path: root/indra/newview/scripts
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/scripts')
6 files changed, 64 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/ErrorQueue.lua b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/ErrorQueue.lua
index 076742815a..6ed1c10d5c 100644
--- a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/ErrorQueue.lua
+++ b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/ErrorQueue.lua
@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@
-- raise that error.
local WaitQueue = require('WaitQueue')
--- local debug = require('printf')
-local function debug(...) end
+-- local dbg = require('printf')
+local function dbg(...) end
local ErrorQueue = WaitQueue:new()
function ErrorQueue:Error(message)
-- Setting Error() is a marker, like closing the queue. Once we reach the
-- error, every subsequent Dequeue() call will raise the same error.
- debug('Setting self._closed to %q', message)
+ dbg('Setting self._closed to %q', message)
self._closed = message
function ErrorQueue:Dequeue()
local value = WaitQueue.Dequeue(self)
- debug('ErrorQueue:Dequeue: base Dequeue() got %s', value)
+ dbg('ErrorQueue:Dequeue: base Dequeue() got %s', value)
if value ~= nil then
-- queue not yet closed, show caller
return value
diff --git a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/Queue.lua b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/Queue.lua
index b0a5a87f87..5ab2a8a72c 100644
--- a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/Queue.lua
+++ b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/Queue.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
-- from,
-- amended per
+-- While coding some scripting in Lua
+-- I found that I needed a queua
+-- I thought of linked list
+-- But had to resist
+-- For fear it might be too obscua.
local Queue = {}
function Queue:new()
diff --git a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/WaitQueue.lua b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/WaitQueue.lua
index 1fbcc50847..ad4fdecf43 100644
--- a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/WaitQueue.lua
+++ b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/WaitQueue.lua
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
local fiber = require('fiber')
local Queue = require('Queue')
--- local debug = LL.print_debug
-local function debug(...) end
+-- local dbg = require('printf')
+local function dbg(...) end
local WaitQueue = Queue:new()
@@ -60,17 +60,18 @@ function WaitQueue:Dequeue()
-- the queue while there are still items left, and we want the
-- consumer(s) to retrieve those last few items.
if self._closed then
- debug('WaitQueue:Dequeue(): closed')
+ dbg('WaitQueue:Dequeue(): closed')
return nil
- debug('WaitQueue:Dequeue(): waiting')
+ dbg('WaitQueue:Dequeue(): waiting')
-- add the running coroutine to the list of waiters
+ dbg('WaitQueue:Dequeue() running %s', tostring(coroutine.running() or 'main'))
table.insert(self._waiters, fiber.running())
-- then let somebody else run
-- here we're sure this queue isn't empty
- debug('WaitQueue:Dequeue() calling Queue.Dequeue()')
+ dbg('WaitQueue:Dequeue() calling Queue.Dequeue()')
return Queue.Dequeue(self)
diff --git a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/fiber.lua b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/fiber.lua
index aebf27357f..9057e6c890 100644
--- a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/fiber.lua
+++ b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/fiber.lua
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
-- or with an error).
local printf = require 'printf'
--- local debug = printf
-local function debug(...) end
+-- local dbg = printf
+local function dbg(...) end
local coro = require 'coro'
local fiber = {}
@@ -78,22 +78,28 @@ function fiber.launch(name, func, ...)
byname[namekey] = co
-- and remember it as this fiber's name
names[co] = namekey
--- debug('launch(%s)', namekey)
--- debug('byname[%s] = %s', namekey, tostring(byname[namekey]))
--- debug('names[%s] = %s', tostring(co), names[co])
--- debug('ready[-1] = %s', tostring(ready[#ready]))
+-- dbg('launch(%s)', namekey)
+-- dbg('byname[%s] = %s', namekey, tostring(byname[namekey]))
+-- dbg('names[%s] = %s', tostring(co), names[co])
+-- dbg('ready[-1] = %s', tostring(ready[#ready]))
-- for debugging
-function fiber.print_all()
- print('Ready fibers:' .. if next(ready) then '' else ' none')
+function format_all()
+ output = {}
+ table.insert(output, 'Ready fibers:' .. if next(ready) then '' else ' none')
for _, co in pairs(ready) do
- printf(' %s: %s', fiber.get_name(co), fiber.status(co))
+ table.insert(output, string.format(' %s: %s', fiber.get_name(co), fiber.status(co)))
- print('Waiting fibers:' .. if next(waiting) then '' else ' none')
+ table.insert(output, 'Waiting fibers:' .. if next(waiting) then '' else ' none')
for co in pairs(waiting) do
- printf(' %s: %s', fiber.get_name(co), fiber.status(co))
+ table.insert(output, string.format(' %s: %s', fiber.get_name(co), fiber.status(co)))
+ return table.concat(output, '\n')
+function fiber.print_all()
+ print(format_all())
-- return either the running coroutine or, if called from the main thread,
@@ -160,6 +166,7 @@ end
-- Suspend the current fiber until some other fiber calls fiber.wake() on it
function fiber.wait()
+ dbg('Fiber %q waiting', fiber.get_name())
-- now yield to other fibers
@@ -175,26 +182,27 @@ function fiber.wake(co)
waiting[co] = nil
-- add to end of ready list
table.insert(ready, co)
+ dbg('Fiber %q ready', fiber.get_name(co))
-- but don't yet resume it: that happens next time we reach yield()
-- pop and return the next not-dead fiber in the ready list, or nil if none remain
local function live_ready_iter()
- -- don't write
+ -- don't write:
-- for co in table.remove, ready, 1
-- because it would keep passing a new second parameter!
for co in function() return table.remove(ready, 1) end do
- debug('%s live_ready_iter() sees %s, status %s',
+ dbg('%s live_ready_iter() sees %s, status %s',
fiber.get_name(), fiber.get_name(co), fiber.status(co))
-- keep removing the head entry until we find one that's not dead,
-- discarding any dead coroutines along the way
if co == 'main' or coroutine.status(co) ~= 'dead' then
- debug('%s live_ready_iter() returning %s',
+ dbg('%s live_ready_iter() returning %s',
fiber.get_name(), fiber.get_name(co))
return co
- debug('%s live_ready_iter() returning nil', fiber.get_name())
+ dbg('%s live_ready_iter() returning nil', fiber.get_name())
return nil
@@ -214,6 +222,7 @@ end
-- * false, nil if this is the only remaining fiber
-- * nil, x if configured idle() callback returns non-nil x
local function scheduler()
+ dbg('scheduler():\n%s', format_all())
-- scheduler() is asymmetric because Lua distinguishes the main thread
-- from other coroutines. The main thread can't yield; it can only resume
-- other coroutines. So although an arbitrary coroutine could resume still
@@ -311,12 +320,12 @@ function
local others, idle_done
- debug('%s calling calling scheduler()', fiber.get_name())
+ dbg('%s calling calling scheduler()', fiber.get_name())
others, idle_done = scheduler()
- debug("%s's scheduler() returned %s, %s", fiber.get_name(),
+ dbg("%s's scheduler() returned %s, %s", fiber.get_name(),
tostring(others), tostring(idle_done))
until (not others)
- debug('%s done', fiber.get_name())
+ dbg('%s done', fiber.get_name())
-- For whatever it's worth, put our own fiber back in the ready list.
table.insert(ready, fiber.running())
-- Once there are no more waiting fibers, and the only ready fiber is
diff --git a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/leap.lua b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/leap.lua
index a60819d493..9da1839c68 100644
--- a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/leap.lua
+++ b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/leap.lua
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
local fiber = require('fiber')
local ErrorQueue = require('ErrorQueue')
--- local debug = require('printf')
-local function debug(...) end
+-- local dbg = require('printf')
+local function dbg(...) end
local leap = {}
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ end
-- See also request(), generate().
function leap.send(pump, data, reqid)
- debug('leap.send(%s, %s, %s) entry', pump, data, reqid)
+ dbg('leap.send(%s, %s, %s) entry', pump, data, reqid)
local data = data
if type(data) == 'table' then
data = table.clone(data)
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ function leap.send(pump, data, reqid)
data['reqid'] = reqid
- debug('leap.send(%s, %s) calling post_on()', pump, data)
+ dbg('leap.send(%s, %s) calling post_on()', pump, data)
LL.post_on(pump, data)
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ local function requestSetup(pump, data)
-- WaitForReqid object in leap._pending so dispatch() can find it.
leap._pending[reqid] = leap.WaitForReqid:new(reqid)
-- Pass reqid to send() to stamp it into (a copy of) the request data.
- debug('requestSetup(%s, %s)', pump, data)
+ dbg('requestSetup(%s, %s)', pump, data)
leap.send(pump, data, reqid)
return reqid
@@ -152,9 +152,9 @@ end
function leap.request(pump, data)
local reqid = requestSetup(pump, data)
local waitfor = leap._pending[reqid]
- debug('leap.request(%s, %s) about to wait on %s', pump, data, tostring(waitfor))
+ dbg('leap.request(%s, %s) about to wait on %s', pump, data, tostring(waitfor))
local ok, response = pcall(waitfor.wait, waitfor)
- debug('leap.request(%s, %s) got %s: %s', pump, data, ok, response)
+ dbg('leap.request(%s, %s) got %s: %s', pump, data, ok, response)
-- kill off temporary WaitForReqid object, even if error
leap._pending[reqid] = nil
if ok then
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ local function unsolicited(pump, data)
-- we maintain waitfors in descending priority order, so the first waitfor
-- to claim this event is the one with the highest priority
for i, waitfor in pairs(leap._waitfors) do
- debug('unsolicited() checking %s',
+ dbg('unsolicited() checking %s',
if waitfor:handle(pump, data) then
@@ -243,9 +243,9 @@ fiber.set_idle(function ()
return 'done'
- debug('leap.idle() calling get_event_next()')
+ dbg('leap.idle() calling get_event_next()')
local ok, pump, data = pcall(LL.get_event_next)
- debug('leap.idle() got %s: %s, %s', ok, pump, data)
+ dbg('leap.idle() got %s: %s, %s', ok, pump, data)
-- ok false means get_event_next() raised a Lua error, pump is message
if not ok then
@@ -368,9 +368,9 @@ end
-- Block the calling coroutine until a suitable unsolicited event (one
-- for which filter() returns the event) arrives.
function leap.WaitFor:wait()
- debug('%s about to wait',
+ dbg('%s about to wait',
local item = self._queue:Dequeue()
- debug('%s got %s',, item)
+ dbg('%s got %s',, item)
return item
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ end
-- called by unsolicited() for each WaitFor in leap._waitfors
function leap.WaitFor:handle(pump, data)
local item = self:filter(pump, data)
- debug('%s.filter() returned %s',, item)
+ dbg('%s.filter() returned %s',, item)
-- if this item doesn't pass the filter, we're not interested
if not item then
return false
diff --git a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/util.lua b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/util.lua
index e3af633ea7..a2191288f6 100644
--- a/indra/newview/scripts/lua/util.lua
+++ b/indra/newview/scripts/lua/util.lua
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
local util = {}
--- cheap test whether table t is empty
-function util.empty(t)
- return not next(t)
+-- check if array-like table contains certain value
+function util.contains(t, v)
+ return table.find(t, v) ~= nil
-- reliable count of the number of entries in table t
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ function util.count(t)
return count
+-- cheap test whether table t is empty
+function util.empty(t)
+ return not next(t)
-- recursive table equality
function util.equal(t1, t2)
if not (type(t1) == 'table' and type(t2) == 'table') then