path: root/indra/newview/skins/default/xui
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/skins/default/xui')
48 files changed, 548 insertions, 263 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/da/panel_preferences_general.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/da/panel_preferences_general.xml
index 5702d48e97..624c6634cc 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/da/panel_preferences_general.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/da/panel_preferences_general.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
<combo_box name="language_combobox">
- <combo_box.item label="System standard" name="System Default Language"/>
<combo_box.item label="English (Engelsk)" name="English"/>
<combo_box.item label="Dansk - Beta" name="Danish"/>
<combo_box.item label="Deutsch (Tysk) - Beta" name="Deutsch(German)"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_pathfinding_console.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_pathfinding_console.xml
index 27c6b73967..2422e414e0 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_pathfinding_console.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_pathfinding_console.xml
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
<check_box label="Begehbare Objekte" name="show_walkables"/>
<check_box label="Materialvolumen" name="show_material_volumes"/>
- <check_box label="Statische Hinternisse" name="show_static_obstacles"/>
+ <check_box label="Statische Hindernisse" name="show_static_obstacles"/>
<check_box label="Ausschlussvolumen" name="show_exclusion_volumes"/>
<check_box label="Wasserebene" name="show_water_plane"/>
<check_box label="Mit Röntgenblick" name="show_xray"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_pathfinding_linksets.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_pathfinding_linksets.xml
index a423f3efea..6729e242ac 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_pathfinding_linksets.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/floater_pathfinding_linksets.xml
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@
<floater.string name="linkset_use_static_obstacle">
- Statisches Hinternis
+ Statisches Hindernis
<floater.string name="linkset_use_dynamic_obstacle">
- Bewegliches Hinternis
+ Bewegliches Hindernis
<floater.string name="linkset_use_material_volume">
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@
<combo_box name="filter_by_linkset_use">
<combo_box.item label="Nach Linkset-Nutzung filtern..." name="filter_by_linkset_use_none"/>
<combo_box.item label="Begehbar" name="filter_by_linkset_use_walkable"/>
- <combo_box.item label="Statisches Hinternis" name="filter_by_linkset_use_static_obstacle"/>
- <combo_box.item label="Bewegliches Hinternis" name="filter_by_linkset_use_dynamic_obstacle"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Statisches Hindernis" name="filter_by_linkset_use_static_obstacle"/>
+ <combo_box.item label="Bewegliches Hindernis" name="filter_by_linkset_use_dynamic_obstacle"/>
<combo_box.item label="Materialvolumen" name="filter_by_linkset_use_material_volume"/>
<combo_box.item label="Ausschlussvolumen" name="filter_by_linkset_use_exclusion_volume"/>
<combo_box.item label="Bewegliches Phantom" name="filter_by_linkset_use_dynamic_phantom"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/notifications.xml
index 43af1d8655..57dbaa0ea6 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/notifications.xml
@@ -244,6 +244,10 @@ Wählen Sie ein einzelnes Objekt aus und versuchen Sie es erneut.
Hinweis: Bei Aktivierung dieser Option sehen alle Personen, die diesen Computer benutzen, Ihre Lieblingsorte.
<usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/>
+ <notification name="AllowMultipleViewers">
+ Das Starten mehrerer Second Life Viewer wird nicht unterstützt. Dies kann zu Kollisionen des Textur-Caches, Fehlern sowie verschlechterter Grafik und Leistung führen.
+ <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
<notification name="GrantModifyRights">
Wenn Sie einem anderen Einwohner Änderungsrechte gewähren, dann kann dieser JEDES Objekt, das Sie inworld besitzen, ändern, löschen oder an sich nehmen. Seien Sie daher beim Gewähren dieser Rechte sehr vorsichtig!
Möchten Sie [NAME] Änderungsrechte gewähren?
@@ -725,9 +729,9 @@ Sie können die Grafikqualität unter Einstellungen &gt; Grafik wieder erhöhen.
Sie sind nicht zum Terraformen der Parzelle „[PARCEL]“ berechtigt.
<notification name="CannotCopyWarning">
- Sie sind nicht berechtigt, die folgenden Objekte zu kopieren:
-Wenn Sie diese weitergeben, werden sie aus Ihrem Inventar entfernt. Möchten Sie diese Objekte wirklich weggeben?
+ Sie sind nicht berechtigt, die folgenden Objekte zu kopieren:
+und die Objekte werden aus Ihrem Inventar gelöscht, wenn Sie diese weggeben. Möchten Sie diese Objekte wirklich weggeben?
<usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Nein" yestext="Ja"/>
<notification name="CannotGiveItem">
@@ -3730,13 +3734,13 @@ es sich nicht in der gleichen Region befindet wie Sie.
Auf Land, das Sie nicht besitzen, können Sie keine Bäume und Gräser erstellen.
<notification name="NoCopyPermsNoObject">
- Kopieren fehlgeschlagen, da Sie keine Berechtigung zum Kopieren des Objekts „OBJ_NAME]“ besitzen.
+ Kopieren fehlgeschlagen, da Sie nicht über die Berechtigung zum Kopieren des Objekts &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; verfügen.
<notification name="NoTransPermsNoObject">
- Kopieren fehlgeschlagen, weil Objekt „[OBJ_NAME]“ nicht an Sie übertragen werden kann.
+ Kopieren fehlgeschlagen, da das Objekt &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nicht an Sie übertragen werden kann.
<notification name="AddToNavMeshNoCopy">
- Kopieren fehlgeschlagen, weil Objekt „[OBJ_NAME]“ zum Navmesh beiträgt.
+ Kopieren fehlgeschlagen, da das Objekt &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; zum Navmesh beiträgt.
<notification name="DupeWithNoRootsSelected">
Ohne ausgewählte Hauptobjekte duplizieren.
@@ -3781,34 +3785,34 @@ Warten Sie kurz und versuchen Sie es noch einmal.
Erneutes Speichern im Inventar ist deaktiviert.
<notification name="NoExistNoSaveToContents">
- „[OBJ_NAME]“ kann nicht im Objektinhalt gespeichert werden, da das Objekt, aus dem es gerezzt wurde, nicht mehr existiert.
+ &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; kann nicht im Objektinhalt gespeichert werden, da das Objekt, aus dem es gerezzt wurde, nicht mehr existiert.
<notification name="NoModNoSaveToContents">
- „[OBJ_NAME]“ kann nicht in Objektinhalt gespeichert werden, da Sie nicht die Berechtigung zum Modifizieren des Objekts „[DEST_NAME]“ besitzen.
+ &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; kann nicht in Objektinhalt gespeichert werden, da Sie nicht über die Berechtigung zum Modifizieren des Objekts &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[DEST_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; verfügen.
<notification name="NoSaveBackToInvDisabled">
- „[OBJ_NAME]“ kann nicht erneut im Inventar gespeichert werden – dieser Vorgang wurde deaktiviert.
+ &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; kann nicht erneut im Inventar gespeichert werden – dieser Vorgang wurde deaktiviert.
<notification name="NoCopyNoSelCopy">
- Sie können Ihre Auswahl nicht kopieren, da Sie nicht die Berechtigung zum Kopieren des Objekts „[OBJ_NAME]“ haben.
+ Sie können Ihre Auswahl nicht kopieren, da Sie nicht über die Berechtigung zum Kopieren des Objekts &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; verfügen.
<notification name="NoTransNoSelCopy">
- Sie können Ihre Auswahl nicht kopieren, da das Objekt „[OBJ_NAME]“ nicht übertragbar ist.
+ Sie können Ihre Auswahl nicht kopieren, da das Objekt &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nicht übertragbar ist.
<notification name="NoTransNoCopy">
- Sie können Ihre Auswahl nicht kopieren, da das Objekt „[OBJ_NAME]“ nicht übertragbar ist.
+ Sie können Ihre Auswahl nicht kopieren, da das Objekt &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nicht übertragbar ist.
<notification name="NoPermsNoRemoval">
- Entfernen des Objekts „[OBJ_NAME]“ aus dem Simulator wird vom Berechtigungssystem nicht gestattet.
+ Entfernen des Objekts &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; aus dem Simulator wird vom Berechtigungssystem nicht gestattet.
<notification name="NoModNoSaveSelection">
- Sie können Ihre Auswahl nicht speichern, da Sie keine Berechtigung zum Modifizieren des Objekts „[OBJ_NAME]“ besitzen.
+ Sie können Ihre Auswahl nicht speichern, da Sie nicht über die Berechtigung zum Modifizieren des Objekts &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; verfügen.
<notification name="NoCopyNoSaveSelection">
- Ihre Auswahl kann nicht gespeichert werden, da das Objekt „[OBJ_NAME]“ nicht kopiert werden kann.
+ Ihre Auswahl kann nicht gespeichert werden, da das Objekt &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nicht kopiert werden kann.
<notification name="NoModNoTaking">
- Sie können Ihre Auswahl nicht in Empfang nehmen, da Sie nicht die Berechtigung zum Modifizieren des Objekts „[OBJ_NAME]“ haben.
+ Sie können Ihre Auswahl nicht in Empfang nehmen, da Sie nicht über die Berechtigung zum Modifizieren des Objekts &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; verfügen.
<notification name="RezDestInternalError">
Interner Fehler: Unbekannter Zielttyp.
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_preferences_general.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_preferences_general.xml
index 201998f220..c4705d7283 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_preferences_general.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/panel_preferences_general.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
<combo_box name="language_combobox">
- <combo_box.item label="Systemvorgabe" name="System Default Language"/>
<combo_box.item label="English (Englisch)" name="English"/>
<combo_box.item label="Dansk (Dänisch) - Beta" name="Danish"/>
<combo_box.item label="Deutsch - Beta" name="Deutsch(German)"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/strings.xml
index cde04d8d69..78d445f362 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/strings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/de/strings.xml
@@ -5740,4 +5740,25 @@ Setzen Sie den Editorpfad in Anführungszeichen
<string name="Mav_Details_MAV_UNKNOWN_VERSION">
Die Physikform hat keine korrekte Version. Legen Sie die korrekte Version für das Physikmodell fest.
+ <string name="couldnt_resolve_host">
+ Der DNS konnte den Hostnamen ([HOSTNAME]) nicht auflösen Prüfen
+Sie bitte, ob Sie die Website aufrufen können. Wenn Sie die
+Website aufrufen können, jedoch weiterhin diese Fehlermeldung erhalten,
+besuchen Sie bitte den Support-Bereich und melden Sie das Problem.
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_peer_certificate">
+ Der Anmeldeserver konnte sich nicht per SSL verifizieren.
+Wenn Sie diese Fehlermeldung weiterhin erhalten, besuchen
+Sie bitte den Support-Bereich der Website
+und melden Sie das Problem.
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_connect_error">
+ Die Ursache hierfür ist häufig eine falsch eingestellte Uhrzeit auf Ihrem Computer.
+Bitte vergewissern Sie sich, dass Datum und Uhrzeit in der Systemsteuerung korrekt
+eingestellt sind. Überprüfen Sie außerdem, ob Ihre Netzwerk- und Firewall-Einstellungen
+korrekt sind. Wenn Sie diese Fehlermeldung weiterhin erhalten, besuchen Sie bitte den
+Support-Bereich der Website und melden Sie das Problem.
+[ Knowledge-Base]
+ </string>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_bulk_perms.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_bulk_perms.xml
index e7ab3cacdc..9fa93b640f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_bulk_perms.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_bulk_perms.xml
@@ -213,6 +213,7 @@
+ tool_tip="Allow all members of the set group to share your modify permissions for this object. You must Deed to enable role restrictions."
width="92" />
@@ -234,6 +235,7 @@
+ tool_tip="Anyone can take a copy of the object. Object and all of its contents must be copy and transfer permissive"
width="92" />
@@ -254,6 +256,7 @@
+ tool_tip="Next owner can edit properties like item name or scale of this object."
width="92" />
@@ -263,6 +266,7 @@
+ tool_tip="Next owner can make unlimited copies of this object. Copies maintain creator information, and can never be more permissive than the item being copied."
@@ -276,7 +280,7 @@
- tool_tip="Next owner can give away or resell this object"
+ tool_tip="Next owner can give away or resell this object."
width="92" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_model_preview.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_model_preview.xml
index 3db431de1b..5a86eb06fb 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_model_preview.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_model_preview.xml
@@ -73,35 +73,6 @@
width="290" />
- <text
- follows="left|top"
- height="15"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="15"
- name="model_category_label"
- text_color="White"
- top="0"
- width="200">
- This model represents...
- </text>
- <combo_box
- follows="left|top"
- height="23"
- left_pad="10"
- name="model_category_combo"
- top_pad="10"
- width="200">
- <combo_box.drop_down_button
- label_color="White"/>
- <combo_item name="Choose one" label="Choose One..." value="MUT_Unspecified"/>
- <combo_item name="Avatar shape" label="Avatar shape" value="MUT_AvatarShape"/>
- <combo_item name="Avatar attachment" label="Avatar attachment" value="MUT_AvatarAttachment"/>
- <combo_item name="Moving object (vehicle, animal)" label="Moving object (vehicle, animal)" value="MUT_MovingObject"/>
- <combo_item name="Building Component" label="Building Component" value="MUT_BuildingComponent"/>
- <combo_item name="Large, non moving etc" label="Large, non moving etc" value="MUT_LargeStationary"/>
- <combo_item name="Smaller, non-moving etc" label="Smaller, non-moving etc" value="MUT_SmallStationary"/>
- <combo_item name="Not really any of these" label="Not really any of these" value="MUT_Other"/>
- </combo_box>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_my_scripts.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_my_scripts.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b0b6723c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_my_scripts.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+ legacy_header_height="18"
+ can_resize="true"
+ height="570"
+ help_topic="scriptlimits"
+ layout="topleft"
+ name="myscripts"
+ save_rect="true"
+ title="My Scripts"
+ min_width="620"
+ width="620">
+ <panel
+ filename="panel_script_limits_my_avatar.xml"
+ follows="all"
+ bottom="555"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="3"
+ right="-2"
+ name="script_limits_my_avatar_panel"
+ top="20"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_preferences.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_preferences.xml
index 845c1efe4d..0e62d50072 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_preferences.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_preferences.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- height="512"
+ height="530"
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- top="473"
+ top="492"
function="Pref.OK" />
@@ -43,6 +43,42 @@
function="Pref.Cancel" />
+ <panel
+ name="search_panel"
+ layout="topleft"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ left="4"
+ right="-4"
+ top="21"
+ height="18"
+ tab_group="2">
+ <search_editor
+ clear_button_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top|right"
+ height="18"
+ label="Search Settings"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="0"
+ max_length_bytes="255"
+ name="search_prefs_edit"
+ right="-1"
+ text_pad_left="6"
+ tool_tip="Type the search term you are interested in here. Results will be displayed for partial fulltext matches within the setting's name or comment."
+ top="0">
+ <search_editor.commit_callback
+ function="UpdateFilter" />
+ <search_editor.clear_button
+ rect.height="18"
+ rect.width="18"
+ rect.bottom="-1" />
+ <search_editor.search_button
+ rect.height="12"
+ rect.width="12"
+ rect.bottom="-1" />
+ </search_editor>
+ </panel>
@@ -54,7 +90,7 @@
- top="21"
+ top="40"
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_tools.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_tools.xml
index d9a15fed9e..ae0820c3ac 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_tools.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_tools.xml
@@ -1219,6 +1219,7 @@ even though the user gets a free copy.
name="checkbox allow everyone move"
+ tool_tip="Anyone can move the object."
width="85" />
@@ -1227,6 +1228,7 @@ even though the user gets a free copy.
name="checkbox allow everyone copy"
+ tool_tip="Anyone can take a copy of the object. Object and all of its contents must be copy and transfer permissive."
width="90" />
@@ -1244,6 +1246,7 @@ even though the user gets a free copy.
name="checkbox next owner can modify"
+ tool_tip="Next owner can edit properties like item name or scale of this object."
width="85" />
@@ -1252,6 +1255,7 @@ even though the user gets a free copy.
name="checkbox next owner can copy"
+ tool_tip="Next owner can make unlimited copies of this object. Copies maintain creator information, and can never be more permissive than the item being copied."
width="80" />
@@ -1261,7 +1265,7 @@ even though the user gets a free copy.
name="checkbox next owner can transfer"
- tool_tip="Next owner can give away or resell this object"
+ tool_tip="Next owner can give away or resell this object."
width="100" />
<!-- *NOTE: These "B/O/G/E/N/F fields may overlap "perm_modify" above,
but that's OK, this is used only for debugging. -->
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_top_objects.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_top_objects.xml
index 36ceddd305..b82fe43e74 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_top_objects.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/floater_top_objects.xml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- height="372"
+ height="350"
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
- [COUNT] scripts taking a total of [TIME] ms
+ [COUNT] scripts taking a total of [TIME] ms and using [MEMORY] KB
@@ -273,28 +273,4 @@
function="TopObjects.ReturnAll" />
- <button
- follows="bottom|left"
- height="23"
- label="Disable Selected"
- layout="topleft"
- left="112"
- name="disable_selected_btn"
- width="130">
- <button.commit_callback
- function="TopObjects.DisableSelected" />
- </button>
- <button
- follows="bottom|left"
- height="23"
- label="Disable All"
- layout="topleft"
- left_pad="10"
- name="disable_all_btn"
- top_delta="0"
- width="130">
- <button.commit_callback
- function="TopObjects.DisableAll" />
- </button>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/fonts.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/fonts.xml
index 82027d9e7c..8b1d50e58f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/fonts.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/fonts.xml
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+ <file>msyh.ttc</file>
<os name="Mac">
<file>ヒラギノ角ゴシック W3.ttc</file>
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@
+ <file>PingFang.ttc</file>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/language_settings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/language_settings.xml
index 51779e4bfd..d418fc38e3 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/language_settings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/language_settings.xml
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
<string name="TimeWeek">wkday,datetime,slt</string>
<string name="TimeAMPM">ampm,datetime,slt</string>
<string name="TimeHour12">hour12,datetime,slt</string>
+ <string name="TimeTimezone">timezone,datetime,slt</string>
<string name="LTimeMthNum">mthnum,datetime,local</string>
<string name="LTimeWeek">wkday,datetime,local</string>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_viewer.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_viewer.xml
index 42744b561f..cac84cfccf 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_viewer.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/menu_viewer.xml
@@ -73,6 +73,13 @@
+ <menu_item_call
+ label="My Scripts..."
+ name="MyScripts">
+ <menu_item_call.on_click
+ function="Floater.ToggleOrBringToFront"
+ parameter="my_scripts"/>
+ </menu_item_call>
label="Camera Controls..."
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
index 8780149d85..d4f60078ad 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
@@ -1845,7 +1845,7 @@ You are not allowed to terraform parcel [PARCEL].
You do not have permission to copy the following items:
and will lose it from your inventory if you give it away. Do you really want to offer these items?
@@ -7803,28 +7803,6 @@ Do not allow access if you do not fully understand why it wants access to your a
- <notification
- icon="notify.tga"
- name="UnknownScriptQuestion"
- persist="false"
- type="notify">
-The runtime script permission requested by &apos;&lt;nolink&gt;[OBJECTNAME]&lt;/nolink&gt;&apos;, an object owned by &apos;[NAME]&apos;, isn&apos;t recognized by the viewer and can&apos;t be granted.
-To grant this permission please update your viewer to the latest version from [DOWNLOADURL].
- <tag>confirm</tag>
- <form name="form">
- <button
- default="true"
- index="1"
- name="Deny"
- text="Ok"/>
- <button
- index="2"
- name="Mute"
- text="Block"/>
- </form>
- </notification>
@@ -9516,7 +9494,7 @@ You Can't create trees and grass on land you don't own.
-Copy failed because you lack permission to copy the object '[OBJ_NAME]'.
+Copy failed because you lack permission to copy the object &lt;nolink&gt;'[OBJ_NAME]'&lt;/nolink&gt;.
@@ -9524,7 +9502,7 @@ Copy failed because you lack permission to copy the object '[OBJ_NAME]'.
-Copy failed because the object '[OBJ_NAME]' cannot be transferred to you.
+Copy failed because the object &lt;nolink&gt;'[OBJ_NAME]'&lt;/nolink&gt; cannot be transferred to you.
@@ -9532,7 +9510,7 @@ Copy failed because the object '[OBJ_NAME]' cannot be transferred to you.
-Copy failed because the object '[OBJ_NAME]' contributes to navmesh.
+Copy failed because the object &lt;nolink&gt;'[OBJ_NAME]'&lt;/nolink&gt; contributes to navmesh.
@@ -9656,7 +9634,7 @@ Save Back To Inventory has been disabled.
-Cannot save '[OBJ_NAME]' to object contents because the object it was rezzed from no longer exists.
+Cannot save &lt;nolink&gt;'[OBJ_NAME]'&lt;/nolink&gt; to object contents because the object it was rezzed from no longer exists.
@@ -9664,7 +9642,7 @@ Cannot save '[OBJ_NAME]' to object contents because the object it was rezzed fro
-Cannot save '[OBJ_NAME]' to object contents because you do not have permission to modify the object '[DEST_NAME]'.
+Cannot save &lt;nolink&gt;'[OBJ_NAME]'&lt;/nolink&gt; to object contents because you do not have permission to modify the object &lt;nolink&gt;'[DEST_NAME]'&lt;/nolink&gt;.
@@ -9672,7 +9650,7 @@ Cannot save '[OBJ_NAME]' to object contents because you do not have permission t
-Cannot save '[OBJ_NAME]' back to inventory -- this operation has been disabled.
+Cannot save &lt;nolink&gt;'[OBJ_NAME]'&lt;/nolink&gt; back to inventory -- this operation has been disabled.
@@ -9680,7 +9658,7 @@ Cannot save '[OBJ_NAME]' back to inventory -- this operation has been disabled.
-You cannot copy your selection because you do not have permission to copy the object '[OBJ_NAME]'.
+You cannot copy your selection because you do not have permission to copy the object &lt;nolink&gt;'[OBJ_NAME]'&lt;/nolink&gt;.
@@ -9688,7 +9666,7 @@ You cannot copy your selection because you do not have permission to copy the ob
-You cannot copy your selection because the object '[OBJ_NAME]' is not transferrable.
+You cannot copy your selection because the object &lt;nolink&gt;'[OBJ_NAME]'&lt;/nolink&gt; is not transferrable.
@@ -9696,7 +9674,7 @@ You cannot copy your selection because the object '[OBJ_NAME]' is not transferra
-You cannot copy your selection because the object '[OBJ_NAME]' is not transferrable.
+You cannot copy your selection because the object &lt;nolink&gt;'[OBJ_NAME]'&lt;/nolink&gt; is not transferrable.
@@ -9704,7 +9682,7 @@ You cannot copy your selection because the object '[OBJ_NAME]' is not transferra
-Removal of the object '[OBJ_NAME]' from the simulator is disallowed by the permissions system.
+Removal of the object &lt;nolink&gt;'[OBJ_NAME]'&lt;/nolink&gt; from the simulator is disallowed by the permissions system.
@@ -9712,7 +9690,7 @@ Removal of the object '[OBJ_NAME]' from the simulator is disallowed by the permi
-Cannot save your selection because you do not have permission to modify the object '[OBJ_NAME]'.
+Cannot save your selection because you do not have permission to modify the object &lt;nolink&gt;'[OBJ_NAME]'&lt;/nolink&gt;.
@@ -9720,7 +9698,7 @@ Cannot save your selection because you do not have permission to modify the obje
-Cannot save your selection because the object '[OBJ_NAME]' is not copyable.
+Cannot save your selection because the object &lt;nolink&gt;'[OBJ_NAME]'&lt;/nolink&gt; is not copyable.
@@ -9728,7 +9706,7 @@ Cannot save your selection because the object '[OBJ_NAME]' is not copyable.
-You cannot take your selection because you do not have permission to modify the object '[OBJ_NAME]'.
+You cannot take your selection because you do not have permission to modify the object &lt;nolink&gt;'[OBJ_NAME]'&lt;/nolink&gt;.
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_general.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_general.xml
index 9da044ab64..335d7caa51 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_general.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_preferences_general.xml
@@ -32,11 +32,6 @@
- label="System default"
- name="System Default Language"
- value="default" />
- <combo_box.item
- enabled="true"
value="en" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_status_bar.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_status_bar.xml
index 998f1ce599..52bcce01f7 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_status_bar.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/panel_status_bar.xml
@@ -34,6 +34,46 @@
L$ [AMT]
+ height="18"
+ left="-458"
+ top="0"
+ width="120"
+ follows="right|top"
+ name="menu_search_panel"
+ background_opaque="true"
+ background_visible="true"
+ bg_opaque_color="MouseGray">
+ <search_editor
+ clear_button_visible="true"
+ follows="left|top"
+ height="18"
+ label="Search Menus"
+ layout="topleft"
+ left="0"
+ max_length_bytes="255"
+ name="search_menu_edit"
+ right="-1"
+ text_pad_left="6"
+ tool_tip="Type the search term you are interested in here. Results will be displayed for partial fulltext matches within the menu."
+ top="0">
+ <search_button
+ top_pad="4"
+ left_pad="4"
+ width="12"
+ height="12"
+ image_unselected="Search"
+ image_selected="Search"/>
+ <clear_button
+ bottom="2"
+ height="12"
+ image_unselected="Icon_Close_Foreground"
+ image_selected="Icon_Close_Press"
+ pad_right="4"
+ pad_left="4"
+ width="12"/>
+ </search_editor>
+ </panel>
+ <panel
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_item_info.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_item_info.xml
index fd14b13ed6..ca1dc87134 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_item_info.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_item_info.xml
@@ -351,6 +351,7 @@
+ tool_tip="Anyone can take a copy of the object . Object and all of its contents must be copy and transfer permissive."
width="150" />
@@ -394,6 +395,7 @@
+ tool_tip="Next owner can edit properties like item name or scale of this object."
width="90" />
@@ -401,6 +403,7 @@
+ tool_tip="Next owner can make unlimited copies of this object. Copies maintain creator information, and can never be more permissive than the item being copied."
width="90" />
@@ -408,7 +411,7 @@
- tool_tip="Next owner can give away or resell this object"
+ tool_tip="Next owner can give away or resell this object."
width="106" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_task_info.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_task_info.xml
index efedb9559e..713d5f94bb 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_task_info.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/sidepanel_task_info.xml
@@ -344,6 +344,7 @@
name="checkbox allow everyone copy"
+ tool_tip="Anyone can take a copy of the object. Object and all of its contents must be copy and transfer permissive."
width="90" />
@@ -351,6 +352,7 @@
name="checkbox allow everyone move"
+ tool_tip="Anyone can move the object."
width="150" />
@@ -394,6 +396,7 @@
name="checkbox next owner can modify"
+ tool_tip="Next owner can edit properties like item name or scale of this object."
width="90" />
@@ -401,6 +404,7 @@
name="checkbox next owner can copy"
+ tool_tip="Next owner can make unlimited copies of this object. Copies maintain creator information, and can never be more permissive than the item being copied."
width="90" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml
index f5f4b4acab..d91f3ac095 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/strings.xml
@@ -2675,14 +2675,14 @@ If you continue to receive this message, please contact Second Life support for
<string name="SITTING_ON">Sitting On</string>
<string name="ATTACH_CHEST">Chest</string>
- <string name="ATTACH_HEAD">Head</string>
+ <string name="ATTACH_HEAD">Skull</string>
<string name="ATTACH_LSHOULDER">Left Shoulder</string>
<string name="ATTACH_RSHOULDER">Right Shoulder</string>
<string name="ATTACH_LHAND">Left Hand</string>
<string name="ATTACH_RHAND">Right Hand</string>
<string name="ATTACH_LFOOT">Left Foot</string>
<string name="ATTACH_RFOOT">Right Foot</string>
- <string name="ATTACH_BACK">Back</string>
+ <string name="ATTACH_BACK">Spine</string>
<string name="ATTACH_PELVIS">Pelvis</string>
<string name="ATTACH_MOUTH">Mouth</string>
<string name="ATTACH_CHIN">Chin</string>
@@ -2692,16 +2692,16 @@ If you continue to receive this message, please contact Second Life support for
<string name="ATTACH_REYE">Right Eye</string>
<string name="ATTACH_NOSE">Nose</string>
<string name="ATTACH_RUARM">Right Upper Arm</string>
- <string name="ATTACH_RLARM">Right Lower Arm</string>
+ <string name="ATTACH_RLARM">Right Forearm</string>
<string name="ATTACH_LUARM">Left Upper Arm</string>
- <string name="ATTACH_LLARM">Left Lower Arm</string>
+ <string name="ATTACH_LLARM">Left Forearm</string>
<string name="ATTACH_RHIP">Right Hip</string>
<string name="ATTACH_RULEG">Right Upper Leg</string>
<string name="ATTACH_RLLEG">Right Lower Leg</string>
<string name="ATTACH_LHIP">Left Hip</string>
<string name="ATTACH_LULEG">Left Upper Leg</string>
<string name="ATTACH_LLLEG">Left Lower Leg</string>
- <string name="ATTACH_BELLY">Belly</string>
+ <string name="ATTACH_BELLY">Stomach</string>
<string name="ATTACH_LEFT_PEC">Left Pec</string>
<string name="ATTACH_RIGHT_PEC">Right Pec</string>
<string name="ATTACH_HUD_CENTER_2">HUD Center 2</string>
@@ -4233,4 +4233,29 @@ Try enclosing path to the editor with double quotes.
The physics shape does not have correct version. Set the correct version for the physics model.
+ <!-- CURL error messages -->
+ <string name="couldnt_resolve_host">
+DNS could not resolve the host name([HOSTNAME]).
+Please verify that you can connect to the
+web site. If you can, but continue to receive this error,
+please go to the support section and report this problem.
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_peer_certificate">
+The login server couldn't verify itself via SSL.
+If you continue to receive this error, please go
+to the Support section of the web site
+and report the problem.
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_connect_error">
+Often this means that your computer's clock is set incorrectly.
+Please go to Control Panels and make sure the time and date
+are set correctly.
+Also check that your network and firewall are set up correctly.
+If you continue to receive this error, please go
+to the Support section of the web site
+and report the problem.
+[ Knowledge Base]
+ </string>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/notifications.xml
index 70825eadbe..7b1185c4c3 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/notifications.xml
@@ -243,6 +243,10 @@ La inicialización del mercado ha fallado por un error del sistema o de la red.
Nota: Al activar esta opción, cualquiera que utilice este ordenador podrá ver tu lista de lugares favoritos.
<usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/>
+ <notification name="AllowMultipleViewers">
+ No es posible ejecutar varios visores Second Life ya que esta funcionalidad no es compatible. Puede provocar problemas de caché en la textura, imágenes degradadas o alteradas y un bajo rendimiento.
+ <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
<notification name="GrantModifyRights">
Al conceder permisos de modificación a otro Residente, le estás permitiendo cambiar, borrar o tomar CUALQUIER objeto que tengas en el mundo. Sé MUY cuidadoso al conceder este permiso.
¿Quieres conceder permisos de modificación a [NAME]?
@@ -713,8 +717,9 @@ La calidad gráfica puede ajustarse en Preferencias &gt; Gráficos.
No tienes permiso para modificar el terreno de la parcela [PARCEL].
<notification name="CannotCopyWarning">
- No tienes permiso para copiar los elementos siguientes:
-[ITEMS] y, si los das, los perderás del inventario. ¿Seguro que quieres ofrecerlos?
+ No tienes permiso para copiar los elementos siguientes:
+y, si los das, los perderás del inventario. ¿Seguro que quieres ofrecerlos?
<usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="No" yestext="Sí"/>
<notification name="CannotGiveItem">
@@ -3712,13 +3717,13 @@ no está en la misma región que tú.
No puedes crear árboles y hierba en un terreno que no es tuyo.
<notification name="NoCopyPermsNoObject">
- Error al copiar: careces de permiso para copiar el objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;.
+ Error al copiar porque no tienes permiso para copiar el objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoTransPermsNoObject">
- Error al copiar: no se te puede transferir el objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;.
+ Error al copiar porque no puedes recibir una transferencia del objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="AddToNavMeshNoCopy">
- Error al copiar porque el objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; contribuye al navmesh.
+ Error al copiar porque el objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; contribuye a navmesh.
<notification name="DupeWithNoRootsSelected">
Duplicación sin objetos raíz seleccionados.
@@ -3763,34 +3768,34 @@ Prueba otra vez dentro de un minuto.
Se ha deshabilitado Devolver el objeto a mi inventario.
<notification name="NoExistNoSaveToContents">
- No se puede guardar &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; en el contenido del objeto porque el objeto desde el cual ha sido colocado ya no existe.
+ No se puede guardar &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; en los contenidos del objeto porque el objeto a partir del cual fue creado ya no existe.
<notification name="NoModNoSaveToContents">
- No se puede guardar &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; en el contenido del objeto porque no tienes permiso para modificar el objeto &apos;[DEST_NAME]&apos;.
+ No se puede guardar &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; en los contenidos del objeto porque no tienes permiso para modificar el objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[DEST_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoSaveBackToInvDisabled">
- No se puede guardar &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; de nuevo en el inventario; esta operación está desactivada.
+ No se puede volver a guardar &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; en el inventario. Esta operación fue desactivada.
<notification name="NoCopyNoSelCopy">
- No se puede copiar tu selección porque no tienes permiso para copiar el objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;.
+ No puedes copiar el elemento seleccionado porque no tienes permiso para copiar el objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoTransNoSelCopy">
- No se puede copiar tu selección porque el objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; es intransferible.
+ No puedes copiar el elemento seleccionado porque el objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; no es transferible.
<notification name="NoTransNoCopy">
- No se puede copiar tu selección porque el objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; es intransferible.
+ No puedes copiar el elemento seleccionado porque el objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; no es transferible.
<notification name="NoPermsNoRemoval">
- El sistema de permisos no admite la eliminación del objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; del simulador.
+ El sistema de permisos no autoriza quitar el objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; del simulador.
<notification name="NoModNoSaveSelection">
- No se puede guardar tu selección porque no tienes permiso para modificar el objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;.
+ No puedes guardar el elemento seleccionado porque no tienes permiso para modificar el objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoCopyNoSaveSelection">
- No se puede guardar tu selección porque el objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; no se puede copiar.
+ No puedes guardar el elemento seleccionado porque el objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; no puede ser copiado.
<notification name="NoModNoTaking">
- No se puede aceptar tu selección porque no tienes permiso para modificar el objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;.
+ No puedes tomar el elemento seleccionado porque no tienes permiso para modificar el objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="RezDestInternalError">
Error interno: tipo de destino desconocido.
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_preferences_general.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_preferences_general.xml
index 7d3c33a781..d2246630d8 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_preferences_general.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/panel_preferences_general.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
<combo_box name="language_combobox">
- <combo_box.item label="Predeterminado del sistema" name="System Default Language"/>
<combo_box.item label="English (Inglés)" name="English"/>
<combo_box.item label="Dansk (danés) - Beta" name="Danish"/>
<combo_box.item label="Deutsch (Alemán) - Beta" name="Deutsch(German)"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/strings.xml
index 36a2711a5c..15e3c0622d 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/strings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/es/strings.xml
@@ -5651,4 +5651,25 @@ Inténtalo incluyendo la ruta de acceso al editor entre comillas
<string name="Mav_Details_MAV_UNKNOWN_VERSION">
La versión de la forma física no es correcta. Configura la versión correcta del modelo físico.
+ <string name="couldnt_resolve_host">
+ Error de DNS al resolver el nombre del host([HOSTNAME]).
+Por favor verifica si puedes conectarte al sitio web
+Si puedes conectarte, pero aún recibes este error, por favor accede a
+la sección Soporte y genera un informe del problema.
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_peer_certificate">
+ El servidor de inicio de sesión no pudo verificarse vía SSL.
+Si aún recibes este error, por favor accede a
+la sección Soporte del sitio web
+y genera un informe del problema.
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_connect_error">
+ En general esto significa que el horario de tu computadora no está bien configurado.
+Por favor accede al Panel de control y asegúrate de que la hora y la fecha estén
+bien configurados. Verifica también que tu red y tu cortafuegos estén bien
+configurados. Si aún recibes este error, por favor accede a la sección Soporte
+del sitio web y genera un informe del problema.
+[ Base de conocimientos]
+ </string>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/notifications.xml
index 74abecf760..9066f1e70c 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/notifications.xml
@@ -244,6 +244,10 @@ Veuillez ne sélectionner qu&apos;un seul objet.
Remarque : si vous activez cette option, toutes les personnes utilisant cet ordinateur pourront voir votre liste d&apos;endroits favoris.
<usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/>
+ <notification name="AllowMultipleViewers">
+ L&apos;exécution de plusieurs visualiseurs Second Life n&apos;est pas prise en charge. Cela peut entraîner des collisions de cache de texture, une corruption et une dégradation des visuels et des performances.
+ <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
<notification name="GrantModifyRights">
Lorsque vous accordez des droits de modification à un autre résident, vous lui permettez de changer, supprimer ou prendre n&apos;importe lequel de vos objets dans Second Life. Réfléchissez bien avant d&apos;accorder ces droits.
Voulez-vous vraiment accorder des droits de modification à [NAME] ?
@@ -717,9 +721,9 @@ La qualité des graphiques peut être augmentée à la section Préférences &gt
Vous n&apos;êtes pas autorisé(e) à terraformer la parcelle [PARCEL].
<notification name="CannotCopyWarning">
- Vous n&apos;êtes pas autorisé à copier les articles suivants :
-Ceux-ci disparaîtront donc de votre inventaire si vous les donnez. Voulez-vous vraiment offrir ces articles ?
+ Vous n&apos;êtes pas autorisé à copier les objets suivants :
+et il disparaîtra de votre inventaire si vous le donnez. Voulez-vous vraiment offrir ces articles ?
<usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Non" yestext="Oui"/>
<notification name="CannotGiveItem">
@@ -3715,13 +3719,13 @@ il ne se trouve pas dans la même région que vous.
Vous ne pouvez pas créer d&apos;arbres ni d&apos;herbe sur un terrain qui ne vous appartient pas.
<notification name="NoCopyPermsNoObject">
- Échec de la copie car vous ne disposez pas des droits requis pour copier l&apos;objet [OBJ_NAME].
+ La copie a échoué car vous ne disposez pas de l&apos;autorisation nécessaire pour copier l&apos;objet &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoTransPermsNoObject">
- Échec de la copie car l&apos;objet [OBJ_NAME] ne peut pas vous être transféré.
+ La copie a échoué car l&apos;objet &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; ne peut pas vous être transféré.
<notification name="AddToNavMeshNoCopy">
- Échec de la copie car l&apos;objet [OBJ_NAME] contribue au maillage de navigation.
+ La copie a échoué car l&apos;objet &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; contribue à navmesh.
<notification name="DupeWithNoRootsSelected">
Dupliquer sans objet racine sélectionné
@@ -3766,34 +3770,34 @@ Veuillez réessayer dans une minute.
Le réenregistrement dans l&apos;inventaire a été désactivé.
<notification name="NoExistNoSaveToContents">
- Impossible d&apos;enregistrer [OBJ_NAME] dans le contenu des objets car l&apos;objet à partir duquel il a été rezzé n&apos;existe plus.
+ Impossible de sauvegarder &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; dans le contenu de l&apos;objet car l&apos;objet à partir duquel il a été rezzé n&apos;existe plus.
<notification name="NoModNoSaveToContents">
- Impossible d&apos;enregistrer [OBJ_NAME] dans le contenu des objets car vous ne disposez pas des droits requis pour modifier l&apos;objet [DEST_NAME].
+ Impossible de sauvegarder&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; dans le contenu de l&apos;objet car vous n&apos;êtes pas autorisé à modifier l&apos;objet &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[DEST_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoSaveBackToInvDisabled">
- Impossible de réenregistrer [OBJ_NAME] dans l&apos;inventaire -- cette opération a été désactivée.
+ Impossible de sauvegarder &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; dans l&apos;inventaire - cette opération a été désactivée.
<notification name="NoCopyNoSelCopy">
- Vous ne pouvez pas copier votre sélection car vous n&apos;avez pas le droit de copier l&apos;objet [OBJ_NAME].
+ Vous ne pouvez pas copier votre sélection parce que vous n&apos;êtes pas autorisé à copier l&apos;objet &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoTransNoSelCopy">
- Vous ne pouvez pas copier votre sélection car l&apos;objet [OBJ_NAME] n&apos;est pas transférable.
+ Vous ne pouvez pas copier votre sélection parce que l&apos;objet &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; n&apos;est pas transférable.
<notification name="NoTransNoCopy">
- Vous ne pouvez pas copier votre sélection car l&apos;objet [OBJ_NAME] n&apos;est pas transférable.
+ Vous ne pouvez pas copier votre sélection parce que l&apos;objet &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; n&apos;est pas transférable.
<notification name="NoPermsNoRemoval">
- La suppression de l&apos;objet [OBJ_NAME] du simulateur n&apos;est pas autorisée par le système de droits.
+ La suppression de l&apos;objet &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; du simulateur n&apos;est pas autorisée par le système d&apos;autorisations.
<notification name="NoModNoSaveSelection">
- Vous ne pouvez pas enregistrer votre sélection car vous n&apos;avez pas le droit de modifier l&apos;objet [OBJ_NAME].
+ Impossible de sauvegarder votre sélection parce que vous n&apos;êtes pas autorisé à modifier l&apos;objet &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoCopyNoSaveSelection">
- Vous ne pouvez pas enregistrer votre sélection car l&apos;objet [OBJ_NAME] ne peut pas être copié.
+ Impossible d&apos;enregistrer votre sélection car l&apos;objet &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; n&apos;est pas copiable.
<notification name="NoModNoTaking">
- Vous ne pouvez pas prendre votre sélection car vous n&apos;avez pas le droit de modifier l&apos;objet [OBJ_NAME].
+ Vous ne pouvez pas sauvegarder votre sélection parce que vous n&apos;êtes pas autorisé à modifier l&apos;objet &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="RezDestInternalError">
Erreur interne : type de destination inconnue.
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/panel_preferences_general.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/panel_preferences_general.xml
index 11b1bd9b87..b75567a40f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/panel_preferences_general.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/panel_preferences_general.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
Langue :
<combo_box name="language_combobox">
- <combo_box.item label="Choix par défaut" name="System Default Language"/>
<combo_box.item label="English (Anglais)" name="English"/>
<combo_box.item label="Dansk (Danois) - Bêta" name="Danish"/>
<combo_box.item label="Deutsch (Allemand) - Bêta" name="Deutsch(German)"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/strings.xml
index 7f5851b51d..13dd2b3640 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/strings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/fr/strings.xml
@@ -5741,4 +5741,25 @@ Essayez avec le chemin d&apos;accès à l&apos;éditeur entre guillemets doubles
<string name="Mav_Details_MAV_UNKNOWN_VERSION">
La forme physique n’a pas la version correcte. Configurez la version correcte pour le modèle physique.
+ <string name="couldnt_resolve_host">
+ DNS n&apos;a pas pu résoudre le nom d&apos;hôte([HOSTNAME]).
+Veuillez vérifier que vous parvenez à vous connecter au site
+Si c&apos;est le cas, et que vous continuez à recevoir ce message d&apos;erreur, veuillez vous
+rendre à la section Support et signaler ce problème
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_peer_certificate">
+ Le serveur d&apos;identification a rencontré une erreur de connexion SSL.
+Si vous continuez à recevoir ce message d&apos;erreur,
+veuillez vous rendre à la section Support du site web et signaler ce problème
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_connect_error">
+ Ceci est souvent dû à un mauvais réglage de l&apos;horloge de votre ordinateur.
+Veuillez aller à Tableaux de bord et assurez-vous que l&apos;heure et la date sont réglés
+correctement. Vérifiez également que votre réseau et votre pare-feu sont configurés
+correctement. Si vous continuez à recevoir ce message d&apos;erreur, veuillez vous rendre
+à la section Support du site web et signaler ce problème.
+[ Base de connaissances]
+ </string>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/notifications.xml
index d1a47535d8..8a057914ac 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/notifications.xml
@@ -244,6 +244,10 @@ Scegli solo un oggetto e riprova.
Nota: Se attivi questa opzione, chiunque usa questo computer può vedere l&apos;elenco di luoghi preferiti.
<usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/>
+ <notification name="AllowMultipleViewers">
+ Non è possibile utilizzare più di un viewer Second Life contemporaneamente. L’utilizzo simultaneo potrebbe portare a collisioni o corruzione della cache texture, e ad un peggioramento nelle immagini e nella performance.
+ <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
<notification name="GrantModifyRights">
Quando concedi i diritti di modifica ad un altro residente, gli permetti di modificare, eliminare o prendere QUALSIASI oggetto che possiedi in Second Life. Pertanto ti consigliamo di essere ben sicuro quando concedi questo diritto.
Vuoi concedere i diritti di modifica a [NAME]?
@@ -716,8 +720,8 @@ La qualità grafica può essere aumentata in Preferenze &gt; Grafica.
<notification name="CannotCopyWarning">
Non hai l&apos;autorizzazione a copiare i seguenti oggetti:
-e se li dai via, verranno eliminati dal tuo inventario. Sicuro di volere offrire questi oggetti?
+e se li dai via, verranno eliminati dal tuo inventario. Sicuro di voler offrire questi oggetti?
<usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="No" yestext="Si"/>
<notification name="CannotGiveItem">
@@ -3719,13 +3723,13 @@ non è nella stessa regione in cui ti trovi.
Non puoi creare alberi ed erba su terreni che non sono di tua proprietà.
<notification name="NoCopyPermsNoObject">
- Copia non riuscita perché non hai l&apos;autorizzazione necessaria per copiare l&apos;oggetto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;.
+ Copia non riuscita perché non hai il permesso per copiare l’oggetto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoTransPermsNoObject">
- La copia non è riuscita perché &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; non può essere trasferito a te.
+ Copia non riuscita perché l’oggetto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; non può esserti trasferito.
<notification name="AddToNavMeshNoCopy">
- La copia non è riuscita perché &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; contribuisce al navmesh.
+ Copia non riuscita perché l’oggetto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; contribuisce al navmesh.
<notification name="DupeWithNoRootsSelected">
Duplicato senza oggetto principale selezionato.
@@ -3770,34 +3774,34 @@ Riprova tra un minuto.
Opzione Salva nell&apos;inventario disattivata
<notification name="NoExistNoSaveToContents">
- Impossibile salvare &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; nei contenuti dell&apos;oggetto perché l&apos;oggetto da cui è stato razzato non esiste più.
+ Impossibile salvare &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; in contenuti oggetto perché l’oggetto da cui è stato rezzato non esiste più.
<notification name="NoModNoSaveToContents">
- Impossibile salvare &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; nei contenuti dell&apos;oggetto perché non hai l&apos;autorizzazione necessaria per modificare l&apos;oggetto &apos;[DEST_NAME]&apos;.
+ Impossibile salvare &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; in contenuti oggetto perché non hai i permessi per modificare l’oggetto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[DEST_NAME]’&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoSaveBackToInvDisabled">
- Impossibile riportare &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; nell&apos;inventario -- questa operazione è stata disattivata.
+ Impossibile salvare &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nell’inventario: questa operazione è stata disabilitata.
<notification name="NoCopyNoSelCopy">
- Non puoi copiare l&apos;elemento selezionato perché non hai l&apos;autorizzazione necessaria per copiare l&apos;oggetto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;.
+ Non puoi copiare la selezione perché non hai il permesso di copiare l’oggetto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoTransNoSelCopy">
- Non puoi copiare la selezione perché l&apos;oggetto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; non può essere trasferito.
+ Non puoi copiare la selezione perché l’oggetto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; non è trasferibile.
<notification name="NoTransNoCopy">
- Non puoi copiare la selezione perché l&apos;oggetto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; non può essere trasferito.
+ Non puoi copiare la selezione perché l’oggetto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; non è trasferibile.
<notification name="NoPermsNoRemoval">
- La rimozione dell&apos;oggetto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; dal simulatore non è consentita dal sistema delle autorizzazioni.
+ La rimozione dell’oggetto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; dal simulatore è disattivata dal sistema dei permessi.
<notification name="NoModNoSaveSelection">
- Non puoi salvare l&apos;elemento selezionato perché non hai l&apos;autorizzazione necessaria per modificare l&apos;oggetto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;.
+ Non puoi copiare la selezione perché non hai il permesso di modificare l’oggetto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoCopyNoSaveSelection">
- Non puoi salvare la selezione perché l&apos;oggetto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; non può essere copiato.
+ Non puoi copiare la selezione perché l’oggetto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; non è copiabile.
<notification name="NoModNoTaking">
- Non puoi prendere l&apos;elemento selezionato perché non hai l&apos;autorizzazione necessaria per modificare l&apos;oggetto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;.
+ Non puoi prendere ciò che hai selezionato perché non hai il permesso di modificare l’oggetto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="RezDestInternalError">
Errore interno: Tipo di destinazione sconosciuto.
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_preferences_general.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_preferences_general.xml
index ef999d03c0..49edc0aa12 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_preferences_general.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/panel_preferences_general.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
<combo_box name="language_combobox">
- <combo_box.item label="Default di sistema" name="System Default Language"/>
<combo_box.item label="English" name="English"/>
<combo_box.item label="Dansk (Danese) - Beta" name="Danish"/>
<combo_box.item label="Deutsch (Tedesco) - Beta" name="Deutsch(German)"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/strings.xml
index 918e655ab6..be3acc14b3 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/strings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/it/strings.xml
@@ -5656,4 +5656,25 @@ Prova a racchiudere il percorso dell&apos;editor in doppie virgolette.
<string name="Mav_Details_MAV_UNKNOWN_VERSION">
La versione della forma fisica non è corretta. Imposta la versione corretta per il modello della fisica.
+ <string name="couldnt_resolve_host">
+ Il DNS non ha potuto risolvere il nome dell’host([HOSTNAME]).
+Verifica di riuscire a connetterti al sito web
+Se riesci ma continui a ricevere questo errore, visita la sezione
+Assistenza e segnala il problema.
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_peer_certificate">
+ Il server per il login non ha potuto effettuare la verifica tramite SSL.
+Se continui a ricevere questo errore, visita
+la sezione Assistenza nel sito
+e segnala il problema.
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_connect_error">
+ Spesso l’errore è dovuto all’orologio del computer, impostato incorrettamente.
+Vai al Pannello di Controllo e assicurati che data e ora siano
+esatte. Controlla anche che il network e il firewall siano impostati
+correttamente. Se continui a ricevere questo errore, visita la sezione
+Assistenza nel sito e segnala il problema.
+[ Base conoscenze]
+ </string>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/notifications.xml
index 99ba5b2655..fc6c951a55 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/notifications.xml
@@ -244,6 +244,10 @@
<usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/>
+ <notification name="AllowMultipleViewers">
+ 複数の Second Life ビューワを実行することはサポートされていません。テクスチャキャッシュのコリジョンや破損、およびビジュアルとパフォーマンスの低下につながる恐れがあります。
+ <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
<notification name="GrantModifyRights">
[NAME] に修正権限を与えますか?
@@ -735,7 +739,9 @@ L$ が不足しているのでこのグループに参加することができ
あなたには [PARCEL] 区画を地形編集する許可がありません。
<notification name="CannotCopyWarning">
- あなたには[ITEMS]というアイテムをコピーする許可がありません。他の住人に提供すると、そのアイテムはあなたのインベントリから削除されます。本当にこれらのアイテムを譲りますか?
+ あなたには次アイテムをコピーする権限がありません:
<usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="いいえ" yestext="はい"/>
<notification name="CannotGiveItem">
@@ -3756,13 +3762,13 @@ M キーを押して変更します。
<notification name="NoCopyPermsNoObject">
- オブジェクト &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; をコピーする権限がないため、コピーに失敗しました。
+ あなたにはオブジェクト &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; をコピーする権限がないため、コピーに失敗しました。
<notification name="NoTransPermsNoObject">
- オブジェクト &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; をあなたに転送できないため、コピーに失敗しました。
+ オブジェクト &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; はあなたに譲渡できないため、コピーに失敗しました。
<notification name="AddToNavMeshNoCopy">
- オブジェクト &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; がナビメッシュに貢献しているため、コピーに失敗しました。
+ オブジェクト &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; は navmesh に関連があるため、コピーに失敗しました。
<notification name="DupeWithNoRootsSelected">
@@ -3807,34 +3813,34 @@ M キーを押して変更します。
<notification name="NoExistNoSaveToContents">
- &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; の Rez 元であるオブジェクトが存在しないため、このオブジェクトをオブジェクトコンテンツに保存できません。
+ 「存在しません」から rez されたため、&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; をオブジェクトの中身に保存できませんでした。
<notification name="NoModNoSaveToContents">
- オブジェクト &apos;[DEST_NAME]&apos; を修正する権限がないため、オブジェクトのコンテンツに &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; を保存できません。
+ あなたにはオブジェクト &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[DEST_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; を修正する権限がないため、&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;をオブジェクトの中身に保存できませんでした。
<notification name="NoSaveBackToInvDisabled">
- インベントリに &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; を保存することはできません - この操作が無効になっています。
+ &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; をインベントリに保存できません。この操作は無効になりました。
<notification name="NoCopyNoSelCopy">
- オブジェクト &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; を変更する権限を持っていないため、選択したものをコピーできません。
+ あなたにはオブジェクト &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; をコピーする権限がないため、選択内容をコピーできません。
<notification name="NoTransNoSelCopy">
- オブジェクト &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; を転送できないため、選択したものをコピーできません。
+ オブジェクト &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; を譲渡できないため、選択内容をコピーできません。
<notification name="NoTransNoCopy">
- オブジェクト &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; を転送できないため、選択したものをコピーできません。
+ オブジェクト &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; を譲渡できないため、選択内容をコピーできません。
<notification name="NoPermsNoRemoval">
- シミュレータからのオブジェクト &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; の削除は、権限システムによって無効にされています。
+ オブジェクト &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; をシミュレーターから削除することは、権限のシステムにより許可されていません。
<notification name="NoModNoSaveSelection">
- オブジェクト &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; を変更する権限を持っていないため、選択したものを保存できません。
+ あなたにはオブジェクト &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; を修正する権限がないため、選択内容を保存できません。
<notification name="NoCopyNoSaveSelection">
- オブジェクト &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; をコピーできないため、選択したものを保存できません。
+ オブジェクト &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; はコピー不可なため、選択内容を保存できません。
<notification name="NoModNoTaking">
- オブジェクト &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; を変更する権限を持っていないため、選択したものを取得できません。
+ あなたにはオブジェクト &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; を修正する権限がないため、選択内容を選ぶことはできません。
<notification name="RezDestInternalError">
内部エラー: 不明な宛先タイプ。
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_preferences_general.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_preferences_general.xml
index e2b74354fa..378cf8652e 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_preferences_general.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_preferences_general.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
<combo_box name="language_combobox">
- <combo_box.item label="システムデフォルト" name="System Default Language"/>
<combo_box.item label="English (英語)" name="English"/>
<combo_box.item label="Dansk (デンマーク語) - ベータ" name="Danish"/>
<combo_box.item label="Deutsch (ドイツ語) – ベータ" name="Deutsch(German)"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_snapshot_options.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_snapshot_options.xml
index ebaab7c122..04dfc0176d 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_snapshot_options.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/panel_snapshot_options.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<panel name="panel_snapshot_options">
<button label="ディスクに保存" name="save_to_computer_btn"/>
- <button label="持ち物に保存(L$[Amount])" name="save_to_inventory_btn"/>
+ <button label="持ち物に保存(L$[AMOUNT])" name="save_to_inventory_btn"/>
<button label="プロフィールフィードで共有する" name="save_to_profile_btn"/>
<button label="Facebook で共有する" name="send_to_facebook_btn"/>
<button label="Twitter で共有する" name="send_to_twitter_btn"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/strings.xml
index bcf4698bb0..9116bba8bb 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/strings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ja/strings.xml
@@ -5739,4 +5739,25 @@ から最新バージョンをダウンロードしてくだ
<string name="Mav_Details_MAV_UNKNOWN_VERSION">
+ <string name="couldnt_resolve_host">
+ DNS がホスト名 ([HOSTNAME]) を解決できませんでした。 のウェブサイトに接続できるかご確認ください。
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_peer_certificate">
+ ログインサーバーが SSL 経由で確認できませんでした。
+このエラーが継続的に起こる場合は、 のサポートセクションから
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_connect_error">
+ この問題の多くは、お使いのコンピュータの時計が正しく設定されていないために起こります。
+このエラーが継続的に起こる場合は、 のサポートセクションから
+[ ナレッジベース]
+ </string>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/panel_preferences_general.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/panel_preferences_general.xml
index 082dc0687e..55df13e7ac 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/panel_preferences_general.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pl/panel_preferences_general.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
<combo_box name="language_combobox">
- <combo_box.item label="Domyślny" name="System Default Language" />
<combo_box.item label="English (Angielski)" name="English" />
<combo_box.item label="Dansk (Duński) - Beta" name="Danish" />
<combo_box.item label="Deutsch (Niemiecki) - Beta" name="Deutsch(German)" />
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/notifications.xml
index 5c848034d8..b4cf0a1b20 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/notifications.xml
@@ -243,6 +243,10 @@ Por favor, selecione apenas um objeto e tente novamente.
Nota: Ao ativar esta opção, qualquer pessoa que utilizar este computador poderá ver a sua lista de lugares preferidos.
<usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/>
+ <notification name="AllowMultipleViewers">
+ Não é possível executar múltiplos visualizadores Second Life. Pode levar a uma falha, um corrompimento, visuais alterados e falha no desempenho no cache de textura.
+ <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
<notification name="GrantModifyRights">
Conceder direitos de modificação a outros residentes vai autorizá-los a mudar, apagar ou pegar TODOS os seus objetos. Seja MUITO cuidadoso ao conceder esta autorização.
Deseja dar direitos de modificação a [NAME]?
@@ -711,9 +715,9 @@ Para aumentar a qualidade do vídeo, vá para Preferências &gt; Vídeo.
Você não está autorizado a terraplanar o terreno [PARCEL].
<notification name="CannotCopyWarning">
- Você não tem autorização para copiar os itens abaixo:
-ao dá-los, você ficará sem eles no seu inventário. Deseja realmente dar estes itens?
+ Não existe autorização para copiar os itens abaixo:
+e eles sairão do inverntário se sair. Deseja realmente dar estes itens?
<usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Não" yestext="Sim"/>
<notification name="CannotGiveItem">
@@ -3702,13 +3706,13 @@ ele não está na mesma região que você.
Você não pode criar árvores e grama em terrenos que não são sua propriedade.
<notification name="NoCopyPermsNoObject">
- A cópia falhou porque você não está autorizado a copiar o objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;.
+ Falha na cópia por falta de permissão para copiar o objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoTransPermsNoObject">
- A cópia falhou porque o objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; não pode ser transferido para você.
+ Falha na cópia, porque o objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; não pode ser transferido para você.
<notification name="AddToNavMeshNoCopy">
- A cópia falhou porque o objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; contribui para o navmesh.
+ Falha na cópia, porque o objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; contribui para o Navmesh.
<notification name="DupeWithNoRootsSelected">
Duplicar sem objetos raiz selecionados.
@@ -3753,34 +3757,34 @@ Tente novamente em instantes.
Salvar no inventário foi desativado.
<notification name="NoExistNoSaveToContents">
- Não é possível salvar &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; no conteúdo do objeto porque o objeto do qual ele foi renderizado não existe mais.
+ Não foi possível salvar &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; para os conteúdos do objeto, porque o objeto foi utilizado e não existe mais.
<notification name="NoModNoSaveToContents">
- Não é possível salvar &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; no conteúdo do objeto porque você não tem permissão para modificar o objeto &apos;[DEST_NAME]&apos;.
+ Não foi possível salvar &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; para os conteúdos do objeto, porque você não tem permissão para modificar o objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[DEST_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoSaveBackToInvDisabled">
- Não é possível salvar &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; no inventário -- essa operação foi desativada.
+ Não é possível salvar &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; no inventário outra vez -- esta operação foi desabilitada.
<notification name="NoCopyNoSelCopy">
- Você não pode copiar sua seleção porque não está autorizado a copiar o objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;.
+ Não é possível copiar a seleção porque você não tem permissão para copiar o objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoTransNoSelCopy">
- Você não pode copiar a seleção porque o objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; não é transferível.
+ Não é possível copiar a seleção porque o objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; não é transferível.
<notification name="NoTransNoCopy">
- Você não pode copiar a seleção porque o objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; não é transferível.
+ Não é possível copiar a seleção porque o objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; não é transferível.
<notification name="NoPermsNoRemoval">
- A remoção do objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; do simulador é proibida pelo sistema de permissões.
+ A remoção do objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; do simulador não é permitida pelo sistema de permissão.
<notification name="NoModNoSaveSelection">
- Você não pode salvar sua seleção porque não está autorizado a modificar o objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;.
+ Não é possível salvar a seleção porque você não tem permissão para modificar o objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoCopyNoSaveSelection">
- Não é possível salvar sua seleção porque o objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; não é copiável.
+ Não é possível salvar a seleção porque o objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; não é copiável.
<notification name="NoModNoTaking">
- Você não pode levar sua seleção porque não está autorizado a modificar o objeto &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;.
+ Não é possível realizar a seleção porque você não tem permissão para modificar o objeto &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="RezDestInternalError">
Erro interno: tipo de destino desconhecido.
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_preferences_general.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_preferences_general.xml
index 68fbd049b1..915d695605 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_preferences_general.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/panel_preferences_general.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
<combo_box name="language_combobox">
- <combo_box.item label="Padrão" name="System Default Language"/>
<combo_box.item label="English (Inglês)" name="English"/>
<combo_box.item label="Dansk (Dinamarquês) - Beta" name="Danish"/>
<combo_box.item label="Deutsch (Alemão) - Beta" name="Deutsch(German)"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/strings.xml
index ecf90ef787..4151ef36ac 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/strings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/pt/strings.xml
@@ -5615,4 +5615,25 @@ Tente colocar o caminho do editor entre aspas.
<string name="Mav_Details_MAV_UNKNOWN_VERSION">
A forma física não tem a versão correta. Defina a versão correta para o modelo físico.
+ <string name="couldnt_resolve_host">
+ O DNS não pode resolver o nome do host([HOSTNAME]).
+Verifique se você pode conectar ao site . Se você
+puder, mas se continuar recebendo esta mensagem de erro, vá à sessão
+Suporte no site e informe o problema.
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_peer_certificate">
+ O servidor de acesso não pôde verificá-lo pelo SSL.
+Se você continuar recebendo esta mensagem de erro,
+vá à sessão Suporte no site
+e informe o problema.
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_connect_error">
+ Geralmente, esse erro significa que o relógio do seu computador não está com o horário correto.
+Vá em Painel de Controles e certifique-se de que a hora e data estejam corretos.
+Além disso, verifique se a sua rede e firewall estejam corretos. Se você continuar
+recebendo esta mensagem de erro, vá à sessão Suporte no site
+e informe o problema.
+[ Base de conhecimento]
+ </string>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/notifications.xml
index d752bf254e..d6866b6489 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/notifications.xml
@@ -244,6 +244,10 @@
Примечание. После включения этой опции все пользователи данного компьютера смогут увидеть список ваших избранных мест.
<usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="OK"/>
+ <notification name="AllowMultipleViewers">
+ Запуск нескольких приложений Second Life Viewer не поддерживается. Это может привести к конфликтам кэша текстур, повреждению и снижению производительности и визуального отображения.
+ <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="ОК"/>
+ </notification>
<notification name="GrantModifyRights">
Предоставление другому жителю прав на изменение позволит ему изменять, удалять или брать ЛЮБЫЕ ваши объекты. Будьте ОЧЕНЬ осторожны с предоставлением такого разрешения.
Дать пользователю [NAME] права на изменение?
@@ -717,9 +721,9 @@
Вам не разрешено терраформировать участок [PARCEL].
<notification name="CannotCopyWarning">
- У вас нет разрешения на копирование следующих предметов:
-Если вы отдадите эти вещи, их больше не будет в вашем инвентаре. Вы действительно хотите предложить эти предметы?
+ У вас нет разрешения на копирование следующих предметов:
+и они пропадут из вашего инвентаря, если вы их отдадите. Вы действительно хотите предложить эти предметы?
<usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Нет" yestext="Да"/>
<notification name="CannotGiveItem">
@@ -3715,13 +3719,13 @@
Вы не можете создавать деревья и траву на чужой земле.
<notification name="NoCopyPermsNoObject">
- Не удалось скопировать: вам не разрешено копировать объект «[OBJ_NAME]».
+ Не удалось скопировать, потому что у вас нет разрешения на копирование этого предмета &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoTransPermsNoObject">
- Не удалось скопировать: объект «[OBJ_NAME]» нельзя перенести к вам.
+ Не удалось скопировать, потому что предмет &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; не может быть перемещён к вам.
<notification name="AddToNavMeshNoCopy">
- Не удалось скопировать: объект «[OBJ_NAME]» относится к навигационной сетке.
+ Не удалось скопировать, потому что предмет &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; относится к навигационной сетке.
<notification name="DupeWithNoRootsSelected">
Выбран дубликат без корневых объектов.
@@ -3766,34 +3770,34 @@
Сохранение в инвентаре отключено.
<notification name="NoExistNoSaveToContents">
- Нельзя сохранить «[OBJ_NAME]» в содержимом объекта: объект, из которого оно было выложено, уже не существует.
+ Не удалось сохранить &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; в содержимом предмета, потому что место, в котором был создан предмет, больше не существует.
<notification name="NoModNoSaveToContents">
- Нельзя сохранить «[OBJ_NAME]» в содержимом объекта: вам не разрешено изменять объект «[DEST_NAME]».
+ Не удалось сохранить &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; в содержимом предмета, потому что у вас нет разрешения на модификацию предмета &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[DEST_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoSaveBackToInvDisabled">
- Невозможно сохранить «[OBJ_NAME]» в инвентаре: эта операция запрещена.
+ Не удалось сохранить &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; обратно в инвентаре – эта операция заблокирована.
<notification name="NoCopyNoSelCopy">
- Нельзя скопировать выбранное: вам не разрешено копировать объект «[OBJ_NAME]».
+ Вы не можете скопировать выбор, потому что у вас нет разрешения на копирование этого предмета &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoTransNoSelCopy">
- Невозможно скопировать выбранный предмет: объект «[OBJ_NAME]» не переносится.
+ Вы не можете скопировать свой выбор, потому что предмет &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; не может быть перемещён.
<notification name="NoTransNoCopy">
- Невозможно скопировать выбранный предмет: объект «[OBJ_NAME]» не переносится.
+ Вы не можете скопировать свой выбор, потому что предмет &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; не может быть перемещён.
<notification name="NoPermsNoRemoval">
- Удаление объекта «[OBJ_NAME]» из симулятора запрещено системой разрешений.
+ Удаление предмета &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; из симулятора не допущено системой прав доступа.
<notification name="NoModNoSaveSelection">
- Нельзя сохранить выбранное: вам не разрешено изменять объект «[OBJ_NAME]».
+ Копирование выбора невозможно, потому что у вас нет разрешения на модифицирование этого предмета &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="NoCopyNoSaveSelection">
- Невозможно сохранить выбранный предмет: объект «[OBJ_NAME]» не копируется.
+ Вы не можете сохранить свой выбор, потому что предмет &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; не поддаётся копированию.
<notification name="NoModNoTaking">
- Нельзя забрать выбранное: вам не разрешено изменять объект «[OBJ_NAME]».
+ Вы не можете скопировать свой выбор, потому что у вас нет разрешения на модифицирование этого предмета &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;.
<notification name="RezDestInternalError">
Внутренняя ошибка: неизвестный тип места назначения.
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_preferences_general.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_preferences_general.xml
index b15d0e3abf..918b042dd7 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_preferences_general.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/panel_preferences_general.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
<combo_box name="language_combobox">
- <combo_box.item label="Язык системы" name="System Default Language"/>
<combo_box.item label="English - Английский" name="English"/>
<combo_box.item label="Dansk – датский (бета-версия)" name="Danish"/>
<combo_box.item label="Deutsch – немецкий (бета-версия)" name="Deutsch(German)"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/strings.xml
index 267c717189..dcc503f18c 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/strings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/ru/strings.xml
@@ -5747,4 +5747,25 @@
<string name="Mav_Details_MAV_UNKNOWN_VERSION">
У физической формы нет правильной версии. Задайте правильную версию для физической модели.
+ <string name="couldnt_resolve_host">
+ DNS не удалось разрешить имя узла([HOSTNAME]).
+Проверьте возможность подключения к веб-сайту
+Если вы продолжаете получать эту ошибку, перейдите в раздел
+поддержки и сообщите о проблеме.
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_peer_certificate">
+ Серверу входа в систему не удалось пройти аутентификацию с помощью
+протокола SSL. Если вы продолжаете получать эту ошибку,
+перейдите в раздел поддержки на веб-сайте
+и сообщите о проблеме.
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_connect_error">
+ Часто это означает, что часы компьютера установлены неправильно.
+Перейдите, пожалуйста, на Панели управления и убедитесь в правильной
+установке времени и даты. Также проверьте правильность настройки сети
+и брандмауэра. Если вы продолжаете получать эту ошибку, перейдите в
+раздел поддержки на веб-сайте и сообщите о проблеме.
+[ База знаний]
+ </string>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/notifications.xml
index d72d89f1f5..fce5bbfcab 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/notifications.xml
@@ -244,6 +244,10 @@ Lütfen sadece bir nesne seçin ve tekrar deneyin.
Not: Bu seçeneği etkinleştirdiğinizde, bu bilgisayarı kullanan herkes en sevdiğiniz konumlar listenizi görebilecek.
<usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Tamam"/>
+ <notification name="AllowMultipleViewers">
+ Birden çok Second Life görüntüleyiciyi çalıştırma özelliği desteklenmiyor. Bu durum doku önbelleği çakışmalarına, görsellerin bozulmasına ve performansın düşmesine yol açabilir.
+ <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="Tamam"/>
+ </notification>
<notification name="GrantModifyRights">
Başka bir Sakine değişiklik yapma hakkı verdiğinizde, SL dünyasında sahip olduğunuz HERHANGİ BİR nesneyi değiştirebilme, silebilme veya alabilmelerine izin vermiş olursunuz. Bu izni verirken ÇOK dikkatli olun.
[NAME] adlı kişiye değişiklik yapma hakkı vermek istiyor musunuz?
@@ -718,9 +722,9 @@ Grafik Kalitesi, Tercihler &gt; Grafikler sekmesinden yükseltilebilir.
[PARCEL] parseli üzerinde yer şekillendirmesi yapma izniniz bulunmuyor.
<notification name="CannotCopyWarning">
- Aşağıdaki öğeleri kopyalamak için gerekli izne sahip değilsiniz:
-Bu öğeleri verdiğiniz takdirde envanterinizden çıkacaklar. Bu öğeleri teklif etmeyi gerçekten istiyor musunuz?
+ Aşağıdaki öğeleri kopyalama izniniz yok:
+ve bunları elden çıkardığınız takdirde envanterinizden kaybolacaktır. Bu öğeleri sunmayı gerçekten istiyor musunuz?
<usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="Hayır" yestext="Evet"/>
<notification name="CannotGiveItem">
@@ -3714,13 +3718,13 @@ Girişim iptal edildi.
Sahibi olmadığınız arazide ağaçlar ve çimen oluşturamazsınız.
<notification name="NoCopyPermsNoObject">
- &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; nesnesini kopyalama izniniz olmadığı için kopyalama başarılamadı.
+ &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nesnesini kopyalama izniniz olmadığından kopyalama başarısız oldu.
<notification name="NoTransPermsNoObject">
- &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; nesnesi size aktarılamadığı için kopyalama başarılamadı.
+ &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nesnesi size devredilemediğinden kopyalama başarısız oldu.
<notification name="AddToNavMeshNoCopy">
- &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; nesnesi navmesh&apos;e katkıda bulunduğu için kopyalama başarılamadı.
+ &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nesnesi navigasyon örgüsüne katkıda bulunduğundan kopyalama başarısız oldu.
<notification name="DupeWithNoRootsSelected">
Kök nesne seçili olmayan kopya.
@@ -3765,34 +3769,34 @@ Lütfen bir dakika sonra tekrar deneyin.
Envantere Geri Kaydet devre dışı bırakıldı.
<notification name="NoExistNoSaveToContents">
- &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; nesne içeriğine kaydedilemedi, çünkü oluşturulurken temel alınan nesne artık mevcut değil.
+ Yeniden canlandırıldığı nesne artık mevcut olmadığından &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nesne içeriklerine kaydedilemiyor.
<notification name="NoModNoSaveToContents">
- &apos;[DEST_NAME]&apos; nesnesini değiştirme izniniz olmadığı için &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; nesne içeriğine kaydedilemedi.
+ &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[DEST_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nesnesini değiştirme izniniz olmadığından &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nesne içeriklerine kaydedilemiyor.
<notification name="NoSaveBackToInvDisabled">
- &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; envantere geri kaydedilemez -- bu işlem devre dışı bırakıldı.
+ &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; envantere tekrar kaydedilemiyor -- bu işlem devre dışı bırakılmış.
<notification name="NoCopyNoSelCopy">
- &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; nesnesini kopyalama izniniz olmadığı için seçiminizi kopyalamayazsınız.
+ &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nesnesini kopyalama izniniz olmadığından seçiminizi kopyalayamazsınız.
<notification name="NoTransNoSelCopy">
- &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; nesnesi aktarılamaz olduğu için seçiminizi kopyalayamazsınız.
+ &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nesnesi devredilebilir olmadığından seçiminizi kopyalayamazsınız.
<notification name="NoTransNoCopy">
- &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; nesnesi aktarılamaz olduğu için seçiminizi kopyalayamazsınız.
+ &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nesnesi devredilebilir olmadığından seçiminizi kopyalayamazsınız.
<notification name="NoPermsNoRemoval">
- Benzeticiden &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; nesnesinin kaldırılmasına izinler sistemi izin vermiyor.
+ &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nesnesinin simülatörden kaldırılmasına izin sistemi tarafından izin verilmiyor.
<notification name="NoModNoSaveSelection">
- &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; nesnesini değiştirme izniniz olmadığı için seçiminizi kaydedemezsiniz.
+ &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nesnesini değiştirme izniniz olmadığından seçiminiz kaydedilemiyor.
<notification name="NoCopyNoSaveSelection">
- &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; nesnesi kopyalanamaz olduğu için seçiminizi kaydedemezsiniz.
+ &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nesnesi kopyalanabilir olmadığından seçiminiz kaydedilemiyor.
<notification name="NoModNoTaking">
- &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; nesnesini değiştirme izniniz olmadığı için seçiminizi alamazsınız.
+ &lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt; nesnesini değiştirme izniniz olmadığından seçiminizi alamazsınız.
<notification name="RezDestInternalError">
Dahili Hata: Bilinmeyen hedef türü.
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/panel_preferences_general.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/panel_preferences_general.xml
index 2c05e8a47a..cec7a67f2f 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/panel_preferences_general.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/panel_preferences_general.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
<combo_box name="language_combobox">
- <combo_box.item label="Sistem varsayılanı" name="System Default Language"/>
<combo_box.item label="English (İngilizce)" name="English"/>
<combo_box.item label="Dansk (Danca) - Beta" name="Danish"/>
<combo_box.item label="Deutsch (Almanca) - Beta" name="Deutsch(German)"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/strings.xml
index b574420793..ea6f2115e4 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/strings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/tr/strings.xml
@@ -5748,4 +5748,25 @@ Düzenleyici yolunu çift tırnakla çevrelemeyi deneyin.
<string name="Mav_Details_MAV_UNKNOWN_VERSION">
Fiziksel şekil doğru sürüme sahip değil. Fiziksel model için doğru sürümü ayarlayın.
+ <string name="couldnt_resolve_host">
+ DNS sunucusu ana bilgisayar adını çözümleyemedi ([HOSTNAME]).
+Lütfen web sitesine bağlanabildiğinizi doğrulayın.
+Bağlanabiliyor, ancak bu hatayı almaya devam ediyorsanız, lütfen
+destek bölümüne gidin ve bu sorunu bildirin.
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_peer_certificate">
+ Oturum açma sunucusu SSL aracılığıyla kendini doğrulayamadı.
+Bu hatayı almaya devam ederseniz, lütfen web sitesinin Destek
+bölümüne gidin ve sorunu bildirin.
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_connect_error">
+ Çoğunlukla, bu durum, bilgisayarınızın saatinin yanlış ayarlandığı anlamına gelir.
+Lütfen Denetim Masası&apos;na gidin ve tarih ve saat ayarlarının doğru yapıldığından emin olun.
+Ayrıca, ağınızın ve güvenlik duvarınızın doğru şekilde ayarlanıp ayarlanmadığını kontrol edin.
+Bu hatayı almaya devam ederseniz, lütfen web sitesinin Destek bölümüne
+gidin ve sorunu bildirin.
+[ Bilgi Bankası]
+ </string>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_tos.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_tos.xml
index 4cac07cd21..2f02316fc0 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_tos.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/floater_tos.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<floater.string name="loading_url">
- data:text/html,%3Chtml%3E%3Chead%3E%3C/head%3E%3Cbody text=%22000000%22%3E%3Ch2%3E 正在載入 %3Ca%20target%3D%22_external%22%20href%3D%22http%3A// %3C/body%3E %3C/html%3E
+ data:text/html;charset=utf-8,%3Chtml%3E%3Chead%3E%3C/head%3E%3Cbody text=%22000000%22%3E%3Ch2%3E 正在載入 %3Ca%20target%3D%22_external%22%20href%3D%22http%3A// %3C/body%3E %3C/html%3E
<text name="tos_heading">
請閱讀並遵守Second Life使用條款、隱私政策、服務條款,包括同意在發生爭議時接受仲裁並放棄採取集體或群體求訴的規定。 繼續登入[SECOND_LIFE]前,你必須同意這些條款。
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/notifications.xml
index 9fe7b5acae..120ed1e7d2 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/notifications.xml
@@ -244,6 +244,10 @@
<usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="確定"/>
+ <notification name="AllowMultipleViewers">
+ 不支援同時執行多個Second Life瀏覽器。 這麼做可能導致材質快取相互碰撞、毀損,並降低視覺效果及性能。
+ <usetemplate name="okbutton" yestext="確定"/>
+ </notification>
<notification name="GrantModifyRights">
賦予另一居民「修改」權,將允許他更改、刪除或拿取你在虛擬世界裡擁有的任何物件。 賦予這項權限時,敬請慎重考慮。
你仍要賦予 [NAME] 修改權嗎?
@@ -719,7 +723,7 @@
<notification name="CannotCopyWarning">
如果你將它送人,它將無法續留在收納區。 你確定要送出這些東西嗎?
<usetemplate name="okcancelbuttons" notext="否" yestext="是"/>
@@ -3714,13 +3718,13 @@ SHA1 指紋:[MD5_DIGEST]
<notification name="NoCopyPermsNoObject">
- 複製失敗,你無權複製物件 &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;。
+ 複製失敗,你無權複製物件&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;。
<notification name="NoTransPermsNoObject">
- 複製失敗,因為物件 &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; 無法轉移給你。
+ 複製失敗,因為物件&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;無法轉移給你。
<notification name="AddToNavMeshNoCopy">
- 複製失敗,因為物件 &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; 對導航網面有貢獻。
+ 複製失敗,因為物件&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;對導航網面有貢獻。
<notification name="DupeWithNoRootsSelected">
@@ -3765,34 +3769,34 @@ SHA1 指紋:[MD5_DIGEST]
<notification name="NoExistNoSaveToContents">
- 無法將 &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; 儲存到物件內容,因為產生它的來源物件已不存在。
+ 無法將&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;儲存到物件內容,因為產生它的來源物件已不存在。
<notification name="NoModNoSaveToContents">
- 無法儲存 [OBJ_NAME] 到物件內容,你無權修改 &apos;[DEST_NAME]&apos; 物件。
+ 無法儲存&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;到物件內容,因爲你無權修改&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[DEST_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;物件。
<notification name="NoSaveBackToInvDisabled">
- 無法將 &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; 儲存回收納區,此動作已被停用。
+ 無法將&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;儲存回收納區,此動作已被停用。
<notification name="NoCopyNoSelCopy">
- 無法複製你所選的,因為你無權複製物件 &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;。
+ 無法複製你所選的,因為你無權複製物件&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;。
<notification name="NoTransNoSelCopy">
- 無法選取複製,因為物件 &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; 不可轉移。
+ 無法選取複製,因為物件&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;不可轉移。
<notification name="NoTransNoCopy">
- 無法選取複製,因為物件 &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; 不可轉移。
+ 無法選取複製,因為物件&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;不可轉移。
<notification name="NoPermsNoRemoval">
- 權限系統不允許從模擬器移除物件 &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;。
+ 權限系統不允許從模擬器移除物件&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;。
<notification name="NoModNoSaveSelection">
- 無法儲存你所選的,因為你無權修改 &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; 物件。
+ 無法儲存你所選的,因為你無權修改&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;物件。
<notification name="NoCopyNoSaveSelection">
- 無法儲存你所選的,因為物件 &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; 不可複製。
+ 無法儲存你所選的,因為物件&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;不可複製。
<notification name="NoModNoTaking">
- 無法拿取你所選的,因為你無權修改 &apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos; 物件。
+ 無法取用你所選的,因為你無權修改物件&lt;nolink&gt;&apos;[OBJ_NAME]&apos;&lt;/nolink&gt;。
<notification name="RezDestInternalError">
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/panel_preferences_general.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/panel_preferences_general.xml
index 20335d82ae..87c38e4346 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/panel_preferences_general.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/panel_preferences_general.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
<combo_box name="language_combobox">
- <combo_box.item label="系統預設" name="System Default Language"/>
<combo_box.item label="英語" name="English"/>
<combo_box.item label="Dansk(丹麥語)- 試用版" name="Danish"/>
<combo_box.item label="Deutsch(德語)- 試用版" name="Deutsch(German)"/>
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/strings.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/strings.xml
index 24d8dc60cb..f8fd727145 100644
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/strings.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/zh/strings.xml
@@ -5746,4 +5746,25 @@ 求助解決問題。
<string name="Mav_Details_MAV_UNKNOWN_VERSION">
物理形狀的版本不正確。 請設成正確的物理模型版本。
+ <string name="couldnt_resolve_host">
+ DNS無法解決主機名稱([HOSTNAME])。
+網站。 如能連通,但繼續看到這個錯誤,
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_peer_certificate">
+ 登入伺服器無法透過SSL自我確認。
+ </string>
+ <string name="ssl_connect_error">
+ 這通常意味你電腦的時鐘設定不正確。
+[ 知識庫]
+ </string>