c87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+# @file
+# @author Ryan Williams
+# @brief Description of all installer viewer files, and methods for packaging
+# them into installers for all supported platforms.
+# Copyright (c) 2006-$CurrentYear$, Linden Research, Inc.
+# $License$
+import sys
+import os.path
+import re
+import tarfile
+viewer_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+# add llmanifest library to our path so you don't have to muck with PYTHONPATH
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(viewer_dir, '../lib/python/indra'))
+from llmanifest import LLManifest, main, proper_windows_path, path_ancestors
+class ViewerManifest(LLManifest):
+ def construct(self):
+ super(ViewerManifest, self).construct()
+ self.exclude("*.svn*")
+ self.path(src="../../scripts/messages/message_template.msg", dst="app_settings/message_template.msg")
+ if self.prefix(src="app_settings"):
+ self.exclude("logcontrol.xml")
+ self.exclude("logcontrol-dev.xml")
+ self.path("*.pem")
+ self.path("*.ini")
+ self.path("*.xml")
+ self.path("*.vp")
+ self.path("*.db2")
+ # include the entire shaders directory recursively
+ self.path("shaders")
+ self.end_prefix("app_settings")
+ if self.prefix(src="character"):
+ self.path("*.llm")
+ self.path("*.xml")
+ self.path("*.tga")
+ self.end_prefix("character")
+ # Include our fonts
+ if self.prefix(src="fonts"):
+ self.path("*.ttf")
+ self.path("*.txt")
+ self.end_prefix("fonts")
+ # XUI
+ if self.prefix(src="skins"):
+ self.path("paths.xml")
+ self.path("xui/*/*.xml")
+ self.path('words.*.txt')
+ # Local HTML files (e.g. loading screen)
+ if self.prefix("html/*"):
+ self.path("*.html")
+ self.path("*.gif")
+ self.path("*.jpg")
+ self.path("*.css")
+ self.end_prefix("html/*")
+ self.end_prefix("skins")
+ self.path("featuretable.txt")
+ self.path("releasenotes.txt")
+ self.path("lsl_guide.html")
+ self.path("gpu_table.txt")
+ def flags_list(self):
+ """ Convenience function that returns the command-line flags for the grid"""
+ if(self.args['grid'] == ''):
+ return ""
+ elif(self.args['grid'] == 'firstlook'):
+ return '-settings settings_firstlook.xml'
+ else:
+ return ("-settings settings_beta.xml --%(grid)s -helperuri http://preview-%(grid)" % {'grid':self.args['grid']})
+ def login_url(self):
+ """ Convenience function that returns the appropriate login url for the grid"""
+ if(self.args.get('login_url')):
+ return self.args['login_url']
+ else:
+ if(self.args['grid'] == ''):
+ return ''
+ elif(self.args['grid'] == 'firstlook'):
+ return ''
+ else:
+ return ''
+ def replace_login_url(self):
+ # set the login page to point to a url appropriate for the type of client
+ self.replace_in("skins/xui/en-us/panel_login.xml", searchdict={'':self.login_url()})
+ def create_unpacked(self):
+ unpacked_file_name = "unpacked_%(plat)s_%(vers)s.tar" % {
+ 'plat':self.args['platform'],
+ 'vers':'_'.join(self.args['version'])}
+ print "Creating unpacked file:", unpacked_file_name
+ # could add a gz here but that doubles the time it takes to do this step
+ tf =, 'w:')
+ # add the entire installation package, at the very top level
+ tf.add(self.get_dst_prefix(), "")
+ tf.close()
+class WindowsManifest(ViewerManifest):
+ def final_exe(self):
+ # *NOTE: these are the only two executable names that the crash reporter recognizes
+ if self.args['grid'] == '':
+ return "SecondLife.exe"
+ else:
+ return "SecondLifePreview.exe"
+ # return "SecondLifePreview%s.exe" % (self.args['grid'], )
+ def construct(self):
+ super(WindowsManifest, self).construct()
+ # the final exe is complicated because we're not sure where it's coming from,
+ # nor do we have a fixed name for the executable
+ self.path(self.find_existing_file('ReleaseForDownload/Secondlife.exe', 'Secondlife.exe', 'ReleaseNoOpt/newview_noopt.exe'), dst=self.final_exe())
+ # need to get the kdu dll from any of the build directories as well
+ self.path(self.find_existing_file('ReleaseForDownload/llkdu.dll', 'llkdu.dll', '../../libraries/i686-win32/lib_release/llkdu.dll'), dst='llkdu.dll')
+ self.path(src="licenses-win32.txt", dst="licenses.txt")
+ # For use in crash reporting (generates minidumps)
+ self.path("dbghelp.dll")
+ # For using FMOD for sound... DJS
+ self.path("fmod.dll")
+ # Mozilla appears to force a dependency on these files so we need to ship it (CP)
+ self.path("msvcr71.dll")
+ self.path("msvcp71.dll")
+ # Mozilla runtime DLLs (CP)
+ if self.prefix(src="../../libraries/i686-win32/lib_release", dst=""):
+ self.path("gksvggdiplus.dll")
+ self.path("js3250.dll")
+ self.path("nspr4.dll")
+ self.path("nss3.dll")
+ self.path("nssckbi.dll")
+ self.path("plc4.dll")
+ self.path("plds4.dll")
+ self.path("smime3.dll")
+ self.path("softokn3.dll")
+ self.path("ssl3.dll")
+ self.path("xpcom.dll")
+ self.path("xul.dll")
+ self.end_prefix()
+ # Mozilla runtime misc files (CP)
+ if self.prefix(src="app_settings/mozilla"):
+ self.path("chrome/*.*")
+ self.path("components/*.*")
+ self.path("greprefs/*.*")
+ self.path("plugins/*.*")
+ self.path("res/*.*")
+ self.path("res/*/*")
+ self.end_prefix()
+ # pull in the crash logger and updater from other projects
+ self.path(src="../win_crash_logger/win_crash_logger.exe", dst="win_crash_logger.exe")
+ self.path(src="../win_updater/updater.exe", dst="updater.exe")
+ self.replace_login_url()
+ def nsi_file_commands(self, install=True):
+ def wpath(path):
+ if(path.endswith('/') or path.endswith(os.path.sep)):
+ path = path[:-1]
+ path = path.replace('/', '\\')
+ return path
+ result = ""
+ dest_files = [pair[1] for pair in self.file_list if pair[0] and os.path.isfile(pair[1])]
+ # sort deepest hierarchy first
+ dest_files.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a.count(os.path.sep),b.count(os.path.sep)) or cmp(a,b))
+ dest_files.reverse()
+ out_path = None
+ for pkg_file in dest_files:
+ rel_file = os.path.normpath(pkg_file.replace(self.get_dst_prefix()+os.path.sep,''))
+ installed_dir = wpath(os.path.join('$INSTDIR', os.path.dirname(rel_file)))
+ pkg_file = wpath(os.path.normpath(pkg_file))
+ if installed_dir != out_path:
+ if(install):
+ out_path = installed_dir
+ result += 'SetOutPath ' + out_path + '\n'
+ if(install):
+ result += 'File ' + pkg_file + '\n'
+ else:
+ result += 'Delete ' + wpath(os.path.join('$INSTDIR', rel_file)) + '\n'
+ # at the end of a delete, just rmdir all the directories
+ if(not install):
+ deleted_file_dirs = [os.path.dirname(pair[1].replace(self.get_dst_prefix()+os.path.sep,'')) for pair in self.file_list]
+ # find all ancestors so that we don't skip any dirs that happened to have no non-dir children
+ deleted_dirs = []
+ for d in deleted_file_dirs:
+ deleted_dirs.extend(path_ancestors(d))
+ # sort deepest hierarchy first
+ deleted_dirs.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a.count(os.path.sep),b.count(os.path.sep)) or cmp(a,b))
+ deleted_dirs.reverse()
+ prev = None
+ for d in deleted_dirs:
+ if d != prev: # skip duplicates
+ result += 'RMDir ' + wpath(os.path.join('$INSTDIR', os.path.normpath(d))) + '\n'
+ prev = d
+ return result
+ def package_finish(self):
+ self.create_unpacked()
+ version_vars_template = """
+ !define INSTEXE "%(final_exe)s"
+ !define VERSION "%(version_short)s"
+ !define VERSION_LONG "%(version)s"
+ !define VERSION_DASHES "%(version_dashes)s"
+ """
+ if(self.args['grid'] == ''):
+ installer_file = "Second Life %(version_dashes)s Setup.exe"
+ grid_vars_template = """
+ OutFile "%(outfile)s"
+ !define INSTFLAGS "%(flags)s"
+ !define INSTNAME "SecondLife"
+ !define SHORTCUT "Second Life"
+ !define URLNAME "secondlife"
+ Caption "Second Life ${VERSION}"
+ """
+ else:
+ installer_file = "Second Life %(version_dashes)s (%(grid_caps)s) Setup.exe"
+ grid_vars_template = """
+ OutFile "%(outfile)s"
+ !define INSTFLAGS "%(flags)s"
+ !define INSTNAME "SecondLife%(grid_caps)s"
+ !define SHORTCUT "Second Life (%(grid_caps)s)"
+ !define URLNAME "secondlife%(grid)s"
+ Caption "Second Life %(grid)s ${VERSION}"
+ """
+ if(self.args.has_key('installer_name')):
+ installer_file = self.args['installer_name']
+ else:
+ installer_file = installer_file % {'version_dashes' : '-'.join(self.args['version']),
+ 'grid_caps' : self.args['grid'].upper()}
+ tempfile = "../secondlife_setup.nsi"
+ # the following is an odd sort of double-string replacement
+ self.replace_in("installers/windows/installer_template.nsi", tempfile, {
+ "%%VERSION%%":version_vars_template%{'version_short' : '.'.join(self.args['version'][:-1]),
+ 'version' : '.'.join(self.args['version']),
+ 'version_dashes' : '-'.join(self.args['version']),
+ 'final_exe' : self.final_exe()},
+ "%%GRID_VARS%%":grid_vars_template%{'grid':self.args['grid'],
+ 'grid_caps':self.args['grid'].upper(),
+ 'outfile':installer_file,
+ 'flags':self.flags_list()},
+ "%%INSTALL_FILES%%":self.nsi_file_commands(True),
+ "%%DELETE_FILES%%":self.nsi_file_commands(False)})
+ NSIS_path = 'C:\\Program Files\\NSIS\\makensis.exe'
+ self.run_command('"' + proper_windows_path(NSIS_path) + '" ' + self.dst_path_of(tempfile))
+# self.remove(self.dst_path_of(tempfile))
+ self.created_path(installer_file)
+class DarwinManifest(ViewerManifest):
+ def construct(self):
+ # copy over the build result (this is a no-op if run within the xcode script)
+ self.path("build/" + self.args['configuration'] + "/Second", dst="")
+ if self.prefix(src="", dst="Contents"): # everything goes in Contents
+ # Expand the tar file containing the assorted mozilla bits into
+ # <bundle>/Contents/MacOS/
+ self.contents_of_tar('mozilla-universal-darwin.tgz', 'MacOS')
+# self.run_command('tar -zx -C "%(macos)s" -f "%(tarfile)s"' %
+# {'macos':self.ensure_dst_dir("MacOS"),
+# 'tarfile':self.src_path_of("mozilla-universal-darwin.tgz")})
+ # replace the default theme with our custom theme (so scrollbars work).
+ if self.prefix(src="mozilla-theme", dst="MacOS/chrome"):
+ self.path("classic.jar")
+ self.path("classic.manifest")
+ self.end_prefix("MacOS/chrome")
+ # most everything goes in the Resources directory
+ if self.prefix(src="", dst="Resources"):
+ super(DarwinManifest, self).construct()
+ # the trial directory seems to be not used [rdw]
+ self.path('trial')
+ if self.prefix("cursors_mac"):
+ self.path("*.tif")
+ self.end_prefix("cursors_mac")
+ self.path("licenses-mac.txt", dst="licenses.txt")
+ self.path("featuretable_mac.txt")
+ self.path("secondlife.icns")
+ # llkdu dynamic library
+ self.path("../../libraries/universal-darwin/lib_release/libllkdu.dylib", "libllkdu.dylib")
+ # command line arguments for connecting to the proper grid
+ self.put_in_file(self.flags_list(), 'arguments.txt')
+ # set the proper login url
+ self.replace_login_url()
+ self.end_prefix("Resources")
+ self.end_prefix("Contents")
+ def package_finish(self):
+ # NOTE: the -S argument to strip causes it to keep enough info for
+ # annotated backtraces (i.e. function names in the crash log). 'strip' with no
+ # arguments yields a slightly smaller binary but makes crash logs mostly useless.
+ # This may be desirable for the final release. Or not.
+ self.run_command('strip -S "%(viewer_binary)s"' %
+ { 'viewer_binary' : self.dst_path_of('Contents/MacOS/Second Life')})
+ self.create_unpacked()
+ imagename="SecondLife_" + '_'.join(self.args['version'])
+ if(self.args['grid'] != ''):
+ imagename = imagename + '_' + self.args['grid']
+ sparsename = imagename + ".sparseimage"
+ finalname = imagename + ".dmg"
+ # make sure we don't have stale files laying about
+ self.remove(sparsename, finalname)
+ self.run_command('hdiutil create "%(sparse)s" -volname "Second Life" -fs HFS+ -type SPARSE -megabytes 200' % {'sparse':sparsename})
+ # mount the image and get the name of the mount point and device node
+ hdi_output = self.run_command('hdiutil attach -private "' + sparsename + '"')
+ devfile ="/dev/disk([0-9]+)[^s]", hdi_output).group(0).strip()
+ volpath ='HFS\s+(.+)', hdi_output).group(1).strip()
+ # Copy everything in to the mounted .dmg
+ for s,d in {self.get_dst_prefix():("Second Life " + self.args['grid']).strip()+ ".app",
+ "lsl_guide.html":"Linden Scripting Language Guide.html",
+ "releasenotes.txt":"Release Notes.txt",
+ "installers/darwin/mac_image_hidden":".hidden",
+ "installers/darwin/mac_image_background.tga":"background.tga",
+ "installers/darwin/mac_image_DS_Store":".DS_Store"}.items():
+ print "Copying to dmg", s, d
+ self.copy_action(self.src_path_of(s), os.path.join(volpath, d))
+ # Unmount the image
+ self.run_command('hdiutil detach "' + devfile + '"')
+ print "Converting temp disk image to final disk image"
+ self.run_command('hdiutil convert "%(sparse)s" -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o "%(final)s"' % {'sparse':sparsename, 'final':finalname})
+ # get rid of the temp file
+ self.remove(sparsename)
+class LinuxManifest(ViewerManifest):
+ def construct(self):
+ super(LinuxManifest, self).construct()
+ self.path("licenses-linux.txt","licenses.txt")
+ self.path("res/ll_icon.ico","secondlife.ico")
+ if self.prefix("linux_tools", ""):
+ self.path("client-readme.txt","README-linux.txt")
+ self.path("","secondlife")
+ self.path("unicode.ttf","unicode.ttf")
+ self.end_prefix("linux_tools")
+ # Create an appropriate gridargs.dat for this package, denoting required grid.
+ self.put_in_file(self.flags_list(), 'gridargs.dat')
+ # set proper login url
+ self.replace_login_url()
+ def package_finish(self):
+ if(self.args.has_key('installer_name')):
+ installer_name = self.args['installer_name']
+ else:
+ installer_name = '_'.join('SecondLife_', self.args.get('arch'), *self.args['version'])
+ if grid != '':
+ installer_name += "_" + grid.upper()
+ # stripping all the libs removes a few megabytes from the end-user package
+ for s,d in self.file_list:
+ if"lib/lib.+\.so.*", d):
+ self.run_command('strip -S %s' % d)
+ self.create_unpacked()
+ # temporarily move directory tree so that it has the right name in the tarfile
+ self.run_command("mv %(dst)s %(inst)s" % {'dst':self.get_dst_prefix(),'inst':self.src_path_of(installer_name)})
+ # --numeric-owner hides the username of the builder for security etc.
+ self.run_command('tar -C %(dir)s --numeric-owner -cjf %(inst_path)s.tar.bz2 %(inst_name)s' % {'dir':self.get_src_prefix(), 'inst_name': installer_name, 'inst_path':self.src_path_of(installer_name)})
+ self.run_command("mv %(inst)s %(dst)s" % {'dst':self.get_dst_prefix(),'inst':self.src_path_of(installer_name)})
+class Linux_i686Manifest(LinuxManifest):
+ def construct(self):
+ super(Linux_i686Manifest, self).construct()
+ self.path("secondlife-i686-bin-stripped","bin/do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin")
+ self.path("../linux_crash_logger/linux-crash-logger-i686-bin-stripped","linux-crash-logger.bin")
+ self.path("linux_tools/","")
+ if self.prefix("res-sdl"):
+ self.path("*")
+ # recurse
+ self.end_prefix("res-sdl")
+ self.path("app_settings/mozilla-runtime-linux-i686", "app_settings/mozilla")
+ if self.prefix("../../libraries/i686-linux/lib_release_client", "lib"):
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("", "")
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("", "../bin/") # llkdu goes in bin for some reason
+ self.end_prefix("lib")
+class Linux_x86_64Manifest(LinuxManifest):
+ def construct(self):
+ super(Linux_x86_64Manifest, self).construct()
+ self.path("secondlife-x86_64-bin-stripped","bin/secondlife-bin")
+ # TODO: I get the sense that this isn't fully fleshed out
+ if self.prefix("../../libraries/x86_64-linux/lib_release_client", "lib"):
+ self.path("")
+ self.path("")
+ # self.path("", "../bin/") # llkdu goes in bin for some reason
+ self.end_prefix("lib")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(srctree=viewer_dir, dsttree=os.path.join(viewer_dir, "packaged"))