path: root/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml')
1 files changed, 481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
index 28565a85c6..2b01f763d5 100755
--- a/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
+++ b/indra/newview/skins/default/xui/en/notifications.xml
@@ -308,9 +308,251 @@ Initialization with the Marketplace failed because of a system or network error.
+ <notification
+ icon="OutboxStatus_Error"
+ name="StockPasteFailed"
+ type="outbox">
+ Copy or move to Stock Folder failed with error :
+ &apos;[ERROR_CODE]&apos;
+ <usetemplate
+ name="okbutton"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="OutboxStatus_Error"
+ name="MerchantPasteFailed"
+ type="outbox">
+ Copy or move to Marketplace Listings failed with error :
+ &apos;[ERROR_CODE]&apos;
+ <usetemplate
+ name="okbutton"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="OutboxStatus_Error"
+ name="MerchantTransactionFailed"
+ type="outbox">
+ The transaction with the Marketplace failed with the following error :
+ Reason : &apos;[ERROR_REASON]&apos;
+ <usetemplate
+ name="okbutton"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="OutboxStatus_Error"
+ name="MerchantUnprocessableEntity"
+ type="outbox">
+ We are unable to list this product or activate the version folder. Usually this is caused by missing information in the listing description form, but it may be due to errors in the folder structure. Either edit the listing or check the listing folder for errors.
+ <usetemplate
+ name="okbutton"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="OutboxStatus_Error"
+ name="MerchantListingFailed"
+ type="outbox">
+ Listing to Marketplace failed with error :
+ &apos;[ERROR_CODE]&apos;
+ <usetemplate
+ name="okbutton"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="OutboxStatus_Error"
+ name="MerchantFolderActivationFailed"
+ type="outbox">
+ Activating this version folder failed with error :
+ &apos;[ERROR_CODE]&apos;
+ <usetemplate
+ name="okbutton"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ name="MerchantForceValidateListing"
+ type="alertmodal">
+ In order to create your listing, we fixed the hierarchy of your listing contents.
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ ignoretext="Warn me that creating a listing fixes the hierarchy of the content"
+ name="okignore"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ name="ConfirmMerchantActiveChange"
+ type="alertmodal">
+ This action will change the active content of this listing. Do you want to continue?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ ignoretext="Confirm before I change an active listing on the marketplace"
+ name="okcancelignore"
+ notext="Cancel"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ name="ConfirmMerchantMoveInventory"
+ type="alertmodal">
+ Items dragged to the Marketplace Listings window are moved from their original locations, not copied. Do you want to continue?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ ignoretext="Confirm before I move an item from the inventory to the marketplace"
+ name="okcancelignore"
+ notext="Cancel"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ name="ConfirmListingCutOrDelete"
+ type="alertmodal">
+ Moving or deleting a listing folder will delete your Marketplace listing. If you would like to keep the Marketplace listing, move or delete the contents of the version folder you would like to modify. Do you want to continue?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ ignoretext="Confirm before I move or delete a listing from the marketplace"
+ name="okcancelignore"
+ notext="Cancel"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ name="ConfirmCopyToMarketplace"
+ type="alertmodal">
+ You don't have permission to copy one or more of these items to the Marketplace. You can move them or leave them behind.
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ ignoretext="Confirm before I try to copy a selection containing no copy items to the marketplace"
+ name="yesnocancelbuttons"
+ yestext="Move item(s)"
+ notext="Don't move item(s)"
+ canceltext="Cancel"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ name="ConfirmMerchantUnlist"
+ type="alertmodal">
+ This action will unlist this listing. Do you want to continue?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ ignoretext="Confirm before I unlist an active listing on the marketplace"
+ name="okcancelignore"
+ notext="Cancel"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ name="ConfirmMerchantClearVersion"
+ type="alertmodal">
+ This action will deactivate the version folder of the current listing. Do you want to continue?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ ignoretext="Confirm before I deactivate the version folder of a listing on the marketplace"
+ name="okcancelignore"
+ notext="Cancel"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ name="AlertMerchantListingNotUpdated"
+ type="alertmodal">
+This listing could not be updated.
+[[URL] Click here] to edit it on the Marketplace.
+ <usetemplate
+ name="okbutton"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ name="AlertMerchantListingCannotWear"
+ type="alertmodal">
+ You cannot wear clothes or body parts that are in the Marketplace Listings folder.
+ <tag>fail</tag>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ name="AlertMerchantListingInvalidID"
+ type="alertmodal">
+ Invalid listing ID.
+ <tag>fail</tag>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ name="AlertMerchantListingActivateRequired"
+ type="alertmodal">
+ There are several or no version folders in this listing. You will need to select and activate one independently later.
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ ignoretext="Alert about version folder activation when I create a listing with several version folders"
+ name="okignore"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ name="AlertMerchantStockFolderSplit"
+ type="alertmodal">
+ We have separated stock items of different types into separate stock folders, so your folder is arranged in a way that we can list it.
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ ignoretext="Alert when stock folder is being split before being listed"
+ name="okignore"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ name="AlertMerchantStockFolderEmpty"
+ type="alertmodal">
+ We have unlisted your listing because the stock is empty. You need to add more units to the stock folder to list the listing again.
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ ignoretext="Alert when a listing is unlisted because stock folder is empty"
+ name="okignore"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ name="AlertMerchantVersionFolderEmpty"
+ type="alertmodal">
+ We have unlisted your listing because the version folder is empty. You need to add items to the version folder to list the listing again.
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ ignoretext="Alert when a listing is unlisted because version folder is empty"
+ name="okignore"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
@@ -4468,6 +4710,90 @@ Remove estate manager for this estate only or for [ALL_ESTATES]?
+ label="Select estate"
+ name="EstateAllowedExperienceAdd"
+ type="alert">
+ Add to allowed list for this estate only or for [ALL_ESTATES]?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ canceltext="Cancel"
+ name="yesnocancelbuttons"
+ notext="All Estates"
+ yestext="This Estate"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alert.tga"
+ label="Select estate"
+ name="EstateAllowedExperienceRemove"
+ type="alert">
+ Remove from allowed list for this estate only or for [ALL_ESTATES]?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ canceltext="Cancel"
+ name="yesnocancelbuttons"
+ notext="All Estates"
+ yestext="This Estate"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alert.tga"
+ label="Select estate"
+ name="EstateBlockedExperienceAdd"
+ type="alert">
+ Add to blocked list for this estate only or for [ALL_ESTATES]?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ canceltext="Cancel"
+ name="yesnocancelbuttons"
+ notext="All Estates"
+ yestext="This Estate"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alert.tga"
+ label="Select estate"
+ name="EstateBlockedExperienceRemove"
+ type="alert">
+ Remove from blocked list for this estate only or for [ALL_ESTATES]?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ canceltext="Cancel"
+ name="yesnocancelbuttons"
+ notext="All Estates"
+ yestext="This Estate"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alert.tga"
+ label="Select estate"
+ name="EstateTrustedExperienceAdd"
+ type="alert">
+ Add to key list for this estate only or for [ALL_ESTATES]?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ canceltext="Cancel"
+ name="yesnocancelbuttons"
+ notext="All Estates"
+ yestext="This Estate"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alert.tga"
+ label="Select estate"
+ name="EstateTrustedExperienceRemove"
+ type="alert">
+ Remove from key list for this estate only or for [ALL_ESTATES]?
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ canceltext="Cancel"
+ name="yesnocancelbuttons"
+ notext="All Estates"
+ yestext="This Estate"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="alert.tga"
label="Confirm Kick"
@@ -4503,6 +4829,13 @@ Are you sure you want to change the Estate Covenant?
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ type="alertmodal">
+ </notification>
+ <notification
@@ -7173,6 +7506,154 @@ Is this OK?
+ icon="alertmodal.tga"
+ name="ExperienceAcquireFailed"
+ type="alertmodal">
+Unable to acquire a new experience:
+ <tag>fail</tag>
+ <usetemplate
+ name="okbutton"
+ yestext="OK"/>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="NotInGroupExperienceProfileMessage"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+ A change to the experience group was ignored because the owner is not a member of the selected group.
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="UneditableExperienceProfileMessage"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+ The uneditable field '[field]' was ignored when updating the experience profile.
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="RestrictedToOwnerExperienceProfileMessage"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+ Ignored changes to the field '[field]' which can only be set by the experience owner.
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="MaturityRatingExceedsOwnerExperienceProfileMessage"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+ You may not set the maturity rating of an experience higher than that of the owner.
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="RestrictedTermExperienceProfileMessage"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+ The following terms prevented the update of the experience profile name and/or description: [extra_info]
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="TeleportedHomeExperienceRemoved"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+ You have been teleported from the region [region_name] for removing the experience secondlife:///app/experience/[public_id]/profile and are no longer permitted in the region.
+ <form name="form">
+ <ignore name="ignore"
+ text="Kicked from region for removing an experience"/>
+ </form>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="TrustedExperienceEntry"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+ You have been allowed into the region [region_name] by participating in the key experience secondlife:///app/experience/[public_id]/profile removing this experience may kick you from the region.
+ <form name="form">
+ <ignore name="ignore"
+ text="Allowed into a region by an experience"/>
+ </form>
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="TrustedExperiencesAvailable"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+You do not have access to this destination. You may be allowed into the region by Accepting an experience below:
+Other Key Experiences may be available.
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="ExperienceEvent"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notifytip">
+ An object was allowed to [EventType] by the secondlife:///app/experience/[public_id]/profile experience.
+ Owner: secondlife:///app/agent/[OwnerID]/inspect
+ Object Name: [ObjectName]
+ Parcel Name: [ParcelName]
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="ExperienceEventAttachment"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notifytip">
+ An attachment was allowed to [EventType] by the secondlife:///app/experience/[public_id]/profile experience.
+ Owner: secondlife:///app/agent/[OwnerID]/inspect
+ </notification>
+ <notification
+ icon="notify.tga"
+ name="ScriptQuestionExperience"
+ persist="false"
+ type="notify">
+&apos;&lt;nolink&gt;[OBJECTNAME]&lt;/nolink&gt;&apos;, an object owned by &apos;[NAME]&apos;, requests your participation in the [GRID_WIDE] experience:
+Once permission is granted you will not see this message again for this experience unless it is revoked from the experience profile.
+Scripts associated with this experience will be able to do the following on regions where the experience is active:
+ <unique combine="combine_with_new">
+ <context>experience</context>
+ </unique>
+ <tag>confirm</tag>
+ <form name="form">
+ <button
+ index="3"
+ name="BlockExperience"
+ text="Block Experience"/>
+ <button
+ index="2"
+ name="Mute"
+ text="Block Object"/>
+ <button
+ index="0"
+ name="Yes"
+ text="Yes"/>
+ <button
+ index="1"
+ name="No"
+ text="No"/>
+ </form>
+ </notification>
+ <notification