path: root/indra/newview/rlvhelper.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'indra/newview/rlvhelper.h')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/indra/newview/rlvhelper.h b/indra/newview/rlvhelper.h
index 89bdc709d5..802b1cbadd 100644
--- a/indra/newview/rlvhelper.h
+++ b/indra/newview/rlvhelper.h
@@ -3,22 +3,263 @@
#include "rlvdefines.h"
// ============================================================================
-// Various helper classes/timers/functors
+// Forward declarations
+class RlvCommand;
+// ============================================================================
namespace Rlv
- struct CommandDbgOut
- {
- CommandDbgOut(const std::string& orig_cmd) : mOrigCmd(orig_cmd) {}
- void add(std::string strCmd, ECmdRet eRet);
- std::string get() const;
- static std::string getDebugVerbFromReturnCode(ECmdRet eRet);
- static std::string getReturnCodeString(ECmdRet eRet);
- private:
- std::string mOrigCmd;
- std::map<ECmdRet, std::string> mCommandResults;
- };
+ // ============================================================================
+ // BehaviourInfo class - Generic behaviour descriptor (used by restrictions, reply and force commands)
+ //
+ class BehaviourInfo
+ {
+ public:
+ enum EBehaviourFlags : uint32_t
+ {
+ // General behaviour flags
+ Strict = 0x0001, // Behaviour has a "_sec" version
+ Synonym = 0x0002, // Behaviour is a synonym of another
+ Extended = 0x0004, // Behaviour is part of the RLVa extended command set
+ Experimental = 0x0008, // Behaviour is part of the RLVa experimental command set
+ Blocked = 0x0010, // Behaviour is blocked
+ Deprecated = 0x0020, // Behaviour is deprecated
+ MaskGeneral = 0x0FFF,
+ // Force-wear specific flags
+ ForceWear_WearReplace = 0x0001 << 16,
+ ForceWear_WearAdd = 0x0002 << 16,
+ ForceWear_WearRemove = 0x0004 << 16,
+ ForceWear_Node = 0x0010 << 16,
+ ForceWear_Subtree = 0x0020 << 16,
+ ForceWear_ContextNone = 0x0100 << 16,
+ ForceWear_ContextObject = 0x0200 << 16,
+ MaskForceWear = 0xFFFFu << 16
+ };
+ BehaviourInfo(const std::string& strBhvr, EBehaviour eBhvr, EParamType maskParamType, std::underlying_type_t<EBehaviourFlags> nBhvrFlags = 0)
+ : mBhvr(strBhvr), mBhvrType(eBhvr), mBhvrFlags(nBhvrFlags), mMaskParamType(to_underlying(maskParamType)) {}
+ virtual ~BehaviourInfo() {}
+ const std::string& getBehaviour() const { return mBhvr; }
+ EBehaviour getBehaviourType() const { return mBhvrType; }
+ std::underlying_type_t<EBehaviourFlags> getBehaviourFlags() const { return mBhvrFlags; }
+ std::underlying_type_t<EParamType> getParamTypeMask() const { return mMaskParamType; }
+ bool hasStrict() const { return mBhvrFlags & Strict; }
+ bool isBlocked() const { return mBhvrFlags & Blocked; }
+ bool isExperimental() const { return mBhvrFlags & Experimental; }
+ bool isExtended() const { return mBhvrFlags & Extended; }
+ bool isSynonym() const { return mBhvrFlags & Synonym; }
+ void toggleBehaviourFlag(EBehaviourFlags eBhvrFlag, bool fEnable);
+ virtual ECmdRet processCommand(const RlvCommand& rlvCmd) const { return ECmdRet::FailedNoProcessor; }
+ protected:
+ std::string mBhvr;
+ EBehaviour mBhvrType;
+ std::underlying_type_t<EBehaviourFlags> mBhvrFlags;
+ std::underlying_type_t<EParamType> mMaskParamType;
+ };
+ inline void BehaviourInfo::toggleBehaviourFlag(EBehaviourFlags eBhvrFlag, bool fEnable)
+ {
+ if (fEnable)
+ mBhvrFlags |= eBhvrFlag;
+ else
+ mBhvrFlags &= ~eBhvrFlag;
+ }
+ // ============================================================================
+ // BehaviourDictionary and related classes
+ //
+ class BehaviourDictionary : public LLSingleton<BehaviourDictionary>
+ {
+ LLSINGLETON(BehaviourDictionary);
+ protected:
+ ~BehaviourDictionary() override;
+ public:
+ void addEntry(const BehaviourInfo* entry_p);
+ /*
+ * General helper functions
+ */
+ public:
+ EBehaviour getBehaviourFromString(const std::string& strBhvr, EParamType eParamType, bool* is_strict_p = nullptr) const;
+ const BehaviourInfo* getBehaviourInfo(EBehaviour eBhvr, EParamType eParamType) const;
+ const BehaviourInfo* getBehaviourInfo(const std::string& strBhvr, EParamType eParamType, bool* is_strict_p = nullptr) const;
+ bool getCommands(const std::string& strMatch, EParamType eParamType, std::list<std::string>& cmdList) const;
+ bool getHasStrict(EBehaviour eBhvr) const;
+ void toggleBehaviourFlag(const std::string& strBhvr, EParamType eParamType, BehaviourInfo::EBehaviourFlags eBvhrFlag, bool fEnable);
+ /*
+ * Member variables
+ */
+ protected:
+ std::list<const BehaviourInfo*> mBhvrInfoList;
+ std::map<std::pair<std::string, EParamType>, const BehaviourInfo*> mString2InfoMap;
+ std::multimap<EBehaviour, const BehaviourInfo*> mBhvr2InfoMap;
+ };
+ // ============================================================================
+ // CommandHandler and related classes
+ //
+ typedef ECmdRet(BhvrHandlerFunc)(const RlvCommand&, bool&);
+ typedef void(BhvrToggleHandlerFunc)(EBehaviour, bool);
+ typedef ECmdRet(ForceHandlerFunc)(const RlvCommand&);
+ typedef ECmdRet(ReplyHandlerFunc)(const RlvCommand&, std::string&);
+ //
+ // CommandHandlerBaseImpl - Base implementation for each command type (the old process(AddRem|Force|Reply)Command functions)
+ //
+ template<EParamType paramType> struct CommandHandlerBaseImpl;
+ template<> struct CommandHandlerBaseImpl<EParamType::AddRem> { static ECmdRet processCommand(const RlvCommand&, BhvrHandlerFunc*, BhvrToggleHandlerFunc* = nullptr); };
+ template<> struct CommandHandlerBaseImpl<EParamType::Force> { static ECmdRet processCommand(const RlvCommand&, ForceHandlerFunc*); };
+ template<> struct CommandHandlerBaseImpl<EParamType::Reply> { static ECmdRet processCommand(const RlvCommand&, ReplyHandlerFunc*); };
+ //
+ // CommandHandler - The actual command handler (Note that a handler is more general than a processor; a handler can - for instance - be used by multiple processors)
+ //
+ template <EParamType templParamType, EBehaviour templBhvr>
+ struct CommandHandler
+ {
+ template<typename = typename std::enable_if<templParamType == EParamType::AddRem>::type> static ECmdRet onCommand(const RlvCommand&, bool&);
+ template<typename = typename std::enable_if<templParamType == EParamType::AddRem>::type> static void onCommandToggle(EBehaviour, bool);
+ template<typename = typename std::enable_if<templParamType == EParamType::Force>::type> static ECmdRet onCommand(const RlvCommand&);
+ template<typename = typename std::enable_if<templParamType == EParamType::Reply>::type> static ECmdRet onCommand(const RlvCommand&, std::string&);
+ };
+ // Aliases to improve readability in definitions
+ template<EBehaviour templBhvr> using BehaviourHandler = CommandHandler<EParamType::AddRem, templBhvr>;
+ template<EBehaviour templBhvr> using BehaviourToggleHandler = BehaviourHandler<templBhvr>;
+ template<EBehaviour templBhvr> using ForceHandler = CommandHandler<EParamType::Force, templBhvr>;
+ template<EBehaviour templBhvr> using ReplyHandler = CommandHandler<EParamType::Reply, templBhvr>;
+ // List of shared handlers
+ using VersionReplyHandler = ReplyHandler<EBehaviour::Version>; // Shared between @version and @versionnew
+ //
+ // CommandProcessor - Templated glue class that brings BehaviourInfo, CommandHandlerBaseImpl and CommandHandler together
+ //
+ template <EParamType templParamType, EBehaviour templBhvr, typename handlerImpl = CommandHandler<templParamType, templBhvr>, typename baseImpl = CommandHandlerBaseImpl<templParamType>>
+ class CommandProcessor : public BehaviourInfo
+ {
+ public:
+ // Default constructor used by behaviour specializations
+ template<typename = typename std::enable_if<templBhvr != EBehaviour::Unknown>::type>
+ CommandProcessor(const std::string& strBhvr, U32 nBhvrFlags = 0) : BehaviourInfo(strBhvr, templBhvr, templParamType, nBhvrFlags) {}
+ // Constructor used when we don't want to specialize on behaviour (see BehaviourGenericProcessor)
+ template<typename = typename std::enable_if<templBhvr == EBehaviour::Unknown>::type>
+ CommandProcessor(const std::string& strBhvr, EBehaviour eBhvr, U32 nBhvrFlags = 0) : BehaviourInfo(strBhvr, eBhvr, templParamType, nBhvrFlags) {}
+ ECmdRet processCommand(const RlvCommand& rlvCmd) const override { return baseImpl::processCommand(rlvCmd, &handlerImpl::onCommand); }
+ };
+ // Aliases to improve readability in definitions
+ template<EBehaviour templBhvr, typename handlerImpl = CommandHandler<EParamType::AddRem, templBhvr>> using BehaviourProcessor = CommandProcessor<EParamType::AddRem, templBhvr, handlerImpl>;
+ template<EBehaviour templBhvr, typename handlerImpl = CommandHandler<EParamType::Force, templBhvr>> using ForceProcessor = CommandProcessor<EParamType::Force, templBhvr, handlerImpl>;
+ template<EBehaviour templBhvr, typename handlerImpl = CommandHandler<EParamType::Reply, templBhvr>> using ReplyProcessor = CommandProcessor<EParamType::Reply, templBhvr, handlerImpl>;
+ // Provides pre-defined generic implementations of basic behaviours (template voodoo - see original commit for something that still made sense)
+ template<EBehaviourOptionType templOptionType> struct BehaviourGenericHandler { static ECmdRet onCommand(const RlvCommand& rlvCmd, bool& fRefCount); };
+ template<EBehaviourOptionType templOptionType> using BehaviourGenericProcessor = BehaviourProcessor<EBehaviour::Unknown, BehaviourGenericHandler<templOptionType>>;
+ template<EBehaviourOptionType templOptionType> struct ForceGenericHandler { static ECmdRet onCommand(const RlvCommand& rlvCmd); };
+ template<EBehaviourOptionType templOptionType> using ForceGenericProcessor = ForceProcessor<EBehaviour::Unknown, ForceGenericHandler<templOptionType>>;
+ // ============================================================================
+ // BehaviourProcessor and related classes - Handles add/rem comamnds aka "restrictions)
+ //
+ template <EBehaviour eBhvr, typename handlerImpl = BehaviourHandler<eBhvr>, typename toggleHandlerImpl = BehaviourToggleHandler<eBhvr>>
+ class BehaviourToggleProcessor : public BehaviourInfo
+ {
+ public:
+ BehaviourToggleProcessor(const std::string& strBhvr, U32 nBhvrFlags = 0) : BehaviourInfo(strBhvr, eBhvr, EParamType::AddRem, nBhvrFlags) {}
+ ECmdRet processCommand(const RlvCommand& rlvCmd) const override { return CommandHandlerBaseImpl<EParamType::AddRem>::processCommand(rlvCmd, &handlerImpl::onCommand, &toggleHandlerImpl::onCommandToggle); }
+ };
+ template <EBehaviour eBhvr, EBehaviourOptionType optionType, typename toggleHandlerImpl = BehaviourToggleHandler<eBhvr>> using RlvBehaviourGenericToggleProcessor = BehaviourToggleProcessor<eBhvr, BehaviourGenericHandler<optionType>, toggleHandlerImpl>;
+ // ============================================================================
+ // Various helper classes/timers/functors
+ //
+ struct CommandDbgOut
+ {
+ CommandDbgOut(const std::string& orig_cmd) : mOrigCmd(orig_cmd) {}
+ void add(std::string strCmd, ECmdRet eRet);
+ std::string get() const;
+ static std::string getDebugVerbFromReturnCode(ECmdRet eRet);
+ static std::string getReturnCodeString(ECmdRet eRet);
+ private:
+ std::string mOrigCmd;
+ std::map<ECmdRet, std::string> mCommandResults;
+ };
// ============================================================================
+// RlvCommand
+class RlvCommand
+ explicit RlvCommand(const LLUUID& idObj, const std::string& strCmd);
+ RlvCommand(const RlvCommand& rlvCmd, Rlv::EParamType eParamType = Rlv::EParamType::Unknown);
+ /*
+ * Member functions
+ */
+ std::string asString() const;
+ const std::string& getBehaviour() const { return mBehaviour; }
+ const Rlv::BehaviourInfo* getBehaviourInfo() const { return mBhvrInfo; }
+ Rlv::EBehaviour getBehaviourType() const { return (mBhvrInfo) ? mBhvrInfo->getBehaviourType() : Rlv::EBehaviour::Unknown; }
+ U32 getBehaviourFlags() const { return (mBhvrInfo) ? mBhvrInfo->getBehaviourFlags() : 0; }
+ const LLUUID& getObjectID() const { return mObjId; }
+ const std::string& getOption() const { return mOption; }
+ const std::string& getParam() const { return mParam; }
+ Rlv::EParamType getParamType() const { return mParamType; }
+ bool hasOption() const { return !mOption.empty(); }
+ bool isBlocked() const { return (mBhvrInfo) ? mBhvrInfo->isBlocked() : false; }
+ bool isRefCounted() const { return mIsRefCounted; }
+ bool isStrict() const { return mIsStrict; }
+ bool isValid() const { return mIsValid; }
+ Rlv::ECmdRet processCommand() const { return (mBhvrInfo) ? mBhvrInfo->processCommand(*this) : Rlv::ECmdRet::FailedNoProcessor; }
+ static bool parseCommand(const std::string& strCommand, std::string& strBehaviour, std::string& strOption, std::string& strParam);
+ bool markRefCounted() const { return mIsRefCounted = true; }
+ /*
+ * Operators
+ */
+ bool operator ==(const RlvCommand&) const;
+ /*
+ * Member variables
+ */
+ bool mIsValid = false;
+ LLUUID mObjId;
+ std::string mBehaviour;
+ const Rlv::BehaviourInfo* mBhvrInfo = nullptr;
+ Rlv::EParamType mParamType = Rlv::EParamType::Unknown;
+ bool mIsStrict = false;
+ std::string mOption;
+ std::string mParam;
+ mutable bool mIsRefCounted = false;
+ friend class RlvHandler;
+ friend class RlvObject;
+ template<Rlv::EParamType> friend struct Rlv::CommandHandlerBaseImpl;
+// ============================================================================